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Informs That Five Comments & One Suggested Editorial Change Was Identified During Review of Proposed Revs to Section R.61-63.6.2 - 61-63.6.8,dtd 990513.Copy of as Published Regulations Requested to Be Provided for Review
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/21/1999
From: Lohaus P
To: Autry V
NUDOCS 9907060257
Download: ML20209B073 (11)



, Mr. Virgil R. Autry, Director Divisi:n of Radioactiva W sts Minigem::nt Burrcu of Land & W:ste M:n: gem:nt M 211999 Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

Dear Mr. Autry:

As requested, we have reviewed the proposed revisions dated May 13,1999, to the South Carolina Sections R.61-63, Radioactive Material (Title A), Part lil, Standards for Protection Against Radiation; and Part VI, Notices, instructions and Reports to Workers: Inspection. The proposed regulations were sent in a letter dated April 29,1999. The proposed revisions are in response to the two amendments identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. In addition, Sections R.61-63.6.2 through 61-63.6.8 were revised to add the definition of worker and to clarify the South Carolina Department of Health organizational structure. The proposed regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20. We discussed our review of the regulations with you on May 28,1999.

As a result of our review, we have identified five comments and one suggesad editorial change (see Enclosure 1). Please note that we limited our review to regulations required for compatibility and/or health and safety. Under our current procedure, a finding that a State regulation meets the compatibility criteria of the equivalent NRC regulation may only be made ,

based on a review of the final State regulation. However, we have determined that if your l proposed regulations were adopted incorporating the enclosed comments and without other l significant changes, they would meet the compatibility criteria contained in the OSP Procedure SA-200 (formerly B.7). .

We request that when the proposed regulations are adopted and published as final regulations, a copy of the "as published" regulations be provided to us for review. As requested in OSP Procedure SA-201, Review of State Reoulations (November 10,1998), please highlight the final I changes and send one copy in a computer readable format, if possible.

We have also summarized on the RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other South Carolina regulations. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the RATS Data Sheet.

If you have any questions regarding the comments, the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in the review, please contact me er Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or you may e-mail Ms. Maupin at CHM @NRC. GOV.

Signed By:

Sincerely, @MW MUS Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director Office of State Programs


As stated \


DIR RF (9-86) South Carolina File RWoodruff, Ril DCD (SP08)


SDroggtis BUsilton PDR (YES_f_ NO )

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\CHMtREGSC.WPD *See previous concurrence.

T7 receive a cop:1 of this document, Irwhcate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment /encid M No copy OFFICE OSP- l OSP OGC OSP:pglff/ l NAME CMaupin:kk SSalomon STreby PHLohalbj/V '

DATE 06/07/99* 06/07/99* 06/17/99* 06/4 /99 9907060257 99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-25 E


o c:er y t UNITED STATES g


' Mr. Virgil R. Autry, Director Division of Radioactive Waste Management Bureau of Land & Waste Management Department of Health and Environmental Control ,

2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

Dear Mr. Autry:

As requested, we have reviewed the proposed revisions dated May 13,1999, to the South Carolina Sections R.61-63, Radioactive Material (Title A), Part Ill, Standards for Protection Against Radiation; and Part VI, Notices, instructions and Reports to Workers: Inspection. The proposed regulations were sent in a letter dated April 29,1999. The proposed revisions are in response to the two amendments identified in the enclosed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. In addition, Sections R.61-63.6.2 through 61-63.6.8 were revised to add the definition of worker and to clarify the South Carolina Department of Health organizational structure. The proposed regulations were reviewed by comperison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20. We discussed our review of the regulations with you on May 28,1999.

As a result of our review, we have identified five comments and one suggested editorial change (see Enclosure 1). Please note that we limited our review to regulations required for j compatibility and/or health and safety. Under our current procedure, a finding that a State regulation meets the compatibility criteria of the equivalent NRC regulation may only be made, based on a review of the final State regulation. However, we have determined that if your proposed regulations were adopted incorporating the enclosed comments and without other significant changes, they would meet the compatibility criteria contained in the OSP Procedure SA-200 (formerly B.7).

We request that when the proposed regulations are adopted and published as final regulations, a copy of the "as published" regulations be provided to us for review. As requested in OSP Procedure SA-201, Review of State Reaulations (November 10,1998), please highlight the final j changes and send one copy in a computer readable format, if possible.

We have also summarized on the RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other South Carolina regulations. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the RATS Data Sheet.

If you have any questions regarding the comments, the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in the review, please contact me or Cardelia H. i Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or you may e-mail Ms. Maupin at CHM @NRC. GOV. 4 rely, n l I 1 f { .


- 'h kW

Pau H.Lohaus, eputy Director Office of State Programs  ;


As stated

COMMENTS ON PROPOSED SOUTH CAROLINA REGULATIONS AGAINST COMPATIBILIT( AND HEALTH AND SAFETY CATEGORIES State NRC Catenorv ,teaulation Raoulation Subject and Comments Part VI Part 19 Notices, instructions and Reports to Workers:

Inspection and investigation Editorial Suggestion RHA 6.3.1 19.11 Posting of Notices to Workers The term " license" was omitted in paragraph (2) before the word phrase " license conditions." This definition is designated a Compatit,ility Category C and the essential objectives should be adopted by an Agreement State.

Part lli Part 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation A N/A 20.1003 Definition of Background Radiation The definition of " background radiation" was not included in the proposed revisions. This definition is designated a Compatibility Category A and should be adopted by an Agreement State in an essentially identical manner to that of the NRC in 10 CFR

$ 20.1003.

B N/A 20.1003 Definition of Critical Group The definition of a " critical group" was not included in l the proposed revisions. This definition is designated a I Compatibility Category B and should be adopted by an  !

Agreement State in an essentially identical manner to that of the NRC in 10 CFR $ 20.1003.

C N/A 20.1003 Definition of Decommission The definition of " decommission" was not included in the proposed revisions. This definition is den,ignated a Compatibility Category C and the essential objectives should be adopted by an Agreement State. The essential objective of this defidtion is to establish that

" decommission" means to re.c.ove a facility or site safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to a level that permits release of the property for unrestricted use or release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license.


