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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870626
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870626, NUDOCS 8707020372
Download: ML20216J381 (40)


Vo< T>bt f-l' i

i June 30, 1987 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JUNE 26, 1987 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources fianagement A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D Governmental & Public Affairs E General Counsel F*

Personnel G Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data H Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J Regional Offices K*

CRGR Monthly Reports L*

Executive Director for Operations M Items Addressed by the Ccmmission N Meeting Notices O Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for P external distribution)

  • No input this week.

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8707020372 070630 T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations PDR COMMS NRC PDR Office cf the Executive Director WEEKLYINFOREPTC for Operations


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 l



  • WEEK ENDING JUNE 26, 1987 Grand Gulf U nit 1 Last week Grand Gulf Unit I surpassed the world record for continuous operation of a GE BWR in the second fuel cycle (158 days). The plant continues to operate at full power. In anticipation of continued good operations, the licensee has advanced the scheduled date for start of the second refueling outage from January 8, 1988 to November 6, 1987.

Nine Mile Point 1 On Monday, June 22, 1987, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 began its 300th day of continuous operation, breaking the world record for continuous operation of a GE BWR 2 held by a similar reactor at the Tsuruga plant in Japan.

Nine Mile Point Unit I had earlier captured the domestic record, held by Oyster l Creek, when it began its 267th day of continuous operation on May 19, 1987.

Summary of NRC/ DOE Comparability Meeting On June 23, 1987, the Division of Safeguards and Transportation (SGTR) ,

forwarded to the Category I fuel facility licensees a summary of a June 15,  !

1987 meeting concerning the NRC/ DOE Comparability Study. The letter of transmittal requested licensees to submit to the staff, by July 24, 1987, their proposed plans and schedules for implementation of three items which the Commission has directed be accomplished without delay. SGTR staff members visited one of the affected sites on June 17 and 18, at which time they had an opportunity to evaluate some of the common concerns expressed by the licensees during the June 15 meeting. Each licensee is expected to submit an outline of any difficulties they anticipate in the implementation of the comparability measures, along with appropriate justification for any suggested alteration to the schedule which was announced at the June 15 meeting and provided in the above-referenced summary.

Meeting with Northeast Compact l

LLWM staff is working with GPA staff to host a meeting, requested by the {

Northeast Compact, to discuss a number of questions regarding LLW storage. '

The questions have been raised by Governor O'Neill of Connecticut to the Northeast Compact. The main thrust of the questions relates to NRC's regulatory basis for discouraging extended storage of LLW, as stated in several generic letters and responses to earlier questions raised by the states. They are interested in the actions fiRC would take if the Governors of the Northeast Compact states ordered nuclear power plants and other licensees j to store LLW indefinitely. Part of their inquiry relates to the large number  !'

of new sites presently proposed by the states an compacts, and the ability to store LLW for extended periods until it is clear how many new sites will be established and where they will be located.

NRC Presentation at Local Board of Health Meeting regarding Peach Bottom On June 23, 1987, NRC Region I representatives briefed the Harford County Board of Health in the Harford County Courthouse in Bel Air, Maryland on the status of the Peach Bottom plants, Mark I Containment issues and TMI health issues. The topics were requested by the Harford County Council, as a result of the Peach Bottom Shutdown Order. Representatives of U.S. Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski, U.S. Representative R. Dyson, State Senator Riley and delegates from the Maryland General Assembly, the Maryland Governor's Office, the counties of Harford, Cecil, York, Lancaster and Baltimore and others were present. The meeting ran from 7:00 p.m. until after 11:00 p.m. Two representatives from NRR J. Kudrick and R. Martin also attended the meeting.


Receiveo This Week 27 2 Completed This Week 25 5-Carryovers From 1986 170 53 Received In 1987 395 43

Granted in 1987 267 15 Denied in 1987 121 29 i Pending 177 52 ACTIONS THIS WEEK j i

Receivec Stewart Wetzel, Requests a copy of the transcript of a January 18,.1974, NUS Corporation ACRS Subconnittee Meeting on the Grano Gulf plant.


Brian Jordan, Requests copies of records since December 31, 1986, from McGraw-Hill Victor Stello to the NRC staff concerning the development Publications or implementation of NRC policies, regulations or (87-370) requirements.

Brian Jordan, Requests copies of any correspondence to persons l McGraw-Hill outside NRC since May 15, 1987, from the following Publications NRC officials: E. Jordan, H. Thompson, T. Murley, (87-371) E. Beckjord, and J. Taylor.

Brian Jordan, Requests copies of any correspondence to persons McGraw-Hill outside NRC since May 15, 1987, from Chairman Zech and Publications Commissioners Bernthal, Roberts and Carr.


(Anindiviaual Requests records m6intained in the NRC on himself.

requesting information about himself)


CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE A L

L e

2 l

Received, Cont'd Richard Parrish, Requests a copy of the January 5, 1987 EPA /NRC j Coalition for document to NRC licensees, " Guidance on the distribution i Safe Power and identification of commercial mixed low-level f (87-374) radioactive and hazardous waste". <

i (Anincividual Requests records maintained in the NRC on himself. l requesting i information about j 1



Steven Sholly, Requests copies of (1) all records concerning the MHB Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) uf the LaSalle plant Associates which is being prepared for huREG-1150, and (2) all (87-376) records provided to Italy's Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Health Protection prior to, during, or following a May 7,1987 meeting concerning the LaSalle PRA.

Joshua Gordon, Requests copies of all records used for determining Public Citizen what situations were accorded " abnormal occurrence" status (87-377) and thereby included in NUREG-0090 Volume 9 and " abnormal i occurrences" in 1986 which will be included in Volume 10. ]

(Anindividual Requests records maintained in the NRC on himself.

requesting information about himself)


James L. Cowden, Requests a copy of the report of the investigators in Handler, Gerber, the cases of W. Allan Young v. GAPC0, case #84-ERA-35 and Johnston, W. Allan Young v. E. H. Hinds, case #86-ERA-11.

Strokoff &

Cowden (87-379)

Steven C. Sholly, Requests copies of five categories of records related MHB Technical to the report "Beyond Design Basis-Accidents in Spent Fuel i Associates Pools", spent fuel heatup and burning following loss of l (87-380) water in storage pools, and FIN A-3786.

