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Advanced Reactors Ticap Workshop 3 - 05262021 (slides- NRC Only)
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/25/2021
From: Joseph Sebrosky
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Uribe J
Download: ML21145A393 (21)


Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project Workshop May 26, 2021 Microsoft Teams Meeting Bridgeline: 301-576-2978 Conference ID: 389 389 221#

Agenda Time Topic*

Speaker 10:00 - 10:15 am Opening Remarks NRC/Southern 10:15 - 12:00 am First Workshop Session Topics. The topic# is based on the list of topics found in a document available in ADAMS at Accession No. ML21120A057 Topic #17 - Definition of Licensing Basis Topic #18 - Proposed FSAR Chapter 1 - not licensing basis info Topic #3b, 10, 12 - Defense in Depth NRC/Southern 12:00 - 1:00 pm Break All 1:00 -2:45 pm Second Workshop Session Topics Topic #9 - Reliability and Other Targets Topic #6 - Principal Design Criteria (PDC)

NRC/Southern 2:45 - 3:30 pm BREAK All 3:30 - 5:15 pm Third Workshop Session Topics Topic #7 - 10 CFR 50.43(e) Testing Topic #22 - Additional topics from eVinci and MCRE Tabletop Exercises Topic #20 - TICAP RG and ARCAP ISG NRC/Southern 5:15 - 5:30 pm Plans for Future Discussions NRC/Southern 5:30 - 6:00 pm Stakeholder Comments/Questions All

  • Note that the list of topics to be discussed during the allotted time slot is subject to change. Additional detail regarding the list of topics can be found at ADAMS Accession No. ML21120A057

TICAP Workshop 3

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss with the nuclear industry issues related to the draft guidance document for Safety Analysis Report (SAR) content for an advanced reactor application based on the licensing modernization project Key documents associated with the workshop are referenced in the meeting notice and include:

Industry-developed draft TICAP guidance document (ADAMS Accession No. ML21106A013)

Potential Issues to be Discussed During TICAP Workshops (ADAMS Accession No. ML21120A057)

As updated by May 11, 2021, Meeting Summary Enclosure 2 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21132A295)

Additional Background Available on NRC ARCAP/TICAP public webpage (see:

ARCAP and TICAP - Nexus

  • Additional contents of application outside of SAR are still under discussion. The above list is draft and for illustration purposes only.

Advanced Reactors Overview of ARCAP Roadmap ISG and TICAP DG White Papers ADAMS Accession No. ML21134A164

  • Ensures consistency of staff
  • Presents a well-defined base for scope and requirements of reviews.
  • Makes information about regulatory matters widely available,
  • Improves communication and understanding of the staff review process by interested members of the public and the nuclear power industry.
  • Apply lessons learned from LWR application reviews
  • Technology Inclusive
  • Risk-Informed Performance-Based To ensure review readiness to regulate a new generation of advanced reactors, a key element of a flexible regulatory framework is to provide guidance for the development of content of an advanced reactor application.

NRC Staff Stakeholders Lessons Learned Advanced Reactor Content of Application (ARCAP)

Purpose Provides a roadmap for developing a tech-inclusive, risk-informed application. Leverages existing guidance or guidance that is under development.

Need for Additional Guidance Roadmap also identifies areas where additional guidance is needed (i.e.: Technical Specifications).

Streamlined Review Process ARCAP guidance document not intended to replicate NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for LWRs.

Previous Discussions ARCAP overview discussed at August 2020, October 2020, and February 2021 public meetings.



Regulatory Applicability (As applicable) 10 CFR Parts 50, 52, and informs 53.

Broad Encompasses industry-led technology-inclusive content of application project (TICAP).

Identifies all Adv. Rx application topics.

Provides background and overview of expected information for each topic.

Provides endorsements, clarifications, supplements info, or points of emphasis.

Provides pointers to key guidance in support of application topic.

ARCAP Roadmap ISG - Outline

Purpose TICAP is industry-led guidance focused on describing the scope and level of detail for portions of an application consistent with the LMP.

LMP is described in NEI18-04, as endorsed by RG 1.233 Industry-led TICAP guidance only applicable to portions of first 8 SAR chapters.

Aims to minimize burden of generating and supplying non-safety significant information.

Methodology Scope is governed by the LMP-based safety case. LMP process is one approach to select licensing basis events, develop SSC categorization and ensures defense-in-depth is considered TICAP


Regulatory Applicability (As applicable) 10 CFR Parts 50, 52, and informs 53

Endorses LMP-based NEI 21-xx TICAP document.

Provides additional clarifications, exceptions, points of emphasis from information described in NEI 21-xx.

Provides further information needed outside of LMP-based affirmative safety case for first 8 chapters.

Includes appendices to key guidance in support of FSAR development for first 8 chapters.

TICAP draft DG-Outline

ARCAP and TICAP - Nexus

  • Additional contents of application outside of SAR are still under discussion. The above list is draft and for illustration purposes only.

