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Final Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App H Document. Document Also Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/12/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Curran D
Shared Package
ML20211Q460 List:
FOIA-86-678 NUDOCS 8611170041
Download: ML20213F705 (29)




Vou-8.6- Wie aseONse tw E

,, # 5 RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF M *^' I l '^"^'


  • INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST "' g ig g (esse / e DOcnET NUMBERist ur appesaws 7,50 Vest ER Diane Cor ra n . Escurre, PART 14 RECORDS MLEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked bones)

No agency records subact to the request have been located.

No addatonal agency records subsect to the request have been located.

Agency records subpct to the request that are identdied in Appendix are already available for public inspecten and copying in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subsect to the request that are identdied in Appendix H a,e be,ng made avaiiase fo, puuic ;nspection and copying in tne NRC Pubiic Document Foom,171711 Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

The nonpropnetary verson of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversaton with a member of my staff is now being made avalable for public inspection and coying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W., Washington, DC, in a folder under the FOIA number and requester name.

Enclosed is informaton on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subsect to the request are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copies of the records provided and payment procedures are noted in the comments section.

Records subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agencyties) for review and direct response to you.

In view of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain informaton in the requested records is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptons described in and for the reasons stated in Part II, sec-tions B, C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available for public inspecten and copying in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

Comments 8611170041 861112 PDR FOIA CURRANBb-678 PDR


A_ M

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l I

l l NRC FORM 464 (Part it i

t9 861 i

l --


1. 07/16/86 Memorandum from K. Kniel to T. Speis regarding the Review of the Alpha-Mode Failure Study (3 pages) l l

l l

. _ , . , _ , , , , _ ~ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . - _ , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - ' - - ~ - - ~ - ' - - ' - - - - - ' ' ~ ~ - ' " - " " ~ - ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' " "

1 l .


1. 12/85 Report PLG-0432--Seabrook Station Risk Management and Emergency Planning Study -- AN0 8607240186
2. 2/86 NUREG/CR-4540-BNL/NUREG-51961, "A Review of the Seabrook Station Probabilistic Safety Assessment: Containment Failure Modes and Radiological Source Terms" - ANO 8603270151
3. .4/86 Report PLG-0465--Seabrook Station Emergency Planning Sensitivity Study -- ANO 8607240188


n! ,'

'[ r. B2cn J. Davincsnti.


  • with enclosuresW E. Brown T. Feigenbaum I '

A. Cerne G. Gram l* R. DeLoach W. Hall W. Derrickson R. Harrison D. Hunter W. Johnson

. ngston i

/uly 21, 1986 G.Mcponald Mic SoMce d New Hompehtte M. McKenna D. Moody l,7[ NRC Subject File .,.

NEW HAMPSHIRE YANKEE DIVISION ,99 Projects-WJD Proj ec ts-Chrono Ropes & Gray (3)

A. Shepard R. Sweeney

  • T.F. B7.1.99 as United States Nuclear Regulatory .ission g Washington, DC 20555 UE&C W (SB-?l261)

P. Stroup Mr. Vincent S. Noc. Project Director Attention: a m ek PWR Project Direct :s No. 5 I Construction 'ita CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket l



Nos. 50-44 3 a- 0-444 (b) PSNM Let ter (. 1053), dated May 17, 1986, " Response t o NRC/LLNL D- Review of SSPSA", J. DeVincentis to V. S. Naonen (c) USNRC Letter s ad April 4, 1985, "Seabrook PSA Review",

C. W. x.,ight t 1. J. Harrison (d) NURf.C / C A-4 540, ated February 1986, "A. Review of the i

Seabrocs Stati Probabilistic Safety Assessment:

Contai . ment Pe are Modes and Radiological Source Terms', Brookh en National 14boratory


Seabrook Station Pr abilistic Safety Assessment Update

Dear Sir:

Ref erence (b) provided our rer noe to the NRC/LLNL review of the SSPSA, and advised the NRC of our atinuing of forts to enhance under-standing of risk levela and the f a ors that contribute to these levels.

As a result of these ongoing offo: v, ofnew our information is available for continuing use of the SSPSA to use in updating the SSPSA. In 1tr improve Seabrook Station's Technit d Specifications as well as other potential uses (e.g., design chan reviews, backfit analysis) we believe it is taportant f or the NRC to co.-< !nue its review of our analyses. In this regard, we also restfirm that we are available to support further

l. review of the SSPSA and the enclosed additional information.

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  • United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission SSN- 1167 Attention: Mr. Vincent 5. Moonan Page 2 1

i in you. .tiew, Reference (c). you indicated that the SSPSA sekemic f ragility analysis may be overly conservative. The attached reassessment of seismic f ragt11 ties and revised report (Attachment 1) updates our --

response to this comment. It should be noted that the increases in seismic' capacity shown in the revised report result primarily from conducting a detailed review of the most recent Seabrook Station component seismie qualification reports as well as uncovering multiple conservatisms in the qualifications that were not apparent from review of the summaries used for the initial fragility analysis. We plan to use these revised f rag 111 ties in future updates of the SSPSA.

Attachments 2 and 3 evaluate the sensitivity of early health risk to a spectrum of assumptions including a very conservative source term that envelops those ovaluated in the Brookhaven National Laboratory review, Reference (d). The results of the conservative source terms, Attachment 3, illustrates the value of the Seabrook Station containment with its high pressure capacity. The source terms in Attachment 2, which express '

our present state of knowledge, including uncertainties, will be used in f uture updates of the SSPSA.

Attachment 2 also provides a sore realistic model of the V-sequence, which dominated the early containment bypass f requency in the SSPSA. We updated this model to account for new insights and more realistic treat-ment of the initiation, progression, and mitigation of this class of accident sequences. As a result of the updated analysis the risk contri-l bution of these events has been reduced because of the reduction in the likelihood of early containment bypass.

Since ef forts to use this new information and to update the SSPSA are in progress your prompt review of the attached information is requested.

in this regard we would suggest a meeting, at your earliest convenience, to discuss the attached information and develop a mutus11y acceptable schedule for conducting the review.


' V ry truly yours, l

John DeVincentis Director of Engineering At tachments cct Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List 5'

. l s .' .

., $1cn2 Currsn, Enquiro Pat:r J. Math 2 c, May:r Harmon & Weiss City Hall 2001 S. Street, N.W. Newburyport, MA 01950 f Suite 430 l I

Washington, D.C. 20009 Judith H. Mizner Silvergate, Gertner, Baker, ,

Sherwin E. Turk , Esq. Fine, Good & Mizner l Of fice of the Executive Legal Director 88 Broad Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Boston, MA 02110 l Tenth Floor l Washington, DC 20555 Calvin A. Canney .

City Manager Robert A. Backus, Esquire City Hall ~~

116 Lowell Street 126 Daniel Street P.O. Box 516 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Manchester, NH 03105 Stephen E. Herrill, Esquire Philip Ahrens, Esquire Attorney General Assistant Attorney General George Dana Bisbee, Esquire Department of The Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Statehouse Station #6 Office of the Attorney General Augusta, ME 04333 25 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301-6397 Mrs. Sandra Gavutis Chairman, Board of Selectmen Mr. J. P. Nadeau RFD 1 - Box 1154 Selectmen's Office Kennsington , NH 03827 10 Central Road Rye, NH 03870 Carol S. Sneider, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Mr. Angie Machiros Department of the Attorney General Chairman of the Board of Selectmen l One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Town of Newbury Boston, MA 02108 Newbury, MA 01950 Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Mr. William S. Lord i U.S. Senate Board of Selectmen Washington, DC 20510 Town Hall - Friend Street (ATTN: Tom Burack) Asesbury, MA 01913 Richard A. Hampe, Esq. Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Hampe and McNicholas 1 Pillsbury Street 35 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 Concord, NH 03301 (ATTN: Herb Boynton)

Thomas F. Powers, Ill H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire Town Manager Office of General Counsel Town of Exeter Federal Emergency Management Agency 10 Front Street 500 C Street, SW l Exeter, NH 03833 Washington, DC 20472 Brentwood Board of Selectmen Paul McEachern, Esquire l RFD Dalton Road Matthew T. Brock , Esquire Brentwood, NH 03833 Shaines & McEachern j 25 Haplewood Avenue Gary W. Holmes, Esq. P.O. Box 360

, , Holmes & Ells

  • Portsmouth, NH 03801 l 47 Winnacunnet Road I

Hampton, NH 03842 Robert Carrigg Town Office Mr. Ed Thomas Atlantic Avenue FEMA Region I North Hampton, NH 03862 442 John W. McCormack PO & Courthouse l

Boston, MA 02109 l

c: -

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' Q C', N. :,3*-en .w3n

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- George S. Thomas Y.. . .e v. ?EisOj D' Il [y ily 29, 1986 Vice President-Nuclear Producnon

-1173 M Me d h We -

. B7.1.99, B7.1.8 N;w Hampshire Yankee Division .


United States Nuclear Regulatory Com- tion Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr. Vincent S. Noonan, iject Director PWR Project Di re ct orat >. 5


(a) Construction Perm. CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket Nos. 50-44 3 a'nd 5 4 (b) PSNH Letter (SBN- ), dated July 21, 1986, "Seabrook Station Probabili- Safety Assessment Update",

J. DeVincentis to 3. Noonan (c) PSNH Letter (SBN- ), dated July 3,1986, "Reques t for Issuance of a: 3 rating License; Seabrook Station Unit 1", W. B. De: xson to H. R. Denton Subj e ct : Seabrook Station Probal stic Safety Assessment Update

Dear Sir:

Reference (b) submitted, for you: eview, new information we intend to include in a future update of the ? arook Station Probabilistic Safety Assessment (SSPSA). The impor' :ce of the Staff's technical review of these documents has 5een he! -tened by articles appearing recently in local newspapers ( Attachmt 1). These articles discuss the apparent strategy of the Commonwealth Massachusetts to intentionally delay the Seabrook licensing process.


! Based on these developments, it :  : lear we must request the NRC to expedite the technical review of the F 'arence (b) attachments so that we can determine whether there is an , quate basis for future submittals/

requests. A future submittal, dependi a on the results of the technical review, may request a change to the er egency response plan process for Seabrook Station. We cannot, at this ;me, specify what action such a future request may seek, but it is i portant that we address as soon as possible what options are available tc as relative to full power licensing.

l This is important in light of the appa ent strategy of the State of j Massachusetts to delay the process.

o I

1 u 1

. P.O. Box 300 . Seabrook. NH 03874 . Tele 3 hone (603) 474-9574 __

o: * * .