Ophelia Williams, Requests copies of (1) official document 6 tion J/R/A Associates establishing the Office of Investigations and (2) all (87-381) documentation leading to or contributing to that decision. l i

Steven Aftergood, Requests copies of each of NRC's report, " Nuclear .


Committee to Export and Import Licensing Action keport", prepared since 1 Bridge the GAP 1980.  ;


Henry Gayek, Requests a list of Local Public Document Rooms and ,

(87-383) information on the kinds of NRC materials they maintain.


3 Received, Cont'd Larry Tye, Requests copies of the Reed Report and accompanying The Boston Globe letters and other reports prepared in 1975 by General (87-384) Electric scientists on the safety of Mark I, II, and III GE designs.

Kathryne Lewis, Requests a copy of the statement of work for contract Andrulis No. NRC-03-87-029.


Jack H. Taylor, Jr. , Referral from the Department of State of one record Dallas Times regarding the accident at the Soviet Union Chernobyl Herald plant.


Robert Melissinos, Requests copies of the bid abstracts and Parts A and G j Government of the solicitations resulting in Contracts  !

Solutions Group NRC-33-87-248-01 and NRC-33-67-248-02. J (87-387) l J

Steven C. Sholly, Requests copies of the "B & W Plant Operational Safety MHB Technical Study" and all records providing input to, commenting on, j Associates or otherwise technically evaluating the study. 1 (87-388)

Brian Jordan, Requests copies of all staff requirements memoranda McGraw-Hill since June 30, 1986, on general policy matters. g Publications (87-389)

Steven C. Sholly, Requests copies of three categories of records MHB Technical related to the May 4-8, 1987 meeting on the severe Associates accident research program and related activities noted ,

(87-390) in the May 28, 1987 Weekly Information Report.

Wilbur A. Steger, Requests copies of contract NRC-04-87-086 as well as the CONSAD Research technical proposal and the statement of work for this Corporation contract.


(Anindividual Requests records maintained in the NRC on himself.

requesting information about himself)


Stewart A. Wetzel, Requests a copy of SECY-87-32.

NUS Corporation .


Rachel Shimshak, Requests six categories of records related to the SALP MASSPIRG investigations regarding the Pilgrim plant.



l I

4 Received, Cont'd N. Sue Shannon, Requests copies of contracts NRC-33-83-456 and Accu-Weather NRC-33-84-405.


Richard T. Ruth, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for release of a record denied in part ,

Attorney at Law relating to a request for two categories of records I (87-A-42-87-281) regarding Metro Health Center, Erie, Pennsylvania.

Billie Pirner Garde, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the lack of response to a request i' Government for copies of all records regarding any complaints of a Accountability named inoividual regarding the South Texas plant and any Project subsequent inquiries or reviews by NRC into the handling (87-A-43-87-99) of his charges.

Granted Charles Rose in response to a request for a copy of the application (87-344) for License 21-24873-01 issued to West Shore Cardiology Consultants, P.C., made available the requested record.

James Kirker In response to a request for copies of the radiation (87-358) materials license and all supplemental amencment documents for Diagnostic Services, Inc., Greenbay, Wisconsin, made available 38 records.

(An individual In response to a request for records maintained in the NRC requesting on himself, informed the requester that the NRC has no information about records pertaining to him in its document control or himself) security systems of records.


(Anindividual In response to a request for records maintained in the NRC requesting on himself, informed the requester that the NRC has no information about records pertaining to him in its document control or himself) security systems of records.


(An individual In response to a request for records maintained in the NRC requesting on himself, informed the requester that the NRC has no information about records pertaining to him in its document control or himself) security systems of records.

(87-378) .





5 \

1 l

l Granted, Cont'd ]

i Henry Gayek In response to a request of Local Public Document Rooms (87-383) and information on the kinds of NRC materials they maintain, made available three records.

Jack H. Taylor, Jr. , In response to a referral from the Department of State Dallas Times of one record regarding the accident at the Soviet Union Herald Chernobyl plant, informed the requester that the record i (87-386) had already been niade available in response to his i related request to NRC, F01A-86-335.

N. Sue Shannon In response to a request for copies of contracts Accu-Weather NRC-33-83-456 and NRC-33-84-405, informed the requester j (87-395) that copies of these contracts are already available in i the PDR. ]

1 Denied Judith Zwelling, In response to a request for copies of records on the Citizen Action December 9, 1986 accident at the Surry plant, made for a Safe available 52 records. Informed the requester that Environment additional records subject to this request are already  :

(87-20) available in the PDR. Denied 10 records in their entirety under F0IA Exemption (5).

Stephanie Murphy, In response to a request for copies of records that Nuclear contain six categories of information related to the ,

Information December 3, 1986 spill from the spent fuel pool at the j and Resource Hatch plant, made available 100 records. Informed the '

Service requester that additional records subject to this request (87-76) are already available in the PDR, Denied one record in part and 14 records in their entirety because they contain proprietary information and infonnation the disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Charles Ondash, In response to a request for copies of 25 listed Devonrue records regarding the proposed and final rules on fees, .

(87-196) 10 CFR Part 171, made available three records. Informed I the requester that five records are alreaoy 6vailable in the PDR. Denied 16 entire documents and portions of one document pursuant to Exemption (5).

Linda Bauman, In response to a request for copies of records related Government to concerns raisea by a named individual regarding the Accountability South Texas plant, denied all records related to hRC's Project investigation pursuant to F0IA exemptions (5) and (7).



6 Denied, Cont'd Michael Knapik, In response to a request for (1) a copy of the report McGraw-Hill "Information Regarding South African-origin material Nuclear imported and exported from the U.S. 1981-1986" ana Publications (2) copies of the most recently filed 742 forms, denied (87-230) these records in their entirety because they contain proprietary information.

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IFB ISSUED IFB No.: RS-ARM-88-167  ;


"Microcmputer Software" i


Contractor shall provide for the acquisition of microcomputer j software, software searches and access to a user help desk. i Period of Performance: 12 months with 2 one-year options Sponsor: Office of Adninistration and Resources Management Status: IFB issued on June 23, 1987. Bids due on July 23, 1987.



RFP No.: RS-OIE-87-128  !


" Welding Technology and Codes Course"


Provide technical training in welding technology and the applicable codes to enable NRC inspectors to conduct in-depth inspections of NRC licensed power reactor facilities. It includes revision of an existir.g course manual as well as  ;

presentation of the course.