3 2

1 Initial Thoughts The guidance structure, not detailed content, is the focus of stakeholder interactions, Openness Main purpose of releasing draft documents is to solicit stakeholder feedback on proposal, Efficiency NRC ARCAP/TICAP guidance being developed in parallel to

industry, 6

5 4

Supplements NRC TICAP white paper supplements, as appropriate, information not addressed in industrys TICAP document (i.e.: Fuel Qual and ASME Sec III, Div 5).

Endorsement NRC TICAP white paper endorses, as appropriate, industrys TICAP document, Adaptable ARCAP guidance includes placeholders for guidance under development (i.e.: Pre-app engagement, Applicability of Regs),

NRC ARCAP/TICAP Guidance Other Insights

ARCAP Roadmap ISG - Example 1

  • Contents of application are still under discussion. List represents a draft outline Contents of an Advanced Reactor Application*

FSAR structure developed as a result of extensive stakeholder engagement.

Consists of 12 main chapters.

Provides the most safety-significant information at the forefront (ASC).

Focus on the most relevant safety information while removing unnecessary details.

Additional information/background is available for audit/inspection by NRC.

Note: SAR Chapters 1-8 addressed by TICAP. SAR Chapters 9-12 addressed by ARCAP.

Our Ch. 1-General Plant Information, site description, and overview of safety case (TICAP)

Information should provide an understanding of the overall facility (type of application, the number of plant units, a brief description of the proposed plant location, and the type of advanced reactor being proposed). The site description should provide an overview of the actual physical, environmental and demographic features of a site, and how they relate to the affirmative safety case.

Chapter 1 of NEI 21-xx (TICAP) as one acceptable method.

Supplements Key Guidance Endorses Clarifies Construction Permit Information in NEI 21-xx by including Appendix A for info outside LMP for first 8 chapters.*

Roadmap clarifies that guidance applicable to chapter 1 is described in NEI 21-xx - TICAP document.

RG 1.2xx Guidance For A Technology-inclusive Content Of Application Methodology To Inform The Licensing Basis And Content Of Applications For Licenses, Certifications, And Approvals For Advanced Reactors.

Note: CP information for all other portions of the application are described in Appendix E of the ARCAP roadmap ISG)

Our Ch. 2-Generic Analyses (TICAP)

Certain analyses are common to several licensing-basis event analyses. Information should describe the process and methods used to develop baseline information related to the probabilistic risk assessment (overview of the PRA), source-term analysis, and design-basis accidents (DBAs) analytical methods.

Chapter 2 of NEI 21-xx (TICAP) as one acceptable method.

Supplements Key Guidance Endorses Clarifies Site Information draft ISG previously released.

Staff positions on additional considerations to document information.

RG 1.2xx Guidance For A Technology-inclusive Content Of Application Methodology To Inform The Licensing Basis And Content Of Applications For Licenses, Certifications, And Approvals For Advanced Reactors.

Roadmap clarifies that guidance applicable to chapter 2 is described in NEI 21-xx - TICAP document.

Our Ch. 10 - Control of Occupational Dose Information should include facility and equipment design, radiation sources, and operational programs that are necessary to ensure that the occupational radiation protection standards set forth in 10 CFR Part 20 are met. The information should also include any commitments made by the applicant to develop the management policy and organizational structure necessary to ensure occupational radiation exposures are as low as (is) reasonably achievable (ALARA).

RG 8.8 RG 8.10 ANSI/ANS 18.1-1999 NEI 07-08A Draft list released in prior public meeting.

Expected to evolve.


Supplements Key Guidance Endorses Clarifies Guidance is included for chapters 9-12.

DANU-ISG-2021-XX, Control of Occupational Dose.

Released on prior ARCAP/TICAP public meeting.

ARCAP Roadmap ISG - Example 2

  • Contents of application are still under discussion. List represents a draft outline Contents of an Advanced Reactor Application*

Ongoing Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Small Modular Reactors and Other New Technologies rulemaking.

Rule would amend the NRCs regulations to add new emergency preparedness requirements for small modular reactors, non-light-water reactors and non-power production or utilization facilities.

Rule would adopt a scalable plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone approach that is performance-based, consequence-oriented, and technology-inclusive.

Our Emergency Preparedness Plan This rulemaking would develop a dose-based, consequence-oriented framework for future SMR applicants and licensees with respect to offsite EP that would reduce the need for exemptions related to regulations associated with large LWRs.

- SECY-16-0069 (ML21007A330)

DG-1357, Emergency Response Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors.

SECY-18-0103 Supplements Key Guidance Endorses Clarifies Ongoing rulemaking.

Draft roadmap ISG released as white-paper to solicit stakeholder feedback. Further iterations expected.

Key Messages Whats Next?

Draft ISG expected to be released Fall 2021.

Some sections are primarily aligned with the Licensing Modernization Project (LMP), however:

the concepts and general information may be used to inform the review of an application submitted using other methodologies (as applicable) such as a maximum hypothetical accident, or deterministic approaches.

Next Steps - Future Milestones TICAP Near-Term Milestones Early June 2021 (NRC staff comments on draft guidance document provided to industry)

Late July 2021 (Industry revised guidance provided to the NRC)