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Forwards Fr Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS for Proposed Rulemaking on 45CFR50350, Rev of Reactor Siting Criteria
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/26/1980
From: Rich Smith
To: Hart G
Shared Package
ML20237F870 List:
FOIA-87-462, TASK-ES-003-1, TASK-ES-3-1, TASK-OS NUDOCS 8101140602
Download: ML20244B257 (6)


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DIST".I"*!TI ~::-

E E R T TTIF raa SUBJ w/ enc 1 SD .;/;//.LPilA DRR RDG SESC RM/SUliJECT.

John Philips, DRR RGSmith .

KRGo11er NOV 2 e gggg ICRoberts

.EFConti WR0tt The Honorable Gary Hart, Chairman Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulatica Committee on' Environment and Public Works United States Senate Washington,~D. C. 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Enclosed for your information are copies of a notice of intent to prepare an. environmental impact statement (EIS) for.the proposed rulemaking on

" Revision of Reactor Siting Criteria", (45 FR 50350). Copies of the

. Advance Notice'of Rulemaking (ANR) were sent to you in August,'1980.

The Notice of Intent is being issued as part of the Scoping Process for-the EIS. A tentative outline is included for the EIS'together with a brief description of the technical approach which the staff presently intends to pursue in assessing the alternatives and issues which are relevant tb this rulemaking. Public comment is sought on all aspects of x this Notice of Intent.

Sincerely, ,

Original signed by n. G 5:nith

Ray G. Smith, Acting Director--

Office of Standards Development


Federal Register Notice cc:


Senator Alan Simpson


bec: Director, OCA Identical letters sent to attached mailing list.


WR0t p1f EFC If KR r RGSm th R 11/17/80 11//%/80 11/p/80 11/gJ/80 11/ r/80.11/ n/80 11/ /80

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  • represent 2tive mitartels choses for . l earveilleIce from acch sore.or in the set may e5 HI7:e30 Standards Development. UA Nuclear i

be irradiated in one q r onore of the reactore. j published 12/240 tory Commission. Weebingten.  !

but there must be en ldeq Coeneens period empires th641 D. 30868, (301) 443 490E, '

-em io, .ea memo,. uate d.oelmetryre u.donin ie l

' "* be _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, .:

Ni ed pNr e ornNb rIf Noues oflatent is paM of the scoping epecimens per auctor permitted. but the  !

10 cpm Parts 80,81, and 100 process for the EIS which the NRC is l enount of tutine mey e reduced if the planning to prepare in aamaamelam with I initial resuN esrw wt pred6ctions. Es,ygrgryngngelimpact StaternerW for the proposed revision ofits regulallees integrated survedience eme mut be Reester WWng CrNorte gove the siting of neclear power approved by the Direct Nuclear Reector Reguleuen on a ese basis. Criterne planta. of tble esoplag * #

asesev. US Nuclear Regulatory process is to for apprus al anclude the 1 'lluming Comunissica. both the alternaeves  !

ronederations (for specifying criteria forideogSed

  • l s The design and opera mg featuren of the acTiesc Notice oflatent to Prepare an topics) which wiB be examined ir deled '

seatsurs in the set shall be sufluaently similar Environmentallaspect Statement for and &e issues tat wiB be addressed is to p rm:t scrurate t.umpar sons of th' predu.ted amount of redw un d. nup' ** a Revision of the Regidations Governing comParks he alternatim in the the Stuas of Nuclear Power plants. environmentalimpact statement, fundiun of tosel power out >ut.

, g for d a har[n betweenp ent Esthementallumpact Statement w

..=:#ce"e've= ;mnh can-ni Adva -Nome.f ~ ~- -de-*re for

. rensur will not be feopard led by operation Rulemaklag Revision of Reactor Siting rul were identiSed in " Advance os redurxd power level or1 y an entended Criteria"(ANR)in the Federal Register outape of another reactor 11 um ishich data Noties of ulemeldab: Revision of .