Period of Performance: Five years Sponsor: Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Status: RFP closed on June 22, 1987. Proposals forwarded to Source Evaluation Panel on June 23, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-OIE-87-127


" Specialized Technical Training"


Provide technical assistance to the NRC in the imp 1 mentation of identified needs and/or further developnent of programs to meet future needs for specialized technical training of NRC inspectors in the area of Radiation Protection.

Period of Performance: 36 months j Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l Status: Negotiations have been canpleted. Best and Final offers are i due on June 30, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-ADM-87-211


" Audiovisual Equipnent, Purchase and Installation at One White Flint North"


Contractor shall provide all equipnent, labor and materials necessary for the installation and acceptance of the audiovisual systems at NRC's hearing and conference room facilities located at One White Flint North.

Period of Performance: 18 months Sponsor: Office of Consolidation .

Status: Best and Final offers received and forwarded to Source Evaluation Panel for review on June 23, 1987.


Weekly Infomation Report Division of Contracts 1 PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION (cont'd)

RFP No.: RS-INS-87-001 . 1


" Survey of State and Tribal Emergency Response Capabilities"


Conduct a survey of State and Tribal Emergency Response order to evaluate the nature and amount of Federal assistance which may be required in the event of an emergency.

Period of Perfomance: 18 nonths Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards Status: Best and Final offers received and forwarded to Source Evaluation ,

Panel on June 26, 1987. .]  :


RFP No.: RS-NRR-87-031 J


" Steam Generator and Steam Line Overfill Issues" l


Contractor shall perform technical studies to assist staff '

in developing regulatory position on offsite doses, operator action time and tube integrity with regard to steam generator tube rupture, steam generator overfill and water hanmer mitigation studies.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Status: A cost-plus-fixed-fee type Contract No. NRC-03-87-031 was awarded to SBA/Scientech, Inc., in the amount of $225,623 effective June 24, 1987. This firm has been certified by the Small Business 1 Administration as a socially and economically disadvantaged firm eligible for nonempetitive awards under that agency's 8(a)' program.

The Small Business Adninistration executed the contract on June'22, 1987.

IFB No.: RS-ORM-87-247 -


" IBM Cabling Systs Cmponents"


The contractor shall provide IBM cabling systs cmponents to support IBM 5520 systems located at One hhite Flint North.

Period of Performance: Delivery within 45 days after contract award.

Sponsor: Office of Consolidation Status: A firm fixed price type Contract No. NRC-10-87-247 was awarded to Visions Data Cable, Inc., in the amount of $49,644.00 effective June 25, 1987.

IFB No.: RS-ADM-87-202 l


" Photographic Reproduction Services" l


The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials,. and equipment, in connection' with processing and printing of negatives, prints and slides.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Adninistration and Resources Management Status: A fixed price requirments type Cor. tract No. NRC-10-87-202 was awarded to Advanced Images, Inc., in the amount of $48,835.55 effective July 1, 1987.




l Monticello As a followup to two recent events in which power to ECCS loop B was' lost, Northern States Power determined that the cause was a lack of ground fault coordination between the load center breakers and the individual loads on certain essential motor control-centers.

During the last refueling outage in June 1986, Westinghouse solid state trip devices with electrical ground fault detection circuits were installed on plant circuit breakers. It has been determined that the last two events on June 7 and 14, 1987, were caused by an intermittent ground fault in one of four drywell cooling fans which tripped the source breaker rather than the S o motor.

On June 16, 1987, NSP declared an Unusual Event at Monticello when it  !

determined that this problem could result in a common mode failure which I could disable redundant tra'ns of safety-related equipment. NSP notified the staff that they were correccing the problem by jumpering out the ground fault detection devices, therdy placing the plant in a pre June 1986 configuration i with respect to ground fault detection. Permanent jumpers will be installed l on the equipment during the October 1987 refueling outage.

The staff believes that the actions taken by NSP correct the problem, however, the 10 CFR 50.59 review done by NSP under which the solid state trip devices were installed in 1986 may not have appropriately considered ~;

the ground fault detection devices. The staff will follow up on this issue.-

Grand Gulf Umit 1 ,

i Last week Grand Gulf Unit I surpassed the world record for continuous operation of a GE BWR in the second fuel cycle (158 days). The plant continues to operate at full power. In anticipation of continued good operations, the licensee has advanced the scheduled date for start of the second refueling outage from January 8, 1988 to November 6, 1987.

Nine Mile Point 1 On Monday, June 22, 1987,-Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 began its i 300th day of continuous operation, breaking the world record for continuous operation of a GE BWR 2 held by a similar reactor at the Tsuruga plant in Japan.

Nine Mile Point Unit I had earlier captured the domestic record, held by Oyster Creek, when it began its 267th day of continuous operation on May IS,1987.


j l



- Pick and place defueling of partial length fuel assemblies and fuel pins continued. Partial fuel assemblies E-4, D-4, C-4, B-4, B-12, C-12 and D-11 were broken free from the lower grid. All but D-11 have been loaded into defueling canisters. A total of 33 fuel assemblies out of 177 in the core have now been broken free from the lower grid.

- Three canisters were filled and three partially filled. Six canisters, including three filled in the previous week, were .

transferred to the spent fuel pool. l


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results i shew that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with  !

regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster l Agreement.  !

- TMI water effluents from the station (Units 1 and 2) discharge are l analyzed by EPA. Gamma spectrum analyses of the seven daily composited samples for June 6 - 13, 1987 indicated no TMI-2 related  !


EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the NRC's TMI outdoor air sample for June 6 - 13, 1987 showed no reactor related radioactivity.

- The water works for the City of Lancaster composited seven daily l samples from June 6 - 13, 1987. EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the, composite sample showed no reactor related radioactivity.


- Technical Specification Change Requests 52, 53 and 56.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change Requests 38 and 41.

Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

- Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3. l

- Processed Water Disposition Proposal.

- Safety Evaluation Report for Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch.

- Pressurizer Defueling Safety Evaluation Report.

- Safety Evaluation Report for Defueling of the Core Support Assembly.

- Environmental Evaluation of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Proposal.

- Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 4.

Defueling Water Cleanup System Technical Evaluation Repor,t Annual Update. -

- Defueling Canister Technical Evaluation Report Annual Update.

- EPICOR II System Description Annual Update.

