ML20211D225 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/18/1999 |
From: | Merrifield J NRC COMMISSION (OCM) |
Shared Package | |
ML20211D168 | List: |
References | |
SECY-99-202-C, NUDOCS 9908260203 | |
Download: ML20211D225 (4) | |
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- M**e82i!E88**
. COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD'S COMMENTS ON SECY 99-202 l approve'the' staff's proposal to (1) publish the final rule amending environmental protection requirements for the license renewal process and (2) release the supporting addendum to the generic environmental impact statement subject to the following comments:
(1) The staff should revise the' Federal Register Notice (p13) to reflect that the Department of Energy's draft EIS for a repository has been published and is out for comment.
Although not essential, the staff should similarly revise NUREG 1437, addendum 1 if -
practical. '
(2)- While the staff adequately explained in the Federal Register Notice that this rulemaking
~and the supporting addendum to the generic environmental impact statement are not
' related to a decision regarding licensing of Yucca Mountain as a repository, the letters to Congress should be revised to reflect the same sensitivity The staff should revise the letters in a manner consistent with the attached markups.
6 e i
- 1. o e
The Honorable James M. Inhofe, Chairman
- Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety-Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate Washington,- DC 20510
, [ Revise letter to Rep. Barton similarly]
DearMr Chairman:
The U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission intends to publish in the Federal Register 4he a final rule " Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant
! Operating Licenses"_ that amends requirement; te tM Oe.T.inb;br,'; rab in 10 CFR Part 51 -
Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions.
TM '.re: rab ;.T.end; ic ;d ;rr.wn3 the; ;;; puM:'ed in th; .";derel f?eg!;fr en Oes;.T.Mr 10,1000 (Oi I" 0"507), "Cria;.g.crer.;;: "arb; for nen;;; ef Nu;'er .";;; Pb . Opere:;ng I ber.:::," by ;;;rc.' .;;.r., ';;-, ',0 0"" ";ft Si the i;;uhrient tMt %;nre i;r;;;; ;pgl;;;r,3 ed-fren the ;;rarb .r.d cumub::;; nv;re ,;nent ;lT.p=;;; ; c-:':::d ;;h reraper.;On c-;-:-r--;c .; h tM vb;r.;f i of e h!,h b;;l wat repsbri 22. .b Ene:rab ;be ;;ne; der;the petn%: .T.;-- ';;f h;;Mr e ,r;d.ed end h;,her bumup fusi then b current:i;;nred in 10 Crn 51.52 ;;d b au;-;-:-r:ed by the ,.nerb endieb in the te: repeft c' NURCO-1437, V;l.1, A-I-de .dum 1, T:s "Cerefe Cav;ren lrapest Cub r. cat fr Lbean nerew;; ;f Nu;br
~.g.u .ng_s m e_ m____. o__ m _ , , ,.______m.. ,._m_m.n..___._,,_m__ __ m-m.
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E s u.l .wpu muut.w ., I W.w Vs e#. I ww. U .. u .umu y WE ..i susu .gp w.I Whs FD toevenderLen;e ren;;;;f nu;br p;;; pbr.%."
l The final rule enhances the efficiency of the NRC's license renewal process for operating mactors by eliminating the existing requirement for individual license tenswal applicants to evaluate the, environmental impact of transporting fuel .and wasteGo support the change, the NRC has evaluated genencally the environmental impacts associated with transporting spent
~ nuclear fuel in the vicinity of a . single high level waste repository siteAThe'NRC also evaluated generically ths. environmental-impact associated with the transport of spent fuel with higher uranium enrichments.and higher bumups than were assumed in previous analyses.e The analysis of higher: enrichments and bumups accounts for the characteristics of current inventories of spent fuel and of spent fuel likely to be generated during the period of extended operation provided by the . license renewal process.
In analyzing the environmentalimpact of transporting spent fuel and waste;in.the vicinity of a single.tepositorylthe NRC evaluated the impact in the, vicinity of Y.ucca Mountain and specifically the ~ impacts in the vicinity of Las Vegas; NV.- The NRC elected to evaluate the impacts in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain because; Yucca Mountain is the only location currently being evaluated for a repository under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. The NRC's analysis of the impacts in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain in this instance is not intended in anyway to prejudge
' the eventual licensing of. Yucca Mountain as a repository. Rather,:it is intended to reflect NRC's existing license renewal process by reflecting current repository activities and policies. If, based on technical or national policy considerations, some site other than Yucca Mountain is selected
F , , y; -
- 3
. In the future for study as a repository, the NRC will evaluate'the applicability of the generic environmental impact statement for the license renewal process to other proposed repository
. sites.
