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M220616: Slides/Supporting Presentation Material - Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting
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Issue date: 06/16/2022
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ML22154A025 List:
Download: ML22160A669 (28)


Briefing on the Results of theAgencyAction Review Meeting June 16, 2022

Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM) Objectives 01 02 03 04 Review the Review Nuclear Review effectiveness Ensure that trends in appropriateness of Materials and Waste of the Reactor industry and licensee NRC actions taken for Safety Program Oversight Process performance are licensees with Performance and (ROP) and the recognized and significant Trends Construction ROP appropriately performance issues addressed 2

Agenda Theresa Clark

- Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program Performance and Trends Phil McKenna

- CY 2021 ROP Self-Assessment Results

- Status of the ROP during COVID-19

- Inspection Findings Trend Marissa Bailey and Vic Hall

- CY 2021 cROP Self-Assessment Results

- Transition of Vogtle Unit 3 from Construction to Operations 3

Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program Theresa Clark, Deputy Director Division of Materials Safety, Security, and State and Tribal Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

Sound Licensee Performance across the Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program

  • Looked for trends in:
  • Operational performance issues
  • Licensee performance issues
  • NRC program issues/gaps
  • No nuclear materials licensee met the significant performance issue criterion in SECY-11-0132
  • Met all strategic goals and performance measures 5

800 600 No Significant 519 509 495 Number of Events 476 Trends in 398 423 427 421 444 447 457 401 436 378 Materials Event 400 349 372 349 357 312 312 Data or Escalated 200 Enforcement 92 78 74 88 72 69 56 59 37 45 0

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 NRC AS Total 6

Several Medical Abnormal Occurrences

  • 7 potential medical-related Abnormal Occurrences identified for FY 2021
  • No significant trends
  • Number of medical events is small relative to the millions of procedures involving the use of radioactive material 7

Agreement State Assessments Going Smoothly

  • The Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) continues to be effective.
  • 9 IMPEP reviews in FY 2021; all adequate and compatible, as appropriate
  • No significant actions
  • In-person reviews restarted near end of FY 2021; large number in CY 2022 8

Mission Work Continued During COVID-19 Pandemic Inspections

- Updated guidance for transition to hybrid work Audit of NMSS COVID-19 Oversight Processes

- Processes were generally effective

- 5 recommendations to document pandemic procedures and strengthen use of Web-Based Licensing Oversight Activities Assessment

- Comprehensive assessment

- 8 recommendations to enhance the program 9

Working as One NMSS

  • Four NMSS business lines, one method of operationswherever reasonable
  • Modernizing and risk-informing inspection programs with common terminology
  • Updating and centralizing procedures and process for operating experience
  • Launched the NMSS Data Foundation to increase the use of data-driven decision-making and dashboards 10

Always Improving

  • Waste Incidental to Reprocessing
  • Improvements to guidance
  • Enhanced communications
  • Screening criteria for assessing and dispositioning issues
  • Successful specific implementation and general enforcement guidance 11

Many Successes in FY 2021

  • No significant trends
  • OneNMSS approach
  • Innovation, knowledge management, and risk-informing across all NMSS program areas 12

ROP Self-Assessment, COVID-19, and Inspection FindingsTrend Phil McKenna, Branch Chief Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

ROP Self-Assessment Activities in CY 2021

  • Performance Metrics
  • Data Trending
  • Program Area Evaluations
  • Effectiveness Review of Change to Column 3 of the Action Matrix
  • Effectiveness Review of the VLSSIR Process Was the ROP implemented per Did ROP execution current governance Did the ROP meet
  • ROP Lessons Learned Tracker documents, and was Did the ROP meet its Intended adhere to the NRC it implemented its Program Goals? Principles of Good
  • Comprehensive Baseline Outcomes?

uniformly across all Regulation?

Inspection Program Review offices and regions?

  • Continuous Baseline Inspection How Do We Know that the ROP Continues to be Effective?

