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Transmits State Agreements Program Info SP-98-041,re Notice of Technical Briefing on Lessons Learned in Unsaturated Zone Monitoring Research
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/08/1998
From: Lohaus P
SP-98-041, SP-98-41, NUDOCS 9805220142
Download: ML20247K585 (6)





. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666 4 001 4


Your attention is invited to the enclosed correspondence which contains:




OTHER INFORMATION.............. . . . . . . .

Supplementary Information: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a technical briefing on " Lessons Learned in Unsaturated Zone Monitoring Research" to be held July 9/

1998 at NRC Headquarters Auditorium, Rockville, Maryland. The briefing will cover significant research findings on field testing of monitoring strategies and systems used to monitor water  !

content and tension which control water and conservative contaminant movement through the l unsaturated zone. The briefing will focus on the research findings resulting from the Maricopa field studies, and will not involve discussions of applications to a specific site or regulatory action. Enclosed is an announcement which provides details on the speakers, the topics to be addressed, and the NRC contact. Although there is no registration fee, advance notice of i attendance is needed.

1 Please note that the experiments being conducted at the Maricopa site represent conditions .

analogous to those of the humid Midwest and Northeast. The initial site conditions and early  !

monitoring periods would be representative of semi-arid areas. Therefore, the technology and experimental results should be valuable to all Agreement States reviewing unsaturated zone monitoring programs. Information on the "Maricopa Environmental Monitoring System" l homepage discusses the research site, ongoing field studies, and analyses. You can access l this information directly on the World Wide Web using "http://ag.". j


, The " Lessons Learned" briefing is being conducted by an NRC research contractor (University of Arizona) to provide technology transfer principally to the NRC staff. Other Federal -


employees, Agreement State regulators and their contractors are welcome to attend. Each ,

Agreement State will be responsible for travel and per diem expenses for their respective



- attendees. Those interested in attending should contact the NRC point of contact to register in C23C 9905220142 990508 PDR STPRO ESOGEN

_; W

, g' YY PDR ffh'f w c- _

o SP-98-041 IAAY - 8 1998 advance. There is no tuition cost for this briefing. Advance registration is requested by June 15,1998.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me or the individual named below.

POINT OF CONTACT: Thomas J. Nicholson TELEPHONE: (301) 415-6268 FAX: (301)415-5389 INTERNET: TJN@NRC. GOV l

cwi cuve

'aul H. Lohaus, Dep y Director Office of State Programs


As stated 1

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~12AY - 8 1998 L SP 041 advance. There is no tuition cost for this briefing. Advance registration is requested by June 15,1998.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me or the individual named below.

POINT OF CONTACT: Thomas J. Nicholson TELEPHONE: (301)415-6268 FAX: (301) 415-5389 INTERNET: TJN@NRC. GOV Or',ginal signed By:

PAUL H. LOHAUS Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director i Office of State Programs l


As stated i

l l

l Distribution:

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l SSalomon l WOtt l WMB Chron File l A/S File FAXED TO STATES: 05/08/98 1

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Lessons Learned in Unsaturated Zone Monitoring Research l

l Technical Briefing Date: July 9,1998 l

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: NRC Headquarters Auditorium

11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland Speakers: Drs. Peter J. Wierenga, Art Warrick and Michael Young Research Organization: Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences University of Arizona Preliminary List of Topics to be addressed:


. Description of the Maricopa field site and research focus.

Identification of Monitoring Strategies and Systems tested including their un!que design and instrumentation.

Performance measures addressed in the field testing:

Water content and tension, and contaminant concentrations.

. Failures detected in the Monitoring Systems including instrument failures and failures due to inadvertent spills or leaks, and discussion of reliability and durability of Monitoring Systems.

. Statistical tools available for analyzing the various monitoring datasets.

. Availability of Maricopa field study datasets. ,

Installation, maintenance and replacement issues for the Monitoring Systems.

. Costs related to emplacement, monitoring and servicing of the various Monitoring Systems.

. Considerations for operational versus post-closure monitoring.

Registration: Contact T. Nicholson, NRC/RES i 301-415-6268; e-mail:TJN@NRC. GOV l

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DIRECTIVE TRANSMITTAL TN: DT-96-12 To: NRC Management Directives Custodians Subject- Transmittal of Management Directive 3.5, "Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff" Purpose Directive and Handbook 3.5 are being revised in their entirety to provide further guidance to determine when consideration should be given to holding public meetings. Minor editorial changes have been maae to reflect the latest guidance of Management Directive 1.1, "NRC Management Directives System."

