IR 05000238/1989001

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Insp Rept 50-238/89-01 on 890906-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Activities & Followup & Review of Licensee Actions Re Inspector Followup Items & Previous Violation
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 09/20/1989
From: Bassett C, Mcalpine E
Shared Package
ML20248C708 List:
50-238-89-01, 50-238-89-1, NUDOCS 8910030556
Download: ML20248C724 (6)


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Report No.: 50-238/89-01 SEP 201989 Licensee: State of South Carolina Patriot's Point Development Authority Post Office Box 986 ,,

Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Docket No.: 50-238 License No.: NS-1 Facility Name: N. S. Savannah Inspection Conducted: September 6-8, 1989 Inspector:

C. H. Bassett *


b, 2o/09 Date Signed Approved by: E3hTN Od[E E. J. McAlpine; Chief \

f69 Date Signed Radiation Safety Projects Section Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection involved onsite review of radiation protection program activities and followu concerning Inspector Followup Items (IFIs)and p and review violation, a previous of licensee actions Results: ,

l The licensee has made improvements in the intrusion alarm system used to  ;

maintain the security of the reactor compartment on the ship. The issue with  !

an unposted and unsecured radiation control area identified during a previous i inspection has been corrected although some radiation control signs need to be replace An inconsistency was noted in the Technical Specification ,

. requirements for security tours of the ship during other than normal museum i


operating hours. This will be followed by the NRC as an IF No abnormal I radiation levels were detected during tours of the ship and all records reveiwed were in order and adequate, i


I 8910030556 890920 PDR ADOCK 05000238 G PNU

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REPORT DETAILS Report No. 50-238/89-01 Persons Contacted


Licensee Employees

  • J. Blanford, Assistant Director for Engineering . Patriots Point Development Authority (PPDA)
  • C. Waldrop, Executive Director, PPDA B. Wilson, Maintenance Superintendent (Ships), PPDA Other licensee employees contacted included security force personnel and office personne * Attended the exit interview Survey Results (83743) Unrestricted Areas Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.1 defines areas that may be used for l museum tour routes and displays, lodging accommodations for visitors and employees and restaurant and concession facilities as unrestricted areas. TS 3.3.1 also requires that radiation levels from reactor generated radioactive materials in unrestricted areas be less than 5 microrem per hour (uRem/hr) above natural background as measured at one meter froin any surfac A radiation level survey of the tour route open to the general public was conducted on September 7,1989, for A through D decks, the promenade deck, boat deck, and the navigation bridge using an NRC portable survey instrument. No levels of 5 uRem/hr above natural background were detected in the areas open to the general publi Restricted Access Areas TS 3.3.1 statas that areas with levels in excess of 5 ur/hr but less than 250 uRem/hr (or 0.25 millirem per hour [ mrem /hr]) as measured at one. meter from any surface are restricted areas. Access to these -

areas is restricted to-only employees, contractor personnel, escorted guests, and official visitor Such restricted areas may be enteredL without health physics supervision provided a health physicist.has determined that potential exposures to any individual will not exceed five percent (5%) of 10 CFR 20.101 exposure limit., and the Review and Audit Committee has reviewed and accepted the proposed use of the spac The inspector performed radiation level surveys of selected areas which were restricted frorn use by the general public but which were accessible by employees without health physics supervision. Several areas with radiation levels between 5 and 250 uRem/hr at one meter

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from the surface were detected. It was noted that these areas were posted and access to these areas was restricted. The inspector also reviewed the program implementing the use of stay times by supervision to ensure that their employees' exposures did not exceed j 5% of the exposure limits specified in 10 CFR 20.101. The log used to limit exposure by tracking stay times appeared to be adequat .

^ Radiation Contro1* Areas-i TS 3.3 defines a radiation control area as an area of the ship with radiation levels from reactor generated radioactive materials in excess of 0.25 mrem /hr (or 250 uRem/hr) above natural background as measured at one meter from any surface. TS 3.3 also requires that eni.rances to such areas be posted with appropriate caution and waraing signs, locked and secured with chains, and sealed _with numbered seal During a previous inspection, a portion of the aft starboard bulkhead of Cargo Hold 4 at the D deck level was noted to have radiation '

levels in excess rf 0.25 mrem /hr. The inspector verified that the radiation levels nad not increased but remained at. approximately 1,800 uRem/hr (1.8 mrem /hr) at contact and 400 uRem/hr (0.4 mrem /hr)

at one meter from the surface. The inspector verified that the area was locked and secured as required, that there was a seal affixed to ,

the locking mechanism of the door to the area, and that the area was i posted with appropriate warning signs. No other areas with radiation levels above 0.25 mrem /hr were noted during the inspectio Contamination Control Areas TS 3.3.1 requires that all surfaces in radiation control areas and in unrestricted ares be maintained with contamination levels less than those prescribed in Table 1 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86. Table of Regulatory Guide 1.86 states that removable surface contamination for beta-gammaemittingnuclidesshallbelessthan1,000 dis { integrations per minute hundred square centimeters (dpm/100 cm ).