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ' SBN- 117 3 Attention: Mr. Vincent S. Noonan -

Page 2 As noted in Reference (c), we have been ready to receive an operating license since July 20, 1986. We have already bien fo,rced to announce a delay in Commercial Operations until the spring of 1987. From this point forward any further delay is a day-to-day delay in . Commercial Operations. Given the urgency of this situation, .


we sugge'st'a meeting at your earliest convenience.

Very truly yours, .

& =

eorge S. Thomas w =

Attachment cc: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List 9


Pater J. Mathewo, Maycr Diane Curt'cn, Esquiro City. Hall Harmon & Weiss ,

, '2001 S. Street, N.W. , ,

Ne.wburyport, MA 01950 .

Suite 430 .

Wschington, D.C. 20009 Judith H. Mirner Silvergate, Certner, Baker, Sharvin E. Turk, Esqe Fine, Good & Mizner Office of the Executive Legal Director 88 Broad Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Boston, MA 02110 .


Tcnth Floor Calvin A. Canney .

Wschington, DC 20555 -

City Manager Robert A. Backus, Esquire City Hall 116 Lowell Street 126 Daniel Street P.O. Box 516 s Portsmouth, NH 03801 M:nchester, NH 03105 ,

Stephen E. Herrill, Esquire Philip Ahrens, Esquire Attorney General Assistant Attorney General George Dana Bisbee, Esquire D2partment of The Attorney General . Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Statehouse Station #6 Augusta, ME 04333 25 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301-6397 Mrs. Sandra Gavutis Chairman, Board of Selectmen Mr. J. P. Nadeau RFD 1 - Box 1154 Selectmen's Office Kenosington, NH 03827 10 Central Road Rye, NH 03870 l Carol S. Sneider, Esquire Ancistant Attorney General Mr. Angie Machiros l Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Dapartment of the Attorney General One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Tovu of Newbury Bacton, MA 02108 Newbury, MA 01950 Sanator Gordon J. Humphrey Mr. William S. Lord U.S. Senate loard of Selectmen Wschington, DC 20510 Town Hall - Friend Street Amesbury, MA 01913 (ATTN: Tom Burack)

Richard A. Hampe, Eng. Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Hempe and McNicholas 1 Pillsbury Street 35 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 Concord, NH 03301 (ATTN: Herb Boynton)

Thomas F. Powers, III H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire Town Manager Office of General Counsel Tcwn of Ezeter Federal Emergency Management Agency 10 Front Street 500 C Street, SW Exeter, NH 03833 Washington, DC 20472 Paul McEachern, Esquire Brentwood Board of Selectmen Matthew T. Brock , Esquire RfD Dalton Road Brentwood, NH 03833 Shaines & McEachern 25 Maplewood Avenue Gary W. Holmes, Esq. P.O. Box 360 Holmes & Ells Portsmouth, NH 03801

. 47 Winnacunnet Road Htmpton, NH 03842 Robert Carrigg Town Office Mr. Ed Thomas Atlantic Avenue FEMA Region I North Hampton, NH 03862 l 442 John W. McCormack PO & Courthouse L Bostonn MA 02109

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. - - Newburyport Ocily News. Wednesday. July 23 1986 l . .

l .

Dukakis reportedly approved .

delay strategy for Seabrook brook and the effect any potential

> BOSTON ( AP) - Massachu. said. "It was not an official report accident at Seabrook would have

! setts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis re.

partedly approved a study on how done for state government," on the public health and safety of to delay approval of evacuation James Dorsey, press secretary to the peopleof Massachusetts," Dor-plans for the Seabrook, N.H.. nu. Dukakis, told The Associated sey said.

clear power plant, but an aide said Press early today. "It was an aca- The report advises Dukakis to it was not an official report done demic requirement which was delayindefinitely submissionof an for state government. done as part of the requirements emergency evacuation plan for fe-The Boston Herald today said which he (Fitzsimmons) needed to detal review and outilnes how that the 92-page study was written in complete his term at Harvard. can be done without raising accu-April by Robert Fitzsimmons, a "And it is ludicrous to say that sations of being opportunistic, the student at Harvard University's officers of state government, in- Herald said.

Kennedy School of Government,in ciuding the governc are being " Failure to submit a plan would conjunction with the governor's guided in their dects. *1 by the rec-office, ommendations made y a student readtly be perceived as an illegit-The report recommends that in what essentially i; i homework imate use of the flaw in the federal Dukakis dejay submitting evacua. assignment." process which puts the otherwise Llon plans for six Massachusetts Dorsey said F :zsimmons well intentioned utility at the mer-communftles that are within 10 " shared" the study ith Romas cy of opportunistic state and local miles of the plant and that such a Hubbard, Dukakis's nief adviser governments," the Herald quotes '

move could force the federal go. on Seabrook. the report as saying.

vernment to take over the process. Hubbard told the Herald the "The key to avoiding this char-j r the Herald said. study was not an offi. al state re- acterization lies in focusing on The federal government re- Port but was given to , ukakis and safety concerns . . De ambiguity l quires acceptable evacuation state Public Safety Secretary of safety issues provides a broad plans from all communities within Charles Barry and st2te Energy shield from accusations of oppor-l 10 trules of a nuclear power plang Secretary Sharon Poll:.-d. tunism," the report is further before issuing a full operating 11 Hubbard also deniec the gover- quoted as saying.

cense to the plant. nor was relying on it for strategy. Dukakis has pointed to safety I

De Herald said utility officials "De governor is acting on his own considerations in delaymg submis-c! alm the repart is a guide for instincts and on advice I'm giving ston of evacuation plans, the Her-Dukakis to avoid making a politt. him and others," Hubbard told the ald said.

newspaper. The report concludes that Duka-cally tough decision.

"If he's following a strategy like But, the Herald said the report kis could hold up the opening of the that for political gain, that's the states it was a project " performed plant and said "the governor has height of irresportstbilliy. I would in conjunction with . . (Dukakis's) an incentive to delay submission"

(. bope he'd turn his back on that sort Economic Development Office" and that such a stall could put

!: of advice," George Edwards, and written with Hubbard's pressure on the federal govern-president of United Illuminatmg assistance. ment to step in and take over the Co., a Connecticut utility with a "We're.  ;. ware of what Mr. Fitz- process, the Herald said.

John Kyte, spokesman for New 17.5 share of Seabrook. told the simmons concluded. but I would note that whatever those recom- Hampshire Yankee. which ts build-Herald.

l5 "Dukakts's strategy to date has mendations were, they came to the lng Seabrook, told the Herald the almost paralleled the advice con. governor some time af ter he stated report's conclusions were taitned in the study," the Herald publicly his concerns about Sea- shocking.

i1 ,

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. THE UNION LEADER,' MANCHESTER, N.H. ~ Friday, July 25,1986 v- A M L M *. . .

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R O311tT HAARI5ON MICH AEL DUKAKl5 unhrppy with Dukakis ... unhappy with Seabrook PSNH President I is Disappointed i

In Gov. Dukakis Backus said he does not be. news dat me company recog-lieve disclosure of the report l Cy JOHN HART will harm the credibility of l L*nion Letder Correspondent' anti nuc!est activists in New n st the la t. T at s t And JOllN DiSTA50 g,vc been saying all along.o L'nien Leader Staff Hampshire. "Obviously." said Regardin the re rt, c Public Service Co. of New Backus we think the way to g, Itmpshtra President Robert J. cnsure safety is to not operate cians hke to keep their options rnson yesterday said he is the plant at all, not just delay o h*intredu!ous" r and "very dis. 11. now that we know it is unnec.n'v. g Sununu. said McEach-I i .!sssachusetts esssry and grotesquely expen. ern. "does the same thing. You E('"g,ed 3g ,,

CI 0 8* ' 8 Harnssn reacted to' the dis. us..he T d en scco report "doesn't trouble ',* Ejc

. he said, asking. What Ingly. How Gov. Dukakis han.

gu:sure kakis of an April areport outlirung to possible motive could Dukakis dies that is up to him*"

strategy Deying on safety concerns e have? What are they suggest.

Gelty heensmg of the Seabrcok ing - that it's p.'rt of a Com-munist conspiracy ?

pelsar power plant. " People have concerns about*

l Duksk:s admitted he read the budy but denied he used it as a safety and he has concern 3trategy guide. about people's concerned."

i In Portsmouth. Harrison Backus said.

Mid: Two Democratic candidate for governor differed in their


) Based en reports I've very discoursged read.

that the reaction.

Jovernor cf Massachusetts, if Paul Gagnon of Manchester is alleged in the articles, will called the report " bad because 52 'h2 political maneuvenng it at least gives the appearance o try to avoid the responsibili, of ptsymg games with the evac.

s that he has. uation plans.

"And this is a matter of very (i' hon"When ts 35ht's looking bilhon at a S1.5 invest. senous and genume concern to h' ent." Harrison said. "it the people of New Hampshire and Massachusetts." Gagnon pssts rue incredulous and ver.. '


sappcmted in the governor."

But a leading anti Seabrook "But regardless of that,these wyer aod at least one Demo. revelations do not negste the ratte candidates for governor very genuine fear that many of ef S . ew Hampshire viewed the us have that the Scacoast ares feport d:f ferently, may not be able to be safely L Robert Backus, lawyer for evacuated in the event of a nu.

'h e Sescoast Anti Pollution clea r emergency."

ague. wondered if there isn g Paul McEachern of Ports.

Fa conspiracy somewhere" mouth reseted more to Public

  • -'a,.. e.. Ce ia '. ma' ion to Ihe traert

)snecr .{ne e a

Foster Da:!, Ocmocrat. Cover. N H 8OabrOOk

- ra =>< s n ni. 26 :a.1 4 slams


I -

Dukakis .


