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Amend 1 to License for Transnuclear,Inc,Increasing Quantity of Matl Authorized for Export to 73.983 Kg U-235 Contained in 79.400 Kg U,To France
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/18/1987
From: Peterson M
TNH-463, NUDOCS 8709290257
Download: ML20235F644 (2)



q7s> "0/2' 31 March 1989 1)his LICENSEEXPIRES IttitPD MHlPB Ilf Attlerita XSNM02241 Amendment No. 01 Nuclear Regulatory Commission d


Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the materials and/or production Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, subject to the terms and conditions

Commission issued pursuant thereto, and in reliance on statements and herein. I representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued LICE NS E E ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY NAME Transnuclear, Inc. NAME Institut Max Von Laue-Paul Langevin  !

l l AD D R ESS One North Broadway ADDRESS Avenue des Martyrs White Plains, New ' York 10601 156 X - 38042 Grenoble-Cedex-France Attn: David Gray (Fuel for HFR - Grenoble)


Supplier:  !

U.S. Department of Energy l NAME 1) NUKEM, Hanau, F.R.G. c/o Martin-Marietta l (Conversion and Fabrication) Piketon, Ohio 45661 or Oak Ridge, TN 37830

2) CERCA, Romans, France Transnuklear GmbH A oRESS (Fabrication) D-6450 Hanau II FRG (Transport purooses only)

ArPLICANT*S REF. NO. TNH-463 COUNTRY OF ULTIM ATE DESTINATION FRANCF QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR F ACILITIES This license is amended to increase the quantity of material authorized for export from: 25.0 kilograms uranium 235 contained in 26.900 kilograms uranium, enriched to 93.3 w/o maximum to: 73.983 kilograms uranium-235 contained in 79.400 kilograms k uranium, enriched to 93.3 w/o maximum. ]

(This represents an increase of 48.983 kilograms uranium-235 and 52.5 kilograms uranium.)

Conditions 6, 8 and 9 on page two of this license apply to this export.

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Ntither this license por any right under this license shall be assigned or BY U H ED NRC REPRESENTATIVE i otherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy s _ _

Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974. aryjn R,lpete son, Assistant Director i This license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 of l the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and to all of the other provi-


sior.s of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and Q } g jgg [

regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, DATE OF ISSU ANCE b jz#xmraxMaamsammran.xamr;w;=7_-lrarxry = = = v' *x7'" _ _

l 3

l 9 Poeu non Pago 2 of 2 pag 2s l 0; U.S.' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPORT LICENSE XSM02241 License Number Amendment No. 01 Conditions Condidon 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster two copies,in addi-tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Declaration. covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittal to the U.S. Nuclear Regu.

latory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following declaration should ac-company or be placed on the Shipper's Export Declarations for such exports:

"This shipment is being made pursuant to specific license number (specific license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration date of license), and the unshipped balance remaining on this license is sufficient to cover the shipment described on this declaration.'

Condition 2 - Exports authorized,in any country or destination, except Country Groups Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z in Part 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehensive Export Schedule of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Condition 3 - This license covers only the nuclear content of the material.

Condition 4 - The material to be exported under this license shall be shipped in accordance with the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73.

Condition 5 - Special nuclear material authorized for export under this license shall not be transported outside the United States in passenger carrying aircraft in shipments exceeding (1) 20 grams or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or uranium 233, or (2) 350 grams of uranium 235.

Condition 6- This license authorizes export only and does not authorize the receipt, physical possession, or use of the nuclear material.

Condition 7 - The licensee shall complete and submit on NRC Form 741 for each shipment of source me.terial exported under this license.

Condition 8 - The licensee shall advise the NRC in the event there is any change in the designa-tion of the company who will package the nuclear material to be exported under this license, or any change in the locahon of the packaging operation, at least three weeks prior to the scheduled date of export.

Condition 9 - The material to be exported under this license shall either be protected in transit, while within U.S. jurisdiction, in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 and the licensee's approved security plan or shall be protected in transit, while within U.S.

jurisdiction, by the Department of Energy (DOE) Safe Secure Transport (SST) system in accordance with DOE requirements and directives for the transport of such material .

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