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Submits Concurrence to Final Rule Entitled, Requirements for Those Who Possess Certain Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Matl to Provide Requested Info
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/07/1999
From: Abbott C
To: Mattsen C, Mccausland J
Shared Package
ML20217K959 List:
FRN-63FR42269, RULE-PR-31 AG06-2-015, NUDOCS 9910270071
Download: ML20217L779 (14)


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CUl$d~riniMitts:n - OCFO Aview of' final ruth ammending 10'CFR 31.5.. Page 1_ q h

From: Carol Abbott PJJR '



Catherine Mattsen, Jayne McCausland Mon, Jun 7,1999 7:28 PM M g)[ -1


OCFO review of final rule ammending 10 CFR 31.5...

NOTE TO: Catherine Mattsen, NMSS/IMNS Jayne McCausland, NMSS/lMNS OCFO has reviewed the final rule entitled "Requ!rements for Those Who Possess Certain Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material to Provide Requested Information" which amends 10 CFR 31.5 to explicitly require general licensees who possess certain devices containing byproduct material to respond to NRC requests for information about the devices they possess uder a general license. We have confirmed that resources are included in the budget as stated in the paper and concur in the package.

If you have any questions, please give me a call on 415-6034.

Carol Abbott REF:

OC-99-198 DBA-99-147 I DBA File: NML-1.1.7

  • General License for Byproduct Material"  !

i CC: E.Jacobs-Baynard, Jerry Elder, Linda Herr, Mic..

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MEMORANDUM TO: Wi'Jiam D. Travers Executive Director for Operations .y 5y FROM*. Carl J. Paperielb. Director ~ K> 7 Off.ce of Nucisar Material Safety and Safeguards /*

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_ ROPRO)1DE Nf0VEfre) e f o rtmqua ,

Attach or your signatu !s a fina! rule (Attachment l} contain! rig amendmetit 10 CFR 9

Part 3 at eglicitly requhe general licensee possess certain cevices ing byproduct meterlat to provide the U.S. Nuclear Regu!atory Comm:ssion (NRC) with information (

concorrnig devicus that they nave receivec for use under generallic his provision wHI taw used primarily to Institute a registration ena accounting system for devres using certain gl quant!tles of specific racionuendes.


P t.1.

Qackaround. A proposed rule was forwarded to tne Comm n on Agus,t 19.1998,in g SECY-98-199. It was approved by the commission in RM) dated October 23.1998 f'I (Attacnment 2), ar',6 published for public comment on December 2,1998[63_FR 66482). Seven c

( M L Lamhlm Q ~

f, com...ent letters were received. Many of the comments recommencedpitt er ac

- C_.E g The recommended actions were constdered in the second, more comprehensive ont rule (SECY 99-108). No change has been made to this rule.

^h In the October 23.1998. SRM. the Commission also directed tre sta'f to follow up on Mw .

informaton obtained by malling copies of the proposed rute to generallicensees. A brief

' summary of that effort is pn:wicec in Attachment 3. .3 L.

P MJ FW@YVwMAO'.i. .TC , dd2 .%.,133 - a ]

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' W.' Travers l


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f6 The j % Analyss for tna rule is providec in Atachment 4.

1 k

NQ9ata: Appropriate Congressional com.wtees will be notified (Attachments 5 and 6). A press t y release will be leeued (Attachment 7). An item for th Daily Staff Netes appears as Artsdu. 61 I - y(h 3

% ( $ 5 W fe4 $ lk a On. y{[s

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CONTACTS: Catherine R. Mattaen, NMSS'IMNS (301) 415-6264 ,

1 Jayne M. McCausland, NM$5/IMNS (301) 415-6219 l


eN m wc e w.cen re e:: at.#WLs. :1. . EfYi, b . n ta y m s , .t o v3 nteu na.e s et . >uisito so JLri di by 10: A4 60.VJ1 F.U4/Ur W. Travers 3 Retourueg The resources needed to implement this action are ira the current budget, y[j.

i l_ [hed eM Rwources that would De required to rnplement the registration pregram are established fo%

1999 and 2000. The total resources needed to develop the reg!strat:cn and folljp' program for generally licensed sources /dewoes were esumated in accorcance with the Commssion's April 13,1996, SRM and were prowded in SECY 99-108. However, sorr.e decline in those w be w V estimates iyanticipewpu omtes becoming Agreement States. reducing the number of [.

generallicer:: der NRCjure o be covered by the registration program.

Afjustments WW be made to the budget as appropriate.

Schedule: The SRM on SECY.99108 (April 9,1999) on a proposed comprehensive general hoenee rule was moued June 15,1999. 5ctt ru'es have been drafted assuming that the second prW rule would be pubbened before this fmal rule. Therefore, the staff will forward this rule for publication after the second proposed rule.

