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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 871120
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/24/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-871120, NUDOCS 8712020198
Download: ML20236T972 (30)



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7: j O'

1 Q

hensmber 24, 1987 For: The Commissioners I Frop T. A. Rehm Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO l



A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners l

who may prefer a condensed version of this report. '

Contents Enclosure Administration an,d Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B i Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C l tincinar Regulatory Research 3

D Governmental & Public Affairs E

, Gener41 Counsel F*

Perso'nel n G

', Analysis and Evaluation of Operationc1 Data H SW1 &' Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J*

Enforcement K*

l Consolidation L Regional Offices M*

.CRGR Monthly Reports N*

Executive Director for Operations 0*

j Items Addressed by the Commission P*

i Meeting Notices Q Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for R external distribution) l

, O 3

  • No input this week.

j l [

8712020198 871124 T. A. Rehm, :sistant for Operations-WkEKLh$FOR PDR ce of Ge h ecu W e W ector for Operations


T. A. Rehm. EDO 492-7781

e HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 1987 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station The electrical union which includes all control room operators at Oyster Creek d l

has rejected contract terms and has declared a strike effective midnight on 11/20/87. Management personnel will relieve all union watchstanders. Management personnel began relieving control room operators at 1110 on November 18, 1987.

The licensee plans to start up the plant on 11/19/87 using management personnel.

Region I will maintain initial round-the-clock coverage until the Region is satisfied with the status of the plant.

NRC/ DOE Physical Security Comparability I

License conditions to implement the three near-term NRC/00E comparability  !

measures (stationing armed guards at MAA portals, night firing qualification  !

for guards, and conducting 100% search of personnel and packages entering the  !

protected area) were issued on August 6,1987 to the four Category I fuel facilities licensees (NFS, B&W, UNC, GA). NMSS staff confirmed by telephone {

that as of November 9, 1987, all licensees have implemented the first phase of J the 100% search requirement. Due to equipment procurement and facility modification, design, and construction, the achievement of the 100% search requirement for all personnel and packages was divided into three phases: 25%

search to be implemented by November 9, 1987; 50% search to be implemented by May 9, 1988; and 100% search to be implemented by August 9, 1988. The stationing of guards at MAA portals was fully implemented at all four facilities on September 9, 1987, and the night firing qualification measure is 1 to be implemented by January 10, 1988.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation


The Board of Directors of Kerr-McGee has approved an agreement in principle i under which GA Technologies, Inc., will acquire the stock of Sequoyah Fuels l Corp. The primary activity of Sequoyah Fuels is operation of the uranium  !

hexafluoride production plant near Gore, Oklahoma. The firms plan to meet with I the staff in connection with the need to obtain NRC consent for the stock acquisition by GA Technologies.

Draft Proposal from Maine for a Section 274b Agreement Maine is proceeding towards a Section 274b Agreement with NRC. The target date for the Agreement to become effective is July 1,1988. The State has prepared a draft program narrative to support their request for the Agreement.

The request will be in the form of a letter from the Governor to the Chairman.

State Agreements Program is providing copies of the Maine Draft program narrative to NMSS, OGC, NRR, RES and Region I for review and comment. This '

will allow NRC to discuss and resolve any staff comments with Maine so that the Governor's request, when received, can be handled expeditiously.

Differing Professional Opinions (DPO)

Part one of the DP0 Special Review Panel report is in the final stage of completion and is on schedule to meet the November 30, 1987 deadline. The Panel began preliminary activity on Part two of its report, recommendations for award recipients, due by December 30, 1987.

l l


. l 0FFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT i STATUS OF REQUESTS - 1987 For 5-Day Period of November 13, 1987 - November 19, 1987 Initial Appeal of l Request Initial Decision Received This Week 24 4 )

Completed This Week 14 6 {

Carryovers From 1986 170 53 l Received In 1987 787 102 J Granted In 1987 536 31 Denied In 1987 264 88 Pending 157 36 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Andrew Farrell, Requests a copy of contract NRC-02-88-005, the proposal IIT Research and BAF0 materials submitted by Southwest Research Institute Institute.


Wes Hills, Requests records on the spills of Americium-241 in 1986 Dayton Daily News at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

(87-765) 1 (An individual Requests records maintained in the NRC on herself.

requesting f information about herself)

(87-766) 1 Stan Jones, Requests a cc9y of the investigation on whether baron i

Fort Worth Star- testing was prjperly conducted on nuclear power plants.

Telegram i

(87-767) i John Lamberski, Requests records which interpret the phrase, "Unreviewed Troutman, Sanders, Safety Question."  !

Lockerman & Ashmore (87-768)  !

