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Responds to Constituent Kr Baker Inquiries Re Proposed Amend to Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants. Amend Intended to Upgrade Mgt Expertise on Shift at Plants
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/20/1989
From: Stello V
To: Levin C
Shared Package
ML20247R896 List:
CCS, NUDOCS 8906080014
Download: ML20247R891 (2)


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        1. April 20, 1989

'The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Levin:

Your constituent, Mr. Kenneth R. Baker, inquired about an amendment that we have recently proposed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations. This proposed amendment ds entitled " Education and Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators and Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants" contains two alternatives. Both alternatives are intended to upgrade the operating,

-engineering, and accident management expertise provided on-shift at nuclear power plants. This upgrade is expected to enhance the capability of the operating staff to respond to potential. accident situations and to effectively restore the reactor'to a safe.and stable condition. These alternatives are explained in a bit more detail below and a copy of the Federal Register Notice on this enclosed for additional information.

The first alternative would apply to senior reactor operators. It would require that each applicant for a senior reactor operator license have a bachelor's degree in engineering, engineering technology, or the physical sciences from an accredited cc11ege or university. The first alternative would achieve our objective of upgrading by combining engineering expertise and operating experience in the senior reactor operator position.

The second alternative would apply to persons who have supervisory responsibilities, such as shift supervisors or senior managers. It would require that they have enhanced educational credentials and experience over that which is normally required for. senior reactor operators. The desired educational credentials

-are: a bachelor's degree from a program accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; a professional engineer license issued by a state government; or a bachelor's degree and an Enginee'-in-Training r certificate that indicates one has passed a state administered examination. The second alternative would achieve our objective of upgrading by combining engineering expertise and operating experience in the shift supervisor position.

If the first alternative were selected for final promulgation, it would become effective four years later. But, all current senior reactor operators who hold a valid license on the date four years after final rule promulgation would be exempt (grandfathered). This exemption would ensure that the experience of all current senior reactor operators is retained. Delaying the implementation of the first alternative by four years allcws time for these reactor operators who 890608o014 890420 PDR ORG NE ED FULLTEXT ASCll SCAN 6 PDC g

O The Honorable Carl Levin 2 want to become senior reactor operators to take the necessary examination and complete all requirements for the senior reactor operator license.

If the second alternative were selected for final promulgation, it would become effective four years later. This period would allow shift supervisors time to complete a degree. Furthermore, the opportunity to complete a degree will be enhanced because concurrently with the amended final rule on this matter, the Commission intends to publish a policy statement which encourages nuclear power plant licensees to: 1) implement personnel policies that emphasize the opportunities for licensed senior reactor operators to assume positions of increased management responsibility; 2) develop programs that would enable currently licensed senior reactor operators, reactor operators, and shift supervisors to obtain college degrees; and 3) obtain college credit for appropriate nuclear power plant training and work experience through arrangements with the academic sector.

Since the Three Mile Island accident on March 28, 1979, several reports, e.g.,

"TMI-2 Lessons (NUREG-0578), Learned

" Lessons TaskTask Learned Force Stetus Force" Rep (ort"Three NUREG-0585), and Short-Term Mile Island: Recommen A Report to the Commissioner's and to the Public" (NUREG/CR-1240, the Rogovin report), and " Report of the Peer Advisory Panel and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Operator Qualifications" (SECY-82-162) have addressed the issue of academic requirements for reactor operators. The consensus among these reports was that greater technical and academic knowledge among shift operating personnel would be beneficial to the safety of nuclear power plants. Training, experience, and a high school diploma may not be sufficient to cover every accident situation. The senior operator or the shift supervisor must have sufficient understanding of basic engineering principles, and detailed knowledge of nuclear design and operation to appropriately respond to situations not covered in training. The proposed educational requirements would satisfy the need for greater technical and academic knowledge on shift. However, we are aware of surveys by industry organizations which have identified possible adverse effects of requiring a degree. All the aforementioned studies and public comments, including those from the May 30, 1988 advance notice of proposed rulemaking and the December 29, 1988 proposed rulemaking, will be considered in the development of the final rule.

Furthermore, I would emphasize that the specific concerns expressed by your constituent, Mr. Baker, will be considered during our analysis of the public comments received on this matter. I trust that the above information is responsive to your request.



Victor Stello, .

Executive Director for Operations


Federal Register notice 1