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NRC Public Website Uranium Recovery Wyoming Facility Pages Archive
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/02/2022
From: Bolz B
Bolz B
Download: ML22122A121 (86)


4/29/22, 10:56 AM Jane Dough l Jane Dough Who: Uranerz Application for a New In Situ Recovery (ISR)

What: [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html] Expansion When: May 14, 2014 (date of application submittal)

Where: Campbell and Johnson Counties, Wyoming (View Larger Image)

[/images/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/sitesummary-jane-dough-lrg.gif] Docket: 40-9067 For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough/jane-dough-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough/jane-dough-schedule.html]

Section 106 Consultation [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough/jane-dough-section-106.html]

Contacts for the Jane Dough Application Environmental Review: Ashley Waldron Safety Review: David Brown Contact a Public Affairs Officer [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Public Meetings Discuss proposed License Amendment for Nichols Ranch ISR Project to include the Jane Dough Unit 03/08/2016 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1605/ML16054A370.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1608/ML16089A351.pdf]

Discuss proposed License Amendment for Nichols Ranch ISR Project to include the Jane Dough Unit 12/09/2014 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1431/ML14317A343.pdf]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/2

4/29/22, 10:56 AM Jane Dough l 2/2

4/29/22, 10:57 AM Application Documents For Jane Dough l Application Documents for Jane Dough This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Document Type Author Date Affiliation Revised Application Revised License Amendment

[/docs/ML1511/ML15118A122.html] 06-May-2015 Request Uranerz Original Application 08-Sept-2014 License Amendment Request Uranerz


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/1

4/29/22, 10:59 AM Application Review Schedule For Jane Dough l Application Review Schedule for Jane Dough The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Uranerz Energy Corporation submitted to obtain a license amendment for its Jane Dough In Situ Recovery expansion.

Completion Date Key Milestones Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered 05/14/14 - A Acceptance Review Acceptance Review Start 08/11/14 - A 10/29/14 - A Supplemental Application [/docs/ML1511/ML15118A122.html] received 04/13/15 - A 06/26/15 - A Docketing Decision Issued/Acceptance Review Complete [/docs/ML1518/ML15189A458.pdf] 08/10/15 - A Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) [/docs/ML1601/ML16013A407.html] Issued to Applicant 01/21/16 - A RAI Acceptance Review [/docs/ML1623/ML16236A020.pdf] complete 09/09/16 - A Safety Evaluation Report (SER) [/docs/ML1632/ML16327A111.html] completed 01/24/17 - A Environmental Review RAIs Issued to Applicant 01/21/16 - A Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) Issued 12/20/16 - A Final EA issued 03/23/17 - T License License Amendment issued 03/31/17 - T
  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html]


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/2

4/29/22, 10:59 AM Application Review Schedule For Jane Dough l 2/2

4/29/22, 11:00 AM Uranerz Jane Dough Documents Pertaining To Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act And Solicitation Of Public Uranerz Jane Dough Documents Pertaining to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Solicitation of Public Comments The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received an application from Uranerz Energy Corporation (Uranerz) to amend its NRC source materials license SUA-1597. This application requests authorization for Uranerz to construct and operate an in-situ uranium recovery (ISR) activities at the proposed Jane Dough unit in Campbell County and Johnson County, Wyoming. The NRC staff is conducting an environmental review in accordance with the Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 51 (10 CFR Part 51), which implements the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). The NRC staff is also conducting a Section 106 review in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). NRC staff initiated its consultation under Section 106 for the proposed Jane Dough in December 2014. The staff is now providing documents for public consideration and comment consistent with 36 CFR § 800.4(d)(1).

The area of potential effect is defined as the site boundary of the proposed project which consists of 1,620 acres. The NRC staff consulted with interested Native American Tribes to identify historic properties, specifically ones of religious and cultural significance. The NRC staff also reviewed the information provided by Uranerz in its Jane Dough license amendment application. The NRC acknowledges that the Tribes possess special expertise in identifying properties of cultural and religious significance and assessing the significance of these properties to their individual Tribes. The NRC staff invited Tribes to participate in a site visit to gather information on historic properties. Based on the information found in the NRC staff's independent analysis, the NRC staff has preliminarily concluded that there are no sites or areas of historic, cultural, or religious significance to Tribes or other historic properties present in the area of potential effects of the proposed Jane Dough project site. Therefore, the NRC's Section 106 finding at this time is that no historic properties would be affected. The NRC staff has documented its preliminary determination, detailing the Section 106 activities and cultural resources findings, and has included that documentation in the cultural resources sections of the draft Environmental Assessment for the Jane Dough unit. A document containing those sections is available in the link below.

NRC documentation of its Section 106 review findings. (cultural resources sections of draft Environmental Assessment

[/docs/ML1702/ML17025A243.pdf] )

NRC is soliciting comments from the public on the document provided above or on the information stated here. NRC staff will accept comments until Wednesday, February 27, 2017. Please submit your comments by emailing [1] .

For additional information regarding the proposed action, Uranerz license application is publicly available from the NRC's Agency Wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). Found under ML14164A274. Information about the proposed action, including links to Uranerz license amendment application can also be found in the project's web page [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough.html] .

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/2

4/29/22, 11:00 AM Uranerz Jane Dough Documents Pertaining To Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act And Solicitation Of Public 2/2

1/28/22, 1:11 PM Kendrick l Kendrick Who: Strata Energy, Inc.

Application for an In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-What: recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Expansion When: April 28, 2015 (publically available)

(View Larger Image) Where: Crook County, Wyoming

[/images/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/sitesummary-kendrick-lrg.gif] Docket: 40-9091 This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/kendrick/kendrick-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/kendrick/kendrick-schedule.html]

FRN for Kendrick Amendment: Opportunity for Hearing, Petition for Leave to Intervene


Section 106 Consultation [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/kendrick/kendrick-section-106.html]

Contacts for the Kendrick Application Environmental Review Jessie Muir-Quintero Safety Review John Saxton Contact a Public Affairs Officer [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/2

1/28/22, 1:11 PM Kendrick l 2/2

1/28/22, 1:12 PM Application Documents For Kendrick l Application Documents for Kendrick This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Date Document Type Author Affiliation Responses to Environmental RAIs 03-August -2016 Supplemental Strata

[/docs/ML1622/ML16223A161.html] Information Energy, Inc Supplemental Information to application Supplemental Strata

[/docs/ML1515/ML15152A154.html] 24-April-2015 Information Energy, Inc License Strata Original Application [/docs/ML1509/ML15096A141.html] 20-March-2015 Amendment Energy, Inc Request Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 1/1

1/28/22, 1:13 PM Application Review Schedule For Kendrick l Application Review Schedule for Kendrick The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Strata Energy, Inc. submitted to obtain a license for its Kendrick In Situ Recovery expansion.

Completion Key Milestones Date Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered 04/28/15 - A Acceptance Review Acceptance Review Start 09/30/15 - A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 01/14/16 - A


Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant 09/14/16 - A RAI Acceptance by NRC Staff See Note Below Final Safety Evaluation Report (SER) completed See Note Below Environmental Review RAIs Issued to Applicant [/docs/ML1613/ML16138A073.html] 05/27/16 - A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Issued See Note Below Final EIS Issued See Note Below License Amendment issued See Note Below
  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.

NOTE: Review suspended as of December 21, 2016, at the request of the applicant.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page. 1/2

1/28/22, 1:13 PM Application Review Schedule For Kendrick l Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 2/2

1/28/22, 1:14 PM Section 106 Consultation For Kendrick l Section 106 Consultation for Kendrick NRC received an application [/docs/ML1509/ML15096A141.html] from Strata to amend the source materials license for its Ross uranium recovery site [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ross.html] (SUA-1601) to include the Kendrick project area. The Ross and Kendrick sites are located in Crook County, Wyoming.

The NRC was performing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review and a National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 consultation. The NRC intended to fulfill its Section 106 consultation obligations through its NEPA process. On December 21, 2016, Strata requested the NRC suspend its review of the Kendrick license amendment request.

See the expandable table below for more information about what the NRC did for the Kendrick Section 106 consultation.


INITIATE In this step of the 106 Process, the federal agency must establish the undertaking, notify the appropriate State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO), identify tribes and other consulting parties, and involve the public.

The NRC initiated the Section 106 process in July 2015 by sending letters to 26 Tribes, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) [/docs/ML1516/ML15161A402.pdf] , the Wyoming SHPO

[/docs/ML1515/ML15154B180.pdf] , and the National Park Service - Devils Tower

[/docs/ML1531/ML15317A290.html] formally inviting the parties to consult with the NRC. In those letters, the NRC provided basic information about the project and noted that it would be using the NEPA process to complete Section 106 consultation responsibilities.

[#PANEL1] 1/3

1/28/22, 1:14 PM Section 106 Consultation For Kendrick l IDENTIFY In this step of the Section 106 process, the federal agency must determine the area of potential effect (APE), identify historic properties, consult with SHPO, THPOs, tribes, and other consulting parties, and involve the public.

The NRC initiated Step 2 of the Section 106 process by letter, dated December 31, 2015, which was sent to 26 Tribes, the ACHP [/docs/ML1533/ML15338A059.pdf] , the Wyoming SHPO

[/docs/ML1533/ML15338A087.pdf] , BLM [/docs/ML1533/ML15338A069.pdf] , and the National Park Service - Devils Tower [/docs/ML1533/ML15338A083.pdf] . In the letter, the NRC delineated the direct and indirect areas of potential effect [/docs/ML1533/ML15338A090.pdf] (APEs) for the Kendrick project. The direct APE will include the entire Kendrick footprint (7,774 acres). The indirect APE would be a 3-mile radius around the Kendrick site boundary. The NRC requested the Wyoming SHPO concur on the APEs. In the letter, the NRC also shared a copy of Strata's Class III Survey Report and requested that the parties provide comments within 30 days of receiving the Report. The NRC received comments from the Wyoming SHPO [/docs/ML1607/ML16071A334.pdf] and BLM on the Class III Report.