JUNE 26, 1987 EfjCLOSURE B

4. PUBLIC MEETING The Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 has tentatively set August 12, 1987 as their next public meeting in Harrisburg, PA. Meeting specifics will be provided at a later date.

l JUtiE 26, 1987 Ef4 CLOSURE B

0FFICE OF NUCLEAR PATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending June 26, 1987 State Department Request for Rulemaking j By letter dated June 3, 1987, the Department of State (DOS) has requested that NRC adopt regulations requiring NRC prior approval of certain uranium origin-swap transactions. By international agreement, uranium used in the fuel cycle is identified by a label designating the nation from which it originated (i.e., where it was mined). Origin-swaps, also referred to as " nationality swaps", " flag-swaps", " obligation transfers", etc., are transactions in which the nationality of origin designation of uranium materials is exchanged.

Uranium brokers and others engage in origin-swaps after considering technical, legal, economic and political factors which affect the uranium n;arket.

Basically, DOS expressed concern that certain origin-swaps for materials located in the U.S. may raise questions regarding U.S. compliance with international obligations, and that similar swaps, if carried out by other countries with respect to U.S.-origin material under their jurisdiction, might have adverse non-proliferation implications. DOS indicated that the transaction of greatest concern is the "non-equivalent swap", described by DOS as transactions "in which different quantities of uranium or identical quantities of uranium in dissimilar physical forms are exchanged." DOS proposed that "NRC adopt regulations requiring prior review of proposed non-equivalent substitutions of uranium in the U.S. whenever any of the material in question is subject to an agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation or comparable U.S. assurances." DOE also proposed that NRC l obtain Executive Branch concurrence prior to approval of these transactions.

SGTB staff is preparing a draft reply, and will be consulting with OGC and GPA/IP staff for their views and comments.

Summary of NRC/ DOE Comparability Meeting On June 23, 1987, the Division of Safeguards and Transportation (SGTR) forwarded to the Category I fuel facility licensees a' summary of a June 15, 1987 meeting concerning the NRC/D0E Comparability Study. The letter of transmittal requested licensees to submit to the staff, by July 24, 1987, their proposed plans and schedules for implementation of three items which the Commission has directed be accomolished without delay. SGTR staff members visited one of the affected sites on June 17 and 18, at which time they had an opportunity to evaluate some of the common concerns expressed by the licensees during the June 15 meeting. Each licensee is expected to submit an outline of any difficulties they anticipate in the implementation of the comparability measures, along with appropriate justification for any suggested alteration to the schedule which was announced at the June 15 meeting and provided in the above-referenced summary.


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IAEA Safeguards On Friday, Jure 19, 1987, the NRC staff received notification from the Depart-ment of State that the IAEA plans to select the General Electric low enriched uranium fuel fabrication plant for application of international safeguards under the provisions of the US/IAEA Safeguards Agreement. The staff anticipates a

. January 1,1988 starting date for application of IAEA safeguards. Under the Agreement and the voluntary offer to subject U.S. facilities to IAEA safeguards, q the application of IAEA safeguards at a U.S. facility normally lasts about two l years. Presently, the Turkey Point and the Salem reactors, and the Westinghouse 1 fuel fabrication plant are under IAEA safeguards, and the NRC staff expects the l IAEA to discontinue safeguards at these three facilities in early 1988. However, Westinghouse, as well as other low enriched uranium fuel fabrication facilities, will continue to report accounting data to the IAEA. At this time, GE is the only facility identified by the IAEA for application of full scope international safeguards (data reporting and inspections) beginnin0 in 1988. On Monday, Juae 22, 1987, NMSS staff telephonically contacted GE management to inform them of IAEA's intent to select the GE-Wilmington facility for full-scope IAEA safe-guards. The staff is preparing a letter to formally notify GE of the IAEA's intent, and to inform them of the actions and requirements for implementation of IAEA safeguards.

Archival Trench Project On June 24, 1987, NMSS LLWM staff met with Tom Baer of US Ecology, at his request, to discuss initiating an archival trench project. An archival trench would contain a limited volume of actual wastes which would be exhumed for analysis of waste form properties after a 5-50 year period. The data obtained would be used to assess the validity of the short-term tests used to demonstrate stability for a 300-year period. Mr. Baer proposed initiation of l a program at no cost to the NRC. NRC agreed to prepare a test outline and to discuss with RES the availability of funding for sample exhumation, analysis, and final disposal. Discussion with the appropriate states would take place after initial agreement with US Ecology on a testing scope.

Meeting with Delegation from Tokyo On June 25, 1987, members of the LLWM staff met with an investigation team from Tokyo, Japan. Representatives included: Sadahiro Sakata, Radioactive Waste Management Center; Seishi Kimura, Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.; Mitsuoki Kondo, Japan Nuclear Fuel Industry Co., Inc.; and Takeo Fukuyoshi, Radioactive Waste Management Center. Discussions were held on licensing of the alternative methods of disposal for low-level radioactive waste, waste classification described in 10 CFR 61.55, and subsurface burial of lower-level or small amounts of radioactive waste based on 10 CFR 20.302. Copies of Standard Format and Content guides, Standard Review Plans, and appropriate NUREG docume.nts were provided to the team. Three papers on disposal and processing of Tow-level waste in Japan were provided by the visitors.

i JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE C.

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Meeting with Northeast Compactc LLWM staff is working with GPA staff to host a meeting, requested by the Northeast Compact, to discuss a number of questions regarding LLW storage. l The questions have been raised by Governor O'Neill of Connecticut to the Northeast Compact. The. main thrust of the questionscrelates to NRC's regulatory basis for discouraging extended storage of L'.W. as stated in several generic letters and responses to er.rlier questions raised by the states. They are interested in the actions NRC would take if the Governors of )

the Northeast Compact states ordered nuclear power plants and other licensees to store LiS indefinitely. Part of their inquiry relates to the large number of new sites presently proposed by the states an compacts, and the ability to store LLW for extended periods until it is clear how many new sites will be established and where they will be located. ]

Allied Chemical _ Company.