1 B N/A 20.1003 Definition of Distinguishable from Background The definition of " distinguishable from background" was i

not included in the proposed revisions. This definition is designated a Compatibility Category B and should be adopted by an Agreement State in an essentially identical manner to that of the NRC in 10 CFR 9 20.1003.

B N/A 20.1003 Definition of Residual Radioactivity The definition of " residual radioactivity" was not included in the proposed revisions. This definition is designated a Compatibility Category B and should be adopted by an Agreement State in an essentially identical manner to that of the NRC in 10 CFR 6 20.1003.

i I

REGULATION ASSESSMENT TRACKING SYSTEM RATS DATA SHEET State: South Carolina ' Tracking Ticket Number: 9-86 '

[2 proposed amendments (May 13,1999) identified by*] Date: June 21, 1999 NRC Chronology identification RAT 8j



- FR Notice i Draft / NRC. Final (State Due ' .lD Final- Review Regulation

, Date) y Com- Date (Effective -


monts Date)


Standards for Protection Against Radiation-Part 20 56 FR 23360 1991-3 F-Y 12/15/97 1/1/94 plus others F-Y 3/11/98 (1/1/94) -

Safety Requirements for Radiographic Equipment- 55 FR 843 s391-1 F-N Review P::rt 34 (1/10/94) 6/14/95 ASNT Certification of Radiographers-Part 34 56 FR 11504 1991-2 Not required (none) _

Notification of incidents-Parts 20, 30, 31, 34, 39, 40, - 56 FR 64980 1991-4 F-N Review 70 (10/15/94) 6/14/95 Quality Management Program and Misadministrations- 56 FR 34104 1992-1 F-N Review PIrt 35 (1/27/95) 6/14/95 Eliminating the Recordkeeping Requirements for 57 FR 45566 1992-2 Not required Departures from Manufacturer's instructions. (none)

Parts 30,35 l l

Lic nsing and Radiation Safety Requirements for 58 FR 7715 1993-2 i irrrdiators-Part 36 (7/1/96)

Definition of Land Disposal and Waste Site QA 58 FR 33886 1993-3 Program-Part 61 (7/22/96)

Decommissioning Recordkeeping and License 58 FR 39628 1993-1 D-Y 4/3/96 Tcrmination: Documentation Additions [ Restricted (10/25/96) cr::as and spill sites}-Parts 30,40 i

Self-Guarantee as an Additional Financial Mechanism- SS FR 68726 1994-1 D-Y 4/3/96 PIrts 30,40,70 59 FR iS18 (1/28/97)

' Uranium Mill Tailings Regulations: Conforming NRC 59 FR 28220 1994-2 Not Riquirements to EPA Standards-Part 40 (7/1/97) applicable Timeliness in Decommissioning Material Facilities- 59 FR 36026 1994-3 D-Y 4/3/96 Parts 30,40,70 (8/15/97) ,

Preparation, Transfer for Commercial Distribution, and 59 FR 61767 1995-1 Use of Byproduct Material for Medical Use- 59 FR 65243 P;rts &J,32,35 _ 60 FR 322 (1/1/98)

I l

NRC Chronology identification . FR Notice RATS Draftl NRC Final f

j (State Due ID Final- Review Regulation l Date) Com- Date (Effective ments Date)


Frequency of Medical Examinations for Use of 60 FR 7900 1995-2 Rispiratory Protection Equipment-Part 20 (3/13/98) )

Low-Level Waste Shipment Manifest information and 60 FR 15649 1995-3 D-Y 4/3/96 Riporting-Parts 20,61 60 FR 25983 (3/1/98)

Psrformance Requirements for Radiography 60 FR 28323 1995-4 Equipment- Part 34 (6/30/98)

RIdiation Protection Requirements: Amended 60 FR 36038 1995-5 Definitions and Criteria-Parts 19,20 (8/14/98)

CLIrification of Decommissioning Funding 60 FR 38235 1995-6 Rrquirements-Parts 30,40,70 (11/24/98)

Medical Administration of Radiation and Radioactive 60 FR 48623 1995-7 Mittrials-Parts 20, 35 (10/20/98) 10 CFR Part 71: Compatibility with the International 60 FR 50248 1996-1 Atomic Energy Agency-Part 71 61 FR 28724 (4/1/99)

One Time Extension of Certain Byproduct Source and 61 FR 1109 1996-2 Not required Special Nuclear Materials Licenses-Parts 30,40,70 (none)

Termination or Transfer of Licensed Activities: 61 FR 24669 1996-3 Rtcordkeeping Requirements-Parts 20,30,40,61,70 (6/17/99) f:RIsolution of Dual Regulation of Airbome Effluents 61 FR 65119 1997-1 of Radioactive Materials: Clean Air Act-Part 20 (1/9/00)

Fissile Material Shipments and Exemptions-Part 71 62 FR 5907 1997-4 Not required (none)

Recognition of Agreement State Licenses in Areas 62 FR 1662 1997-2 Und:r Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Within an (2/27/00)

A0reement State-Part 150 Crit:ria for the Release ofIndividuals Administered 62 FR 4120 1997-3 Radioactive Material-Part 20,35' (5/29/00)


Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation 62 FR 28948 1997-5 Saf ty Requirements for Industrial Radiography (6/27/00)

Operations-Parts 30,34,71,150

  • Radiological Criteria for License Termination- 62 FR 39057 1997-6 Parts 20,30,40,70 (8/20/00)

Ex:mpt Distribution of a Radioactive Drug Containing 62 FR 63634 1997-7 On2 Microcurie of Carbon-14 Urea Part 30 (1/2/01) ,

I 1


l l

l NRC Chronology Identification FR Notice RATS Draft / NRC Final '

(State Due ID Final. Review Regulation Date) Com- Date (Effective ments Date)


! Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons- 63 FR 1890 1998-1 Parts 30,40,61,70,150 63 FR 13773 (2/12/01)

Self-Guarantee of Decommissioning Funding by 63 FR 29535 1998-2 Not required Nonprofit and Non-Bond-Issuing Licensees- (none)