  • ~



Eseter Cureau Lhlef SEAD't00K - A Seabrook Statien spokes- an has accused Massachu- work as Jith him il good f aith. Sut "If ainone says he didn't refuse w 3 mset ,

.ce is a f r arc g' rad a e sta. each time we nest an agreement. he truth.yith K)teus. they re not tenng ne said.

changes his tune fint.s ed.dec.:al report to de! ster- He said that prior to the nue: ear Ms. Schwartamann said Dukakis stely Ce.ay the start up of the nucle- accident ; Chernobyl. P5NH ar.d decided to send Hubbard anJ Aiuert Dukakis neu vny dou to an aarn- Carcuak wh hu tun auigned M Jahs K te sa:d Dukak definite. ment to shut the ! ant down an the determine the affects af the Sonet

,y fo tsteg the s advice is for summer, provide submit accident, to meet with New Hamp-the plans. bat then Dukakis changed share Yackee July 15 to broadly dis-h51 'o .h a s d r'ec cr to fe his tu:e and announced a dt!!ercnt cussDukalushis concerns.

Hamps'ure Yar.kee. the construcuen spokesman James Dorsey

.svisies of Pub'ac fervice Compacy listSoca of concerns' after tha t. according to Kyte. Wednesday said it was " ludicrous"

>f Ne3 Hampshire. w hich is the prin- Dukat;s and PSNH were about to to believe that officers of the Massa-npalo'::er of Seatrook Stauen. reach an agreement en the cew cen- chusettJ state govercment, including The rescrt, rnarmed confidecual* cerns and agata the Massachusetts the gaverncr. would make a decis.on was cace pubtse Wednesday and govertor backed away and "chacged based on a report that is "essectially leggests that Dukakis can take ad- ** a homewcrk assignment."

antaIe af a " flaw" to a federallaw his..tu:e't Rigt about then ! started to "couegeStau:g that he has cever seen a won-tat a.;aws a state to tedefinitely ce- du eat was go'.ng on." Kyte said. term paper" termed confi.

sy the grant:g of a license to a nu* decual. Kyte said this morning that

ear pc7er plant. The report bF Ris said his concerns intensifiel an exarntsataca cf the events shows thert Fitastmme:s also cathces a when Dukakis sent a letter asbog for that Dukakis has been following the ray 13 Co t?.as without being labeled the delay of the low power tes.1:3 recomrnendatlocs of the report since La spx-t=2st. and fuelloades at the nuclear fact!.1- April.

Kares Schwartaman, a spokesman ty. and then refused to meet with "I fi:d it interesting that the gov-

,-r Du.kaus. th:.s morc:sg said al* New Hampshire Yattee to er12cr can find time to read ccuege 3233 the Bay State Joser:cr read his concercs. which Edward Bro n. term papers but be can't find ume

.te rescrt a:d fcund Le Laformauco president of New Rac2pst. ire YanA ce to meet with us and address ser:cus fe wm u u mis ma cosen and usuu." Kyu satt

.* 3e dem at e ts tn es n-Illy try Sg to delay the start up cf bestrcck Staucs.

"As far as developing strategy goes. It's s:mettta he does on tus own. efte3 with the help of tus adyts-ers." s?.e said. .

The report reached the hands of .

Dukahs :s April through Tom Hub-bard.hs chief Seatrocit adviser.

Gov. John Su:asu this mermag laid Dukak:s's accons concer . acg Eeabru s fcl!ow with the grdduate stude:t's report to c!osely to have been a =ete cou:ctdence.

Secuu said te was "very dLsap-pointed" cith abat has happened rosterneg the report and Dukaus.

"!L's very clear that Tom Hubbard was very much a part of the genera-uco Cf that repcrt."

bts. Seb2artmann asid Dukskis "has es intenues to delay the opera.

Uc3 (! $1abrook. escept tf the delay is the c:!y cay to get enough infor-claues to make a decision on the reb *ctss'en Es the ev acuatloo plans."

D.tkahs plans to decide whether to pubreit evacuaue: plans for the six hf assactusetts communites within Lte 5estrock Statos 14 mile evacu-st:oS s::e by the end cf the suminer.

c the past be has cited safety issues as t?.e reasos fer delaying submis-sies of the p!ans to t?.e Federal Eterget
y Stanagement Agesey K,te said. "We se been tryiss for severai ?.teths to work with the gov.

ernir a:d meet atth him cver his areas ;f concerti and we'se been

l .

- = . . -

THE UNION t.EADER, MANCHESTER, N.H. - Friday, July 25,1986 O e Either Way You Pay



l The fact that Massachusetts m, and Ilarvard Law School, are -

Governor Michael Dukakis has been co :g them Big Bucks - I caught in flagrante delicto usmg $5 1.000 added to the cost of Sea-strategy set forth in a Boston law br Station for each month of de-student's 95-page study to delay ecn ' la 1~,0,000,000 for the six month, struction of the Seabrook Nuclear pt hernobyl delay alone.

Power Plant (but avoiding, in the study's words. "the appearance" of to Dukakis' reaction to news toadying to the anti. nukes) comes as m- revelations concerning the small comfort to ratepayers. A: 1 port -i.e., that although he l

re ae study, marked "confiden-l' Whether Dukakis followed the tis ad "not intended for circula-report's recommendations on how to tic and although his tactics mir-take advantage of a " flaw"in feder- ro: e report's recommendations, allaw that allows a state to postpone he not base his decisions on it -

Indefinitely the licensing of a nu- his ince would be more credible

! clear reactor via the strategem of we.  : not for the report's explana-delaying submission of an emer::en- tior ist the project "tras per- '

cy evacuation plan is largely a ques fort d in conjunction teith the Mas-tion of interest to students of petitl* sac- setts Gocernor's Economte cal intrigue. For ratepayers, the Der .pment Office and teritten principal concern is that Dukakis' tcitt he assistance of Tom Hub. '

harmfully mischievous tactics, bar ' the latter being Dukakis' schich are detailed in the report by chii .dviser on Seabrook, the joint degree candidate at the John F. Kennedy School of Govern- Jim Finnegan l


i l

1 ,

n ,% . : .. a r ,e . w . -

- CONCON D MON B 102. WednesdIy. July 21 l'i4 -

s .

_ ukakis Got Report On Politics Of Seabrook .

RIARK17tAYIS to start cpe-sting in the hTe that the fchral wou!d play political ruualette with the regloc's sal't. Fttzstmmons has graduated from the Kere .

vernment et'l evectually step in end. per- energy future " nedy Sdiant *llei roisc honie or moved or daine tor 2aff Wrtter ,

.take the hrat fylia dxiston. Kyte at:o ca'd Fitzsimmons is r.. ore than a nomething.'* he selJ a At abaut the time he began fretting pi&licly report was prep _ red by Robert ntzaine stud nt of governrr.ent. " lie is an aide la Tom The Iferard said the jtovernor and others in I shout anfety and the Seabrtet riuclear power mene. a crist-ni atllarvard (Jntwersity'a Nerre- Ilattard." Myte aato llutih:rd is imtakts a top his office were given the report Dorsey said pi:r.t. ne seasitunetta Gov Michart Dukakts r* dy School of G'rvernment. Ttw repc.rt says it wes aideenSeatemci "Arwilluteirdhimieff super- that's tiecauf.c at centstr.ed ortgtnal research

  • ceived a retart that apparently cortains brJd -

in ac].mettan 'stth the guvernor's t f- vised the givvit:ction of that docurners t." inta the emen gency plannirg process for nucio advkeo: l.lsytagthepdttlesof thetune. .

James Dorwy, Dukakla's press accretary. ar pumcr pts-ts. It was not used as a pollucal

%ord of the report surfaced today, and the "I am shocked and surprised by R." said John aald !(yte didn't have his facts straight. He said strategy tod.he:cht questins.1 runedtately tecame whet.\-r the rd Myte, a spokesman far N ew Iles:pshire Yeokre. Fitnimmons is not and has never tic *n an alde **ltat*a silly, and it didn't happes:." Dorsey scrt is a sinister sustine caIlhg 1:ta gsemiso all the camps:ty trdkling the plant Kyte had not to Huteerd or anyone esse on the governor's said lautakis has dane or es innocemt tr. m paper read th report pi's morning.but be dad ant best- stert. Dtuimmons latervteved itJlharrt. Ibr- ConstrUctlan at the $eabrtok plant is nearly t:::.t has had soimpact on his manana. gata todLecussit. sey said, but llubbard wa'El Revolved la Pr* completed But its expeded operating date has

  • I think N calla late on eurything that paringthe repert. already been delayens bccause of Ikk akte and a 4 curding to the Snston Herald wtsch broke have aslo Nut t! c :4ary, t.2 report a3vtses Dukahta la delaf the CDwernnr sad his Dorwy salJ Fitzsimmons prepared the report . .

s:*.,raission of emergency plans Seabreak needs Seat.:mk." Kyte cald 'Tm erna:ed that thc7 for a class at liarvard Since sitting it. Dorsey (See DUKAKIS- Page12) i


DUKAKIS "" NDU 1he report is 92 pages long, and Dor- .

the emergency aey said it tac!udes legal research and ,

planning process. ca:e studles as wet! as some potetical .

Nuclear Regulatory Commt:.ston discussion But the flerald story and ru!cs require L:anachusetts to submit Kyle's comments focused on passages an emergency plan far approval tu fore deaftng with pollt!cs i

i the commts'.lon will a!!ow :cabrook to According to the flerald the report gerste Dukakts, scytng he has cord says Dukakts could avoid the fallout of j

cerns about the safety of people near mattr:g a firm dectsson by hnidmg up

. the plant, has refuW to tuhmit a plan the emerg:ncy pl.ans. and ultimately lie has said he nmis more information foretng the hwieral government to settle befasedreidingInw to proceed the issue lhe danger, it sa)s. is that he Sentrook eppor.ents, still eager to ut!!be vleacd as a3 opportunist .

stop the plant stic* ether, have tiren "The key to svoksles Itas characters.

pressisting fmkakts To reDise to submit ention lies in focudng on safety con acy plans That might thrwr the plar t's cerns." the regert says. " . 1heam-futtare into pepardy. t>tgutry of safety issu-s provides a i rnad ,

Sc attor.k's builders. meanwt.ite. have sideld finm acimsations of cpporta-trieel publ;cly and privstely to press Ihr nism "

takts to subm!t plans Word cf the Htz- 1he stakes in the fight over Seabriwsk .

simmorts report s' ave them an uppurtu- are high, and the Iferalds story imme-nity to qmtion the governor's motiva- diately caimt a stir Dorsey sahl he ston. and they pounmj nn it was woken at I this mos ning t,y .in Asss>

"This arport rr.slics it apparent that clat:11 Press reporter who lead wn the .

he has just tiren playing games with iteral.f story and a.ininlavmment us." h yte said "I avas da p asirrp "liurvy sal.1 .