Coordhation. The Offices of Administration, Enforcement. and State Progsms concur with these final amendments. The Omco of the Gene al Counset has no legal objecbon to tnis final rule. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer has reviewed the final rule for rioource impacts and has no objection. The Office of the Chief Irformation Officer has revewed the final rule for i

informat;on technology and informanoi management impEcabons and concurs in it.

l l

Attachments: I l

1. FinalFederal RegiserIIotice with diskette i

e J  !

2. SAMdated October 23,1998 h l
3. Prarw=ma Rule Malungs ,

I l

i 1


. 1

n. c,ww e m T r e.r e. e ,w e . i rc. ari az, Vis e.a m u st.ges.snem n_u i tt. . sv a u sso, sur. 22 n- Av.A4 nu .vva r .vv v.

I l

l W. Tra w rs 4 1

' 4. FiralMegulatory Analysis

5. CongreasionalLetters. o l
8. Notrfcation for Congressional Review *Small Business [ d gpF j Regulatory Enforcerner.t Fairness Act of 1996*

l 7. Oraft Prues Reinase

- 8.&DaityStaff Notesn item

9. Approved for PubEcation l

l l

l l

l l S s


6-21-1999 6 O'PH- FRCri FETZER-<.RAUS Irc. 202 557 5:33 P3

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An 41 ys 19 13 Sc.VJ P.Vo/tr W. Travers 2 Bennutces. The Maources mtwded to implement :nts action are in the current budget.

Neources that woud be required to implement tne regetradon program are es edto

$hed'W'  :

j 1999 mW 2000. The total resources needed to develop the registration and folk program l for generally ficenses sources' devices were est: mated in aCCordance wit *11.k Commission's l

Apnl 13,1998, SRM and were provided in SECY 99106. However, some 9; cline in those b l k.< w estimates andcipe@V es becoming Agreement States, reducing the number of I

generalr , NRC jurisci o be covered by the registranon program.

Adjustments will be made to the budget as appropriate.

i Schedule: The SriM on SECY 99106 (April 9,1999) on a proposec comprehensive general 1

license rule was lasued June 15,1999.- Both rules have been drafted assuming that the second


4 proposed rule would be published before this final rule. The efore, the staff will forward this rule i

for publication after the second proposed rule.

Coon $ngtion The Offices of Administra: ion. Enforcement. and State Programs concur with these final amerdments. The Office of the General Counsel has no legal objecton to tnis final rule. Tne Of6ce of the Chief Financial Officer has reviewed the final rule for resoum impacts and has no objection, The Office of the Chiei information OffK;er has reviewed the firmi rule for information technology and information management implications and concurs in :t.

O' Attachments:

f4. ~J B 1. FinalgederalM'gte with diskette j [) '

v 2'SRM dated October 23,1996 N ha v 3. F;W Rule Mairings Foliofao


o=2T;TE*JiritfEV4 FPUT71CTrERIGGLJi aC. 202 55, 5i53 P. ~ j NRC/RES/DRA/RPHEB TEL:3014155385 Jun .n w 10 : .> no .vvi r .v i e v W. Travers - 3

4. Final Regulatory Analysis

/ 5. CongressionalLetters }g O f pr ' 'g H l 6 Nohhcanon for Congressional Review 'Sma!! Business y(* , yc

  • P

Regulatory Enforcement Faimess Act of 1996*

Y . 7Draft Prves Release

/8 DailyStaff Notes (tern

9. Approved forPubucation Olstrtruport. WITS # 199600070NM$$ No.199900199 Ht'M PHelmhan IMN%Cr.ntrn* Fila NMS$ R/F te468 Dir.OFF WF C*oland DMondsota CGaBagner LRani ,

W Certral File FMragEn EDO R/F Meridgers To receive a copy of riis accament. inecate in te ecx C' = Ccpy w+out attachmewenclosee T = Copy with  !

ettachr9ent/ enclosure T= No ecov i see previews e anasionses Docunalwr 64AME' Wen enntf41feso J OFFICE RGBIlhMS l RGMhtis MGMMNS l D/lMNS _l_ j TppyEd I  !

NAME CMmeson PHolehen LCompet DCoci EMeus DATE / /99 / /pg i 19 9 / /99 /99 OE a

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f* **%,,*, UNITED STATES



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l The Honorable James M. Inhofe, Chairman l Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wet! ands, Private Property and Nucieer Safety Committee on Environment and Public Works l United States Senate Washington, DC 20610

Dear Mr. Chai.wan:

l Enclosed for the information of the Subcommittee is a copy of a Notice of Final Rulemaking to be published in the Federal Recister. The U.S. Nuciear Regulatory Commission (NRC)is amending 10 CFR Part 31 to add an expticit requirement that certain general licensees possess devices containing byproduct material respond to NRC rect,ests for information conceming devices that they have received for use under generallice ,is provision will be used primarily to institute a registration system for devices using certain quantities of specific radionuclides that are primartly used in comtnere:a! and industnal applications.

