ML20345A072 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/18/2021 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
To: | |
CMarkley - NMSS/DFM/STL - 301.415.6293 | |
Shared Package | |
ML20345A069 | List: |
References | |
OMB 3150-0132 | |
Download: ML20345A072 (8) | |
Section & Description of Requirement Number of Respondents Number of Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hrs Per
Total Annual Burden (Hrs) Cost @ $278/HR 72.7 - Request for exemption 4.0 1.0 4.0 200.0 800.0 222,400.00 72.11 - Notification of information about significant implication for public health and safety or common defense and security
- - - 1.0 72.16, 72.22, 72.24, 72.26, 72.28, 72.30, 72.32, 72.34, 72.44(b)(4) -
Application for specific license 1.0 1.0 1.0 12,732.0 12,732.0 3,539,496.00 72.30(a)-(g) - Decommissioning funding plan with application, renewal and every 3 years 11.0 1.0 11.0 4.0 44.0 12,232.00 72.42 - ISFSI license renewal 1.3 1.0 1.3 6,000.0 7,980.0 2,218,440.00 72.44(b)(3) - Demand for information
- - - 500.0 72.44(b)(6) - Notification of bankrupt filing
- - - 1.0 72.44(d)(3) - Authorization of the receipt, handling, and storage of spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste and/or reactor-related GTCC waste 82.0 3.0 246.0 8.0 1,968.0 547,104.00 72.44(e)- Application to amend license in order to amend security plan 2.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 5,560.00 72.44(f) - Emergency plan changes 2.0 15.0 30.0 10.0 300.0 83,400.00 72.48(c)(2) - Circumstances that require a license amendment 72.48(d)(2) - Reporting a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each as specified in 72.4 (To be done by a licensee and certificate holder) 41.0 1.0 41.0 20.0 820.0 227,960.00 72.50 (no transfers anticipated) -
Transfer of License
- - - 100.0 72.52(b) - (Included in 72.56) -
Consent from Commission without an individual application to the creation of any mortgage, pledge, or other lien on spent nuclear material 72.54(d) - Licensee shall notify NRC in writing and submit within 12 months of the notification with a final decommissioning plan per 72.42(b) or by administrative directions in 72.4
- - - 1,200.0 72.54(f) - Commission approval to delay or postpone initation of the decommissioning process if it isn't deterimental to public health &
- - 40.0 72.54(g) - (Included in 72.54(d)) -
Proposed final decommissioning plan requirements 72.54(j)(2) - Requirements for decommissioning of the entire site
- - - 1,200.0 72.54(k) - Commission approval for an alternate schedule for the completion of decommissioning
- - - 240.0 72.54(l) - Final radiation surveys and certification of waste disposition
- - - 1,200.0 72.56 - Application for an amendment to a license 4.0 1.0 4.0 120.0 480.0 133,440.00 Table 3. Annual Reporting Burden Included in 72.56 and 72.244 Included in 72.56 included in 72.54(d)
Section & Description of Requirement Number of Respondents Number of Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hrs Per
Total Annual Burden (Hrs) Cost @ $278/HR 72.62(d) - (this is a contingency provision) - Commission requirement for a holder of a license to submit information dealing with backfitting or proposed backfitting
- - - 80.0 72.70 - (all sections included) -
SAR Periodic Updates 8.0 1.0 8.0 180.0 1,440.0 400,320.00 72.74 - (this is a contingency provision) - CoC-Only Requirement to Provide Updated SAR to New Certificate Holder or NRC
- - - 40.0 72.75(a) - Reporting requirements:
Emergency notifications
- - - 1.0 72.75(b) - Reporting requirements:
Non-emergency notifications (4 hr reports)
- - - 1.0 72.75(c) - Reporting requirements:
Non-emergency notifications (8 hr reports)
- - - 1.0 72.75(d)(1) - (2) (included in 72.75(a), (b), and (c)) - Reporting requirements: Non-emergency notifications (24 hr reports) 72.75(e)(1)-(3): Reporting requirements: Initial notification
- - - 1.0 72.75(f) - Reporting requirements:
Follow-up notification
- - - 1.0 72.75(g)(1)-(7) - Reporting requirements: Preparation and submission of written reports
- - - 1.0 72.75(h) - Reporting requirements:
Supplemental information