1 .

l . . .

l .. .

, ne Ecsten iera'.l '4e dr.e s :isy , .'Q 2 3 . . .M

(.Dk, Dukege' tsSeabrookevacrepor From Page 1 ,

J .


created a stir among the utility's officials. Public Safety Secretary cuccutives. who claim the report Charles Barry and Energy Secre-a a guide for Dukakis - caught tary Sharon Pollard.

n e etween an anxious business community and a strong anti nu.

clear movement - to avoid mak.

ing a politically tough decision, What'a more.the report states it was a project " performed in con.

juction with. .s Dukakis') Econo-mic Development Office

  • and a The federal government re- written with Hubbard's assis-quires evacuation plans for all- tance.

{ communalles within a 10.m!!e ra. The report advtses Dukakis to dius of the plant. Approval of eva- take advantage of a" flaw"In the cuation plans for the Seabrook nu. licensing process that gtves ham CIcar power plant is a major power to indefinitely delay sub-tc.)Od tO hurdle for opening of Seabrook.

If he s following a stra'ery like misalon of an emergency evacua-tion plan for federal review.

that fcr political gain, that's the It also outlines how the admin.

re g(

height of irresponsibl!!!y." said Ccorte Edwards, pres: dent of United Illummating Co.. a Con.

Istration can follcw that strategy and not be accused of being "op .


"Fallure to submit a plan would necticut utallty with

  • 17 3 percent readily be perceived as an illegitt-MR<g.e y gg stake in the Seabrnou plant. mate use of the flaw in the federal, St FRAMK PHILLIPS . "I would hope he'd turn his back process which puts the otherwtae i on that sort of advtee." well. intentioned utility at the+

Dukakis aide %rn Hubbard nieny of oppoqsm staa ad GOV. Michael Dukakis- said the study - written by Ken. local government. It states. .

just, days tefore the nedy School student Robert rita. "The key to avoiding this char .

Chernthyl disa. ster, ape elmmons - was not an official aeterisation." according to the j Proved Q sectet study on etste report and dented the gover- report. "lles in focusing en safeQ l how to delay approval of nor was relying onit for strategy. concerns.... The ambiguity of "The goeernor is acting on als safety issues provides a broad j cvacuat !!.n plans for the shleid from secusations of oppor-j SC2hrook nuclear power own instincts and on advice l'rn giving him and others." he said. tunis m." .

, ol:nt. The Herald has However. Hubbard - who is In delaying submlaston to the, l [c, rned. federalgovernment of evacuaticzi Th

  • Dukakis' chief adviser on Sea-
  • '" In brook - acknowledged the report, plans for the sia Bay State cotat April b a Kennedy School completed in early Aprit.was giv. munities within lo miles of the

. student 13 confunction with en to Dukails and two cablast Scabrook plant. Dukakis had e tovirnor's office, ad* pointed to safety considerationsa lvlace a hr,nds-off strategy For example.Dukakis has putM licly ca!!ed on New Hampshire lthat would force the federal

  • g3virnrnett to step in. Yankee - the plant's builder - kg DukGkle's strategy to shore up safety issues, such as lOcts has clrnost paralleled guarantees of beach shelters aM vice contained in the summer shutdowns (cr beacrt crowds.

The 4page study has The reports concludes that Du-kakte has enough leverage within Turri to Page 12 the emergency planning procee-durcs estabitshed by Congress to :

hold up the Seabrook opening.

" . . .the Governor has an fnces, tive to delay submission." the re. e port states, claiming such a stall I could bring pressure on the fed. e cral government to step in and .

take over the process, g New H a mpshire Yankee spokesman Ichn Kyte said the '

report's conclusions were " shock.

' l a g." . ..


N, hs:e Now, SeabraoM ,


playees, to replace local offi-cists at emergency posts.

Fr:m o construction stand- Three years later, although .

point. twa years ago Shorcham LILCO scored a msjor. victory ocs wh:;ra Seat;roo!c is now - last week, the process is still -

99 . pirc nt completed and months from a resoluuon.

awatung a fuet load and low. The LILCO case is precedent-power testing permst. Accord- setting. As a result Seabrook -

ing to LILCO spokesma W ti-wtB probably not take as long af lem Sh2rrard, it became c! car the same approach is followed

to utility officials even carher here, said PSNH spokesman a in 1543 - that Cuomo would Ashoch. But, he said, "the riot approve a plan. "In 1053 -

quickest and the preferred wa mcd) the decision to go way." is to reach agreement

. with ut"locsl approval. with him.

LILCO proceeded under a Kyte said Seabrook has "not stipuitten of NRC rules allow

  • fully developed a plan for 513s-Log a utility to show that in the sachusetts" on its own, because cvest af deficiencies in the " things just haven't gotten to plan. "Edequate interim com* that point yet. We st:11 hope we p:nss*.ing act:ons have been or are able to work with 11assa-will b2 taken promptly" to en* chusetts."

sure tha plan will be carried out Seabrook is also interested, intheeventof anemergency. Kyte said, in the request made LILCO set up its own tec:t to the NRC by the Baltimore Emergency Response Organi- Gas and Electric Co. (BGE) s:tico, s*.affed by utility em* !ast November, to cut the emergency sone to two miles.

Althostgh some anti nuclear actavists say the BGE fihng was a " stalking horse" for Sea-brook, BGE spokesman Glen liefiner said it was " site spectf-ic" to the Calvert Cli!!s nuclest

! piant, "and we're letting the in-destry know we're not out there l crus ading f or them."

liefiner said the request was based on studies completed in the wake of the Three Mile Is-l 1std accident in 1979. The stud-les he said. " indicated that al-though there was a 10 mile emergency sone, an area no more than two miles would not be affected if there were a worst case accident, and that previous studies over estimat-ed that risk cf a major accident on the public and environ-ment "

At the NEC, engineer Jaffe said a report "Is 90 to 95 per-cent completed, ar.d the results will show the source term (the total amount of radioactive ma-terial relesced into the strnos-phere) will be substantaally less sigmficant than had been be-l lieved to be the case."

Dut, said Jaffe: "There is no l '

doubt the results of the Cherno-

. byl accident wt11 delay the final word on this. I don't see much

. hope for it next year, probsbly in late 10% And wh3t you're stuck with is a ques' ton with the preponderance of scientatic information one way a tj l whether you should ignore the pubhc

" Ultimately." said Jaffe.

"I'd ec1!it .1 polley question."

NEW HAMP5 HIRE SUNDAY NEWS, Munchestar (N.H.)- Sunday, July 27,1986

. L5 OW % teng before then' - next spring in f act - Stabrook's critet owner. Public Service Co.

, Shoreham reactor situated on New York's Long Island, gives "much more certainty" to the

% argument that a state or locs!

of New Hampshire "may be community cannot hold up J


@%J J  ![ 5 i in put in a difficult fmancial pose, tion." said utshty spokesman Nicholas Ashoch.

power plant !!censmg by refus.

ing to submit a plan. He said l Dy JOIIN DISTASO Earlier ttus year. PSNH told .the ruling strengthens manage-L'nion Leader Staff the U.S. Securities Exchange ment's belief they would wm a Commission it has enough cash simdarshallenge.

hr1 brook nuclear power plant officials contin- The NRC agreed with leng I ta resist w aging war with Massachusetts Gov. on hand to meet its capital re.

quirements until the second Island Lighting Co. that the Ichtel S. Dukakis over emergency planning p bt h2 reactor- prcierring a negotiated agree. quarter of 1987. The utility. jmergency s, th ugh ,1,anning pre ised-stan.

on a

'nt-and at least part of the reasonis money. whic nearly ent ba p j Itzrnatives = investment. is forbidden by tween the utility and state and cvailable NN state law from chargmg ra- local governments." were in-

> Sc:: brook. - '

tcpayers for the plant untilit is tended to be " flexible." The 31 h they wotdd A cperstmg. In the interirn it ruling said it is " legally obli-he rnanths or may have to look to additional gated" to consider "whether s En years to #'S.

fP < utihty plan, prepared without borrowmgs to remain solvent.

Although PSNH has recently government cooperation. can kclud2. Even

$ ugh Sea.

"' b' . changed a major assumption pass muster."

James Dorsey, a spokesman Sok may I on which estimate was for Dukakis, said the rulmg made - that it wt!] not resume tAL, 7 d paymg stockholder dividends makes a " farce" out of the I" th2t $'trent#'t

    • % next year - the company has emergency p!saning process.

not formaUy changed its as- Dorsey said the ruling has not h C*D"3 a mora d -

i '

sessment of it . nnancial needs. changed the Dukakis plan to by lose in the Meanw!ule. a top financial decide by the end of the sum.

NESS- i adviser to tu company and mer whether to sign the plan -

/ after a consultant reports on leabrook '

cther Seabrs.x jomt owners the implications of the nuclear l.y choose to t h ,k / told the Su: fay News he is chartmg fir. r cial plans for accident at Chernobyl last D Tcke the y '


'horeham ap. b PSNH and ot: . r Seabrook own.

?  ?,: ers bssed on : pring 1987 start. "We feel compe!Jed to follow Nach" and ';

up. "whethe- ! beheve it or through",'on the study, said to have a 7 .

not " Dorsey. The importsnee of y

State "t.4 .s  : A' ; gobert Hi!. reth. Jr., a vice Massachusetts making a deci-sion has not been diminished."

p.Orgency FAICMAgL DUKAKis ~ president of fu errCi Lynch Cap-

$n cpproved ital Markets said: "'Ea ch The NRC ruling came on the peut Dukslus' approval. A Nuclear Regulato- week that go . by makes it heels of the relesse of a 95 page

Commission ruung last Thursday strength- tughly uncersa.

" report, authored by a law stu.

led tha t.hances such a move would eventually Still, lhldret: s aid. "It is cer. dent with the advice of a Du-tainly not my f . st option to get kakis aide, advising Dukskas to Gceed. use safety concerns to delay o Move, as a Maryland utility did last year, to into a war" wiu DubHe .