The NRC study which supports this final rule is enclosed and is entitled NUREG-1437, Vol.1, Addendum it"Genenc Environmental impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants:
Main Report Section 6.3-Transportation, Table 9.1 Summary of findings on NEPA issues for hcense renewal of nuclear power plants."
Also, this amendment incorporates rule language to be consistent with the findings in NUREG-1437, " Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants" (May
- 1996), to address local traffic impacts attributable to continued operation of the plant during the license renewal term.' This issue was identified in NUREG-1437 for inclusion in the rule.
However, the issue was inadvertently omitted from the 1996 rule. The net effect of this action will be to reduce the regulatory burden on licensees without compromising environmental .
Sincerely, Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congressional Affairs
(1) Federal Register Notice
.(2)1NUREG-1437, Vol.'1, Addendum 1, cc w/ enclosure: Senator Bob Graham Senator Pete Domenici .
Senator Harry Reid
r .
,5 E WASHWGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 REFER TO: M990824 secaruny August 24,1999 MEMORANDUM FOR: William D. Travers Executive Director for Operations FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary g-
- 1. SECY-99-202 - Final Rule "Chanaes to Reauirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operatina Licenses (10 CFR Part 51)
The Commission (with all Commissioners agreeing) approved a final rule which amends 10 CFR Part 51 to eliminate the requirement that license renewal applicants address the generic and cumulative environmental impacts associated with transportation operations in the vicinity of a I high-level waste repository site. This final rule also considers the potentialimpacts of more nighly enriched and high burnup fuel. The rule also addresses local traffic impacts attributable to continued operation of the plant during the license renewal term.
The Commission approved the publication and implementation of this final rule subject to the changes indicated in Attachment 1, Following incorporation of the changes, the Federal Reaister notice should be reviewed by the Rules Review and Directives Branch in the Office of Administration and forwarded to the Office of the Secretary for signature and publication.
The Commission also approved the press release and Congressional letters subject to the changes indicated in Attachments 1 and 2.
Attachments: 1. Comments and Changes to the Final Rule in SECY . 02, including the Federa/ Register Notice, Notice of Avwbility, NUREG-1437, Vol.1, Addendum 1, Press Release, and Congressional Letters
- 2. Changes to Congressional Letters l
c %y ntuu.;n n ry a y
2 cc: Chairman Dicus Commissioner Diaz
' Commissioner McGaffigan Commissioner Merrifield EDO
.OPA Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ACNW, ASLBP (via E-Mail)
t vG i Attachment 1 Comments and Changes to the Final Rule in SECY-99-202 l General Comment 1.- Where edits have been made to either the FRN or Addendum, the staff should ensure that conforming changes are made to ensure consistency between the documents, particularly the " comment and response" sections.
Comments on Federal Reaister Notice
- 2. The following text should be inserted on page 2, as the last paragraph 'of the
- " section
M.00AhRiWRlWNERMdWJRWW8149WWelliRE;6 I ManguageWPMERE #@
anismsgodWilegnetptMMpWEauausen30/EmeE891emeW9 0x& JmpemAmeMeRK Ae oDWlaWieKc46Whtticipp slugtester m
- 8MMEM8Q's.siebe#wppastegrimyiemitygalumaglagmassagegampe deepMet omiudge the.eventualJioenginsLofYMMWJew19pedesGilstgrait togeJIGIRC's existing license renewal. process byJelleptigt oispenHgoaltambActivities andmilples; jf anapplication;is,flMbyJm.QeparppogigEnergy]DLotyL&jioensing procent forja..repositoryjn the vicinity lofyuoca . Mountain will.tzmslitutterfgtttirely i appergejsgulatory action frorn the proposed final ruleEliurthermglKgespton I techglegl,ot.nationalpolicLconsideratiopp[some sitej$ hor;thanJMocAMpjLnl sin) selMleg,litMfytuM,for, study.;as,a repository, the,hlRQyril[ eve'" ate lM3mitgeblIltylof MD9Eerl0l#!1Vifoninental. impact statement for thejicensejenewal,pecocepMyther Pl9R9p9dispositoy.slies;
' 3. Revise page 5, last paragraph, third sentence, as follows:
Altt)oagh the NRC did not extend the public comment period,'-Tthe NRC staff did, hc;cyc., consider comments dated as late as June 25,1999, and received as late as early July 1999.