The NRC submitted an Evaluation Plan [/docs/ML1612/ML16124A803.pdf] for 13 unevaluated sites within the Kendrick APE to the Wyoming SHPO for their 30-day review and concurrence on May 5, 2016. The Wyoming SHPO concurred [/docs/ML1630/ML16309A427.pdf] with the evaluation plan on May 26, 2016.

Based on responses received from previous NRC Section 106 communications, the NRC sent letters to 14 Tribes requesting input on seven sites identified in the Kendrick Class III Report, three of which the Wyoming SHPO agreed should remain unevaluated for listing on the National Register of Historic Places pending consultation with the Tribes. During the week of July 25, 2016

[/docs/ML1626/ML16266A004.pdf] , 10 tribes visited the Kendrick site to consult with the NRC on the eligibility of seven sites. Tribal representatives included Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs), elders, and archeological monitors. Based on information gathered during the site visit and consultation, the NRC developed preliminary determinations of eligibility for the seven sites. The NRC shared its preliminary determinations [/docs/ML1627/ML16270A352.html] with the consulting Tribes for their review and comment. The NRC received written responses from the Northern Arapaho and the Cheyenne River Sioux tribes.

On November 21, 2016, the NRC submitted its recommendation of eligibility

[/docs/ML1630/ML16307A167.pdf] for 16 sites, based on further evaluative testing and/or tribal consultation, to the Wyoming SHPO for concurrence. On December 9, 2016, the Wyoming SHPO concurred [/docs/ML1634/ML16347A601.pdf] with the NRCs recommendations of eligibility. With the SHPOs concurrence letter, the identification step of the Section 106 consultation is complete. 2/3

1/28/22, 1:14 PM Section 106 Consultation For Kendrick l


ASSESS In this step of the 106 Process, the federal agency must apply criteria of adverse effect to identified properties, consult with the SHPO, THPOs, tribes, and other consulting parties, and continue to involve the public. If no historic or cultural properties are adversely affected, then the Section 106 process is complete.


RESOLVE In this step of the 106 Process, the federal agency must avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects and notify the ACHP. The federal agency must continue to consult with the SHPO, THPOs, tribes, and other consulting parties and keep the public involved.


If you have any questions or comments about the Section 106 consultation for this project, please contact the environmental project manager, Jessie Muir Quintero by phone at 301.415.7476 or by email at [3] .

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 3/3

4/29/22, 11:13 AM LC East/KM Horizon l LC East/KM Horizon Who: Lost Creek ISR LLC Application for an In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-What: recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html] Expansion When: October 10, 2014 (publicly available) to March 13, 2017 Where: Sweetwater County, Wyoming (View Larger Image)

[/images/materials/uranium-recovery/license- Docket: 40-9068 apps/lostcreekeastandkm-lrg.gif]

This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/lc-east-km-horizon/lc-east-km-horizon-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/lc-east-km-horizon/lc-east-km-horizon-schedule.html]

Contacts for the LC East/KM Horizon Application Environmental Review Christine Pineda Safety Review John Saxton Contact a Public Affairs Officer [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

Public Meetings Meeting with Lost Creek to discuss the Lost Creek ISR Lost Creek East Hydrologic Test Plan 07/19/2016 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1619/ML16196A124.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1622/ML16222A723.pdf] 1/2

4/29/22, 11:13 AM LC East/KM Horizon l Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 2/2

4/29/22, 11:19 AM Application Documents For LC East/KM Horizon l Application Documents for LC East/KM Horizon This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Date Document Type Author Affiliation Revised Application

[/docs/ML1706/ML17069A296.html] 29-March-2017 Revised License Lost Creek Answers to clarification questions 2-May-2017 Amendment Request ISR LLC


Revised Application 26-February-2016 Revised License Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1605/ML16056A543.html] Amendment Request ISR LLC Revised Application 13-February-2015 Revised License Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1504/ML15044A173.html] Amendment Request ISR LLC Original Application 30-September- License Amendment Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1427/ML14279A431.html] 2014 Request ISR LLC Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 20, 2017 1/1

4/29/22, 11:20 AM Application Review Schedule For LC East/KM Horizon Amendment l Application Review Schedule for LC East/KM Horizon Amendment The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nucl ear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Lost Creek ISR LLC submitted to obtain a license for its LC East/KM Horizon In Situ Recovery expansion.

Completion Date Key Milestones Actual - A Target - T Application [/docs/ML1427/ML14279A431.html] 09/30/14 - A Acceptance Review NRC requests supplemental information 11/02/14 - A Licensee submits supplemental information [/docs/ML1504/ML15044A173.html] / Acceptance Review Start 02/23/15 - A Issue letter indicating deficiency in application [/docs/ML1509/ML15093A261.pdf] 04/15/15 - A Licensee resubmits application [/docs/ML1605/ML16056A543.html] 02/25/16 - A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 05/18/16 - A Issue letter indicating deficiency in application [/docs/ML1610/ML16106A019.pdf] 05/18/16 - A Licensee submits revised application [/docs/ML1706/ML17069A296.html] 02/27/17 - A Complete Acceptance Review 05/02/17 - A Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Water resources, Cumulative Impacts, Confinement, MILDOS, Background Radiological Characteristics 07/27/17 - A


Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Site Characterization, Waste Disposal, Occupational and Radiological Impacts, Accidents [/docs/ML1722/ML17227A311.html] 08/28/17 - A Licensee Response to RAIs numbers 1-19 [/docs/ML1727/ML17275A674.pdf] 09/25/17 - A Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Administrative, general 10/30/17 - A


Final SER [/docs/ML1811/ML18115A056.pdf] 08/07/18 - A Environmental Review

  • NRC letter to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) affirming the lead and cooperating agency designations for the environmental impact statement (EIS) and for the Section 106 process under the National Historic 12/04/14 - A Preservation Act [/docs/ML1430/ML14303A508.pdf] 1/2

4/29/22, 11:20 AM Application Review Schedule For LC East/KM Horizon Amendment l BLM's Federal Register notice of intent to prepare the EIS 09/14/15 - A 14/pdf/2015-23059.pdf

NRC's RAIs Issued to Applicant - see RAI schedule shown in Safety Review schedule, above see above BLM published Draft EIS [/docs/ML1825/ML18254A408.pdf] 08/31/18 - A BLM Publishes Final EIS 12/31/18 - T

  • Timeline based on 30-day response to RAIs issued on 7/31 & 9/5, and a 60-day response to RAIs issued 11/1. These RAIs will cover both safety and EIS topics. The NRC is a cooperating agency in the development of the EIS for this proposed amendment, and BLM is the lead agency.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html]


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 13, 2018 2/2

1/28/22, 1:01 PM Lost Creek Site l Lost Creek Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Sweetwater County, Wyoming Docket Number: 40-9068 License: SUA-1598 (Expires 8/31/2021)

Licensee: Lost Creek ISR, LLC Facility Type: In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Pending Licensing Actions: Lost Creek East/KM Horizon Expansion


Facility Performance Information Contacts License Amendment 7 and SER


Original License [/docs/ML1119/ML111940049.pdf]

and Safety Evaluation Report Project Manager: John Saxton (301-


  • 415-0697)

Environmental Impact Statement [/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1910/s3/] (NUREG-1910 NRC Public Affairs Office in Region 4

[/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-Supp. 3) opa.html]

Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc-collections/enforcement/actions/materials/m.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/] **

News & Correspondence Related Information 1/2

1/28/22, 1:01 PM Lost Creek Site l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming


Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities [/info-finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Press Releases [/site-help/search.html? Hearing Opportunities and License] Applications [/about-Public Meetings [/materials/uranium- nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-recovery/public.html] license-applications.html]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc- NRC Emergency Preparedness and collections/commission/] ** Response [/about-nrc/emerg-Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc- preparedness.html]

collections/gen-comm/] ** FEMA's State Offices Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] [4] and Agencies of Emergency Management


Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)

[/reading-rm/adams.html] (for related documents)

Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-

  • recovery/inspections.html] .

These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Lost Creek to search for related

    • documents.

To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and

      • Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021 2/2

1/28/22, 1:06 PM Application Documents For LC East/KM Horizon l Application Documents for LC East/KM Horizon This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Date Document Type Author Affiliation Revised Application

[/docs/ML1706/ML17069A296.html] 29-March-2017 Revised License Lost Creek Answers to clarification questions 2-May-2017 Amendment Request ISR LLC


Revised Application 26-February-2016 Revised License Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1605/ML16056A543.html] Amendment Request ISR LLC Revised Application Revised License Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1504/ML15044A173.html] 13-February-2015 Amendment Request ISR LLC Original Application 30-September- License Amendment Lost Creek

[/docs/ML1427/ML14279A431.html] 2014 Request ISR LLC Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 20, 2017 1/1

1/28/22, 1:07 PM Application Review Schedule For LC East/KM Horizon Amendment l Application Review Schedule for LC East/KM Horizon Amendment The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nucl ear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Lost Creek ISR LLC submitted to obtain a license for its LC East/KM Horizon In Situ Recovery expansion.

Completion Key Milestones Date Actual - A Target - T Application [/docs/ML1427/ML14279A431.html] 09/30/14 - A Acceptance Review NRC requests supplemental information 11/02/14 - A Licensee submits supplemental information [/docs/ML1504/ML15044A173.html] / Acceptance 02/23/15 - A Review Start Issue letter indicating deficiency in application [/docs/ML1509/ML15093A261.pdf] 04/15/15 - A Licensee resubmits application [/docs/ML1605/ML16056A543.html] 02/25/16 - A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 05/18/16 - A Issue letter indicating deficiency in application [/docs/ML1610/ML16106A019.pdf] 05/18/16 - A Licensee submits revised application [/docs/ML1706/ML17069A296.html] 02/27/17 - A Complete Acceptance Review 05/02/17 - A Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Water resources, Cumulative Impacts, Confinement, MILDOS, Background Radiological Characteristics 07/27/17 - A


Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Site Characterization, Waste Disposal, Occupational and Radiological Impacts, Accidents 08/28/17 - A


Licensee Response to RAIs numbers 1-19 [/docs/ML1727/ML17275A674.pdf] 09/25/17 - A Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant - Subject Areas: Administrative, 10/30/17 - A general [/docs/ML1729/ML17298B724.html]

Final SER [/docs/ML1811/ML18115A056.pdf] 08/07/18 - A 1/2

1/28/22, 1:07 PM Application Review Schedule For LC East/KM Horizon Amendment l Environmental Review

  • NRC letter to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) affirming the lead and cooperating agency designations for the environmental impact statement (EIS) and for the Section 106 process 12/04/14 - A under the National Historic Preservation Act [/docs/ML1430/ML14303A508.pdf]

BLM's Federal Register notice of intent to prepare the EIS - A 2015-09-14/pdf/2015-23059.pdf

NRC's RAIs Issued to Applicant - see RAI schedule shown in Safety Review schedule, above see above BLM published Draft EIS [/docs/ML1825/ML18254A408.pdf] 08/31/18 - A BLM Publishes Final EIS 12/31/18 - T

  • Timeline based on 30-day response to RAIs issued on 7/31 & 9/5, and a 60-day response to RAIs issued 11/1.