"But it's a better option than the submtssion of the emergen-

' ve the N.RC reduce from 10 to,1wo mt!es the D

sitting back and letting time ey plan. Although his actions in

?margency preparedness zone, the area sur- run out on you." past months suggest otherwise.

u: ding the plant for which a plan would have John Kyte. Seabrook spokes- Dukakis said he has not used be written. msn. insisted management has the strategy in the report as a not deelded how long to contin- guide.

l S EABP.COX ue waiting for Dukakis to de- Seabrook officials say the re-(Ccnf anuedfrom Page 2A) cide whether he will approve port, because it spectficstly an emergency plan for six Mas- advised Dukakis to use safety The NRC has the request

  • sachusetts ccmmumties within concerns as a ploy for delaying and ts own studies on the mat. a 10 mile radius of the plant. the submission of a plan, tarn-te r. under review. Kyte in fact was reluctant to ished credibility of the the Gov-discuss the pros and cons of the ernor's argument that his con-tion from ab k, c.Iternatives, saying, 1 m not cerns are not politically point, appears to be the amount go ng to lean toward oce course motivated.

of time each would take. Long of act:on or another because it Plant cI!!cials in May said Island Lighting Co., the owner may be perceived by the pubbe the target start up date had j of Shoreham.has been in a war we are msvi::g in a particular slipped from October of this .

with New York Gov. Mario Cu- direction. Eut we are lookang year to spring or early summer omo since 1983, when it became at, or evaluating. everything. of 1987. Two months have l ,

clear to it Cuomo would not Kyte said, however, that passed - and NRC hearings on I overrule objections by local of- management does believe last New Hampshire's emergency I

ficials and sign a plan.The war Thursday's NRC ruling on the plan have sbpped frem nest I appears to be far from over, week unt 1 the fall - but Sea-While a Seabrook.Dukakis fa- brook cthenals have clung fast ceuff may not take that long,it to that same pro]cction.

may take nearly as long.

And acccrding to NRC engi-neer Donald Jaffe. the commis-sion is not expected to make any decision o.n the proposed


  • y9 Festar s Cory Cemocrat. c,..., ,

a .

fader 25. G5

. ' Editorial . .

The real Dukikis ne truth is revealed: Presidential aspirant Michse! Du- .hin' .

kakis cares le's about the safety of residents living a Joes the 10-mile Seabrook Station evacuation area than ht the safety of his politicalhide. are -

That La the modest conclusion drawn from the disc do-that members of the Massachusetts governor's staff c-srt rated with a Harvard graduate student to produce a les brashly recomctending that to protect'his political fc :nd

  • Dukakis should stall the evacuation approval proces of thereby Seabrook Station's licensing) under the g-being concerned with safety. to By doing so, the report advises. Dukakis might be aw avold the "paralyting level of dissent encountered t .se Hampshire's Governor Sununu in his attempt 'to e pler_s which local governments had not fully accepted of ne report continues that Dukakis would suffer a .s credit:1ity" if he Catly refused to submit evacuatie :ch (New Hampshire guternatorial hopefuls p! case note., of a snove could be readay perceived as an illegttunata *ll-e the Gaw in the federal process which puts the otherwi ad Intentioned utatty at the mercy of opportunts:.!c sta local government." .ch l

That last. sentence la a masterpiece,11 encapsulate. es:

of what haunts the American system of regulating u .

l WcIlIt'*ctlaned companies are enfeeh!ed by self-ris cus l  :  :.s.

pa*1 opportt.nista bectuae of Gawed federal reguls nt's We Massachusetts governnt denies the graduate st:

the report was used t5 shape his strategy for dealing w

difficult Seabrock Station evacuation issue. But Publand Set-vice Company of New Hampshire, the plant's buildt esi-N.H. Gov. John Sununu point out that Dukakis' officia tion Ls a virtual carbon copy of the report. Coincidence One wonders just how tcus Dukakis plans en walki his ees.

pntitint tightrupe between pro- and anti Seabrook

  • cern First be talked at evacuation planning because of c over summertime pcpulation.Now the safety conscior om- rad .

er cf the commonwealth Ls waiting fcr a report on t1

, e his

, partsons betwean Chernobyl and Seabrook. What wit next excuse 7 At some point Dukakis is going to have to make a d .13100.

If he believes he can mitigate the political fallout fra that

, chotee, he la mistaken. Seabrook Station's battle lir.-s are

, clearly and tightly drawn. He is apt to cause more prublems

' for himself by at?.empting to be all things to all people in-

, siead of estabileing a position and sticking with it.De point here La the evacuation app abould move forward as Dukakis waits for additional infor-

- mation. Seabrook Station's start up isn't projected to begin until the spring or early summer of next yeart there's plenty

. of time for the governor to resolve his safety concerns as the

' evacuation plan moves forward. There is no excuse for Du-katis' politically metivated obstruction.

ne twisted history of Seabrook Station is replete with ex-amples of Dukakis like antics adding hundreds of millions of dollars to the plant's cost. Eseb month Dukakis clogs the system by micro managu g his political future the cost of

  • Seabrook jumps SSO mt111on.

PSNH bashers pay attention. This lastest price rise has nothinst to do with utility mismanagement. It can be laid squarely on the head of a self sbsorbed goternor who bases

+ crucial decisions on their perceived impact on his political


Foster's Gefy Democret. Doeur. N.H.

. M defEve

  • 5 J'*f3.IEEE j
  • ~

Debate persists ~over i i

I e l cont? overs 8a eal crook re ort By JEFF McMENEMY O' Hare IKennedy School of Gov. Karen Schwartzman. a spokes. r=po t. whde ack:iolmedgtna he Eseter Bareso Chief ernment) and Dottie Robyn (Ken- man in Dukakis' press office, said had read it.

nedy School) at Harvard Uruversa. tbs morrang that as far as she Dukat s spckesman James Dor-TABROOK -In the latest f au.

ty." knows Fitzsimmons never worked , sey described the repo-t Wed .e '

Each of the pages of the report, in Hubbard's office and although day as " essentially a homem from a ecctrosersial re entided "OH site Manrung for Ra. he "may have" attended meetings assigntnent." Any sagestion tne sten by a Havard graduate a Seabrook Stauon spot diological Emerge:ctes: Under. between New Hampshire Yankee Stassachusetts state gosernment.

sad today the docu.*'tect standmg the State Role Durce and the governor's office, he did includtng the governor. would uch much important" tha ' and Mter the Shoreham Ccctro- not act as the " legal eyes and make decisions based on the re-versy." ts headed with the parase, ears" for Hubbard. port are " ludicrous." he said.

assachusetts Gov. Michael D"* " Final Draf t - Conf!decual." Asked why the report is termed Though Kyte said it is too early itts is mat:tg it er.t to W De repen oudac2cr rcethods of In addauon to the charge that "contdential" if it is just an "aca. to ascertain the report's overall

$srug the lacens:33 of th Fitzsimmons marked for Hubbard, demic esercise " as she termed it. impact on public senument re-hhroca nuclear p act. da Eyte said the graduate student Ka. Schwartzman said "I don't garthog Seabrook. at least one had attended "high level ad=una- know, you'll have to ask the Ken. Democraue gubernatorial candi-

14. taas. was rnade subt trative meet:ngs" between the nedy School." The governor's off- date has caued the report "i.nfor-K*.nesday. It suggerts Dt ka
tak2 advantage of a " Daw"in Bay State governor's office and ice did not imtiate the report, she Lucate."

New Hamps.'ure Yankee. said. Democratic gut.ernatorial candi-19ferd 123 that a!Mws a state to "He was Hubbarc s lega! eyes Representatives from Dukakts' ef'.:utely delay granting a U.

at to Seabroot Stauen. and ears at these meeungs." Kyte off;ce have den:ed be has fouowed d Se3DTCOk fagure to subrutt a plan could said. the delay strategies outimed in the Nase turn to Page 12 l by r be perceived as an i!!eg;ts-

<e use cf th2 flaw in the federal

,.Sa uti:b puts the otherwise tatroucned utdity at the mer-jf oppe-tusasue state and local 4rnmelt." the repcrt read.

LN.0 key to avoiding this gtjciert2atGS lies in focusing on f.y conc 5rns or Justif>tng cut- l

, dissent en the bas:s of previ.

l8ait cf input. The ambigxty of

ty lasues prendes a broad date Pad Gagoco said this moro- be said. .

ed from accusations cf opper. tag the tsame creates a problem be- Gagmen acksculedge<t the sitaa.

p:n. bat casts a shadow en con- cause ce 1:!ortnauen " creates the t!an codd have an affect en puhue

  • ns that adequate protecuen appearence that there's games sentimect but said he teueves peo d f;asible." it stated betes played wtth the teneust.oo pie in New Harnpshire won't put in K)te. public irformation l Pai" much stock la the s.tuation.

Rtoe Cf New Hampsture Yan. "I'm eure that Public Service "I don't think it will negate the I which :.s baddag the plant far Compaty of New Hampshire util very real concerca macy Lf not au try to tale sdeactage of ths to fur. New Hampshire people have about p:

ipahart. Service said Thursday Ccmpany Du.

cf New ther r' ash a power plant on time be- the sersous shortcemungs cf tie I fore it's determined if the $daccast evacuation plan submit *.ed by Gov.

O had deliberately fellomed the can every be safely evacuated." Sunnnu." he said.

p (f the report in attemptu:g s play th? licenstog of Seabrook


t2 centir:ued his attack Thurs-l afternaca a!d this mornmg.

?t#g the g?sdaate student who le the repcrt worked in the off- I let Tam Hubbard. Duk akis'

% ads tsor c:a Seabrock.

l t.Se bottsm tf the first page of l9& pas) report ao advtsory S. " a confidenual re-r.m intended for etreulauoo.

l0 olect was performed in con.

KBon eith the Stassachusetts P .or t Ectnomic De velop.

S Oftce a9d written with the statte of Tom Ifutbard (Gov.

