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License for Edlow Intl Co to Export 7,928 Kg U,Containing 274 Kg U-235,to Japan
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/16/1989
From: Moore R
KLK-49, NUDOCS 8906270280
Download: ML20245D944 (2)


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N J.C FO'/.M 2M , NRC LICENSE NO. 1 IJCENSEEXPMES 31 May 1990 N InflPD MalP5 Bf Attlerifg XSNM02431


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FJ l Nuclear Regulatory Commission gj <

Pursuant 13 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, es amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the materials and/or production I

Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, mibject to the terms and conditior s commision imuod pursuant thereto, and in reiiance on statements and herein.

representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued LICENSEE ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY {

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Aus Edlow International Co. -as agent for u,ys The Japan Atomic Power Company l i the Japan Atomic Power Company g

! AD3EESS .1666 Connecticut Avenue ,oones,Otemachi Bldg. No. 6-1 t l Suite 500 Otemachi 1-chome j Washington, D.C. 20009 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Attn: R. H. Fisk (Reload fuel for Tsuruga 2, Region 6)




Tokai Works, Tokai Mura, Naka Gun Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan U.S. Department of Energy

'(Conversion) Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

! AnoaE*SNuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd c/o Martin-Marietta Energy Systems Kumatori Works Piketon, OH 45661 Kumatori-cho, Sennan Gun Osaka, Japan (Supplier)

(Fabrication) j A7PLfCANT'S REF, NO. K[K_4g COUNTRY OF ULTIM ATE DESTINATION Jaggn QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR F ACILITIES 274.0 Kilogram! Uranium-235 Contained in 7.928.0 kilograms uranium, enriched to 3.45 w/o maximum.

The shipment of 6,985.08 kilograms of Canadian-origin material is authorized.

Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license apply to this export.


1 8906270280 890616  ?

PDR XPORT 1 XSNM-2431 PNV j Neither 165 license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or B A TH RIZED RC REPRESENTATIVE ctherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act Ef 1954, as amended end the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.

s%b Th5 license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 of . eBU Moore, Acting Assistant Director, the At:mic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and to all of the other provi- for International Security. Exports sions cf said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and -

regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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EXPORT LICENSE I Conditions License Number XSNM02431

. Condition 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmoster two copies,in addi.

tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Dectoration covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittoi to the U.S. Nuclear Rego-lotory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following dectoration should oc.

company or be ploced on the Shipper's Export Decorations for such exports:

"This shipment is being mode pursuont to specific license number (specific-license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration slate of license), and the unshipped bolonce remaining on this license is sufficient to cover the shipment described on this declaration."

s Condition 2 - Exports outhorized in any country or distinction, except Country Groups O. S. W, X, Y, and 2 in Port 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehens ve Export Schedule of the U.S. Deportment of Commerce.

Condition 3 -This license covers only the nuclear content of the materiot.

Condition 4 - The materio! to be exported under this license shall be shipped in occordence with l the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73.

Condition 5 - Special nucleor materiol outhorized for export under th;s 1 cense shall not be transported outside the United Stotes in possenger coreying. oircraft in shipments exceeding (1) 20 groms or 20 curses. whichever is less, of plutonium or uronium 233, or (2) 350 groms of uranium 235.

Condition 6- This licente authorizes esport only and does not outhorize the rece;pt, phys col possession, or use of the nuclear material.

Condition 7 - The licensee shell complete and submit on NRC form 741 for each shipment of source material exported under this license.

Cendition 8 - The licensee shall odvise the NRC in the event there is ony change in the designo-tion of the company who will pockoge the nuclear material to be exported under this license, or ony change in the locotion of the pockoging operation, et least three weeks prior to the scheduled dote of export.

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