Thomas Carpenter, Requests records regarding the illegal disposition of Government Americium-241, resulting in two spills at Wright-Patterson Accountability Air Force Base in Ohio.

Project (87-769)

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 NOVEMBER 20, 1987 ENCLOSURE A 1


2 Received, Cont'd Thomas Carpenter, Requests records regarding 01's investigation of the Government . illegal dis)osition of Americium-241, resulting in two Accountability spills at tie Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

Project (87-770)

Thomas Carpenter, Requests records regarding RIII's investigation of Government illegal disposition of Americium-241, resulting in two Accountability spills at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

Project (87-771)

Lynn Connor, Requests a copy of WPPSS-2 PSAR amendment No. 4.

Doc-Search  ;

Associates (87-772) l Marvin Resnikoff, Requests records regarding a proposed waste facility -

Radioactive Waste in Hudspeth County, Texas. 4 Management Associates (87-773)

Keith Epstein, Requests records regarding an O! investigation on

~The Plain Dealer the John Charles Haynes Company.

(87-774) l Bruce Maxwell, Requests records concerning contracts between the NRC and WTOL-TV Toledo Resource Technical Services of Ohio.


(NRCemployee) Requests records concerning his security clearance and (87-776) allegations against himself.

(NRCemployee) Requests records concerning GSA's relocation services (87-777) contract with Meredith Relocation Corporation of 4 California and the reasons for its centract defscit. l Karen Lebo, Requests copies of Board Notificat' " Nos. 84-18, 84-20 i Hunton & Williams and 84-24.


James Pembroke, Requests records from January 1968 to the present related J. Cathy Fesci, to the agreement, the CAJUN /G5U integrated transmission Thomas Rudebusch, system, loan guarantees or any antitrust review of Gulf l Duncan, Weinberg, States or the River Bend nuclear power plant.

Miller & Pembroke, P.C.



l 3

. Received, Cont'd Thomas Schmitt Requests lists of Reg Guides, NUREG reports, and other (87-780) regulatory and technical records that pertain to the protection and hardening of electronics at nuclear power plants from lightning-induced voltage transients and l

L other records that are significant in establishing the j technical basis for such protection and hardening. j l (Anindividual Requests records maintained in the NRC on a named l individual.


information l (87-781) {

l Lynn Connor, Requests records associated with a memorandum from l Doc-Search V. Stello to B. Hayes dated on or about January 3, l Associates 1987 and referenced in the November 9, 1987 issue of i (87-782) Inside NRC. j

'l Lynn Connor, Requests records associated with correspondence between  !

Doc-Search the NRC and Messrs. Peter Stockton and Bruce Chafin, 1 Associates Congressional Aides.


Lynn Connor, Requests records associated with Mr. Henry Myers' Doc-Search correspondence dated April 10,1986 with 01.

Associates (87-784)

Lynn Connor, Requests records associated with NRC's Senior Management l Doc-Search Team meeting on TVA on April 18, 1986.

Associates (87-785)

Lynn Connor, Requests records written between October 1985 and Doc-Search

! March 1986 between RII and headquarters related to i Associates Commissioner Asselstine's visit to Region II on TVA

' l (87-786) matters and all records regarding his visit to TVA  ;

facilities in December 1985. '

Kenneth Boley, Requests four categories of records regarding Critical Mass worker training programs at nuclear power plants.


Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION AND THE EDO for the release Government of one record denied in its entirety relating to a Accountability request for records concerning an organizational Project meeting cf the Nuclear Regulatory Advisory Comittee l (87-A-99-87-661) on September 17, 1987.

Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of one denied Government record relating to a request for records concerning Accountability a report by the GA0 on the NRC lacking guidelines Project on shutting down nuclear power plants for safety (87-A-100-87-655) violations.


4 Received, Cont'd Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of 14 records Government denied in its entirety relating to a request for Accountability records concerning the NRC hiring of Howard Bellman Project of Madison, Michigan to facilitate _and mediate the (87-A-101-87-660) procedural rules of licensing procedure process as a )

neutral party. '

Ellyn Weiss, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the lack of response to e request Union of Concerned for reports by 01 and OIA concerning UCS's request for Scientists investigations on (1) whether GPU made material false (87-A-102-87-696) statements relating to the environmental qualification )

of safety equipment at TMI-1 and (2) the staff's conduct in reiterating without reviewing GPU's unfounded claims regarding environmental qualification. 3 j

Granted Donna Sorgi, In response to a request for records related to the Commonwealth of installation and use of a control room simulator at the Massachusetts Pilgrim nuclear power plant, made available five records.

