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NEI 17-06 Guidance on Using Iec 61508 SIL Certification to Support the Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Related Applications Revision 0
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Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 02/23/2021
Nuclear Energy Institute
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Sanders, Serita
NEI 17-06
Download: ML21083A147 (72)


NEI 17-06 Guidance on Using IEC 61508 SIL Certification to Support the Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Related Applications Revision 0 Prepared by the Nuclear Energy Institute February 2021

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved.

February 2021 Acknowledgements This document was developed by the Nuclear Energy Institute. NEI acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of NEI members and other organizations in providing input, reviewing and commenting on the document including EPRI. We also thank the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for providing feedback during several public meetings.

Special thanks goes to Mr. Andrew Nack of Isotek / Atkins NS / SNC-Lavalin, for his major contribution in the development of this document.

Notice Neither NEI, nor any of its employees, members, supporting organizations, contractors, or consultants make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or assume any liability for damages resulting from any use of, any information apparatus, methods, or process disclosed in this report or that such may not infringe privately owned rights.

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February 2021 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Regulatory Basis .................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Acceptance of Safety Integrity Level as Verification of Dependability Critical Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.5 References .......................................................................................................................... 5 2 Safety Integrity Level (SIL)................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Description of the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certification Process................................... 6 2.2 Description of the Dependability Critical Characteristics per NRC-Endorsed EPRI-TR 106439 .............................................................................................................................. 10 3 EPRI Research of the SIL Certification Process............................................................................... 12 3.1 Scope of the EPRI Research .............................................................................................. 12 3.2 Summary of the EPRI Research ......................................................................................... 12 3.3 Conclusion from EPRI Research ........................................................................................ 20 4 Acceptance of Commercial Grade, SIL Certified, Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications ................................................................................................................................... 20 4.1 Application of the SIL Certification Process ...................................................................... 20 4.2 Determination of SIL for End Users Application .............................................................. 22 4.3 Selection of SIL Certified Equipment ................................................................................ 23 4.4 Technical Evaluation & Acceptance Method .................................................................... 23 5 NEI Evaluation of the Accreditation Process.................................................................................. 28 5.1 Description of Evaluation .................................................................................................. 28 5.2 Result of CGS and Accreditation Comparison ................................................................... 28 5.3 Description of Observation ............................................................................................... 29 5.4 Results of Observation ...................................................................................................... 29 5.5 Compensating Measure .................................................................................................... 30 5.6 Initial Uses of the Supplemental Accreditation Checklist ................................................. 30 6 Dedicating Entitys Quality Assurance Program ............................................................................ 30 6.1 Organization...................................................................................................................... 31 6.2 Procurement Document Control ...................................................................................... 31 6.3 Tasks Associated with Digital Dependability Evidence ..................................................... 31 6.4 QA Evidence for Digital Dependability .............................................................................. 32

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February 2021 6.5 Corrective Action .............................................................................................................. 32 7 U.S. Nuclear Industry Oversight of the SIL Certification Process ................................................... 33 7.1 Organization...................................................................................................................... 33 7.2 Verification that the SIL Certification Process Continues to be Consistent with NRC Endorsed Practices ............................................................................................................ 33 7.3 Verification that Implementation of the IEC 61508 SIL Certification Process Continues to be Consistent with NRC Accepted Practices ..................................................................... 34 Appendix A. Example SIL Certificates........................................................................................................ A-1 Appendix B. Comparison of an ISO 17065 Accreditation to a Commercial Grade Dedication, (in the Context of the Critical Characteristics of the Service Provided by the Certifying Body) ..............B-1 Appendix C. Basis for Augmented Observation Checklist.......................................................................... C-1 Appendix D. Supplemental Accreditation Checklist ................................................................................. D-1 Appendix E. exida Supplemental Accreditation Checklist ......................................................................... E-1 Table of Figures Table 2.1- IEC:2010 Dynamic Analysis and Testing ....................................................................................... 8 Figure 2.1- Typical Certification Process (Figure 1.3 from Reference 21)..................................................... 9 Figure 4.1- The CGD process for Digital Equipment with an Accredited SIL Certification .......................... 21 Figure 4.2- for Low Demand (Based on Reference 9) ................................................................................. 22 Figure 4.3- Safety Function Excerpt (Section 2.3.5) from Reference 22 ..................................................... 23 Table 4.4- Dependability Critical Characteristics Matrix............................................................................. 25 Figure 4.4- Commercial Grade Dedication and Qualification Process with and without SIL Certification . 27

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February 2021 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this supplemental guidance is to provide an acceptable approach for procuring and accepting commercial grade digital equipment for nuclear safety-related applications, when the equipment has a safety integrity level (SIL) certification issued by an accredited certification body (CB). A CB is accredited by an accreditation body (AB), such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI),

that is a signatory to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Making use of internationally accredited SIL certification services benefits licensees and their suppliers through expanded access to expert services, improved standardization on equipment quality evaluations, improved regulatory confidence, and reduced cost without compromising safety.

This approach takes advantage of the internationally recognized SIL certification process when accepting commercial grade digital equipment for use in safety applications for the nuclear industry. Dedicating entities that procure commercial grade equipment for safety applications are able to rely on the SIL certification process in lieu of conducting a commercial grade survey (including a critical digital review) to provide reasonable assurance that dependability critical characteristics (CC) described in EPRI Technical Report 106439, Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications, are adequately controlled. The physical and performance CCs continue to be evaluated using the traditional methodologies. The net result will be increased confidence in the ability of these devices to perform their safety functions, as well as substantial reduction in duplication of effort for accepting commercial grade equipment across the industry.

1.2 Regulatory Basis Basic components are items and services relied upon to perform a safety related function at U.S.

commercial nuclear power plants and are required to be controlled under a quality assurance program complying with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants. A commercial grade item is an item that is not a basic component. Dedication (commercial grade dedication) is an acceptance process undertaken to provide reasonable assurance that a commercial grade item accepted for use as a basic component will perform its intended safety function and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, QA program.

When it is not possible to purchase items from a supplier that controls items in accordance with a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B-compliant QA program, items can be purchased as commercial grade items and accepted via the dedication process. The organization performing this dedication is referred to as the dedicating entity (i.e., licensee, third party dedicator, or manufacturer with an Appendix B program) in this document.

Although the suppliers of commercial grade items and services are not required to comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B requirements, the commercial grade dedication activities are required to be performed in compliance with those requirements.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 1

February 2021 The NRC has endorsed EPRI TR-106439 as an acceptable method for dedicating commercial grade digital equipment for use in nuclear power plant safety applications and meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 21. 1 EPRI TR-106439 contains guidance on all aspects of commercial grade dedication of commercial grade digital equipment. EPRI TR-106439 identifies a unique type of critical characteristics for commercial grade digital equipment called dependability. The following excerpts from EPRI TR-106439 are germane to the scope of SIL certification [underlining added for emphasis]:

a third type of critical characteristics, referred to in this guideline [EPRI TR-106439] as dependability, becomes significantly more important when dedicating digital equipment including software This is the category in which dedication of digital equipment differs the most from that of other types of components. It addresses attributes that typically cannot be verified through inspection and testing alone and are generally affected by the process used to produce the device The dependability attributes, which include items such as reliability and built-in quality, are generally influenced strongly by the process and personnel used by the manufacturer in the design, development, verification, and validation of the software-based equipment...

The dependability of a digital device also can be heavily influenced by designed-in elements, including robustness of the hardware and software architectures, self-checking features such as watchdog timers, and failure management schemes such as use of redundant processors with automatic fail-over capabilities. Evaluation of these attributes requires that the dedicator focus on more than just the development and QA processes. It may require gaining an understanding of the specific software and hardware features embodied in the design, and ensuring that they are correct and appropriate in light of the requirements of the intended application. Accordingly, a survey team may need to include specialists who understand the device design, the software, and the system in which it will be applied, in addition to quality assurance and programmatic issues.

The dependability category captures those critical characteristics that must be evaluated to form an appropriate judgment regarding built-in quality of a software-based device. It also includes characteristics related to problem reporting and configuration control. Verification of these characteristics typically involves a survey of the vendor's processes (Method 2 [of NP-5652]), and review of the vendor performance record and product operating history (Method 4) Source inspections would not be used in verifying built-in quality of pre-existing software, because the software development has already occurred.

A commercial product may be judged to have sufficient quality, even if its development process lacked some of the rigorous steps of modern software engineering and/or some formal documentation.

Reaching a reasonable level of assurance of quality of a commercial grade digital item typically involves making a judgment based on a combination of the product development process and its documentation, operating history, testing, review of design features such as failure management, and other factors noted in the critical characteristics matrix, Table 4-1 [in EPRI TR-106439].

1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Safety Evaluation Report, Review of EPRI Topical Report TR-106439, Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications. TAC No. M94127, ADAMS accession no. 9810150223.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 2

February 2021 This supplemental guidance document describes a method for using the accredited SIL certification process in lieu of a commercial grade survey as a dedication acceptance method to provide reasonable assurance that the dependability critical characteristics of digital devices are adequately controlled. This supplemental guidance is applicable to dedicating entities subject to the quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.

1.3 Acceptance of Safety Integrity Level as Verification of Dependability Critical Characteristics The guidance within this document describes an approach to rely on SIL certifications, by companies accredited by ANSI and other signatories to IAF, in lieu of a commercial grade survey to verify adequate control of dependability characteristics described in EPRI TR-106439. The approach used to develop this guidance was to compare the SIL certification process with the EPRI TR-106439 dependability critical characteristics to evaluate their similarity and determine whether any additional actions are necessary to address differences.

Section 2 describes the SIL certification process and describes dependability critical characteristics, and Section 3 summarizes research performed by EPRI to evaluate the SIL certification process and compare it to NRC accepted practices (i.e., EPRI TR-106439). Section 5 evaluates the ISO 17065 accreditation process of SIL CBs. Section 7 describes the approach for the U.S. nuclear industry to provide continued oversight of the SIL certification process in order to confirm that the process can continue to be used in lieu of commercial grade surveys for the purpose of verifying the EPRI TR-106439 dependability critical characteristics.

Based upon the conclusion that the SIL certification process is essentially equivalent to a commercial grade survey verifying the EPRI TR-106439 dependability critical characteristics, it has been determined that the SIL certifications, issued by CBs that are accredited by ABs which are IAF signatories, can be used in lieu of a commercial grade survey to verify EPRI TR-106439 dependability critical characteristics.

This conclusion requires procurement documents to include a few requirements. Section 4 describes how dedicating entities of commercial grade digital equipment should use the SIL certifications as part of their commercial grade dedication activities. It is noted that this guidance should be used in conjunction with the overall guidance on commercial grade dedication (i.e., EPRI TR-106439 and EPRI 3002002982). In addition, Section 6 describes information that dedicating entities should ensure is included in their Quality Assurance Programs.

1.4 Acronyms AB Accreditation Body AC Administrative Controls ANSI American National Standards Institute CB Certification Body CC Critical Characteristics CDR Critical Digital Review

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February 2021 CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGD Commercial Grade Dedication CGS Commercial Grade Surveys COTS Commercial Off the Shelf DSA Documented Safety Analyses E/E/PE Electrical, Electronic, and Programmable Electronic EPRI Electric Power Research Institute FMEA Failure Modes Effects Analysis FMEDA Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis FSM Functional Safety Management HW Hardware IAF International Accreditation Forum IEC International Electrotechnical Commission MLA Multi-Lateral Agreement NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUPIC Nuclear Procurement Issues Corporation OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PFDavg Average Probability of Dangerous Failure on Demand PFH Probability of Failure per Hour QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control SIL Safety Integrity Level SIF Safety Instrumented Function SIF Safety Instrumented System

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February 2021 SLM Safety Layer Matrix SQA Software Quality Assurance SRS Safety Requirements Specification SS Safety Significant SSC Safety, Systems, and Components SW Software 1.5 References

1. EPRI TR-106439, Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications, October 1996, Electric Power Research Institute.
2. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants.
3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Electric Power Research Institute Topical Report, TR-106439, Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications. TAC No. M94127, ADAMS accession no. ML12205A284.
4. EPRI 3002002982, Plant Engineer: Guideline for the Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications: Revision 1 to EPRI NP-5652 and TR-102260, September 22, 2014, Electric Power Research Institute.
5. IEC 61508, Edition 2.0, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems, International Electrotechnical Commission.
6. ISO/IES 17065, Conformity assessment Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services, September 15, 2012.
7. EPRI 1011710, Handbook for Evaluating Critical Digital Equipment and Systems, November 2005, Electric Power Research Institute.
8. EPRI 3002011817, Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certification Efficacy for Nuclear Power, Electric Power Research Institute, July 2019.
9. IEC 61511-1, Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector -

Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming requirements, Edition 2.1, August 2017.

10. IEC 61513, Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - General requirements for systems.

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February 2021

11. IEC 60880, Nuclear Power Plants - Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety -

Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems.

12. IEC 62138, Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety -

Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category B or C functions.

