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License for Mitsubishi Intl Corp to Export 781.0 Kg U-235, Contained in 22,617 Kg U,To Japan
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/22/1989
From: Peterson M
HSA-5489-02, HSA-5489-2, NUDOCS 8903300132
Download: ML20247C146 (2)


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i i THISUCENSEEXPIRES 31 March i991 he9- >,

yq Enitch 9tates of America - xSNM02410

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

[ ' l Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the materials and/or production y : 1 Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, subject to the terms and conditions g

g! Commission issued pursuant thereto, and in reliance on statements and herein.

representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued .



The.Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

p lNAME Mitsubishi International C rporation _,

_ NAME _

L l 520 Madison Avenue -

1-82 Watanabe4dori Chome, Chou-Ku

"*8'New York, NY 10022


A OREsS Fukuoka, 810 Japan I h^ -



% Attn: T. Maruyama -

(Reload fuel for Sendai Unit 2,~ Region 7) a .m f 1 INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY OTHER PARTIES TO EXPORT p j h _


-_ u,us Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.


IE a U.S. Department of Energy

'l l i 4007,EsS 622 Funaishikawa, Tokai-Mura, Noka-Gun Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant u 3 j Ibaraki, Japan c/o Martin-Marietta Energy Systems Piketon, OH 45661 1


(Conversion & Fabrication) i APPLICANT *S REF, NO, HSA-5489-02 COUNTRY OF ULTIM ATE DESTINATION dBDan o uA NTITv ff DESCRirriON OF MAreRiALS OR rACiLiTiEs I

Uranium-235 Contained in 22,617.0 kilograms of urahium' hl781.0

!! Kilograms d

= enriched to 3.45 w/o maximum.

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Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license apply to this export u



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8903300132 890322 PDR XPORT _

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NIlther this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or S AUTH RIZ E O RC REPRESENTATIVE l

l stherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy '

[ Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorgerdzation Act of 197,L., _

This license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 of w

' l sions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to su vaud ruks and _ for International Security

' ' regulations of the Nuclear Arquistory Commission, D ATE OF ISSUANCE NAR 2 21999 mmtwmm mwnsm1mummmemmmwsss-ses-wer-mmmmm

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_ . , . _ c# EXPORT LICENSEi = , m m .__. , .n 2



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. foe'y twa Page 2 of 2 Pagei U.S. NOCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g ,

EXPORT LICENSE Conditions License Number X_SNM02410 ,

1 Condition 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster two copies,in addi.

tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Declaration covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittoi to the U.S. Nuclear Regu-lotory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following dectoration should oc-company or be placed on the Shipper's Export Decorations for such exports:

"This shipment is being mode pursuont to specific license number (specific i

license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration date of license), and the unshipped bolonce remaining on this license is sufficient to cover the shipment described on this declaration."

Condition 2 - Exports authorized in any country or destination, except Country Groups O, S, W, X, Y, and 2 in Port 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehensive Export Schedule i of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Condition 3 - This license covers only the nuclear content of the meteriol.

Condition 4 - The material to be exported under this license shall be shipped in occordonce with the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73.

Condition 5 - Special nuclear material authorized for export under this license shall not be transported outside the United States in possenger coriying aircrof t in shipments exceeding (I) 20 groms or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium os uranium 233, or (2) 350 grams of uranium 235. )

l Condition 6- This licen,e authorizes export only and does not authorize the rece;pt, physical possession, or use of the nuclear material.

Condition 7 - The licensee shall complete and submit on NRC Form 741 for each shipment of -

source material exported under this license.

Condition 8 - The licensee shall advise the NRC in the event there is eny change in the designo-tion of the company who will package the nuclear material to be exported under i this license, or any change in the location of the packaging operation, at least l three weeks prior to the scheduled dote of export.

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