(45 FR sasso). As part of this Reactor Siting Criteria" (48 FR stem) er* *spected rulemaking, the NRC latends to prepare (ANR) and are listed in Table 1. 'this set 4 There shell be subster ialadvantages to be seined in reduced powe outases or art Environmentallapact Statement ofitems with the restrictions personnel esposure to redi ition. ei.heesed by (EIS). This notice oflatest requests estab in the ANR establishes the quer surveillance l spoules in all comment on (1) the range of alternatives presently intended ofthe

, g III. Report of Test Resuhe the items identiSed in the ANR as by commenters will be considered if the suitable to be addressed in the NRC staN)udges that are A Each capsule withdra wel and the results regulations, and (s) the leeves which of the fracture toughness i iets shell be the sufnaiently important to overeu should be evaluated in the Els, success of this rulemaldag that ther -

I ou ted or p al to he ire or of DaTE:Comunent period

  • expires January mluire iramdiak mdunen. SpectSc I Nut. lear Ructor Regulatii n. U.S. Nuclear 18.1SSL aherneem for wtabushing criteria Regulatory Commission. ' vahington. D C. sa-a- sw. sessi,od aner the with respect to some of these items were ,-

306u. within to days efte ' completion of expirades done we be teendered if k is listed in the ANR. in addition. for the entms. The Director shal be notified at lent 30 doye in advance of the capsule practical to de es.but asserenes of purpose 6 of the process for the (-

consideendon esseet be gives asesyt es to EIS, the NRC star consider withdrewel giving the ei pected dete of

" *" ' comments Alad se er boisse that date. Alternatives for criteria that may be

  • Nr"por't UlfinclidetNie Aeoness: Written comments should be identined during the cornment period en required by ASDIE1st es required by subunitted to the Secretary of the - this Notion ofIntent.

paresreph II.s.t. and the resulie of als Commission, UA Nuclear Although the NRC staf considered a .

tracture toughness tests onducted on the Comunisolon. W D. 3D585, '

bottlere r.eteriale in the tradinted end wide range of information in arriving at snirradiated senditions. Attenson: Docket. Service Brarsh, the reconnmaadadons 'which famed e of the " Advance Nodes the main thrust of the ANR. additional C II',*h*g '" 'h'j' i,'y'"yQ h ofR Revision of Reactor technical studies wlD be required to est r i ne le r utred, the revised limite Sillag Criteria" and the import of the fuHy document the impacts of the sheD be subadtted with the report, including S1 Poli y Task Fo ce." NUREC Osts, posed criteria and reasonable any cf..inges made la operating procedurn may obtained without chasge required to meet the limite. tornatives to thoes criteria.h NRC  !

writing to the Director. Division staf has developed a tentative outline TechnicalInfonmation and Document for the EIS to aid in iden areasla Control.US Nuclear Regulatory which additional studies wiD needed.

Commiselon. Weebington. D.C. 30685. Appendix A presents this tentative i IAEA Safety Calde so.8G-84," Site outline with notations aher appropriate i Selection and Evaluation for Nuclear secuans indicating whether the ANR er '

Power Plants with Respect to Populados the NRC FY 1980 Authorization Act is Distribution."(International Atomic the primary basis for the section.

Energy . Vienna,19e0) may be Appendix B ts a more detailed . -

e at the Comunission's Public discussion the technical a ebfor Document Room at 1717 H Street. NW., assessing issues that the NR staf Washington.D.C.or at local public believes may be important la making docuamnt rooms in the vicinity of informed choices among the l nuclear power sites or copies 'may alternatives.

be purchased UNIPUR,34E Park Avenue South, New York.NY 10018,

  • poa pusmten esponesafiou coerrAct:

Contact Dr. WIHiam R. Ott. OIRee of NURBra'est August sepsL"S*** t of the essas pelie i g

e. '

rebrmo =,se. "*

F6 i A %2.


