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Certificate of Compliance 9221,Rev 0,for Model NRBK-41. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109221
Issue date: 01/06/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20234E355 List:
NUDOCS 8801080043
Download: ML20234E361 (6)


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.-- - - - - --- - - -- -- m mmesummmmemwsrawwmmenwnwararsnewairrr&wm - - 3 a NRC FORM s1s nas U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISitoN

a. This certificate is essued to certify that the packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meets the applicable safety standards set forth in Title 10. Code h 1 of Federtl Regulations Part 71," Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Malenal."


b. This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U S. Department of Transportation or other applicable regulatory agencies, including the government of any country through or into which the package will be transported.


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l i U.S. Department of Energy Safety Analysis for Radioactive Material W Division of Naval Reactors Shipping Cask NRBK-41, 42 and 43 dated

l e DOCxc7 NuMBEa 71-9221 1 4 CONDITIONS ,

This certificate is conditional upon fulfilling the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 as applicable, and the conditions specified below. I i

5-(a) Packaging, -

(1) Model'No.: NRBK-41 i ,



(2) ' Description' ,

i h

T'op loading cylindrical lead shielded 304L stainless steel clad g casks for the shipment of irradiated test specimens. The cask l has an outside diameter of 27.16 inches and is 40 inches high. l The outer shell tis 1/2-inch thick. stainless steel. The cask t cavity is' 5 inches in diameter by 16 inches deep and is (

, provided with a bottom, drain,j , The cavity shell is 1/4-inch thick stainless steel and;isishielded by 10 inches of lead.

The cask is~ closed bf a lead-filled flanged plug fitted with an i

elastometer~0-ring gasket;and' bolted closure. The cask.has a seal-welded, 1/4-inch thick, stainless steel outer thermal shield which provides a,1/16-inch air gap between the outer surface of the cask outer, shell and ,the inside surface of the thermal shield. A one-inch thick stainless steel pl6te is welded to the bottom of cask. A second one-inch thick stainless steel plate with a 1/8-inch deep, 25.5-inch diameter iq recess is welded to the first,p. late to provide a thermal ..leid '

for the bottom surface of, the cask. The cask is bolted to a 48-inch square, all welded, "I" beam skid. Gross weight of the i package is approximately 9,000 pounds.

p (3) Drawings y b t The packaging is constructed in accordance with Battelle i 1 Memorial Institute Drawing No. 41-0001, Sheet 1, Rev. A and  ! I Sheet 2 of 2, Rev. B and Westinghouse Electric Corporation Drawing No. 1755E01, Rev. A. j) rmat WAP l i F- -_

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m= = monnafMfiEPGTMIEREfGfGf&f4fgBEMtErdiREErMfgfgrgfgMrag*gtgigg'gpi1grgsymm7sggggg7mgg CONDITIONS (contmuod) f, ll Page 2 - Certificate No. 9221 - Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9221 l

5. (b) Contents I

(1) Type and form of material >

Byproduct and special nuclear material in solid form, contained within the MIN-41 product container. The MIN-41 container is constructed in accordance with Westinghouse Electric Corporation, s Drawing No. 2077456.

g (2) Maximum quantity of material per package h

w of 350 equivalent grams ('of U-235. ' The number of equive'The fi

grams of U-235 is determined by the equation: .1.0 x grams 0-aa + 1.4 x '

grams U-233f+ 1.6 x grams plutonium. The maximum decay heat load per package must not exceed 900 Btu /hr for an exclusive use shipment or 250 Btu /hr for a non-exclusive use shipment.

(c) Fissile Class I-

6. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:

(a) hin one Theprior year MIN-41 to usecontainer to a' minimum must be tes'ted sensitivity of 10 'for leak atm-cm tigyness wig /sec (b) Prior to each shipment', the MIN-41 container m after assembly to a minimum' sensitivity of 10~yst be leak tested

~ atm-cm'/sec.

i 70 The NRBK-41 shipping container may be ' covered with a Nrapping of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) during shipment provided the shipment is made in a closed vehicle. The applicable ' requirements of 10 CFR 571.87 must be satisfied prior to wrapping the shipping container.

8. Expiration date: April 30, 1991.


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CoNolTIONS (continued)

Page 3 - Certificate No. 9221- Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9221 5 1 l REFERENCES

  • h ;

Safety Analysis for Radiative Material Shipping Cask No. NRBK-41, 42 and 43 dated March 11, 1968.

E Supplements: Division of Naval Reactors letters S# 1458 dated June 19, 1968; S# 1570 dated September 19, 1968; S# 1597 dated September 19, 1968; S# 1658 dated October 22,1968; S# 1681 dated November 7,1968; S# 1690 dated November 22,  %

1968; S# 1903 dated March 19, 1969; S# 2000 dated June 2, 1969; S# 2509 dated June 10, 1970, and Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory letter WAPD-CL(Ill)-733, dated {

October 10, 1968, and Division of Naval _ Reactors letters Z# 85-1605 dated April 1, 1985; S# 86-3305 dated February 3,t l986;'; and: S# .86-3332 dated June 16, 1986, and Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory letter WAPD-D(PAS)-526 dated June 20, 1986; and Division of Naval Reactors letter S#87-2738 dated' September 18, 1987.