9 s O*fice r and Professors O Ed.o Schools. Slike


t Ddkakis Aide g

LWamed Paper On Seabrook 9, MARK TRAVIS j w stanna - l'


% hen a controersial re; ort ori Sea- {

truck emerg*Dey piar.31rg surfaced -

tfts tw:a. .Yusachusetts Gov. %chael ,

' DJahs s staff scurried to deny any l connect:cs w*Q :t.

to the report. . gy, g' get t'e repcrt s sut.'or and two pro. l Eut Hebeard Wd that ntzsim. tation Ues ***d4 Utts charactert. ! ;a its d evelo :ntet sa!d rcorts was an aide. , aat he ultroduced ce '.s or j g on safety cero yeste-tay that 6 key r of the A!:12 (Aat way. Mc v ad&d :ome harsb (th *.sts of C-mat dissen ca

.says 88 88ck of input "the gove: ur s staff Pad tzutiate2lt. *Cr-13 cf lus cwt the stadent s Ciard cf the rt9crt, et,cb czotains a da u (Se gove s r s office weren't m cand;3 - mutt.J -rret of the MAUy the tisue tvc.ase De Seabrook costs, ity caa sa ID Ase a pistit:

officials Swe r_. em,ent. rig the ' I gguaa furs a:urce Duunits *.as foi cmed su-Laced aantuclear af?-

Clednese.2y D.ur.sspr.temanJames st,dy at:d its impe m me gover. Dors Dctsey protnput dismused it as a IA7,.cag- **5uu om*L5 d0 th'Cor'ta'cau caith

" hor::ssers a:.s.ctraent" per *ortred for . ta;tta st't a pir. t: sue." Hubbed s hey ***E28r8Urs the catas.

tropfue pote, Harvtr2 t rece sny classes. addeg sud his vece tutt. . I ttmk :rs trans. gocauon purp==". .Dubuc u says. e.en for ca.

nat as autner tad shand a* with ruest*tarsroea m. e'- m ..says Lug ;;,., g,3,,t 1Mmas HuScatt DJhar.s's k y Sea. and h!.3 t.rtot ade.scr.

28 fuW draft - F ~h rapcrt ar> isof T, t . .[s

  • Cta
f. Aof EW tN

u ycov r. ort ntmm=. nor ey 5- um. ..e va the ., om. asto,&J..aygema= to ous,s.,

the St.sdert who **Tcte the repcrt, and cials - ts cateo47 te#, the report saps' (39 Fwessors sa:d that llubbard Pam. If LS an andp a eqw g %g self regaes:ed the repu-t. gulauarts that mah Dntlibie for Du. "* **tr Seabra:t stiould lead the I'da! Rovercroent to Ott:am:ncns esen marted his report kabs ta stan me pi; . crogras, and a c!uuy as

" cent;&ctlai and sa!d a it.s f rst page dAsacs uo of the c- asd bezieSts of FrDesssmo i 3s and make the that it uas wrisesi wita Hubears s a.s. Cathgthatcourw -

sistat:e. Seacroca eff!ctais ygg Herald, wr. ch w Put!!cty. Dahahs has sa:d b All startts is the Ketardy School of .M stm'n e

. partfef; ate to the e*Dergeoc. d'$'I mas'er s prograin in scribed f t as a potatk :!ueprmt laUAI M oce css't to 8k*2'c ;v:.1:y rr? req.ilted to ccmp'eu a out a St.rJJ strag saltjV. He h&g gajd De 3 p*&

pot;;y r.r:a:<s.s rt=xrt. Professor Make "I(Pant its a ser) M eal, ant h IAI"'##U38 (T! (Ast questaon a '

s:m:'r app ::cf1 tha ivs poud:s as P8 is to mate a dec;uon by the.,cd OI O'Ha e sa)1. arzt . :' s:= trio =s toon co 8*#87 Hubbard's ttvae:t as hJ report. , taal is (24 try to e r der t rwi -

  • O Hare sa23 'At : rejects are t) pally , saps "ffs d'.s.'. ;nttrg. but it done !ct gcut .:te .1 agerc es or ocf> ce-ta2cv amvers slot Jocs " Ose of hadl;tde to the s te '#tE#E313 "I'0 Date pf:t satr.cze. They are t:tenord. be th:t f.'utt..rt! said . uais had al. E!au .'ons, wt/a*'Duut the rep et ts ner.

ready dec:ded on h.s c .e before me usted from e it. He has scad-sa:1 ::ot t.s 6:aac"n:e exercses tiet as school.and has ecusco e aa.ra tec.s recort u n e.1ffa - a 'w!surdtsgcf The r ptrt la 5 t*:t fc$ral ernerget>

  • De rt;c t aprstot. am out. abo recefreti a & gree from Huyard cy fa r ng reguauces are arr. big.mus hr s ' of the e rar. I awSc col.

c:::tras:cter). and that they g3ve tency p 11 Prcer 3 cand11 gg Reached la Chica?a yesterday he D;s.rts an t:nnuve to stall the piants says stantt ce the ec" .mey plan al. safd ifcbard haJ Wesed the prd ect federt.; ;jrense appucatan ty bc.dlag W a state to "N- Occtrolof the - and refermd all further quesuon;s to t:es h;s statt l emerttoc) !ans tto tatie for (!arst;.. .be plant in Nas. so far. ts lust what :t*.* has @e:.t:20" and to "rac:.;-v a better bar. Butla a m U*** y te ter released by Cat::a i dcae. But Etcard said LPe riport gsttcg res:the with th* utnity." as tc?d a Ut1 la er that amsu-as to ar.aly *s, not ads 1ce. "%e we!! e enabt':g it to "avold rush:ng to. be had alttady had his of e plan-en t g2 en o rts:se students to get poim- ca2ttes ed inct.. rte.g metr fxxiturty'- cingtssue.

cal ga daru e." he f.ali lht th=_re are crista, too. the tt "After rea'itfag the headaches in thu Seatrust's tuders have actred eo says. Lac!uding potecual charges [op,  !!ae cf sort." AtIstmmons wrote

  • g tu rep 1 - terere they had perce. m. have ecc1d,d to go into 6 .

eyes r?ad it - as evi that Dmk a teguet*g - c@rau imm u m has ins simpy stritsra triem along m mert:al real estate s1th biaye , Brown nef)t acons over the plats & Plattin Ch!cago' '

"Drne y vtr*.u.dly dt3:ed that tila s'J' em:ted." Seatrect spose: man John Kpe said et IWmmns feater'tay even::.4 " . . .I smail coc2ettang taara not gaae rig':t " .

A tcp Seatrook official. Jdin Quista, even carne forward yes:erday to say that th.1, bard tad t ring' t Dtzst:nmW:s D a inseP.;.3 'no e f.'a31 Jan.10 - arma hsJ 13' . h.D La hJ' lesal aMe QutrJa is an anara-t to the prtatsert of he" llacy:. hire )*:ntee, the cor**,,tr.y Caiaglrg Neabrtvik's CO3-s;r.actai Hu3ta;*j said )Ltartiny (fat bJ had aste1 !)r the resettth prWest - and added 7.4t te ta1 assa3 the Kennedy screw Ior t.1e iast y, tco. on a cafter.

d .b. . -

t _ _ _

p,g gegen Herad. Tnursf 31. JW([8 O


Duk.e's deferral THE public has every right supporters.

to be somewhat cynical '"The ambiguity of safety about the motives of po!!tt. Issues." the report says.

clans, correctly assuming "provides a broad shic!d

, that some decisions are frora accusations of oppor.

i made more in self interest tunism."

than public interest. The And that was written be.

pub!!c had its worst fears fore Chernobyl blew its cork.

confirmed yesterday when That may have been ra.

Herald reporter Frank Pht!. dicactive rain fallir.g cn the

!!pe revealed the existence of Ukraine, but it was manna a report written in conJune, fr :m heaven for Michael Du.

l tion with Gov. Michael Du. kn als in this election year.

kakis' office on he could' -t assachusetta needs

, avoid making a decision on' p *er. If it is to keep grow-

. evacuation plans for the Sea. tr The state has in the past brook nuclear power plant t> n far too dependent on

.before the November vote. tr ;crted oil as a source of The report details how the c: rgy, and nuclear power governor can indefinitely ni .ds to be part of the mix on pwimoe the plant opening w ich our state must depend

- soothing the anti nuke for its Irrowth. -

forces who make up a part of . . Is a sad commentary on his orgaalzed support - the state of affairs in the without coming out against corner office that our gover.

the plant altogether, which nor must be advised en how I

.would panic his business not to make a dectsfon.

1 .

l' l

l l

Lia Murphy l

e o

THE UNION LEADER, Mr.NCHE*.TER, N li. - 1listsday, bly 24, l' ,

-i- .

e Duke:Mypolicy' snot related

=,=.= us seerst make res,Jo~d By FRANK PHILLIPS cret staff reporf outlining's .ffice and willi lliit.h'ir.1, Strategy to delay the opening ,,,,,.e degree candidates at the tegy ads tre.'s something awat.ints-of the Scabrook nuclear plant. ICennedy School are not the way l*ve got to sunke a decision atunut but denied he relled on it to act we make decialone around here." myscif.** he naid.  ?' ' 8

"' ?a Dukakis told reporters. But GOl'New flampshire Guv. for I l s I} "

  • puhey. *I don'a look to pcople for et ra- John Sunur.u. who le pushtr's tu of the state's evacuation pl. ens "PoHey exercises done by open the plant, elammed the re- while citing safety issuca- .

port and saidit suggeste that Du- Dukahle must .ipprove the kahle was "not atting In good faith" by his delaying tactics. evacuation plans for communi- .

ties within a 10 mile radius of the

l'hc most damning part of the controveral.1 pl. int twfore it can whole thing la that it was written open.

  • with the mselstanceof aTomilub- Dukakis hs.s been lobblcd .

bcrd who la the esmo tDukakis heavily by the nuclear industry to

  • alde) advising the governnr on approve the evacuation plati.

Boatarook." he amid. while a strong anti-nucicar move-ment has urged him to retect the "That colecidence is estreme, P la n.

ly dlaturbing." esta Sununu. Dukakte has given little inds-The IIerald reported yester.

dsy that Dukakis apnnsored the eation which way he is leaulng confldential report wrliten by a and crttles say the repara es a llennedy Schooldreduate student guide for Di:kahta to avoid mak.