On June 15-17, 1987, an NMSS representative visited the Allied Chemical Company facility in Metropolis, Illinois.- The visit focused on the implementation of lessons learned from the Sequoyah accident, and the status of the remaining recommendations scheduled for completion. In addition, the staff discussed the development of the QA program and revision of the Radiological Contingency Plan, and inspected new piping and associated welds of over pressurization i relief features for pressure vessels. On Wednesday, June 17, an exit briefing with Allied management was conducted to discuss the findings of the visit and other licensing matters Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois The Draft Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement realted to decommis-sioning of the Rare Earths Facility in West Chicago has been issued. The ASLB hearing panel ordered the FES supplemented. The preferred action is Kerr- 1 McGee Chemical Corporation's plan for onsite burial. The Federal Register Notice of Availability will be published June 26, 1987. The comment period will extend to August 17, 1987.

l Hearing Status - Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, IL, Kress Creek Decontamination )

On May 28,19E7, the staff filed a motion to terminate the Kress Creek pro-ceeding and to vacate the Licensing Board's initial decision dismissing the Order to Show Cause. On June 23, 1987, the Appeals Board rejected the motion.

Geologic Repository Program j Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Division of High-Level Waste Management, will publish a final notice in the Federal Register on -two Generic Technical Positions (GTPs). These GTPs are unique to the Geologic

  • Repository Program dealing with Peer Review and Qualification of existing data for high-level nuclear waste repositories. The draft GTPs were published July 3, 1986 for public comment. Sixty-four comments were received by the staff, .

discussed and satisfactorily resolved at a May 14, 1987 public meeting between  !

the States, industry, affected Indian Tribes and NRC.


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4 0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending June 26, 1987


Publications to be Issued in the Near Future -


Materials Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section III, Division I (Reg. Guide 1.85, Rev. 25)


The guide on Materials Code Case Acceptability has been revised to include new code cases, revised code cases, reaffirmed code 'j cases, reinstated code cases and annulled' code cases subsequent to issuance of R-24 of the guide. ,


E. O. Woolridge, RES 443-7782 ,


Qualification of Safety-Related Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants


Regulatory Guide EE 006-5 describes a method acceptable to the  !

NRC staff for qualification of safety-related lead. storage batteries. This guide will apply to all operating nuclear power plants for replacement batteries.


S. K. Aggarwal, RES 443-7840


Qualification of Electric & Mechanical-Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants (Reg. Guide 1.100, Proposed Revision 2) <


This regulatory guide describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for seismic qualification of electric and mechanical equipment. This guide endorses IEEE Std. 344-1987 and provides additional guidance for qualification of mechanical equipment.


S. K. Aggarwal, RES 443-7840-1 l



.i JUNE 26, 1987 ' ENCLOSURE D l

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Safety Related and Important to Safety in 10 CFR Part 50 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission proposes to clarify its regulations on the ,

use of the terms "important to safety" and " safety related" by adding definitions of these two terms and of " facility licensing documents" to 10 CFR Part 50 and by discussing how these definitions will be applied in NRC licensing reviews. Significant issues concerning the meaning of these terms as they are used in this part have arisen in Commission licensing 1 l

proceedings. This proposed rule would define these terms and clarify the nature and extent of their effect on quality assurance requirements, thereby resolving these issues. l The proposed rulemaking package was signed by the ED0 and forwarded to the Commission on May 29, 1987 (SECY-86-164). Staff is currently awaiting a Commission decision; however, in light of higher priority issues, Chairman Zech has requested a delay in the vote on SECY-86-164.

Amendment of Subsection 50.62(c)(4) to Clarify Equivalent Control Capacity for Standby Liquid Control Systems (SLCS) (10 CFR 50)

Paragraph 50.62(c)(4) states, in part, that all' boiling water reactors must~

j have a standby liquid control system (SLCS) with a minimum flow capacity and j boron content equivalent in control capacity to 86 gallons per minute of 13 weight percent of sodium pentaborate solution. A generic letter was issued in January 1985 to clarify the phrase "aquivalent in control capacity,"

particularly for licensees with smaller plants. Recently, the Office of the General Council pointed out that the rulemaking for the current rule did not discuss equivalency based on vessel size; thus, the generic letter improperly interprets a Commission's regulation. This rulemaking action would correct this condition by clarifying the staff's meaning of the phrase equivalent in control capacity.

This new rulemaking is being prepared at the request of NRR. A draft rulemaking package for ED0 approval of initiation is currently undergoing preparation for review by NRR, 0GC, and DRR/ ARM.  ;

i Station Blackout (10 CFR 50) l l

NRC is proposing to amend its regulations to require light water nuclear power plants to be capable of withstanding a total loss of alternating current (AC) electrical power, called station blackout, to the essential e.nd nonessential switchgear buses for a specified duration. A draft regulatory guide was issued at the same time as the proposed rule to provide guidance on how to determine the duration.

The proposed requirements were developed in response to informat. ion generated by the Commission's study of. Unresolved Safety Issue A-44, Station  ;

Blackout. The proposed rule is intended to provide further assurance that a j loss of both offsite and emergency onsite electric AC power systems will not i adversely affect the public health and safety.

I 1


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The proposed USI A-44 resolution package was reviewed by the CRGR on May 27, 1987. Approval was received to proceed with the proposed station J blackout rule and regulatory guide with the understanding that the . 9 implementation schedule in the proposed rule change would be revised to ensure minimizing the times required to perform and review the station blackout coping analysis and the schedule for implementing any equipment )

modifications which might be required. NRR has responsibility for revising i the implementation language. i l

The proposed rule is intended to provide further assurance that a loss of both offsite and emergency onsite electric AC power systems will not adversely affect the public health and safety.

The proposed USI A-44 resolution package was reviewed by the CRGR on May 27, 1987. Approval was received to proceed with the proposed station blackout rule and regulatory guide'with the understanding that the implementation schedule in the proposed rule change would be revised to ensure minimizing the times required to perform and review the station 1 blackout coping analysis and the schedule for implementing any equipment modifications which might be required. NRR has responsibility for revising the implementation language.

1 i

I 1

l JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE D <


l 1



Korean Interest in NRC Help on CE Reactor Review On Friday'a four-man team from the Korea Advanced Energy Research InstitutesNuclearSafetyCenter(NSC)metwithNRR(R.Emch, G.Vissing,E.Licitra,R. Nelson,andC.Liang)andGPA/IP(D.Chaney) to discuss questions related to Korea's safety review of the two units (Nos. 11 and 12) they have just purchased from Combustion Engineering (CE). The Koreans are looking for NRC assistance in the review as well as for CE-related training for the several NSC staff members who will be involved in it. Although the NRC staff explained that NRC cannot conduct their review for them but would be glad to discuss how we would go about conducting a similar review in the U.S., the Koreans indicated that they still plan to submit a formal request for NRC's direct participation and hope that a positive response will be forthcoming.