- J


Table N-Items see fw this Notice cflat nt and consuleration u these who particip:ted in the sosping of the comments on each in prepareuen prosses by consunung on the ANR er Ralemaking of the Scoping Summary Report. No Notier oflatent.

Demographiccritaris Public scoping meeting is planned:

Appu'A*Th Mae W C F1med exclusion dietarice rticipation in the scoping procoes will h Ftmed protective action d! stance limited to written responses to this 5 % 35 populados density Notice of Intent. A special mailing of U"'"*'T don diswibudon this Notice will be made to persons. Lt kneedecess, organizations and agencies who have IJ Desertpden of proposed Acues.

Minimum standoff distance from external henants g g La Deeenpoon of AlemaWwes.

Federal neles identified b I# 8"""*'F *' A8N" 3***" II"*3"d"8 Envimnmenta%y tythe as Niina,d of preferred d I.pC terminals and pipelines having special expertise in this area will Meersonnes.

large quantities of explosive or toxic be included in & mailing. N materials agencies which have jurisdiction by law K. Aepose andNuodforrhe Acrien MI)or dans or special expertise with respect to any ILt pwpees of promulgation of Reester N:vigable waterways which am envuonmentalimpact involved, or 8*'8 C'""'*-

transportation routes for basardous which are authorised to develop and R2 Ned for Reactor tung Crioria:

materials * *^*"**M""*8'**'

enforce relevant standards are invited to Other nuclear power plants participate in this scoping effort. m. " - ef4herneri e latirdiction of contaminated Affected State and local agencies or any ELt Imoodoenes.

groundwater affecwd Indian tribes that wish to Elta Discussion of AND and EIS Serping Consideration of post-licensing changes participate by cosunenting are invited to process es detersunents of of in off-site activities do so. At the conclusion of the comment Rulemaking and Amelyon of eves.

Prohibition of sites requiring unique or pened for this Notice ofIntent, the NRC 8 unusual design to compecsate for staff will assess the comments on both S Cruen]Renmale Cntene(APOt.Dem Al r se [ '

site inadequacies this Notice and the ANR: and will define gLth Separouse d slung from duip 1 Site approval at earliest decision point: the shernative criteria which will be [ LWR speesefl.  !

cetteria for reopenias considered in detail in the EIS. Since IILtAJ Desired degree of remoteases, NRC review termination upon State Ibere willlikely be considerable overlap use.

agency diupproval and redundancy amongst various tha Considerosos of accideem ted alternative criteria. the staff beyed me doelp basis.

Relative to the issues identitled la the - utilise its judgment and experience RI h 4 Aneinable risk for nuelear cppendices comunents wiu be most " """* ""

useful which:

to establish a reasonable number of shamatives (which may differ from ""'"'I*'"*"*f***I

1. Suggest other realistic alternatives those tentatively listed in Appendix A) IILt E- ' ' Criteria MNR. hem R; to those presented in Appendix A. that have significant differences but

/ Cb: ter lH (e.g., a spectSc ch or NRC FT 80 An'theneation Actk g beve a good chance of equitably EIJA Emelusies distanes (ANR. hem Bl.

tion of approaches establishing appropriate siting ELLk Specifice6se of population denspy

  • establishing des phic criteria restrictions for future nuclear power umH [MGL. hem Sk together with a t caljustification of plaats. ne issues to be examined for Bl u t Eting pelley Task Fores the a scach).' Indicate why any endi af the criteria will also be defined sea (ANE hem E Ahemeeve idei alternatives are not wortby of (see Appendix 3). Ak further consideration. He scoping process will be completed R1h " *pPmesh (Met, hem E 3g,,,,,,2,, j L Address the relevancy of the issues by to preparation and publication of a identified in Ap ndix B and the staffa S==ma Reportchis repert Et n a w W y at, w q,,,g,. gg i pl nned appros to analysis of these we a I statement of the Ethe immarpwann d - ' =

l lesues. Items Ibst will be covered in this.