Informed the requester that one record subject to this (87-642)  !

request is already available at the PDR. 1 (NRCemployee) In response to a request for three categories of i (87-679) records related to Vacancy Announcement No. 87-3458-7 and  !

three categories of records related to NRC's hiring procedures and practices, made available 17 records. 1 l Linda Bauman, In response to a request for records related to a sumary Government of audit on September 2-4, 1987 regarding the Comanche Accountability Peak nuclear power plant, made available eight records, t Project Informed the requester that one record subject to this (87-684) request is already available at the PDR.

John Rayburn, In response to a request for records that would provide l Kensington seven categories of information concerning EE0 matters, l Associates made available four records.


Frank Johnson, In response to a request for copies of 50 mile EPZ maps Commonwealth for the Dresden, Zion, and Braidwocd nuclear power Edison plants, made available three records.


Jim Thomas, In response to a request for records between NRC officials NTEU President in RI and/or headquarters and representatives of (87-754) Philadelphia Electric concernino interviewing and/or hiring of RI personnel for positions at Philadelphia Electric, informed the requester that the NRC located no agency recordi subject to this request.


5 l

. J Granted, Cont'd Lyle Graber, In response to a request for the enclosures to letters NUS Corporation dated September 22, 1987 from NRC to Sacramento Municipal (87-758) Utility District and Southern California Edison, made 3 available the requested enclosures.

(Anindividual In response to a request for records maintained in the'NRC requesting on herself, informed the requester that the NRC has no information about records on her in its document control or the security j herself) systems of records. l (87-766)

(Anindividual In response to a request for records maintained in the f NRC on a named individual, informed the requester that requesting) information the NRC has no records on the individual in its document (87-781) control or the security systems of records.

Denied John Flora, In response to a request for records providing specified i Nuclear Consultant information regarding policies, programs, and procedures l (87-618) by which teams which contact licensees and report i' findings operate under the EDO, made available 15 records.

Infomed the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied three records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

(Anindividual In response to an APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of requesting six records denied in their entirety relating to a information ) request for records related to Reactor and Senior (87-A-69-87-352) Reactor Operator examinations, made available four j records. Denied portions of two records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Linda Bauman, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the Government release of 20 records denied in their entirety and Accountability portions of two records related to a request for records Project generated in connection with IE Notice 85-97, entitled ,

(87-A-80-86-188) " Jail Term for Contractor Employee Who Intentionally i Falsified Welding Inspection Records," made available three records. Continued to deny 15 records in their entirety and portions of two records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of l personal privacy. Continued to deny two records in their entirety, disclosure of which would reveal identities of confidential sources. <


I 6 l Denied, Cont'd Linda Bauman. In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the i Government release of one record denied in its entirety and Accountability portions of one record regarding a request for records Project generated in connection with the NRC's response to the i

(87-A-83-87-517) U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision of August 4, 1987, continued to deny these records, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Dan Wulz, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the Bryan, Lykins, release of the' denied portions of 16 records relating Hejtmanek & Wulz, to a request, on behalf of his client, for copies of 01 P.A. investigation No. 4-84-026 and its exhibits, continued (87-A-86-87-486) to deny these records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Robert Rader, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the Conner & release of two records denied in their entirety relating Wetterhahn, P.C. to a request for records relating to the proposed (87-A-90-87-570) rule entitled, " Completeness and Accuracy of Information,"

continued to deny one record in its entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.




NOVEMBER 20, 1987 ENCLOSURE A L_ __ _ _ _ _j




RFP No.: RS-RES-88-078


" Keying of Occupational Radiation Exposure Information"


Contractor will develop and utilize a computer program to key code information related to occupational radiation exposure into a computer tape."

Period of Performance: 2 years with 3 one year options l Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: RFP issued on November 20, 1987. Proposals due on December 22, 1987.



" Lease / Purchase of a Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Simulator"


Contractor shall provide a B&W Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) PWR control room simulator. .The simulator will enable the NRC to train NRC inspectors, operator license examiners, and other personnel in the operation and appropriate methodology for inspecting B&W PWR's.

Period of Performance: 6 months with 5 one year options.

Sponsor: Office of Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data l

Status: Offerors have responded to NRC's technical and cost questions sent I

to them in advance of formal discussions. Responses were sent to the Source Evaluation Panel on November 18, 1987 for review.

Negotiations with the offerors are planned to begin the week of December 7, 1987.



" Health Services for Region III Employees"


To provide periodic health services for Region III employees, including yearly examinations and/or lab tests, certification physicals and emergency services when needed.

Period of Performance: 2 years Sponsor: Region III Status: A fixed price requirements type Contract No. NRC-30-88-289 was awarded to Health Awareness Center in the amount of $105,125.00 effective November 18, 1987.


