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Summary of January 19, 2022, Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Public Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/15/2022
From: Prosanta Chowdhury
To: Steven Lynch
Chowdhury P
Shared Package
ML22048A512 List:
Download: ML22033A232 (9)


February 15, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO: Steven Lynch, Chief Advanced Reactor Policy Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Prosanta Chowdhury, Project Manager Signed by Chowdhury, Prosan Advanced Reactor Policy Branch on 02/15/22 Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF JANUARY 19, 2022, PERIODIC ADVANCEDREACTOR STAKEHOLDER PUBLIC MEETING On January 19, 2022, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held an information meeting with a question-and-answer session with stakeholders to discuss advanced reactor topics including:

Status Overview of the Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) and Rulemaking Activities Implementing Near-field Models in MACCS v4.1 for Better Near-field Dose Calculations Light Water Reactor Construction Permit Interim Staff Guidance Nuclear Data Assessment for Advanced Reactors SCALE/MELCOR Development and Applications for non-light water reactors (non-LWRs)

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs)

CONTACT: Prosanta Chowdhury, NRR/DANU 301-415-1647

S. Lynch The meeting notice is available in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML22014A262, and the presentation slides are available at ADAMS Accession No. ML22014A256. The Enclosure to this summary lists the attendees for the meeting as captured by Microsoft Teams.

For each topic listed above, the NRC staff provided information and allotted time for stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders provided feedback on several of the topics and asked clarifying questions. NRC staff appreciated the feedback and provided response to the questions.

The NRC staff provided updates of the Advanced Reactor Integrated Schedule of Activities on the NRCs public website at The NRC staff noted that the schedule reflects activities that have recently been completed, updated, or added since the November 10, 2021,advanced reactor stakeholder meeting.

The NRC staff presented a status overview of the current rulemaking schedule and status of the Advanced Nuclear Reactor (ANR) Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) as follows: 1) the proposed rule package SECY-21-0098 is with the Commission;

2) the proposed rule package (ADAMS Accession No. ML21222A044), preliminary draft Guide-4032 (RG 4.2) package (ADAMS Accession No. ML21208A111), and preliminary draft interim staff guidance ISG-COL-30 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21227A005) were made publicly available on December 14, 2021; 3) if approved by the Commission, the proposed rule will be published in the Federal Register with a 75-day public comment period; and 4) the final rule publication is estimated for January 2024. It was emphasized that part of the rulemaking process involves the simultaneous updating of all regulations and guidance documents that are affected by the new rule. In response to a comment, the staff reiterated that Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) definition of Advanced Reactors was used for the ANR GEIS rulemaking.

The NRC staff and NRC contractor Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) presented Implementing Near-field Models in MACCS v4.1 for Better Near-field Dose Calculations. The presentation informed the stakeholders that on July 30, 2021, the NRC approved the release of MACCS v4.1, which implemented additional models to enhance MACCS capabilities for near-field analysis and optimized regulatory readiness for advanced reactors (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML20059M032 and ML21257A120).

The presentation: (1) summarized the technical issues associated with use of MACCS in the nearfield and approach used to resolve them; (2) alerted stakeholders that improved near-field modeling capabilities have been added to MACCS v4.1; and (3) familiarized stakeholders with the improved nearfield capabilities available in MACCS v4.1. In response to a question if a hypothetical site with multiple buildings was considered in the MACCS calculation, the staff clarified that it was not explicitly considered in this project, and it would require more complex data to model; however, there may exist other models that consider this configuration. A question was asked if Draft Guide 4030 (DG-4030), Use of ARCON Methodology for Calculation of Accident-Related Offsite Atmospheric Dispersion Factors, (proposed new Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.249)

(ADAMS Accession No. ML21165A005) was considered in this study; the staff responded that for the purpose of this project, DG-4030 was not considered. For context, this RG describes an approach that is acceptable to the NRC staff to meet the NRC requirements for determining atmospheric relative concentration (/Q) values in support of modeling onsite releases to offsite boundaries from a design-basis accident

S. Lynch (DBA). This guidance provides procedures for using the ARCON code to estimate /Qs at the exclusion area boundary (EAB) and the outer boundary of the low-population zone (LPZ) out to distances of 1,200 meters (m) (3,937 feet (ft)) from the nearest edge of a building within the powerblock area (PBA).

The NRC staff presented a status of the light water power-reactor (LWR) construction permit (CP) interim staff guidance (ISG). The purpose of the presentation was to support the submission of written comments on the LWR CP draft ISG (ADAMS Accession No. ML21165A157) by facilitating the publics understanding of the documents purpose, its development, and its content. The purpose of the presentation was not to receive formal comments. In response to a question on whether the CP ISG will be used for the review of non-LWR applications, the staff clarified that the non-LWR CP guidance is separate from the LWR CP ISG. The LWR CP ISG is to be used with NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants" (or SRP) to conduct the review of an LWR CP application. The clarifications in the appendix of the ISG supplements the CP guidance in the SRP. The non-LWR CP guidance is contained in Appendix E of the draft white paper for the Advanced Reactor Content of Application (ARCAP) roadmap and follows the Licensing Modernization Project (LMP) process. The staff encouraged submission of written comments on the LWR CP ISG by following the process described in the Federal Register Notice. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) stated it would submit written comments.