Office of Origin: Office of Administration Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services


Walter E. Oliu,415-7166 Date Approved: October 13,1994 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume: 3 Mail Management Part: 1 Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure i Directive: 3.5 Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff l Availability: U.S. Government Printing Office, (202) 512-2409 l


f e

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff E

Directive E

3.5 l

l Efd?l L C E ETO In:3 E M O O % 2 OIC E$ C 3 E EE! U IC E EEY O &JdEEUT7/2 UTEsi M M EEIE E E E M 3 U E U I E E5 5 U E I E A SIE E ISS A U SL ou 0 ?ooJT 20

l Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure l ** Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff

! Directive 3.5 l

l Contents l

Policy................................................................. 1 l Obj ect ives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Th e Co mmissi o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 l

Executive Director for Operations (EDO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Director, Office of Administration (ADM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Office Directors and Regional Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Applicab ili ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i i

H an d book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I

l l

l l I i

l Approved: October 13,1994 ...

m l (Revised: May 24,1996) l


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


B. D 1 Volume: 3 Information Management l-i Part: 1 Publications, Mail, and Information g[+*... / Disclosure ADM Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Directive 3.5 Policy (3.5-01)

In furtherance of Commission intent to keep concerned citizens informed of any Commission activity in which they express an interest, meetings between the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and outside persons will be open to attendance by all members of the general public in accordance with Part I of Handbook 3.5. This directive does not supersede the responsibilities of the NRC staff to notify parties to NRC proceedings about meetings that are open to public attendance.

Objectives (3.5-02) e To ensure that members of the public have the opportunity to gain a full understanding of the agency's regulatory process through attendance at and observation of the agency's meetings with applicants, licensees, and others. (021) e To ensure that applicable meetings are announced in a timely manner and to adequately inform interested members of the public. (022) e To balance the NRC's desire for openness against the need for the NRC staff to exercise its regulatory and safety responsibilities l

without undue adrainistrative burden. (023) 1 Approved: October 13.1994 1

(Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3g Part 1 - Publications Mail, and Information Disclosure a

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff -

Directive 3.5 Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority (3.5-03)

The Commission (031)

Establishes policy regarding public attendance at meetings conducted by the NRC staff.

Executive-Director for Operations (EDO)


Ensures policy is implemented regarding public attendance at meetings conducted by the NRC staff. t I

i Director, Office of Administration (ADM)


Develops and administers a program for the receipt and dissemination of notices of public meetings.

Office Directors and

' Regional Administrators (034) e Implement the policy in this directive for the receipt and dissemination of public meeting notices. (a) e Inform or make recommendations, as appropriate, to EDO or Deputy EDOs when significant NRC activities are at the planning stage. (b)

Applicability (3.5-04) e The policy and guidance in this directive and handbook apply to all NRC employees. (041) e This directive does not apply to the Commission or to offices that report directly to the Commission. (042) e This directive does not apply to or supersede any existing law, rule, .

or regulation that addresses public attendance at a specific type of meeting. (043) .

Approved: October 13,1994 2 (Revised: May 24,1996)


Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure

, Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff l Directive 3.5 l Handbook l (3.5-05) l l Handbook 3.5 provides the following types of information. It-l . Defines the types of agency meetings open to the public for observation;(1) e Describes the means by which the public may learn when agency open meetings are being held; and (2)

. Specifies the procedures by which the staff provides suf6cient information to the agency's central meeting announcement coordinator to announce public meetings. (3)

References (3.5-06)

Code of Federal Regulations-

" Rules of Practice for Domestic Licensing Proceedings and Issuance of Orders," 10 CFR 2.

"Advison Committees," 10 CFR 7.

l "Public Records," 10 CFR 9.

! "Early Site Permits; Standard Design Certifications; and Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants," 10 CFR Part 52.

Federal Advisoy Committee Act,5 U.S.C., Appendix I.

The Government in the Sunshine Act,5 U.S.C. 552b.