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Weekly Information Report Division of Contracts RFP No.: RS-ARM-88-454


" Conference Table and Video Cabinets for Commissioners' Hearing Room, White Flint North"


Fabrication and installation of customized conference table and four video cabinets..

Period of Performance: 60 days Sponsor: Office of Consolidation Status: A firm-fixed price type Contract No. NRC-39-88-232 was awarded to Production House, Inc. in the amount of $83,700.00 effective  ;

I November 19, 1987. j l


l NRC-10-80-718 National Security Agency I l

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NOVEMBER 20, 1987 ENCLOSURE A L_______.________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ a

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Beaver Valley Unit 2 The unit attained commercial operation at 7:52'a.m. yesterday. At about 2:00 p.m., a technician accidentally activatcd the turbine thrust bearing trip circuit. This caused an,immediate turbine trip leading to reactor scram from about 100% power. Power supply breakers automatically attempted to transfer to -

offsite power but did not complete the transfer before they transferred back to  ;

onsite power supply positions. This led to complete loss of offsite power for about 17 seconds. The two emergency diesel generators auto-started and emergency power supply functioned as designed. The unit went on natural circulation for about 5 minutes.

Initial diagnosis by the licensee indicated that the technician, realizing be had caused a turbine trip, immediately tried to reset the thrust bearing trip circuit. This act may have cancelled the breaker transfer (to offsite power) command, resulting in transfer back to onsite power supply. The 1 licensee is continuing diagnosis and is considering changes to the circuitry to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future. j a team of electrical specialists to the site to Region I and investigate NRR this are dispatching incident. NRR (J. Stolz and P. Tam) will hold a public meeting on site on November 20 to discuss BV-2 scram experience, including this incident.

All information was provided verhally by licensee personnel and NRC resident inspectors.

Fermi-2 On November 19, 1987, representatives of Detroit Edison met with Carl Paperiello and members of the Region III and Headquarters staff to discuss the Fermi-2 status.

In response to an October 9, 1987, letter from A.B. Davis to B.R. Sylvia, the licensee had developed and implemented a training program to improve the quality of plant operations. The purpose of this meeting was to focus on the ' program and j its results. l 1'

Implementation of the program began on October 26, 1987. The licensee established standards of performance, formulated teams of observers, trained the observers, l began conducting plant evaluations. The program was completed on November 14 j 1987. All six Fermi-2 plant operating shifts were evaluated against the specific I performance standards of the program. A total of 46 evaluations were conducted  ;

under the program. j An overview presented by the licensee included their results and lessons learned from the program. From the program they found no safety significant-deficiencies, two significant operational deficiencies requiring immediate corrective action and a number of strengths and weaknesses in the shift crews  ;

conduct of operations. The licensee outlined plans for improving the identified weaknesses. In addition, it was recognized that the Deviation and Corrective Action Reporting system required improvements in the areas of problem identifi- '

cation, threshold of initiation, root cause analysis and problem resolutior.

Corrective actions have been initiated to resolve the deficiencies.


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l 2

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station The electrical union which includes all control room operators at Oyster Creek i has rejected contract terms and has declared a strike effective midnight on l

11/20/87. Management personnel will relieve all union watchstanders. Management personnel began relieving control room operators at 1110 on November 18, 1987.

The licensee plans to start up the plant on 11/19/87 using management personnel.

Region I will maintain initial. round-the-clock coverage until the Region is  !

satisfied with the status of the plant.


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0FFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Endina November 20, 1987 INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL NUCLEAR SAFETY Fuel Cycle Accident Analysis NMSS staff members met with contractor representatives of Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Los Alamos National Laboratories to discuss progress on technical assistance related to fuel cycle accident analysis. .The final touches are being made on the accident Analysis Handbook which is expected to )

be issued early next year. .The Laboratories were advised that the contracts '

will expire at the end of FY 1988, during which only a limited amount of work j will be performed.

j Tour of Shieldalloy Facility i

On November 17, 1987, NRC and ORAU staff, toured the Shieldalloy Facility at Cambridge, Ohio. At present, there is no operation involving source material at that site. The source material license only authorizes the storage of con-taminated slags at the site. The site visit is related to the decontamination /

and decommissioning activities proposed by the licensee. The NRC contractor, ORAU, will conduct a preliminary radiological survey of the site in December 1987.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation l

The Board of Directors of Kerr-McGee has approved an agreement in principle under which GA Technologies, Inc., will acquire the stock of Sequoyah Fuels Corp. The primary activity of Sequoyah Fuels is operation of the uranium  ;

hexafluoride production plant near Gore, Oklahoma. The firms plan to meet with the staff in connection with the need to obtain NRC consent for the stock acquisition by GA Technologies.