They also indicated they would like to place six NSC personnel in ,

two-month on-the-job training assignments with NRC on CE-related matters by the end of the year. Additional details on this request are to be forwarded two-week visitearly(next primarily month, with CE)asto soon as the team returns from its the U.S.

Foreign Visitors On Tuesday Mr. Michel Laverie, Head of the Central Service for the Safety of Nuclear Insta11atiuns (SCSIN); Mr. Roger Flandrin, SCSIN; and Dr. Daniel Chavardes, Nuclear Attache at the French Embassy in Washington, met with Commissioner Carr, GPA Director H. Denton, J. Partlow of NRR, and R. Hauber of GPA/IP to discuss regulatory issues of mutual interest.


State, Local and Indian Tribe Programs Weekly Highlights - June 26, 1987 NIH Visit On June 22, 1987, Harold Denton, Carlton Kammerer and Sheldon Schwartz toured NIH facilities and were briefed by the RSO on the Radiation Safety Program for nuclear medicine and research.

Meeting with EPA Contractor on Training On June 23, 1987, Mr. Nussbaumer met with Joel Lubenau and Ann Todd of Technical Resources, Inc., (TRI) to explain the SLITP training program for Agreement States. TRI is under contract to EPA to determine methods used to transfer technology and training to States and believed TRI could benefit from the SLITP Agreement State training program methodology.

ASLAB Rulings on Illinois Cases following the Commission approval of the Illinois Agreement, 0GC staff requested the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Boards having jurisdiction over the US Ecology and Kress Creek cases to terminate those proceedings. The ASLAB in the case of US Ecology did so but in the Kerr-McGee case the ASLAB denied the staff's motion expressing its view that the staff incorrectly ,

characterized the contamination in and along Kress Creek as source material.

Kerr-McGee has contended the material should be considered to be Section 11e.(2) byproduct material. The Board's view is that since the contamination was incorrectly characterized, its jurisdiction over the proceeding is unaffected by the Agreement (which transferred to Illinois jurisdiction over source material but not Section 11e.(2) byproduct material). NRC staff is analyzing the ASLAB Order to decide future action in this case. The Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety has been informed.

NRC Presentation at Local Board of Health Meeting regarding Peach Bottom l On June 23, 1987, NRC Region I representatives briefed the Harford County Board of Health in the Harford County Courthouse in Bel Air, Maryland on the status of the Peach Bottom plants, Mark I Containment issues and TMI health issues. The topics were requested by the Harford County Council, as a result of the Peach Bottom Shutdown Order. Representatives of U.S. Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski, U.S. Representative R. Dyson, State Senator Riley and delegates i f rom the Maryland General Assembly, the Maryland Governor's Office, the counties of Harford, Cecil, York, Lancaster and Baltimore and others were present. The meeting ran from 7:00 p.m. until after 11:00 p.m. Two representatives from NRR J. Kudrick and R. Martin also ettended the meeting. l Southwestern LLW Disposal Compact Governor Deukmejian of California signed the Southwestern Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact, AB 1000, into law on June 17, 1987. In this compact, California will serve as the host State with the other party States being Arizona, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Additional States may be made eligible as specified in the legislation. Arizona, the State generating the most amount of LLW after California, may vote on it in special session soon.


Office of Personnel l Items of Interest Week Ending June 26th A Job Fair for secretaries was conducted on Saturday June 27, 1987 at the Woodmont Building with four Office of Personnel representatives and one i representative from the Federal Womens Program Advisory Committee.  !

I Well-qualified applicants, who were interviewed and tested for typing responded to NRC advertisements in small local newspapers.

The Office of Personnel sponsored and completed 14 training sessions to explain benefits under the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). The training conducted by Governmental' Retirement Benefits, Inc. reached an estimated 1800 employees currently covered by the Civil Service Retirement System. This three-hour course was in preparation for _one-time retirement election period which will run from July 1, 1987 until December 31, 1987.


' JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE G-

. l

. Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Itens of Interest Week Ending June 26, 1987 Performance Indicators The Director, AE0D, participated in a panel presentation on June 22 for the Nuclear Legal and Licensing Symposium in Washington, D.C. sponsored by AIF.


NRR briefed the CRGR on 6/26 on Draft Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Review .

Guidelines, NUREG-1278. The CRGR concluded that the package, in its present form, would best be issued as a letter, NRR to GE. As an alternative, after considerably more work and a formal review by CRGR a NUREG could be issued.

Also, the Committee agreed that the proposed rule " Retention Periods for Records" should be reviewed by CRGR.

Incident Response Branch On June ~23-25, 1987, the Federal Field Exercise-2 (FFE-2) was held. The NRC Headquarters Operations Center end the Regional Operations Center were fully staffed and activated to support the. exercise. A Regional Site Team participated at the site. The NRC Chairman, General Julius Becton, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Sheldon Meyers, Director of the Office-of Radiation Protection, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toured the site to observe the licensee and the NRC site team in action, and visited the Control  !

Cell, the Federal Response Center, the Federal Radiological Monitoring Assessment Center, the County and State Emergency Operations Centers, and the Joint Public-Information Center. The exercise provided an opportunity for the NRC to demonstrate its ability to support a licensee and.two states and to interface with the relevant federal agencies.

On June 26, 1987, the Chief, Incident Response Branch and staff provided tours and briefings of the Operations Center to 26 international visitors who came to observe the FFE.

Technical Training Center .

The Westinghouse simulator project continues to be ahead of the original schedule. i All equipment is now inside the building and has been placed in its final location.

Support equipment such as electrical, air c.nditioning, and computer room flooring is available as needed. Westinghouse is completing the simulator wiring and the '

simulator is projected to be operable prior to the 4th of July holiday. Finish work on the simulator space is continuing in parallel and should be nearly i complete by the Chairman's visit on July 16, 1987.