NRC Management Directive 8.11, " Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions."

l " Staff Meetings Open to the Public; Final Policy Statement" (September 20,1994: 59 FR 48340).

i Approved: October 13,1994 (Revise: May 24,1996) 3 L_________.____________________

4 O

e I

e e

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the 1

NRC Staff Handbook 3.5

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Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC StafT IIandbook 3.5 Parts I - 11 Contents l

Part I Definition of a P ublic Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Public M e e ting (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Commission, Commission Offices, and Other Exemptions (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Examples of Staff M ee tings (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Meetings Typically Open to the Public (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Meetings Typically Closed to the Public (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Meetings Between NRC Staff and the Public (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Part II Announcing Meetings Open to the Public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Formal Notice of Public Meetings (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Procedures for Noticing Public Meetings (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Exhibit 1 NRC Form 549,"Public Meeting Announcement Data Input" ............. 14 Approved: October 13,1994 ...

(Revised: May 24,1996) m

' Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff IIandbook 3.5 Part I 1

I Part I Definition of a Public Meeting Public Meeting (A)

The NRC has a longstanding practice of providing the public with the fullest information practicable on its activities and conducting business in an open manner, while balancing the need for the NRC staff to exercise its regulatory and safety responsibilities without undue administrative burden. The NRC staff has held meetings with interested members of the public on a variety of issues, often in response to intense expressions of public interest. Such meetings can enhance the public's confidence in the NRC and help clarify concerns before any decisions are made. Both the NRC and the public will benefit if the need for meetings with the public is considered early in the process. (1)

A public meeting is a planned, formal encounter open to public observation between one or more NRC staff members and one or more outside persons physically present at a single meeting site with the expressed intent of discussing substantive issues that are directly associated with NRC's regulatory and safety responsibilities. This policy applies solely to NRC staff-sponsored and staff-conducted {

meetings and not to meetings conducted by outside entities that NRC j staff members might attmd and participate in. (2) {

l The NRC recognizes that some meetings open under the policy statement may warrant a greater degree of public participation. If participation beyond that of observation is allowed for a particular f meeting (e.g., if members of the public will have an opportunity to j speak or ask questions), a description of the nature of this l participation will be specified when the meeting is announced and at the outset of the meeting by the senior NRC official participating in the meeting. (3)

An outside person is any individual who is not-(4)

. An NRC employee (a) e Under contract to the NRC (b) i I

Approved: October 13,1994 )

(Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure -

Public Attendance at Certain Mectings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I Public Meeting (A) (continued)

. Acting in an official capacity as a consultant to the NRC (c)

. Acting in an official capacity as a representative of an agency of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the U.S. Government (except when the agency is subject to NRC regulatory oversight)(d) e Acting in an official capacity as a representative of a foreign government (e)


. Actingin an official capacity as a representative of a State orlocal government (except when specific NRC licensing or regulatory matters are discussed)(f)

The Commission, Commission OHices, and Other Exemptions (B)

The de5nition of a public meeting in this handbook applies to meetings between the NRC staff and outside persons. It does not apply to the Commission or offices that report directly to the Commission.

Similarly,it does not apply to meetings between the NRC staff and  ;

I representatives of State and local governments. These representatives '

include those from Agreement States concerned with NRC Agreement State activities or State regulatory actions or other matters of generalinterest to the State or to the Commission, that is, matters other than specific NRC licensing or regulatory actions involving I specific licensees. Also, the definition of a public meeting is not intended to apply to or supersede any existing law, rule, regulation, or policy statement that addresses public attendance at a specific type of l I

meeting. For example,10 CFR 7 specifically addresses public attendance at advisory committee meetings, and 10 CFR 9, Subpart C, addresses public attendance at Commission meetings. The policy also  !

does not negate existing memoranda of understanding, procedural agreements, or.other formal agreements or requirements regarding the accessibility of the public to observe or participate in meetings between NRC and its licensees or any other entities. In addition, the policy does not apply to meetings invoking enforcement matters or to settlement conferences. (1)

In general, meetings between the NRC staff and outside persons will be public meetings unless the NRC staff determines that-(2) e The subject matter to be discussed-(a) l Approved: October 13,1994 2 (Revised: May 24,1996)

- - - - - - - - _ - _____b

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I The Commission, Commission Offices, and Other Exemptions (B)(continued)

Is specifically authorized by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interests of national defense or foreign policy (classified information); or is specifically exempted from public disclosure by statute (i)

- Contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information (proprietary information) (ii)

Contains safeguards information (iii)

Is of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (iv)

Is related to a planned, ongoing, or completed investigation and/or contains information compiled for law enforcement purposes (v)

Could result in the inappropriate disclosure and dissemination of preliminary, unverified information (vi)

- Is a general information exchange having no direct, substantive connection to a specific NRC regulatory decision or action (vii)

. The administrative burden associated with public attendance at

the meeting could result in interfering with the NRC staff's I execution ofits safety and regulatory responsibilities, such as when the meeting is an integral part of the execution of the NRC inspection program. (b) i It is important to note that whether or not a meeting should be open for public attendance is dependent primarily on the subject matter to be discussed, not on who outside nor who within the NRC staff is participating (e.g., staff level versus senior management). (3)

Also note that meetings between staff and licensees or trade groups to discuss technical issues or licensee performance would normally be open because they may lead to a specific regulatory decision or action.

