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Informs of Completion of Review of Finalized Colorado Regulations,Part 3, Licensing of Radioactive Matls, & Part 4, Stds for Protection Against Radiation. Determined That Regulations Meet OSP Procedure SA-200 Requirements
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/13/1999
From: Lohaus P
To: Quillin R
Shared Package
ML20210C763 List:
NUDOCS 9907270030
Download: ML20210C757 (10)



'J#l l 3 gj R:bert M. Quillin, Direct:r Laboratory & Radiation Services Division Depaitment of Public Health & Environment 8100 Lowry Boulevard '

Denver, CO 80230 '

Dear Mr. Quillin:

As requested, we have reviewed the finalized Colorado regulations, Part 3, Licensina of Rei!oadive Materials, and Part 4, Standards for Protection Aaainst Radiation, which became effective on May 19,1999. The final regulations are in response to the one amendment identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. The regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 and 30. In addition, we examined the regulations to determine that our March 8,1999, comments on your proposed regulations were incorporated in the final regulations. We discussed our review of these regulations with Mr. Tom Pentecost of your staff on June 17,1999.

~ As a result of the NRC review, we have determined that the Colorado regulations, as adopted, meet the compatibility and health and safety. categories established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

We have also summarized on the enclosed RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado. regulations'. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the RATS Data Sheet.

if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (301) 415-3340 or Ms. Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM @NRC. GOV.

, Sincerely, OriginalSigned4 PAULH.LOHAUS Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs


As stated -

cc: - Tom Pentecost, CO i

Distnbution-DIR. RF (9-106) - LMcLean, RIV (

DCD (SP08) ~

.SDroggitis . . MShaffer, RIV. PDR (YES() ~  !

SS:lomon - FCombs \

BUsilton -

Colorado File.

  • See previcus concurrence

' DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \COFINAL.wpd T. w . r een e,eu c cmwinout r cop,esti,M 1 r Noc w OFFICE OSP l OSP l OGC OSP I L(l l NAME CHMaupin:gd:kk:gd SSalomon STreby PHLohat s' /

DATE- 06/24/99* 06/21/99* 07/12/99* 06/24/99* 07/, 3/99

  • b:

m727oom wo7m OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-5


DR ,

F .

lI p

,p* *%**, UNITED STATES s* j 2


,,, July 13, 1999 Robert M. Quillin, Director-Laboratory & Radiation Senrices Division l Department of Public Health & Environment 8100 Lowry Boulevard l Denver, CO 80230 l

Dear Mr. Quill'n:

i l ' As requested, we'have reviewed the finalized Colorado regulations, Part 3,.Licensina of l Radioactive Matenals. and Part 4, Standards for Protection Aaainst Radiation, which became L effective on May 19,1999. The final regulations are in response to the one amendment identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. The regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 l

and 30. In addition, we examined the regulations to determine that our March 8,1999, l L comments on your proposed regulations were incorporated in the final regulations. We j discussed our review of these regulations with Mr. Tom Pentecost of your staff on June 17,1999. !
l. . As a result of the NRC review, we have determined that the Colorado regulations, as adopted, l

[ meet the compatibility and health and safety categories established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

We have also summarized on the enclosed RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado regulations. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any  :

comments on the information contained in the RATS Data Sheet. l

- If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (301) 415-3340 or Ms. Cardelia H.  !

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM @NRC. GOV. l i

Si rely, 7


'$4 kaul H. Lohaus, Director


Office of State Programs


As stated cc: Tom Pentecost, CO

n q l


[Ona final amendment (5/19/99) identified by *) Date: July 13, 1999 NRC Chronology identification ' FR Notice : .RATSID Proposed / NRC. Final (State Due ^ Final-" .