Parts 30,40,70 License Term for Medical Use Licenses- Part 35 63 FR 31604 1998-3 Not required (none)

Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation 63 FR 37059 1998-4 Safety Requirements for industrial Radiographic (7/9/01)

Operations-Part 34 Minor Corrections, Clarifying Changes, and a Minor 63.iR 39347 1998-5 P81 icy Change-Parts 20,35,36 63 FR 45393 l (10/26/01) l Transfer for Disposal and Manifests: Minor Technical 63 FR 50127 1998-6 Conforming Amendment-Part 20 (11/20/01) l l



Mr. Virgil R. Autry, Direct:r Divisi:n of Radio:ctiva W;st) Min: gem:nt Bureau of Land & Waste Management Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

Dear Mr. Autry:

As requested, we have reviewed the proposed revisions da d May 13,1999, to the South Carolina Sections R.61-63, Radioactive Material (Title A), P rt Ill, Standards for Protection Against Radiation; and Part VI, Notices, instructions and Rpports to Workers: Inspection. The proposed regulations were sent in a letter dated April 29,1999. The proposed revisions are in response to the two amendments identified in the enclose Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. In addition, Sections R.61-6 .6.2 through 61-63.6.8 w2re revised to add the definition of worker and to clarify the South Car !ina Department of Health organizational structure. The proposed regulations were r viewed by comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20. e discussed our review of the regulations with you on May 28,1999.

As a result of our review, we have identified five comme ts and one suggested editorial change (see Enclosure 1). Please note that we limited our revie to regulations required for compatibility and/or health and safety. Under our curre, t procedure, a finding that a State regulation meets the compatibility criteria of the equival nt NRC regulation may only be made based on a review of the final State regulation. Howev r, we have determined that if your proposed regulations were adopted incorporating the e closed comments and without other significant changes, they would meet the compatibility riteria contained in the OSP Procedure SA-200 (formerly B.7).

We request that when the proposed regulations are a opted and published as final regulations, a copy of the "as published" regulations be provided t us for review. As requested in OSP Procedu: 3 SA-201, Review of State Reculations (No ember 10,1998), please highlight the final changes and send one copy in a computer readable ormat, if possible.

We have also summarized on the RATS Data Sheet our knowledge of the status of other South Carolina regulations. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the RATS Data Sheet.

If you have any questions regarding the comments the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in e review, please contact me or Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or you may -mail Ms. Maupin at CHM @NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Direttor Office of State Programs


As stated Distribution:

DlR RF (9-86) South Carolina File R odruff, Rll DCD (SP08)

SDroggitis BUsilton PDR (YES.f_ NO )


  • Sea previous concurrence.

TT teceive a copu of this document. Indicate in the bo'c "C" Copy without attachmen enclosw&' *E" = Copy with attachment /enclosGh k/h No copy OFFICE OSP OSP $ 'QQQF OSPptf///

NAME CMaupin:kk SSalomon $Treby W PHLoha6/V '

DATE 06/07/99* 06/07/99* / 06/[ /99 06/4 /99 DSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-25

. Mr. Virgil R. Autry, Dir:ctor I Division of R dio:ctiva Wests Min:g:m:nt f ,

Bur::u of Ltnd & Wests M:nagtm:nt Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

Dear Mr. Autry:

As requested, we have reviswed the proposed revisiors dated May 13,1999, to the South Carorna Sections R.61-63, Radioactive Material (Title A), Part lli, Standards for Protection Againut Radiation; and Part VI, Notices, instructions nd Reports to Workers: Inspection. The proposed regulations were sent in a letter dated April l 9,1999. The proposed revisions are in response to the two amendments identified in the en osed Regulation Assessment Tracking System (RATS) Data Sheet. In addition, Sections R.1-63.6.2 through 61-63.6.8 were revised to add the definition of worker and to clarify the Sout Carolina Department of Health organizational structure. The proposed regulations ere reviewed by comparison to the equivalent NRC regulations in 10 CFR Parts 19 and O. We discussed our review of the regulations with you on May 28,1999.

As a result of our review, we have identified six co ments (see Enclosure 1). Please note that we limited our review to regulations required for con patibility and/or health and safety. Under our current procedure, a finding that a State regulat;on meets the compatibility criteria of the equivalent NRC regulation may only be made basep on a review of the final State regulation.

However, we have determined that if your propose regulations were adopted incorporating the enclosed comments and without other significant langes, they would meet the compatibility l criteria contained in the OSP Procedure SA-200 (f- rmerly B.7).

We request that when the proposed regulations a e adopted and published as final regulations, a copy of the "as published" regulations be provid ad to us for review. As requested in OSP Procedure SA-201, Review of State Reaulations November 10,1998), please highlight the final changes and send one copy in a computer r. adable format, if possible.

We have also summarized on the RATS Data S eet our knowledge of the status of other South Carolina regulations. Please let us know if you ote any inaccuracies or have any comments on the information contained in the RATS Data heet. I If you have any questions regarding the comm ts, the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in the review, please contact me or Cardelia H.

Maupin of my staff at (301) 415-2312 or you m y e-mail Ms. Maupin at CHM @NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, I Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director Office of State Programs


As stated Distribution:

DIR RF (9-86) South Carolina File DCD (SP08)

SDroggitis BUsilton PDR (YES_f_ NO )

l RWoodruff, Rll l

l DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \REGSC.WPD p r.e.h,. . or tni. cocum.n!, indic.t. in th. bon: c - copy withoui sit- nmentrenciosur. e . copy witn ttachment/.nciosur. N no copy l

l OFFICE OfiM OSPsTjl6f OGC l OSP:DD NAME CMaupih:Id' SSalomon / STreby PHLohaus DATE 067 /99 06/r//99 / 06/ /99 06/ /99


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ERATSi, NRC Clwonology Islentification FR Notice Due Date ' State Status (ENoctive Date)