- 4. Revise page 6, second full paragraph, eighth line, as follows: delete "ever" after *lf an application is" l
- 5. Revise page 11, last paragraph, third sentence, as follows: i Wl@'.hpotice'sl title l,did :notJnclude the specific term " transportation ";,-Tthe titles define the subject matter of ...
- 6. Revise page 12, first full paragraph: delete the last sentence that begins " Consequently, i the NRC believes" l
lI I
r .
a m
- 7. Revise the sentence which starts at the bo tom of page 13 and continues onto page 14, as follows:
Before HLW is actually transported to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the State, local
' Governments, Indian Tribes, and the public ,he%;;; h;ve the opportunity to,pfgyltlp i lnptfeomment-on site-specific transportation impacts by[ommsteglingiogh DOE l's p;1%he; h draft EIS for the proposed
- repository at the Yucc.a Mountain siteilwhich WM/nagavailable fog 180-day comment period beginrgingpn Augusli!3u1}d9 (tittp'//Wtmf.ymp. gov):
- 8. Revise page 15, last (partial) sentence on the page: replace "the U.S. Department of
' Energy" with " DOE" 9.- Revise page 17, first paragraph, last sentence, as follows:
However, these revised dose estimates ere-tipgegigp!I,)slgppggy$$oryjltpliqqr I mW@plp]of the public endlsmall compared to natural badly 6Dnti and other sources of {
radiation exposure. I 10.' Revise the page 18 " Response:" section, as follows:
Make the current last paragraph the new second sentence of the first paragraph and change " Finally," to "However,"
Combine the rest of the current first paragraph (sentences two and three) that begins with "To a limited extent, " with the current second paragraph to form a new second paragraph.
- 11. Revise page 20, first full paragraph, sixth sentence: insert " traditionally" between "NRC" and " considers" 12 Revise page 22, first line, as follows; delete " "
- 13. Revise page 23, first partial paragraph, by adding the following sentence:
{ts,ayalabilitygil be. noticedJrtthe Federal Reaister.
- 14. Revise page 24, first line, as follows: change " anticipated" to " included"
.15. Revise page 24, last sentence, as follows:
The NRC staff notes that DOEw4 addresses transportation ..."
- 16. Revise page 26, second paragraph of issue 7 response, as follows: delete first "be" of
- be still be acceptably small" L _ - ._ _ _ _ _ -
- 17. ' Revise 30, last paragraph, second sentence: correct capitalization of_"The"
- 18. Revise page 31, as follows: add an 'of" before "SNF"
- 19. Revise page 33, first partial paragraph, second complete sentence, as follows:
The NRC notes that DOE SMaddresses transportation impacts, mitigation measures, and attemative transportation modes in its EIS for the proposed action to develop a repository at Yucca Mountain.
- 20. Revise page 37, first full paragraph, last line, as follows: correct spelling of " adjust" 2'1'. Revise'page 37, " Comment:" paragraph, as follows: add " schedule" after " DOE is behind"
- 22. The following text should be inserted at the bottom of page 41:
QlGlAG9R1.999;theMade Attomey,generaljiledMggtlpnJts@_2gQggmission
!$ldhanuestatspientcAapendmewationameertigmaggagemostilnmemof NMMMMdgnesinstMttategem emessentcM9391Inessweennorangesteen!magenetigsmagam!s teeWWapspe;$angingnature:otthmats:pateoul!!anginlagamite, Ra@!cepased agMWRyJetedvanced weaponry,andAgoseler?Wingregultygteiggelgping:.geshs l trMWlflg acrosshcountryntf, as a result of reyjoyingjldtjelluog,h)2Cfesches copulusions that are inconsistent with the ;results;o(assumpOspthMpresent l mlerpaldng; the_ Commission will need toLrevisit the. analysis presented)ers'.
Comrr 7ts on Notice of Availability
- 23. Revise first paragraph, as follows:
Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses, to. include. Consideration of CertainJransportatiorilmpacts, and Availability of Supplemental Environmental impact Statement Comments on NUREG-1437. Vol.1. Addendum 1
- 24. Revise page 5, second line, as follows: delete "and" before "Section 2.4 discusses" 25.' ' Revise page 5, Section 2.1, last line, as follows: change "only using'" to "using only"
- 26. Revise page 6, end of first paragraph, by adding the following sentence after "its final EIS until 2000."
0953@sntlyjssued its draft EIS for.a 180-day public comment. period _ beginning on buglastylJ999f
- 27. Revise page 7, second full paragraph, last line. as follows: change "of the order of 75,000" to "on the order of 75,000"
- 28. The first full paragraph on page 13 is not consistent with the first full paragraph on page
- 27. .The text on page 13 states that the radiation dose to the public from the casks was assumed to consist entirely of gamma radiation for calculation of the incident-free dose.
