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August 2023 NRC Congressional Status Report
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/31/2023
From: Christopher Hanson
To: Feinstein D, Fleischmann C
US HR (House of Representatives), US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Re port A a of Augu st 31 , 2023 (Dol l1r1 inlhousan<hi)

Current Y- r Funds FY 20 23 E11: lanatorv Stat*ment I Dlscr.tlonary I Authorized Canyover I Curr.ntYear Current Year Curr.ntY*ar CurnntY- r PriorY*ar Rer,roaramrnlnr, 6 I Obll ationa Enactad Canyover Total Curre nt Plan Alloeated Total E11:pendlturu Unobli ated Unli uidated Unli uldated Control Points NuclearReactorSafet 4Q0673 4Q0673 4Q0673 8Q26 $ 499 5ggi $416 Q02 $353007 S826Q7 $638Q5 $1Q 130 Nuclear Material,- and Wute Safety 111,5Q4 111,5Q4 111 ,5Q4 1,SSQ $113,1831 gg,457 82.74Q 13,726 16,708 3,235 Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste Coroora te Suooort 23,666 285 25 1 23,866 285251 23,866 285251



$302 5201 21 ,150 2765Q2 1Q,290 1858Q5 3,606 25Q28 1,860 Q06Q7 1,632 4 1614 Unlversitv Nuclear leadershl Proaram' 16000 16000 0 16000 20 40g S 36 409: 17 8Q1 660 18518 17 211 25721 Control Points Total S 911,33-4 S 16,000 S 927,384 so $927,384 S -49,082 $976,4861 S 831,992 $641,621 S 144,474 S 190 ,372 $91 ,332 Off,co of the Commission z 9/iOO 0 9,/iOO 7500 3,536 11,036 i 7 940 7,864 31)96 76 Advanced Reoctor Re,..,tar~ lnfrsstruclure Ac/Iv/ties 1 23.800 23.800 23.800 3 606 27.406 1 18,618 11 269 6788 7349 1.516 i Nuclear Waste Fund 75 751 63 63 ,,

Officeoflnt.0ectorGeneral 14 24Q 14249 1424Q 1 040 152egi 10555 9934 4734 621 36 1604!

01G DNFSB Supplemental Appropriation*

1520 1520 0 0 1520 0 "

500 5001 1,232 400 1128 372 100 104 400 0

266 Total Agencv 927,153 16,000 $943,153 so $943,153 $50,782 $993,935 $844,2 42 $652,748 S 149,893 S 191,497 S 91,636 Prior Y- r Unobligated Funds Authorized Discretionary B*glnntng Year to Data Total Canyover Canyover Total Canyover Avallabl*

Funds Source Ba lance Oeobllaatlona Catl\lOVllt Allocat.d Allocat.d ~ Allocated Cllfl\lOYet Feebasede $58 506 S 11492 $68997 S 16000 $18250 $35250 $34 748 SpeclelPun:,ose Funds $29,023 S 3028 $32,052 $0 $28,833 $ 29 833 $22 19 Advanced Reactor Reau/at~ lnfrastrucrure Activities 4,505 (36 1 4.470 3,606 3606 664

/nlemetionttl Activities 2,028 92 2. 120 20Q9 2 0IJ9 111 Office of /he Commi, sJon 3614 3616 3 536 3 536 80 7

Universitv Nuclear Lee dershiD Pr0<1f8m I lntea-eled Unfversll Proorem 17615 2063 20.578 20409 20,409 169 General Fvnd 1,207 1,211 250 250 961 Off,cie/ Re,,,-esentetioti Fund 54 58 23 23 36 Feebas/HJ & So-claf Puroos. Funds Subtol*I $87,529 $1-4,521 $ 102,0-49 S 16,000 S-49,082 S 85,082 $36,967 Nuclear Waste Fund 261 12 279 75 75 204 Office of Inspector General 2007 125 2132 1 040 1 040 1 092 OJG ONFSB 366 12 365 64 64 261 Supolemental At>oro riation 1,568 1,508 500 500 1,068 Total Agency $91,752 S 14,642 $106,394 S 16,000 S 50,782 S 66,782 S 39,812 MC(eM...,t,oq..,"'1-',,.,°""lO,..,!'dap 1

The FY 2023 Explanatory Statement identified this control point as the "Integrated Univeraity Program*. Division Z of the Consotidated Appropriations Act , 2021 replaced the Integrated University Program with the University Nuclear l eadership Program .

2 Office pf the Commission is part of the Corpora te Support control point As shown by the reduction of funds in the Current Plan. the NRC reallocated FY 2023 OfflCtl of the Commission funding to support hig h priority Corporate Support shortfalls.

3 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Ac ti,,.;ties is part of the Nuclear Reactor Safety control poin t.

  • FY 2022 supple mental appropriation fro m the Additiona l Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-126, enacted May 21 , 2022

~This is not part of the $16,000K of carryt,ver that was authorized for use by the F Y 2023 Explanatory Statement eDua to the structure of this report , there are approximately $4,626K of non-feebased funds included in the beginning balance 7

University Researeh & Development and Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program comprised the Integrated Univers ity Program control point before FY 2021