However, should a meeting involving a general information exchange be closed and should discussions during such a meeting approach issues that might lead to a specific regulatory decision or action, the NRC staff may advise the meeting attendees that such matters cannot be discussed in a closed meeting and propose discussing the issues in a future open meeting. (4)

Approved: September 26,1994 (Revised: May 24,1996) 3

Volume 3g Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure .

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part 1 The Commission, Commission Offices, )

and Other Exemptions (s)(continued) l The staff shall inform outside persons if a meeting will be a public  !

meeting to allow them to raise concerns regarding confidential l information before a meeting, should that be necessary. (5) {

i I

This meeting policy is a matter of NRC discretion and may be departed from as NRC convenience and necessity may dictate. Any deviation from this policy must be approved by a branch chief or higher level l l

leial. (6) l Examples of Staff Meetings (C)

The following examples of meetings that are typically open or typically j

closed to public attendance are not intended to be all-inclusive but to '

establish a thought process that can be used to make decisions on any meeting scenario. Guidance also is provided regarding when the staff should initiate meetings with the public.

Meetings 'Iypically Open to the Public (1)

The following are examples of meetings between the staff and licensees, applicants, industry representatives, interveners, or petitioners. These meetings are typically open to the public for i

observation only.

Staff Meetings With Licensees or Applicants Relating to Licensing Issues (a)

A meeting conducted by the NRC technical staff with applicants or licensees as part ofits review of a particular domesticlicense or permit l

application (including an application for an amendment to a license or permit) will be open to attendance to all parties or petitioners for leave to intervene in the case and, to the extent of available space, to l

interested members of the public.

Staff Meetings With Parties or Petitioners With Leave To Intervene in

{ a Cue @)

l l

A meeting conducted between the NRC technical staff and other parties or petitioners with leave to intervene in a case regarding the staff's review of the licensing action will be open to applicants or licensees and, to the extent of available space, to interested members of the public.

l l

Approved: October 13,1994 4 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure l" - Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff I Handbook 3.5 Part I i

L l Examples of Staff Meetings (C)(continued) l Meetings Typically Open to the Public (1) (continued)

Headquarters and Regional Staff Working-Level Meetings with l

Licensees (c)

Representatives of a utility licensed to operate a nuclear power plant l request the opportunity to hold a " working-level" meeting with the

, NRC headquarters or regional staff to provide the staff with additional l technical information related to a proposed license amendment l

(change to the technical speci5 cations) the staff is reviewing. The l discussions that would take place at this meeting could directly affect I

an NRC regulatory decision or action (granting of the proposed license amendment request); therefore, this meeting should be a public meeting.

Facility Shutdown and Restart Meetings (d)

The NRC staff has issued an order shutting down a nuclear power plant because of potential safety concerns. Representatives of the utility licensed to operate the facility request a meeting with several NRC i staff to discuss the actions they have taken to address the staff's concerns, as well as to discuss possible restart of the facility. The l discussions that would take place at this meeting could directly affect l an NRC regulatory decision or action (proposed restart of the facility);

! therefore, this meeting should be a public meeting. In this case,it also may be necessary to obtain alternate meeting space away from the site to support public attendance.

Incident Investigation and Augmented Inspection Team Exit Meetings (e)

In reaction to an event at a nuclear power plant the NRC establishes an incident investigation team (IIT) or an augmented inspection team (AIT) to thoroughly evaluate the situation at the site. Upon completion of the evaluation, an exit meetingis held with the licensee to discuss the team's findings. The exit meetings for IITh and AITh will normally be open to the public unless the EDO (in the case of an IIT) or the appropriate regional administrator (in the case of an AIT),in consultation with the Director, Office of Public Affairs, decides the criteria contained in this guidance indicate it is appropriate to have a closed meeting. Alternatively,in connection with AIT public meetings or IIT public meetings, the EDO or the regional administrator may

- decide it is more appropriate to have a separate public meeting and/or press conference in lieu of the public exit meeting with the licensee.