The text on page 27 states that the increase in the total radiation dose rate due to higher J burnup is complicated because the dose rate is the sum of the gamma-ray and the neutron dose rates. Correct or clarify these paragraphs.
- 29. Revise page 15, section 2.3.1, third paragraph, last three sentences, as follows:
More simply put, the LRFC figures represent the additional number of total potential fatalities assumed within the Clark County population due to the shipment of all of the SNF over the entire life of the MgggiggMW repository. Table 4 shows that, using the bounding assumptions for this study, between 2 and 3 excess fatal cancers are predicted. The sum ofincident-free and accident risks is 2.592 LRFC for the southern route using the beltwaypver;tig'pgtgeRefMttpgeportatior[catppaign to,the {
(apptllogy; other scenarios have lower estimated risks.
- 30. Revise page 18, first line, as follows: add "for incident-free transport" after " maximally exposed individual would"
- 31. Revise page 21, as follows: change "LRCFs" and "LRCF" to "LRFCs" and "LRFC,"
- 32. Revise page 21, section 2.5, first paragraph, as follows:
1 As shown in Table 4, the conservatively estimated LRFC assumed to result from radiation exposure related to transportation of SNF in Clark CountyggenmaamnM80 M@@rppgigtgiggggggggAKMis between 1.6 and 2.6 f (including the risk due to potential accidents)MMBprLQ1 95~ptglWegr. For comparison, it is estimated that there would be about 57004:RGFLRfQ for each yeariin Msg County,from causes unrelated to SNF transport. l
- 33. Revise page 21, section 2.5, second paragraph, fourth line, as follows: add " entire
- after "about 2.3 and 2.6 fatalities over the"
- 34. Revise page 23, second paragraph, first sentence, as follows: add ", even under accident scenarios." to the first sentence. 4
' 35. Revise page 26, secorid paragraph, sixth line, as follows: add "and, in some cases, as many as 40 years earlier." after "5 years earlier"
- 36. The discussion in the first full paragraph on page 26 regarding the *5-year cooling period" for spent fuel should be enhanced to point out that 5 years is an extremely conservative estimate. For example, there is almost 40,000 tons of spent fuel in storage now, some of which has been in storage for decades. At the earlie'st, if Yucca Mountain were found suitable and if DOE were successful in obtaining an NRC license, it will be at
Je L
least 11 yearc from now until Yucca Mountain vould be ready to accept spent fuel for q g . storage. It would take many years to work off the backlog of stored spent fuel much less g ,
the spent fuel that will be generated in the intervening years.
37J . Revise page 26, section 3.2, first paragraph, first sentence, as follows: add ", motivated in part by a desire to minimize spent fuel inventory," after " irradiated to higher bumup levels"
- 38. Revise page 27, second full paragraph, first line, as follows: change
- half" to " halve"
- 39. . Revise page 39, second full paragraph, first'line, as follows: add " conservatively" after
, *the revised RADTRAN analysis"
- 40. Revise page 40, first partial paragraph, sixth line, as follows
- delete "might" after "Even though these events" )
- 41. Revise page 43, Issue 7,
- Response:" section, as follows:
Second line: add " fuel" after " analysis of higher bumup" Eighth line: add.", all other things being equal." after "with radiological releases would also increase"
- 42. Revise page 43, issue 9, " Response:" section, first sentence, as follows:
- transportation of fuel and waste to and from a nuclear power plant cQM;s.uch as se4engse-Yucca Mountain, Nevada, which is under considerater x
. ,LW repository.
- 43. ; Revise page 45, fifth paragraph, eighth line, as follows: add "of" before "SNF" 44.. ' Revise page 48, fifth paragraph, fifth line, as follows: correct spelling of %djust"
- 45. Revise page 48, seventh paragraph, second line, as follows: add " schedule" after " DOE is behind"
- 46. Revise page 49, second full paragraph, last sentence, as follows:
Rather than speculate on 'which transportation option or options will ultimately be
- selected, the NRC staff has chosen a mode and routes to Yucca Mountain which in its
. Judgement will have the greatest potential environmental impact 6 l10g$3jaitWWef00he pMIppe]p[$11e;M.
. 47. The following text should be inserted at the bottom of page 50 (it should appear as the i last paragraph to the response on the sabotage comment): .
