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National Association of Employee Concerns Professionals (Naecp) Safety Culture Webinar: the Nuclear Regulatory Commission'S Approach to Safety Culture, July 22, 2020
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/22/2020
From: Diane Sieracki
Sieracki D
Download: ML20212L579 (21)


The Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Approach to Safety Culture July 22, 2020 Diane Sieracki Senior Safety Culture Program Manager Office of Enforcement Nuclear Regulatory Commission


  • NRCs Safety Culture History
  • NRCs Role in Safety Culture
  • Safety Culture Policy Statement
  • Safety Culture in the Reactor Oversight Process, Enforcement and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • NRCs Safety Culture:

- Leadership Model

- Differing Views Programs and Assessments

  • International Safety Culture Activities 2

NRCs Mission To license and regulate the Nations civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment.


NRC Safety Culture History

  • Operators inattentive and unprofessional while 1989 on duty at nuclear power plant
  • Commission Policy Statement: Conduct of Nuclear Power Plant Operations
  • Workers retaliated against for whistleblowing 1996
  • Commission Policy Statement: Freedom to Raise Safety Concerns Without Fear of Retaliation 2002
  • Davis-Besse reactor head degradation event
  • NRC revised Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) to more fully address safety culture 2008
  • Commission direction to develop policy statement on safety culture that applies to all licensees 2011
  • Final Safety Culture Policy Statement (SCPS) published in the Federal Register 4

Safety Culture Policy Statement (SCPS)

- Sets forth the Commissions expectation that individuals and organizations performing regulated activities establish and maintain a positive safety culture commensurate with the safety and security significance of their actions and the nature and complexity of their organizations and functions.

- Commission agreed that an overarching safety culture addresses both safety and security.

- A robust discussion of security, and the interface between safety and security, was included in a preamble in the Statement of Policy.


Safety Culture Definition Nuclear Safety Culture is the core values and behaviors resulting from a collective commitment by leaders and individuals to emphasize safety over competing goals to ensure protection of people and the environment.


Preamble to the Safety Culture Traits A trait, in this case, is a pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that emphasizes safety, particularly in goal conflict situations, e.g.,

production vs. safety, schedule vs. safety, and cost of the effort vs.

safety. It is the Commissions expectation that all organizations and individuals overseeing or performing regulated activities involving nuclear materials should take the necessary steps to promote a positive safety culture by fostering these traits.

Additionally, it should be noted that although the term security is not expressly included in the traits, safety and security are the primary pillars of the NRCs regulatory program. Consequently, consideration of both safety and security issues commensurate with their significance, is an underlying principle of the Statement of Policy.


Safety Culture Traits Leadership Safety Values Problem Identification and Personal Accountability and Actions Resolution Issues potentially impacting safety Leaders demonstrate a are promptly identified, fully All individuals take personal commitment to safety in their evaluated, and promptly addressed responsibility for safety decisions and behaviors and corrected commensurate with their significance Environment for Raising Work Processes Continuous Learning Concerns A safety conscious work The process of planning and environment is maintained where Opportunities to learn about ways controlling work activities is personnel feel free to raise safety to ensure safety are sought out implemented so that safety is concerns without fear of retaliation, and implemented maintained intimidation, harassment or discrimination Effective Safety Communications Respectful Work Environment Questioning Attitude Individuals avoid complacency and continually challenge existing Communications maintain a focus Trust and respect permeate the conditions and activities in order to on safety organization identify discrepancies that might result in error or inappropriate action 8

Outreach and Education Efforts

  • SC Educational Resource Workbook

- Trait Talks

- Metro Case Study

- Journeys


  • Safety Culture in Decommissioning
  • Safety Culture Website 9

NRC Approach to Safety Culture

  • Licensees bear primary responsibility for safety
  • NRCs Safety Culture Policy Statement (SCPS) states safety culture expectation, but is not a regulatory requirement
  • NRC considers safety culture within the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) for nuclear power reactors

- NRC assessment of safety culture is primarily as a result of an event or degradation in performance

- Different levels of inspection activity based on NRCs overall assessment of licensee performance

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Process can result in Confirmatory Orders for safety culture activities 10

Safety Culture at the NRC At the NRC, we foster a culture in which all employees live the NRCs values, demonstrate a positive safety culture, and adhere to the Principles of Good Regulation to support the NRCs mission to protect public health, safety, and the environment. The NRC culture includes a system of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that demonstrate our collective commitment to emphasize safety as the overriding priority in our regulatory decision-making, and that recognizes the important role each of us plays in NRCs success. We are committed to creating and sustaining a positive work environment to ensure we remain a model regulator.


NRCs Leadership Model

  • Efforts to improve the NRCs organizational culture, to include the development of an explicit leadership model, contribute to the advancement of the Agencys safety culture.
  • NRCs Leadership Model includes the SCPS definition of Safety Culture for the Agency.

- Safety Culture included in the 12 specific programs/activities that contribute to the NRC Leadership Model.


Safety Culture Differing View Programs NRC mechanisms for expressing and resolving differing views include:

  • Open Door Policy
  • Differing Professional Opinions Program 13

Assessing Safety Culture at the NRC

  • Safety Culture and Climate Survey
  • Federal Employees Viewpoint Survey
  • Assessment of Differing Views Programs 14

NRC Training Trust and Safety Culture

  • Speed of Trust initiative
  • Ongoing Training

- Organizational Values Course Revision to include safety culture aspects from Leadership Model 15

Importance of Safety Culture Activities Internationally

  • International Activities

- IAEAcurrent activities

  • Common SC FrameworkGSR-2
  • Training course for medical licensees
  • Safety and Security Culture Interface 16

Importance of Safety Culture Activities Internationally

  • International Activities

- NEAcurrent activities

  • SC of the Regulator (CNRA/WGSC)

- Self-Assessment

- Competencies/Training 17

Importance of Safety Culture Activities Internationally 18


  • NRC communicates safety culture expectations through the Safety Culture Policy Statement
  • NRC continues outreach and education
  • NRC utilizes the Reactor Oversight Process (reactors),

Enforcement and Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • NRCs Safety Culture is included in the NRC Leadership Model
  • Differing Views Programs consist of three tier approach

- Assessment done through surveys and program reviews 19

For More Information:

  • Please visit NRCs safety culture webpage at:

  • Information on the components of organizational culture (NRC Values; Principles of Good Regulation; Open Door Policy; Non-Concurrence Process; and Differing Professional Opinion Program):

- Leadership Model (brochure)

- Leadership Model (full report)

  • Contact NRC staff via email at: 20