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International Negotiation of IAEA Facility Attachment A member of the International Activities Section recently returned from .

I Vienna, Austria, where he participated in negotiations between the U.S. and the IAEA in the formulation of a Facility Attachment to implement IAEA safeguards at the General Electric Fuel Manufacturing Plant in Wilmington, North Carolina. The draft Facility Attachment will be forwarded to General Electric requesting a declaration of acceptability and/or comments by -)

December 4, 1987. )

IAEA Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials (SAGSTRAM)

On November 9-13, 1987 representatives of NMSS and RES assisted the U.S.

Department of Transportation at SAGSTRAM. SAGSTRAM was convened by the IAEA to review IAEA's past, current, and planned activities in the safe transport of radioactive materials, and to advise the IAEA on the adequacy of the program for meeting the worldwide needs in transport radiation safety. SAGSTRAM recommendations to the IAEA included: (1) a study be performed to be used as a basis for possible changes to the regulations concerning air transport of certain radionuclides; (2) the Agency should take the lead in developing guidance to cover dual risks associated with uranium hexafluoride; and (3) an accident and incident reporting system should be established covering ship-l ments of radioactive materials.

Domestic NRC/ DOE Physical Security Comparability License conditions to implement the three near-term NRC/D0E comparability measures (stationing armed guards at MAA portals, night firing qualification for guards, and conducting 100% search of personnel and packages entering the protected area) were issued on August 6,1987 to'the four Category 3 fuel facilities licensees (WFS, B&W, UNC, GA). NMSS staff confirmed by telephone that as of. November 9, 1987, all licensees have implemented the first phase of the 100% search requirement. Due to equipment procurement and facility i

l modification, design, and construction, the achievement of the 100% search requirement for all personnel and packages was divided into three phases: 25%

l search to be implemented by November 9, 1987; 50% search to be implemented by May 9, 1988; and 100% search to be implemented by August 9, 1988. The stationing of guards at MAA portals was fully implemented at all four facilities on September 9, 1987, and the night firing qualification measure is to be implemented by January 10, 1988.



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Publication of Final Rule on Ground-Water Protection at Uranium Mills Final' amendments to the Commission's rules in 10 CFR Part 40 were published Friday, November 13, 1987 (52 FR 43553). The changes incorporate the i ground-water protection regulations published by the Environmental. Protection Agency (EPA) for the disposal of uranium mill tailings. This action completes the Congressionally mandated conformance to the EPA standards. The effective date is December 14, 1987.

Low-Level Waste Disposal Pennsylvania Public Advisory Committee on LLRW Disposal Meeting LLWMD staff attended a meeting of the Pennsylvania Public Advisory Committee on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Harrisburg on November 12, 1987 to provide technical assistance to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (DER). The purpose of the meeting was to receive comments on the proposed Draft Siting Regulations and Draft Facility Design Regulations from members of the Public Advisory Committee and the general public. The consensus to the meeting participants was that the DER's draft siting and facility design regulations were near completion, with only minor changes necessary for acceptance by the Committee. The DER mentioned that they hope to complete their Siting Plan on time to meet the January 1, 1988 LLRWPAA milestone.




l Week Ending November 20, 1987


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Report at Water Reactor Safety Meeting l 4

The two integral experiments carried out at the Multiloop Integral System l Test facility (MIST) and the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP) 2x4 loop are related to the B&W reactor system. The MIST facility is part l of an NRC/ Industry jointly sponsored program to generate integral system data for code benchmarking. Testing perfomed so far included Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (SBLOCA), Feed and Bleed, Steam Generator Tube Rup-ture, and effects of non-condensible and reactor coolant pump operation on transient behaviors. The paper presented was specifically on the findings l from the SBLOCA tests. The key result was that the MIST facility i demonstrated the resiliency of the B&W system to adjust to imbalance j boundary conditions (different break size, High Pressure Injection rate, '

etc., to approach fluid mass equilibrium and to depressurize readily. The UMCP 2x4 loop is a model of the B&W lowered loop plant, and operates at a  ;

. maximum of 300 psia. The intent is to obtain thermal-hydraulic data as well l as to examine some of the scaling distortions of the MIST facility. The 1 l UMCP presentation focused on three observations from the tests conducted. ,

First, the SBLOCA mapping tests exhibited the major thermal-hydraulic l

I characteristics of a SBLOCA. Second, from the various repeated SBLOCA '

tests, it appeared that the variations of transient progressions were due to two types of uncertainties, (a) initial boundary conditions and instrumentation uncertainties that could be categorized by a " Gaussian" distribution, (b) uncertainty arise when the system under certain conditions could undertake two alternate but energetically equivalent states, termed as

" Bifurcation." The latter is due to the multi-loop nature of a complex thermal-hydraulic system. The third observation was that when most of the SBLOCA transients were scaled by inventory, occurrences of major phenomena took place approximately at the same system inventory.