Preliminary Notifications The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week.

a. PNO-I-87-85,-Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (Haddam Neck Nuclear Power Plant), Employee Found with Marijuana.


b. PN0-I-87-57, Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom Unit 2), Watchman Asleep.


c. PNO-I-87-58, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company (Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station), Unscheduled Plant Shutdown.
d. PNO-III-87-82, Northern States Power (Monticello), Loss of Electrical Power. 4
e. FN0-III-87-83, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry 1), Unplanned SCRAtt due to MSIV Closure,
f. PNO-III-87-83A, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry 1), Unplanned SCRAM Due to MSIV Closure (Correction).  ;
g. PNO-III-87-84, Wisconsin Electric Power Company (Point Beach Units 1 and 2), Release of Primary Cooling Water into Lake Michigan.
h. PNO-III-87-84A, Wisconsin Electric Power Company (Point Beach Units 1 and
2) Release of Primary Cooling Water into Lake Michigan (Update).
1. PNO-III-87-85, Consumers Power Company (Palisades Nuclear Power Plant), 1 Shut Down to Repair EHC Fluid Leak. l l
j. PNO-III-87-86, Consumers Power Company (Big Rock Point), Alert Caused by 1 Smoke in Cable Penetration Room.
k. PNO-III-87-87, Mead Corporation, Missing Static Eliminators.
1. PNO-III-87-88, Madison Osteoporosis Center, Missing Iodine 125 Seaied Source.


m. PN0-III-87-89, The University of Michigan, Radiation Control Service, Apparent loss of Nuclear Pacemaker.
n. PN0-IV-87-29, Gulf States Utilities (River Bend Station), Reactor SCRAM.
o. PN0-V-87-46, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco), Cable Routing Errors at Rancho Seco, PN0-V-87-11 Update.
p. PN0-V-87-47, Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre Unit 3), i Reactor Trip and Safety Injection.  !
q. PNO-V-87-47A, Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre Unit 3),

Reactor Trip and Safety Injection - Update.

r. PNO-V-87-04A, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant), Area Arrests for Sale of Drugs (Update). -
s. PNS-V-87-05, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2), Strike of Contract Security Force.


R 1 Office of Special Projects Items of Interest Week Ending June 26, 1987 In DD-87-10 dated June 25, 1987, J. G. Keppler denied a petition filed under 10 CFR 2.206 on behalf of the Brazos Electric Power Cooperative requesting the NRC to order TV Electric to assume Brazos' ownership interest in the Comanche Peak Project based on alleged false statements regarding TU Electric's representation of Brazos before the ASLB. The petition was denied because the requested relief is inappropriate and there are other existing forums available where the issues raised should be presented.

3 I


l.  !



The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken the week of June 22, 1987.

1. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil the amount of $750 was issued to Centro Oftalmologico Metropolitano, San Juan, Puerto Rico on June 24, 1987. The action was based on the use of licensed material by unauthorized users. Five unauthorized physicians have been using the Strontium-90 eye applicator without supervision and without applying for an amendment to the license. (EN87-47)
2. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $25,000 was issued to Arkansas Power and Light Company (Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1) on June 25, 1987. The action was based on a '

violation involving one pressurizer code safety valve which was found inoperable in that its lift setpoint was approximately 500 psi above that specified in the bases for the pertinent Technical Specifications.

(EN 87-44B)

3. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $100,000 was issued to Southern California Edison Company (San .

Onofre, Unit 3) on June 25, 1987. The action was based on (1) several l examples of the licensee's failure to control byproduct material, in that such material was released to unrestricted areas, (2) an overexposure, and (3) the failure to report an overexposure in a timely manner. (EN 87-49)

4. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the i amount of $2,500 was issued to Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, Connecticut on {

June 25, 1987. The action was based on failure to dispose of licensed  !

material properly, failure to properly post an area of the hospital with l the required radioactive caution sign, failure to wear protective clothing i and certain personnel monitoring devices when handling radioactive material, f storage of food in an area where radioactive material was used and stored. l and failure to meet several specific additional requirements of the license.  !

(EN87-48) {

i Civil Penalties Paid the week of June 22, 1987.

1. Nurrie Construction Co , Muskogee, Oklahoma paid the imposed civil penalty )

in the amount of $388. The action was based on failure to (1) leak test a  !

sealed source, (2) conduct inventories of licensed material, (3) maintain  !

shipping package performance test records, and (4) use an authorized Radiation Protection Officer. (EA 86-152)

2. HCA Riverton Hospital, Riverton, Wyoming paid the imposed civil penalty in I the amount of $2,500. The action was based on violations involving (1) the failure to list a physician on the license who was using 1;icensed material, (2) the use of physicians working under a broad license who were not specifically named on an NRC license, and (3) the failure to conduct molybdenum-99/ technetium-99m generator tests according to procedures. j (EA Bf-185) j j

4 JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE M i i


3. Mercy Hospital, Port Huron, Michigan paid the imposed civil penalty in the amount of $2,500. The action was based on health physics violations which included failure to (1) perform bioassays after administration of iodine-131 to patients, (2) perform constancy and linearity tests of instrumentation, (3) measure air flow rates in rooms used for storage of xenon-133, and (4) issue dosimetry to nurses involved with brachytherapy patients. (EA 87-21) l l

l I

i l

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I 1



L  !

ITEMS ADDRESSED BY THE COMt11SSION - WEEK ENDING 6/26/87 A. STAFF-REQUIREf1Ef1TS - AFFIRMATION / DISCUSSION AND V0TE, 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1987, C0tiMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - itemo S. giik, SECY to W. Parler, GC dated 6/22/87 I. SECY-87-7A - Commission Order Addressing Intervenor Motion to Reopen the Shoreham Emergency Plan The Commission (with Chairman Zech and Commissioners Roberts, Bernthal, and Carr agreeing)* approved an order which responds to an intervenor the Commission to reopen the emergency planning record on three issues. The order grants. l the request to' reopen on the withdrawal of the primary emergency )

broadcast system (EBS) radio station (WALK Radio) from the Shoreham plan, and denies reopening (1) on the lack of an agreement with the American Red Cross to participate in the plan, and (2).on the' availability of shelters for evacuees in a l potential Shoreham emergency. t Commissioner Asselstine approved in part and disapproved in part, he would have reopened the hearing on all three issues.

Commissioner Asselstine also provided additional views. 4 1

  • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

55841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. Accord-ingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 3 in favor of the decision, with Commissioner Asselstine approving in part'and Commissioner Bernthal, however, had j disapproving in part.

previously indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been present he would have affirmed his prior vote. l JUNE 26, 1987 El1 CLOSURE N

. 1 2-j t

l II. SECY-87-105A - Shoreham -- Evaluation of Replies to LILCO Recuest for Authorization to Increase Power to 25% j The Commission, by a 5-0* vote, approved an order denying LILCO's request for Commission authorization to operate {

Shoreham at 25% power. The Commission noted that "LILCO's j request introduces a series of new material factual issues into j this already complicated and prolonged proceeding, but neither  !