s. ldentify and justify any other leeues reismaldas, the reasons for deleting any and wpbianimeswehe ksiR. M <

ACRsessmentak l which obould be considered in this of teitems included in the ANR and a IILa4 Speemessen of populouse l rul: making. sealsed and more detailed outline for the aselbanes bait (APEt,leen El. -

m Scoping Procme fw de EIB E Abrief description of the reasons ELasa WeesPoucyTaskFerse lurladsding alternative criteria not W-ties (ANR.Itemi B. Aherneuve

, The sco ing process for the EIS will psusmetly identified, eliminating Ak l

consist of ublication of the ANR and absumatives presently under IEJ.e.s hree ser approach (Alat.iteIn 3, esesideration or combining similar AhwuseheEE absumatives will be prosested.He IEasJ magievalue miformlimit(ANR.

era not, she ,. bus ,nmde inse,sud moment se mport will also identify any issues with ik " A Q*esties al.

ihe rense of shorneuva fw weems sammemphs mapset to these alternatives which have E1J44 lacorporenes of anteereligieel canene wh6ch mer tw uproprum ist somad=6= been included for detailed examination **d "F'8'*phical eensteints MNR. hem E

  • in the EIS, espies ofIAEA Safeticeede N """*b "5ue Selectise and Es elmateen for Nucieer Power er best beeh dismissed from further Pkats wesh Respect to Populettee Destetheasa" ese 888'ider8 tion ** periphers!* ELa "Restricosas se pmuionity 2 Extraal sysdeble for enemutetten et the Commismos'. @t er adeque covered Ilesards MPER. Item C).

ggg,, -

public Document Room et trir H Serset NW.end at 6oubers.De report wi also

  • elilosel Pubhc Document beenudlus satse -

hties on 1 dbe scledult W stedell 888 8 1Ier Se8 'Fye of presents a survey of prees. urn sood by useletary .

. sehennes in IAEA somber nehmes for womdenes suggleties of the rulemaking.(2)related basard(ANR.Hans C. Ahernettve Ak ggh FeasibGity of doelp pufennemen peezionen in rescin revmwe.7 ten = = momst anstammental studies, and (3) regelmanets mpet. hem C. ACRs esamene magnificence s=n to ear of uma e,,.soshe by nm amongements for others to prepare with repud to eeber se,r pie mp d'"

l v haCh m bodyennd information for the EIS. ELasThree serapproach fet,tw o C, een. e, . .ste6nsh,re emesresh.-

.e be own ofinis = pori wiii be aseibwed ==mene sk

- i= =

l r ,ue,y . m,eset, 1


.4 ' ART 50 o PROPOSED RULE MAf 'O "!

gad.befw pomerec sensivesse: eastinus - IVA FAscas of Pess.LasseemsI4ed Use caamined 12 determine whetbar the i "esseby.ceae detenaienesse. CeeesiIANIL lies ok capetility to take protective action la  !

E4 Capsbuiry is aseenhet Contaminated WJ lapliceuses of Site Appsevelat the vicinity of a site under accident .

Ceeendweier (ANIL ltem D). garliest Decieme Peies (ANillum Hb 'l W.s lapliceuses of Defenol to Sww conditions might be impaired or (' i E44. Useenspieblo site aberectone4cm enhanced by various cboices of - ( l piesr ..'-. - requiremesa Ageoey mesppmele (ANR. heen Ik alternative criteria.

EL4.b. Perfenseems requimemets.

y,e y .ofAhoreskreetKelocumof )

M. Issue: Deflaition of region. i E44 r=w fw sempliano, hopeessf Cnasne heposedanalytical/e '(EIS

  • le pwfamosa mquusasem  !

E8 PesR _ .  ; Chenen in OEsew V.1 latroduceem. Dessueelen of Sec6on IV.3.a.) j Comparouve Aeolyses Cassistent with Siths Alterestive schemes of regionellenden Aselvnin (ANIL lien E 1 mAa. Pesetw waereis (ANR. lume P1.Fak. will be examined to detonaine e proper i V.t.a.Geels.