Two-Phase Scaling Distortions Report at the Water Reactor Safety Meeting Scaled-down thermal-hydraulic experimental models of reactor plants suffer scaling distortion. Those distortions can be evaluated by the use of similarity laws which are based on a single set of discrete dimensionless parameters which do not represent the total scaling distortions. Total scaling distortions are obtained by using a system simulation code which takes into account the "cause-and-effect" interrelationships of flow phenomena throughout a flow system. Comparing the distortions obtained from the two approaches, the study concluded that system codes provided a proper NOVEMBER 20, 1987 ENCLOSURE D

l 2

frame work that enable researchers to evaluate the total scaling distortions l of a scaled test facility. The two TRAC-PF1/ MODI post-test analyses of MIST tests, the scaled 10cm2 cold leg discharge break, and a similar test but j with a scaled 50 cme showed reasonable comparisons between data and code predictions. The code as well as the MIST facility indicated that the thermal-hydraulic behaviors are very sensitive to liquid inventory of the system as well as the distribution of the inventory.

Report on " Evaluation of Operational Safety at B&W Plants" at WRSM This report discussed the PES effort to develop a methodology to assess the l

operational performance of B&W plants as well as the application of it. The study concluded that B&W plant operators could perform as well as other PWR (CE and W) plant opertors in returning B&W plants to safe stable' conditions after a transient. The assumption inherent in reaching this conclusion was that all factors affecting the operators perfonnance as well as their responses to transients are comparable among the three types of PWR plants.

Results obtained from thermal-hydraulic experimental facilities related to l Westinghouse type plants were sumarized in two papers. First, an overview of the LOBI-MOD 2 experimental program conducted by the Commission of European Communities Joint Research Center was summarized. Currently, the l project is focused on obtaining SBLOCA and non-LOCA transients' data for l verification of system codes used in LWR safety analysis. The second l discussion was on the results of the 0.5% PWR SBLOCA tests in the ROSA-IV l Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF) break location parametric study. Core

_ uncovery was observed in all five tests for different break locations with l the assumption that HPI is unavailable. For the same transient duration, primary inventories differed due to different break locations, and thus core uncovery timings differed. However, temperature excursion in the core were terminated after recovery of HPI. A paper was also presented on the investigation of core liquid level depression observed in 5% SBLOCA tests from the LSTF and the Semiscale facility. The conclusion reached was that the presence of core liquid level depression, due to the formation of hydraulic " seals" in the pump suction loop U-bend piping and the associated liquid holdup in the steam generator U-tubes during a 5% SBLOCA, resulted in temporary core heatup in the two experimental facilities. In addition, the TRAC-PF1 (version 12.7) code predictions have demonstrated that the code has the ability to predict core level depression as well as the associated core heatup for both facilities. Therefore, this version of the' TRAC code is suitable for use in evaluating any possible core liquid level depression for full sized PWR plants equipped with U-tube steam generators.


R 3

ROSA-IV The ROSA-IV system performs large-scale thermal hydraulic tests under a cooperative program with the NRC. The test results are used to help the NRC in resolving licensing and safety issues and in verifying scaling parameters I in NRC safety analysis codes.

Analysis of the 5% cold leg break tests conducted in Semiscale and ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facilities continues at both Los Alamos and Idaho' National Engineering Laboratories. Preliminary analysis results show that: (1) the core power level during a 5% SBLOCA is instrumental in determining the extent of core liquid levet depression and the associated core heatup, (2) for the same core power decay level, the minimum core liquid level stronoly depends on the liquid holdup in the steam generator U-tube upflow side, {3) the counter current flow limiting (CCFL) and the condensation of steam were considered to be the main reasons that promote the liquid holdup in the U-tube upflow side whereas the collapsed liquid level rapidly decreased in the downflow side as the primary mass inventory gradually reduced, and (4) the core liquid level recovered and core heatup terminated immediately after the loop seal clearing.