"In conjunction with* the gover. Ing a pulltically tough decialon.


l a- -

l eI*


, (Continuedfrom Page 0ne) l I

An outright refusal to submit ,

The report explains that the a plan, the author says, may project "was performed in con. cost the governor a " loss of junction with the ,lassac hu. credabdity" or gave a "percep-

  • setts Governor's Economie De, tion of opportunism." Such a velopment Office and. written move "could re adily be with the assistance of Tom perceived as an illegitimate Hubbard (Governor's Office)." .

use of the flaw in the federal as well as Kennedy School and law School professors. precess which puts the other.

wise well. intentioned utility at Thernas Hubbard is Dukakis' the mercy of opprtunistic state chief adviser on the Seabrook and local government."

issue. "The ambiguity of safety is-Fit:simmens begins with a sues," the report states, " pro-lengthy exp!snation of the fed, vides a broad shictd from accu-ers! licensing proc 6ss - and sations of opportunism but related court challenges -

casts a shadow on contentions centering on a similar fight in that adequate protection is not New York's Long Island con. feasiblo . . . Nonetheless, use of cerntag the Shoreham nuclear recently discovered leverage in plant. the eleventh hour could still be "The possibility of delaying viewed suspiciously by federal submastion (to the federal gov, officials and blassachusetts ernme:. of a state approved residents alike if not grounded f


emerge:cy plan) rather than in safety concerns." l r

renounctng the process signifi- The report also notes that if f

cantly expands the range of the plant eventnally does open ,

chcice and multiples the strate, "in an adversa 31 atmosphere, gie f a c tors." Fitzsimmons safetyis jeopar . red."  ;

writes. And it notes at a refusal to .

"To make a principled submit, as "es >n a disguised choice, however, the Commen- cave in, could est the gover-wealth must make an effort to nor dearly in (-edibility with I balance the perceived benefits the parties."

of not submitting the plans in a Fitzsimmons advises that timely f ashion against the high. Dukalus has "rrason to avoid ly unce'rtain costs." the appearance o! giving in to" The study then outlines what what he calls

  • the far more it describes as the " benefits" o( focused and ylstble pressure not submitting a p!an. "If the from the anti Seabrook Commonwealth has the power.

to delay !! censing by a year or forces."

more." the report says. "tMs obviously could give the Com-monwealta substantial nego-tiating leverage over the utall-ty." -

The report advises that by

" slowing down the process."

Dukakis miEbt be able to avoid "the paralyung level of dissent encountered by New Hamp-shire's Governor Sununu in his attempt to exercise plans which the local govemments had not fully accepted."

The author says it is in the

, "politicat interest" cf town of fl.

cials "and the governor's that the process not appear to be haphazard cr forced upon" res-Idents.

.) : .. .

T'nq fn&nchakr U.nnon Lea 62f~ '7/2V/1Y-New Hampshire Gov. John A

Sununu noted an "amarmg co-incidence" of the Dukakis' ad-ems f i

( mimstration's actions on Sea-brook " mirroring what is in the 8 report." Sununu said he had R [ O l .

read only excerpts of the study but sald he hoped Seabrook lawyers will continue efforts to legauy circumvent Dukakis in M SSe S Ff8 3

O Nar y

. getting the plant on liite.

    • I certainly hope there's a reasonable explanation for it."

Sununu said.


Dy JOIIN DiST. O , l"~. . /, The federal government re.

Union Leader Staff 4 5.,

  • quares emugency evacuation And u f re Reports ar T,,g.b,3,.? - plans for all 23 New Hampshire 5fassachusetts Gov. Stichael v

' and Massachusetts commum-S. Dukakis yesterday tried to ties within a 10 mile radius ci

, J the plant.

distance himsc!f from a cur.ft- ' "

dint:11 report written with the s' The six Massachusetts cona advice of his own aides in Apr:1 mumties have refused to sub-mit plans and Dukakis has de-that out! nes a strategy keytn;; IDJ 'O -c

  • !L, i layed state involvement, en safety conecrns to delay li. f/ e'  % '.,-

in the spnng. Dukakis ex-censing of the Seabrook nu-clasr power plant.

t 9

.- pressed concern about the sum.

mer beach population m the The 95-page study, authored .

event of a nuclear accident. lie by a Boston law student and gj g. Insisted that the plant be shut

s. .- -


mrds pub! e yesterday, advises down in tue summer months Dukakis to take advantage of a 3

[ . .*.... and shelters be constructed.

It appeared Seabrook offi-

" flaw" an federal law which al- *

- b '7 L ?l. cials were prepared to give in 1sws a state to indefinitely de- s. 6 ,. i' ~ ~

y Icy licenstng of a maclear reae- ,[ to the demand when the disas.

' . '. tar at the Soviet Chernoby! nu-tar by delayin~ the submission -

clear reactor occurred.

Cf an emerge;ncy evacuatJon ' .' 'Il4 Dukakis. saying all bets were plin. 6 1."*E off. then commissioned Kenne-DUK. Axis page 22 GOV. MICitAEL DUKAKtS dy School Prof. Albert Carne-sale to investlgate the effects of the disaster on Seabrook and Th? report further advises the area. Dukakis said venter.

cess by the federal govern My Ee~p'rebe is st:11 under way Dukak:s that "focusmg on safe. ment. The option of working ty ecneerns or justifytng cur- with the Seabrook's builders te and he reiterated an earlier retI. dissent on the basis of a promise to have his mind made obtain the best plan possible is up sometime this summer.

prmeus lack of input" will not discussed.

avlo the appearance he is In the meantime. Dukakis' making "iUeg:ttmate use of the

  • At a news conference. Du- la lure to get the regulatary flaw." kakis admitted he read the re . ball rollmg caused a six month, Tbe report sets out a strategy port but he demed using it as a , 3300 million overrun to the pro-strategy.

sim Jar to the one Dukakis has ."I'm interested in anything ject.

foUawed to date and even and everything I read," Du- L.ast week. Seabrook officials and Dukaku aides exchanged notes. "The Governor's Cabi- kakis said. "but policy exer

  • charges after Dukakis refused nit and staff have wssed the cises done by master's degree to meet with plant manage-benefits cf delayi7 submission candidates . . . are not the way to outweigh its er .ts." ment in person to discuss ha we make decisions around concerns.

Seabrook offi"als said the here."

exist: nee of the rmrt makes it He said the report " helped Seabrook spokesman Kyta ,

clrar Dukakis* tat'le on the me understand the legalissues. said the Fitzsimmens repo plant has been precs termined I don't look to people for strate. CA d cnd Icog planned. gic advice. That's something

  • g ba k1 last p ril."

Two "benehts" of delay. the I've got to es d. "I think it's clear study says, are to "secutc a about myself._make decisions Y . probably been follow-better bargalmng position wt,h Dukalus denied he was delib- ing this at Every time th2 utility" and to " remain in erately stalling on the Seabrook **

control of the timetable for 11 pla n. th them to get the process censmg the plant in question." Seabrook spokesman John movin along they'd suddenly The study no!es that in Sea- Kyte. however. noting attempts up a whole new concern."

br >ok's case, each month of de- by plant management to meet On the ecver of the 92 page -

lay adds $50 million to its cost. with Dukakis to discuss his report, author Fitzsimmons de-i The report also weighs the safety concerns, said. "This stribes himself as a in e-l strategy of a delay agamst an makes it pretty clear that he cree candidate at t .

cutnght refusal to subrnit s has simply been playing politi. Kennedy Schoolcf Government

. plan, emphasizing that refusal cal games with us and that he .ind liarvard Law School.

I sculd probably lead the issue had no intention of ever reach. "This is a confidential re-

' inta th? uncharted area of a ing agreement or living up to port." Filasimmons says,. ,not takeover of the licensing pro. his pubhc safety responsibib. miended for circulation. -

_m Makis get study on how to delay i l Seabrook plansl .

N t AP) - Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis reportedly e .;,t'l c- a,,a';l: W iraife:Ti? M ':"A 'it sindr w- -aa- i= r Fi!OM PAGE 1-Rctee en"If4EaWihe myUniversity Fttulmmons, a studet at Harve a Kennedy 4e,,aa*o, nukakis Gos e vn:nt, in conjunction with the governor's offles. which he IFitzsimmonai needed to completc hts term at Ha rver't.

The recornmends that Du*- shte delay eutur.lttin av t ..And It is ludicrous to say that offleets of state governmes, including als ' asasebumetta coenmunities that are within 18 the governor are being gulded in their dectston by the recommendations mace by a student in what essentle.:ly is a bosaewort assignment."

, Dereey said Fitzsimm that such a couW torce the federal r to take evet the gp Dukakta* chief advtsst%)pa " shared" membror k, the study with 1homas Hubbard,

  • cc:a theIlereldsaid. ,,,,,,g,, pg ,3, g,,an ett Hubeard told the flerald the a,ttady was not an official state repor: but WI I was given to Dukakte and state Pubtle Safety Secretary Charles Barry and C'8"e # " M 3,, acuer pagey pland beeste Inz.it23 a f2 at ste Energy Secretary Sharon Pollard.

operet' 11 ta ' Hrbbans also dented the governor 'was relying on it for strategy. "The 1he H, WB  % cialsa the repast le a guide tar DiktW 18 spvenior is acting on bis own instincts anr1 on advice I'm giving him and **

g3ctago, ot!ers,"Ilubbarn told the newrpaper. ,

avoid "If he'smek)! er *q U: s that '8er itical gala, that's the tscpe he'd lu;n h back on that e3rt of aM But, the iterald said the report states it was a project "priormed in oftrT W A 7gI - conjunedca with . IDukakle'l Ecommic Development Office ' and written with Hubbard's eastatance. -

Georgs Ndwards, president of United Illurnineting Ce , a Camasctice dul- "Ws're a*ste at what Mr. Fitralmrnma eencluded, but I would not's that I with a l7 5 aha e cs abrook, told the lferald whatever those recommendat*ons were, th y came to the governor some ,

"Duktkin' strategy to date has almost paralleled the advtos tamtalese la Ume after he stated publicly his concerns about Seabrook and the effect the st udy'"It'e lleteld said any potential accidant at Seabtvok mou!d have on the pubtle health and "It waa not an offacial report done for etste government." Jasnes Darsey, amfety of the people of Massact.usetta " Dorsey makt.

ress cecretary to Dukakts. told The Associated Press eerly today. "It taa The reput advises Dukakis to delay indeftaltely submlasten et an 8*

en tcademic requirement which was done as part of the segAr*" emerg ncy evacuation plan for feutral review and ouulmaa how that can be Nb $8 N g -

l atme without

" Fat!ure ralsIng to submit accusations a plan would resofly betnkopportunistle, the Herald said.

be perceived as as tilegitimate use at the flew In the federal process which puts the otherwise well-tr.!ast-timod utility at the mercy of opportuntatic stste and local governments,"

the IIr rand trates the repcrt as caying. ^

"1he key to avetSc3 this characterisation lies to focusing an safety con-ceursts. ..1ta a:tM sity of safety lasues provkles a broad shield frose ac-et*astksis of agportunlam," the report is further Epsoted as asytag.