Separonen er alting from des 6gn, basis for establiabing reglemal criteria.

llL841 P'twow escion sonneenen l VAb. Deres of W Socioeconomic and physiographic units I taeol utbermes:information cSu beyond ee dalse buk.

  • - na bre of

-m-0 r,edereingen.i -ar-il, of -,as -

eselacenes seguirement ,ey,Domeyephic VJ em ,e e Creoria^"-arer* -a-'

water resowee restricticas and any mAb. Genene reopeness retricting plant V la.Eselesien meseses. other appropriate regional memoerns will i operst6es: enterie for eense (ANR. Item Pt. VAb. Popeleneo dessay limits. be considered when deelding on the Qumusee 2 and ). VAc. Populates disse eme lueim .{

proper regionalisation sabens. 1 Es4 lagelaties 2 esquire direct sensel VJ Preaisney lissetenens for seternal . (Comment would be useful with regard (ANIL lien F, Queouse th I Hesesde E4 No eine cherecserise6es requinns to appropriate determinants of region.)

V.4 Groundwater laterdictive Capobility. W.lssue: Site availabdity, esiges er unpnyven osapeanstag design V.5 Post.uceneang Cheages in Offeite teotwee. (Aherneuve is sese-by. case desige Activities.

PicposedAnalyticoff . " (EN V.8 Uniges or Unusual Deels" Secticas IVJ.a and W.S.I;.) n sev6ew.l(ANIL hem ct BJ Site approval et earliest decisies Prohibition. Consistent with the intent of the NRC FYgG Aueensados Act. &e asw point. (Ahernetive is es essen.)(ANil itses yM# m Agency Disapproval. de phic criteria should not


- ;gda
::-2:: was,e-a R:'ts rigfo"s 'o'd.e* t Ana.s = m %."at wm b. ma.2,o" D ,r e s.

A,,, ,e No,eene,, ,,, ,,m ,,

544. taner from goverset (ANIL heet L-mc - . , .ed, region that identSes the variation 'a Appendix Edrabaisal Approach h .

q quesnen31 nab. Stese designated overeu approval mg availability of sites for nuclear power plants as a function of the structure of 4

eenhersty (ANIL hem L QuestianIk Llasue Radiological consequences of the criteria and the variation in Blas Any Stew Agency lANIL hem L accidents. numerical values as well as realistic Questise at , hoposedAnalytion/ Approach!(EIS constraints en siting such as water e bad. Ne itsepoem m Stem Agency Section IV.1.)

l Dnepprows (ApgL Imm L Qunnen at availability and violation af safety k"; l proposed criteria will be compared criteria. N bene $ts of regionaDy based iv. a.m. J., ament = ee s,=vrouwe of with realistic aliwaa6ves on the basis -

Aesssersisq cafsene of impacts an ublic besith and safety.

criteria verem nedenwide anaru we tv.s e.a.a.g geeseeYenes For demogre e criteria this means that be examined. Basic reformation wGl be i developed from exis6ag si studies - i (Reisease) and the r '----ar ====a of a Full variation la to the mawimally. which, taken togetbar, arver )

of Accidents (APELlhe at NRC FY so exposed ladividual and ll.e populatten perdens of the country.

As ties Aetk fross a full range of accident releases

" (y)lsene. Socioecemoanic Impact.

hem a asu men NR so ",g"

" *" 'co/ 4 p socht(EIS

,", p ,"g,"$ '-

fvaa.Pepeleaseessem densby and disteens.N N sociosassonde impacts of varying IVAbM- _ . . eesseelses.. conomiwasse wiu be evaluend with an degrees of remeteness wGI be IVAc. seiernal hassed toineesse. updated version of the Reactor Safe Y investigated, en og IVJ siis Availahupy pec FY a Study ry - s, imp

-- bdodel(CRAC) increased transedesion diseases.

