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Rev to Operator & Senior Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: Pennsylvania State University
Issue date: 10/21/1987
Shared Package
ML20236S135 List:
PROC-871021, NUDOCS 8711240256
Download: ML20236S152 (5)


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~ Revision to Operator;and Senior Operator a '

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s Requalification. Program

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Submitted by the;Penn State Breazeale Reactor' i "


  • License No. R-2, Docket No.50-005

.e W' Ohtober 21, 1987 L.

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,  :! A~.yPURPOSE .

' h, . . , '[1[To?assureithat'all:Loperators and senior operators maintain Y


, 1 competence..

,,g-q < w-. . . . . . - .

,* 7. -B.  ; < . iADMINISTRATIONf 1- I! , .


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'6,1. ,

The? Director..or. Deputy Director shall' appoint a facility training .

j 4 manager.  :!

','"1 , .w .. .. . . .. .. .. .

L2( : The training: responsible for:



"N La. :: Conducting' the requalification program.

ib. . Assuring that$the: examinations are-not compromised.


s _

, [qm,,1 ' :c. Maintaining; records. required:by:the program.

1 i3[fThe requalification'. program will be conducted over a period of 24 i .. . . consecutive months.1 c p -', e n.

'.f.4 ....A'1.icensee: conducting an exam shall'be exempt fromsthat exam.

,1 ' ,

LS.3 During'each'one year period,Jno' licensee shall" conduct and be Lexemp,t from more than-oneiof the'four-exams (comprehensive written,

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~' oral fac'111ty walk-around,. oral procedure, and operating test). ~

w, J 6.; No tlicensee shall conduct and be exempt from the same exam twice 1 a

during the 24-month requalification program.

'W ,

.7. < ; Af licensee conducting' and exempt.from the ' comprehensive written Lexam duringione' 24-month' requalification program shall not conduct  !

i and be exempt from this. exam during the next 24-month  !

requalification program.  ;
8. . Training fo11'owing exam failure'shall be lectures, tutoring, j -

self-study, orl on-the-job ' training as appropriate.

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4: >1'.', ( During each'requalification program, la comprehensive written exam" e,%.' w a

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ishall).be givenfin[thejeubject'areasklisted below: l k' M M:

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1 s e$ m% ~'y-- g aW - , (The'6ry?and? Principles:of Reactor. Operation 4

1 my s ' 4 ,. b.:q, Featureso f1 Facility Design



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('- 1 -- . - '.- ' -

[c3tGeneral'f.cand: Specific.Operat'ing Characteristics 4i g.1.; 7 s ,

Law "

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e NQn 'M i 3d.~/: Instrumentation..and Control' en[ Safety [and Emergency: l Systems

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.,.f '/: , Procedures,iTechnical Specifications, and Government" T5  ;& .

J < Reg'ul$tions!

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pm i W .', l,g ; ; : Radiation 1 Control 1and , Saf ety pl; in ,

.c' p.

W3 . ., . - .

x s2. -A licenseejreceiving a7gradeEof'less than_70% in any subject shall

, p 4 receive'traininginLthat. subject until the licensee can pass an g;t -g l

  1. , . m 4

-y yv e, y J examinati'onLinIthat subjectLwith-a grade of;70% or.more.  !

QgM: J3. PAi.licenseetreceivingfa grade of less than 70%.(overall) sh'all,' in . . . . . . .



weeks,'be_'givenan'acceleratedtraining' N, (":n .,. .

i l program;tol remedy l deficiencies.

( d ;At{thelend $fithis[ period','.the: licensee shall beigiven an' oral 1

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3 '


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.a. lIf/the=resultsfofithis examination are negative,' removal from em <


'Olicensed dutiesLshall: occur luntil the requirements of C2 are li sc -

w g met. :- ,

5 ib.c(If the, oral examination'results~are~ satisfactory, the licensee

,g, 'mayfcontinuetperforming. licensed duties while receiving .


, ' additional" training-untilithe requirements of C2 are met.


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@. 3.-krD. ; (ORAL EXAMI' NATIONS '


>;&ip$ '

' [1'i(EachicalendarHyear,.a. walk;around type examination shall be given

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to?eachJ11censee to ensure familiarity with features of facility

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Ldesign, emphasis on-design changes.