13. IEC 60987, Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Hardware design requirements for computer-based systems.
14. IEEE 603-2018, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
15. IEEE 379, IEEE Standard for Application of the Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems.
16. IEEE 7-4.3.2, IEEE Standard Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
17. EPRI TR-107330, Generic Requirement Specifications for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants, Electric Power Research Institute.
18. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-22 Supplement 1, Clarification on Endorsement of Nuclear Energy Institute Guidance in Designing Digital Upgrades in Instrumentation and Control Systems, May 31, 2018, ML18143B633, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
19. NRC Regulatory Guides RG 1.28, Revision 5, Quality Assurance Program Criteria (Design and Construction), ML17207A293, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
20. NRC Regulatory Guides 1.144, Revision 1, Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, ML13038A428, September 1980, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
21. Functional Safety- An IEC 61508 SIL 3 Compliant Development Process- 3rd Edition, M. Medoff &

R. Faller, exida, 2014.

22. WIKA, Operating Instructions for the Differential Pressure Gauge with Micro Switches, Model DPGS40TA, with Component Testing,
23. EPRI 3002011817, HAZCADS: Hazards and Consequences Analysis for Digital Systems, Electric Power Research Institute, December 2018.

2 SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL (SIL) 2.1 Description of the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certification Process The SIL certification process involves manufacturers seeking compliance with IEC 61508, a separate entity called the CB that reviews the manufacturers efforts, and an AB that verifies the CBs review practices.

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February 2021 This process is initiated by a manufacturer identifying a business case for producing products that are capable of a particular SIL, commonly 2 or 3, for a defined scope of safety functions. Then they plan out their development based on the requirements of IEC 61508. This international standard provides a generic approach for all safety life-cycle activities for systems comprised of electrical, electronic, and/or programmable electronic elements that are used to perform safety functions and adopts a risk-informed approach by which the safety integrity requirements can be determined. This standard drives the development process to incorporate measures to ensure both systematic integrity and reliability. Part of the approach used to achieve systematic integrity is the use of rigorous lifecycle style development processes such as requirements definition, hardware and software design documentation, and verification and validation. Another part is the use of failure analysis, and to then use those results to build in safety features such as self-diagnostics, failure tolerance, failure recovery, fail to safe state, and environmental tolerance. To achieve reliability, care is taken to choose proven subcomponents, follow design margin practices, and to use fault tolerant architectures. Reliability is then verified to be of an adequate level by modeling and estimating it using subcomponent failure rates and schematics of the product.

The significance of choosing a particular SIL is that it drives the level of rigor applied to the development process and it sets specific quantitative reliability goals. The application of the SIL to the quantitative reliability goals is implemented in tables that correlate an Average Probability of Dangerous Failure on Demand (PFDavg) or Probability of Failure per Hour (PFH) range to each SIL. It is understood that systematic integrity (built-in quality) cant be measured in terms of a quantitative value, such as the probability of failure, so a qualitative case must be built to provide the necessary evidence. This case for systematic integrity is based on the use of processes and procedures during the product development phase that reduce the likelihood of design errors. The specific processes and procedures used are what are driven by a particular SIL. Part 3 of IEC 61508 focuses on the software development aspects and contains tables that list processes and procedures that are correlated to specific SILs. These tables are used to drive the development process and build the case of meeting a systematic capability level.

IEC 61508 introduces the concept of systematic capability as a measure of confidence in equipment to be free of systematic errors or faults. This confidence is built on the development process of the equipment being in compliance with these tables. For example, a table is shown on the following page from IEC 61508 (in the table R means recommended and HR means highly recommended):

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February 2021 Table 2.1- IEC:2010 Dynamic Analysis and Testing The manufacturers efforts culminate into a safety case that contains the evidence of meeting the reliability goals and the systematic capability requirements that are associated with the targeted SIL. The safety case is then a deliverable to the CB that has been asked by the manufacturer to certify the subject product. This safety case typically consists of a Functional Safety Management (FSM) Plan, Safety Requirements Specification (SRS), Validation Test Plan, Tool Justification, Software Development Process Description, Coding Standard, Software Module Testing, Software Integration Testing, Failure Analysis, Probability of Failure Calculation, and the Safety Manual. This list can vary depending on the product and manufacturer, but the overall collection of documents is consistently intended to make the case for dependable operation. Figure 2.1 illustrates an example collection of documents that could be provided to a CB and highlights the CBs evaluation process of the subject product.

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February 2021 Figure 2.1- Typical Certification Process (Figure 1.3 from Reference 21)

The CB proceeds to evaluate the documentation, manufacturer, and product to determine whether the requirements of IEC 61508 have been met for the targeted SIL. The CBs process includes visiting and auditing the manufacturers design and manufacturing facilities, reviewing design documentation, and verifying calculations and technical evaluations. The CB will also evaluate data such as warranty returns and failure rates. After this process is complete a certificate is granted, or gaps are identified to the manufacturer. The manufacturer can address gaps and re-initiate the certification process as many times as necessary or can abandon the effort if gaps are too significant.

When a certificate is granted, the CB will establish criteria for maintaining its validity. The criteria may be time-period based, and/or change management based. Whenever any of the criteria are no longer being met the manufacturer must initiate a new effort to have the CB perform the appropriate actions to re-establish the validity of the certificate.

To be established as a credible entity, the CB is accredited by the national AB. This accreditation is typically in accordance with ISO 17065. The ABs that primarily perform this type of work are the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS), in Germany, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), in the U.S.. The AB performs audits and monitors activities of the CB in order to confirm that their processes and procedures, and their corresponding implementation follows ISO 17065.

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February 2021 Accreditations remain valid for a certain time period and then must be re-established by repeating the appropriate audits and evaluations.

2.2 Description of the Dependability Critical Characteristics per NRC-Endorsed EPRI-TR 106439 EPRI TR 106439 defines dependability as, a broad concept incorporating various characteristics of digital equipment, including reliability, safety, availability, maintainability, and others. [Adapted from NUREG/CR-6294]

The process of commercial grade dedication as described in 10 CFR 21 requires the identification of critical characteristics for the basic component to be dedicated. EPRI TR 106439 adds a special type of critical characteristic applicable to digital components to be dedicated: dependability.

EPRI TR 106439 describes dependability critical characteristics as attributes that typically cannot be verified through inspection and testing alone and are generally affected by the process used to produce the device. The dependability attributes are influenced by the process and personnel in the design, development, verification, and validation of the digital equipment (e.g., such as reliability and built-in quality). High quality is assessed by examining the systematic life cycle approach from requirements through implementation, with verification and validation steps, and appropriate documentation for each phase of the lifecycle.

The dependability attributes also include designed-in elements, including robustness of the hardware and programmable logic architectures, self-checking features, real-time performance, and failure management schemes (e.g., fail safe). EPRI TR 106439 refers to this assessment as a critical digital review (CDR). The CDR requires an understanding of the specific programmable logic and hardware features embodied in the design, to verify that they are correct and appropriate in light of the requirements of the intended application.

The CDR includes the evaluation of complexity of the programmable logic and device architecture (e.g.,

number of functions, inputs and outputs, internal communications, and interfaces with other systems or devices). EPRI TR-106439 includes a list of example activities that could be included in this review, but ultimately states that The dedicator must determine which activities are appropriate for each application. In general, the choice and extent of activities undertaken to verify adequate quality, and the specific criteria applied in making the assessment, depend on the safety significance and complexity of the device. Since the evaluation of safety significance and complexity is not clearly defined in the U.S.

nuclear industry, this guidance leads to some ambiguity as to how this review should be performed. EPRI TR-106439 does include four examples of how the process can be utilized for various situations, and the U.S. NRCs safety evaluation of the EPRI report adds that Depending upon application and product specifics, some of the recommended evaluations may not be needed. Conversely, there may be additional verification activities needed that are not mentioned in the example.

Assessment of dependability also includes characteristics related to problem reporting and configuration control. Assessment of dependability typically involves a survey of the manufacturer's processes (Method 2 2), and review of the manufacturers performance record and product operating history (Method 4). Source inspections (Method 3) would not be used in verifying built-in quality and designed-2 These methods are described in EPRI 3002002982, Plant Engineer: Guideline for the Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications, Section 4.6

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February 2021 in elements, when implementation of the design has already occurred. Source inspections may be necessary to verify certain hardware quality characteristics during manufacture, or to ensure the quality of changes made to the programmable logic as part of a particular procurement.

Often, the CDR is considered synonymous with the use of method 2, commercial grade surveys (CGS),

and this can sometimes cause confusion. While the CDR and CGS both involve seemingly similar manufacturer assessment activities, the goals of these two activities are quite different. A CDR is a very technically focused activity that includes some quality assurance (QA) oriented reviews, which results in a determination of the suitability of the design for the application. A CGS is a very QA focused activity that includes some technical reviews resulting in a determination of whether items are being manufactured in compliance with the already accepted design. Although it is not endorsed by the U.S.

NRC, EPRI 1011710 is often used as guidance for performing the CDR.

EPRI TR 106439 suggests that to accomplish the CDR requires a survey team that includes specialists who understand the device design, the programmable logic, and the system in which it will be applied, in addition to quality assurance and programmatic issues.

The conclusion that a product has met the dependability critical characteristics is based on engineering judgement. EPRI TR 106439 describes this in the following manner, A commercial product may be judged to have sufficient quality, even if its development process lacked some of the rigorous steps of modern software engineering and/or some formal documentation. Reaching a reasonable level of assurance of quality of a commercial grade digital item typically involves making a judgment based on a combination of the product development process and its documentation, operating history, testing, review of design features such as failure management, and other factors noted in the critical characteristics matrix, Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 in EPRI TR 106439 provides a summary of a set of attributes associated with dependability critical characteristics. This same table provides acceptance criteria, methods of verification and remarks on the methods of verification (e.g., guidance on how to perform the verification). The summary list includes:

  • Reliability and maintainability related to the required functionality
  • Built-in quality o Quality of design o Quality of manufacture o Failure management o Compatibility with human operators, maintainers
  • Configuration control and traceability o Hardware o Software/firmware (i.e., programmable logic)

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February 2021 o Problem reporting Table 4-2 in EPRI TR 106439 provides more detail on attributes that can be evaluated in assessing built-in quality.

3 EPRI RESEARCH OF THE SIL CERTIFICATION PROCESS 3.1 Scope of the EPRI Research In support of the industrys interest in SIL certified equipment, EPRI conducted research on this topic and issued a report that is referenced as, Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certification Efficacy for Nuclear Power, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019. 3002011817 (Reference 8). All page number references in Section 3.1 and 3.2 refer to Reference 8.

In this report, EPRI explained that the motivation of this work comes from the desire of the nuclear industry to utilize the existing ecosystem of SIL certified electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This equipment has come into existence over the past 15-20 years to serve other industries that also have the potential to cause harm through the operations of their facilities (p1-1). The report further explains that:

The nuclear industry is interested in leveraging this ecosystem to take advantage of its highly reliable and relatively low-cost certified equipment and to reduce detailed technical reviews, at the platform level, by regulatory bodies of such equipment. Use of this ecosystem for nuclear safety-related equipment would provide several important benefits. It would allow platform selection during the detailed design phase of a project (rather than during the conceptual design phase), would expand the market of available products, and could ease the regulatory interface.

Most importantly, it could produce substantial improvement in lifecycle efficiency and plant safety. (p1-1)

During this research effort, EPRI reviewed the standards that shape the SIL framework and implementation methodology to establish a basic understanding. They also interviewed individuals with knowledge of and experience with SIL processes to gain deeper insights. They also gathered and analyzed failure data to determine if actual operating experience of SIL certified equipment aligned with the reliability claimed by the certification process. The report describes this effort as:

The EPRI Team gathered information and data from various SIL certifiers, OEMs, and accreditation authorities. This information and data was correlated and analyzed to provide accurate insights on how the SIL certification process works, its level of validity, and the measurable level of safety reliability afforded to digital I&C equipment by adherence to the SIL certification process (p vii).

3.2 Summary of the EPRI Research At a high level, the report can be summarized in the following points. First, the technical and QA requirements involved with SIL certification are very similar to that of nuclear grade equipment. Second, Certification Bodies (CBs) have a standardized, rigorous, and reliable evaluation process. Third, Accreditation Bodies (ABs) hold CBs accountable and maintain an internationally consistent set of expectations to ensure accredited CBs can be trusted by end-users from any industry in any country

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February 2021 (i.e., in any regulatory framework). Fourth, the analysis of field failure data supports the conclusions of reliable operation of certified equipment. Finally, the fifth point is a direct quote from the report: based on the equipment studied, SIL certifications appear to be an accurate indicator of hardware and software safety reliability for programmable electronic equipment at the platform/product level (p7-2).

To make these points, the report consists of nine chapters and six (A-F) appendices. Chapter 1 of the report provides introductory and background information that has already been summarized in Section 3.1 of this document.

Chapter 2 focuses on explaining what functional safety is and how the standards have developed around it as a central concept. Regarding functional safety, the report states:

It can be thought of as a set of rules and methods for the specification, design, and operation of safety functions which are part of automatic protection systems. These safety functions are accomplished by equipment (e.g., sensors, logic solver, and final elements) that automatically mitigates a hazard. (p2-1)

The report then presents IEC 61508 as the foundational standard addressing functional safety, and describes it as:

an international, performance-based (i.e., it avoids prescriptive rules, such as redundancy and self-test capability) standard for the functional safety of E/E/PE equipment (p2-1)

And as:

a basic safety publication of the IEC. As such, it is an umbrella document covering multiple industries and applications. One objective of the standard is to help individual industries develop supplemental standards, tailored specifically to those industries, based on IEC 61508.

