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Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,revising Tech Spec 3/4.4.10 Re 18-month Surveillance Interval for Insp & Operability Testing of Reactor Vessel Internals Vent Valves
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1989
From: Shelton D
Shared Package
ML20247R463 List:
1674, TAC-73384, NUDOCS 8908080011
Download: ML20247R460 (2)


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' 'J 4,l 4

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TOLEDO Docket Number 50-346-EDISON


. License Number NPF-3 u===w s-av nany e

s Serial Number 1674 DONALD C. SHELTON

' Vee PremdetANuciax 1419)249 2300 August 1, 1989 gl United' States Nuclear regulatory Commission-Document Control Desk Washington, D. C.

20555 4

Subj ect: License Amendment Application to Revise the 18-month-Surveillance i

Interval for Inspection and Operability Testing of Reactor Vessel


Internals Vent Valves (TAC Number 73384) i Gentlemen:-

lq Enclosed is an application for an Amendment to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power j

Station, Unit Number 1 Operating License Number NPF-3,- Appendix A, Technical Specifications. This application' requests that Technical Specification


3/4.4,10, Structural Integrity, be revised to reflect the changes attached.

The proposed changes involve revising the surveillance interval for 'aspection


and operability testing of Reactor Vessel Internals. Vent Valves (RVVVs) from 1

"at least once per 18 months, during shutdown" to "during shutdown for refueling". The proposed changes also delete the applicability of Technical Specification 4.0.2 from Surveillance Requirement and delete an outdated, Cycle Five specific footnote.

.j i

The basis for the proposed revision is the high degree of reliability that the


RVVVs have exhibited in the past, as demonstrated byLtest. data collected at Davis-Basse and the seven other operating Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) plants. ' No' failure or observable degradation has occurred at these eight plants in the-past ten years. The proposed changes vill allow the RVVVs' surveillance to be i

performed during scheduled refueling outages, as was intended,'and eliminate i

the potential need for unscheduled, mid-cycle shutdowns solely for the purpose of performing the required surveillance.

The next inspection and operability testing for the RVVVs is due to be-l performed on March 17, 1990, as a result of the requirement of Technical Specification 4.0.2.a.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission-(NRC) approval of this i

License Amendment Application is required to support contingency-scheduling l

for the sixth refueling outage, scheduled to begin during. Spring 1990.

E i

Additionally, if the present cycle'3 operation (Cycle Six) is extended past the aforementioned Technical Specification due date for' performance of the -

RVVVs' surveillance, expeditious NRC action vill be required to avoid an l

unscheduled plant shutdown solely for tne purpose of performing this required i-surveillance.

8908080011 890801 l

PDR ADOCK 05000346

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g l


. TOLEDO. OHIO 43652 l


bocket Numb:r 50-346 Licensa Numbar NPF-3 Serial Number 1674 Page 2 Davis-Besse's original station design utilized a 12-month fuel cycle in


I conjunction with an 18-month RVVV surveillance interval. At the present time, l

Davis-Besse is approaching an 18-month fuel cycle.

However, no corresponding 4

increase in the RVVV's surveillance interval has been made. As a result, this surveillance interval has become a plant operating constraint. Toledo Edison j

anticipates further increases in fuel cycle length in the future.

Should a l

change be approved, other than the specifically requested "during shutdown for refueling", the potential exists for the RVVVs' surveillance laterval to again become a plant operating constraint.

Therefore, to effectively utilize Toledo Ediron and the NRC Staff resources l

regarding this application, Toledo Edison requests that the changes specifically requested in this application be processed for continued future use in lieu of a one-time extension. Toledo Edisor. requests that this license Amendment be issued by December 31, 1989, for implementation within 45 da.ys thereafter.

Should you have any questions or require additioncl information, please contact Mr. R. V. Schrauder, Nuclear Licensing Manager, at (419) 249-2366.

I l

Very truly yours, j

i T

AVA/dlm Enclosures cc:

P. M. Byron, DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III T. V. Vambach, DB-1 NRC Senior Proj9ct Manager State of Ohio j

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