Medical Administration of Radiation and 60 FR 48623 1995-7 10/20/98 Radioactive Materials 10 CFR Part 71: Compatibility with the 60 FR 50248 1996-1 4/1/99 International Atomic Energy Agency One Time Extension of Certain Byproduct, 61 FR 1109 1996-2 none Source and Special Nuclear Materials Licenses Termination or Transfer of Licensed 61 FR 24669 1996-3 6/17/99 Activities: Recordkeeping Requirements Resolution of Dual Regulation of Airbome 61 FR 65119 1997-1 1/9/00 b Effluents of Radioactive Materials; Clean Air Act Fissile Material Shipments and Exemptions 62 FR5907 1997-4 none _

Recognition of Agreement State Licenses in 62 FR 1662 1997-2 2/27/00 Areas Under Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Within an Agreement State Criteria for the Release of Individuals 62 FR 4120 1997-3 5/29/00 Administered Radioactive Material Licenses for industrial Radiography and 62 FR 28947 1997-5 6/27/00 Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiography Operations Radiological Criteria for License Termination 62 FR 39057 1997-6 8/20/00 huo AO.Ih2[

Exempt Distribution of a Radioactive Drug 62 FR 63634 1997-7 1/2/01 Containing One Microcurie of Carbon-14 Urea Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed 63 FR 1890 1998-1 2/12/01 Persons 63 FR 13773 s

Self-Guarantee of Decommissioning 63 FR 29535 1998-2 none Funding by Nonprofit and Non-Bond-issuing Licensees License Term for Medical Use Licenses 63 FR 31604 1998-3 none Licenses for Industrial Radiography and 63 FR 37059 1998-4 7/9/01 Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiography Minor Corrections, Clarifying Changes, and 63 FR 393477 1998-5 10/26/01 a Minor Policy Change 63 FR 45393 Transfer for Disposal and Manifests: Minor 63 FR 50127 1998-6 11/20/01 TechnicalConformning Amendment TransfeMd "'~'r Mer Technical Conformina Amendment 9? en sni?7 1998-6 11/20/01 -


h .. ..

NC D H I 2600 Bull Street hd PROTECT ' R O S P E l',


columbia, SC 29201 1708 7

ca o l


-? m i April 29,1999 ]

Paul H. Lohaus, Director l Office of State Programs  !

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop WF 3-D-23 Washingt ,D 20555-0001

Dear Mr. I aus:

To maintain compatibility, enclosed are proposed revisions to our state regulation R.61-63, Radioactive Material (Title A) to incorporate regulatory changes made by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Please have your staff review these proposed changes and provide comments to their applicability and form. As you know, there have been no suggested state regulations published for these particular changes as a guide; therefore, your assistance will be appreciated. ,

i We will receive comments on these revisions until July 2,1999, at which time we must prepare H the final document for our governing board's approval.

Thank you for your consideration. /

l Very truly yours, l D

Virgil utry, Director Division of Radioactive Waste Management Bureau of Land & Waste Management i R6163/sla Enclosure


cc: Richard Woodruff RC Region II w/ enclosure

.gMb - /




May 13,1999 SECTION ,


61- Added definition of " Constraint (dose constraint)" in alpha / numeric order. This definition is numbered 61- and remaining existing sections are renumbered.

61- -

' Added requirements to incorporate the resolution of dual regulation (NRC and EPA) of airborne effluents of l

radioactive material.

l 61-63.3.42 Replaced existing text to specify the requirements for vacating premises of a radioactive material licensee.

61- Added requirement to incorporate the resolution of dual regulation (NRC and EPA) of airborne effluents of radioactive material.

61- Replaced to add ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) constraints.

61- Replaced to delete the words " individual exposed" and replace with " occupationally overexposed individual."

i 61-63.3.57, Added Appendix F to specify the radiological criteria for Appendix F license termination.

61-63.6.2 Added new 61-63.6.2 section for definitions. One thru 61-63.6.8 definition for " worker" is added to this new section.

Existing 61-, 61-, and 61- are replaced to clarify the Department's orgamzation.

. Sections 61-63.6.2 thru 61-63.6.8 are renumbered accordingly to 61-63.6.3 thru 61-63.6.9.

61-63.6.10 'Added to incorporate regulation on discrimination. i and 61-63.6.11  !


, l



Text of Proposed Amendment for Public Comment:



Deleted text is shown by 5^cikcout. l Added text is shown by underlining R.61-83 RADIOACTJVE MATERIAL (TITLE A)


3.2.17 " Constraint (dose constraint) means a value above which soecilled licensee actions are '

required. /Ob 90s\003 3.4.4 To implement the ALARA reonirements of RHA 3.4.2. and notwithstanding the requirements i in RHA 3.13. a constraint on air emissions of radioactive material to the emfronment. excluding Radon-222 and its daughters. shall be established by licensees. such that the indhidual member of the public likely to receive the highest dose will not be expected to receive a total effective dose f 1

g coulvalent in excess of 10 mrem (0.1 mSv) ner year from these emissions. If a licensee subiect to this requirement exceeds this dose constraint. the licensee shall reoort the exceedance as provided in RHA 3.46 and promptly take appropriate corrective action to ensure against recurrence.

= :.c a = = m RHA 34 VACATING PREMISES Before a licensee var.ates any location which may have been contaminated by radioactive material as a result of the licensee's acthities the licensee shall. not less than 30 days orior to such vacatig notify the Department in writing of intent to vacate. The licensee shall decontaminate or have decontaminated the location to a degree consistent with subsequent use as an unrestricted area. in accordance with Apoendix F. RHA 3.57.

g 4 The ALARA constraints for air emissions established d@ u Ceiicciiic 31cy; ei pianu;d ie cnowie Ag& Jet A iccuiivu;c, includuis ihc schedaic for ec!Jc,uis confeiciancc widi oyy!!cebic 1;duio, gencially oyy!;cotic cw.ueiuuwuio! niideida, Lid .55ecicicd

!;wwiec cend;uci6. Corrective stens taken or phnned to ensure acainst a recurrence. including the schedule for SDb 0- s M I

$n t



l heavin, canto m .n,a with analienhl. limit = - ALARA =- : !ru eenarally annlicahla environmental standards. and associated license conditions.

