ML20212B455 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/18/1999 |
From: | Dicus G, Taft B, The Chairman NRC COMMISSION (OCM), OHIO, STATE OF |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20212B439 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9909200117 | |
Download: ML20212B455 (6) | |
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AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND THE STATE OF OHIO FOR THE DISCONTINUANCE OF CERTAIN COMMISSION REGULATORY AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN THE STATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 274 OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954, AS AMENDED Wherear, The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commisucq) is authorized under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (hereinafter re,forred to as the Act), to enter into agreements with the Govemor of any State providing for discontinuance of the regulatory authority of the Commission within the State under Chapters 6,7, and 8, and Section 161 of the Act with respect to byproduct materials as defined in Sections 11e.(1) and (2) of the Act, source materials, and special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass; and, Whereas, The Govemor of the State of Ohio is authorized under Chapter 3748. of the Ohio Revised Code to enter into this Agreement with the Commission; and, Whereas, The Govemor of the State of Ohio certified on June 22,1998, that the State of Ohio
-(hereinafter referred to as the State) has a program for the control of radiation hazards adequate to protept the health and safety of the public and to protect the environment with respect to the materials within the State covered by this Agreement, and that the State desires to assume regulatory responsibility for such materials; and, Whereas, The Commission found on August 4,1999 that the program of the State for the regulation of the materials covered by this Agreement is compatible with the Commission's program for the regulation of such materials and is adequate to protect public health and safety;
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Whereas, The State and the Commission recognize the desirability and importance of cooperation between the Commission and the State in the formulation of standards for protection against hazards of radiation and in assuring that State and Commission programs for protection against hazards of radiation will be coordinated and compatible; and, Whereas, The Commission and the State recognize the desirability of reciprocal recognition of licenses, and of the granting of limited exemptions from licensing of those materials subject to this Agreement;and, Whereas, This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of i
1954, as amended; Now There/ ore, it is hereby agreed between the Commission and the Govemor of the State of Ohio, acting on behalf of the State, as follows:
Article I Subject to the exceptions provided in Articles 11, Ill, and IV, the Commission shall discontinue, as of the effective date of this Agreement, the regulatory authority of the Commission in the State under Chapters 6,7, and 8, and Section 161 of the Act with respect to the following materials:
Byproduct materials as defined in Section 11e.(1) of the Act; b.
Byproduct materials as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Act; c.
Source materials; d.
Special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass; e.
The regulation of the land disposal of byproduct, source, or special nuclear waste materials received from other persons; and,
3 f.
The evaluation of radiation safety information on sealed sources or devices containing byproduct, source, or special nuclear materials and the registration of the sealed sources or devices for distribution, as provided for in regulations or orders of the Commission.
Article II A.
This Agreement does not provide for discontinuance of any authority and the Commission shall retain authority and responsibility with respect to:
The regulation of the construction and operation of any production or utilization facility or any uranium enrichment facility; l
The regulation of the export from or import into the United States of byproduct, i
source, or special nuclear material, or of any production or utilization facility; 3.
The regulation of the disposal into the ocean or sea of byproduct, source, or special nuclear waste materials as defined in the regulations or orders of the Commission; 4.
The regulation of the disposal of such other byproduct, source, or special nuclear material as the Commission from time to time determines by regulation or order should, because of the hazards or potential hazards thereof, not be so disposed without a license from the Commission.
Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Commission retains the following authorities pertaining to byproduct material as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act:
Prior to the termination of a State license for such byproduct material, or for any activity that results in the production of such material, the Commission shall have made a determination that all applicable standards and requirements pertaining to such material have been met.
4 2.
The Commission reserves the authority to establish minimum standards goveming reclamation, long-term surveillance or maintenance, and ownership of such byproduct material and of land used as a disposal site for such material.
Such reserved authorityincludes:
The authority to establish terms and conditions as the Commission determines necessary to assure that, prior to termination of any license j
for such byproduct material, or for any activity that results in the production of such material, the licensee shall comply with i
decontamination, decommissioning, and reclamation standards prescribed by the Commission; and with ownership requirements for such materials and its disposal site; l
The authority to require that prior to termination of any license for such byproduct material or for any activity that results in the production of such material, title to such byproduct material and its disposal site be transferred to the United States or the State at the option of the State j
(provided such option is exercised prior to termination of the license);
The authority to permit use of the surface or subsurface estates, or both, of the land transferred to the United States or a State pursuant to paragraph 2.b. In this section in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, provided that the Commission determines that such use would not endanger public health, safety, welfare, or the environment; i
The authority to require, in the case of a license (if any) for any activity that produces such byproduct material (which license was in effect on November 8,1981), transfer of land and material pursuant to paragraph 2.b. In this section, taking into consideration the status of such material and land and interests therein, and the ability of the licensee to transfer title and custody thereof to the United States or the State;
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5 e.
