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9/20/2023 Summary of the Reactor Oversight Process Bi-Monthly Public Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/04/2023
From: David Aird
To: Daniel Merzke
Download: ML23276B397 (7)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 October 4, 2023 MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel Merzke, Acting Chief Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: David M. Aird, Reactor Operations Engineer /RA/

Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS BIMONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 On September 20, 2023, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a public meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institutes (NEIs) Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Task Force executives, other senior industry executives, and various external stakeholders to discuss the staffs progress on initiatives related to the ROP. The topics discussed during this hybrid meeting are described below.

Recommendations to Improve NRCs Generic Issues Program NRC staff from EMBARK Venture Studio and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) provided a presentation of an ongoing effort to review and recommend improvements to Management Directive (MD) 6.4, Generic Issues Program, and the RES Office Instruction TEC-002. Four recommendations for program improvement include: performing an annual evaluation in the assessment stage, using best practices for gathering information, using a team of experts to screen generic issues, and editorial changes to MD 6.4 and TEC-002 which includes enhancing the evaluation of uncertainties and assumptions in risk analyses.

Presentation - Recommendations for the NRCs Generic Issues Program - ML23256A001 Security/Natural Terrain Credited as Vehicle Barrier System The NRC staff provided an overview of the regulatory requirements related to the physical barriers needed to satisfy the physical protection program design requirements. Licensees that seek more specific guidance should reference both NUREG/CR-4250, Vehicle Barriers:

CONTACT: David M. Aird, NRR/DRO 3012870725

D. Merzke Emphasis on Natural Features, and NUREG/CR-6190-V2-R1 Protection Against Malevolent use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants: Vehicle Barrier System Selection Guidance.

Presentation - Natural Terrain Credited as Vehicle Barrier System - ML23181A084 Update on Commercial Grade Dedication and Age-Related Degradation Inspections NRC staff provided an update on the ongoing commercial grade dedication and age-related degradation inspections. The NRC staff described the number of inspections completed and provided best practices to ensure an efficient inspection. Staff also addressed questions from the nuclear industry regarding implementation of the inspection procedures.

Emergency Response Facilities and Equipment Needed for Emergency Response (ERFER) Performance Indicator Path Forward On September 1, 2023, the Commission approved the development of a new ERFER performance indicator (PI), and the subsequent retirement of the Alert & Notification System (ANS) PI via SRM SECY-23-0010. The staff informed the ROP Working Group of this SRM and that the staff, and NEI/INPO, are working on an implementation plan which will include piloting the new ERFER-PI prior to implementation.

Update on NEI 99-02 Revision 8 Staff from NEI provided an update on the upcoming revision 8 of NEI 99-02, Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline, incorporating approved FAQs since revision 7.

NEI indicated that they intend to submit the draft document to the NRC for review in the near term.

Presentation - NEI 99-02 Draft Rev. 8 Update for Sept ROP Public Meeting - ML23258A199 Enhancing Oversight of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Configuration Control The NRC staff presented a status update on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)

Configuration Control (PCC) effort. NRC staff provided the milestones and recommendations for a balanced approach to enhance oversight of PCC, specifically, utilizing an Operating Experience Smart Sample (OpESS) and details on what is the intent of an OpESS. Additionally, NRC staff shared the expected inspections that will most likely use the OpESS and details on the proposed guidance within the OpESS, which is largely administrative in nature and focused on verification of processes to ensure the PRA is maintained to accurately represent the as-built, as-operated plant. Lastly, NRC staff shared plans to perform associated inspector training related to the OpESS and to generate significance and screening criteria for issues identified from the OpESS.

Industry provided several comments related to significance determination and more-than-minor criteria. Industry also had questions related to training and expressed concerns if there is sufficient time to complete the guidance and to accomplish training prior to issuance of the OpESS. Industry questioned if the OpESS should be delayed another year and expressed if there was a need to perform additional tabletops and workshops. Industry also expressed D. Merzke concern on the workload of Senior Reactor Analysts (SRAs) that will be tasked with providing oversight in this effort.

NRC staff responded that significance determination will largely use current existing guidance with specific PRA related instructions to bridge any gaps in interpretations. NRC staff stated that training would be accomplished during the upcoming resident counterpart meetings along with just-in-time training and other times as necessary. Lastly, SRA staff are members of the working group and would be supplanted by other regional SRAs and HQ staff if workload availability issues arise.

Presentation - Enhancing Oversight of PRA Configuration Control - ML23257A145 Inspection Procedure 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution Revision Update The NRC staff presented a status of upcoming changes to the Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R) procedure, IP 71152. This was a follow-up discussion to the information presented at the May 2023 ROP public meeting (ML23136A589). Staff is collecting internal comments and intends to issue the revision in the coming months with an effective date of January 1, 2024. Staff will be available to discuss this topic at future ROP public meetings.

