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Subsequent License Renewal Application Public Meeting Summary of Pre-Submittal Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/2023
From: Mark Yoo
To: Wilson C
Constellation Energy Generation
Download: ML23193A005 (5)


July 28, 2023 Christopher D. Wilson Director, License Renewal Constellation Energy Generation, LLC 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348





Dear Mr. Wilson:

By Subsequent License Renewal Applications|letter dated November 9, 2022]] (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML22313A073), Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, (CEG or the applicant), submitted a letter of intent to submit a subsequent license renewal application (SLRA) for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (Dresden), Units 2 and 3.

On June 28, 2023, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) held a public meeting with CEG to discuss the expected content for the safety review of the upcoming submittal of the SLRA for Dresden. The meeting notice and agenda dated June 28, 2023, is available at ML23159A216. The slides for the staff presentation are available at ML23173A047, and the slides for the applicants presentation are available at ML23173A046. A list of participants is provided as Enclosure 1. The NRC staff held a public meeting with CEG to discuss the environmental review on June 27, 2023. The public meeting summary for that meeting can be found on the NRC public site at

The NRC staff began with a brief overview of the subsequent license renewal (SLR) process.

The process consists of two tracks: the environmental review and the safety review. During the meeting, the staff shared a tentative review schedule. For an application submission date of April 2024, the final licensing decision is to be determined pending the Environmental review.

For the Dresden SLRA, the NRC staff has incorporated process improvements and lessons learned from previous SLRA reviews.

CEG then began its presentation with general plant information of Dresden Units 2 and 3. The initial license renewal application was submitted on January 3, 2003, and approved on October 28, 2004. The Dresden Unit 2 current license expiration date is December 22, 2029, and it entered its initial period of extended operation (PEO) on December 22, 2009. The Dresden Unit 3 current license expiration date is January 12, 2031, and it entered the initial PEO on January 12, 2011.

CEG stated that the format and content of the Dresden SLRA is based on NUREG-2192, Standard Review Plan for Review of Subsequent License Renewal Applications for Nuclear

Power Plants, Revision 0 (ML17188A158), NUREG-2191, Generic Aging Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR) Report, Revision 0, Volumes 1 and 2 (ML17187A031 and ML17187A204 respectively), Regulatory Guide 1.188, Standard Format and Content for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses, Revision 2 (ML20017A265), and SLR Interim Staff Guidance.

CEG presented on its safety application approach, which utilized Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 17-01, Revision 0, and included discussion of the comprehensive scoping and screening evaluation, aging management review, aging management programs (AMPs), time limited aging analyses, and operating experience. The applicant stated that its goal for AMPs is to maximize consistency with the GALL-SLR Report. CEG also noted that its initial review period for operating experience spanned 2013 to 2022, that it will perform a gap review prior to submittal, and that no new aging effects had been identified to date.

The application for Dresden Units 2 and 3 is expected to have a total of 47 AMPs. Of the 47 AMPs, 35 are existing while 12 are new and not a part of their initial license renewal. A total of 18 AMPs are expected to be consistent with the GALL-SLR Report; 18 AMPs are expected to be consistent with enhancements; five AMPs are expected to be consistent with exceptions; and six AMPs are expected to be consistent with exceptions and enhancements. Dresden does not plan to have any plant-specific AMPs.

To support its SLRA, CEG stated that it is utilizing lessons learned from previous CEG and industry license renewal projects. This includes its extensive aging management experience and participation in NEI and Electric Power Research Institute initiatives related to license renewal and long-term operations. CEG noted that it reviews breakout questions, requests for additional information, requests for confirmation of information, and supplements associated with recent license renewal applications to ensure consistency with current NRC expectations and SRP-SLR guidance. CEG also stated that an industry peer review of the SLRA will be performed. CEG will also utilize the Scientech eDocs portal to support the NRC review.

During the NRC/CEG question and answer portion of the meeting the NRC staff had several questions. One question was regarding the number of AMPs for both the Clinton initial license renewal application and Dresden SLRA; CEG responded with additional information for both applications. Another staff asked to provide additional information regarding how operating experience that occurs during the review is addressed by the applicant; CEG discussed its approach and processes that it utilizes to disposition and address operating experience at its site, including its evaluation of Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2014-06, Consideration of Current Operating Issues and Licensing Actions in License Renewal, (ML13177A325). The NRC staff also asked additional information regarding the use and timing of the portal during the staff review. The NRC project manager responded, which was confirmed by CEG, that the specific logistics regarding the portal have yet to be determined.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, one member of the public asked to repeat the reference to RIS 2014-06, which was provided by the NRC staff. There were no additional questions from members of the public.

The NRC staff and CEG concluded the meeting by mentioning that they would like to continue early engagements to optimize the most efficient review of the Dresden SLRA.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email at



Mark Yoo, Senior Project Manager License Renewal Projects Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249


List of Attendees cc w/encl: ListServ



DATE 7/11/2023 07/12/2023 OFFICE NRR/DNRL/NLRP/BC NRR/DNRL/NLRP/PM NAME LGibson MYoo DATE 7/13/2023 7/28/2023

Enclosure List of Attendees NRC Attendees:

Brian Allik Lydiana Alvarado Michael Benson Steven Bloom Reena Boruk John Bozga Scott Burnell Luissette Candelario-Quintana David Dijamco Bart Fu Games Gavula Amitava Ghosh Brian Harris Ata Istar Joel Jenkins Andy Johnson Varoujan Kalikian Paul Klein Shao Lai Steven Levitus Greg Makar Seung Min Carol Moyer Andrew Prinaris Ali Rezai Andrew Siwy Derek Scully George Thomas John Tsao Christopher Tyree Hanry Wagage George Wang John Wise Brian Wittick Zuhan Xi On Yee Matthew Yoder Mark Yoo Constellation Attendees:

Adam Andriano Roy Corieri Lydia Dworakowski Iba Ello Fletcher Donald Ferraro Kathleen Fix Dennis Flores Robert Francis John Hilditch Bashar Jabri Scott Kauffman Kurt Lindeman Nicholas Lynch Jennifer Lytle Sarika Malani Kristin Meek Casey Muggleston Joshua Sarrafian Zachary Schwartz Allison Stalker Peter Tamburro Chris Wilson George Wrobel Public Attendees:

Jana Bergman (Curtiss-Wright)

Michael Macfarlane (Southern Company)

Other Attendees:

Additional unidentified members of the public and/or industry attended the meeting.