Another objective is to enable the development of E/E/PE safety-related systems in the absence of industry specific standards. (p2-2)

The industry specific standards the report describes are IEC 61511 (very similar to ISA 84.00.01) for the process industry, and IEC 61513 for the nuclear industry. IEC 61511 has been widely implemented by the process industries and represents the most significant sector of the SIL ecosystem. This standard is very consistent with the framework laid out by the parent document (IEC 61508). IEC 61513 has been implemented by the nuclear industries in some countries, mostly in Europe, but this standard breaks from the performance-based requirements for systematic integrity and the probabilistic approach to reliability. It points to other standards such as IEC 60880, IEC 62138, and IEC 60987 that implement a very prescriptive and deterministic approach that is very similar to the IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committees (NPECs) suite of standards (e.g., IEEE 603, IEEE 379, IEEE 7-4.3.2).

The final section of Chapter 2 explains why the SIL ecosystem is embraced by manufacturers and end users, identifying that all parties benefit when using this functional safety framework. The manufacturers increase the customer base for their products while the end users increase confidence in the safety of their facilities, protect investments, and satisfy requirements of regulators and insurance companies.

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February 2021 Chapter 3 describes the details of the SIL methodology and describes its fundamental concepts. The report states:

IEC 61508 is based on two fundamental concepts:

  • safety lifecycle, which uses probabilistic, performance-based system analysis and design to minimize random failures and an engineering process to minimize systematic faults resulting from design and documentation errors
  • safety integrity levels, which are used to implement a graded approach to achieving functional safety (with respect to both random and systematic failures) (p3-1)

The report then goes into further detail on the implementation of the safety lifecycles and the four safety integrity levels (SILs), with SIL 1 being the least rigorous through to SIL 4 which is the most rigorous. Next the report describes the concept of risk reduction and the three aspects that are used to realize the desired level of reduction. Those aspects are probability of failure, architecture constraints, and systematic capability. The report describes these as:

1. Systematic capability must be verified for IEC 61508 certified elements or prior use justification must be documented.
2. Architectural constraints must satisfy applicable SIL requirements.
3. Probability of failure per hour (PFH) or average probability of dangerous failure on demand (PFDavg), depending on the mode of operation (i.e., low demand mode, high demand mode, or continuous mode), must be calculated and satisfy applicable SIL requirements. (p3-4)

The report explains that the overall SIL is ultimately the most limiting of these three aspects, and then includes a significant amount of detail related to these three aspects. The aspect of systematic integrity is further explained in Chapter 3 starting with the section titled The IEC 61508 Safety Lifecycle Applied to Products and continues through to the end of the chapter.

One aspect of systematic integrity to highlight is the level of independence that is required for the various SILs. Details of this aspect are included in Table 3-8 of the report. This is highlighted because reviewer independence is an important aspect of NRC digital safety system guidance.

The last section of Chapter 3 is Supplier Quality Management. It reviews some older EPRI research that compares the type of quality system utilized by manufacturers within the SIL ecosystem (ISO 9001) to a nuclear quality program based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix B. This section concludes with the following statement:

These EPRI research results indicate that there is no reason to believe that E/E/PE equipment certified to IEC 61508 SIL 2 or 3 is not suited to perform safety-related functions merely because its OEM utilizes a QA program certified to ISO 9001 (or similar), rather than a nuclear industry specific QA program.(P3-21)

It is important to understand that the point of this statement is that SIL products should not be discarded just because the underlining quality management system is usually based on ISO 9001. This is an acknowledgement of the issues the NRC had previously identified with ISO 9001. EPRIs observation

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February 2021 was that layering IEC 61508 on top of ISO 9001 sufficiently addresses most of the gaps identified by the NRC.

It is important to note that NEI 17-06 is still using most of the traditional aspects of commercial grade dedication in the proposed process so there is already an established approach to addressing the fact that the manufacturer does not have a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B QA program.

The scope of Chapter 4 is the third-party certification process. This aligns with the scope of Section 2.1 of this document. Refer to Section 2.1 of this document for supplemental information. Once the manufacturer has completed the design of the product and has established the manufacturing processes, the manufacturer will assemble evidence of their compliance with the desired SIL, in accordance with IEC 61508, into a safety case. Then they present this safety case to a CB for evaluation.

This chapter discusses what is involved in the CBs review of the safety case and lists the actions a CB must perform. This list is:

  • audit the product development process
  • audit the product developers internal verification and validation efforts and assess their level of independence
  • audit/prove that the developer is executing its V model (or a repeatable form of lean agile)
  • oversee the self-validation process to ensure that the developer does what it says it does
  • revalidate that the product developed complies with the relevant governing standard(s)
  • validate that the product developer is doing what is necessary, traceable, and reproducible to comply with IEC 61508 (p4-2 to 4-3)

To better understand safety cases, EPRI received an example safety case from a CB that had been redacted to remove the manufacturers proprietary information. EPRI reviewed this redacted safety case and made the following observation in the report:

The redacted safety case content was also compared to the dependability attributes addressed in EPRI TR-106439, Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications, and TR-107330, Generic Requirement Specifications for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants. the topics of which are summarized as follows:

  • Development Personnel Qualifications/Experience
  • HW/SW Design, Development, Verification & Validation Processes
  • Availability/Reliability Requirements
  • Failure Modes Analysis/Testing/Management
  • Design Documentation

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February 2021

  • Configuration Management
  • SW Requirements Definition & Requirements Traceability
  • Vendor Testing (Performance, Environmental, SW V&V, Fault Insertion)
  • Product Operating History (Documented, Sufficient, Successful, Relevant)
  • Error Tracking/Problem Reporting [47][48]

The redacted safety case addresses each of these bullet items in whole, or at least in part. With respect to quality assurance, while it doesnt address 10 CFR 50, Appendix B requirements, per se, it does address the OEMs QA program and practices, including SQA. Most OEM QA programs have been certified to ISO 9001 or similar. (See Section 3 of this report for further discussion of QA aspects of SIL certification.) (p4-8 to 4-9)

The report also explains why the dedicating entity can expect to receive notification directly from the manufacturer when defects are identified that impact the safe operation of the SIL certified equipment.

Receiving defect reporting directly from the manufacturer is important to support 10 CFR 21 defect reporting responsibilities. In the following quote, end-users are the purchasers of the equipment, and therefore would be the dedicating entity:

OEMs [sic] of certified products are, however, required to comply with IEC 61508, clause, which says, Manufacturers or system suppliers that claim compliance with all or part of this standard shall maintain a system to initiate changes as a result of defects being detected in hardware or software and to inform users of the need for modification in the event of the defect affecting safety. This provides confidence that end-users will be notified of a certified products defect if that defect affects safety. (p4-9)

Chapter 4 then identifies the three primary CBs within the SIL ecosystem as exida, TUV Rheinland, and TUV SUD. These companies perform the vast majority of SIL certification evaluations. Next, the report provides details about how these CBs perform their evaluations. The report also explains that these CBs work together through the consensus standards working groups (e.g., IEC 61508) to continually improve the functional safety ecosystem in a cooperative manner.

The next section of Chapter 4 generally discusses the results of the CBs evaluations and their impacts on the associated manufacturers. The report states:

The SIL 3 certification process is rigorous enough that many products fail a certification audit, at least the first time around (i.e., they do not achieve SIL 3 certification without needing some sort of design change). The most common type of design change needed is an improvement in diagnostic coverage. Superior diagnostics, along with the associated programming to ensure the equipment is placed in a safe state once the diagnostics detect a failure, drive the safe failure fraction up by converting dangerous undetected failures into safe detected failures. This is often necessary to satisfy the SIL 3 failure rate requirements, as well as the SIL 3 architectural constraints. [26]

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February 2021 Another common barrier to successful certification is product development process deficiencies, particularly the IEC 61508 techniques and measures designed to minimize susceptibility to systematic failures involving both hardware and software. Based on results and observations from their certification process experiences, some equipment suppliers have revised their entire product development process to become IEC 61508 compliant.

The final certification specific topic covered in Chapter 4 is the long-term validity of a CBs certificate.

This varies from 3 to 5 years, depending on the CB. The CBs dictate how long a manufacturer can fabricate and sell products under the current certificate before an update to the evaluation must be performed. The products that are purchased during the window of validity remain certified for the entirety of their useful life, as specified in the safety manual by the manufacturer. The certification of these purchased products does not end after the window of validity of the certificate expires.

The final section of Chapter 4 adds additional background and perspective on the certification process from countries and individual practitioners from the nuclear power industry that already have some experience with SIL certified equipment.

Chapter 5 covers the accreditation of the certification bodies. Accreditation is an important topic in the SIL ecosystem because it ensures the CBs are competent to perform the necessary evaluations of the manufacturers. The report explains that each country has their own AB, but the ABs are linked together by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Multi-Lateral Agreement (MLA). The report states that, As part of the IAF MLA, accreditation bodies get peer-reviewed by other accreditation bodies. (p5-1)

The report goes on to say:

Accreditation is awarded when a certification body passes a detailed multi-day audit, where the certification bodys (CBs) product certification program is assessed against the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012, Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services. As part of the accreditation process, CBs must demonstrate to the accreditation body that they carry out their activities with technical competence, in compliance with statutory and standards-based requirements, and at an internationally comparative standard. The accreditation body also assesses and monitors the management system and the competence of the certification bodies assigned personnel. To certify that a programmable electronic product meets the requirements of IEC 61508, the certification body must have competency in:

  • software design procedures and software failure mechanisms
  • electronic hardware design procedures, electronic hardware failure mechanisms
  • hardware failure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA)
  • hardware probabilistic failure analysis: stress conditions and useful life
  • hardware and software testing procedures and methods
  • quality procedures, document control, and functional safety management [27] (p5-1)

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February 2021 The report then identifies that Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) is the AB for the TUV CBs in Germany, and that American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the AB for exida in the USA. It also provides some details about ANSIs and DAkkSs processes and procedures.

Chapter 6 presents EPRIs analysis of field failure data. The intent of this analysis was to determine if SIL certified equipment performed at the level predicted by their certifications. Ultimately, EPRI was able to collect 12 data sets to analyze. The report provides the summary of these data sets as:

In total, these 12 data sets represent 1,797,768,480 estimated operating hours, and there was a total of 205 actual reported failures, which corresponds to 323 estimated total failures. Except for the third logic solver, they all had estimated failure rates either less than or approximately equal to their predicted (i.e., FMEDA) failure rates. Several systematic failures contributed to the elevated failure rate of the third logic solver. They resulted from manufacturing process issues that were subsequently corrected by the OEM. The issue with lead-free solder was somewhat common years ago, but that manufacturing process is now well known and under control. (p6-14)

These results show that the estimated failure rates are conservative since 323 failures were expected but only 205 occurred. These results also illustrated how the probabilistic failure rates and the systematic integrity could both be evaluated through the review of field failure data. The investigation into the case where the failure rates were higher than expected became a mechanism to identify systematic issues and correct them. It is also valuable to note that systematic integrity is a parallel concept to the nuclear industrys concept of common cause failure.

Chapter 7 provided the final summary and conclusions. The first conclusion to highlight is, The use of IEC 61508 certified equipment, in combination with application-specific functional and environmental qualification, can provide a significant improvement in dependability, as well as lower costs (p7-1). The other conclusions drawn by the report were:

  • The SIL certification process, especially for products developed to comply with SIL 3 requirements, takes a deep look into the products hardware and software, as well as the projects functional safety management processes and documentation, to demonstrate the products safety integrity for performing safety functions, specifically:

o Hardware probabilistic failure analysis that may, in some cases, be validated with quality field failure data and analysis o Best practice techniques and measures used during HW and SW design/development to achieve systematic fault avoidance and fault tolerance, applied with varying levels of rigor as a function of SIL (Note: This item goes well beyond what is addressed in typical nuclear industry guidance documents, which mostly focus on process rather than best practice techniques and measures.)

o Requirements tracing, testing, modification, user documentation, and manufacturing processes o OEMs functional safety management and quality management system documentation

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  • SIL certifications are valid for 3-5 years, depending on the Certifying Body, and can be renewed prior to expiration or when non-trivial product modifications are made.
  • SIL Certifying Bodies are regularly accredited to accepted international standards that apply to a wide variety of certification schemes, including the SIL certification in accordance with IEC 61508.
  • Based on field failure data from twelve SIL certified logic solvers (e.g., PLCs, process controllers), representing almost 1.8 billion operating hours, SIL certified products performed consistently with their predicted failure rates in all but a few cases. For those cases where systematic failures caused the estimated field failure rate to exceed the predicted failure rate, the systematic failures typically resulted from manufacturing process issues, and in no cases did they result from software faults (i.e., no instances of software CCF).
  • SIL certifications are an accurate indicator of hardware and software safety reliability for programmable electronic equipment at the platform/product level. SIL certification efficacy at the integration and application level were not evaluated. (p7-1 to p7-2)

The final sentence of the last point, SIL certification efficacy at the integration and application level were not evaluated, was simply clarifying that the methodologies used to implement SIL certified equipment into applications in other industries was not studied. Since the intent of the nuclear industry is to interweave the SIL certification ecosystem into the existing nuclear integration and application processes (e.g., commercial grade dedication and qualification), this aspect of the research was not important to this effort.