These RAIs will cover both safety and EIS topics. The NRC is a cooperating agency in the development of the EIS for this proposed amendment, and BLM is the lead agency.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 13, 2018 2/2

1/28/22, 1:04 PM LC East/KM Horizon l LC East/KM Horizon Who: Lost Creek ISR LLC Application for an In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-What: recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Expansion When: October 10, 2014 (publicly available) to March 13, 2017 (View Larger Image) Where: Sweetwater County, Wyoming

[/images/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/lostcreekeastandkm-lrg.gif] Docket: 40-9068 This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/lc-east-km-horizon/lc-east-km-horizon-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/lc-east-km-horizon/lc-east-km-horizon-schedule.html]

Contacts for the LC East/KM Horizon Application Environmental Review Christine Pineda Safety Review John Saxton Contact a Public Affairs Officer [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

Public Meetings 1/2

1/28/22, 1:04 PM LC East/KM Horizon l Meeting with Lost Creek to discuss the Lost Creek ISR Lost Creek East Hydrologic Test Plan 07/19/2016 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1619/ML16196A124.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1622/ML16222A723.pdf]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 2/2

2/1/22, 8:31 AM Moore Ranch Site l Moore Ranch Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Campbell County, Wyoming Docket Number: 40-9073 License: SUA-1596 (Expires September 28, 2020)

Licensee: Uranium One Americas, Inc.

In Situ Recovery (ISR)

[/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-Facility Type: methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html] Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/moore-ranch/is-moore-ranch.pdf]

(View Larger Image) [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed- Pending Licensing None facilities/moore-ranch/moore-ranch- Actions:


Facility Performance Information Contacts License and Safety Evaluation Report


  • Project Manager: Douglas Environmental Impact Statement [/reading-rm/doc- Mandeville collections/nuregs/staff/sr1910/s1/] (NUREG-1910 Supp. 1) NRC Public Affairs Office in Region Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc- 4 [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-collections/enforcement/actions/materials/m.html] opa.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/] **

News & Correspondence Related Information 1/2

2/1/22, 8:31 AM Moore Ranch Site l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming [/info-finder/region-state/wyoming.html]

Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities [/info-finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Hearing Opportunities and License Press Releases [/site-help/search.html?] Applications [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-Public Meetings [/materials/uranium-recovery/public.html] license-applications.html]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/] ** NRC Emergency Preparedness and Response [/about-nrc/emerg-Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc-collections/gen- preparedness.html]

comm/] **

Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] FEMA's State Offices


and Agencies of Emergency Management


Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) [/reading-rm/adams.html]

(for related documents)

  • Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-recovery/inspections.html] .
    • These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Smith Ranch to search for related documents.

To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and

      • Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021 2/2

2/1/22, 8:17 AM Nichols Ranch ISR Project l Nichols Ranch ISR Project Campbell and Johnson Counties, Wyoming Docket Number: 40-9067 License: SUA-1597 Licensee: Uranerz Energy Corporation Facility Type: In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/nichols-ranch/is-nichols-ranch.pdf]

Pending Licensing Actions: None For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Nichols Ranch Application Documents


Nichols Ranch Application Review Schedule [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/nichols-ranch/nichols-ranch-schedule.html]

Jane Dough Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough/jane-dough-app-docs.html]

Jane Dough Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/jane-dough/jane-dough-schedule.html]

Facility Performance Information Contacts Materials License SUA-1597, Amendment 5


Jane Dough Expansion:

Safety Evaluation Report


Environmental Assessment


Finding of No Significant Impact Project Manager:


Original License Issued July 19, 2011 Ron Linton NRC Public Affairs Office in Region

[/docs/ML1117/ML111751649.pdf] 4 [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-Original Safety Evaluation Report

[/docs/ML1022/ML102240206.pdf] opa.html]

Original Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement


Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc-collections/enforcement/actions/materials/n.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/]

Inspection Reports [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/nichols-ranch/inspection-reports.html]

News & Correspondence Related Information 1/3

2/1/22, 8:17 AM Nichols Ranch ISR Project l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming


Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities [/info-finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Hearing Opportunities and License Press Releases [/site-help/search.html?] Applications [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-Public Meetings [/materials/uranium-recovery/public.html] license-applications.html]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/] ** NRC Emergency Preparedness and Response [/about-nrc/emerg-Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc-collections/gen- preparedness.html]

comm/] **

Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] *** FEMA's State Offices


and Agencies of Emergency Management


Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)

[/reading-rm/adams.html] (for related documents)

Semi-Annual Effluent and Environmental Monitoring Reports ADAMS Accession Number Semi-Annual Period ML16252A287 [/docs/ML1625/ML16252A287.pdf] January - June 2016 ML16091A186 [/docs/ML1609/ML16091A186.pdf] July - December 2015 ML15314A793 [/docs/ML1531/ML15314A793.pdf] January - June 2015 ML15076A032 [/docs/ML1507/ML15076A032.pdf] July - December 2014 ML14241A024 [/docs/ML1424/ML14241A024.pdf] January - June 2014 ML14051A560 [/docs/ML1405/ML14051A560.pdf] July - December 2013 Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-

  • recovery/inspections.html] .

These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Nichols Ranch to search for related

    • documents.

To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and

      • Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/3

2/1/22, 8:17 AM Nichols Ranch ISR Project l 3/3

2/1/22, 8:20 AM Application Review Schedule For Nichols Ranch l Application Review Schedule for Nichols Ranch The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Uranerz Energy submitted to obtain a license for its Nichols Ranch In Situ Recovery site.

Completion Date Key Milestones Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered 11/30/07 - A Acceptance Review Acceptance Review Start 1/31/08 - A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 4/14/08 - A Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant 9/11/08 - A Final Safety Evaluation Report (SER) completed 7/19/11 - A Environmental Review RAIs Issued to Applicant 3/12/09 - A Draft SEIS issued to EPA 12/11/09 - A Public comment period 3/3/10 - A Final SEIS issued to EPA 1/21/11 - A License License issued 7/19/11 - A
  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1/2

2/1/22, 8:20 AM Application Review Schedule For Nichols Ranch l 2/2

2/1/22, 8:27 AM Reno Creek l Reno Creek This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Campbell Co., WY Docket Number: 40-9092 License: SUA-1602 (Expires: 2/28/2027)

Licensee: AUC LLC In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-Facility Type: recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Site Summary Application Documents

[/docs/ML1228/ML122890785.html] Application Review Schedule [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/reno-creek/reno-creek-schedule.html]

Facility Performance Information Contacts License [/docs/ML1636/ML16364A219.pdf] Technical Project Manager: James Final Safety Evaluation Report Webb Environmental Project Manager: Jill

[/docs/ML1636/ML16364A227.pdf] Caverly Record of Decision [/docs/ML1701/ML17011A195.pdf]

NRC Public Affairs Office in Region 4 Section 106 Programmatic Agreement [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-Change of Control [/docs/ML1717/ML17178A046.html]


News & Correspondence Related Information 1/2

2/1/22, 8:27 AM Reno Creek l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming


Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities [/info-Public Meetings for AUC LLC Reno Creek [/info- finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Hearing Opportunities and License finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/reno- Applications [/about-creek/public-meetings.html]

Press Releases [/site-help/search.html? nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html]] NRC Emergency Preparedness and Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/] ** Response [/about-nrc/emerg-preparedness.html]

Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc- FEMA's State Offices collections/gen-comm/] **

Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] *** [10] and Agencies of Emergency Management


Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)

[/reading-rm/adams.html] (for related documents)

  • Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-recovery/inspections.html] .
    • These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Reno Creek to search for related documents.
      • To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

2/1/22, 8:24 AM Application Review Schedule For Reno Creek l Application Review Schedule for Reno Creek The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that AUC, LLC submitted to obtain a license for its Reno Creek In Situ Recovery site.

Completion Key Milestones Date Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered 10/05/12 Acceptance Review Acceptance Review Start 03/18/13 - A Docketing Decision Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 06/18/13 - A Safety Review

  • Requests for Additional Information (RAIs [/docs/ML1336/ML13365A110.html] ) Issued to 02/10/14 - A Applicant Final Safety Evaluation Report (SER [/docs/ML1623/ML16237A141.html] ) completed 09/30/16 - A Environmental Review
  • RAIs [/docs/ML1336/ML13365A110.html] Issued 02/10/14 - A Draft SEIS [/docs/ML1618/ML16181A082.pdf] issued 06/30/16 - A Public comment period ends 09/06/16 - A Final SEIS [/docs/ML1634/ML16342A973.pdf] issued 12/16/16 - A License Licensing Action Completed - License [/docs/ML1636/ML16364A219.pdf] , Record of Decision

[/docs/ML1701/ML17011A195.pdf] , and Final Revised SER 02/17/17 - A

[/docs/ML1636/ML16364A227.pdf] Issued

  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page. 1/2

2/1/22, 8:24 AM Application Review Schedule For Reno Creek l Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

4/28/22, 1:37 PM Public Meetings For AUC LLC Reno Creek l Public Meetings for AUC LLC Reno Creek This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Date Description Public Meeting with AUC LLC to Discuss the Reno Creek ISR Project License Application 10/08/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1526/ML15260B309.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1532/ML15323A358.pdf]

NRC-AUC public meeting to address open issues on the AUC Reno Creek ISR project application for a source material license 03/31/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1508/ML15089A389.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1511/ML15113B097.html]

Public Meeting to address the Reno Creek ISR project application for a source material license and responses to requests for additional information 10/23/2014 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1428/ML14281A800.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1430/ML14309A251.html]

Public Meeting to address the Reno Creek ISR project application for a source material license and responses to requests for additional information 10/08/2014 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1426/ML14266A580.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1430/ML14307A759.pdf]

Public Meeting to address the Reno Creek ISR project application for a source material license and responses to requests for additional information 10/02/2014 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1426/ML14261A341.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1430/ML14309A127.pdf]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1/1

2/1/22, 8:25 AM Ross Site l Ross Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Crook County, Wyoming Docket Number: 40-9091 License: SUA-1601 (Expires: 4/30/2024)

Licensee: Strata Energy, Inc.

