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Summary of NEI-17-06 Endorsement Review Public Meeting Held on September 28, 2021
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/14/2021
From: Serita Sanders
Licensing Processes Branch
To: Dennis Morey
Licensing Processes Branch
Sanders, S.
Shared Package
ML21281A259 List:
Download: ML21281A258 (4)


October 14, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO: Dennis C. Morey, Chief Licensing Projects Branch Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Serita Sanders, Project Manager /RA/

Licensing Projects Branch Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF NEI-17-06 ENDORSEMENT REVIEW PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 On September 28, 2021, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) met with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in a virtual public meeting to discuss NEIs proposed actions in response to the staffs comments resulting from its review of NEI 17-06, Guidance on Using IEC 61508 SIL Certification to Support Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Related Applications (Agencywide Documents Access and Management (ADAMS)

Accession No. ML21083A147). The NRC staffs comments and NEIs proposed responses can be viewed at ADAMS Accession Nos. ML21237A305 and ML21270A131, respectively.

The NRC submitted its comments to NEI on August 30, 2021. NEIs response was received on September 24, 2021. After finding general agreement with NEIs proposed approach to addressing most of the staffs comments, during this meeting the staff chose to discuss comment numbers 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 21, 22, 27, and 28, to reach a better understanding of NEIs proposed resolutions.

In addition, NEI committed to providing a formal response to the staff comments on December 3, 2021, along with the revised NEI 17-06 document to provide for traceability between the NRCs comments and NEIs proposed implementation reflected in NEI 17-06. The NRC found this approach acceptable and deferred formal verification of NEIs comments. On the other hand, the staffs preliminary review appeared to be in alignment with the NEIs proposed resolutions for comments 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, and 26.

CONTACT: Serita Sanders, DORL/LLPB 301 415-2956 Enclosure

D. Morey The NRC staff requested that NEI confirm whether an agreement between both the NEI and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) had been established for ANAB to implement the augmented checklist covering additional technical and qualitative aspects of the IEC 61508 scheme in its upcoming November 22 - 24, 2021, audit of exida, LLC. NEI confirmed that the request was made of ANAB to use the NEI checklist and reported that at the time of this meeting, ANAB had not verified that its accreditation audit checklist had been revised to include the additional surveillance items.

The current project schedule reflects an NRC milestone to have a first version of a Draft Regulatory Guide endorsing NEI 17-06 ready on October 15, 2021. Since NEIs final set of comments and revised document submittal to the NRC are now scheduled for December 3, 2021, the staff has scheduled a public meeting with NEI on November 9, 2021, to discuss the draft revision of NEI 17-06 and the draft regulatory guide, which could possibly identify exceptions or clarifications that might be needed within a regulatory guide to endorse NEI 17-06.


As stated

List of Attendees


OF NEI-17-06 ENDORSEMENT REVIEW PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 Name Organization Name Organization Warren Odess-Gillett (Westinghouse) Nuclear Energy Eric Benner US Nuclear Regulatory Institute Commission (NRC)

Andy Nack Isotek Systems, LLC Andrea Kock NRC Marc Tannenbaum Electric Power Jeanne Johnston NRC Research Institute Ron Jarrett Tennessee Valley Serita Sanders NRC Authority-retired Al Lafleur Unknown* Dinesh Taneja NRC Jana Bergman Curtiss Wright David Rahn NRC John Conly Certrec Greg Galletti NRC Odunayo Ayegbusi NRC Bernard Dittman NRC Jack Zhao NRC Sergiu Basturescu NRC Ismael Garcia NRC Bhagwat Jain NRC

  • Unknown organization indicates that the participants affiliation was not provided by the issuance of this meeting summary.


D. Morey



OF NEI-17-06 ENDORSEMENT REVIEW PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 DATED OCTOBER 14, 2021 DISTRIBUTION: DTaneja PUBLIC DRahn RidsACRS_MailCTR Resource GGalletti RidsNrrDorl Resource AOdunayo RidsNrrDorlLlpb Resource BDittman RidsNrrDex Resource JZhao RidsNrrPMSSanders Resource SBasturescu RidsNrrLADHarrison Resource IGarcia EBenner BJain JJohnston ADAMS Accession Nos.:

ML21281A259 (Package)

ML21281A258 (Meeting Summary)

ML21083A147 (NEI 17-06 Guidance Document)

ML21173A336 (Staff Comments)

ML21270A131 (NEI Response to Staff Comments)

OFFICE NRR/DORL/LLPB/PM NRR/DORL/LLPB/LA NRR/DORL/LLPB/BC NRR/DORL/LLPB/PM NAME SSanders DHarrison Dennis Morey SSanders DATE 10/08/2021 10/14/2021 10/14/2021 10/14/2021