Approved: September 26,1994 (Revised: May 24,1996) 5


Volume 3 Part 1 - Publications Mailg and Inforrnation Disclosure 0 -

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff IIandbook 3.5 Part I Examples of Staff Meetings (C)(continued)

Meetings Typically Open to the Public (1) (continued)

Staff Meetings With a Nuclear Steam Supply System Vendor on '

Confirmatory Research for the Vendor's Application for Design Certification (f)

NRC officials desire to meet with representatives of a nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor and representatives of a foreign government to discuss the specinc confirmatory research related to the vendor's application for design certification under 10 CFR 52 that will need to be performed. The confirmatory research will influence the NRC staff's design certification review. Although a meeting with representatives of a foreign government would not need to be a public meeting, a meeting with representatives of the vendor would. .

Accordingly, this meeting should be a public meeting. l


Nuclear Energy Institute (g) i Representatives of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) desire to meet with several NRC staff to discuss the proposed staff position delineated in a draft generic letter. The discussions that would take place at this meeting could directly impact an NRC regulatory decision or action (development and adoption of proposed staff position);

therefore, this meeting should be a public meeting. l Meetings Typically Closed to the Public (2)

The following are examples of meetings between the staff and licensees, contractors, or others that, because of the nature of the meeting, are closed to the public.

Inspector Meetings With Licensee Management and Technical Staff (a)

The senior resident inspector and the resident inspector at a nuclear power plant may hold short meetings as needed with the plant manager to discuss activities at the facility. Arranging for public attendance at these types of meetings would place an undue '

administrative burden (for example, establishing access authorization to the protected area for members of the public) on the licensee and inspectors and would result in substantially interfering with their performing their safety and regulatory responsibilities; therefore, these types of meetings would not need to be public meetings, s ,

Approved: October 13,1994 6 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I Examples of Staff Meetings (C)(continued)

Meetings Typically Closed to the Public (2)(continued)

Inspector Meetings With Licensee Management and Technical Staff (a)(continued)

Similarly, headquarters and regional inspectors evaluating a specific discipline will meet with licensee management and technical staff to discuss current program status and issues. These meetings are cc nsidered an integral part of the NRC's inspection effort and thus are not open to the public.

" Drop-In" Meetings or Similar Management Meetings (b)

Senior executives of a utility licensed to operate a nuclear power plant request the opportunity to conduct a " drop-in" visit or similar management meeting with the Executive Director for Operations, with other senior managers at agency headquarters, or with senior managers of the regional office in which their facilityis located. These visits or meetings typically consist of a general exchange of information not directly related to any regulatory action or decision; therefore, such meetings would not typically need to be public meetings.

Budget Meetings With Ofrice of Management and Budget Officials (c) l Officials from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) desire to meet with NRC officials to discuss the NRC's proposed budget for the ne xt fiscal year.The OMB officials are acting in their official capacities as representatives of the executive branch and are not considered outside persons"in the definition of a public meeting; therefore, this meeting would not be a public meeting.

Staff Meetings With a Vendor for a NSSS About a Schedule for Application Submissions (d)

Sewral NRC staff desire to meet with an NSSS vendor at the vendor's office to discuss the vendor's application for design certification under 10 CFR 52. The NRC staff desires to discuss the timeframe and schedule for submission of certain portions of the application, as well as the impact that the vendor's not meeting these deadlines would have on the NRC l staff's review of the application.The NRC staff does not desire to discuss t

any technical or safety issues associated with the application. These discussions are not an information exchange related to any substantive Approved: September 26,1994 7

(Revised: May 24,1996) o_

I Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure ,,

Public Attenilance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I I Examples of Staff Meetings (C)(continued)

Meetings Typically Closed to the Public (2)(continued)

Staff Meetings With a Vendor for a NSSS About a schedule for Application Submissions (d) (continued) issues associated with NRC's regulatory and safety responsibilities; therefore, this meeting would not be a public meeting.

Staff Meetings With NRC Contractors (e) '

NRC officials desire to meet with representatives of an organization under contract to NRC to do confirmatory research related to an advanced light-water reactor design certification application. The organization (since it is under contract to NRC) is not an outside person; therefore, this meeting would not need to be a public meeting.

Stafi Meeting With an Alleger of Wrongdoing (f)

Several NRC officials desire to meet and interview a member of the public or an employee of an organization licensed by NRC to possess certain types of radioactive materials regarding the individual's allegations of wrongdoing by the organization. The discussions are related to potential or ongoing investigatory activities; therefore, this meeting would not need to be a public meeting.