In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-Facility Type: recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ross/is-strata-ross.pdf]

Pending Licensing Actions:

Kendrick Amendment Request [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/kendrick.html] (suspended)

Application Documents


Application Review Schedule [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ross/ross-schedule.html] [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ross/ross-app-docs.html]

Facility Performance Information Contacts Amendment 8


Safety Evaluation Report


Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Project Manager: Ron Burrows Statement with Errata NRC Public Affairs Office in Region 4 [/about-

[/docs/ML1405/ML14056A096.pdf] and nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

Record of Decision


Section 106 Programmatic Agreement


News & Correspondence Related Information 1/2

2/1/22, 8:25 AM Ross Site l Nuclear Materials Quick Links [/materials/ql-materials.html]

Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming [/info-finder/region-state/wyoming.html]

Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities Public Meetings for Strata Energy Inc.'s Ross [/info-finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Site [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ross/public-meetings.html] Hearing Opportunities and License Applications

[/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-Press Releases [/site-help/search.html? license-applications.html]]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc- NRC Emergency Preparedness and Response


collections/commission/] ** FEMA's State Offices Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc-collections/gen-comm/] ** [12] and Agencies of Emergency Management Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] *** [13]

Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) [/reading-rm/adams.html] (for related documents)

  • Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-recovery/inspections.html] .
    • These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Strata Ross to search for related documents.
      • To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

2/1/22, 8:22 AM Application Documents For Ross l Application Documents for Ross This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Document Type Author Addressee Affiliation Docket

& Estimated Page Count Date Affiliation Number J. Saxton Ltr Re: Responses to the Request for Additional Information for the Ross ISR Project Technical Review 6-Apr-2012 Letter Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP* [#1] 04009091


Strata Ross RAI Responses Vol 1 and 2 to Appendix B 6-Apr-2012 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME* [#1] 04009091


Ross TR RAI Response Vol 2 Appendix B thru Appendix C 6-Apr-2012 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME* [#1] 04009091


J. Saxton Letter Re: Responses to the RAI NRC/Document Control Desk for the Ross ISR Project Environmental 30-Mar-2012 Letter Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD/URB* 04009091 Review [/docs/ML1210/ML121030406.pdf] [#1]

RAI Question and Answer Responses Environmental Report 30-Mar-2012 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME* [#1] 04009091


Letter from Strata Energy Inc, Submitting Combined Source and 11e.(2) Byproduct Material License Application Requesting Letter Authorization to Construct and Operate License-Application for Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1]

4-Jan-2011 04009091 Proposed Ross In Situ Leach Uranium (Amend/Renewal/New)

Recovery Project Site. for DKT 30, 40, 70 10 Page(s)

[/docs/ML1101/ML110120055.pdf] 1/5

2/1/22, 8:22 AM Application Documents For Ross l Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-A, 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Figure 42 - Appendix A.

34 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-B, 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Addendum 6.4-A.

124 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 1 of 6, Sections 1.0 through 2.11, Section 2.9, Background 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Radiological Characteristics - End.

99 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 3 of 6, Sections Addenda 1.2-A through 2.7-C, Cover - Addendum 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 2.6-B.

212 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 3 of 6, Sections Addenda 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 1.2-A through 2.7-C, Addendum 2.6-C.

23 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 3 of 6, Sections Addenda 1.2-A through 2.7-C, Addendum 2.6-B 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 (Continued).

137 Page(s)

[/docs/ML1101/ML110130314.pdf] 2/5

2/1/22, 8:22 AM Application Documents For Ross l Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 4 of 6, Sections Addenda 2.7-D through 2.7-H. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 597 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 5 of 6, Sections Addenda 2.7-I through 2.9-B, Cover - Addendum 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 2.7-J through 2.9-A.

817 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 5 of 6, Sections Addenda 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 2.7-I through 2.9-B, Addendum 2.7-K.

232 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 5 of 6, Sections Addenda 2.7-I through 2.9-B, Addendum 2.9-B. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 16 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 5 of 6, Sections Addenda 2.7-I through 2.9-B, Addendum 2.9-B 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 (Continued).

37 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 6 of 6, Sections Addenda 2.9-C through 6.4-A, Cover - Addendum 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 3.1-A.

426 Page(s)

[/docs/ML1101/ML110130324.pdf] 3/5

2/1/22, 8:22 AM Application Documents For Ross l Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-A, Cover Page through Figure 6. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 61 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-A, Figure 6 - Figure 13. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 7 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-A, 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME* [#1] 04009091 Figure 14 - Figure 23.

10 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 1 of 6, Sections 1.0 through 2.11, Cover Letter - Section 2.8.5 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091

- Aquatic Resources.

334 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report Volume 2 of 6, Sections 3.0 through 11.0. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 495 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Technical Report, Volume 6 of 6, Addendum 4.2-A, Figure 24 - Figure 41. 31-Dec-2010 Report, Technical Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 20 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 3, Cover through Section 3.5, Ecological Resources. 31-Dec-2010 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 419 Page(s)

[/docs/ML1101/ML110130342.pdf] 4/5

2/1/22, 8:22 AM Application Documents For Ross l Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Environmental Report, Volume 2 of 3, Cover through 31-Dec-2010 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Glossary.

513 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Environmental Report, Volume 3 of 3, Cover through 31-Dec-2010 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Addendum 3.3-F.

203 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Environmental Report, Volume 3 of 3, Addendum 3.4-A Dec-2010 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Addendum 3.4-B.

71 Page(s)


Ross ISR Project USNRC License Application - Strata Energy, Environmental Report, Volume 3 of 3, Addendum 3.5-A -

31-Dec-2010 Environmental Report Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* [#1] 04009091 Addendum 4.6-A.

286 Page(s)


Addendum Vol. 6.1-A Restoration Action Plan w/Financial Assurance Estimate for Strata Energy's Ross ISR Materials 31-Dec-2010 Task Action Plan Strata Energy, Inc NRC/FSME* [#1] 04009091 License Application.

91 Page(s

[/docs/ML1101/ML110190468.pdf] )

[*] The Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME) merged with Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) on October 6, 2014.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 5/5

4/28/22, 1:46 PM Public Meetings For Strata Energy Inc.'s Ross Site l Public Meetings for Strata Energy Inc.'s Ross Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Date Description Public Meeting to Discuss Strata Energy, Inc.'s Approach to Addressing License Conditions 12.7, 12.8, and 10.13 10/20/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1527/ML15275A211.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1532/ML15324A286.pdf]

Public Meeting to Discuss Pre-Operation Issues for Strata Ross ISR Project 10/13/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1527/ML15275A195.pdf]

Meeting Summary: No meeting held - no one called into bridgeline Public Meeting to Discuss Staffs Critical Issues with Verification of Stratas Mine Unit 1 Wellfield Package 09/29/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1525/ML15258A297.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1532/ML15323A073.pdf]

Public Meeting to Discuss Staffs Critical Issues with Verification of Stratas Mine Unit 1 Wellfield Package 08/10/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1521/ML15211A448.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1528/ML15281A292.pdf]

Public Meeting to Comment on the Strata Energy Ross Site Annual Report on Implementation of the Programmatic Agreement for the Project for Cultural Resources Management 05/15/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1512/ML15120A082.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1514/ML15141A495.pdf]

Meeting between NRC and Strata to Discuss Update on Development of the Ross Project 02/03/2015 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1435/ML14356A549.pdf]

To discuss license conditions in License SUA-1601 with Strata Energy, Inc. (the licensee) 05/15/2014 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1416/ML14160A080.pdf]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021 1/2

4/28/22, 1:46 PM Public Meetings For Strata Energy Inc.'s Ross Site l 2/2

2/1/22, 8:29 AM Smith Ranch Site l Smith Ranch Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Douglas, Wyoming (Converse County)

Docket Number: 40-8964 License: SUA-1548 (Expires September 30, 2010)

Licensee: Power Resources, Inc.

Facility Type: In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/is-smith-ranch.pdf]

Pending Licensing Actions: License Renewal [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch.html]

Application Received: February 1, 2012 Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch/smith-ranch-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch/smith-ranch-app-review-schedule.html]

Facility Performance Information Contacts License - Amendment 24


Inspection Report [/docs/ML1707/ML17079A564.pdf]

  • Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc-collections/enforcement/actions/materials/s.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/] Project Manager (Technical Review):

Douglas Mandeville

    • NRC Public Affairs Office in Region 4 ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]


ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/isr-wellfield-excursion-ground-water-quality-data.html]

News & Correspondence Related Information 1/2

2/1/22, 8:29 AM Smith Ranch Site l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming


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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

1/28/22, 1:15 PM Smith Ranch Highland l Smith Ranch Highland Who: Power Resources Inc.