NRC has observed a number of instances in the past where genera!ry licensed devicco have not been handled or disposed of properiy. This amendment will allow NRC to 2ccount for devices that have been distributed for use under the general license and tf sereby reduce the potential for incidents ttut could result in unnecessary radiation expcsure to the public as well as contamination of property. This change will have no adverse impact on the health and safety of workers or the public and is not expected to !mpose a significant burden on licensees Sincerely, 1

r--- - w-er= i vvv .a crnn e scuern. uc.x,saae.,. av- . mw_i: -.:

. NRC/RES/DRA/RPHEB TEL:3014155365 Jun 1/'99 15:5/ No.uut,uc f*** *%k UNITED STATES


  • wAswthovom:, p.c. j n
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Dennts K. Rathbun, Director

! Office of Congressional Affairs Enciosure:

Federal Register Notice cc: Senator Bob G.h l

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  • @ 1993 2 : 48Mi FROr.1 FETZER-<RAUF.i. liC. 202 537 5133 - -

14RC/RE$/ DRA/ RPHEB 1EL:301 Al%$35 Jun H'W A W N3.uut e co ut tso 0- *. UNITED STATES


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The lionorable Joe L Darton, Chalcman Sutxmmmittee on Energy and Power Committwo on Commerp United. States House nig'resentativeD

%asnington,DC *20615

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Encioned for the informaton of the Subcommittee is a copy of a Notice of Final Rutemaking to be published in the Federal Reaister. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisson (NRO) is.

amending 10 CFR Part 31 to add an explicit requirement that certain generallicensees possess devices containing byproduct material respond to NRC requests for.'nformation concorrung devices that they have received for use unde generallice T provision will be used primanly to institute a registration system for devices using certain quantites of spoofic radionuchdes that are prirnarily used in commercial and industrial apptcations.

NRC has observed a nurnber of instances in the past where generally ticensed devloes have not been handled or disposed of property. This amendment will allow NRC to account for devices that nave been distnbuted for use unoer the general!icerse and thereby reduce the potential for irddents that couki resuk in unnecessary radaten exposure to the pubkc as well as contamination of property. This change will have no adverse impact on the health and safety of workers or the public and is not expecteo to impose a sigttfecant burden on 5com.

Since ely.

Denne K. Rathbun, Director Office at Congressional Affairs Endesure

, FederalRegster_Nobce

[- 6-3i-i999 2:46411 FROt1 FETZER-<RAuS. INC. 202 537 5i33 P. 5 NRG/RES/DRA/RPHEB TEL:3014155385 Jun 1/*99 13:56 No.vvi vu J,s? "**% \ UNITED STATES


. J womuovow, o.e. senas.m

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!. oc: Represertative Ralph M.Ha!!

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M Af1 FFat FETZER-KRAus. iNC. 202 s p 5i23 p. e

{ Jun'it'W Aa:n ou.vvi vu  !

-HRC/RES/DRR/RPHEB 'TEL:3014155335 ,

l The Hor >orable James M. Inhofe, Chairman Subcomtnittee on Clean Air, Wetiands, l Private Property and Nuclear Safety Committee on Environment and Public Works -

, United States Senate

- Washmgton, DC 20$10 Deer Mr. Chairman: i l

l Enciosed for the information of the Subcommittee is a copy of a Notice of Final Rulemaking to 1 be published in the Federal Reghter. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commismon (NRC)is l amendmg to CFR Part 31 to add an explicit requirement that certain general LicenseeswhtT'  ;

poseoso devices containing byproduct material respond to NRC requests for infonnation j concoming devices that they have received for use under enerallic This provision will j be used primaruy to institute a registration system for devi using ce quantitles of speerfic l radionuclideo that are primarily used in commercial and industrial apprathons l l

NRC has observed a number of instances in the past where generally licensed devices have j not been handed or disposed of properly. This amendment will allow NRC to. account for j

i devices that have beert distributed for use under the general l6 cense and thereby reduce the poter.tial for meadents that could result in unnecessary radiation exposure to the public as well as contamination of property. This change will have no adverse impact on the health and  ;

safety of workers or the public and is not expected to impcee a significant burden on licensees.

Sincerely, i

l Dennis K. Rathbun, Director i Office of Congressional Affalts l

Enclosure. Identical letter sent to: The Honorable Joe L Barton Federal Register Notu;e Chairman. Subcommittee on j


Energy and Power y cc Senator Bob Graham otsnesurxx too tsesooo7e mass seescom EDor#  ;

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