0.M.0 T ch icy.J I;;J y.u .-.. ie .yh RIIA 3. E .1 ef Ju. ,uom L.e!.d fei cash andewduaP ;;pe,J.1; c ..;, S.;;;: S;; il;j ee; n: nu.T.ks, .d de;; ef t:ri. ".; rep n mus; bc ,

y..y.,J so L., L:. futu anu . .J La a a y....c .: 4w-h-bic y... &f Lc acyva.

3.46.3 Fmeh ranart filed mn=nant to narnerenh RHA 3.46.1 of thle eactian must inchide for anch scq.a.rinnnfly overmioosed8 inLI.5;.l? the name. Socint Security account number. and date of birth.

The renort must be nrenared so that this information is stated in a senarate and' detachable nart of

' y, b Y Q )

^g y

1 d)(D -





J -

h ,

,J 3.57.1 RHA 3.57 RADIOLOGICAL CRITERIA FOR LICENSE TERMINATION General Fred;!=.: and Scone W $3f The criteria in thl= annendir annly to the dacammieslanine of facilitlec licensed under Reenir.tlon 61-63. Title A. as well as other facilities sublect to the Denartment's iurisdiction under the Atamic Fnerev and Radiatian Cantrol Act. Sectian 13-7-10 of the 1976 S.C. Code. as amanded.

For low-level wn=ta dienanal facilities. the criteria anniv only to ancillarv surface facilities that support radianctive wasta diana ==1 activittac. The criteria do not annly to uranium and thorium recovery facilities alrandy enhiact to Annandir A to 10 CFR part 40 or to uranium caintion extractinn laditiCL.

s The criteria in thi= annandir do not annly to sites whicht Q j Have hamn decammi==tanad nrior to the effective data of the rule in accardance with j criteria identified in the Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) Action Plan: i 3.57.1 M Have previa ==Iv enhmitted and received Denartment annroval on a licence terminatian alan (LTP) or dec..... .:==lanine nian that is camnatible with the SDMP Action Plan criteria: or 1 Submit a sufficient LTP or decommissioning plan before August 20,1998 and such l LTP or dacammI==lanine al== is annroved by the Denartment before Auenst 20.1999 nnd in accordance with the criteria identified in the SDMP Action Plan. except that if an FIS is reonired in


the ==h=ittal there will be a nrovi=lan for day-to-day evean=ian- After a site Ikn= haan deca ==i==lanad and the lie ===a terminated in accordanca with the q criteria in thle annendir the Denartment will reanire addl*Ianal cImannn only if. h==ad on new informatiast.11 datamine= that the criteria of this annendir were not met and residual radianctivity w=Inine at the site canid r== nit in eienifleant threat to nublic haal*h and safety.

gp p .

G  :

2 j

N When calenlatine TEDE to the averane member of the u ::: cal vroun the licensee chall b determine the nenk annual TnDE dose ernected within the first 1000 years after decommicc 3.57.2 Radiolonical Criteria for Unrestricted Use A site will be considered accentable for unrestricted use if the residual radioactivity that is dictinanichnhle from backaround radiation resnite in a TEDE to an average member of the critical

\ eroup that does not exceed 25 millirem ( 0.25 mSv) ner venr. includine that frurs eroundwater. and s

the residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (AL ARA). Determination of the levels which are ALARA must take into account consideration of any detriments. such as deaths from trancoortation accidents. ernected to notentially result from decontamination and waste disnosal.

3.57.3 Criteria for License Termination Under Restricted Conditions A site will be considered accentable for license termination under restricted conditions if: The licensee enn demonstrate that further reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to compiv with the nrovisions of RHA 3.57.2 would result in net public or environmental harm or were not beine made because the residual levels associated with restricted conditions are ALARA.

Dglermination of the levels which are ALARA must enke into account consideration of any ,

detriments. such as traffic accidents. ernected to notentially result from decontamination and waste disnnenl: The licensee hnc made nrovisions for leanlly enforceable institutional controls that nroside reasonnble assurance that the TEDE from residual radioactivity distinenishable from backcround to the averaee member of the critical eroun will not exceed 25 millirem (0.25mSv) ner year: The licencee hac provided sufficient financial assurance to enable an indenendent third q party h nececc. includine a covernmental custodian of a site. to assume and carry out resnonsibilities fo arv control and maintenance of the site. Accentable finnncial assurance mechnnicmc are:

3 Funds placed into an account seereented from the licensee's assets and outside the

-v licensee's administrative control as described in RHA Surety method. Insurance. or other enarantee method as described in RHA h

e A statement of intent in the case of Federal. State. or local Government licensees.

[] as described in RHA or Ib When a nover.. ..r.fal entity is necumine custody and ownershin of a site. an arrnneement that is deemed neceptable by such novernmental entity.

L The licensee has submitted a du...miccionine olan or License Termination Plan (LTP) to the Denartment Indicatine the licencee's intent to decommiccion in accordance with RILA 2.11.4. .

and snecifying that the licensee intends to decommiccion by restrictine use of the site. The licensee chall document in the LTP or deenmmiccionine nlan how the advice of individunic and institutions 3


  • . e J

In the c----- -E iwho may he aNaetad by the dacamm1==lanin- han ha== saneht and in. erner : d.

as appropriate. following analysis of that advice.

s Licensees proposing to decommission by restricting use of the site shall seek advice m .from auch aNacted nar+1a= raeardine the fallawine ==* tars cc--- e '- = the nronaced dar --- ! :i-- - *- = Whether provisions for institutional c'ontrols proposed by the licensee;

\ Mill nrovide reasonable assurance that the TEDE from residual

- 'N radioactivity distinonichnhie from backeround 'to the avermee member of the critical eroun will not ave ed 25 millirem (0.25mSv) TEDE ner year:

i Will be enforceable: and - (d)( ( )(

y 3:57'. Will not emna== nadna burdans on the lacal c--. -

hi or athar affected DRI11th


3 M Whether the IIcan=== h== nrovided sufficient hancial accurance to anahle an indanandant third narty. Inchidine a envernmental cuetadian of a site. to nccuma and carry out rannan ihilities for any naca==ary cantrol and maintenanca of the alta: ' seekine advice on the i===== identified in RHA the IIcaname ahnII nrovide fort Particination by ren. = ^ ::ves of a broad cross section of cammunity


intar==*= who mnv be affected by the dac----- =!==r An c==c. ; -- hi- for a camnrahantive. callective disenseion on the issues by the narticinante i. -