The balance of the report includes:

  • Chapter 9- References
  • Appendix A- Summary of IEC 61508:2010, Edition 2.0 Changes
  • Appendix B- Programable Electronic System Product Development Process Requirements
  • Appendix C- Programmable Electronic Systems Certified to IEC 61508
  • Appendix D- Sample Quotation for the Assessment of a PLC Based on IEC 61508:2010 SIL 3
  • Appendix E- DAkkS Accreditation Assessment Checklist
  • Appendix F- Field Failure Data Collection, Statistical Analysis, and Presentation Strategies These additional two chapters and six appendices are intended to be referenced while utilizing Chapters 1 through 7.

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February 2021 3.3 Conclusion from EPRI Research The key takeaway from the EPRI research is that the technical content of a SIL certification encompasses the technical content of a commercial grade dedication, as it pertains to the dependability critical characteristics. This is most clearly demonstrated in p4-8 to 4-9 of Reference 8 where the safety case is compared to the dependability attributes addressed in EPRI TR-106439.

The conclusion regarding the technical content is the critical point of focus for the approach to commercial grade dedication laid out in this guidance. There are potentially some conclusions to be drawn concerning the quality assurance aspects of the manufacturers process, but those are not being pursued as a part of this guidance document. This guidance document later addresses the quality aspects of the CB as an overseer of the manufacturer.

4 ACCEPTANCE OF COMMERCIAL GRADE, SIL CERTIFIED, DIGITAL EQUIPMENT FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY APPLICATIONS 4.1 Application of the SIL Certification Process The approach being laid out in this document for performing commercial grade dedication of digital equipment is based on the conclusion pointed out in Section 3.3 of this document. Implementation of this conclusion is that SIL certifications can be used as the evidence of acceptability of dependability critical characteristics (CCs), as defined by EPRI 106439. In this process, the traditional activity of a CDR and the traditional use of Methods 2 & 4 to determine the acceptability of dependability CCs are replaced by a SIL certification that meets all the criteria laid out in this guidance. Since SIL certifications are issued by CBs that do not operate under a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B QA program, additional measures are involved to dedicate the service being provided by the CB producing the SIL certification. This approach also involves measures for the U.S. nuclear industry to provide oversight of the SIL certified equipment ecosystem. The approach is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

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February 2021 Oversight by US Nuclear Accreditation Body Industry Accreditation Dedicating Entity Certificate of Accreditation CGD of Service Certification Body ISO 17065 CGD of Equipment/

Components SIL Certificate

- Dependability CCs Evaluation Service

-Performance CCs

-Physical CCs Equipment/ OEM Components IEC 61508 Figure 4.1- The CGD process for Digital Equipment with an Accredited SIL Certification The steps to this approach are as follows:

1. Identify the requirements of the end users application (see Section 4.2 for more details).
2. Identify SIL certified equipment, and review the SIL certification and the manufacturers safety manual to confirm they encompass the requirements of the application (see Section 4.3 for more details).
3. Perform a technical evaluation of the equipment to identify physical, performance, and dependability critical characteristics according to EPRI 3002002982, EPRI TR-106439, and Section 4.4 of this document.
4. Perform a technical evaluation of the CBs service of evaluating manufacturers equipment and issuing the appropriate SIL certificate. This evaluation identifies the critical characteristics of the service, in accordance with the guidance in EPRI 3002002982, so that the service can be dedicated as nuclear grade.
5. Review the CBs certificate of accreditation to confirm that IEC 61508 certifications are within the CBs scope.

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February 2021

6. Use the CBs certificate of accreditation and the supplemental U.S. nuclear industry evaluation (see Chapter 5 for more details) to complete the CGD of the service similarly to how accreditations to ISO 17025 are used in NEI 14-05.
7. Use the SIL certification to complete the determination of acceptability of the dependability CCs of the item CGD (see Section 4.4 for more details).
8. Use traditional methods to determine acceptability of the physical and performance CCs.

At this point the commercial grade dedication process would be complete, and all traditional processes and procedures would be followed to maintain the equipment as nuclear grade (i.e., a basic component). Looking at this approach from a high level, there are no significant changes to the CGD process, but this approach yields significant efficiency gains for the commercial grade dedicator by replacing the need for a CDR and by replacing the use of the CGS acceptance method.

4.2 Determination of SIL for End Users Application To complete step 1 of the approach laid out in Section 4.1, establish the safety function and the required SIL level for the end users application. These aspects may be established for a generic use case to cover a range of end users applications. The required SIL level shall be based upon the safety significance of the safety function using a risk-based approach that addresses both consequence and probability of failure aligning with the SIL probability criteria. A risk-informed method is suggested to establish the SIL level requirement. The design would quantify the required risk factor reduction needed for the specific safety function such as using existing PRA results and then select the SIL digital components/systems that would meet the requirement to maintain or improve the PRA results. This selection would utilize the SIL level failure thresholds for the risk reduction needed (see Figure 4.2) and the frequency of demand (high or low). The EPRI HAZCADS process is one example of how this risk-informed approach can be implemented (Reference 23).

Figure 4.2- for Low Demand (Based on Reference 9)

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February 2021 4.3 Selection of SIL Certified Equipment To complete step 2 of the approach laid out in Section 4.1, equipment must be selected that meets the functional requirements of the application, must be certified for a safety function that encompasses the safety function of the application, and must be certified to meet or exceed the SIL that has been established for the application (as described in Section 4.3). After potential equipment has been identified that meets the functional requirements of the application, these steps shall be followed:

1. Obtain the equipments SIL certificate and the safety manual. Refer to Appendix A of this document to review example certificates.
2. Review the certificate and confirm, through the CB, the validity of the certification.
3. Confirm that the certification is to IEC 61508.
4. Confirm that the certified SIL meets or exceeds the SIL determined to be appropriate for the application.
5. Confirm that the CB is accredited by an organization that is a signatory to the IAF.
6. Confirm that the safety function identified on the certificate and/or in the safety manual encompasses the scope of the safety function of the intended application.

It is common for the certified safety function to exclude some of the functionality of the equipment. For example, the second SIL certificate included in Appendix B of this document is for a differential pressure gauge with a built-in setpoint switching function. When the safety manual for this device is reviewed it becomes clear that the indication of the gauge is not covered by the SIL certification. The SIL certification only applies to the switching function. Here is the excerpt from the manual:

Figure 4.3- Safety Function Excerpt (Section 2.3.5) from Reference 22 If the safety function of the intended application included the gauge indication, then the SIL certification could not be credited to satisfy the dependability critical characteristics during the commercial grade dedication.

4.4 Technical Evaluation & Acceptance Method Concerning steps 3 and 7 of Section 4.1 of this document, Table 4-1 of EPRI TR-106439 provides an example of CCs, acceptance criteria, and verification methods that can be used in a commercial grade dedication of digital equipment. This table sorts the CCs into the categories of physical, performance, and dependability. The CCs in the dependability category are the focus of this section. These

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 23

February 2021 dependability CCs are typically evaluated for acceptability using commercial grade surveys (EPRI method

2) supported by CDRs and reviewing operating history (EPRI method 4). Table 4-4 of this document extracts the dependability category of the table from EPRI TR-106439 and identifies how the SIL certification process (column 4 in Table 4-4) evaluates these dependability CCs for acceptability in lieu of a commercial grade survey (column 3 of Table 4-4). The resulting process is illustrated in Figure 4.4.

Note that EPRI methods 2, 3, or 4 could be used as the verification approach to any of the remaining physical or performance (non-dependability) CCs, but it is common industry practice to verify those CCs using EPRI method 1. Figure 4.4 is structured with this common practice in mind.

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February 2021 Table 4.4- Dependability Critical Characteristics Matrix The first three columns are from Table 4-1 of EPRI TR-106439. The fourth column is the methodology of the SIL certification by an accredited CB.

EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 SIL Certification Process CCs for Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Methods of Verification Method of Verification Dependability Criteria for reliability, availability and Reliability: Review vendor reliability Reliability Reliability and maintainability should be derived from calculation/testing methods and Numerical criteria are established by maintainability the requirements of the intended results. Review operating history data. IEC 61508 in terms of PFH and PFDavg.

related to the application(s). Specific criteria may be Review and assess design. Perform See p3-7 through p3-13 of Reference 8 required established such as numerical criteria reliability analysis. (Method 2) for details.

functionality for reliability or availability of required functions, or maintainability criteria including software. If numerical criteria are used, the method of demonstration should be specified (e.g., hardware reliability prediction using classical methods, or statistical analysis of failure rate data from field experience).

Built-in quality Basic criterion for built-in quality is Review of vendor processes and Built-in Quality including: equivalence to the quality of a device documentation (Method 2 or 3):

  • The IEC Safety Lifecycle (includes
  • Quality of design developed and applied under a 10 CFR
  • Design, development and configuration management) as
  • Quality of 50, Appendix B program. Judgment of verification processes detailed in p3-13 through p3-21 of manufacture equivalent quality is based on a
  • Quality assurance program and Reference 8.
  • Failure combination of: practices
  • CBs review process including the management
  • Design and design review processes,
  • V&V program and practices safety case, see Chapter 4 of
  • Compatibility with including software life cycle, V&V, etc. Reference 8.

human operators,

  • Design documentation Design reviews --architecture review,
  • ABs review process, see Chapter 5 maintainers
  • Configuration management code reviews, walkthroughs, use of of Reference 8.
  • QA program and practices analytical techniques, etc. (Method 2
  • Self-diagnostics to detect dangerous Configuration
  • Software requirements definition & CDR **text in quotes added**) failures and force the equipment to control and and requirements traceability Failure analysis, at the system level a safe state. See the discussion of traceability of: and of the commercial grade item

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February 2021 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 SIL Certification Process CCs for Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Methods of Verification Method of Verification

  • Hardware
  • Consideration of failure modes and itself the Safe Failure Fraction on p3-5
  • Software ACEs in design and verification Comparison of device's failure modes through p3-6 of Reference 8 for
  • Firmware (aspects
  • Qualifications and experience of to needs of the application more details.

of both hardware personnel involved in design and

  • Defect reporting, see p4-9 of and software verification activities Review of product operating history Reference 8.


  • Product operating history (from vendor, users, user groups,
  • SIL Certification Aging, see p4-20 of control)
  • Testing by the vendor or dedicator industry reports, INPO, etc.) Reference 8.
  • Problem reporting (Method 4):

Minimum criterion for configuration

  • Documented (records, traceable) Operating History control and traceability is that these
  • Sufficient (units, years in service) Field failure data informs the reliability be sufficient to support use of
  • Successful (error tracking shows determination (PFH or PFDavg), see operating history data and to ensure good performance and device Chapter 6 of Reference 8 the item delivered can be traced back including software is stable) to the documents reviewed as part of
  • Relevant (same or similar acceptance. Additional criteria may hardware/software configuration, apply if the dedicator wishes to functions used, operated similarly, procure more of the same item in the etc.)


Configuration control: review vendor As a minimum, problem reporting configuration management program must be sufficient to support use of and practices. Examine actual product operating history and to allow practices, records. (Method 2 or 3) dedicator to carry out 10 CFR 21 responsibilities. Specific criteria should Problem reporting: review vendor be established (e.g., on coverage, procedures and practices. Assess timeliness, reporting to the right performance record with previous organization or department). customers (Method 2). Enter into contractual agreement.

Assess maintainability of dedication.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 26

February 2021 WITHOUT SIL WITH SIL CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION Define safety function and all Define safety function and all requirements requirements Commercial Item identified Commercial Item identified to be evaluated to be evaluated SUITABILITY OF THE DESIGN Dependability review Dependability review typically utilizing guidance from EPRI 1011710 (CDR)

SIL Certification typically utilizing guidance from EPRI 1011710 (CDR)

Qualification Testing in Qualification Testing in accordance with IEEE 323, accordance with IEEE 323, IEEE 344 and RG 1.180 IEEE 344 and RG 1.180 ACCEPTABILITY OF Define the Critical Define the Critical MANUFACTURED Characteristics, the Characteristics, the ITEMS Acceptance Criteria, and Acceptance Criteria, and the Acceptance Strategy the Acceptance Strategy COMMERCIAL GRADE EPRI Methods EPRI Methods DEDICATION UTILIZING GUIDANCE FROM EPRI Implement the Method 4 Implement the Method 4 3002002982, AND Acceptance Strategy Acceptance Strategy EPRI TR-106439 SIL Certification Implement the Method 2 Implement the Method 2 Acceptance Strategy Acceptance Strategy Implement the Method 1 Implement the Method 1 Acceptance Strategy Acceptance Strategy Accept the Item as nuclear Accept the Item as nuclear grade (i.e., basic component) grade (i.e., basic component)

Figure 4.4- Commercial Grade Dedication and Qualification Process with and without SIL Certification

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February 2021 5 NEI EVALUATION OF THE ACCREDITATION PROCESS 5.1 Description of Evaluation To build on the results EPRI reported (Reference 8), further investigation was performed on the details of the accreditation process. Accreditation is an important aspect of the SIL ecosystem since it is how the CBs are determined to be competent to perform the evaluations of the manufacturers products.

The AB is essentially the entity that checks the checkers and having confidence in their process is critical to maintaining confidence in the entire ecosystem.