Inspection Exit Meetings (g)

Upon conclusion of an inspection, NRC inspectors meet and discuss with the licensee of a nuclear power plant the preliminary results of their inspection activities (an exit meeting). Since the inspectors' findings are preliminary in that they are subject to NRC management review, open meetings could result in the inappropriate disclosure of preliminary, unverified information. Therefore, routine inspection exit meetings are generally not open to public attendance. Attendance at the exit meetingby representatives of Agreement States or adjacent States, for example, would be governed by the policy agreed to by a specific State and the NRC concerning attendance by such representatives.*

  • In certam sigmficant cases of high public interest, the regional administrator or the office director,in consultati Director, Office of Public Affairs, may decide it is appropnate to allow public attendance or have a separate pubh docuss the results of the inspection or review.

Approved: . October 13,1994 8 (Revised: May 24,1996)

1 Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure

- Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I l

Examples of Staff Meetings (C) (continued)

Meetings Typically Closed to the Public (2)(continued) l Fitness-for Duty Meetings (h)

NRC officials desire to meet with representatives of a utility licensed to operate a nuclear power plant to discuss preliminary information regarding the fitness for duty of a specific licensed reactor operator.

The meeting would not need to be a public meeting because public discussion of the licensed individual could be an invasion of personal

. privacy.

Staff Review Visits to Licensee Corporate and Plant Facilities (i)

A reviewer from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)is going to the utility coiporate office to examine design calculations before writing the safety evaluation report. As a followup, the rviewer goes to the site the following week to review the in-plant design implementation. The timing of the exit interviewis fluid based on licensee activities and/or sufficient development by NRC of any NRC findings.* Opening the meeting would thus constitute an undue administrative burden.

Project Manager and Regional Staff Meeting With the Licensee Following System Modification Problems (j)

Alicensee performed a modification on its unit's rod control system.

The modi 5 cation was not reviewed and not required to be reviewed by the NRC staff. During postmodi5 cation testing, some problems are encountered. The NRC inspection stafflearns of problems with both the hardware and the test procedure and discusses the concerns with NRC management. The NRR project manager and regional management decide that they need to meet with licensee management to discuss NRC's concerns regarding problems with the modification and testing. This meeting need not be open to the public because the NRC concerns are based on preliminary, unverified information.  !

Regional Management Meeting With the Licensee Regarding Preliminary Calculations (k) ,

1 During a design-basis reconstitution effort, a licensee determines through preliminary calculations that in the past its service water

'In certaia significant cases of high public interest, the regional administrator or the office director, in mnsultation with the Director, Office of Pubbc Affairs, may decide it is appropriate to allow public attendance or have a separate public meeting to discuss the results of the inspection or review Approved: September 26,1994 9

(Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure .

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff IIandbook 3.5 Part I Examples of Staff Meetings (C) (continued)

Meetings 'Iypically Closed to the Public (2)(continued)

Regional Management Meeting With the Licensee Regarding Preliminary Calculations (k) (continued) system (ultimate heat sink) may not have been able to provide design basis flow to all heat loads under accident conditions. The licensee informs the NRC verbally of the potential past problem. Current test results demonstrate that the system is operable. The computer modelling required to determine if the system had, in the, past, been inoperable is complex and will take 1 month to complete. Regional management and technical experts meet with the licensee to get a better understanding of the problem, its consequences, and the ongoing evaluation. This rr eeting is not open to the public because it l could result in the release of preliminary, unverified information.

j NRC Management Visit to a Licensee Facility (1)

An NRC manager may visit a facility on short notice or without any notice for purposes other than meeting with licensee officials. These purposes may include but are not limited to monitoring and assessing the performance of NRC subordinates, touring the facility, or independently assessing licensee performance. During such a trip, the f

t manager may visit licensee officials and may discuss substantive regulatory issues with them. Opening such a meeting to the public f

would constitute an undue administrative burden and could impede the efficient execution of the NRC's safety and regulatory responsibilities.

l Meetings Between NRC Staff and the Public (3)

Each office director and regional administrator should be cognizant of the fact that under appropriate circumstances, meetings with the public should be initiated. Recommendations regarding meetings with the public should be made, as appropriate, to the EDO or Deputy EDO when significant NRC activities are at the planning stage. (a)

The following are circumstances under which meetings with the public should be initiated:(b)

Strong Public Interest (i)

Through correspondence or other means of communications, l

including the number or nature of comments in response to a notice on Approved: October 13,1994 10 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff Handbook 3.5 Part I Examples of Staff Meetings (C) (continued)

Meetings Between NRC Staff and the Public (3) (continued)

Strong Public Interest (i) (continued) a proposed action, members of the public have expressed significant interest in a particular action under NRC staff review.