Six smear samples were taken at locations on the tour route and six - '

smear samples were taken at lo;ations which were restricted from use by the general public but not from access by employees. - The samples were analyzed on a proportional counter in the Region II office for ;

gamma and gross beta isotopic activity. The results showed no '

detectable activity on any smear above the minimum detectable activity (MDA) of the counter of 1.2 disintegrations per minute per smea !

No violations or deviations were identifie l


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3 Record Review (40755) Review and Audit Committee Meetings TS 3.6 stipulates the composition of the Review and Audit Committee, details its audit function, outlines the issues to be reviewed during its meetings, and requires that the Committee meet at least annuall The inspector reviewed the minutes from the January 12, 1989, Committee meeting and determined that the meetings were being held at the required frequenc There were sufficient participants to conduct a meeting as required by the TS. The issues that were discussed included: TS changes; the adequacy of and necessary modifications to the intrusion alarm system; the proposed public use of restaurant, food concession facilitics, and hotel accommodations; posting and securing of entrances to radiation control and restricted areas; security patrols of the area during backshifts; and, the ,

inspection of security seal integrity on a quarterly basi I Semi-annual Radiological Surveys and Annual Inspections TS and 3.7.6 require that semi-annual radiological surveys be j conducted and that annual inspections be made to determine any !

degradation of the primay and secondary system The inspector reviewed radiological surveys performed for the licensee by South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) personne These surveys appeared to be adequate !

and reflected radiation levels that were noted by the inspector j during tours of the ship. The annual inspection of the primary and j secondary systems was , conducted on March 21 and 22,198 No major '

problems were noted but suggestions were made including: primary system piping in the reactor compartment should be wrapped (shielded)

to reduce radiation levels in Cargo Hold 4, and the use of a mechanical dehumidifier should be considered instead of desiccant to maintain the reactor compartment dry, Quarterly Intrusion Alarm and Seal Inspections TS requires that periodically and at least once per quarter, PPDA personnel will inspect the seals on the control area doors and test the intrusion alar The inspector reviewed the inspection log sheets and verified that the seals on the control area doors were being checked and that the intrusion alarm was tested at least once per quarte Security Patrols i

TS 3.3.2 requires that security personnel patrol and inspect the vessel at least once each shift for possible fire, flooding, and other abnormal occurrence .

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l While discussing this issue with the licensee to verify that the )

requirement was being met, the inspector noted that another  !

requirement existed con'.arning security patrol TS 3.7.1. '

requires that at night, on weekends and holidays, and after normal museum hours, security personnel will patrol the vessel at least once during a twenty-four (24) hour period. The licensee. indicated that the ship is inspected and/or patrolled at least 'once each shift  ;

during normal museum hours but that it is only inspected once during  ;

a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period at all other time '

The inspector reviewed the apparent inconsistency in the TS with the licensee. The licensee. indicated that a change to the TS was currently being processed and that this apparent problem would be i addressed and rectified. This item will be followed by the NRC as an IFI and correction of the issue will be verified during a future inspection (50-23';/89-01-01).

No violations or deviaitons were identifie i Action of Previous Inspection Findings (92701, 92702) (Closed) Violation (VIO) 50-238/87-01-01: Failure to Post . and Secure Entrances to a Radiation Control Area .

During tours of the ship, the inspector verified that the area -in Cargo Hold.4 at the D deck level that was surveyed and identified as =l a radiation control area was properly posted as require The i entrances to the area had been permanently secured (welded shut) or  !

the door was locked and a seal affixed (see Paragraph 2.c). . i i (Closed) IFI 50-238/87-01-02: Verify Implementation of a Program to  ;

use . Calculated Stay Times to Control Exposure of Workers in  ;

Restricted Areas i The inspector reviewed the stay 'lae log sheet that the licensee had  !

developed to control time spent oy employees in a restricted are The employees' supervisor is responsible for tracking the time spent by each employee in the restricted area and ensuring that no exposures in excess of the limits of 10 CFR 20.101 occur (see Paragraph 2.b). (Closed) IFI 50-238/87-01-03: Verify' That the Intrusion Alarm is I Audible at the Manned Security Guard Post Onshore The inspector accompanied the licensee to the manned security. guard post on shore to observe t. test of the instrusion alarm. .Although ,

not. requested by the inspector, the licensee did not inforn the guard


force personnel that a . test was to be conducted. When the _ i Maintenance Superintendent, PPDA attempted to open the B deck entry door into the reactor compartment, a white rotating light at the top of the ship was observed und an audible alarm was heard. The security guard at the manned guard post alerted other security personnel by radio and requested that the alarm be investigate :

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5. Exit Interview (30703)

The inspection scope and results were summarized en September 8,1989, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The resolution of previous inspection findings by the licensee was noted. No abnormal radiation levels were noted in comparison to those observed during the last inspection. The apparent inconsistency in the security patrols was discussed with the licensee. No violations or deviations were note Item Number Description and Reference 50-238/89-01-01 IFI - Followup on resolution of the apparent inconsistency in TS requirements for security patrols (paragraph 3.d).

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