As described in Section 4.1, the methodology for being able to utilize SIL certifications is to perform a CGD of the service provide by the CB. With this approach in mind, a comparison was performed of a CGS and of an ABs 17065 accreditation activity to identify the similarities. This comparison began with a technical evaluation of the CBs service to identify the CCs and acceptance criteria. The CCs provided the basis for the scope of what the CGS would cover. A CGS checklist was then assembled using the identified CCs and a NUPIC audit checklist (based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix B). The CGS checklist consisted of the sections of the NUPIC checklist that related to the identified CCs. This tailored NUPIC checklist was then compared to the accreditation requirements of ISO 17065 to identify if there were any potential gaps. The overall idea of this comparison was that if the ISO 17065 accreditation scope encompassed the CGS scope then the ISO 17065 accreditation would be a valid approach to dedicating the CBs service. See Appendix B for the complete comparison.

5.2 Result of CGS and Accreditation Comparison There were many areas of similarity between these two scopes, and significant benefits were observed for a CB being accredited to ISO 17065. The following topics were covered in both scopes:

  • Contract Management
  • Document Control and Records Management
  • Product Configuration Management
  • Personnel Competency
  • Management of Impartiality
  • Non-conformances
  • Corrective Actions
  • Self-assessments (internal audits)
  • Surveillance of Certifications
  • Complaint and Appeal Management
  • Reporting Requirements

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February 2021 As described in the conclusion in Appendix B, only one potential gap was identified, and it was related to the topic of design control (Section 2) from the CGS checklist. In reviewing ISO 17065 it was unclear how the AB would confirm that the CBs scheme complied with IEC 61508. Section 7.1.1 of ISO 17065 states, The certification body shall operate one or more certification scheme(s) covering its certification activities, and Section 7.1.2 of ISO 17065 states, Evaluation requirements of products shall be contained in specified standards. These two requirements are what link the accreditation process to IEC 61508. ISO 17065 is an adequate source of requirements to address the QA aspects of the CBs service, but IEC 61508 is the primary source for the technical requirements that would address this design control aspect.

Based on this comparison of requirements, additional information was needed to be able to further evaluate the potential gap. It was concluded that observing the ABs activities during an accreditation activity was necessary to understand the level of rigor applied to confirming the requirements of Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of ISO 17065. If the AB demonstrated a sufficient level of rigor to confirm that the CBs scheme did comply with IEC 61508 then there would not be a gap, but if the level of rigor was observed to be lacking then a compensating measure would be needed to be able to complete the CGD of the CBs service.

5.3 Description of Observation To investigate an ABs level of rigor, an observation was planned of the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) as they performed an assessment of exida (a U.S.-based CB). An observation checklist was prepared to guide the NEI observers during this observation. This checklist highlighted the requirements of IEC 61508 that aligned most with the dependability CCs in Table 4-1 of EPRI TR-106439. This resulted in the checklist also aligning with Table 4.4 of this document. See Appendix C for more details for the basis of this checklist. IEC 61508 is a large standard that contains many requirements, so structuring this checklist as it has been described allowed the NEI observers to focus in on the most important aspects when confirming compliance of the CBs scheme.

5.4 Results of Observation In November 2020, NEI and NRC personnel participated in the planned observation. The observation of ANAB yielded confirmation of the benefits identified in Section 5.2 of this document. The ANAB assessors thoroughly confirmed the CB was operating in compliance with ISO 17065, but a concern regarding the level of rigor applied to Section 7.1.2 of ISO 17065 was noted. It was the perspective of the NEI and NRC observers that the ANAB technical assessor responsible for assessing Section 7.1.2 of ISO 17065 did not demonstrate a sufficient understanding of IEC 61508, and therefore, was not able to sufficiently assess the CBs scheme for compliance. The NEI observers were not able to complete their checklist during the observation.

While much of the ANAB assessment was viewed as a valuable activity, the concern of the ANAB technical assessor confirmed the presence of a gap that require a compensating measure. It was the perspective of both the NEI and NRC observers that the U.S. nuclear industry needs to implement a compensating measure to confirm that a CBs scheme meets the requirements of IEC 61508.

During the observation it was also confirmed that after the initial accreditation, ANAB operates on a two-year accreditation cycle, but also performs a surveillance of the CB on the off year. As a result, ANAB performs either a re-certification activity or a surveillance activity once every year for each CB.

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February 2021 5.5 Compensating Measure To compensate for the observed gap, two paths were determined. One is a long-term path, and the other is a short-term path. The long-term path is to work with ANAB to improve the assessment of Section 7.1.2 of ISO 17065. Preliminary discussions with ANAB indicated that there is willingness and interest to pursue this path, but it may take some time to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Using this compensating path, the CGD of the CBs service would be able to be completed solely with the ISO 17065 accreditation.

The short-term path was for the U.S. nuclear industry to develop a supplemental accreditation checklist to be applied to each CB that would assess their schemes compliance with IEC 61508 within the context of the dependability CCs in Table 4-1 of EPRI TR-106439. Since currently, there are only three CBs that cover most certifications (as pointed out in Reference 8) this is seen as a reasonable path forward until the long-term path can be completed. The basis included in Appendix C was utilized for this supplemental checklist. Each topic was expanded by using applicable requirements of IEC 61508. The checklist is included in Appendix D.

After five years, these assessments would be reperformed to ensure the CBs schemes have remained compliant, unless the long-term path has already been realized. Five years is an appropriate amount of time because the IEC 61508 standard is a very stable document, and the accreditation activities will continue to happen annually. It is extremely unlikely that a CB would make any change to their scheme within that oversight structure to move out of compliance. The current edition of IEC 61508 was published in 2010, with a stability date of 2023, and no major changes are expected in the foreseeable future.

Using the short-term compensating path, the CGD of the CBs service would be able to be completed with the ISO 17065 accreditation, accompanied by successful completion of the supplemental checklist.

5.6 Initial Uses of the Supplemental Accreditation Checklist To enable the implementation of the guidance of this document, an assessment of exida was performed by the NEI MP3 working group, using the Supplemental Accreditation Checklist (Appendix D). This assessment utilized information about the CB that has been compiled into Reference 8, and information collected through interviews of exida personnel. The supplemental accreditation checklist used to document this assessment is included in Appendix E. Based on the supplemental assessment, exida is considered an acceptable CB for use, within the structure of the guidance of the short-term compensating measure, laid out in Section 5.5.

6 DEDICATING ENTITYS QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM Dedicating entities that rely on the accredited IEC 61508 SIL certification process for the dependability critical characteristics (CC) in lieu of commercial grade surveys are required to document this method in their 10 CFR 50, Appendix B QA program.

The following sections discuss criteria that need to be addressed in the QA program in order to credit the IEC 61508 SIL certification process. The 10 CFR 50, Appendix B dedicating entity shall ensure certification and accreditation as described in Section 4.1 of this guidance and will impose any additional

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February 2021 technical or quality program requirements, as necessary, to meet regulatory requirements and the licensees QA program commitments (end user).

6.1 Organization Commercial Grade Dedication of the digital equipment shall be performed by a dedicating entity that has a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B QA program. The dedicating entity may be the licensee, a third-party dedicator, or even the manufacturer. This section addresses how the IEC 61508 SIL certification process will be integrated into that Appendix B program.

The dedicating entity retains overall responsibility for assuring that purchased digital devices meet applicable technical and regulatory requirements and that reasonable assurance of quality exists. There are no special requirements beyond 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.

6.2 Procurement Document Control When purchasing equipment using the method described in this guidance, the procurement documents will impose requirements to satisfy the dedicating entitys QA program and technical requirements.

These shall be included as a minimum:

1. The equipment must be certified to the IEC 61508 SIL that is required by the application, or to a higher SIL.
2. The scope of the SIL certification must encompass the scope of the safety function required by the application (include a version of the required safety function that is just specific enough to allow the manufacturer to confirm it can be performed by their equipment).
3. The SIL certification must be issued by a CB that is accredited to IEC 17065 and has IEC 61508 within its scope of accreditation.
4. The AB must be a signatory to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
5. The IEC 61508 SIL certificate and safety manual must be deliverables to the purchasing organization.
6. Clause of IEC 61508 must be imposed. This will require notification of any condition that impacts safety, and this notification will support the dedicating entitys Part 21 reporting responsibility.

6.3 Tasks Associated with Digital Dependability Evidence For the digital dependability critical characteristics, the dedicating entity can take credit for the IEC 61508 SIL certification and accreditation processes. The dedicating entity using the IEC 61508 SIL certification process for the dependability CCs will be responsible for:

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1. Ensuring that all deliverables defined in Section 6.2 have been received from the equipment manufacturer.
2. Reviewing the CBs certificate and ensuring the equipment meets or exceeds the required IEC 61508 SIL.
3. Ensuring the certificate is not expired or otherwise invalidated. It may be necessary to contact the CB directly or to utilize the CBs certification database (typically accessible via the CBs website) to confirm this. The accreditation must also be supported by the appropriate compensating measure identified in Section 5.5.
4. Reviewing the CBs certificate and/or the manufacturers safety manual and confirming that the certified safety function encompasses the applications safety function.
5. Confirming that the CBs scheme and/or safety case has been verified to satisfy the criteria of the supplemental accreditation checklist (Appendix D) included in this document.
6. Reviewing the ABs certificate of accreditation. This review must confirm that the CB is accredited to ISO 17065 and that IEC 61508 is in the CBs scope of accreditation.
7. Confirm that the AB is a signatory of the IAF.

6.4 QA Evidence for Digital Dependability The IEC 61508 SIL certification process for the dependability CCs will be demonstrated by:

1. The manufacturers safety manual
2. The CBs IEC 61508 SIL certificate for the subject equipment
3. The ABs certificate of accreditation for the subject CB
4. Documentation of the CBs scheme being confirmed to satisfy the criteria of the supplemental accreditation checklist (Appendix D), or documentation of successful completion of the long-term compensating measure path, described in Section 5.5
5. Documentation of the dedicating entity completing the responsibilities listed in Section 6.3 Note that physical and performance CCs will be assessed using the traditional commercial grade dedication methods.

6.5 Corrective Action

1. The dedicating entity shall have a Corrective Action program and assume 10 CFR Part 21 responsibility.
2. The dedicating entity is required to notify Licensees and the NRC of deviations/defects which could result in substantial safety hazards as required by 10 CFR Part 21.

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3. For the identification of component problems, the dedicating entity shall have a contractual relationship with the manufacturer in place to ensure notification of errors is obtained. This aligns with requirement 6 in Section 6.2.

7 U.S. NUCLEAR INDUSTRY OVERSIGHT OF THE SIL CERTIFICATION PROCESS The objective of the oversight of the IEC 61508 SIL Certification Process by the U.S. nuclear industry is to confirm that the process continues to cover the EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics and is implemented consistently for all manufacturer equipment evaluations. This ensures the process can be used as described in Chapter 4. Early identification of potentially adverse conditions will afford the nuclear industry the opportunity to discuss any impact with the NRC and to modify this guidance as necessary.

7.1 Organization Licensees, dedicating entities using this guidance, and NEI are responsible for the industry oversight of the IEC 61508 SIL certification process as it relates to industrys use of the process as part of commercial grade dedication.

7.2 Verification that the SIL Certification Process Continues to be Consistent with NRC Endorsed Practices The assessments and conclusions of the consistency of the IEC 61508 SIL certification process documented herein include the evaluation of any future changes to the IEC 61508 SIL certification process, since NRC endorsement, to make sure the process continues to cover the EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics.

As part of the continued oversight, a nuclear industry team, through NEI, will monitor the IEC 61508 SIL certification requirements to verify that they continue to cover the EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics. Because IEC 61508 is the main standard that assures consistency with NRC accepted practices and because it is not often revised, it is expected that changes that would make the IEC 61508 SIL certification process no longer consistent with EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics would be few and infrequent, if at all.

Any time the IEC 61508 standard is under revision, the nuclear industry team will evaluate whether the potential changes impact the IEC 61508 SIL certification process and its coverage of the EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics. If changes adversely impact coverage of the EPRI TR 106439 Dependability Critical Characteristics, then the nuclear industry through NEI has the ability to provide feedback to the IEC 61508 standards development committee to change the draft revision to encompass these critical characteristics.

As a result, the nuclear industry has an opportunity to vet changes to IEC 61508 SIL certification requirements before they are implemented, and thus provide the U.S. nuclear industry and NRC with substantial advanced notification, and would have time to implement changes to this guidance or otherwise issue communications to users of the guidance.

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February 2021 The nuclear industry team, through NEI, will make the NRC aware of any potential adverse changes and industrys actions to mitigate them. A summary of the monitoring of IEC 61508 SIL certification requirements will be documented whenever IEC 61508 is revised.

7.3 Verification that Implementation of the IEC 61508 SIL Certification Process Continues to be Consistent with NRC Accepted Practices The assessments and conclusions of the consistency of the implementation of the IEC 61508 SIL certification process documented herein are based in part on the direct observations of the performance of accreditation bodies (e.g., ANSI and DAkkS) for SIL certification. These evaluations are performed to verify the accreditation process continues to be consistently applied.