The authority to require the Secretary of the Department of Energy, other Federal agency, or State, whichever has custody of such byproduct material and its disposal site, to undertake such monitoring, maintenance, and emergency measures as are necessary to protect public health and j
safety, and other actions as the Commission deems necessary; and f.
The authority to enter into arrangements as may be appropriate to assure Federallong-term surveillance or maintenance of such byproduct material and its disposal site on land held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or land owned by an Indian Tribe and subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the United States.
i Article lll l
Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Commission may from time to time by rule, regulation, or order, require that the manufacturer, processor, or producer of any equipment, device, commodity, or other product containing source, byproduct, or special nuclear material shall not transfer possession or control of such product except pursuant to a license or an exemption from licensing issued by the Commission.
Article IV This Agreement shall not affect the authority of the Commission under Subsection 161b or 1611 of the Act to issue rules, regulations, or orders to protect the common defense and security, to protect restricted data or to guard against the loss or diversion of special nuclear material.
Article V The Commission will cooperate with the State and other Agreement States in the formulation of l
standards and regulatory programs of the State and the Commission for protection against 4
hazards of radiation and to assure that State and Commission programs for protection against hazards of radiation will be coordinated and compatible. The State agrees to cooperate with
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the Commission and other Agreement States in the formulation of standards and regulatory programs of the State and the Commission for protection against hazards of radiation and to
-assure that the State's program will continue to be compatible with the program of the Commission for the regulation of materials covered by this Agreement.
4 The State and the Commission agree to keep each other informed of proposed changes in their respective rules and regulations, and to provide each other the opportunity for early and j
substantive contribution to the proposed changes.
The State and the Commission agree to keep each otherinformed of events, accidents, and licensee performance that may have generic implication or otherwise be of regulatory interest.
I Article VI The Commission and the State agree that it is desirable to provide reciprocal recognition of licenses for the materials listed in Article I licensed by the other party or by any other Agreement State. Accordingly, the Commission and the State agree to develop appropriate rules, regulations, and procedures by which such reciprocity will be accorded.
Article VII The Commission, upon its own initiative after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State, or upon request of the Govemor of the State, may terminate or suspend all or part of this Agreement and reassert the licensing and regulatory authority vested in it under the Act if the Commission finds that (1) such termination or suspension is required to protect public health and safety, or (2) the State has not complied with one or more of the requirements of Section 274 of the Act. The Commission may also, pursuant to Section 274j of the Act, temporarily suspend all or part of this Agreement if, in the judgement of the Commission, an emergency situation exists requiring immediate action to protect public health and safety and the State has failed to take necessary steps. The Commission shall periodically review actions taken by the State under this Agreement to ensure compliance with Section 274 of the Act which requires a State program to be adequate to protect public health and safety with respect
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to the materials covered by this Agreement and to be compatible with the Commission's program.
In the licensing and regulation of byproduct material as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Act, or of any activity which results in production of such material, the State shall comply with the provisions of Section 274o of the Act.'.f in such licensing and regulation, the State requires financial surety arrangements for reclamation or long-term surveillance and maintenance of such material, A.
The total amount of funds the State collects for such purposes shall be transferred to the United States if custody of such material and its disposal site is transferred to the United States upon termination of the State license for such material or any activity which results in the production of such material. Such funds include, but are not limited to, sums collected for long-term surveillance or maintenance. Such funds do not, however, include monies held as surety where no default has occurred and the reclamation or other bonded activity has been performed; and B.
Such surety or other financial requirements must be sufficient to ensure compliance with those standards established by the Commission pertaining to bonds, suretles, and financial arrangements to ensure adequate reclamation and long-term management of such byproduct material and its disposal site.
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Article IX This Agreement shall become effective on August 31,1999, and shall remain in effect unless and until such time as it is terminated pursuant to Article Vll.
Done at Rockville, Maryland,in triplicate, this //
day of August,1999.
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Done at Columbus, ligate, this /
day of Augusi,1999.
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fa ce Bob Taft, Govemo[ 'J O