Harold Denton, Director, Office of Governmental and Public Affairs, i participated in a panel discussion entitled " America's Nuclear Option: Can It Be Revived?" at the 99th Annual Convention and Regulatory Symposium of the i National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners on November 16, 1987, j in New Orleans, LA. Other panelists included Commissioner Edwyna G. Anderson  !

of the Michigan Public Service Comission and William Spratley, Director of  !

the Ohio Office of Consumers' Counsel. The discussion focused on cost i' overruns, foreign experience, waste disposal and the need for continued safe and reliable operation of the current generation of nuclear power plants, i


i Foreign Assignees


On Monday Dr. Yung-Chien Tong from Taiwan's Institute of Nuclear Energy I Research began a three-month technical assignment in NRR. He will i

receive training in the estimation of the source term and in determining the degree of reactor core damage from the results of post-accident sampling.

Foreign Visitors On Friday Mr. Shinji Hiei, Manager of the Technical Research Development

. Office of the Institute of Human Factors, Japan Nuclear Power ,

1 Engineering Test Center, met with NRR, RES and AE0D representatives to 1 exchange information on the content, status and future plans for the  !

U.S. and Japanese programs in the field of human factors.

! On Friday a fifteen-member Japanese study team met with RES

representatives to exchange information on proving tests for containment integrity being conducted in the U.S. and Japan. Prior to their

, discussions at NRC the team toured NRC-sponsored containment research at I

the Sandia National Laboratory.  ;

l STATE, LOCAL, AND INDIAN TRIBE PROGRAMS Draft Proposal from Maine for a Section 274b Agreement Maine is proceeding towards a Section 274b Agreement with NRC. The target date for the Agreement to become effective is July 1, 1988. The State has prepared a draft program narrative to support their request for the Agreement, i


i i

. The request will be in the form of a letter from the Governor to the Chairman.

State Agreements Program is providing copies of the Maine Draft program narrative to NMSS, OGC, NRR, RES and Region I for review and comment. This will allow NRC to discuss and resolve any staff comments with Maine so that the Governor's request, when received, can be handled expeditiously.


Region I:

Subagreement Regarding Maine's Resident Inspector Marie Miller, Regional State Liaison Officer, and other Region I staff met with Donald Hoxey, Maine's State Liaison Officer, and Clough.Toppan, Manager of the Radiological Health Program, on November 19, 1987, in Augusta, ME. The ,

purpose of the meeting was to discuss a possible subagreement with Maine regarding a State resident inspector at the Maine Yankee nuclear power plant.

Governor McKernan signed legislation authorizing an onsite nuclear safety inspector at Maine Yankee on June 27, 1987.

Regions II and IV:

Robert Trojanowski, Director of the State and Government Affairs Staff in Regioe. II, and Gary Sanborn, Region IV State Liaison Officer, participated in a Grand Gulf emergency exercise and subsequent evaluation on November 16-19, 1987, in Mississippi and Louisiana.

I Region V:

California Radioactive Materials Management Forum On November 13 and 14, 1987, Dean Kunihiro, Regional State Liaison Officer, I

made presentations at the fall conference of the California Radioactive Materials Management Forum in Manhattan Beach, California. His presentations '

focused on the status of NRC staff actions regarding mixed low-level radioactive waste and below regulatory concern wastes. Considerable interest was expressed over the recent action by the State of Texas to permit disposal of specific types and quantities of radioactive materials which are deemed

  • l below regulatory concern in municipal landfills.

l i

l l



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L I' 0FFICE OF PERSONNEL Week ng o r 0, 1987 1'

Recruitment L

OP's recruitment officer, Frank Elizondo, Ebe McCabe, Region I, recruited at the American Nuclear Society Conference in Los Angeles.

Interviews were conducted with 11 experienced professionals, 21 graduating ' -

i nuclear engineers and health physicists and 17 applicants for summer technical. ,

positions. .In addition,'a_ resume book was' provided by ANS with 18 experienced- .!

applicants and 18 graduating applicants to contact. This is part of NRC's ongoing recruitment effort to ensure an adequate supply of technical talent for any future vacancies.-

Rotational Assignments A draft podcy statement on rotational assignments was circulated to Office Directors and Regional Administrators for comment. The new agency emphasis on-rotational assignments aims to better utilize the agency's resources as well as provide career opportunities.and job enhancement for employees.

Awards NRC managers recognized high quality work performed by staff members during l FY-87 with 391 special achievement awards and 448 high quality increases.

l This large number of performance-based awards reflects that many employees had two performance appraisal ratings during FY-87 due to the reorganization and the resulting shortened rating period. In FY-87, NRC granted 128 performance awards and 341 high quality increases.