U.S. nuclear industry representatives will observe ABs that accredit IEC 61508 SIL CBs to ensure that the IEC 61508 SIL certification process continues to be implemented consistently. These observations will be like what was described in Section 5.3 and will be used to continue to evaluate the implementation of compensating measures identified in Section 5.5. The U.S. nuclear industry observations will be performed initially on a three (3) year frequency with the possibility of reducing the frequency if it is observed that the process is demonstrably consistent. The initial 3-year frequency is consistent with the guidance in NRC Regulatory Guides 1.28 and 1.144 for auditing 10 CFR 50, Appendix B suppliers. The NRC may request to be an observer for these observations.

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Introduction The traditional approach to taking credit for a commercial grade service is to perform a commercial grade dedication (CGD). The typical acceptance method used to perform this type of CGD is a commercial grade survey (CGS). This document evaluates the ISO 17065 accreditation process as a replacement to that traditional approach. The context of this evaluation/comparison is the service being provided by an IEC 61508 functional safety certifying body (CB).

Summary of Process The comparison process used in this document is to develop a CGS checklist and then compare it to ISO 17065 accreditation. To develop the CGS checklist, the following steps are used: identify the safety function, perform a technical evaluation to identify the critical characteristics (CCs), and then identify the applicable audit sections of the Nuclear Procurement Issues Corporation (NUPIC) audit checklist. A commercial grade survey is typically performed using a tailored 10 CFR 50, Appendix B checklist. The checklist is trimmed down to specifically address the identified critical characteristics. The NUPIC checklist encompasses the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and is therefore an acceptable starting point. To complete this process, this tailored NUPIC checklist is then compared to the accreditation requirements of ISO 17065.

CGS Checklist Development Safety Function: Evaluate the safety case for specific equipment to determine if an adequate level of safety integrity exists.

Technical Evaluation:

Failure Mode Effect Critical Characteristic Acceptance Criteria Personnel are not Conclusions of 1. Personnel Documented evidence exists qualified to perform the evaluations qualification to confirm qualification of the work. will likely be personnel.


Outsourced Conclusions of 2. Outsourced entity Documented evidence exists evaluations are not the evaluations qualification to confirm qualification of conducted by an will likely be entity performing entity that is qualified inaccurate. evaluations.

to perform the work.

Standards, Conclusions of 3. Standards, Basis documents are procedures, and/or the evaluations procedures, and/or appropriate for the schemes used as the will likely be schemes validity evaluation being performed.

basis for evaluation invalid.

requirements are not correct.

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February 2021 Failure Mode Effect Critical Characteristic Acceptance Criteria Input information Conclusions of 4. Input information Input information is (e.g., OEM Safety the evaluations validity applicable and valid.

Case, Failure Data) is will likely be not correct. invalid.

Changes have The results of the 5. Change Contractual arrangements are occurred during evaluation are management and in place between the OEM ongoing production of not applicable to reporting and the CB to ensure the CB a certified product the product mechanisms is notified of changes made to that invalidate the currently being the product.

certification. produced.

The certifying body Conclusions of 6. Organizational The discipline of the does not have the evaluations management organization is demonstrated organizational will likely be by implementation and discipline to ensure invalid. adherence to a quality consistency in management program that evaluations. ensures consistent performance of evaluations.

Identifying Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections:

Audit Critical Section Description Applicability Section Characteristics 1 Contract Review Yes- 1.2 & 1.4 only 5 2 Design Yes- 2.2, 2.4-2.6 only 3-5 3 Commercial Grade Dedication No 4 Software Quality Assurance No 5 Procurement Yes- 5.3 only 2 Fabrication/Assembly Activities, Material No 6

Control and Handling, Storage and Shipping 7 Special Processes No No 8 Tests, Inspections, and Calibration (ISO 17025 & NEI 14-05 scope) 9 Document Control/Adequacy Yes 1-6 10 Organization/Program Yes 6 11 Nonconforming Items/Part 21 Yes (with no Part 21)- 11.3 only 5 12 Internal Audits Yes 6 13 Corrective Action Yes 6 14 Training/Certification Yes 1 15 Field Services No 16 Records Yes 1-6

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February 2021 ISO 17065 Table of Contents- For


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February 2021 Comparison Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 1.2 - Verify that measures are the certifying body (CB) shall have a legally The contract between the None needed established and implemented for the enforceable agreement for the provision of the certifying body (CB) and translation of customer purchase certification activities to its client the client (equipment order/contract technical and quality the CB shall ensure its certification manufacturer) is an requirements into the suppliers agreement requires the client always fulfills the important aspect of the control documents. certification requirements, including directed certification process. This corrective actions contract must establish the CB shall ensure its certification the CB as the authority agreement requires that ongoing production of the over the resulting certified product continues to fulfill requirements certification of the the CB shall ensure its certification product being evaluated.

agreement requires the client to make arrangements The commercial grade for the conduct of the evaluation and surveillance survey (CGS) checklist, the CB shall ensure its certification which is 10 CFR 50, agreement requires the client to make arrangements Appendix B based, is for investigation of complaints focused on product the CB shall ensure its certification procurements where the agreement requires the client to make arrangements purchaser is the authority.

for the participation of observers This makes it less than a the CB shall ensure its certification perfect fit for the service agreement requires the client to make claims being surveyed, but this consistent with the scope of certification Section 1.2 is the best the CB shall ensure its certification place to capture the agreement requires the client not to use the product requirements for this certification in a negative manner or make misleading client-certifier agreement statements concerning the cert (contract). These the CB shall ensure its certification requirements highlighted agreement requires the client to discontinue from ISO 17065 meet or marketing the cert after it is no longer valid. exceed the expectations of the CGS.

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures the CB shall ensure its certification agreement requires the client to only reproduce certification documents in their entirety the CB shall ensure its certification agreement requires the client to comply with the requirements of the certification in all marketing material the CB shall ensure its certification agreement requires the client to comply with certification marking requirements the CB shall ensure its certification agreement requires the client to keep a record of all complaints made known to it relating to the certification, and to make these records available to the CB when requested. The client shall also be required to act in response to complaints and to document those actions. the CB shall ensure its certification agreement requires the client to inform the CB, without delay, of changes in their ability to conform to cert requirements the CB shall control the mechanisms for indicating a product is certified the CB shall take action to correct any inaccurate indications of product certifications 4.2 certification activities shall be undertaken impartially, and CBs must track and manage any potential and confirmed risks to maintaining impartiality on an ongoing basis.

This does not preclude the CB from providing information to the client regarding identified deficiencies.

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 1.4 - Verify that measures are 7.4 Evaluation- The CB shall have a plan for Again, the NUPIC checklist None established and implemented to performing the evaluation and shall follow the plan is not a perfect fit for an ensure that final record packages, ensuring compliance with the other applicable audit or survey of a including Certificates of sections of this standard. certifying body, but this Compliance/Conformance, 7.4.6 & 7.4.7 The client shall be informed of any Section 1.4 is the best fit demonstrate that purchase nonconformities and given the option to work to for capturing this aspect order/contract technical and quality resolve them. of the CBs responsibility requirements were satisfied. 7.4.8 If the client choses that path, the evaluation to ensure certification shall be repeated. requirements are met and 7.4.9 The results of all evaluation activities shall be appropriately documented prior to review. documented. These 7.5 Review- The CB shall assign a person to review requirements highlighted the evaluation results who was not involved in the from ISO 17065 meet or evaluation. This review shall be used to determine if a exceed the expectations certificate will be issued. of the CGS.

7.6.1 Certification decision- the CB shall be responsible for its decisions relating to certification.

7.6.2 The CB shall assign at least one person to make the certification decision based on the evaluation, review, and any other relevant information. This person or group shall be independent from the performance of the evaluation.

7.7 Certification documentation- The certificate issued to the client shall meet all the requirements of this section.

7.8 The CB shall maintain information on certified products including the details of what the product is, who the manufacturer is, and what certificates were granted.

7.12 Records- The CB shall retain records to demonstrate that all certification process

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures requirements (for this standard and the scheme) have been fulfilled.

7.13 Complaints and appeals- The CB shall have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on complaints and appeals. The CB shall record and track complaints and appeals, as well as action undertaken to resolve them.

2.2 - Verify that measures are 7.1.1 General- The CB shall operate using a The CB is not engaged in At this time, it is established and implemented to certification scheme any design activities but is unclear how an control the translation of design 7.1.2 Evaluation requirements of products shall be heavy focused on verifying accreditation requirements into design documents. contained in specified standards that the design of the team is 2.4 - Verify that measures are 7.1.3 If explanations are needed to link the standards product being evaluated structured to be established and implemented for the to the scheme, those explanations must be meets the requirements able to verify identification and control of design developed by technically competent and impartial of the applicable the technical interfaces. persons or committees standards (in this case, the adequacy of the 2.5 - Verify that measures are 7.2 Application- the CB shall obtain all the necessary focus is IEC 61508). This CBs scheme.

established and implemented for the information to complete the certification process in Section 2 of the NUPIC Additional verification of design adequacy. accordance with the scheme. checklist is the best fit for observations 2.6 - Verify that measures are 7.3.1.a- The CB shall ensure the information collected capturing the technical and interviews established and implemented to about the client and product is sufficient aspects of the certification of CBs and ABs control design changes including 7.3.1.b- Differences in understanding between the CB process. The CBs scheme are needed to changes for spare/replacement parts. and client are resolved is especially important for gain a deeper 7.3.1.c- The scope of certification is defined accurately evaluating the understanding 7.3.1.d- The means are available to perform all manufacturer and their of this technical evaluation activities product against the aspect.

7.3.1.e- The CB has the competence and capability to relevant standards.

perform the certification activities 7.3.2- The CB shall have a process to identify when the clients request for certification includes a type of product, a normative document, or a certification scheme with which the CB has no prior experience

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 7.3.3- In cases of 7.3.2, the CB shall ensure it has the necessary competence 7.3.4- The CB shall decline to undertake a specific certification if it lacks competence or capability 7.3.5- If the CB relies on previous certifications to omit any activities that shall be recorded in their records 5.3 - Verify that measures are When the CB utilizes external resources to ISO 17025 has already None established and implemented for the perform tasks such as testing, those resources shall been evaluated to be evaluation, selection and assessment be in compliance with the appropriate standard, such acceptable to support of sub-suppliers including as ISO 17025 CGD of testing and distributors, services (calibration, calibration services. If NDE, testing, heat treatment, etc.) testing is utilized during and software. the certification process, that previous evaluation becomes relevant. These requirements highlighted from ISO 17065 meet or exceed the expectations of the CGS.

9.2- Verify that measures are 8.3 Control of documents- The CB shall establish These requirements None established and implemented to procedures to control the document that relate to highlighted from control the preparation, the fulfillment of this standard. ISO 17065 meet or exceed review/approval, and issue of the expectations of the documents (e.g., procedures, CGS.

instructions, drawings, work orders, etc.) including changes.

10.2- Verify that adequate measures 4.1.1 the CB shall be a legal entity that can be held It is important to note that None are established and implemented for responsible option B (discussed in management, direction and 4.3.1 the CB shall have adequate financial 8.1.3) requires that even if execution of the Quality Assurance arrangements to cover liabilities arising from its a certifying body is Program. operations accredited to ISO 9001 the

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 4.3.2 the CB shall have the financial stability and CB must still demonstrate resources required for its operations compliance to the 4.4 the CB shall conduct operations in a non- management system discriminatory manner requirements of this 4.5 the CB shall be committed to maintaining ISO 17065 standard.

confidentiality of clients information 4.6 the CB shall maintain and make available upon request information about their cert scheme, a description of how the CB makes money, a description of the rights and duties of applicants and clients, and information about handling complaints and appeals 5.1.1 certification activities shall be structured and managed so as to safeguard impartiality 5.1.2 the CB shall document its organizational structure 5.1.3 the management of the CB shall identify the person or group of people who have overall authority and responsibility for keys areas of the operations of the CB (listed out in the standard) 5.1.4 the CB shall have formal rules for the appointment, terms of reference and operation of any committees that are involved in the certification process 5.2.1 the CB shall have a mechanism for safeguarding its impartiality 5.2.2.a the mechanism shall be formally documented to ensure a balanced representation of significantly interested parties 5.2.2.b the mechanism shall be formally documented to ensure access to all the information necessary to enable it to fulfil all its functions

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 5.2.3 if the top management of the certification body does not follow the input of this mechanism, the mechanism shall have the right to take independent action 5.2.4 although every interest cannot be represented in the mechanism, a certification body shall identify and invite significantly interested parties 8.1.1 The CB shall establish and maintain a management system that is capable of achieving the consistent fulfillment of the requirements of this standard in accordance with either of the following two options 8.1.2 Option A- the management system shall address Sections 8.2- 8.8 of this standard 8.1.3 Option B- the management system can be in accordance with ISO 9001 and must also address Sections 8.2- 8.8 of this standard.

8.2 General management system documentation-The CBs top management shall establish, document, and maintain policies and objectives for fulfillment of this standard and the certification scheme, and shall ensure they are implemented throughout the organization 8.5 Management review- The CBs top management shall establish procedures to review its management system at planned intervals, in order to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the stated policies and objectives related to the fulfilment of this standard 11.3- Verify that measures are 7.4.6 & 7.4.7 The client shall be informed of any The CB is not evaluating None established and implemented to nonconformities and given the option to work to specific physical items.

resolve them. They are evaluating the

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures disposition items which do not 7.4.8 If the client choses that path, the evaluation design and processes of conform to requirements. shall be repeated. specific items. Therefore, 7.9 Surveillance- The CB shall perform surveillances of non-conformities are the use of certification marks handled from a design or 7.10.1 Changes affecting certification- When the process adequacy certification scheme requirements change the clients perspective.

shall be informed.