Review Regulation

' Date)1 - Comment - Date (Effective

'(Y/N) Date)

Standards for Protection Against Radiation- 56 FR 23360 1991-3 F-N 8/18/97 1/1/94 P;rt 20 plus others (1/1/94)

Safety Requirements for Radiographic 55 FR 843 1991-1 F-Y - 5/29/97 6/30/94 Equipment-Part 34 (1/10/94)

ASNT Certification of Radiographers-Part 34 56 FR 11504 1991-2 Not (none) required Notification of incidents-Parts 20, 30, 31, 34, 56 FR 64980 1991-4 F-Y 5/29/97 12/30/90-39,40,70 (10/15/94) 11/1/94 -

Quility Management Program and 56 FR 34104 1992-1 Misadministrations-Part 35 (1/27/95)

Eliminating the Recordkeeping Requirements 57 FR 45566 1992-2 Not for Departures from Manufacturer's (none) required Instructions-Parts 30,35 Licensing and Radiation Safety 58 FR 7715 1993-2 F-N 5/29/97 1/1/97 Requiren,ents for Irradiators-Part 36 (7/1/96)

Definition of Land Disposal and Waste Site 58 FR 33886 1993-3 F-Y 5/29/97 1/1/97 QA Program-Part 61 (7/22/96)

Decommissioning Recordkeepirg and 58 FR 39628 1993-1 P-N 5/29/97 Lic;nse Termination: Documentation (10/25/96)

Additions [Restncted areas and spill sites]-

Parts 30,40 Self-Guarantee as an Additional Financial 58 FR 68726 1994-1 P-N 5/29/97 Mechanism- Parts 30,40,70 59 FR 1618 P-N 12/4/97 (1/28/97)

Ur nium Mill Tailings Regulations: 59 FR 28220 1994-2 F-Y 5/29/97 12/30/90 Conforming NRC Requirements to EPA (7/1/97)

Standards-Part 40 -

Timeliness in Decommissioning Material 59 FR 36026 1994-3 P-Y 6/10/97 Ftcilities-Parts 30,40,70 (8/15/97)

Pr:peration, Transfer for Commercial 59 FR 61767 1995-1 P-Y 6/19/98 Dttribution, and Use of Byproduct Material 59 FR 65243 P-N 10/19/98  ;

for Medical Use-Parts 30,32,35 60 FR 322 (1/1/98)

Frequency of Medical Examinations for Use 60 FR 7900 1995-2 of RIspiratory Protection Equipment-Part 20 (3/13/98) I Low-Level Waste Shipment Manifest 60 FR 15649 1995-3 F-Y 6/20/97 1/1/97 I Information and Reporting-Parts 20,61 60 FR 25983 (3/1/98) j

NRC Chronology identification FR Notice RATSID Proposed / NRC Final (State Due Final- Review Regulation Date) Comment Date (Effective (Y/N) Date)

Pzrformance Requirements for Radiography 60 FR 28323 1995-4 P-N 11/10/97 Equipment. Part 34 (6/30/98)

Radition Protection Requirements: 60 FR 36038 1995-5 P-N 11/12/97 Amended Definitions and Criteria-Parts 19, (8/14/98) 20 Clarification of Decommissioning Funding - 60 FR 38235 1995-6 P-N 10/16/96 Rrquirements-Parts 30,40,70 (11/24/98)

Mrdical Administration of Radiation and 60 FR 48623 1995-7 P-N 11/12/97 Radioactive Materials-Parts 20,35 (10/20/98) 10 CFR Part 71: Compatibility with the 60 FR 50248 1996-1 P-Y 6/10/97 int:mational Atomic Energy Agency-Part 71 61 FR 28724 P-N 4/27/98 (4/1/99)

On2 Time Extension of Certain Byproduct, 61 FR 1109 1996-2 Not Source and Special Nuclear Materials (none) required Lic:nses-Parts 30,40,70 Termination or Transfer of Licensed 61 FR 24669 1996-3 Activities: Recordkeeping Requirements- (6/17/99)

P:rts 20, 30,40, 61, 70 Risolution of Dual Regulation of Airbome 61 FR 65119 1997-1 Efflutnts of Radioactive Materials; Clean Air (1/9/00)

Act-Pa t 90 Fissile Material Sh'pments i and Exemptions- 62 FR 5907 1997-4 P-N 4/27/98 Not Part 71 (none) required Recognition of Agreement State Licenses in 62 FR 1662 1997-2 Arcis Under Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction (2/27/00)

Within an Agreement State-Part 150 Crit:ria for the Release of Individuals 62 FR 4120 1997-3 Administered Radioactive Material-Parts 20, (5/29/00) 35 Licenses for Industrial Radiography and . 62 FR 28948 1997-5 Ridiation Safety Requirements for Industrial (6/27/00)

Radiography Operations-Parts 30,34,71, 150

  • Radiological Criteria for License 62 FR 39057 1997-6 F-N 7/13/99 5/19/99 Termination-Parts 20,30,40,70 (8/20/00)