LILCO nor the NRC staff has offered any suggestion as to how  !

these factual issues can possibly be resolved before the end of this summer if we follow our normal adjudicatory hearing procedures in 10 CFR 550.57(c) and 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart G."

l l

,III. SECY-87-122A - NFS Ltd's Proposed Purchase of the Stock of NFS, Inc.--and OCAWIU's Recuest for Hearing The Commission, by a 5-0** vote, approved an order responding to requests from the oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers' Inter-national Union for a public hearing on the request by NFS l Services, Ltd. for NRC approval of its purchase of the stock of NFS, Inc.

The order denies the Union's request for a statutory hearing but initiates a meeting between the Union and a senior NRC staff official to hear and consider any information which the Union may have about the proposed purchase that is relevant to NRC's review.

  • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

S5841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. Accord-ingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 4-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Bernthal, however, had previously indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been ,

present he would have affirmed his prior vote.

    • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

55841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. ; Accord-ingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 4-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Bernthal, however, had previously indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been present he would have affirmed his prior vote.


. I IV. SECY-87-127 - PSNH's Emergency Plan Submittal and Request for Low Power License The Commission, by a 3-2* vote, approved an order responding to I' a motion by the Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) to vacate the Commission decision on CLI-87-2 as moot and to lift the stay on low power operation at Seabrook.

l The order denies the motion and notes that "there can be no low power operation at Seabrook beyond fuel loading and precriti-cality testing unless and until the applicants file a bona fide '

utility offsite emergency plan for Massachusetts that satisfies the Commission's threshold requirement." Commissioners Roberts and Carr disapproved the order. Commissioner Carr had dissenting (

views with which Commissioner Roberts concurred. Commissioner i Asselstine also had additional views.

V. SECY-87-128 - Request for Hearing on Applications to Import i Uranium of South African Origin The Commission, by a 5-0** vote, approved an order responding to a petition for leave to intervene and a request for hearing on applications to import South African uranium ore and uranium hexaflouride into the United States.


  • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

55841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. In order to allow the will of the majority to prevail, Commissioner Carr did not participate in the formal vote of the Commission.

Accordingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 2-1 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Bernthal, however, had previously indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been present he would have affirmed his prior vote. Commissioner Carr had indicated that he disapproved and would have affirmed his prior vote.

    • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

55841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. Accord-ingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 4-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Bernthal, however, had previously f indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been present he would have affirmed his prior vote.

JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE N L___________________________

F l l

l The order initiates a hearing which will consist of written comments. The Executive Branch, petitioners, applicants, and any other member of the public are invited to submit written comments on the issues raised by the license applications within 30 days with reply comments due within 15 days thereafter.

I VI. SECY-87-131 - METCOA, Inc., FDBA the Pesses Cc pany (Hearing with Respect to Immediately Effective Urder Modifying License No. STB-1254; EA-85-122) ,

1 The Commission, by a 5-0* vote, approved an order responding to I a request for a hearing by the trustee in bankruptcy for METCOA, Inc. (formerly the Pesses Company of Pulaski, j Pennsylvania). The hearing was requested in response to a  !

Commission order requiring the licensee and/or its legal l successor to submit a decontamination plan and complete decon- l tamination of the licensee's facility. l The order denies the trustee's request for a hearing, barring a renewed request which raises issues unresolved in the bankruptcy proceeding.

cc: Chairman Zech Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Asselstine Commissioner Bernthal Commissioner Carr Commission Staff Offices GPA EDO PDR - Advance DCS - 016 Phillips l


  • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C. l 55841, provides that action of the Commission shall beideter- j mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioner '

Bernthal was not present when this item was affirmed. Accord-ingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 4-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Bernthal, however, had previously l indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been j present he would have affirmed his prior vote. l l

i JUNE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE N i 4

~ .. - --


The Commission

  • met with the representatives of states and affected Indian tribes to discuss the status of the national high level radioactive waste program.

The following representatives for the affected Indian tribes met with the Commission:

- Russell Jim, representing the Yakima Indian Nation

- William Burke, representing the Umatilla Indians

- Ronald T. Halfmoon and Del T. White, representing the Nez Perce Tribe l l

The states affected by the national high level radioactive I waste program were represented by. ,


- Don Provost, State of Washington f

- Malachy Murphy, State of Nevada 1

- Steve Frishman, State of Texas  !

- Ruth Ann Storey, State of Utah l

- Ben Smith, State of Tennessee Chairman Zech expressed interest in receiving a copy of an l investigative report on the presence of commercial quantities i of oil and gas resources near the Hanford site. Mr. Burke l offered to provide a copy of the report when completed.


Chairman Zech also indicated his desire to periodically meet with the states and affected Tribes on the status of the l national high level radioactive waste program.

The Commission requested the staff to consider distributing its quarterly progress reports on the pre-licensing phase of DOE's civilian high level radioactive program to the states and affected Indian tribes.

The staff was also encouraged to continue its discussions with DOE on exploratory reviews of sites prior to shaft construction.

Commissioner Asselstine believes the staff should define

" Resolution" as recommended by Mr. Frishman of Texas. ,

  • Commissioner Bernthal was not present.

JUtlE 26, 1987 ENCLOSURE N


Memo S. Chilk, SECY to V. Stello, EDO dated 6/24/87 The Commission

  • met with the representatives of Public Service j of Colorado (PSC) and the staff to discuss the readiness of Fort St. Vrain to ascend from 35 to 82 percent of rated power.

The licensee (PSC) was represented by:

- R.O. Williams, Jr.

Vice President, Nuclear Operations

- D. Warembourg, Manager '

Nuclear Engineering ,

- H.L. Brey, Manager j Licensing and Fuels The Commission voted 4-0 to authorize the staff to permit i Public Service of Colorado to operate its Fort St. Vrain gas I cooled power reactor at powers greater than 35 percent, but not j to exceed 82 percent of rated power. 1


Chairman Zech and Commissioner Asselstine urged the licensee to upgrade its drug screening program to include random testing for drug use and to inform NRC of any concerns it has relating to personnel fitness for duty.

l i

  • Commissioner Bernthal was not present.




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