7.10.2 The CB shall consider other changes affecting certification, including changes initiated by the client, and shall decide upon the appropriate action.

7.11 Termination, reduction, suspension or withdrawal of certification- When a nonconformity with certification requirements is substantiated, either as a result of surveillance or otherwise, the CB shall consider and decide upon the appropriate action.

7.13 Complaints and appeals- The CB shall have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on complaints and appeals. The CB shall record and track complaints and appeals, as well as action undertaken to resolve them.

12.2- Verify that measures are 8.6 Internal audits- The CB shall establish procedures These requirements None established and implemented to for internal audits to verify that it fulfils the highlighted from ISO ensure a comprehensive system of requirements of this standard and that the 17065 meet or exceed the planned and periodic internal audits. management system is effectively implemented and expectations of the CGS.

12.3- Assess the overall effectiveness maintained.

of the internal audit process by review of previous internal audits and comparison of the results/issues identified in these audits with those identified by this NUPIC audit.

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures 13.2- Verify that measures are 7.13 Complaints and appeals- The CB shall have a The ISO 17065 None established and implemented to documented process to receive, evaluate and make requirements exceed the assure that conditions adverse to decisions on complaints and appeals. The CB shall 10 CFR 50, Appendix B quality are promptly identified and record and track complaints and appeals, as well as based requirements by corrected. action undertaken to resolve them. including preventative 13.3- Verify that deficiencies 8.7 Corrective actions- The CB shall establish actions.

identified/reported by customers, to procedures for identification and management of the supplier, (e.g., receipt inspection nonconformities in its operations.

rejections, source verification 8.8 Preventative actions- The CB shall establish rejections, return material procedures for taking preventive actions to eliminate authorizations, site the causes of potential nonconformities.

nonconformances, etc.) are adequately evaluated and entered into the suppliers nonconformance or corrective action program, as applicable.

13.4- Verify the overall effectiveness of the corrective action process.

14.2- Verify that measures are The CB shall have a sufficient number of These requirements None established and implemented to people highlighted from ISO ensure quality program The people shall be competent 17065 meet or exceed the indoctrination and training of The people shall keep confidential expectations of the CGS.

personnel who perform activities information related to certification activities affecting quality. The CB shall establish, implement, and 14.3- Verify that inspection/test maintain a procedure for managing competencies of personnel, auditors, calibration, personnel repair personnel and similar The CB shall maintain records on the specialists (i.e., ASME Code design personnel involved in the certification process personnel to ASME Section III) are 6.2.1 When the CBs internal resources perform tasks qualified and have certifications on such as testing, those resources shall be in file. compliance with the appropriate standard, such as ISO 17025

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February 2021 Applicable NUPIC Checklist (10 CFR Compensatory ISO 17065 Elements Notes 50, Appendix B based) Audit Sections Measures Records must be kept to justify confidence in evaluations outsourced to non-independent bodies (e.g., client laboratories) 16.2 - Verify that adequate measures 7.12 Records- The CB shall retain records to These requirements None are established and implemented to demonstrate that all certification process highlighted from ISO ensure that all QA records not requirements (for this standard and the scheme) 17065 meet or exceed the transferred to the member are have been fulfilled. expectations of the CGS.

maintained in facilities that provide 8.3 Control of documents- The CB shall establish storage, retention requirements and procedures to control the document that relate to protection against environmental the fulfillment of this standard.

effects, damage and loss. 8.4 Control of records- The CB shall establish procedures to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of its records related to the fulfilment of this standard Conclusion Based on this comparison, accreditation to ISO 17065 covers the majority of the scope of a CGS. The only aspect that still needs further investigation is how the accreditation relates to ensuring the CBs scheme is in compliance with the requirements of IEC 61508. This directly relates to critical characteristic #3 from the technical evaluation. Additional interactions with CBs and ABs are needed to gain a better understanding of how the technical requirements of the CBs scheme are verified. Beyond this technical aspect, this comparison shows that accreditation to ISO 17065 provides adequate confirmation of the CBs processes and management systems (i.e., quality assurance aspects). All critical characteristics except #3 would be able to be determined to be acceptable within the scope of a CGD of the CB service, based on the CBs accreditation to ISO 17065.

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February 2021 APPENDIX C. BASIS FOR AUGMENTED OBSERVATION CHECKLIST The purpose of this document is to establish a basis for an augmented observation of a certifying body (CB). The table in this document is based on Table 4.2 in NEI 17-06 that duplicates the information from EPRI TR 106439 Table 4-1 in its first three columns for identifying and assessing dependability critical characteristics (CCs). Column 4 in in this table and NEI 17-06 Table 4.2 demonstrate how the SIL certification process evaluates these same dependability CCs. The table in this document includes a fifth column to propose questions that will form a basis for a checklist for an augmented observation of the certifying body (CB). These same basis questions address the needed compensatory measure identified in the document Comparison of an ISO 17065 Accreditation to a Commercial Grade Survey.

Note that Reference 8 in this table refers to the EPRI report 3002011817, Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certification Efficacy for Nuclear Power, Electric Power Research Institute, July 2019.

EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 SIL Certification Process Augmented Checklist CCs for Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Methods of Verification Method of Verification (Questions?)

Dependability Criteria for reliability, availability and Reliability: Review vendor Reliability Reliability and maintainability should be derived from the reliability calculation/testing Numerical criteria are Is there evidence of evaluation maintainability requirements of the intended application(s). methods and results. Review established by IEC 61508 in of reliability in an approved related to the Specific criteria may be established such as operating history data. Review terms of PFH and PFDavg. See method in IEC 61508?

required numerical criteria for reliability or availability of and assess design. Perform p3-7 through p3-13 of functionality required functions, or maintainability criteria reliability analysis. (Method 2) Reference 8 for details. Is the reliability criterium including software. If numerical criteria are appropriate for the application used, the method of demonstration should be Review of vendor processes of the product?

specified (e.g., hardware reliability prediction and documentation (Method 2 using classical methods, or statistical analysis of or 3):

failure rate data from field experience)

  • Design, development and Built-in quality verification processes Built-in Quality including: Basic criterion for built-in quality is equivalence
  • Quality assurance program
  • The IEC Safety Lifecycle Is systematic integrity of the
  • Quality of design to the quality of a device developed and applied. and practices (includes configuration design process supported by
  • V&V program and practices management) as detailed in the use of the IEC Safety manufacture Judgment of equivalent quality is based on a p3-13 through p3-21 of Lifecycle (including
  • Failure combination of: Design reviews --architecture Reference 8. configuration management), as management
  • Design and design review processes, including review, code reviews,
  • CBs review process described on p3-13 through p3-
  • Compatibility software life cycle, V&V, etc. walkthroughs, use of analytical including the safety case, 21 of Reference 8 [EPRI with human
  • Design documentation techniques, etc. (Method 2 & see Chapter 4 of Reference Report]?


  • Configuration management CDR **text in quotes added**) 8. Does the certification process maintainers
  • QA program and practices Failure analysis, at the system
  • ABs review process, see include a review of the OEM
  • Software requirements definition and level and of the commercial Chapter 5 of Reference 8. safety case for the product?

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February 2021 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 EPRI TR-106439 SIL Certification Process Augmented Checklist CCs for Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Methods of Verification Method of Verification (Questions?)

Configuration requirements traceability grade item itself

  • Self-diagnostics to detect control and
  • Consideration of failure modes and ACEs in Comparison of device's failure dangerous failures and traceability of: design and verification modes to needs of the force the equipment to a Does the certification process
  • Hardware
  • Qualifications and experience of personnel application safe state. See the review the self-diagnostics to
  • Software involved in design and verification activities discussion of the Safe detect dangerous failures and
  • Firmware
  • Product operating history Review of product operating Failure Fraction on p3-5 force the equipment to a safe (aspects of both
  • Testing by the vendor or dedicator history (from vendor, users, through p3-6 of Reference state? See the discussion of the hardware and user groups, industry reports, 8 for more details. Safe Failure Fraction on p3-5 software INPO, etc.) (Method 4):
  • Defect reporting, see p4-9 through p3-6 of Reference 8 for configuration
  • Documented (records, of Reference 8. more details.

control) traceable)

  • SIL Certification Aging, see
  • Problem Minimum criterion for configuration control and
  • Sufficient (units, years in p4-20 of Reference 8. Does the certification process reporting traceability is that these be sufficient to support service) evaluate the defect reporting use of operating history data and to ensure the
  • Successful (error tracking process in accordance with p4-item delivered can be traced back to the shows good performance and 9 of Reference 8?

documents reviewed as part of acceptance. device including software is Additional criteria may apply if the dedicator stable) What is the CBs policy on SIL wishes to procure more of the same item in the

  • Relevant (same or similar certification validity over time?

future. hardware/software configuration, functions used, Does the CB use OE in support As a minimum, problem reporting must be operated similarly, etc.) Operating History of determining reliability sufficient to support use of product operating Field failure data informs the similar to Chapter 6 of history and to allow dedicator to carry out 10 reliability determination (PFH Reference 8?

CFR 21 responsibilities. Specific criteria should Configuration control: review or PFDavg), see Chapter 6 of be established (e.g., on coverage, timeliness, vendor configuration Reference 8 Is the OEM configuration reporting to the right organization or management program and control and traceability department). practices. Examine actual sufficient to support use of practices, operating history data and to records. (Method 2 or 3) ensure the item delivered can be traced back to the Problem reporting: review documents reviewed as part of vendor procedures and acceptance?

practices. Assess performance record with previous customers (Method 2). Enter into contractual agreement. Does the SIL certification process review OEMs policy Assess maintainability of for defect reporting, see p4-9 dedication. of Reference 8?

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February 2021 APPENDIX D. SUPPLEMENTAL ACCREDITATION CHECKLIST Supplemental Accreditation Checklist Certification Body: Date:______________


A certification body (CB) that is accredited to ISO 17065 is required to have a scheme, as prescribed in Section 7 of ISO 17065, to be used to evaluate products. Part of the requirements of this scheme is that it, at a minimum, encompasses the requirements of a specified standard. In this case the standard that provides this foundation is IEC 61508. The purpose of this checklist is to confirm the CBs scheme to be, at a minimum, in compliance with IEC 61508.

Item # Discussion:

Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

1. Is there evidence of evaluation of reliability using an IEC 61508 approved methodology?

1.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.5, Requirements for quantifying the effect of random hardware failures.

2. Is the reliability criterium appropriate for the application of the product?

2.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2 Section For each safety function, the achieved safety integrity of the E/E/PE safety-related system due to random hardware failures (including soft-errors) and random failures of data communication processes shall be estimated in accordance with and 7.4.11, and shall be equal to or less than the target failure measure as specified in the E/E/PE system safety requirements specification (see IEC 61508-1, 7.10). The target failure measures are as defined in IEC 61508-1, Tables 2 & 3.

(NEI recognizes that this requirement is intended to apply to the end user, but the intent of its inclusion in this checklist is to verify that the CB ensures the failure estimates satisfy the target certification SIL)

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February 2021 Item # Discussion:

Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

3. Is systematic integrity of the design process supported using the IEC Safety Lifecycle (including configuration management), as described on p3-13 through p3-21 of Reference 8 [EPRI Report]?

3.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.6, Requirements for the avoidance of systematic faults (including Table B.2) 3.2. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.2, Software design and development-General requirements 3.3. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.3, Requirements for software architecture design 3.4. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.4, Requirements for support tools, including programming languages 3.5. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.5, Requirements for detailed design and development - software system design 3.6. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.6, Requirements for code implementation 3.7. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.7, Requirements for software module testing 3.8. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.8, Requirements for software integration testing

4. Does the certification process review the self-diagnostics to detect dangerous failures and force the equipment to a safe state? See the discussion of the Safe Failure Fraction on p3-5 through p3-6 of Reference 8 for more details.

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February 2021 Item # Discussion:

Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

4.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.7, Requirements for the control of systematic faults 4.2. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.8, Requirements for system behavior on detection of a fault

5. Does the certification process evaluate the defect reporting responsibilities of the manufacturer? See p4-9 of Reference 8.

5.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-2, Section

Manufacturers or system suppliers that claim compliance with all or part of this standard shall maintain a system to initiate changes as a result of defects being detected in hardware or software and to inform users of the need for modification in the event of the defect affecting safety.

6. What is the CBs policy on SIL certification validity over time?

6.1. Describe the CBs appropriate to maintaining the validity of certificates over time, and how this approach is consistently implemented. The approach must address change management of the design and manufacturing processes of the product under evaluation.

7. Does the CB use OE in support of determining reliability similar to Chapter 6 of Reference 8? Is the OEM configuration control and traceability sufficient to support use of operating history data and to ensure the item delivered can be traced back to the documents reviewed as part of acceptance?

7.1. How does the CBs scheme address:

IEC 61508-1, Section 6.2.6, Management of functional safety:

Procedures shall be developed for ensuring that all detected hazardous events are analyzed, and that recommendations are made to minimize the probability of a repeat occurrence.