The NRC staff discussed the highlights from research on Nuclear Data Assessment for Advanced Reactors, performed under a contract with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This research (NUREG/CR-7289; ADAMS Accession No. ML21349A369) informs the NRC regarding: (1) important nuclear data that significantly affect reactivity in advanced reactors (e.g., isotope cross sections, number of neutrons released per fission, thermal scattering kernels); and (2) impact of this nuclear data on key figures of merit impacting nuclear safety (e.g., reactivity balance, shutdown margin, control rod worth, power distribution). Specifically, gaps and uncertainties in nuclear data that impact reactor physics are being investigated in order to inform requirements for margin in the nuclear design. In response to a question whether plutonium was included in the data, the staff clarified that some of the benchmarks considered include the use of plutonium.

The NRC staff provided highlights from research on SCALE/MELCOR Development and Applications for non-LWRs. The presentation provided a status update on the effort of enhancing and applying the SCALE and MELCOR computer codes for advanced non-LWRs, and described work that is underway in 2022. This is a collaborative effort between the NRC, SNL and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In 2022, the staff is performing demonstration simulations with SCALE and MELCOR for a molten-salt-fueled reactor and a sodium-cooled fast reactor. In addition, the staff will be holding public workshops on SCALE and MELCOR modeling for these two classes of non-LWRs, including presenting results from the demonstration simulations. In response to a question on whether NRC has any users groups for MELCOR users, the staff described the NRC-led Cooperative Severe Accident Research Program which includes MELCOR users groups for NRC-counterpart organizations in other countries. In response to a question on availability of data to validate the new models that have been added to MELCOR for non-LWR accident simulation, the staff stated that they would continue to validate the new models as data becomes available.

The NRC staff presented an overview of the current status of Advanced Manufacturing

S. Lynch Technologies (AMTs) activities. AMTs are new methods of fabricating whole components and adding surface coatings to existing components that are of high interest to industry. Initial applications of AMTs in the nuclear industry to low safety significant components have begun with more anticipated in the coming years. NRC staff are performing technical and regulatory preparedness activities to enable efficient and effective reviews of AMTs implementations by industry as well as effective interactions through codes and standards bodies. NRC staff have assessed five specific AMTs and developed generic AMT review guidelines as well as AMT-specific review guidelines for three of the AMTs. The work under the current AMT Action Plan is nearly complete and is expected to be followed by another plan, likely in the form of a user need request to the NRC Office of Research (AMT Action Plan: ML19333B980).

In response to comments by US Nuclear Industry Council and NEI regarding availability of the NRC guidance for AMTs, the staff stated that the NRC is interested to learn more on industry initiatives related to AMTs; two draft guidance documents will be coming out in the near future (dates not finalized). A question was asked if autopsies of materials in decommissioned plants would be done to provide operational experience data on AMTs; the staff responded that materials from decommissioned plants were made using conventional manufacturing methods, so they would not be particularly useful for assessing AMT components.

Members of the public were in attendance and the NRC did not receive public meeting feedback forms. To see information regarding previously held periodic advanced reactor stakeholder public meetings, the NRC staff suggest that stakeholders visit the NRCs public website at The next advanced reactor stakeholder meeting is currently scheduled for March 16, 2022.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-1647 or via e-mail at


Attendance List

S. Lynch




PUBLIC RidsNrrDanu Resource RidsNrrDanuUarp Resource SLynch, NRR JSegala, NRR ACubbage, NRR MOBanion, NRR ADAMS Accession Number:

Package: ML22048A512 Memo: ML22033A232 NRR-106 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UARP/PM NRR/DANU/UARP/BC NRR/DANU/UARP/PM NAME PChowdhury SLynch PChowdhury DATE 01/31/2022 2/15/2022 2/15/2022 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

January 19, 2022, Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder PublicMeeting Attendance List Name Organization Ashcraft, Joseph NRC Beasley, Benjamin NRC Bowman, Eric NRC Boyce, Tom NRC Bussey, Scott NRC Chereskin, Alexander NRC Chowdhury, Prosanta NRC Chui, Melissa NRC Compton, Keith NRC Costa, Arlon NRC Coyne, Kevin NRC Cubbage, Amy NRC Davis, Jennifer NRC de Messieres, Candace NRC Erwin, Kenneth NRC Giacinto, Joseph NRC Glowacki, Brian NRC Gordon, Matthew NRC Grady, Anne-Marie NRC Hansing, Nicholas NRC Hathaway, Alfred NRC Hayes, Michelle NRC Hoellman, Jordan NRC Holahan, Trish NRC Humberstone, Matthew NRC Iyengar, Raj NRC Jervey, Richard NRC Jung, Ian NRC Khan, Maryam NRC Kyriazidis, Lucas NRC Lauron, Carolyn NRC Lynch, Steven NRC Marchlewski, Henry NRC Martin, Kamishan NRC Muniz, Adrian NRC Mussatti, Daniel NRC Oesterle, Eric NRC Orenak, Michael NRC Phan, Hanh NRC Philpott, Stephen NRC Poehler, Jeffrey NRC Reed, Beth NRC Enclosure

