ML23128A329 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 05/10/2023 |
From: | King D Licensing Processes Branch |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML23128A329 (17) | |
Accident Tolerant Fuel Roadmap to Readiness May 10, 2023
Opening Remarks Joseph Donoghue Director DSS
Agenda Speaker Topic Time NRC Welcome and Opening Remarks 10:00-10:05 NRC Presentation on Background and Status 10:05-10:20 All Discussion and Public Feedback 10:20-10:55 NRC Closing Remarks 10:55-11:00 Topic times are estimated based on the participation level and presentation length.
Meeting visuals and audio are through MS Teams.
Participants are in listen-only mode until the discussion and public feedback period. During which, we will first allow in-person attendees to participate, then allow remote attendees to un-mute.
Remote attendees should utilize the hand raised feature in MS Teams, if possible.
This is a Comment Gathering Meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is for the NRC staff to meet directly with individuals to discuss regulatory and technical issues.
Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of the NRC staff or give feedback about the issues discussed the presentation; however, the NRC is not actively soliciting comments towards regulatory decisions at this meeting.
Meeting Logistics
Meeting Purpose
- Introduce the Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Roadmap to Readiness
- NRC will consider the input received but will not prepare written responses.
- No regulatory decisions will be made during this meeting.
Roadmap Background and Status
The Project Plan
- Version 1.2 of the ATF Project Plan issued September 2021 (ML21243A298).
- Substantial progress in implementing the strategy laid out in the ATF project plan to enable the safe and efficient use of emerging ATF fuel technologies.
Roadmap Purpose
- Provide graphical representation of the ATF Project Plan
- Enhance efficiency and reliability
- Enhance understanding of the pathways to licensing near-term ATF technology
- Clearly identify direction, challenges, and risks associated in licensing near-term ATF technology
- Depict critical milestones to maintain a mid-to-late 2020s deployment timeline to batch load near-term ATF technology
General Assumptions
- Commercial nuclear industry aims to increase operational cycle time, using a combination ATF technology.
- Increased Enrichment and Higher Burnup are included with ATF technology.
- Industry aims to batch load the suite of near-term ATF technologies in mid-to-late 2020s.
Timeline Assumptions
- Licensing timeline assumptions are from the January 2022, NRC Letter to Industry, regarding scheduling expectations and historical review timelines.
Roadmap Description
- Orientation: Left-to-Right and Top-to-Bottom.
- Sequence: Items are generally displayed in chronological sequence by start date. Of note, the previous item is not always required for the subsequent in the graphic.
- Dates: Dates are generally only provided for completed/issued actions.
- Color-Coding: Utilized to differentiate near-term technologies only.
- Hyperlinks: Text is hyperlinked to associated NRC webpage or to download associated document from ADAMS.
Next Steps
- Evaluate stakeholder feedback and update the graphic as appropriate.
- Approve and publish the graphic in Summer 2023.
- Evaluate graphic updates bi-annually, based on internal and external feedback received during routine interactions.
Discussion & Public Feedback
Stay Updated on ATF Go to
References ADAMS Accession Number/ FR Citation Document Title Transcript: ML23026A288 Meeting SRM: ML23030A013 Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuels Commission Meeting, January 24, 2023 ML21243A298 Accident Tolerant Fuel Project Plan (Version 1.2)
ML22003A168 Scheduling Expectations Regarding the Licensing of Accident Tolerant, Increased Enrichment, and Higher Burnup Fuels ML22014A112 Regulatory Framework Applicability Assessment and Licensing Pathway Diagram for Licensing ATF-Concept, Higher Burnup, and Increased Enrichment Fuels ML21232A237 SECY-21-0109, Rulemaking Plan on use of Increased Enrichment of Conventional and Accident Tolerant Fuel Designs in Light Water Reactors ML22075A103 SRM-SECY-21-0109, Rulemaking Plan on use of Increased Enrichment of Conventional and Accident Tolerant Fuel Designs in Light Water Reactors Volume 1 (Parts 1-50)
Volume 2 (Parts51-199)
NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations
Adjourn How did we do?
Meeting Code: 20230507