ML20358A255 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07201015 |
Issue date: | 02/23/2021 |
From: | John Mckirgan Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch |
BHWhite - NMSS/DFM/STL - 301.415.6577 | |
Shared Package | |
ML20358A254 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML20358A255 (3) | |
February 23, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO:
June Cai, Chief Materials Rulemaking and Project Management Branch Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support Branches Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards FROM:
John McKirgan, Chief Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
USER NEED FOR RULEMAKING FOR AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO THE NAC INTERNATIONAL NAC-UMS STORAGE SYSTEM The following information is being provided to request rulemaking support for the following Division of Fuel Management (DFM) certification activity to amend Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 72:
- 1.
Changes to 10 CFR 72.214 rule text (changes appear in bold):
Certificate Number: 1015.
Initial Certificate Effective Date: November 20, 2000.
Amendment Number 1 Effective Date: February 20, 2001.
Amendment Number 2 Effective Date: December 31, 2001.
Amendment Number 3 Effective Date: March 31, 2004.
Amendment Number 4 Effective Date: October 11, 2005.
Amendment Number 5 Effective Date: January 12, 2009.
Amendment Number 6 Effective Date: January 7, 2019.
Amendment Number 7 Effective Date: July 29, 2019.
Amendment Number 8 Effective Date: TBD SAR Submitted by: NAC International, Inc.
Final Safety Analysis Report for the NAC-UMS Universal Storage System.
Docket Number: 72-1015.
Certificate Expiration Date: November 20, 2020.
Model Number: NAC-UMS.
Bernard White, DFM/NMSS (301) 415-6577 John B. McKirgan Digitally signed by John B.
McKirgan Date: 2021.02.23 15:43:22 -05'00'
- 2.
Use the following text for the purpose and scope of the amendment:
On December 18, 2018 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Package Accession No. ML20006D749), as supplemented on April 24, 2020 (ADAMS Package Accession No. ML20122A201) and August 7, 2020 (ADAMS Package Accession No. ML20227A066), NAC International, Inc., (NAC) submitted an application to amend the NAC-UMS Storage System. NAC requested addition of damaged boiling-water reactor spent fuel, including higher enrichment and higher burnup; and revised definitions for high burnup fuel and initial peak planar-average enrichment.
- 3.
The proposed Certificate of Compliance, Technical Specifications, and preliminary safety evaluation report (SER) have been placed in ADAMS (see references below) and are available for your use in the rulemaking package. DFM will designate these documents as Official Agency Records after the Executive Director for Operations has approved the rulemaking package (ADAMS Package No. ML20358A254).
The Office of the General Counsel has reviewed this memorandum with its referenced documents and has no legal objection to its contents.
Docket No. 72-1015 ADAMS
- 1. Proposed CoC No. 1015, Amendment No. 8 (ML20358A256)
- 2. Proposed TS Appendix A (ML20358A257)
- 3. Proposed TS Appendix B (ML20358A258)
- 4. Preliminary SER (ML20358A259)
ML20358A255 CoC ADAMS Accession No. ML20358A256 TS Appendix A Accession No. ML20358A257 TS Appendix B ADAMS Accession No. ML20358A258 SER Accession No. ML20358A259
- via email OFFICE DFM DFM DFM DFM DFM NAME BWhite SFigueroa*
DATE 12/17/2020 12/23/2020 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 OFFICE DSFM DSFM DFM DFM DFM NAME ASotomayor-Rivera*
DForsyth* for JSmith MDavis*
ABarto* for RChang JIreland* for YDiaz-Sanabria DATE 12/21/2020 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 OFFICE DFM DFM OGC - NLO DFM NAME JTapp* for LCuadrado JWise* for TBoyce PJehle JMcKirgan*
DATE 12/28/2020 12/29/2020 2/22/2021 2/23/2021