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Attachment 1 - Summary of Action Items - January 2023
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/20/2023
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML23020A128 List:
Download: ML23020A130 (1)


Attachment 1 to Holtec Letter 5025079 Action Items for Holtec - January 2023

1. Include reference or action to confirm that the corbel design loads envelope the reactions at the corbel after the crane runway girder is designed by the supplier.

A statement has been added in Subsection of SAR Proposed Rev 0T to capture this confirmatory action.

2. Include reference/discussion in the SAR that explains how this lateral crane load is distributed within the reinforced concrete wall.

The text in Subsection of SAR Proposed Rev 0T has been revised to further clarify how the lateral crane load is distributed to the CTB walls.

3. The HI-PORT vehicle will not slide off the edge of the haul path if a minimum clearance of 3 is maintained between the edge of the HIPORT and edge of the haul path in the transverse direction. Include operational limit statement in Chapter 10 to capture this.

This caution has been added to the caution note in Subsection of SAR Proposed Rev 0T.

4. No action needed.
5. Include operations limit statement for VCT to maintain edge distance at the apron and placement of an empty cask on the ISFSI.

This caution has been added to the caution note in Subsection of SAR Proposed Rev 0T.

6. Include discussion on how the engineered fill below can deliver a modulus of subgrade reaction for the CTB slab design.

The basis for the modulus of subgrade reaction representing the engineered fill beneath the CTB slab has been included in Supplement 11 of HI-2177585 Rev. 5.

7. Holtec Drawing 10912, Sheet 3 of 7, in HI-STORE SAR, Revision 0S, shows that the Canister Transfer Facility (CFT) foundation rests on an Engineered Fill layer with minimum 12 inches thickness. However, HI-STORE Bearing Capacity and Settlement Calculations (HI-2188143), Revision 5, shows that the CTF foundation (page 40 of 60) rests on the Residual Soil, and the bearing capacity and settlement calculations ignore the presence of this Engineered Fill layer. Please justify why ignoring the Engineered Fill layer would be conservative or provide an updated bearing capacity and associated settlement calculations accounting for the presence of the fill layer.

The justification for ignoring the engineered fill layer has been added in Section 4.0 of HI-2188143 Rev. 6.

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Attachment 1 to Holtec Letter 5025079

8. No action needed.
9. Edit the ERP and/or SAR, or provide additional information, to define the applicable Director of Operations, position as referenced in section 9.2 of the HI-STORE Emergency Response Plan. For example, is the applicable Director of Operations the same position as the Operations Manager, as described in the organizational charts and position descriptions provided in ERP and the HI-STORE SAR?

SAR Figure 10.4.2 has been updated to specify the title as Director of Operations and place Emergency Response as a responsibility under that individual.

10. Clarify usage of the terms Canister Transfer Facility vs. Cask Transfer Facility; and Canister Transfer Building vs. Cask Transfer Building. To the extent possible, edit the SAR to use appropriate consistent terminology throughout the SAR using the same terminology specified in the SAR Glossary.

These have been fixed in the impacted chapters in this revision, other editorial updates will be made when the SAR is issued as its final Rev 1.

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