Application for a Renewal at an In Situ Recovery (ISR)

What: [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html] Site When: February 1 , 2012 (date of application submittal)

(View Larger Image)

[/images/materials/uranium- Where: Converse, WY Campbell, Johnson, Fremont, and Natrona Counties, recovery/license-apps/sitesummary_smithranch-lrg.gif] Docket: 40-8964 For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Application Documents [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch/smith-ranch-app-docs.html]

Application Review Schedule [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch/smith-ranch-app-review-schedule.html]

Section 106 [/materials/uranium-recovery/license-apps/smith-ranch/section106-smith-ranch.html]

Contacts for the Smith Ranch Highland Application Environmental Review James Park Safety Review Doug Mandeville Contact a Public Affairs Officer [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

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Public Meetings Public Meeting with Cameco to discuss Request for Additional Information regarding the Smith Ranch License Renewal 04/06/2017 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1708/ML17082A272.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1710/ML17101A469.pdf] 1/2

1/28/22, 1:15 PM Smith Ranch Highland l Technical Meeting with Cameco Resources to discuss determination of stability of groundwater restoration efforts 09/14/2016 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1623/ML16237A268.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1627/ML16270A029.pdf]

Meeting with Cameco Resources to discuss Request for Additional Information on License Renewal 05/16/2013 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1311/ML13116A060.pdf]

Meeting with Cameco Resources/Smith Ranch License Renewal 02/07/2013 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1302/ML13024A066.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1305/ML13053A516.pdf]

Meeting with Cameco Resources/Smith Ranch License Renewal 9/05/2012 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1216/ML12165A264.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1225/ML12257A029.pdf]

Meeting with Power Resources Inc. to discuss pre-submission review of Smith Ranch License Renewal Application 9/19/2011 - 9/20/2011 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1122/ML112220137.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1129/ML112980437.pdf]

Meeting with Power Resources Inc. to discuss Smith Ranch License Renewal Application 3/17/2011 Meeting Notice [/docs/ML1106/ML110601046.pdf]

Meeting Summary [/docs/ML1109/ML110950222.pdf]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 02, 2020 2/2

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Application Documents for Smith Ranch Highland The following table lists the documents that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received or issued in connection with the license renewal application for the Smith Ranch Highland In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]


This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Document Author Addressee Affiliation Docket

& Estimated Page Count Date Type Affiliation Number Lidstone &

Associates, Cameco Resources License Renewal Application Electronic 5/10/2012 Letter Inc.; NRC/Document Control Desk 04008964 Submittal. [/docs/ML1215/ML12159A397.pdf] (1 Page) NRC/FSME/OIS* [#1]

Cameco Resources Cameco Resources, Correction to License Renewal Application Cameco Electronic Files and Technical Report List of Appendices. 2/16/2012 Letter Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1215/ML12159A398.pdf] (2 Pages)

Cameco Resources, Request for License Renewal of NRC License SUA-1548; Submittal of License Renewal Application in 2/1/2012 Letter Cameco NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD* 04008964 Response to Acceptance Review Comments. Resources [#1]

[/docs/ML1215/ML12159A399.pdf] (16 Pages)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Table of Contents - Chapter 10.0, Part 1 of 4. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A067.pdf] (302 Pages) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, List of Tables - Table 10-5, Part 2 of 4. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A068.pdf] (72 Pages) Technical Resources 1/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, List of Figures, Part 3 of 4. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A069.pdf] (2 Pages) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.1, "General SUA-1548 Location Map," Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Technical; NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 4-1. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A063.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.2, "Location Map," Part 3 of 4-2. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A065.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Report, Figure 1.3, "General Site Map," Part 3 of 4-3. 2/29/2012 Technical; Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A066.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.4, "East Area," Part 3 of 4-0. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A070.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Report, Figure 1.5, "Central Area," Part 3 of 4-5. 2/29/2012 Technical; Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A071.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.6, "West Area," Part 3 of 4-6. 2/29/2012 Technical; NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A079.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.7, "South Area," Part 3 of 4-7. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A080.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.8, "Southwest Area," Part 3 of 4-8. 2/29/2012 Technical; NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A081.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.9, "Reynolds Ranch Detailed Site Map," Part 3 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 of 4-9. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A074.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Report, Figure 1.10, "General Site Map," Part 3 of 4-10. 2/29/2012 Technical; Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A073.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.11, "East Site Map," Part 3 of 4-11. 2/29/2012 Technical; NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A075.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources 2/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.12, "West Site Map," Part 3 of 4-12. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A076.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 1.13, "Site Map," Part 3 of 4-13. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A077.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 2.1, "Regional Coal, CBM, Oil and Gas," Part 3 2/29/2012 Technical; NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 of 4-14. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A078.pdf] (1 Page) Map Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.1, "Satellite Floor Plan," Part 3 of 4-15. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A087.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.2, "Carol Shop Floor Plan," Part 3 of 4-16. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A088.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.3, "Alternative Satellite Floor Plan," Part 3 of 4- 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

17. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A089.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Figure 3.4, "Mine Unit Location Map," Part 3 of 4-18. 2/29/2012 Technical; Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A090.pdf] (1 Page) Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.5 "Mine Unit 1 Location Map" Part 3 of 4-19. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A091.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.6, "Modeled Pattern Configurations", Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources 4-20. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A092.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.7, "Simulation Index Map", Part 3 of 4-21. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A082.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.8, "Typical 5-Spot Pattern", Part 3 of 4-22. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A083.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.9, "Typical 7-Spot Pattern", Part 3 of 4-23. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A084.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources 3/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.10, "Line and Staggered Line Drive Patterns", 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part 3 of 4-24. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A085.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.11, "Typical Injection Well", Part 3 of 4-25. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A086.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.12, "Typical Production Well", Part 3 of 4-26. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A093.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.13 "Typical Monitor Well", Part 3 of 4-27. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A094.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.14 "Typical Drill Site in Even Terrain", Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources 4-28. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A095.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.15 "Typical Drill Site in Rough Terrain", Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 4-29. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A096.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.16 "Mine Unit #1 Delineation Drilling", Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 4-30. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A097.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Gas Hills Remote Satellite, Figure 3.17 "Mine Unit #1 Cameco Development Plan", Part 3 of 4-31. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A098.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.18 "CPP Site Map", Part 3 of 4-32. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A105.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.19 "CPP Floor Plan", Part 3 of 4-33. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A106.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.20 "CPF Site Map", Part 3 of 4-34. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A107.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.21 "CPF Floor Plan", Part 3 of 4-35. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A108.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources 4/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report Figure 3.22 "Satellite 1 Site Map", Part 3 of 4-36. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A109.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.23 "Satellite 2 and Selenium Plant Site Map", 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources Part 3 of 4-37. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A110.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.24 "Satellite 2 Floor Plan", Part 3 of 4-38. 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A111.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.25 "Satellite 3 Site Plan", Part 3 of 4-39. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A112.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report Figure 3.26 "Satellite 3 Floor Plan", Part 3 of 4-40. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A113.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.27 "Satellite SR-1 Site Map", Part 3 of 4-41. 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A114.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.28 "Satellite SR-1 Floor Plan", Part 3 of 4-42. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A115.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.29, Rev. 0, "Satellite SR-2 Site Map," Part 3 of 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 4-43. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A116.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.30, Rev. 0, "Satellite SR-2 Floor Plan," Part 3 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 of 4-44. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A117.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.31, Rev. 0, "Reynolds Ranch Satellite Site 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Plan," Part 3 of 4-45. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A118.pdf] (1 Technical Resources Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.32, Rev. 0, "Reynolds Ranch Satellite Floor 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Plan," Part 3 of 4-46. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A119.pdf] (1 Resources Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figures 3.33, Rev. 0, "Mine Unit Piping Diagram," Part 3 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 of 4-47. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A120.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources 5/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 3.34, Rev. 0, "PSR-1 Interceptor Trench Details," 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part 3 of 4-48. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A121.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.35, Rev. 0, "Primary and Secondary Access Cameco Road Construction," Part 3 of 4-49. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A122.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.36, Rev. 0, "North Butte Waste Water Cameco Treatment Schematic," Part 3 of 4-50. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A099.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.37, Rev. 0, "Disposal Well Building Layout," 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources Part 3 of 4-51. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A102.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Figures 3.38, Rev. 0, "Pump Station No. 1 - Typical Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Layout," Part 3 of 4-52. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A103.pdf] (1 Technical Resources Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Figure 3.39, Rev. 0, "Pump Station No. 2 & No. 3 Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Typical Layout," Part 3 of 4-53. Technical Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A104.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 3.40, Rev. 0, "PMF Diversions and Evaporation 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Ponds," Part 3 of 4-54. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A145.pdf] (1 Resources Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 5.1, "Cameco Organizational Chart," Part 3 of 4- 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

55. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A146.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 5.2, Rev. 0, "Radiological Sampling Locations at 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 the CPP," Part 3 of 4-56. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A147.pdf] Resources (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 5.3, Rev. 0, "Radiological Sampling Locations at Cameco Satellite 2 and Selenium Plant," Part 3 of 4-57. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A132.pdf] (1 Page) 6/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Figure 5.4, Rev. 0, "Radiological Sampling Locations at Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Satellite 3," Part 3 of 4-58. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A133.pdf] Technical Resources (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 5.5, Rev. 0, "Radiological Sampling Locations at 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 SR-1," Part 3 of 4-59. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A134.pdf] (1 Resources Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 5.6, Rev. 0, "Radiological Sampling Locations at Cameco ST-2," Part 3 of 4-60. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A135.pdf] (1 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 5.7, Rev. 0, "Environmental Sampling Location Cameco Map," Part 3 of 4-61. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A136.pdf] (1 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Figure 5.8, Rev. 0, "Environmental Sampling Location Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Report, NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Map," Part 3 of 4-62. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A137.pdf] (1 Technical Resources Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Figure 5.9, Rev. 0, "Sample Location Monitoring Map," 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part 3 of 4-63. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A138.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Figure 7.1, Rev. 0, "Human Exposure Pathways for 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Know and Potential Sources from the Smith Ranch Project," Resources Part 3 of 4-64. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A140.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Appendices A through G, Part 4 of 4 ABCDEFG. 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A141.pdf] (1 Page) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Report, Cameco Report, Appendix H, "Gas Hills Road Design Carol Shop Road," 2/29/2012 Technical Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part 4 of 4 HA. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A142.pdf] (51 Pages)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Cameco Report, Appendix H, "Gas Hills Road Design Dry Creek Road," 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part 4 of 4 HB. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A143.pdf] (73 Pages) Technical Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Appendix H, "Gas Hills Road Design Dry Creek Road," 2/29/2012 Report, Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources Part 4 of 4 HC. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A144.pdf] (56 Pages) Technical 7/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Technical Drawing; Report, Appendix I, "Smith Ranch Analysis of Day, Week, and Cameco Year Classification". [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A148.pdf] (373 2/29/2012 Report, Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Technical Pages)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Part 1 of 4. 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A172.pdf] (247 Pages) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Cameco Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Tables-Part 2 of 4. 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A173.pdf] (149 Pages) Report Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 1.1, "General Cameco SUA-1548 Location Map," Part 3 of 4-1. 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A174.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 1.2, "Location 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Map," Part 3 of 4-2. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A182.pdf] (1 Resources Report; Map Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.1, "Powder and Cameco Wing River Basins," Part 3 of 4-3. 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A186.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.2, "Powder and Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Wing River Basins," Part 3 of 4-4. Report; Map Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A187.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.3, "Projected Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Coal Development in the Powder River Basin - Lower Limit," Report; Map Resources Part 3 of 4-5. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A188.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.4, "Projected Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Coal Development in the Powder River Basin - Upper Limit," Resources Part 3 of 4-6. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A189.pdf] (1 Page) Report; Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.5, "Regional Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Coal, CBM, Oil and Gas," Part 3 of 4-7. Resources Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A190.pdf] (1 Page) 8/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.6, "Regional Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Power Generation, "Part 3 of 4-8. Resources Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A191.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 2.7, "CBM In the Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Wind River Basin," Part 3 of 4-9. Resources Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A192.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.1, "Regional Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Ownership," Part 3 of 4-10. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A175.pdf] Resources Report; Map (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.2, "Regional 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Managed Lands," Part 3 of 4-11. Resources Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A176.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.3, "Regional Cameco MLRA," Part 3 of 4-12. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A168.pdf] (1 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report; Map Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.4, Cameco "Ownership," Part 3 of 4-13. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A170.pdf] 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report; Map (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.5, "Cropland Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Data Layer," Part 3 of 4-14. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A171.pdf] Report; Map Resources (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.6, Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 "Ownership," Part 3 of 4-15. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A177.pdf] Resources (1 Page) Report; Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.7, North Butte Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Cropland Data Layer," Part 3 of 4-16 Resources Report; Map

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A178.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.8, Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 "Ownership," Part 3 of 4-17. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A179.pdf] Resources Report; Map (1 Page) 9/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.9, "Gas Hill Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Cropland Data Layer," Part 3 of 4-18. Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A180.pdf] (1 Page) Report; Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Volume 1 of 1, Figure 3.1.10, Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 "Ownership," Part 3 of 4-19. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A181.pdf] Resources (1 Page) Report; Map Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.1.11, "Ruth Cropland Data Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Layer," Part 3 of 4-20. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A183.pdf] (1 Resources Report Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.1.1, "Schematic Cross Section," 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources Part 3 of 4-21. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A184.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.3.2, "Shallow Aquifer Cameco Investigation Well Location Map," Part 3 of 4-22. 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A185.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.1, "Surface Water and Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Groundwater Rights Location Map," Part 3 of 4-23. Report Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A206.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Cameco Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.2, "Borehole," Part 3 of 4-24. 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A207.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.3, "Well Completion Log," Part 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources 3 of 4-25. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A208.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Cameco Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.4, "Borehole Log," Part 3 of 4- 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources

26. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A209.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.5, "Surface Water & Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Groundwater Rights Location Map," Part 3 of 4-27. Resources Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A210.pdf] (1 Page) 10/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.6, "Surface Water & Cameco Groundwater Rights Location Map," Part 3 of 4-28. 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A211.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.7, "Updated Potentiometric Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Surface Map," Part 3 of 4-29. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A212.pdf] Report Resources (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.4.8, "Surface Water & Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Groundwater Rights Location Map," Part 3 of 4-30. Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A213.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.10.1 "Population Centers within Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 80 Kilometers," Part 3 of 4-31. Resources

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A214.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Figure 3.10.2, "Populations Center within Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 80 Kilometers," Part 3 of 4-32. Resources Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A193.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Figure 3.10.3, "Populations Center within Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 80 Kilometers," Part 3 of 4-33. Resources Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A194.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Environmental Report, Figure 3.10.4, "Population Center within Drawing; Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 80 Kilometers," Part 3 of 4-34. Resources Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A195.pdf] (1 Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Cameco Environmental Report, Figure 3.11.1,"Radiation Exposure," Part 2/29/2012 Environmental Resources NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 3 of 4-35. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A196.pdf] (1 Page) Report Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Appendices A Through F, Part 4 of 4 Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Appendix A Part A. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A197.pdf] (72 Resources Pages) Report Cameco Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Resources; Environmental Report, Appendices, "Map 1," Part 4 of 4 2/29/2012 Environmental Hayden- NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Appendix A Part B. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A199.pdf] (1 Report; Map Wing Page)

Associates 11/12

2/1/22, 8:36 AM Application Documents For Smith Ranch Highland l Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Appendices, "Map 2," Part 4 of 4 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Appendix A Part C. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A201.pdf] (1 Resources Report; Map Page)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Appendices B Through D, Part 4 of 4 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Appendix BCD. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A203.pdf] (79 Resources Report Pages)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Cameco Environmental Report, Appendices E, Part 4 of 4, Appendix E 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Part A. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A204.pdf] (68 Pages) Report Resources Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Appendices, "Attachment B - Oil and Gas Cameco 2/29/2012 Environmental NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Well Information," Part 4 of 4, Appendix E Part B. Resources Report

[/docs/ML1216/ML12163A205.pdf] (62 Pages)

Cameco Resources, License Renewal Application, Drawing; Environmental Report, Appendices, Part 4 of 4 App E Part C 2/29/2012 Environmental Cameco NRC/FSME* [#1] 04008964 Resources Appendix F. [/docs/ML1216/ML12163A215.pdf] (54 Pages) Report

[*] The Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME) merged with Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) on October 6, 2014.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 31, 2016 12/12

1/28/22, 1:20 PM Application Review Schedule For Smith Ranch Highland l Application Review Schedule for Smith Ranch Highland The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Power Resources, Inc. submitted to renew its license for the Smith Ranch Highland In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html] site.

Completion Key Milestones Date Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered 02/1/2012 -

A Acceptance Review 02/9/2012 -

Acceptance Review Start A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete 07/5/2012 -

A Safety Review

  • 05/02/2013 Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant -A 04/21/2015 RAI response [/docs/ML1606/ML16063A418.html] received from applicant

-A 2nd round of RAIs [/docs/ML1519/ML15190A391.pdf] issued to applicant 08/07/2015

-A Acceptance Review [/docs/ML1610/ML16109A207.pdf] of Round 1 of RAIs complete, RAIs not 04/29/2016 sufficient [/docs/ML1610/ML16109A027.pdf] for staff to be able to complete review -A 04/14/2017 Status letter issued to applicant [/docs/ML1703/ML17037D030.pdf]

-A Schedule letter issued to applicant [/docs/ML1717/ML17174A904.pdf] identifying 1/19/18 as 11/07/2017 RAI response target date -A Receive complete RAI response from Applicant 01/19/2018

- T **

03/07/2018 Partial RAI response received from applicant [/docs/ML1813/ML18130A032.html] -A 1/2

1/28/22, 1:20 PM Application Review Schedule For Smith Ranch Highland l Schedule letter issued to applicant [/docs/ML1808/ML18081A590.pdf] 05/31/2018

-A 09/24/2018 Safety Evaluation Report (SER) completed [/docs/ML1819/ML18193A540.pdf] -A Environmental Review

  • 05/02/2013 RAIs Issued

-A Draft EA issued 08/08/2018

-A Final EA issued [/docs/ML1825/ML18257A071.pdf] 09/20/2018

-A License 09/26/2018 Licensing Action Completed - License [/docs/ML1822/ML18222A515.pdf] Issued -A

  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.
    • NRC staff identified this as the latest date it could receive the the RAI responses from the licensee and be able to complete its review prior to the relinquishment of oversight of this facility to the State of Wyoming.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 27, 2018 2/2

1/28/22, 1:21 PM Smith Ranch Documents Pertaining To Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act And Solicitation Of Public Comment Smith Ranch Documents Pertaining to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Solicitation of Public Comments The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received an application from Power Resources (d/b/a Cameco Resources [Cameco]) dated February 1, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System

[ADAMS] Accession Number ML12159A399). By this application, Cameco requested renewal of NRC Source Material License SUA-1548 to authorize continued uranium in situ recovery at the Smith Ranch-Highland Uranium Project (the Project). The Project includes the Smith Ranch, Highland, and Reynolds Ranch sites in Converse County, the Gas Hills remote satellite site in Fremont and Natrona Counties, the North Butte remote satellite site in Campbell County, and the Ruth remote satellite site in Johnson County, Wyoming. The NRC staff is conducting an environmental review in accordance with the Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 51 (10 CFR Part 51), which implements the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). The NRC staff is also conducting a Section 106 review in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). NRC staff initiated its consultation under Section 106 for the project in December 2012. The staff is now providing documents for public consideration and comment consistent with 36 CFR § 800.4(d)(1).

The direct area of potential effect (APE) consists of the areas where proposed ground disturbing activities could occur. The NRC staff consulted with interested Native American Tribes to identify historic properties, specifically ones of religious and cultural significance. The NRC staff also reviewed the information provided by Cameco in its license renewal application. The NRC acknowledges that the Tribes possess special expertise in identifying properties of cultural and religious significance and assessing the significance of these properties to their individual Tribes. Based on the information found in the NRC staff's independent analysis, the NRC staff has preliminarily concluded that there are no additional sites of historic, cultural, or religious significance present in the APE. However, the sites that had been previously identified as eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places would remain in License SUA-1548, which states, in part, that Cameco must propose mitigation measures prior to performing any work in the area of the eligible sites. The NRC staff has documented its preliminary determination, detailing the Section 106 activities and cultural resources findings, and has included that documentation in the cultural resources sections of the draft Environmental Assessment for the Smith Ranch project. A document containing those sections is available in the link below.