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[ YQ Charles E. MacDonald, Cflief


. Transportation Branch .

. Division of Safeguards and

< Transportation, NMSS Date: JAN 0 61988.

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1 Transportation Branch A) proval Record Model Jl0 NRBK-41 Package Docket No. 71-9221 Revision No. 0 1

By application dated September 18,1987(S//87-2738) Division of Naval Reactors, Department of Energy requested an amendment authorizing the addition of. a thermal shield to the Model No. NRBK-41 packaging. The application also addressed a new product container identified as MIN-41 which replaces those containers presently listed (Certificate of Compliance No. 5814) for use with the NRBK-41 package.

The application addresses the addition of a thermal shield to the Model No.

NRBK-41 package to preclude excessive melting of the lead shielding as a result of the hypothetical accident conditions of 10 CFR Part 71 and the i redesign of the inner container. The applicant also requested that the  !

restriction requiring the contents to be unmoderated be deleted and the l Fissile Class be changed from II to I.


The thermal shield which is a 1/4-inch thick stainless steel shell that provides a 1/16-inch air gap between the outer surface of cask outer shell and j the inside surface of the thermal shield is shown on Westinghouse Electric  !

Corporation Drawing No. 1755E01, Rev. A. The applicant has demonstrated by I computer analysis that the thermal shield is effective in limiting lead melt resulting from the hypothetical accident conditions. It was estimated that less than 3% of the lead shield melted during the fire accident condition.

The applicant also determined that to satisfy the restrictions on the temperature of the accessible surface of the package (10 CFR 571.43(g)) the {

decay heat load must be limited to 900 Btu /hr for exclusive use shipments in a '

closed truck and 250 Btu /hr for non-exclusive use shipment.

A shielding analysis was performed which showed that the package would satisfy both the normal conditions of transport and the post accident shielding '

requirements of 10 CFR 71. SPAN 4, a point kernel computer program, was used to calculate the dose rates for both the normal conditions of transport and under the hypothetical accident conditions taking into account the loss of shielding as determined by the thermal analysis. The NRBK-41 package 3


satisfies the shielding requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 for the proposed {

contents as limited by the decay heat load.

The applicant has provided a criticality analysis to support the request that the restriction requiring the contents to be unmoderated be deleted and the Fissile Class be changed from II to I.

l I

1 j

2 The RCP01 Monte Carlo computer program with ENDF/IV neutron cross sections was used to establish the subcriticality of the cask with either insert (IN-41 or MIN-41) containing the moderated contents for normal conditions (infinite array resulting in a koa of 4 0.91) and for a 20x20x20 damaged array resulting in a maximum K eff f 0.892.

The RCP01-ENDF-IV program was used to successfully benchmark experiments involving U-233 and U-235 critical assemblies associated with the LWBR program as well as spherical and cylindrical U-233 and U-235 homogeneous ageous critical experiments.

eff 's were calculated to within 1%.

K The staff verified the RCP01 input for mass loading; H/X ratios, and all dimensions-material locations; use of Pb as main close reflector surrounded by water.

As an example for the IN-41 insert, a volume of 3,648 cm3 was cal The numberdensityofU-235withinthisinsertwasgivenas2.447x10-gulated. atoms /b-cm, giving a total mass of U-235 in grams within the insert as:

235x3648x2.447x10-4 = 348 gm U-235

.6025 and the H/X associated with this fuel loading was verified as 272, as reported.

The staff has performed its own KENO-27 group criticality analysis for an infinite number of undamaged casks containing 350 grams U-235 within the IN-41 insert optimally moderated with water. The resulting k m was 0.930 0.007. Since the MIN-41 insert has a smaller cavity volume than the IN-41 container, the H/235 ratio for the same loading is expected to deviate further from optimum moderation and hence be less reactive than the IN-41 insert.

The new inner container design, identified as MIN-41 shown on Westinghouse Electric Corporation Drawing No. 2D77456, has been developed to improve containment capability and to replace those inner containers presently listed for use with the NRBK-41 package. The applicant has provided a structural analysis to demonstrate the integrity of the inner container under the hypothetical accident conditions. The applicant has taken a conservative approach in determining the peak g-load to be imposed on the inner container in the various drop attitudes. The calculated stresses are all below the yield strength of the container materials indicating that the inner container maintains its structural integrity and containment capability. The new inner container incorporates a metallic C-ring into the closure joint design to improve the containment capability. The applicant requires the inner container to be leak testedjor leak tightness 3 within one year prior to use to a minimum sensitivity of 10 atm-cm /sec. The inner container be leak tested priortoeachshipmenttoaminimumsensitivityof10"gustalsg/sec. atm-cm The certificate of compliance has been conditioned accordingly.


3 i

'The above changes-have no adverse effects on the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10'CFR Part 71.

-The applicant will provide a consolidated application for.the Model No.

NR8K-41.' least 30 days prior to the. April 30, 1991 expiration date-of the certificate. .:

J C I!f6 Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date: JAN 0 61988

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