Extmpt Distribution of a Radioactive Drug 62 FR 63634 1997-7 P-Y 6/19/98 Cont:ining One Microcurie of Carbon-14 (1/2/01) P-N 10/19/98 Urms-Part 30 Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed 63 FR 1890 1998-1 Parsons-Parts 30,40,61,70,150 63 FR 13773 (2/12/01)

Self-Guarantee of Decommissioning Funding 63 FR 29535 1998-2 Not by Nonprofit and Non-Bond-issuing (none) required Lic3nsees- Parts 30,40, 70

NRC Chroaology identification FR Notice RATS ID Proposedl NRC Final (State Due Final- Review Regulation Date) Comment Date (Effective (Y/N) Date)

License Term for Medical Use Licenses- 63 FR 31604 1998 3 Not Part 35 (none) required Licenses for industrial Radiography and 63 FR 37059 1998-4 Radi tion Safety Requirements for Industrial (7/9/01)

Rrdiographic Operations-Part 34 Minor Corrections, Clarifying Changes, and a 63 FR 39347 1998-5 Minor Policy Change-Parts 20., 35, 36 63 FR 45393 (10/26/01)

Trrnsfer for Disposal and Manifests: Minor 63 FR 50127 1998-6 Technical Conforming Amendment-Part 20 (11/20/01) l l

l l

d Robert M. Quillin, Director j Laboratory & Radiation Services Division l Department of Public Health & Environment 8100 Lowry Boulevard Denver, CO 80230  ;


Dear Mr. Quillin:

As requested, we have reviewed the finalized Colorado r gulations, Part 3. Licensino of i Radioactive Materials, and Part 4, Standards for Protect' n Aoainst Radiation, which became effective on May 19,1999. The final regulations are in r sponse to the one amendment identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Track ng System (RATS) Data Sheet. The regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equiv ent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 and 30. In addition, we examined the regulations to d ermine that our March 8,1999, comments on your proposed regulations were incorpofated in the final regulations. We discussed our review of these regulations with Mr. To Pentecost of your staff on June 17,1999. ,

1 As a result of the NRC review, we have determined t at the Colorado regulations, as adopted, meet the compatibility and health and safety categor s established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

We have also summarized on the enclosed RATS ata Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado regulations. Please let us know if y u note any inaccuracies or have any I comments on the information contained in the RAT Data Sheet.

If you have any questions or comments, please c ntact me at (301) 415-3340 or Ms. Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs l


1 As stated cc: Tom Pentecost, CO l

l Distribution:

DIR, RF (9-106) LMcLean, RIV - DCD (SP08)

SDroggitis MShaffer, RIV PDR (YES/)  ;

SSalomon  !

BUsilton C:lorado File

  • See previous concurrence DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \COFINAL.wpd j Tt recolve a copo of this document. Indicate in the box: "C" a Copy witho attachment / enclosure T = Copy with attachment /st' glos \re l *N" = No copy OFFICE OSP l OSP / # yQGCu OSP(OpR NAME CHMaupin:gd:kk SSalomon / STreby _ F PHLohads' ' '

DATE 06/24/99* 06/21/99* 11S /99 06/2H/99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-5 l

' Robert M. Q'uillin, Dir:ctor Laboratory & Radiation Services Division L Department of Public Health & Environment l 8100 Lowry Boulevard .

l. . Denver, CO 80230 '

V l

Dear Mr. Quillin:

, As requested, we have reviewed the finalized Colorado re ulations, Part 3. Licensina of Radioactive Materials, and Part 4, Standards for Protecti Aaainst Radiation, which became l effective on May 19,1999.1 The final regulations are in r ponse to the one amendment i identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tracki g System'(RATS) Data Sheet. The l . regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equival nt NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 and 30. In addition, we examined the regulations to det rmine that our March 8,1999,

, comments on your proposed regulations were incorpor ted in the final regulations. We l discussed our review of these regulations with Mr. To Penteccat of your staff on June 17,1999.

As a result of the NRC review, we have determined th t the Colorado regulations, as adopted, meet the compatibility and health and safety categori s established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

- We have also summarized on the enclosed RATS D a Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado regulations. "Please let us know if yo note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the informatio'n contained in the RAT Data Sheet.