Procedure Monitoring - Paused ROP Self-Assessment Program 14

Plans for CY 2022 ROP Self-Assessment Activities 01 02 03 Element 1: Measure Regional Element 2: Assess Effectiveness Element 3: Perform Focused and Headquarters Program of Recent ROP Changes and Assessments of Specific ROP Effectiveness and Uniformity Evaluate the NRCs Response to Program Areas, Including the Implementing the ROP Significant Licensee Events or Baseline Inspection Program

  • Performance Metrics Declining Licensee Performance
  • Baseline Inspection Procedure
  • Data Trending
  • Effectiveness Reviews (Safety Monitoring - to be revised
  • Program Area Evaluations Culture, ANO and Pilgrim 95003 (Including Review of SDP Lessons Learned)


  • Lessons Learned Tracker
  • Implementation Audit of Region I 15

Status of the ROP during COVID-19 in CY 2021

  • Accomplished both onsite and remote oversight activities at operating reactors, while taking precautions to minimize exposure to COVID-19
  • Completed more than 150,000 direct baseline inspection hours nationwide
  • Sustained reasonable assurance of safe plant operation
  • Completed the baseline inspection program in CY 2021 16

COVID-19 Lessons Learned for the ROP Initial COVID-19 Lessons Learned

  • 17-member team from NRR, NSIR and the regions
  • Performed a survey of internal NRC stakeholders
  • Report issued in January 2021
  • Concluded that the oversight of nuclear power reactors during the pandemic was appropriate considering the circumstances Comprehensive BIP Review
  • Focused on BIP lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and flexibilities to complete the BIP during a future pandemic, or other emergent circumstances precluding onsite access
  • Report issued in November 2021 Follow-on Review of Lessons Learned, Best Practices, and Challenges
  • Includes engagement opportunities with external stakeholders
  • Identify potential enhancements to the program for both emergency and nonemergency use
  • Charter approved November 19, 2021
  • 17-member team from NRR, NSIR, the regions, and NMSS 17

Green Findings by Quarter 250 Trend in Green ROP 200 Inspection 150 Findings 100 50 0

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Green Findings by ID Credit Findings per Site by Region 800 25 NRC ID RI 700 20 RII 600 Self-Revealed RIII 500 15 RIV 400 10 300 200 5 100 0 0 18

  • The ROP is objective, Self- risk-informed, Assessment understandable, and predictable Results
  • The ROP supports the agencys strategic safety and security goals: to ensure the safe and secure use of radioactive materials 19

Construction ROP and Transition to ROP Marissa Bailey, Assistant for Vic Hall, Branch Chief Operations Vogtle Project Office Office of the Executive Director for Operations Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Construction Reactor Oversight Process Ensuring Strong and April 2011 Effective Oversight of November 2021 Vogtle 3 & 4

  • No cROP Action Matrix deviations in CY 2021
  • Met all performance metrics except one
  • Staff demonstrated proactiveness and willingness to challenge themselves 21

2021 Annual Assessment 22

Effectively Using the cROP Significance Determination Process

  • Identified two White findings in 2021
  • Placed Unit 3 into Regulatory Response column
  • Conducted successful supplemental inspection in March 2022
  • Returned Unit 3 to Licensee Response column in April 2022 23

Vogtle Unit 3 Final Assessment

  • Performance Review
  • Open findings review
  • Assess placement into ROP cornerstone
  • Allegation Review Process
  • Discuss inspections after 103(g) 24 24

Preparing for the Transition to Operations Plan your work Work your plan 25

LESSONS LEARNED Nurturing a Culture of Continuous Learning 26 26

Conclusion The NRC staff affirmed the appropriateness of agency actions and the effectiveness of our oversight programs 27

List of Acronyms

  • 52.103(g) OR 103(g) - Title 10 of the Code of Federal
  • ITAAC - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria Regulations section 52.103(g)
  • NMSS - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
  • AARM - Agency Action Review Meeting
  • NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • NRR - Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
  • AO - Abnormal Occurrence
  • NSIR - Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
  • BIP - Baseline Inspection Program
  • OE - Office of Enforcement
  • OIG - Office of the Inspector General
  • cROP - Construction Reactor Oversight Process
  • ROP - Reactor Oversight Process
  • CY - Calendar Year
  • FY - Fiscal Year
  • IMC - Inspection Manual Chapter
  • VRG - Vogtle Readiness Group
  • IMPEP - Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program
  • WBL - Web-Based Licensing
  • IP - Inspection Procedure
  • WIR - Waste Incidental to Reprocessing 28