Local Community Groups (ii)

' l Local community groups have expressed interest in current or past NRC actions involving a facility, for example, letters to the agency, past hearings on a facility, or related 10 CFR 2.206 petitions.

(Guidance related to condect ofinformal public hearings regarding a 2.206 petition currently under NRC staff review can be found in Handbook 8.11, Part II.)

Government Official Interest (iii)

Members of Congress or State or local government officials have expressed interest on behalf of their constituents and have requested a meeting or other public outreach effort.

Previous Public Interest (iv) l Earlier public interest was expressed at the subject facility or at other ,

l facilities on similar issues involved in making a licensing  !

l determination, such as license renewal or a decommissioning decision. j Safety Significance (v) i 1 l Significant public interest may be anticipated for issues involving l

safety, such as following a significant plant event.

Anticipated Interest in Significant NRC Activity (vi)

The NRC expects a significant NRC activity or pending decision, such as the entrance or exit interview of a major team inspection, approval to the restart of a facility, or issuance of an order, to generate public interest and a strong public response.

Approved: September 26,1994 I1 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure -

Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff IIandbook 3.5 Part II Part II Announcing Meetings Open to the Public Formal Notice of Public Meetings (A)

Meetings open to the public should normally be announced to the public and to the Commission at least 10 calendar days in advance of the date of tue meeting and may be announced up to o0 calendar days before the meeting. Outside persons with whom the staff is meeting should be informed when a meeting is to be open for public observation or participation. (1)

Meetings will be announced to the public through the Weekly Compilation of Press Releases, on a toll-free telephone recording and computer bulletin board, and through notices posted in the Public Document Room. (2)

The Commission will be informed of all public meetings by the meeting announcement coordinator, Office of Administration (ADM), Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services (DFIPS), following receipt of meeting notices from agency offices in accordance with Sections (B)(1) and (2) of this part. (3)

Procedures for Noticing Public Meetings (B)

To notice a public meetir.g, provide the information specified in NRC Form 549, "Public Meeting Announcement Data Input" (Exhibit 1), to the meeting announcement coordinator, ADM, DFIPS, at least 10 calendar days in advance of the meeting by facsimile (301) 415-5130 or mail (Mail Stop T-6 D8) in accordance with ,

guidelines specified on NRC Form 549. The staff may also submit meeting announcements to the meeting announcement coordinator by E-mail at the following address: PMNS. (1)

Appr ved: October 13,1994 12 (Revised: May 24,1996)

Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC Staff IIandbook 3.5 Part II Procedures for Noticing Public Meetings (s)(continued)

When a party in a proceeding or a petitioner for leave to intervene requests information about forthcoming meetings conducted by the NRC staff, reasonable effort is made by the NRC staff to inform the party or petitioner of these meetings. When this notice is given to parties in a proceeding, the staff may submit a copy of that notice to the meeting announcement coordinator if it contains the mandatory information requested in NRC Form 549. (2)

Upon receipt of NRC Form 549, or other acceptable notice, the meeting announcement coordinator will enter the pertinent information into the computerized public notice file database and disseminate the notices as follows:(3) e A weekly report of all meetings, by date and in time-of-day order, contained in the file as of 10:00 a.m. on Friday of each week by agency mail to the following organizations: (a)

The Commission (i)

Office of the Secretary (ii)

The Executive Director for Operations (iii)

Program office directors, regional administrators, and other l office directors at their request (iv)

Director, Office of Public Affairs (v)

Public Document Room for posting (vi)

Chairmen of the Advisory Committees on Nuclear Waste and Reactor Safeguards (vii)

. A daily report by facsimile will be sent to the same recipients only when a meeting has been newly scheduled, cancelled, or changed within the following 10 calendar days. (b) ,

The meeting announcement coordinator will update information for the toll-free telephone recording on a daily basis. (4)

Meetings scheduled with less than a 10-calendar-day public notice must be approved in writing by the appropriate branch chief before the notice is submitted to the meeting announcement coordinator. (5) l l