- - - 1.0 72.80(b) - Other records and reports: Each licensee shall furnish a copy of its annual financial report, including the certified financial statements to the Commission 72.0 1.0 72.0 1.0 72.0 20,016.00 72.80(e) - Other records:Before license termination shall forward records required by the regs to the appropriate NRC Regional Office
- - - 1.0 72.80(g) - Other records and reports: Each specific licensee shall notify the Commission of its readiness to begin operation at least 90 days prior to the first storage of spent fuel
- - - 5.0 72.90 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56)
- Siting Evaluation Factors:
General Considerations 72.92 -(included in 72.16 or 72.56) -
Siting Evaluation Factors: Design Basis External Natural Events 72.94 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56)
- Design basis external man-induced events 72.98 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56): Siting Evaluation Factors:
Identifying Regions around an ISFSI or MRS Site 72.100 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Siting Evaluation Factors:
Defining Potential Effects of the ISFSI or MRS on the Region Included in 72.75(a), (b), and ©
Section & Description of Requirement Number of Respondents Number of Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hrs Per
Total Annual Burden (Hrs) Cost @ $278/HR 72.102 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Geological and Seismological Characteristics (Applications Before 10/16/2003 and for Wet Storage) 72.103 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Geological and Seismological Characteristics (Applications On/After 10/16/2003) 72.104 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Dose Criteria 72.108 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Transportation of spent nuclear fuel 72.120 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - General Design Criteria:
General Considerations 72.126(d) - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - ISFSI Designed for ALARA Effluents; Analyses to Demonstrate Compliance with 72.104 and 72.106 (72.104 &
72.106) 72.140 thru 72.176 - (included in 72.16 or 72.56) - Quality Assurance 72.180 - (included in 72.16) -
Physical protection plan 72.182 - (included in 72.16) -
Design for physical protection 72.184(a) - (included in 72.16) -
Licensee's safeguards contigency plan for responding to threats and radiological sabotage 72.184(b) - (included in 72.16) -
Licensee's safeguards contingency plan procedures effecting the actions and decisions contained in the Responsibility Matrix 72.186(a) - (included in 72.56) -
Commission approval to change safeguards contigency plan (Background, Generic Planning Base, Licensee Planning Base, and Responsibility Matrix) 72.186(b) - Copy of changes to physical security plan to the Regional Administrator 2.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 5,560.00 72.192 - (included in 72.16) -
Operator training and certification program 72.206 - Provision of MRS Information to State Governments and Indian Tribes: Representation 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 278.00 72.212(b)(1) - Notify NRC 90 days before storing fuel under a general license 4.00 1.00 4.0 1.0 4.0 1,112.00 72.212(b)(2) - Register use of each cask w/in 30 days 32.00 3.00 96.0 1.2 115.2 32,025.60 72.212(b)(3) - Ensure that each cask used by the general licensee conforms to § 72.214.
6.00 1.00 6.0 1.0 6.0 1,668.00 72.212(b)(4) - Register use/application of amended CoC to loaded cask 6.00 1.00 6.0 1.0 6.0 1,668.00 72.218(c) - Provide copies of 72.218(a) and (b) submittals to Regional office
- - - 8.0 Included in 72.16 (or 72.56)
Included in 72.56
Section & Description of Requirement Number of Respondents Number of Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hrs Per
Total Annual Burden (Hrs) Cost @ $278/HR 72.230(a) and (b) - Spent fuel storage application & casks that is certified under transportation must follow 72.4 4.0 0.2 0.8 1,200.0 960.0 266,880.00 72.232(d) - Notify NRC 45 days before starting cask fabrication 4.0 0.5 2.0 2.0 4.0 1,112.00 72.240(a) & (b) - Cask renewal - 40 yrs; CoC holder or cask user may apply; Submit renewal application 30 days before CoC expiration 4.0 1.75 7.0 600.0 4,200.0 1,167,600.00 72.240(c)- Renewal application includes SAR w/ updated design bases information, TLAA, AMP 4.0 1.75 7.0 40.0 280.0 77,840.00 72.242(d) - (this is a contingency provision) - Report design or fabrication deficiency within 30 days of discovery 15.0 4.0 60.0 2.0 120.0 33,360.00 72.244 - Application for an amendment to a Certificate of Compliance 4.0 2.5 10.0 110.0 1,100.0 305,800.00 72.248 - Safety Analysis Report (SAR) Updating 4.0 1.5 6.0 40.0 240.0 66,720.00 TOTAL REQUESTED REPORTING 86.0 628.1 33,712.2 9,371,991.60