1 0 de and 't! ankliciv A avaita la x - =-v of the rannite of all anch disen==lanc. Incindine a dancrintion of theTadividn=1 viewnaine= of the narticinants on the i==nac and the avtant of anremmant


l and Al= the narticinants on the8 - -? ==d

/ ri ual r=d!== ::,21 at the sita 5 - h,aan reduced so that if the institutional ca a els were 3.17.3.

no Tonner in effect. th=e is r====ahla --== anca that the TEDE from residunt radiaartivity diceanoninhahla hackerannd to the avermee mamhar of the critical eroun is as low as rensanahlv achievable and would not exceed either:

g, 100 nsni-em (1 mSv) ner yeart or

'k57.3.5.2 500 mIHirem (5 mSV) ner year nrovidad the IIcenema:

9 Daman=* rata = that fm*har radactiane in r==idual radioactivity necaecarv to camnly with the 100 - " /vear (1 mSv/vr) vah== of RHA are not technically achiavnhia-wanid be orahihitively arn===ive. or would r===l+ in net nnhlic or envin c- ===: harm:

4 i

s . Makes provisions for durable institutional controls:

3, Provida= siim- '- ^ finanel=1 --- anea to ==nhia a r*= nan =ihte novernmant entity or indan== dant third narty. inchidine a seve,-- - r= al enetadian of a site both to carry out nerladie recliacles of the =its no la== frennently than every $ vears' to ===ure that the institutianal

--- : h m=8= in =Imea as nac---v to n" the criteria of RHA and to ===nma and carry out raenan=lhilitia= for any nac---v cantrol and 7r-.=== of thana - Accentahle f'===fAl assurance mechanisms are those in RHA

3.57.4 Alternate Criteria for Licanea Termination The Denartment may terminate a licanema ==ine altar ==t* criteria nreater than those criteria of RHA 3.57.2. ==d If the !!c=-  : Pr.nyides assuranca that the nnhlic health ==d safety wanid cantinue to be oratacted and it is id: lite lv that the da=* from all man-mada maneces camhined. ather than medical.

h would be more than the 1 mSv/vr (100 mram/vr) limit of RHA 3.13 amd 3.14. by submitHan an

==alysis of na==ihlm sources of ernaance:

g Han emnloved to the ewfant nractical r*=teicdane on site use accei."' ..= to the nroviciane of RHA 3.57.3 in minimiria- erna=nres att the site: and Dadne== da=== to ALARA levels. taldne into can=3deratian any dri. ' ..;nte auch as h traffic accidente ernacted to notantially milt from decantaminatian ==d waste dienanal. Has submitted a decommissioning plan or License Termination Plan (LTP) to the Denartment Indicadne the licaneae's intent to decammi==lan in accardance with RHA 2.11.4. and enacifying that the lican=== nrona=== to dacammI==lan by use of alternate criteria. The licen=aa chall dacument in the decamml==ianine nlan or LTP how the advice of individuals and in=tientiane in the cammunity who may be affected by the deca ==I==la=In= has haan soneht and addressed. as annronriate. following analysis of that advice. In a elrin= =nch advice the IIceneae = hall nrovide for: Particinctian by iei,i--  : c ::ves of a broad cross ==ctian of cc.m a! v intar*=t= who may be affected by the decammI==la=8-..


L/ A An c.==.. . 21 for a cam..d = 've. c. "

^'ve dimen== Ion on the le= nae by

{, the participants represented: and A u.a.!!c!v avait-bla --- ------- , of the rannit of all auch diec=== lane. Includine c'* a dancrindan of the Individual viewnaine= of the narticinante on the i===== and the ertant of aeraament and .'!;Eyr =e -s== the narticl===t= on the8 -- ---

. The nas of alternata criteria to terminat. a licen=a reuuires the annroval of the Denartment after c===--- ::an of the Denar* ment =taff's recammandatlane that will address any cr... . _ xt; nrovidad hv the Enviran===*=1 Prataedan Aeoncv and any nuhlic ccm.;;:s submitted ,

nur====* to RHA 3.57.5. l 5 j i

4 W Pnhlic Notinentian and Pnhlic Particinntian .

Unon the receint of an LTP or dacamm%nine nInn f< t,,AA the lic ==. or a nronnent by the licaname for relan== of a site nuranant to RHA 3.57.3 or 3.57.4. or wh:= ver the Denark. =t 6-==

auch natice to be in the nnhlic Intmeest. the Dena... =t =hnlle Notify and maliele - -- -- u frame Local and State never-- ===3 in the v.'cinity of the site and any Indian nation or other indinenous neonle that have treaty or statutorv richts that could be affected by the decommiccianino: and The Enviran=anent Pratactian Amency for en=== where the IIcan=ae nronaces to relanes a site nurennne to RHA 3.57.4. Publi=h a antice in th[ederal Real and in a forum ench as local newsnnners. lettars to Stata or lacal orennisations. orMoriate fornm. that is readily accaccihle to individualc in the vicinity of the site. and salicit s l=t- frorn affected narties.

3.57.6 Minimization of Contamination - 010 1 % b Anolienate for IIcances. nehac than renewals. after Anoust 20. 1999. chall deceribe in the annlientinn how facility decian and nrneadures for oneratinn will minimira. to the erfent nractienhle, cantaminatinn of the facility and the es-l<.- - ===e_ facilienta eventunt dacammiccionine. and minimire_

to the extent nrnettenkle. the eeneratian of rndinactive wn=t..

Pan VI NOTICES, INSTRUCTIONS, AND REPORTS TO WORKERS; INSPECTION MTT A /4 MA f98W*tht #4 A T9 & T A8T'T r*T* f4 TA W E fJ"k n TFT* M f9 5%&RER Weh A VtJ B A4 T U VR A iV 5 Ab Ass.7 5 %F V V V5%5tassh7

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.t _ s= , ._r_ra _ n __ . _ r 1% _ a_,___ __, TT_ _st , __ _t_. _i__ _ . ,_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ .t _ __ ._ __.