On9une 22,A999,;the)levada Attomey General filed a petition withtMQgemission which requested the NRC to amend regulations governing safeguards Ashipments of spent nuclear fuel against sabotage and terrorism and to initiate _a comprehensive o ,
- l; '
4 mmdeeltWngammtsNanmaans.ed.tH9speptioAgggpultaisagwpd N #WMND#DWNReF#MBlWO!seteoppnpeRigM m !qasts WggespMMElf/MejespilgjoylpgfigjhitMW3MWeggites Mpagemmmeggoonsi!nent.u!sth #!efesuits gennumpeonHRRussett 9MutenerM9amatissieftwiltneed#jovisit the! ape!ysis piemptegistett.
Comments on Press Release
- 48. Revise page 1, title of press release, as follows:
.HMN M O E419!1M M E S
- 49. ' Revise and replace the page 2, second paragraph, first sentence, as follows:
Regarding the first change, new studies have given the NRC confidence that the expected environmentalimpact of transporting spent fuel from all plant sites to a repositorygeuchApJgggetM, can be handled-MglisA generically - that is, in a fasNogMisie@elly:ppplgge a;y met e,p:;; togggtJpigtjgggg the whole nuclear powpr; industry,. . L;; Zer, te.;;rs sa ;;d,Jhiscgeqdosieg,aggqippoMegedifor
. eachjiceqeeeLto3onduct its;own specific site evaluatlert as;partiof ;t 0; tim; its license renewal application, is urA se rs N",0 r;ie. as forg)esj)o gpgtypd sig@qent inforpultiert;existsAlg.its generic analysis, theistaff.pgepsygympRtoMROM95Mue" assgesplions which means tig the. assumptions wouldmed towomensmeno:sf the actual eg@[onmentalimpacts of transporting spoplNelMneingingiopptl ort s
- 50. ,
The following text should be inserted as the penultimate paragraph of the press release:
IW80sMAWW9rB45mategtquinpagtogranspe!tligetM 6 oteleingiefepositoryzMMRc evaeusteshimpectmm.vtalerggitagsgetup and geollicaNyAs impagts littheycinity#LasyegesWVQhpRebugggp evaluelefthe_ impacts:in.theyloipity#Nuoce Mountain boomuseygogamipaginyAthe ontfloostion currently being evaluated for a repository underDe Nuclear wasteRolicy ActGMttRClanalysis o[the impacts inte vicinity oqucceMglgpifijgy!ll@gtence does:not prejudge @ eveptual licensing of Yucca, Mountain;asA}gpositorygtedhedt renecis NRC's existing license renews! process byfreRecting cupent repostory,sotivlyes andpoimies. fit an applicaten is sled by,the Department of EnergyJDQED;3sEtigpneing prostador;ayepository in theyloigitroffuoco. Mountain M.consgtulampegaly 84RDWeasenonrectientoinMproposedAnaimisstmeensamengen tengkusjornationalpolicroopsiderations,tsomet. site:etherithangeoestMaguiryk seigniedJpMfuture for, study _as:a.tepository,~ the.NRC,wileValuate Melsp$60sbilityfof ft9Atleggjnvirpnmentat tmpact statement;for the,1censejegewel,prysesMher proposed repository sites; 1
' Comments on Conorese%alletters 1
- l. . '? 51 ..
While the staff adequately explained in the Federal Register Notice that this rulemaking and the supporting addendum to the generic environmental impact statement are not
. related to a decision regarding licensing of Yucca Mountain'as a repository, the letters to Congress should be revised to reflect the same sensitivity. The staff should revise the letters in a manner consistent with attachment 2 -
a .
-e ,
4 Attachment 2 J The Honorable James M. Inhofe, Chairman Sgle@8$!lrMRepTN l Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety Committee on Environment and Public Works
- United States Senate Washington, D;C) 20510
Dear Mr. Chairman:
' The U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission intends to publish in the Fed 0ral Register-thQ final l rule l " Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant '
Operating Licensesj" that amends requirement; to t'a C;.T.vT;;;br.'; rua in 10 CFR Part 51 -
Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic l.icensing and Related Regulatory Functions.
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Also, this amendment incorporates rule language to be consistent with the findings in NUREG-1437, " Generic Environmental impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants" (May 1996), to address local traffic impacts attributable to continued operation of the plant during the license renewal term. This issue was identified in NUREG-1437 for inclusion in the rule.
However, the issue was inadvertently omitted from the 1996 rule. The net effect of this action will be to reduce the regulatory burden on licensees without compromising environmental protection.
Sincerely, Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congressional Affairs Er)ciosureg.(1) Federal Register Notice
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cc w/ enclosure: Senator Bob Graham Senator Pete Domenici Senator Harry Reid l