Astberteamen Aet). computer cosIs. Existing sites and a 6 IVAa. Peputation doestly and distribaties hypothetical site wiu be evaluated. la ch g onland we and& femore I

atterte eNeets (haserusiser. sepography. thaequenome considered will include g,g,,,,,g ,gg,,, ,gg socidogical penalges and beqddes la

$73sNMesset,eien y fetahden,injurian a en ataunes,

,g distribution of coot and benents of such i

petC FY m Aethermanse As4 8iti"I' fv.s4 tand ese/wiserest hasante and risk beevduaWd bl

    • F differ la relative Isaportanos for VI.lasue: Severity of External eensidwenees (Ale.Inom CL Hasards, owY{ksiem[

IV.34. Groundwaterlesordissies on of versus vidual Sun .s.


risk as determinants of exclusion '

segelromente eSeces (APGt.llese D). distance and population density and A Blerature review wiD be rforened '

to establish the potantiallesefof basard IVAf. Um of Exisens ease er Federellende distribution limite would be useful.) ,

IANIL hem Fl. E.lssue:Feasibuity of protective senciated wie the exernal basseets  ;

IV.84.E8ect of poshibless se eless Acdons, liskdin the ANR and any esber i segetring unessel erussens dulge m . heposedAmolytsco/Approocht(EIS 8pProPriate topics. Staff praedes for sempensen for ein essensesha IANR.1"- dealing with these basade wGI be Gk Seedian IV.a.)

= is*-e-m= hss-- 'the topics u hosessed. Available models for -

,gJ,, -v-a,d - ia =  ;,,,e,, a,a .nder n.,e,xes,a,d, consideration tode mm,,bic e

charemerums, exie,ad evenfor w.e asoci ofma basa,dou I'


' February 19, 1982trussel 50-90 i

e 9

PAR ~ 0 o PROPOSED RULE MAKING feasibility of ceterblishing a meaningful XH. Issue: Use cf Fed:ral Lands. tations en a construction permit

  • protective distance wul be extmined. ProposedAnalytical Appreock(EIS b er to make changes in a facility ne availability of sites sesociated with Section IV1f.) d construction.nis advance notics' f.h2 d:mographic cnteria proposed by Federalland would be surveyed to of posed rulemaking is being ths st:ff wu! be reexamined te establish suitability for location of single publ ed to invite comments, ditzrmine whether h standoft critens unit plants up through many-unit energy e tions, or recommendations on the ,

will significantly alter site availabthty. centers. no historical availability of conte of the proposed amendment. I Vit lesue:Engineenns Alternatives to Federal land would be explored for uses D ere also be opportunity later for Standsff Distances. such as public power supply systen .s additio I public comment on the PreposedAno/ytical Approock (EIS (Bonnevilla power Authority. Tennessee propo mia,if any, that may be Sections ID.3 and IV.5.) Valley Authonty etc.). ou abale lease devel by the Commission.

The feasibility of design performance Program. fomstry thnber management. patss: ents must be recelved by requirements as opposed to spectSc water supply projects. The possible February 1981. Conunents received standsff distances will be evaluated. benefits would be ev==iaad regionaDy after Febro 1.1981 willbe VIIL lssue Precluding Siting of from weD planned use of Federallands considered it is practical to do so but Nucisir Reactors in any Region of the to supplement areas already available to assurance o consideration cannot be United States. utilities and implement a multi unit given except a to comroents filed on or pioredAnalyt/ col Approock(EIS existing site approach, ne degree of before Feb 1.1981.

Section IV.3.d.) improvement in criteria,that is possible Accessets:

if tee availability associated with the tien comments.

Enzrgy generstion from any sourm has its associated risk and risks from mcommended criteris is held constant s ions. m mmed h M d after Federallands am added would be be wat e cmkry o$

soms energy sources risy be greater Commission. U Nuclear Regulatory thirr that of the nuclear option. amused.