NRC documentation of its Section 106 review findings. (Cultural Resources sections of draft Environmental Assessment [/docs/ML1821/ML18213A257.pdf] ) 1/2

1/28/22, 1:21 PM Smith Ranch Documents Pertaining To Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act And Solicitation Of Public Comment NRC is soliciting comments from the public on the document provided above or on the information stated here.

NRC staff will accept comments until Friday, September 7, 2018. Please submit your comments by email to [16] .

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 09, 2018 2/2

4/29/22, 1:58 PM ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data l ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data The links below contain in-situ recovery (ISR) wellfield baseline and restoration ground water quality data collected from the NRC licensed ISR Smith Ranch site for regulatory purposes. Hard copies of this information are publicly available in ADAMS, ADAMS legacy or in State records, however, to improve public access to the data, standardized MS Excel spreadsheets are being made available. The spreadsheets listed below contain the ISR wellfield ground water quality data for Smith Ranch and Highlands Uranium Project mine units through January 2012 ( contact: [17] ):

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 1 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-1.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 2 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-2.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 3 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-3.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 4 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-4.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 4A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-4a.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 9 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-9.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 15 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-15.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 15A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-15a.xls]

Smith Ranch Unit K [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-k.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-a.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit B [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-b.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit C [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-c.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit D [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-d.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit D Extension [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-dext.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit E [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-e.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit F [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-f.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit H [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-h.xls] 1/2

4/29/22, 1:58 PM ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data l Highlands Mine Unit I [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-i.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit J [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-j.xls]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

4/29/22, 1:58 PM Smith Ranch Resources - ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data l Smith Ranch Resources - ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data The links below contain in-situ recovery (ISR) wellfield excursion ground water quality data collected from the NRC licensed ISR Smith Ranch site for regulatory purposes. Hard copies of this information are publicly available in ADAMS, ADAMS legacy or in State records, however, to improve public access to the data, standardized MS Excel spreadsheets are being made available. The spreadsheets listed below contain the ISR wellfield excursion ground water quality data for Smith Ranch and Highlands Uranium Project mine units through January 2013 ( contact: [18] ):

Smith Ranch Highlands Mine Unit 1: No Excursions [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu1-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 2: No Excursions [/info- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mua-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit B [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mub-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu2-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit C [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 3: No Excursions [/info- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muc-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit D [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-ranch/sr-mu3-exc.xlsx] facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mud-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit 4 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed- Mine Unit D Extension: No Excursions [/info-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu4-exc.xlsx] finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-Mine Unit 4A: No Excursions [/info- ranch/hi-mudext-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit E: No Excursions [/info-ranch/sr-mu4a-exc.xlsx] finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-Mine Unit 9: No Excursions [/info- ranch/hi-mue-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit F [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-ranch/sr-mu9-exc.xlsx] facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muf-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit 15: No Excursions [/info- Mine Unit H [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muh-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu15-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit I [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 15A: No Excursions [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mui-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu15a-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit J [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muj-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit K [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-muk-exc.xlsx]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1/1

2/1/22, 8:19 AM Sweetwater Site l Sweetwater Site This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Sweetwater County, Wyoming Docket Number: 40-8584 License: SUA-1350 (Expires November 10, 2014)

Licensee: Kennecott Uranium Company Sweetwater Project Facility Type: Conventional Uranium Mill [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/conventional-mills.html]

Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/is-sweetwater.pdf]

For additional details regarding the Kennecott Renewal Application History, see the following related pages:

Kennecott Application Documents


Kennecott Application Review Schedule [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/sweetwater/sweetwater-app-review-schedule.html]

Pending Licensing Actions: None Facility Performance Information Contacts License Amendment 32


Inspection Report [/docs/ML0924/ML092470618.pdf] Project Manager (Technical Review):

  • James Webb Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc- NRC Public Affairs Office in Region 4 collections/enforcement/actions/materials/s.html] [/about-nrc/public-affairs/contact-opa.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/]

2/1/22, 8:19 AM Sweetwater Site l Nuclear Materials Quick Links


Other Nuclear Facilities in Wyoming [/info-finder/region-state/wyoming.html]

Locations of Other Uranium Recovery Facilities [/info-Press Releases [/site-help/search.html? finder/materials/uranium/index.html]

Hearing Opportunities and License] Applications [/about-Public Meetings [/materials/uranium-recovery/public.html] nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc- NRC Emergency Preparedness and collections/commission/]

  • Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc- Response [/about-nrc/emerg-preparedness.html]


  • FEMA's State Offices Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] ***

[19] and Agencies of Emergency Management


Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) [/reading-rm/adams.html] (for related documents)

  • Also see Oversight of Licensed Uranium Recovery Operations [/materials/uranium-recovery/inspections.html] .
      • To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), use the Advanced Search function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

2/1/22, 8:28 AM Application Review Schedule For Sweetwater Uranium Mill l Application Review Schedule for Sweetwater Uranium Mill The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Kennecott Uranium Co. submitted to renew its license for the Sweetwater Uranium Mill Conventional Uranium Mill [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/conventional-mills.html] site.

Completion Key Milestones Date Actual - A Target - T Application Tendered (docketed date) [/docs/ML1425/ML14251A113.html] 09/08/14 - A Acceptance Review Financial Re-baseline Acceptance Review Complete 09/16/14 - A Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete for Technical Review 11/25/14 - A


Financial Review Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) on financial rebaseline portion of application 12/01/14 - A


Publish FRN - notice of Opportunity for hearing 01/30/15 - A Financial 5 year Rebaseline Amendment [/docs/ML1500/ML15008A153.pdf] Issued 02/02/15 - A Safety Review

  • Round 1 of RAIs Issued for Technical/Environmental Review 07/13/15 - A


Second Round of RAIs issued to licensee [/docs/ML1602/ML16028A179.pdf] 02/12/16 - A Draft License Conditions Issued 08/25/16 - A RAI responses received with change of design [/docs/ML1529/ML15293A244.html] 10/12/16 - A Third round of RAIs issued to the licensee [/docs/ML1701/ML17019A128.pdf] 06/16/17 - A Final Safety Evaluation Report (SER) completed [/docs/ML1805/ML18051A450.pdf] 02/28/18 - A Environmental Review 1/2

2/1/22, 8:28 AM Application Review Schedule For Sweetwater Uranium Mill l Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) Issued 03/26/18 - A Final EA Issued [/docs/ML1813/ML18135A206.pdf] 06/04/18 - A Record of Decision License Amendment [/docs/ML1810/ML18102B183.html] issued 07/05/18 - A

  • Timeline does not include extended lead times for applicants to respond to RAIs or open issues.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html] page.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

4/29/22, 12:05 PM Willow Creek Project l Willow Creek Project (Formally known as the Irigaray and Christensen Ranch Project)

This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Johnson & Campbell Counties, Wyoming Docket Number: 040-08502 License: SUA-1341 (Expires March 7, 2023)

Licensee: Uranium One, U.S.A., Inc.

Facility Type: In Situ Recovery (ISR) [/materials/uranium-recovery/extraction-methods/isl-recovery-facilities.html]

Site Summary [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/is-christensen-ranch.pdf]

For additional details regarding the Ludeman Expansion Application History, see the following related pages:

Ludeman Application Documents [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ludeman/ludeman-app-docs.html]

Ludeman Application Review Schedule [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ludeman/ludeman-schedule.html]

Ludeman Section 106 consultation [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/ludeman/section106-ludeman.html]

Pending Licensing Actions: None Facility Performance Information Source Materials License SUA-1341 - Amendment No. 6 [/docs/ML1808/ML18081A229.pdf]

Safety Evaluation Report [/docs/ML1808/ML18081A228.pdf]

Supplemental Environmental Assessment [/docs/ML1818/ML18183A225.pdf]

Inspection Report [/docs/ML0931/ML093100142.pdf]

Enforcement Actions [/reading-rm/doc-collections/enforcement/actions/materials/c.html]

Event Reports [/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/] **

ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/willow-creek/isr-wellfield-ground-water-quality-data.html]

ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/willow-creek/isr-wellfield-excursion-ground-water-quality-data.html]

Inspection Reports [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/willow-creek/inspection-reports.html]

News & Correspondence 1/3

4/29/22, 12:05 PM Willow Creek Project l Press Releases [/site-help/search.html?]

Public Meetings [/materials/uranium-recovery/public.html]

Commission Documents [/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/] **

Generic Communications [/reading-rm/doc-collections/gen-comm/] **

Correspondence [/reading-rm/adams.html] *** 2/3

4/29/22, 12:05 PM Willow Creek Project l Monitoring Reports Document ML082520208 [/docs/ML0825/ML082520208.pdf]

ML010590169 [/docs/ML0105/ML010590169.pdf]

ML020600251 [/docs/ML0206/ML020600251.pdf]

ML030800613 [/docs/ML0308/ML030800613.pdf] and ML030800614 [/docs/ML0308/ML030800614.pdf]

ML040710540 [/docs/ML0407/ML040710540.pdf]

ML050630077 [/docs/ML0506/ML050630077.pdf]

ML060600505 [/docs/ML0606/ML060600505.pdf]

ML070650279 [/docs/ML0706/ML070650279.pdf]

ML080730125 [/docs/ML0807/ML080730125.pdf]

ML080730124 [/docs/ML0807/ML080730124.pdf]

ML090910574 [/docs/ML0909/ML090910574.pdf]

ML102020132 [/docs/ML1020/ML102020132.pdf]

ML110900244 [/docs/ML1109/ML110900244.pdf]

ML12115A193 [/docs/ML1211/ML12115A193.pdf]

ML12293A008 [/docs/ML1229/ML12293A008.pdf]

ML13063A102 [/docs/ML1306/ML13063A102.pdf]

ML13246A011 [/docs/ML1324/ML13246A011.pdf]

ML14069A008 [/docs/ML1406/ML14069A008.pdf] and ML14251A209 [/docs/ML1425/ML14251A209.html]

ML14296A667 [/docs/ML1429/ML14296A667.pdf]

    • These pages have topic-specific search functions. Enter Christensen Ranch/Irigaray to search for related docu
      • To search for related correspondence in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (A function and enter the licensee's name or docket number (above).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021 3/3

4/29/22, 12:06 PM Application Documents For Ludeman l Application Documents for Ludeman This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Title Document Document Author Addressee Docket

& Estimated Page Count Date Type Affiliation Affiliation Number Submittal of Amendment Application to Source Material License SUA-1341 and Supporting Technical and Environmental Reports for the Ludeman Uranium 15-Feb-2012 Application Ludeman NRC 04008502 Project [/docs/ML1201/ML120120182.html]

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4/29/22, 12:07 PM Application Review Schedule For Ludeman l Application Review Schedule for Ludeman The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Uranium One submitted to obtain a license for its Ludeman In Situ Recovery site.