FAQ 23-02 and Discussion of AP1000 White Paper The NRC staff and industry ROP Task Force agreed to close FAQ 23-02 related to an interpretation of an unplanned scram with complications at Peach Bottom Unit 1 (ML23192A121). A short discussion was held regarding the AP1000 performance indicator with plans to continue the dialogue with the NRC resident inspectors and at a future ROP public meeting.

ROP Whitepaper Modification of the Description of Unplanned Scrams with Complications Performance Indicator to Reflect AP1000 Design - ML23136A607 The Next ROP Meeting The next ROP bimonthly public meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 16, 2023.

Communicating with the NRC Staff At the start of all ROP public meetings, the project manager provides contact information for the public to use to provide their name and affiliation as a participant in the meeting. This contact information is also provided for submitting questions and comments to the NRC technical staff.

Please note that any questions and/or comments pertaining to the ROP can be sent to and will be forwarded to the appropriate NRC staff. The Contact Us about ROP page on the ROP public website can also be used to submit questions and comments regarding the ROP (

Conclusion At the end of the meeting, NRC and industry management gave closing remarks. The industry representatives expressed appreciation for the open dialogue and willingness of NRC staff to D. Merzke hear industry views. The NRC management stressed the importance of the NRC being focused on providing reasonable assurance of public health and safety when considering changes to the ROP.

The following link contains the meeting agenda and other information: The enclosure provides the attendance list for this meeting.


As stated

ML23276B397 * = via email OFFICE NRR/DRO/IRAB NRR/DRO/IRAB/BC NRR/DRO/IRAB NAME DAird DMerzke* DAird DATE 10/3/2023 10/3/2023 10/4/2023 LIST OF ATTENDEES REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS BIMONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING September 20, 2023 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Name Organization1 Name Organization Tim Riti NEI David Aird NRC David Gudger Constellation Nuclear Tania Martinez Navedo NRC Tony Brown NEI Antonios Zoulis NRC Steve Catron NextEra Maury Brooks NRC Deann Raleigh Curtiss-Wright Douglas Bollock NRC Justin Wearne PSEG Lundy Pressley NRC Ryan Joyce SNL Sarah Obadina NRC Russell Thompson TVA Aron Lewin NRC Carlos Sisco Winston & Strawn Ty Ospino NRC Linda Dewhirst NPPD David Garmon NRC David Young NEI Steve Wyman NRC Thomas Basso NEI Daniel Merzke NRC Stephenie Pyle Entergy Veronica Fisher NRC Mike Montecalvo TerraPower Jared Justice NRC Nathan Zohner INPO Gabe Taylor NRC Kim Ellis INPO Angela Wu NRC Mary Ballengee INPO Thomas Weaver NRC Steven Dolley S&P James Kepley NRC Roy Linthicum Constellation Nuclear Kenneth Armstrong NRC Enrique Meléndez CSN Jeff Bream NRC Kevin Ellis Duke Energy Robert Williams NRC Victoria Anderson NEI Zack Hollcraft NRC Melisa Krick Talen Energy Scot Sullivan NRC Andrew Zach EPW Shawn Lichvar NRC Kimberly Hulvey TVA Don Johnson NRC Cecil Fletcher II Duke Energy Jen Whitman NRC Charlene Chotalal Dominion Energy William Rautzen NRC Ian Bitner Unknown Andy Rosebrook NRC Stephen Meyer Unknown Jason Brodlowicz NRC Rob Burg EPM, Inc Brian Hughes NRC Edwin Lyman UCS Ronald Cureton NRC James Pak Dominion Energy Andrew Mihalik NRC Anthony Smallwood NRC Glenn Dentel NRC Niry Simonian NRC Justin Hassler NRC 1 Unknown organization indicates that the participants affiliation was not provided by the issuance of this meeting summary.


James Mejia NRC Bridget Curran NRC Meena Khanna NRC Tony Nakanishi NRC John ODonnell NRC John Hughey NRC Keith Boring NRC Caty Nolan NRC Robert Williams NRC Drew Childs NRC Nikki Warnek NRC Amar Patel NRC Harral Logaras NRC Robert Fisher NRC Billy Dickson NRC Hang Vu NRC Thomas Hipschman NRC Jonathan Fiske NRC Jimmy Wong NRC Michelle Kichline NRC David Kern NRC Rob Krsek NRC Reinaldo Rodriguez NRC Jonathan Lizardi- NRC Barreto Alex Garmoe NRC Naeem Iqbal NRC Kenneth Kolaczyk NRC Cheryl Khan NRC Shiattin Makor NRC Leslie Fields NRC Charles Moulton NRC Abiola Oshunleti NRC David Hills NRC Paul Rades NRC Avinash Jaigobind NRC 2