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k Docket No.50-005 I

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b 2.. During each-calendar-year, each licensee is expected to review '

$ IPSBR abnormal and emergency procedures. Subsequent to this, an f oral examination shall be given to ensure familiarity with these procedures.

3 The. oral examinations shall be graded on a pass-fail basis.

4. . 'If a. negative result is obtained, the next two working weeks shall s Lbe devoted to an' accelerated training program. j


a. .Acretest'shall be given at the end of this period.

b.- If the.results are still negative, the licensee shall be

. removed' from licensed duties until the deficiency is remedied.


1. Each" licensed senior operator shall make or supervise at least one 1

-significant reactivity change each. calendar quarter and at least l ten.significantcreactivity changes during the two year ,

requalification' program.

2. . Each licensed operator shall make at least one significant ,

reactivity change each calendar quarter and at least ten

.significant reactivity changes during the two year requalification ,


, program. '

3 A significant reactivity change is defined as a reactor startup, shutdown, or a power change greater than 10 percent.

4. Each licensee shall actively perform the functions of the licensed position for a minimum of four hours per calendar quarter. A l licensee not meeting this requirement shall have an inactive

' license until the conditions of G3 are met.

5 ' Meetings shall be held as deemed necessary at which facility design, license, and procedure changes are explained and discussed.

6. Written material concerning facility design, license, and procedure

' changes shall'be distributed and/or circulated.

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+' Docket No.50-005 ~

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} p n . , ., .,t .,1 L M:-l t M F,i ; OPERATING; TEST .

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W[ e q:[ ;1.; l A SR01shall? administer,.an operating . test to.each licensee 'during g, , r


y feachsyear,Jto. ensure the licensee has.the' knowledge,~ competence,-

N.. / ' s 1and dexterityi to. safely operate the reactor and respond to 9-eo i 6 l situations: that may' arise, y ,

[ , Q ??:i - [2(( Anloperatingstestichecklist:shall be filled .out by the evaluator e . ,. . ..


m J - ..for!all1licenseesfandLgraded on a' pass-fail basis, n mv ,

hhd 13n.1:L,. In case ofJa:failUrs-the licensee'shall-be:

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.. : . L3 ,

P l 9 a. < Removed' from licensed duties.:


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, , . . . .,~ .

j E _.  %. # c? 1Returneduto duty.upon: permission of the evaluator.

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, CALENDAR- Q .-y,17,7 :iThe: licensee shall6. meet anyl reactivity; requirement deficiencies of W s.<

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,T . S..ections'Eh and.E2.:

t,s pr, 12FTThe-licenseeish'llipass a the? operating test;asiper Section F.-

i , ?3%[Thellicens'e'e'shall(complete'a~ minimum'of six; hours of shift V J,

',ffunctions'"underithe direction of an operator or-senior operator as

.' . .m 4"

" s '

y appropriate.-

. 4..

W a g.lThe711censee~shall:. pass'any written or oral exams as per Sections C 4

Oh , ,

(and 6..thatfwere given during the' absence:from duty.

,, , ~$.H $The licensee shaIlL be informed.of any; facility design, license, or 7.Wu ,

' procedure [ changes'during-theabsence.

'L ' I

.  ; D .


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, p1'.  : Records of -the requalification- program shall be maintained in each ilicensee file until the 'next license renewal.

sq, .


22 ;Ths' records shall contain copies of written exams administered 4 A# m

!: including.the. answers given by' the licensees.

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b" ~ Docket No.50-005


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'3; Records: of < documentation and results of additional, training and -

k ' examinations in areas where licensee deficiencies were noted shall h.

F '

'be: retained.

4'. -Results of.the oral examinations shall be recorded.

5L Operating test checklists shall be. maintained in each licensee's file.

< ;6. LReactivity manipulation checklists shall be maintained in each

' licensee's file.

7. Duty hour requirements for each calendar quarter shall be

' documented..

Records'shallLbe maintained for actions taken to return licensees



. to active license ' status'as described in Section G.




, 9p 11. LANSI/ANS-15.4-1977.- Selection and Training of Personnel for

'Research Reactors 4

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4 5


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