Approved: October 13,1994 13 (Revised: May 24,1996)  ;


e Volume 3, Part 1 - Publications, Mail, and Information Disclosure Public Attendance at Certain Meetings Involving the NRC StalT Handbook 3.5 Exhibits Exhibit 1 NRC Form 549, "Public Meeting Announcement Data Input" A

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Barbara Stehlin, RES T-9 F33 l


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< TRANSACTION REPORT > 05-08-1998(FRI) 20:34 i

C ESROADCAST 3 NO. DATE TIME DESTINATION STATION PO. OURATION MODE RESULT i 996 5-08 19 31 518 457 2225 4 O'01'51* NORM.E OK 997 19:33 518 458 6434 4 O*01'51" NORM.E OK 998 19:35 NY CITY 4 O'01'51' NORM.E OK 999 19:37 OH 4 O'Ol'56* NORM.E OK 1000 19:40 OK 4 O'01*54* NORM E OK 1001 19:42 503 731 4081 4 O*01'44" NORM.E OK 1002 19:44 PA 4 O*01'47" NORM.E OK 1003 19:46 401 277 2456 i O*01'50" NORM.E OK 1004 19:48 7996726 4 O'01*47" NORM.E OK 1005 19:50 8037377412 4 O*01'50" NORM.E OK 1006 19:52 615 532 7938 4 O*01'51" NORM.E OK i i007 19:55 512 239 2007 4 O'01'54" NORM.E OK l

1008 19:57 5128346708 4 O*02'01" NORM.E OK 1009 19:59 801 533 4097 4 O'02'16" NORM.E OK 1010 20:02 360 753 1496 4 O*01'54" NORM.E OK 1011 20:04 610 337 5269 4 O*01'48" NORM.E OK 1012 20:06 404 562 4955 4 O*01'46" NORM.E OK 1013 20:08 7085151096 4 O*O2'53* NORM.E OK l 1014 20:11 817 860 8122 4 O*01'44" NORM.E OK 1015 20:13 8608188 4 O*01*47* NORM.E OK 1016 20:16 5109750381 4 O*02'00" NORM.E OK 1017 20:34 AZ O UOOO 84 O*40'15" l

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< TRANSACTION REPORT > 05-08-1998(FRI) 19:30 l



971 5-08 18:30 334 206 5387 4 O*01'50" NORM.E OK 972 18:32 1 501 661 2468 4 O*01'47" NORM.E OK l 973 18:35 0111916 3243610 4 O*02'01" NORM.E OK 974 18:38 303 343 3697 4 O'01*57" NORM E OK 975 18:40 303 782 5083 4 O'01'4i* NORM.E OK I 976 18:42 904 487 0435 4 O*01'58' NORM.E OK

! 977 18:44 404 362 2653 4 O'01*47* NORM.E OK 978 18:46 IA 4 O'01'47* NORM.E OK 979 18:48 217 524 4724 4 O*01'52" NORM.E OK 980 18:51 913 296 0984 4 O'02'10" NORM.E OK 981 18:53 502 227 7862 4 O*02'07" NORMAL OK l 982 18:56 502 564 6533 4 O'01*49* NORM.E OK

! 983 18:58 LA 4 O*01'57" NORM.E OK

! 984 19:00 6177272098 4 O*02'01" NORM.E OK 985 19:02 410 631 3198 4 O'02'02" NORMAL OK 986 19:05 ME 4 O*02'42" NORMAL OK 987 19:08 601+354+6167 4 O*02'41" NORMAL OK 988 19:11 919 571 4148 4 O'02'05" NORMAL OK l 989 19:13 701 328 5200 4 O*01'54" NORM.E OK 990 19:15 402 471 9449 4 O'01'43" NORM.E OK 991 19:17 603 225 2325 4 O*01'53* NORM.E OK l 992 19:20 5058271544 4 O*02'38" NORMAL OK

! 993 19:23 7026875751 4- O'02'43" NORMAL OK

! 994 19:26 518 485 7406 4 O*01'54" NORM.E OK l

995 19:28 NYSERDA 4 O*02'07" NORMAL OK 1

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< TRANSACTION REPORT > 05-11-1998(MON) 10:23 C TRANSMIT 3 NO. DATE TIME DESTINATION STATION PO. DURATION t10DE RESULT 1020 5-11 10:20 1 501 661 2468 ()l.L yf5' 0'02'04" NORM.E UO50 0hk6 tA 5 0*02'04*



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