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V Av&BL AL/44 b AAJ bJ LIA 45EG L/bbe bu & teL& g 44hr Judb&& trS L&Jb R&& && AJg/hrhab4v&& bu vb & &&Guh, RJ Juk/u EJ gJ4 Ab4&nrGbl&b e w a -

r____t _u_ _i_a_,_____ ___.___ _ t -_ _ _ - - a , - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . __ __ a_e_ n___ __ .___a _ _ .

LAWW e d&&u Ah, && Jubu R&5bgbu V AL/ AHE Abl&& b A&JLJ %#4 &&GJ %/W uh & bb& e &A&JfW4&v&&J g/Lu JuRA&b &v L&L&J mJbbb&v&& &&bbu 43%/b t_ _ v. ._ 2 ._ __ _ r. _ a __ _ a _ _ .,_

ub Auuubu 6v u&asw&J A b&b&& bu su &u um kvauyamun.

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- , _ _ _ _ _ t _t_,r_rt___ _ir___ .1 _ . _ _ _r. _. . __ . rr _ a_at__ a _ n_____

wv&hb4 vu ubuan v4 uuuJb&& v& vusb&J v4 any vyuvu a&&v&ubu vy uuJ & a& 6.

new i <. .uen,-r r e-a urb,. minniu en. .- nnm,i, neum-m 5%55n WeU && TemFa A rh 5 5%re ibs & 1%# 5 V V 35%5%n& T A Ae&g RA T E %F5%Y&nh 5%h Y Ah Y Y r n , T r _.i _ #4 -

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  • v3"F ' *""

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MQ DEFINITIONS 8 h \Q,' + 0 l m me er me.n= an Individ.... ==g in etivida. .mv he oe , .nal cantrallad by a IIcan===. but da.c not includa the !!------ .

MQ POSTING OF NOTICES TO WOREFM rp \ r- A Q Fach !!. __ - .h.n nuw current cania= of the fallawine doo.. - :s (1) the r r- 'e!==; in thic


Part and in Part HIr (2) theI IIcan== - =41^! A or dacumente ' --- ad inta the "- l-- hv refs.a : ~

and amandmanes thereto: G) the eneratina nracadares annlienble to lica==ad activitia=- (4) any natica of vialatian invoh. ins radialamical wortrine canditianc nranaamd imna=itisin of civi, nannl*V. or order i==nad nurenkne to Part II and any re= nance from the !!ccr-W If naatino of a dacumant enacibd in narneranh 6.2.1 (1). (2) or G) of thl= section is not


the lic=== may na=* a natica which dameribes the dacumant and senta= where it may be examined.

W Departnaent Fonn SC-RHA-20. " Notice to Fmnlavees" =h=II be a- ='===:lv na=*ad by anch j lican=== wherever Individ==l= work in or freanant any nortion of a rastrictad area. ..

s Q De. .- ___- :; natic== or forms na tad nurenant to thie eactian chall annaar in a sufMelant numhar of nlmean to nermit individn=le onemoed in licanaad activitlac to observe tham on the way to I or from any n_ artienh- lican=ad activity lacatlan to which the Ac- .- - == ann 11a= ah=Il be c.s.;..:cuans.

and rhall be replaced if defaced or ahered. j W Dera.:- == dacinnante nantad nn--n* to narneranh 6.2.1 (4) of thic =acrian eh=II be nastad within 2 worldne days aher reemint of the dacumante from the Denartmante the lican=aa's raenan=a. ~

If any. =hmII be'na tad within 2 worldne days after di=natch from the licanaa.- Such dar. -- - :; chall rammin na=*'ad for n =InI=nm of 5 wortel==_ davs or until metian cerrsc k s the vialatian h== h c.

completed. whiches er is later.

f, RHA Q INSTRUCTIONS TO WORKERS ~ Qui l{- i W All individ -l- who in the canese of amnlavmant are litralv to & calve in a year SA 10

1 4

occupational dose in excess of 100 mrem (1 mSv) shall be: - Kent informad of the stormoa tran=fer. or use of radiatian and/or radianctive



(Q~ Instructed in the baalth nratactlan nrahla== ===aelatad with ernaenre to radiatian

==d/or radiametive ma+arial. In nr~ antiana or nracadures tc m1=Imiva e-=-e. and in the nu-


and functions of protective devices employed: In=tructed in. and instructed to observe. to the extent within the worker's control. the annlicable nrovi=lanc of Denartment reendatinns and licanaes for the nrotection of nersonnel to radiation and/or radioactive material: ($) Instructed of their remnaneihility to renad nramntiv to the lican=aa en candition 1 which may land to or can== a vialmelan of Dena.. - ' reenla*iane and licename or i- - ===ry I ernosure to radiatinIn and/or radiaactive material: @) Instructed in the any ad::= reenansa to warninec mada in the event of an unn===I u ,_=. : or malAmetlan that ==v involve erna==re to radia*Ian and/or radiametive materialt and 1 j

b)-- Shall be advised as to tiie radia*Ian erna=nre renons which workers may request

'nuranant to Sectlan RHA 6.4. ,

l h ftd.2 In determinine thaea Individuale enhiect to the reoniramante of 6.3.1. licenmaac must talra into cancidaratian ===3ened activities durine normal and abnormal 12. ed==; involvino ernnenre to radiatian and/or radiametive matarial which can ran=anahly be ernacted to occur durine the life of a licenced facillty. The avtant of tha== != ^. --d=== mn=t be camman=nrate with natanti=1 radialanical haalth nratactian sieh!:=.; nraeant in the work alace.

