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Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 08/30/1999
From: Lux J
Environmental Properties Management
To: Jennifer Davis, Saxton J, James Smith
Smith J
Shared Package
ML22087A014 List:
Download: ML22087A025 (2)


{{#Wiki_filter:SOIL BORING LOG KM 5655-B KERR-McGEE CORPORATION /IKM suss101ARY LocAT10N BORING r=H'=ydr=r=ol='og','y=D=e'=pl=. =-S=&=E'=A=D=lV=lS'=io=n=d~e_;c"c::"'°C>:°'~r"'c-~o~!\~~('"'!#~r,io*Ao:,*~=gl,.!'Lc,;,'l"~l*o.Q~!fl!c~~~:#~/=d,=N~U=M~BE~R~q~D~Dl,,Ll-V~-b\~~3~5~t;d DEPTH ~ UNIFIED BlCMS SOIL SAMPLE


FIELD CLASS. ffil. 0 (ppm) NO. i* ~~ DEPTH , REC FIELD OBSERVATIONS 1osor--~_t.b_r_n~s-Ai~s,-1,-,-b-~-.-~~-~-"-+-1i~~~&-+:~1~~~)~:~~+----+~~~-l-~~J--~~-1-~-l-~~~~~~--I_

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I _y_ Water Table (24 Hour) SL Water Tobie {Time of Boring) PlD Photoioni2otion Detection (ppm) NO. Identifies Sample by Number Z TYPE Sample Collection Method 0

         "z         ~ BARREL SPllT                     []AUGER                   ~1I CORE ROCK m
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                                                                                                             ~\)CLAY SIL TY                         EXISTING GRADE ELEVATION ffT AMSU DEPTH Depth Top and Bottom of Sample Thi Ci..UJ CLAYEY SlLT D ==-              LOCATIONORGR10CQOROINA'TES REC.      Actual length of Recove(ed Sample in Feet "loo AJ -       \::l3S~

KERR-McGEE CORPORATION HYDROLOGY DEPARTMENT MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Protective Pipe---- ___ _ ------Casing Cap Vent 1 Yes 0 No 0 0 0 Q ------Lock? Yes 0 No 0 Yes Steel 0 No PVC 0 I ,Weep Hole 1 Yes 0 No[) Ft. Surveymg Pm ? - __ ---- ,,,,,, / __ ,,,,,,.---- Concrete Pad Ft. x _ _ _ _ Ft. x _ _ _ Inches Yes 0 No ~O:::_____f__,:;,.;,,~*'"~*'<*"'fl*~, DRILLING INFORMA TIO/I: DEPTH

                                                 .... -~
                                                                      ,..                         FROM      I .. Borehole Diameter=.
                                                                                                                                               ~        Inches.
                                                  *:                            BELOW            TOP OF Concrete                         Ft.~=.         _1.      ~* -~

GRADE CASING 2.. Were Drilling Additives Use-0 1 YesO No~

                             ----                 :~_-"

Revert 0 Bentonite 0 Water 0

                                                 ~--    .
                                                                 ..*.**"' - - - - - - - -                         Solid Auger      0        Hollow Stem Auger    O
3. Was Outer Steel Casing Used? Yes 0 No'fSd Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix Oepth= _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ Feet.

YesO NoO 4. Borehole Diameter for Out~r Casing IJ/A Inches. 5.5 Gallons Water to WELL CONSTRUCT/ON 11/FORMA TION: 94Lb. Bag Cement & 3-5 Lb. Bentonite 1.Type of Casing: PVC~ Galvanized 0 Teflon 0 Powder Stainless 0 Other Other: 2. Type of Caslog Joints: Screw-Couple fSl Glue-Couple 0 Other------------*

3. Type of Well Screen: PVC C& Galvanized 0 Stainless 0 Teflon 0 Other _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Bentonite Seal Ft.

4. Diameter of Casing and Wet! Screen:

d.. 0


0 Casing _ __.,.,,,,.___ _ Inches, Screen d Inches.

                                                                     Pellets        SlurryQ
                                                                                  ---------                  5. Slot Size of Screen:             d.O Filter Pack                                                                                            6. Type of Screen Perforation: Factory Slotted                0 Above Screen Hacksaw 0 Drilled 0 Othcr~--------
7. Installed Protector Pipe w/Lock: Yes 0 No 0 7-58 WELL DEVELOPMENT /NFORMA TIO/I:
l. How Vro'as Well Developed 1 Bailing 0 Pumping O Air Surging (Air or Nitrogen) ~ Other_ _ _ __


2. Time Spent ori Well Development 'l Silica Sand

rn _____ {:;;,_ 3___k Minutes/H-0urs Washed Sand 0 /lJ..55Ft. 3. Approximate Water Volume Removed 7 J.fl2___ Gallons Pea Gravel 0 4. Water Clarity Before-Development 1 Clear 0 Turbid IB Opaque 0 Other: - - - - - - - - 5. Water Clarity After Development ? Clear 5r Turbid 0 Opaque 0 Sand Size _ _ _ __

6. Did Water have Odc.r 1 Yes 0 No fXI
                                                                                ~:;i..1:, - - -                      tf Yes. Describe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dense Phase Sampling Cup

7. Did Water have any Color 'l Yes 0 No
                               ~-Ft.                                                                                If Yes* Describe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Bott<HTI Plug Yes O NoO

                                                      )..i:.c.°"="'-'-1\ .;:i, I . So                                 WATER LEVEL INFORM A TIO/I:

Overdrilled Material Water Level Summary (From Top of Casing) Backfill Grout 0 Sand ffi _,;(Q_Q_Ft.: i During Drilling Ft. Date _ _ _ _ __ I I I Before Oevelopment _ _ _ _ _ Ft. Date Caved Material 0 I 1..___ _ _ _ _ _ J After Development _ _ _ _ _ Ft. Date _ _ _ __ Othe" kk"_,: k_ ~f Driller/Firm -{-\f)ri 3l£?n * - - - - Drill Rig Type -----B~-"-----}}