Section &
Description of Requirement Number of Respondents Number of Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hrs Per
Total Annual Burden (Hrs)
Cost @
$278/Hr 72.80(f) - Licensee transfer the records to new licensee 82 1
82 10 820.0
$227,960 72.234(d)(3) -
Certificate holder supplies the licensees using the spent fuel storage cask with the original record of CoC number 4
16 64 8 512.0
$142,336 72.234(f) - Certificate holder provides copy of procedures and tests to licensee using the spent fuel storage cask 4
2 8
190 1,520.0
$792,856 Table 5. Annual Third-Party Disclosure Burden
Section & Description of Requirement Record retention period Number of Recordkeepers Hours Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden Hours Cost @ $278/Hr 72.30(f) - Records of information important to the decommissioning of a facility L
82 10.0 820.0
$227,960 72.48(d)(1) - Records of changes in the facility or spent fuel storage cask design, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments 2 yrs 82 10.0 820.0
$227,960 72.72(a) - Records showing the receipt, inventory (including location), disposal, acquisition, and SNM and source material 5 yrs 82 42.0 3,444.0
$957,432 72.72(b) and (d) - Copy of the current inventory of all spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related GTCC waste containing special nuclear material, including a duplicate record in a separate location 12 mos. -
72.72(b) 5 years -
72.72(d) 82 78.0 6,396.0
$1,778,088 72.72(c) - Written material control and accounting procedures L
78 40.0 3,120.0
$867,360 72.80(a)&(c) - (included in other specific reqmts) - GENERAL (no additional burden). Each licensee shall maintain any records and make any reports that may be required by the conditions of the license or by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission, unless specified, retain Part 72 records until license termination.
L 72.80(e) - Other records: Record Retention Periods L
78 6.0 468.0
$130,104 72.140(d) & 72.174 - Quality Assurance Programs; Quality Assurance programs for previously approved programs L
78 50.0 3,900.0
$1,084,200 72.180 - Physical Protection Plans 3 yrs 17 10.0 170.0
$47,260 72.184(b) - Licensee's safeguards contingency plan procedures effecting the actions and decisions contained in the Responsibility Matrix 3 yrs 17 5.0 85.0
$23,630 72.212(b)(5),(6), &(8) - Record of written evaluations before cask use L
65 6.0 390.0
$108,420 72.212(b)(7) - Evaluate changes to 72.212 evaluations and conditions not bound by FSAR, per 72.48; maintain records until SNF not stored under GL L
8 1.0 8.0
$2,224 72.212(b)(11) - Maintain a copy of CoC and referenced/supporting documents L
65 8.0 520.0
$144,560 72.212(b)(12) - Maintain cask records L
65 60.0 3,900.0
$1,084,200 72.212(b)(13) - Written procedures for ISFSI activities L
65 120.0 7,800.0
$2,168,400 Included in other specific requirements Table 4. Annual Recordkeeping Burden
Section & Description of Requirement Record retention period Number of Recordkeepers Hours Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden Hours Cost @ $278/Hr 72.234(d) - Establish and maintain cask records; provide records to users; send composite records to NRC if cease production of casks L
65 120.0 7,800.0
$2,168,400 72.234(f) - CoC holder establishes written procedures and tests and provides copy to users before cask use L
4 24.0 96.0
$26,688 72.236(k) - Mark cask with a model number, unique identification number, empty weight L
65 60.0 3,900.0
$1,084,200 72.242 (a)-(c) - Maintain records; Record retention periods; Original record or clear reproduced copy L
4 5.0 20.0
Responses Burden Cost at $278/hr Reporting 628.1 33,712.2
$9,371,992 Recordkeeping 86.0 43,657.0
$12,136,646 Third-Party Disclosure 154.0 2,852.0
$792,856 TOTAL 868.1 80,221.2
$22,301,494 Recordkeeping costs 4,855 Table 1. Annual Burden Estimates for 10 CFR Part 72