If you have any questions or comments, please co act me at (301) 415-3340 or Ms. Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM @ RC. GOV.

Sincerely, Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs


~ As' stated ' '

cc: Tom Pentecost, CO Distribution:  ;

DIR. RF (9-106) ' LMcLean, RIV 'DCD (SP08)

SDroggitis.- MShaffer, RIV.- PDR (YES()

SSalomon -


  • See previous concurrence DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \COFINAL.wpd 4 i' ' Tt recehre a cep t of this document. Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy Wthout e achment/ enclosure *E" = Copy Wth attachment /eMrs F "N" a No copy OFFICE OSP l OSP , OGC OSP@ M l l NAME CHMaupin:gd:kk SSalomon / STreby PHLohals' ' '

DATE .06/24/99* - 06/21/99*/ /99 06Q4/99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-5

Robert M. Quillin, Dir:ctor Laboratory & Radiation Services Division Department of Public Health & Environment 8100 Lowry Boulevard. l Denver, CO 80220-6928

Dear Mr. Quillin:

As requested, we have reviewed the finalized Colorad regulations, Part 3, Licensina of Radioactive Materials, and Part 4, Standards for Prot ion Aaainst Radiation, which became effective on May 19,1999. The final regulations are i response to the one amendment _

identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tra king System (RATS) Data Sheet. The regulations were . reviewed by comparison to the equi alent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 and 30. In addition, we examined the regulations to etermine that our March 8,1999,

- comments on your proposed regulations were incor rated in the final regulations. We

. discussed our review of these regulations with Mr. m Pentecost of your staff on June 17,1999. j As a result of the NRC review, we have determine that the Colorado regulations, as adopted, i meet the compatibility and health and safety categ ries established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

We have also summarized on the enclosed RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado regulations. Please let us know if ou note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the S Data Sheet.

l If you have any questions or comments, please ontact me at (301) 415-3340 or Ms. Cardelia H. l Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM NRC. GOV.

Sin rely, l

P ul H. Lohaus, Director ice of State Programs l i


As stated ,

cc: Tom Pentecost, CO Distribution: 'a[ gh N DIR. RF (9-106)

  • SDroggitis @, M 3 g DCD (SP08)


SSilomon BUsilton Colorado File ~

  • See previous concurrence DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \COFINAL.wpd -

TE mceive a cop 7 of this document, I ulicate in the box: "C" = Copy - attachment / enclosure T = Cop r with attachment / enclosure "N" a No copy OFFICE O$dl OSP /l OGC OSP:DD l l NAME CHMaupoW SSalomon / STreby PHLohaus DATE 06/0) /99 06/21/9$* 06/ /99 06/ /99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-5

R:bert M. Quillin, Dir:ctor Laboratory & Radiation Services Division Departrhnt of Public Health & Environment 8100 Lowry Boulevard Denver,C 80220-6928

Dear Mr. Qui in:

As requested, wp have reviewed the finalized Colorado regulations, Part 3, Licensina of Rad;oactive Mathrials, and Part 4, Standards for Protection Aaainst Radiation, which became effective on May ) ,1999. The final regulations are in response to the one amendment identified in the en osed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. The regulations were re ' wed W comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 20 and 30. In addition, e examined the regulations to determine that our March 8,1999, comments on your prchosed regulations were incorporated in the final regulations. We discussed our review o ese regulations with Mr. Tom Pentecost of your staff on June 17,1999.

As a result of the NRC re 'ew, we have de; ermined that the Colorado regulations, as adopted, meet the compatibility and ealth and safety categories established in OSP Procedure SA-200.

We have also summarized o -the RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other Colorado regulations. Please t us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in e RATS Data Sheet.

If you have any questions, please ontact me or Ms. Cardelia H. Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or at CHM @NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs cc: Tom Pentecost, CO Distribution:

DIR. RF (9-106) D,CD (SP08)

SDroggitis PDR (YES()

SS lomon BUsilton C:l:rado File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \COFINAL.wpd Ta receive a copo of this docun.ent, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachrnent/ enclosure 'd a Copt with attachment / enclosure "N" a No copy OFFICE OSP OSP57)S lE OGC '\ OSP:DD l l NAME CHMaupin:gd:sns SSalomon STreby \ PHLohaus DATE 06/ /99 06/Al/99 06/ /99 \ 06/ /99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-5 N

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