Drtatte t:ts point 3d to safety considerations in delaying W"'- 1 et avacut.uca plana, et:Iferald said.

Its report emcludes that Dukakis could held up the opening of the plaat -

and satd "ths goveract has en incenuve to delay submission" and that ansch a stall could pa:4 pressure on the federal government to step tc arr$ take over the procr:as, the !!erald sali Joen Myje, esman for New Hampshtte Yankee, which la building e3. 802d H:rald the report's ennetusjona were ahocking.

m. -

. Newburyport Daily News. Wednesday. July 23 3986 Dukakis reportedly approved -

delay stratecy for Seabrook %n brcok and the effect any potential BOSTON ! API -- Massachu. said.

setta Gov. Michael S. Dukakis re. "It was not an of .:ial report accident at Seabrook would have portedly apprtved e study on how done for state go. rnment," on the put!!c health and safety of to delay approval of evacuation James Dorsey, press -cretary to thepcopleof Massachusetts," Dor-plans for the Seabrook, N H nu. Dukakis, told The e:ociated sey said.

clear power plant, but an aide satd Press early today. ": -as an aca- ne report advises Dukakis to it was not an official report done demic requiremen: nich was delayindefinitely submissionof an for state government, done as part of the ;uirements emergency evacuation plan for fe-ne Boston lierald today said which he (Fitzstmmt needed to detal review and out!!nes how that the 92 page study was written in complete his terrn at ; vard. can be r3ne v1thout ratsing accu-April by ilobert Fitzsimmons, a "And it is ludicret ; say that sat!cns of be:np, opportumstic, the stucc2t at liarvard IJniversity's officers of state go- mment. in. Herald said.

Kennedy School of Government,in cluding the governe are t,emg conjunction with the pvernor's guided in their dectsh Sy the rac- " Failure to subrnit a plan wou!d t

c!! ice, ommendations made a student read'.lv t;e perceived as an !!!egit-


The report recommenda that in what essentially is homework tmate use cf the flaw in the federal Duhak!s delay submitting evacus. assignment." prccess which puts the otherwise t!on plans for six Massachtmetts Dorsey sa!d F1 simmons well-intentlened uttlity at the mer-communities that are within 10 " shared" the study v th Thomas cy of opportunistic state and local miles of the plant and that such a Hubbard, Dukak!!'s c . net adv!.ier governments." the Herald quotes -

roove could force the federal go. on Seabrook. the report as saymg.

vernment to take over the process, Hubbard told the 'erald the The key to avoidmg this char-the Herald said. study was cot an offic; t sta:e re- acterization lies in focusing on The federal government re- Port but was given to D ; kakis and safety concerns . . The ambiguity qu!res acceptable evacuation state Pubite Safety Necretary of salety issues provides a broad plans from all communities within Charles Barr/ a .d st::e Energy shte!d from accusations of oppor-10 miles of a nuclear power plant Secretary Sharon Pollard. tunism," the report is further befcre issuing a full operating 11- Hubbard sito denied the gover quotedassaying.

etase to the nlant. nor was relying on it for strr.te';y. Dukakis has pointed to safety The Hera[d said uttltty officials "We governor is acting on his owT1 considerations in delaymg submis-claim the report is a guide fer instincts and on advice I'm Elving ston of evacuation plans, the Her-1 I'ukak!s to avoid maktag a polit!. him and others," Hubbard told the ald said.

cally tough decision. newspaper. De report cencludes that Duka-

"If he's fcllcwing a tirategy like But, the Herald said the repcrt kis could hold up the opcmng of the that for political gain, that's the states it was a project " performed plant and said "the governor has height of irresponstbility. I would in conjunction with . . (Dukakis's) an incentive to delay submission" bope he'd turn his b&c:s en that sort Economic Development Office" and that such a stall could put cf adv!ce," George Edwards, and written witn llubbard's pressure on the federal govern-presider.t of 1.'ntted Illuminatmg assistance. ment to step in and ta!<e over the

! Co., a Connecticut utility with a "We're aware of what .',tr. Fitz- process, the Herald said.

17.5 share of Seabrook, to:d the simmons concluded. I would John Kyte, spokesman for New Herald. ncte that wh:tever those recom- Harnpshire Yankee which is hutid-

"Dakah13's strategy to data has mendations were, they carne to the Ing Seabrook, tc!d the Hers!d the almoct paralle ed the advice cen. governor some !!me after he stated report's conclustons were tatned in the stady," the Herald publicly his concerns about Sea- shocking.

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Tne HauerhoII Hass 6 marc '!uju.

J g .

Report: Duke stairng on n-plant


BMTUN ( AP) - Massachtaetts ment. .

The report recommends that Du-Gov. Michael S. Dulatis reportedly The' Boston Herald today said the kakis delay sutmattir:g evacuation a;9toved a stady on how to delay 72-page study was wntten in Apn! plans for sL Massachusetts com. ,

appreval of evacuauon plans for the by Robert Fitzsimmons. a student at munities that are within to miles of Seattook, N H., nucleer power Harvard University's Kennedy the plant and that such a move could plant, but an aade said it was not an School of Government, in conjune. force the federal government to take official report done for state govern- uan with the governor's office. over the process, the Herald said.

The federa! goveru=ent requires clais claim the report is a guide for of advice." George Edwards, presh accettatte evacuauan plans from Dukakis to avoid making a pout 1 dent of United Bluminating Co., a au commurut:es within 10 miles of a cauy tough decision. Cocweticat utailty with a 17.3 share nue: ear power plant before tasales a "If he's focowing a strategy hke of Seabrook, told the Herald.

idl eparating tleense to the plant, that for political gain, that's the "Dukakia' strategy to date has, beight of trTerpaa=Mty. I would almeet paraueled the advice coo.

THE HERALD said stitty afft. bope he'd turn his back on that sort See SEABROOK, page it l

l Seabrook (Coatirned from page emel stincts and e advice I'm g!ving t!m repert as saytag, tained in tie steady," the Herald and others." Hubbard told the news- " Tbs key to avoidica this charac.

sa;d paper. terization Ues in focusing oc safety "It was tiet an efficial report done But, the Herald said the report concerns ..m amb!guity of safety for state scvernmet," James Def. states it was a project "perfermed Lasues provides a troad shle!d from set. press secretary to Duhalia. te'd in coej:ectice with . (Dulakis') accusattoos W opportunism " the ne Associated Press early today. Ec -+ Deve!apme t O'!!ee" and report is further quoted as saying.

"It was an academic requarcmaet writ *.m with Hubbard's a ustance. Dukakis has pointed to safety which was done as part of the ~ "We're aware of what Mr. F1ta= cons!de. rations la delaying submis-rec;strece:ts wh!ch he ;Fitzsim. e'wm coe:!aded, but I wcold alan of evner.atian plans, the Herald Bata that wtatever IIcss recommeD- said, rDCr.s) Ceeded to CCcplate big (gym * * ***

I at Rarvard, daticas were, they came to the ,

"And it is ludicrous to ray that govtract some time after be stated officers of stata gover .m. set _ inelad- Pctdicly his concerca about sea.

Ins LSe governor are being g zded in broot and the effect any potential thr.t decision by the revvwmnant!.a. accident at Seabrook would~have on l

ticr.s made by a studcrt in what the pubut health and safety of the essecttany tz a barnswork assign. People of Ma=*nsetta." Dorsey eneet." said.

Dorsey said Fitzsimmons The repert advises Dukakh ta

" shared" the study with hmas delay ladennitely submission of as Hebbard. Dnkakin' chief adviser on emergency evneustlan plan for fed-Sestroca. ral revtew and cui!!nes how that can be done without raistag accusatlana Ht'BBARD Tot.D the Herald the of being opportunistic, the Herald study was not an official state said.

remrt bct was given to Dul.akis and " Failure to submit a plan would state Putile Safety Secretary readily tw perceived as an tilegith Charles Barry and state Energy mata une of the flaw in the federal Se:retary Sharon Pouard. praecas which puts the otherwise Hubbard also decled the governor well-intenticoed att11ty at the mercy was relytag on it for strategy. "1te of opportunistic state and local goe-


tovernor te acting on his own ta, ernments " the Herald quotas the

1,. c.m ns c.i.m munww.munr-


Dukakis'downpiays -

collegian's report Cov. ptkakis yesterday dented that a resesteh paper written ear-lier this year by a student at Har-vard's Kenr.edy School o(Gov:rn- ,

ment was gutoing the adaunistra-tion's strategy on the nuclear en-ergy plant in Seabrook. N H.

Dukakis said he had read the student's paper. which he termed

, "a po!Iey exercise.' and "found

' Ihe legal analysis very helpful."

t Dukakis said that he would de-cide whether to approve an evacu-atton plan for the Eembrook plant.

based on standards in federallaw.

by summer's end.

A spokesman for the controver-stal Seabrook plant accuses! Duka-kla of " playing roulette with us."

and charged that the admsnistra-tion had no intentJon cf I:ving u a to exprewrf concerns abo 6L Sea-brook's safety and emergency plans.

"Every time we got clame to an I agreement that would have moved l the planning process aJong suddenly changed their tunt." -

said New flampshire Yankee spokesman John Kyte.

- Dukahts' remarks followed a Boston Herald report disckhar.g.::.

April study that recommended *.r*

take advantage of a " flaw"in fed-i eral !!:ensing procedurts allowfng a delay in the submisalon of en emeq;ency evacuation plan,.

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