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Amend 11 to License R-115,approving Saftstor Decommissioning Plan for Univ of Illinois Advanced Triga Research Reactor & Authorizing That Plan Be Included as Supplement to Safety Analysis Report
Person / Time
Site: University of Illinois
Issue date: 09/20/1999
From: Marsh L
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20216F970 List:
R-115-A-011, NUDOCS 9909270167
Download: ML20216F980 (5)



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, g g WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666 0001


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commissio'n) has found that:

l A.

l The application for an amendment to Facility License No. R-115 filed by the Uni of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (the licensee) on November 13,1998, as supplemented on May 11 and August 3,1999, conforms to the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission as stated in Chapter I of Title 10 of the Code of FederalRegulations (10 CFR);

I i


The facility will be possessed in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.

There is reasonable assurance that (i) the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and (ii) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the l Commission; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense an security or to the health and safety of the public; E.

This amendment is issued in accordance with the regulations of the Commission as stated in 10 CFR Part 51,' and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and F.

Prior notice of this amendment was not required oy 10 CFR 2.105, and publication of notice for this amendment is not required by 10 CFR 2.106.

l 9909270167 990920 PDR ADOCK 05000151 P PDR L

I -


Accordingly, the license is amended to approve the decommission e licensee's application dated November 13,1998, as supplemented o August 3,1999, and authorizes inclusion of the decommissioning o p

the Safety Analysis Report pursuant to 10 CFR 50.82(b)(5). , Also th by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated ine the enclo amendment, as follows: and paragraph 3.B. of Facility License No. R-115 is hereb B.

Technical Soecifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised thr Amendment No.11, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee maintain the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications. .

L 3.

This license amendment is effective as of the date of issuance.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Ledyard B. Marsh, Chief Events Assessment, Generic Communications and Non-Power Reactors Branch Division of Regulatory improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Enclosurt Appendix A, Technical Specifications Changes Date of issuance: September 20, 1999 I



DOCKET NO 50-151 Replace the following pages of Appendix A " Technical Specifications," with the enclo pages. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain verticallines indicating the areas of change.

Remove Insert 36 36 41 41 k

r i l

. I 6.4 Procedures  !

in this section. The procedures shall be reviewe eactor I Administrator and such review and approval shall be documented in a ti shall be adequate to assure the safety of the reactor, but should not pref judgment and action should the situation require such.. {


j Startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor, b.

Installation or removal of fuel e!cments, control rods, experiments, and e ,


Actions to be taken to correct specific and foreseen potential malfunctions components, reactivity changes.including responses to alarms, suspected primary coolant leaks, d.

Emergency conditions involving potential or actual release of radioact for evacuation, reentry-entry, recovery, and medical support.


Maintenance procedures which could have an effect on reactor safety.


Periodic surveillance of reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area mon continuous air monitors.


Personnel radiation protection, consistent with applicable regulations or guide procedures shallinclude management commitment and programs to maintain releases As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).


Implementation ofphysical security plan, i.

Those procedures necessary to safely maintain the facility during the SAF decommissioning. This shall include a periodic physical check of the suppo!

equipment within the facility to be defined by the weekly and quarterly surveillance checklists.

Substantive changes to the above procedures shall be made only after docum Committee and approval by the Reactor Administrator. Minor modifications t which do not change their original intent may be made by the Reactor Adm deviations from the procedures may be made by the responsible Senior Rea individual present, in order to deal with special or unusual circumstances or c shall be documented and reported to the Reactor Administrator.

Amendment No.11 September 20, 1999

. -41 6.0 Reoortine Reouirements

.made In addition .

to the USNRC toasthe requirements of applicable regulations, and follows: ,

in no way s;!

or s shall be ac by facsimile or similar conveyance to the Proje l l

written report that describes the circumstances of the event within 14 days Desk. USNRC Headquarters of any of the following:

l 1.

Release ofradioactivity from the site above allowed limits.

2. sViolation of safety limits.


Any significant variation from measured values from a corresponding measured reactor. value of safety-connected operating characteristics occurring during 4.-

. Incidents or conditions relating to operation of the facility which prevented o prevented the performance ofengineered safety features as described in these 5.

Any abnormal occurrences as~dermed in Section 1.14 of these specifications.

i b.

A report within 30 days (in writing to the Document Control Desk, USNRC He 1.

Any substantial variance from performance specifications contained in these s 2.

Significant Report. changes in the transient or accident analysis as described in


Permanent changes in the facility organization involving the Reactor Health Administrator or Department Head, c.

o A repott within 60 days after criticality of the reactor (in writing to the Docume

- USNRC Headquarters) upon receipt of a new facility license or an am

an increase in reactor power level or the installation of a new core, describin operating conditions or characteristics of the reactor under the new conditions, i 1.

Total control rod reactivity worth.


Reactivity worth of the single control rod of highest reactivity worth.


Total and individual reactivity worths of any experiments inserted in the reactor.

4.' I Minimum shutdown margin both at room and operating temperatures.

I i

Amendment No.11 September 20, 1999