Name Organization Regan, Christopher NRC Rubenstone, James NRC Sampson, Michele NRC Schaperow, Jason NRC Schneider, Stewart NRC Sebrosky, Joseph NRC Seymour, Jesse NRC Smith, Maxwell NRC Stutzke, Martin NRC Sutton, Mallecia NRC Tharakan, Binesh NRC Travis, Boyce NRC Tregoning, Robert NRC Valliere, Nanette NRC Van Wert, Christopher NRC Vechioli Feliciano, Lucieann NRC Walker, Shakur NRC Widmayer, Derek NRC Williams, Donna NRC Willingham, Laura NRC Jason A. Christensen Idaho National Laboratory Jim C. Kinsey Idaho National Laboratory Thomas Hicks Idaho National Laboratory Aaron England Stakeholder Adam Stein (Breakthrough Institute) Stakeholder Alan Ahn Stakeholder Albert, Marc Stakeholder Afzali, Amir Stakeholder Andrew Richards Stakeholder Arndt, Steven Stakeholder AUSTGEN, Kati Stakeholder Behnke, Donald H. Stakeholder Bergman, Jana Stakeholder Brandon Hartle Stakeholder Brian Froese Stakeholder Burg, Rob Stakeholder Caramello Marco Stakeholder Celik, Cihangir Stakeholder Charlotte Geiger (X-energy) Stakeholder Chen, Yiren Stakeholder Christopher P. Chwasz Stakeholder Clayton, Daniel James Stakeholder Courtenay, Christopher C Stakeholder Cyril Draffin (USNIC) Stakeholder 2

Name Organization Daigle, David Louis Stakeholder Darrell Gardner (Kairos Power) Stakeholder David Andersson Stakeholder Deborah A Luchsinger (Services - 6) Stakeholder Dehoff, Ryan Stakeholder Edwin Lyman Stakeholder Elzinga, William J Stakeholder Fulton, John Douglas Stakeholder Frank Akstulewicz Stakeholder Goodman, Dave Stakeholder Grabaskas, Dave Stakeholder Grant, Eddie Stakeholder Henneke, Dennis (GE Power Portfolio) Stakeholder Holtzman, Benjamin Stakeholder Ian Gifford Stakeholder Ingrid Nordby (X-energy) Stakeholder Jeff Julius - Jensen Hughes Stakeholder Justin Wheat Stakeholder Kalene Walker Stakeholder Keeshia B. Goodenough Stakeholder Kissinger, Peter W. Stakeholder Kurt Harris Stakeholder Lanier, David A. Stakeholder Lefebvre, Robert Alexander Stakeholder Lesica, Sue Stakeholder Light, Russell S Stakeholder Luxat, David Lyle Stakeholder Marzano, Matthew (EPW) Stakeholder Mcdowell, Bruce K Stakeholder Merrifield, Jeffrey S. Stakeholder Michelle Byman Stakeholder Mike Montecalvo (TerraPower) Stakeholder Mirela Nitoi Stakeholder Mory Diané Stakeholder Mynatt, Norman Lynn Stakeholder Neil Haggerty Stakeholder Nelson, Scott Stakeholder Niko McMurray (ClearPath) Stakeholder O'Neill, Martin Stakeholder Paese, Richard M Stakeholder Paul Loza Stakeholder Peter Carusona Stakeholder Peter Hastings (Kairos Power) Stakeholder Peterson, Lisa Stakeholder 3

Rani Franovich Stakeholder Raymond Wang (X-energy) Stakeholder Robert Budnitz Stakeholder Schiele, Raymond Joseph Stakeholder Schilthelm, Steve W Stakeholder Scott E. Ferrara Stakeholder Shahrokhi Farshid (FRA-CORP) Stakeholder Sigmon, Chet Austin Stakeholder Smith, Adam Stakeholder Sofu, Tanju Stakeholder Sola Talabi Stakeholder Spalding, Amanda J Stakeholder Stadtlander, Richard A. Stakeholder Steele, Stella M. Stakeholder Stephen J. Burdick Stakeholder Steven Kraft Stakeholder Steven Pope Stakeholder Stu Magruder Stakeholder Tammy Morin Stakeholder Thomas Marcille Stakeholder Tom Braudt Stakeholder Van Rooyen, Isabella J Stakeholder Van-Derpoel, Lynn Stakeholder Vaughn, Elizabeth A Stakeholder Wagner, Kenneth Charles Stakeholder Wieselquist, William Stakeholder William M Winslow, U.S. Army Stakeholder Zach, Andrew (EPW) Stakeholder Zhu, Ming Stakeholder

  • Attendance list based on Microsoft Teams Participant list. List does not include individuals that connected via phone.