ML20246F155 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/01/1988 |
Shared Package | |
ML20245C323 | List:
References | |
FOIA-89-182 NUDOCS 8905120153 | |
Download: ML20246F155 (2) | |
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Vandy l.. Miller, Chief, Medical, Academic and Cocmercial Use Safety Branch, NMSS FROM:
Bruce S. Mallett, Chief, Nuclear Materials Safety Branch, Region III SUBJECT REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.
On October 17, 1988 Region III received a letter (copy attached) from the Michigan Department of Health the use of radioactive materials in lightning rods.
In that letter, a request was made for the NRC to provide a position on the use of alpha-emitting radiation sources in lightning rods and a question was raised whether or not the NRC has had previous experience with radioactive lightning protection systems and if there are any related radiological risk assessment information available.
Subsequent to the request, Region III became aware that the Heary Brothers Corporation in New York has, in the past, distributed lightning rods containing thorium-232. This was made known to us through our conversations with the corporation, the Region I Agreement State Officer, and the New York Department of Labor. Preliminary in#ormation is that the distribution took place under the provisions of a general license.
Specifics regarding the distribution is being gathered by the New York Department of Labor during an inspection currently being conducted at the Heary Brothers Corporation. We will be made aware of their findings through the Agreement States Program when their findings become available so that we can determine, if indeed, the devices fall under the provisions of a general license.
Since the State of Michigan's request did pertain to a NRC policy on the use of radioactive materials, we feel it appropriate to request your assistance in responding to their inquiry.
Initial information which we currently have is that the NRC, in the past, has not issued any licenses for the use or distribution of byproduct materials for their use in lightning rods and probably would not approve their use in the future since there are non-radiological alternatives that exist.
In addition, we are not aware of any HRC regulated materials being used in the United States under the provisions of a general or specific license. We are aware of radium-226 being used in lightning rod applications in the United States and are aware of the use of americium-241 in the countries of Brazil and Italy, f
8905120153 890510
BROAS89-182 PDR d,
e Vandy L. Miller 2
We would appreciate a response from NMSS regarding the State of Michigan's inquiry within the next two weeks so that we can respond back to the State in an expedient manner. We have attached a copy of a preliminary response we.
sent on October 28, 1988.
If we tiecome aware of any additional information pertaining to the subject which c.ay be pertinent we will contact you.
If you have any questions pertaining to the above, please feel free to contact me at FTS 388-5612 or Roy Caniano at FTS 388 5721.
4a ucp S. Mallett, Chief Nucrear Materials Safety Branch Attachments: As stated cc w/ attachments:
C. E. Nore11us, RIII R. Lickus, Rill l
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