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February 2021 APPENDIX E. EXIDA SUPPLEMENTAL ACCREDITATION CHECKLIST Supplemental Accreditation Checklist Certification Body: exida _ Date:____Jan 2021____

Assessors:____NEI MP3 Working Group___________________________

A certification body (CB) that is accredited to ISO 17065 is required to have a scheme, as prescribed in Section 7 of ISO 17065, to be used to evaluate products. Part of the requirements of this scheme is that it, at a minimum, encompasses the requirements of a specified standard. In this case the standard that provides this foundation is IEC 61508. The purpose of this checklist is to confirm the CBs scheme to be, at a minimum, in compliance with IEC 61508.


Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

1. Is there evidence of evaluation of reliability using an IEC 61508 approved methodology?

1.1. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The exida scheme goes beyond IEC IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.5, Requirements for quantifying the effect of Certifying Bodies, 61508 and requires: performance of a random hardware failures. exida, starting on P. 4- Calibrated FMEDATM that derives all failure 10 rates for each failure mode of the product, including false trip data not required by IEC 61508 or other CBs exida considers there to be three key elements to an IEC 61508 equipment certification: means and measures against random failures (this is what FMEDA addresses)

Figure 4-1, exida certification assessment process includes an FMEA and a FMEDA.

Each FMEDA must be Each analysis must be backed up by extensive fault injection testing and, if not for a new product, a detailed field failure study. This analysis covers both dangerous failures and failure that cause a false trip. exida does not accept

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

manufacturers failure studies alone, as they sometimes show overly optimistic results.

P. 4-12 Proven in Use exida maintains an internal Proven in Use Evaluation Criteria document with guidelines on how to assess and justify the Proven in Use applicability of an equipment item.

P. 4-13 Failure Rate When calculating the field failure rate, a Calculation single-sided upper confidence limit of at least 70% shall be considered.

2. Is the reliability criterium appropriate for the application of the product?

2.1. How does the CBs scheme address: exida safety case tool, exida safety case requirement ID# SAD-8 IEC 61508-2 Section For each safety function, the achieved safety reviewed during NEI requirement addresses the data integrity of the E/E/PE safety-related system due to random hardware observation of ANAB communications aspect, and ID# HW-50 failures (including soft-errors) and random failures of data accreditation (Nov 2020) requirement addresses the hardware failure communication processes shall be estimated in accordance with and during interview of aspect. ID# 50 also clarifies that this and 7.4.11, and shall be equal to or less than the target failure measure exida personnel (Jan requirement (IEC 61508 is the as specified in the E/E/PE system safety requirements specification (see 2021): William Goble, Ted responsibility of the end user, but that the IEC 61508-1, 7.10). The target failure measures are as defined in IEC Stewart, and David Butler manufacturer must provide the estimated 61508-1, Tables 2 & 3. failures rates. The exida certification procedure (OP 1023) does include verifying that the estimated failure rates satisfy the target failure measures as defined in IEC 61508-1, Tables 2 & 3.

3. Is systematic integrity of the design process supported using the IEC Safety Lifecycle (including configuration management), as described on p3-13 through p3-21 of Reference 8 [EPRI Report]?

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

3.1. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, exida considers there to be three key IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.6, Requirements for the avoidance of systematic Certifying Bodies, elements to an IEC 61508 equipment faults (including Table B.2) exida, P. 4-10 certification [only the 1st two listed]:

1. functional safety lifecycle, essentially the V model (i.e., evaluate the design process)
2. means and measures to protect against systematic failures A typical assessment begins with a complete review and assessment of the OEMs development processes - hardware and software design, development, and testing process requirements and associated documentation, including environmental test reports and user documentation (e.g.,

safety manual) - against exidas certification scheme requirements, which includes the relevant IEC 61508 requirements.

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

P. 4-13 Proven in Use - IEC 61508 lists techniques and measures to Hours in Use avoid systematic failures and their effectiveness. Field experience can be used as a measure to avoid systematic failures. To claim low effectiveness, 10,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> of operation time are required for at least one year of experience with at least 10 devices in different applications (i.e., equivalent to the 100,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> requirement). The statistical accuracy claimed should be 95%, and no safety critical failures may have occurred. To claim high effectiveness, 10 million hours of operation time are required for at least two years of experience with at least 10 devices in different applications. The statistical accuracy claimed should be 99.9%, and detailed documentation of all changes (including minor) during past operation should be available.

The exida adequate operating experience requirement is that the equipment item needs to meet a minimum of 30 million Hours in Use. These 30 million hours of estimated usage should be obtained from a minimum of 10 different applications with stress conditions equal to or above average conditions of the application.

When estimating the number of hours in use, the equipment item actual installation dates shall be considered, not the shipment dates of the equipment items. In case the actual installation dates are not available for the hours in use estimation, it shall be

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

assumed that the installation occurs six months after the equipment item shipment.

If the equipment item has a wear out mechanism, it shall be assumed that all units operate no longer than the useful life period. Furthermore, it shall be assumed that no wear out failures are reported to the manufacturer. This is a worst-case assumption as wear out failures will be treated as random hardware failures.

3.2. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, A typical assessment begins with a IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.2, Software design and development- General Certifying Bodies, complete review and assessment of the requirements exida, P. 4-11 OEMs development processes - hardware and software design, development, and testing process requirements and associated documentation, including environmental test reports and user documentation (e.g.,

safety manual) - against exidas certification scheme requirements, which includes the relevant IEC 61508 requirements.

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

3.3. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, Product requirements (e.g., the SRS) and IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.3, Requirements for software architecture Certifying Bodies, design documents are reviewed next. The design exida, P. 4-11 documents supplied should match those required by the design procedures.

Interview of exida exida safety case template has an entire personnel (Jan 2021): section labeled as SWA that contains William Goble, Ted several requirements that directly address Stewart, and David Butler this section of IEC 61508. These requirements must be met by the manufacturer to satisfy the exida scheme.

3.4. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The final safety case provided by the IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.4, Requirements for support tools, including Certifying Bodies, manufacturer must include a Tool programming languages exida, P. 4-11, Figure 4- Justification that exida evaluates against 1 IEC 61508.

3.5. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, Figure 4-1 illustrates the exida certification IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.5, Requirements for detailed design and Certifying Bodies, assessment process. [27] A typical development - software system design exida, P. 4-11 assessment begins with a complete review and assessment of the OEMs development processes - hardware and software design, development, and testing process requirements and associated documentation, - against exidas certification scheme requirements, which includes the relevant IEC 61508 requirements.

3.6. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The final safety case provided by the IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.6, Requirements for code implementation Certifying Bodies, manufacturer must include a Coding exida, P. 4-11, Figure 4- Standard that exida evaluates against IEC 1 61508.

3.7. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The final safety case provided by the IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.7, Requirements for software module testing Certifying Bodies, manufacturer must include a Software

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Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

exida, P. 4-11, & Figure Module Test Plan that exida evaluates 4-1 against IEC 61508.

Figure 4-1 illustrates the exida certification assessment process. [27] A typical assessment begins with a complete review and assessment of the OEMs development processes - hardware and software design, development, and testing process requirements and associated documentation, - against exidas certification scheme requirements, which includes the relevant IEC 61508 requirements.

3.8. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The final safety case provided by the IEC 61508-3 Section 7.4.8, Requirements for software integration testing Certifying Bodies, manufacturer must include a Software exida, P. 4-11, Figure 4- Integration Test Plan that exida evaluates 1 against IEC 61508.

4. Does the certification process review the self-diagnostics to detect dangerous failures and force the equipment to a safe state? See the discussion of the Safe Failure Fraction on p3-5 through p3-6 of Reference 8 for more details.

4.1. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, The exida scheme goes beyond IEC 61508 IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.7, Requirements for the control of systematic Certifying Bodies, and requires:

faults exida, P. 4-10

  • performance of a Calibrated FMEDATM that derives all failure rates for each failure mode of the product, including false trip data not required by IEC 61508 or other CBs exida considers there to be three key elements to an IEC 61508 equipment certification:
1. functional safety lifecycle, essentially the V model (i.e., evaluate the design process)

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

2. means and measures to protect against systematic failures
3. means and measures against random failures (this is what FMEDA addresses)

Figure 4-1 Exida performs or reviews a FMEDA, Software Hazard Analysis, and a Communication Protocol Analysis as part of their review of the final safety case and ensures the requirements of IEC 61508 are meet.

4.2. How does the CBs scheme address: EPRI Report Section 4, Product requirements (e.g., the SRS) and IEC 61508-2 Section 7.4.8, Requirements for system behaviour on Certifying Bodies, design documents are reviewed next. The detection of a fault exida, P.4-11 documents supplied should match those required by the design procedures In parallel with these document reviews, a detailed FMEDA of the equipment is performed (or reviewed, if the OEM has previously performed one) to document the hardware architecture and failure behavior.

Each analysis must be backed up by extensive fault injection testing and, if not for a new product, a detailed field failure study. This analysis covers both dangerous failures and failure that cause a false trip.

5. Does the certification process evaluate the defect reporting responsibilities of the manufacturer? See p4-9 of Reference 8.

5.1. How does the CBs scheme address: Interview of exida exida safety case requirement ID# MOD-4 IEC 61508-2, Section personnel (Jan 2021): specifically requires the manufacturer to Manufacturers or system suppliers that claim compliance with all or part William Goble, Ted comply with this clause from IEC 61508.

of this standard shall maintain a system to initiate changes as a result of Stewart, and David Butler exida requires the manufacturer to have a defects being detected in hardware or software and to inform users of procedure for notifying users of detected the need for modification in the event of the defect affecting safety. product defects that affect safety.

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

6. What is the CBs policy on SIL certification validity over time?

6.1. Describe the CBs appropriate to maintaining the validity of certificates EPRI Report Section 4, exidas certifications are valid for three over time, and how this approach is consistently implemented. The Certifying Bodies, years. If a product does not initially pass the approach must address change management of the design and exida, P. 4-12 recertification assessment (i.e., changes manufacturing processes of the product under evaluation. must be made before it can pass), then a surveillance audit is scheduled for approximately one year later. These time intervals are self-imposed by exida and not driven by IEC 61508 requirements.

Interview of exida The exida procedure, OP1004, documents personnel (Jan 2021): exidas approach to maintaining certificates.

William Goble, Ted A tool exida chooses to use is surveillance Stewart, and David Butler audits. exidas approach to surveillance audits is documented in OP1030. Within exidas process, it is possible that certificates can be issued for 1 year instead of 3. This may occur in cases where there are management or administrative improvements needed but the design of the product meets safety requirements.

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February 2021 Discussion:

Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

7. Does the CB use OE in support of determining reliability similar to Chapter 6 of Reference 8? Is the OEM configuration control and traceability sufficient to support use of operating history data and to ensure the item delivered can be traced back to the documents reviewed as part of acceptance?

7.1. How does the CBs scheme address: Interview of exida exida safety case requirement ID# FSM-1 IEC 61508-1, Section 6.2.6, Management of functional safety: personnel (Jan 2021): specifically requires the manufacturer to Procedures shall be developed for ensuring that all detected hazardous William Goble, Ted comply with this clause from IEC 61508.

events are analysed, and that recommendations are made to minimise Stewart, and David Butler the probability of a repeat occurrence.

EPRI Report Section 7, P. IEC 61508 is an international standard for 7-1 functional safety that specifies design process requirements to provide integrity against systematic errors and performance requirements to provide integrity against random hardware failures. To accomplish that, it includes comprehensive and detailed software quality requirements. Key points of functional safety are to provide or maintain a safe state under hazard conditions, to reduce the likelihood of systematic errors, and to control random failures. The use of appropriate sets of techniques and measures are required by the standard.

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Section 4, P. 4-10 exida operates its IEC 61508 functional safety certification program based on a scheme that lists all requirements that a product manufacturer must meet to receive an exida certificate. These requirements are documented in a safety case template. The exida scheme goes beyond IEC 61508 and requires:

  • performance of a Calibrated FMEDATM that derives all failure rates for each failure mode of the product, including false trip data not required by IEC 61508 or other CBs
  • practical manual proof test procedures or automatic proof test functionality
  • surveillance audits, where engineering changes, field failure data, and design procedure changes are audited to determine if the product still meets IEC 61508 requirements (some functional safety certification programs done per IEC 61508 do not require surveillance audits)

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Item # Requirement Evidence References How does the CBs scheme meet or exceed this requirement?

P. 4-11 Figure 4-1 illustrates the exida certification assessment process. [27] A typical assessment begins with a complete review and assessment of the OEMs development processes - hardware and software design, development, and testing process requirements and associated documentation, including environmental test reports and user documentation (e.g.,

safety manual) - against exidas certification scheme requirements, which includes the relevant IEC 61508 requirements.

P. 4-12 A safety case is a list of all requirements of exidas scheme along with arguments and evidence that the product under assessment meets the requirements. It is a tool to ensure completeness of the certification audit, providing a systematic method to ensure that no requirements are overlooked. When unsatisfied requirements are identified, the OEM must return to a previous safety lifecycle step and correct the problem. When the safety case is judged to be accurate and complete, the certification report describing all assessment activities and their results is written. The documentation is given to an independent auditor to verify. Once the audit is complete and the independent auditor supports the certification, the certificate is issued.

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