Differing Professional Opinions (DPO)

Part one of the DP0 Special Review Panel report is in the final stage of completion and is on schedule to meet the November 30, 1987 deadline. The d Panel began preliminary activity on Part two of its report, recommendations for award recipients, due by December 30, 1987.

l Arrivals and Departures New employees hired during the last two weeks are: Edward Fitzgerald,. 1 Investigator (OI); Patrick Bosworth, Engineering Aide, Cooperative Education I student (REGI); Support-Staff, Monica Hatley (NMSS); Paula Jacobs and Carol Proctor (NRR); Linda Tribble (RES);' Stay-in-School: students Denise Farris-(REG IV)andToddYarborough(ARM).

Departures were: Eugene Sparks Senior International ~ Safeguards Analyst (NMSS);LawrenceWink,ReactorEngineer(REGI);FrancisClark, Operating NOVDiBER 20, 1987 ENCLOSURE'G


Examiner (REG III);' Support Staff, Billie Clausser-(OP); Paula' Frohman. (RES);-

Michelle McGill'(NMSS) and Yuanita Talley (REG II).

The cumulative attrition rate for FY-88, annualized up to November 7, was very low at.5.39%.


Items of Interest Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Week Ending November 20, 1987 Trends and Patterns Analysis NUREG-0090, Vol. 10, No. 1, " Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences:

1 January-March,1987", was forwarded to Congress and released for general distribution. For this reporting period there was one abnormal occurrence at the nuclear power plants licensed to operate. The item involved the NRC suspen-sion of power operations of the Peach Bottom Facility due to inattentiveness of the control room staff. There were seven abnormal occurrences at the other NRC licensees. Four involved diagnostic medical misadministration; the other three involved breakdowns in management controls at three separate industrial radiography licensees. There were two abnormal occurrences reported by the Agreement States. Both involved breakdowns in management controls at industrial radiography licensees.

Technical Training Center Personnel from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (0RAU) briefed the Technical Training Center (TTC) Director and Action Specialized Technical Training Staff Chief on Training Resources and Data Exchange (TRADE) activities. TRADE refers to a series of activities designed to increase communication and exchanges of-ideas, information, and resources among Department of Energy contractor facilities.

These activities are accomplished through training resource inventories, conferences and workshops, publications, task forces, and special interest groups.

Training materials, previously formally requested by the TTC, were delivered as part of the briefing. Consideration is being given to negotiate an MOV to provide for continuing exchanges of technical training materials with D0E.

Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch personnel completed planning and preparations for the second team meeting for the McGuire Diagnostic Evaluation. The second meeting will be held on Monday, November 23, 1987 and site work will begin November 30, 1987.

Preliminary Notifications The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week.

a. PNO-I-87-109, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, (Docket No. 50-219),

Labor Dispute; Plant Operation by Management.

b. PNO-140, Consumers Power Company, (Docket No. 50-255), Two Workers Injured.
c. PNO-I-87-19, Philadelphia Electric Company, (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3, Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278), Receipt of Multiple Bomb Threats via Telephone.


d. PN0-I-87-106, Boston Edison Company, (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station,' Docket No. 50-293), NRC Dispatches an Augmeted Inspection Team to Pilgrim.
e. PNO-I-87-105A, Boston Edison Company, (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Docket.

No. 50-293), Loss of Offsite. Power (Update).


f. PNO-I-87-105B, Boston Edison Company, (Pilgrim Nuclear-Power. Station,. Docket No. 50-293), Loss of.Offsite Power (Update).
g. PNO-V-87-75, Sacramento Municipal Utility. District, (Rancho.Seco Unit 1, ,

Docket No. 50-312), Potential Tampering.of Safety Related Equipment. I

h. PNO-IV-87-58, Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station, (Docket No. 50-482),

Radioactive Material Dumped Offsite, j 1

i. PNO-IV-87-58A, Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station, (Docket No. 50-482),

Radioactive Material Dumped Offsite (Update).

I l

l l


OFFICE OF CONSOLIDATION Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1987 Iouts The Office of Consolidation, assisted by representatives of **"

of fices scheduled to move, has been conducting tours of One White Flint North for prospective occupants of the building.

The purpose is to enable them to better visualize the open-cpace pl anning concept and to help them sel ect their l workstations. Comments to date have been generally faverable.

Utotino_Boge_tebic A contract has been awarded to the Production House firm, of Chantilly, Virginia, for the table to be installed in the Commisci on 's Hearing Room. The table is designed with recenses to accommodate installation of five TV monitors.

The room will also have overhead monitors on three sides f or audience viewing.

C902iC95ti20 DERCCCDD i

Cont truction is pr oceeding on schedule, and the projected novo-in dat es remain unchanged. Most of the co pet has been inntalled, demountable walls are in on ten f 3 cors, and approximately half of the systems f urni ture f or the building is in place.

DCdicellOG_CCCCGDOM Planni ng is under wry for a dedication ceremony to be held at One White Flint North sometime in April.


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