Completion Date Key Milestones Actual - A Target - T Application Received 12/06/11 01/03/12 -

License Application in ADAMS A 12/19/11 -

Acknowledgement email Sent (11 days from receipt) A Acceptance Review Application accepted for review [/docs/ML1213/ML12131A322.pdf] 05/06/12 -

A Acceptance Review Complete (60 days from Acceptance Review Begins) 05/16/12 -

A Safety Review 01/15/13 -

Safety RAIs issued [/docs/ML1235/ML12352A028.pdf] A Licensee submits major "change of design" request [/docs/ML1310/ML13106A238.pdf] deferring 04/10/13 -

amended application submission for RAI response revisions A RAIs responses received in full [/docs/ML1407/ML14079A127.pdf] 03/13/14 -

A Second round of Targeted RAIs submitted sent [/docs/ML1435/ML14350A186.pdf] 12/01/14 -

A Targeted RAI responses received 06/08/15 -

A Schedule letter issued [/docs/ML1702/ML17025A373.pdf] 03/28/17 -

A Revised Application [/docs/ML1719/ML17192A357.html] (Technical Report) including "Change of Design" 06/30/17 -

modification received A Schedule letter issued [/docs/ML1722/ML17221A302.pdf] 08/25/17 -

A Final SER Complete [/docs/ML1805/ML18059A919.html] 03/01/18 -

A 1/2

4/29/22, 12:07 PM Application Review Schedule For Ludeman l Environmental Review Requests for RAIs to Applicant [/docs/ML1235/ML12352A030.pdf] 01/19/13 -

A RAI responses received in full [/docs/ML1407/ML14079A127.pdf] 03/13/14 -

A Revised Application (Environmental Report [/docs/ML1726/ML17261A460.html] ) including "Change of 08/25/17 -

Design" modification received A Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) issued 02/27/18* -

A Final EA [/docs/ML1818/ML18183A225.pdf] Issued 08/02/18**

-A Issue License Amendment [/docs/ML1808/ML18081A229.pdf] and SER Rev 1 08/24/18 -

[/docs/ML1808/ML18081A228.pdf] A

  • Based on August 31, 2017 submittal of revised Environmental Report that contained a change of design
    • Issuance of the Final EA is contingent upon completion of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 consultation Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities [/about-nrc/regulatory/adjudicatory/hearing-license-applications.html]


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4/29/22, 12:08 PM Ludeman Documents Pertaining To Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act And Solicitation Of Public Comments l Ludeman Documents Pertaining to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Solicitation of Public Comments The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received an application from Uranium One dated December 6, 2011 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System [ADAMS] Accession Number ML120120182). This application requests to amend NRC Source Material License SUA-1341 to construct and operate the Ludeman satellite at the Willow Creek In Situ Recovery site located in Converse County, Wyoming. The NRC staff is conducting an environmental review in accordance with the Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 51 (10 CFR Part 51), which implements the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). The NRC staff is also conducting a Section 106 review in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). NRC staff initiated its consultation under Section 106 for the proposed Ludeman project in August 2012. The staff is now providing documents for public consideration and comment consistent with 36 CFR § 800.4(d)(1).

The area of potential effect (APE) consists of 2,200 acres where proposed ground disturbing activities could occur. The NRC staff consulted with interested Native American Tribes to identify historic properties, specifically ones of religious and cultural significance. The NRC staff also reviewed the information provided by Uranium One in its Ludeman license amendment application. The NRC acknowledges that the Tribes possess special expertise in identifying properties of cultural and religious significance and assessing the significance of these properties to their individual Tribes. The NRC staff invited Tribes to participate in a site visit to gather information on historic properties. Based on the information found in the NRC staff's independent analysis, the NRC staff has preliminarily concluded that there are two sites of historic, cultural, or religious significance to Tribes present in the APE of the proposed Ludeman project site. However, NRC would require by license condition that Uranium One avoid the two eligible sites. The NRC staff has documented its preliminary determination, detailing the Section 106 activities and cultural resources findings, and has included that documentation in the cultural resources sections of the draft Environmental Assessment for the Ludeman project. A document containing those sections is available in the link below.

NRC documentation of its Section 106 review findings. (Cultural Resources sections of draft Environmental Assessment)


NRC is soliciting comments from the public on the document provided above or on the information stated here. NRC staff will accept comments until Thursday July 5, 2018. Please submit your comments by emailing

[21] .

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021 1/1

4/29/22, 1:58 PM ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data l ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data The links below contain in-situ recovery (ISR) wellfield baseline and restoration ground water quality data collected from the NRC licensed ISR Smith Ranch site for regulatory purposes. Hard copies of this information are publicly available in ADAMS, ADAMS legacy or in State records, however, to improve public access to the data, standardized MS Excel spreadsheets are being made available. The spreadsheets listed below contain the ISR wellfield ground water quality data for Smith Ranch and Highlands Uranium Project mine units through January 2012 ( contact: [22] ):

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 1 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-1.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 2 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-2.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 3 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-3.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 4 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-4.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 4A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-4a.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 9 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-9.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 15 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-15.xls]

Smith Ranch Mine Unit 15A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-15a.xls]

Smith Ranch Unit K [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu-k.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-a.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit B [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-b.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit C [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-c.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit D [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-d.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit D Extension [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-dext.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit E [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-e.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit F [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-f.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit H [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-h.xls] 1/2

4/29/22, 1:58 PM ISR Wellfield Ground Water Quality Data l Highlands Mine Unit I [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-i.xls]

Highlands Mine Unit J [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mu-j.xls]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2/2

4/29/22, 1:58 PM Smith Ranch Resources - ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data l Smith Ranch Resources - ISR Wellfield Excursion Ground Water Quality Data The links below contain in-situ recovery (ISR) wellfield excursion ground water quality data collected from the NRC licensed ISR Smith Ranch site for regulatory purposes. Hard copies of this information are publicly available in ADAMS, ADAMS legacy or in State records, however, to improve public access to the data, standardized MS Excel spreadsheets are being made available. The spreadsheets listed below contain the ISR wellfield excursion ground water quality data for Smith Ranch and Highlands Uranium Project mine units through January 2013 ( contact: [23] ):

Smith Ranch Highlands Mine Unit 1: No Excursions [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu1-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit A [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 2: No Excursions [/info- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mua-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit B [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mub-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu2-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit C [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 3: No Excursions [/info- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muc-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit D [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-ranch/sr-mu3-exc.xlsx] facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mud-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit 4 [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed- Mine Unit D Extension: No Excursions [/info-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-mu4-exc.xlsx] finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-Mine Unit 4A: No Excursions [/info- ranch/hi-mudext-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit E: No Excursions [/info-ranch/sr-mu4a-exc.xlsx] finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-Mine Unit 9: No Excursions [/info- ranch/hi-mue-exc.xlsx]

finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- Mine Unit F [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-ranch/sr-mu9-exc.xlsx] facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muf-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit 15: No Excursions [/info- Mine Unit H [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muh-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu15-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit I [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-Mine Unit 15A: No Excursions [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith- facilities/smith-ranch/hi-mui-exc.xlsx]

ranch/sr-mu15a-exc.xlsx] Mine Unit J [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/hi-muj-exc.xlsx]

Mine Unit K [/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/smith-ranch/sr-muk-exc.xlsx]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1/1

4/29/22, 1:56 PM Inspection Reports For Willow Creek Project l Inspection Reports for Willow Creek Project This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools [/site-help/plug-ins.html] for more information.

Date of Inspection Accession Numbers August 25-27, 1998 9810020313 April 6-8, 1999 9905060225 August 31-September 2,1999 9910050298 April 25-26, 2000 ML003716294 [/docs/ML0037/ML003716294.pdf]

April 17-19, 2001 ML011370186 [/docs/ML0113/ML011370186.pdf]

November 6-8, 2001 ML013300308 [/docs/ML0133/ML013300308.pdf]

August 26, 2004 ML042710124 [/docs/ML0427/ML042710124.pdf]

June 26-28, 2007 ML072080382 [/docs/ML0720/ML072080382.pdf]

October 25-28, 2010 ML103540468 [/docs/ML1035/ML103540468.pdf]

December 7-9, 2010 ML110590753 [/docs/ML1105/ML110590753.pdf]

March 29-21, 2011 ML11168A106 [/docs/ML1116/ML11168A106.pdf]

October 5-12, 2011 ML11301A220 [/docs/ML1130/ML11301A220.pdf]

December 1, 2011 ML11362A470 [/docs/ML1136/ML11362A470.pdf]

April 16-18, 2012 ML12172A383 [/docs/ML1217/ML12172A383.pdf]

Jan 29-31, 2013 ML13063A408 [/docs/ML1306/ML13063A408.pdf]

July 31 - Aug 3, 2013 ML14345B073 [/docs/ML1434/ML14345B073.pdf]

May 13-15, 2014 ML14345B073 [/docs/ML1434/ML14345B073.pdf]

See Safety Evaluation Report [/docs/ML1301/ML13015A356.pdf] for more information Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1/1