Commission. We hington. D.C. 20555.

nIrefore, it has been suggested that the XIIL lasuet Use of Unusual or Unproven Engmeeting Design to Attention:Docke and Servicas

! siting criteria should not be so stringent Branch. Copies of mments received to la preclude the use of nuclear power Compensate for Site Deficiencia.

may be examined the NRC public from any region of the United States. PreposedAnalyticalApproocA*(EIS I De implications of r.ot precluding . Document Room Washington, D.C. et 717' H Street. N.W '

nuclsci power from any region of the An estimate would be made of the l

e5ect on site availability of instituting pon ru m an aero Tioes coef7AcT:

United States will be examined.

such a requirement. particularly where Warren Minners, of Nuclear IX. Issue: Effect of Groundwstar

Interdiction Criteria on Site Availability. large areas might have a common Reactor Regulation. Nuclear A c/yrical Appipock(EIS w might preclude siting mmis W ngton, cil ne effect on site availability of XIV./ssue: Termination of Review supptassnerasrf seron Tioec After State Disapproval

[ Clt:rnative siting criteria that assure Ibs Bd W capabdity for groundweterinterdiction pipposedAno/ytico/Appreock(EIS ne Atomic Energy A of1964,as

!' would be ====iNd. Section IVA) amended, and the resula one of the '

X.lasue: post Licensing Land Use ne implications of establishing NuclearRegulatory Co asion (NRC) -

Control automatic review termination wim provide a framework for suance of proposedAnalyth:o/Approock(D$ respect to various levels of State construction permits (cps for nuclear I Section IVAy disapproval wiU be euamined. power planta, but do not d fine l Th2 feasibuity of passive and active

  • precisely the commitment which a controls on post-licensing land use in permittee is legaDy bound han the the vicinity of a nuclear plant would be ,eigo NRC grants it a Cp. A. a It, there explored. Alternative controle on P 12/11/so ete conflicting opinions coni erning the ,

popul tion risk (given that criteria am com m t be reosed by 2/s/s1. requirements associated wit a CP.

cxceeded) such as changes in operating commen u.imi enn 2/1/s1. will I. particularly with rosard to w ther a procedures or authorized power level er Wd**8 is sm0ml 2 de u. but permittee is bound by repre tations cdditional riek reducing engineering made in its application,inct the

! syst:ms would be addressesL  %.vw*e,",**d t 2/1/s1. - , , d"/,%"7d , preliminary Safety Analysis -.

XL Issue: Use of Existing Sites. (PSAR), and on the hearing proposedAno/yticalAppreock(E5 Because of this, for many ye the NRC Section IVAf.) 10 CFR Part 80 staff has been faced with the las of n2 existica sites would be exammand not having clear guidelinn ting for various levels of criteria to r -A of Producson and changes in faculty design, or ,

. determine which sites were Uggs, ~ tks; Design and Outer ttee e procedures and a

[ tween the time a CPis issue under each proposal De ty of Clungesin acher Pow Phnt a adding additional units to each of these Feclettes A " leeuance of S*IetY AAA F818 Report )is sites would then be ====i==d and as Construcum* Aled by the permittee as part of .

  • estimate made by region of remaining Operating License (OL) applica .

siting capacity. Using the characteristics Acescv:U.S. Nu r Regulatory herefore, the stafl's actions .

cf the selected site, an estimets would Commission. practices (as well as those of hol of be prepared of the availabgety of muls. Actiose Advance no of proposed cps)in this matter have dev en a unit sites as a modification er the rulemaking. . case-by. case basis over the ye , l av:thbility information for Ibn verises he problem ar'ses because that demographic criteria and essadog sussesAnr.The U.S. Nocher Regu! story applicant is not required to supply distances. Commission is conalderir$ amending its initiaDy all of the technicalinforma on regulations to define more clearly the required to complete the applicatio and 50 01 Februw 19,1fsB$eset) 4

. \