If g A m rini NOTIFICATION AND REPORTS TO INDIVIDUALS ' 0 W padiatlan a ==w data for an Individual and the randte of any === -a- =ec an=Ivses.

and calculada== of radianctive niatarial deaa=l**d or ratainad in the body of an Individual. chall be reported to'the Individual as snacified in thie eactian. The information renorted chan includa data and ra-nl+= nhe=Ined nur**aaat to Denar*mant reontatlan=- orders. or licanea canditlanc. as shown in records maint=Inad by the 1k=r nur=nant to D -r- ^ rn? reenla*ian=_ heh notificatian and renort alian t be in writine. IncInda :... end: = L'_ -.' " vine Anta auch as the nama of the !k:nr-- the ====

of the individn=1 the in.":v!-'==!'s nacial a .L .1.= inchida the Individual's e->re information; and contain the followine stata= ante "This renan is furninhad to von under the nrovlelane of the San *h Caralina I,eLa - - =t of Hamith and Envir in=antal Cantrol's ' Radiation

~Cantrol Reenla*ian ' You al anid - ---ve thl= renart for future reference "

v g,3,2 he'. =e-- eh=II advise each worker ====any of the worker's da== as shown in records

~BlaintainesLhy_the !!- - nur-nane to r.armeranh= 3.36.2 and 3.39. At the rennant of a worker fer= -dv anonced in licensed activitian enntrolled by the

@, li.r nr each ter--- ahall fur =1=h to the worker a renon of the worker's -* - a e to radiarian 11 ,


and/or radioactty.g.magadah - tav ,

As =hawn in racards maintal=ad by the ". = im - == to RHA 3.39 for anch l

vaar the worker was r: --bd to be =anatared ==dar the provl= lane of RHA 3.17: and 6.5.3.L2 For anch year the worker was reani-ed to be maaltared under the manhorine i r_'  :- in effect prior to F--- =71.1994, This renoM must be furnished withl= 30 days from the time the reonest is made. or within 30 davn after the ernosure of the individual h== been determined by the licensee. whichever is later. This renort must cover the neriod of tima that the worker's activities involved ernosure to radiatlan from radia=etive ==*arial= lica==ad by the Danactment and >=nat includa the data = and bt lacaela== of lice ===1 activitia= in which the worker nar+1cinatad durine thle neriod.

6,M When a lle===ma is manired nur====* to RHA 3.45. 3.46. 3.47. and 3.49 to renort to the Department any ex;iosure of an individual to radiation or radioactive material. the licensee shall also nrovide the individn=I a renort on his or her ernaenre data incIndad therein. This renort <h=II k tr====leted at a ta== not Inter than the tr===mit*al to the Denartment.

6,1,5 At the mn==* of a worker wha is terminatin- emninv= ant with the licencea that involved  ;


[ exposure licaneae to radiation

= hall nrovide ator radioactive ter=In=tian to a=chmaterials.

worker. or toduring theda=Ionse.

the worker's calendar a===ter a written renortor the curren reoardine the radiatian da== received by that worker from oneratiants of the licensee durine the curmnt year or fractian thereof. If the ma=* recant Individn=1 monitorine result = are not availahle at that time. a written ==timmt of the dama ====t he nrovided taoether with a clear Indicarian that this ,

is an estimate.


vf n,1 Each licensee shall afford to the Department at all r===anahle timas onnertunity to inanact maearsala activittaa. facilitian- n l===. and records nursuant to thana reenlatians.

W Durine an inenactian. Denar+rnant inenactors may can=>ilt nrivately with workers as snacified

{ in RHA 6.5. The lica==== or lica==aa's i epi- - eve may s. . .- .-.u.v Denartment insnectors durine nl._. of an i==nactian.

6,6,3 If. at any tin = of in===c+8an- an '=.U'=al h== l=en n.-:" u d by the workers to renrecent

.. them du-ing Department inspections. the licensee shall notify the inspecton of such authorization and ahmII elve the workers' iepi-----m.:!v e an esse ^... hv to accamnany the insnactars durine the inspection of physical working conditions.

g,Q Fach workers' i. - 'ative shall be rantinalv r=2213 in licansad activities under cantrol of the licensee and shall have received instructions as specified in Section REA (,4 6,6,5 Different i+er--- =fatives of licaneees and worken may acenmnany the insnactors durine different nh- of an inenactian if there is no r- ine interference with the canduct of the 12

e s, 8- saction. H m-r. only an* werkers' rear- - ^= ive at a tinsa mav =c. ==r.==v the !==== tar.

n,6,6 With the annroval of the IIe===== and the workers' imm- - ' ::+e. an l'idividual who is not a; .:'

=v an .ed in !!----- ' activiei== nadar cantrol of the 'E= -- . for -*-...*. a ===! tant to the lica==== or to the workers' re.,r- - e::ve. = hall be affsids.' the s===. ^....Itv to c. . .....nany D r.a. ^ 8- saetars durine the !== = Man of nhvalcal - *

  • 7 - ~----

,,u m,wl = _,In ,he a a. n,ovi.l_= o, -

{k...lm mm. ==, ,. - tars a ,e to refuse to nermit accomnaniment by anv individual who deliherately interferes with a fair and orderly inanection. With reenrd to areas cont =3nine nronrietarv information. the workers' represantative for that area ch=II be an Individual previousic nutharized by the lican=aa to enter that RERA.



(R Denare===1 inanactars may can==l+ nriva**1v with workers cc. ce- .1== ===**ars of ocennatian=3 radia*Ian nra**ctian ==d ather nia**ars r=!= fad to an=!!c=h!= stevisions of Derart ==t reenla+iana and lican=== to the avvent the in nactars c'r-- == ;=ry for the canduct of an effective and thorough inspection.

( L2 Durine the canese of an inenactinn any worker may brine nrivatalv to the atiantion of the In=nactars. al*har orally or in writina. any n==+ or cr 1 : canditian which he h== r====n to hat!=ve mnv have ca..^. ei' = tad to or c===ad any vial =+lan of the Act tha== reent=*ian=- or "--- - cand3*Ian.

or any -- -

. avnanice of an Individu=1 to r=d!=*lon from lican=ad radianctive material imdar the licensee's control. Any much natica in writina =hauc omnly with the reoniramants of narmeranh 6R The nrovi= lane of narmernnh 6.7.2 of thle =actinn chall not be intarnrated as authorization to diermonrd ir. ;. ..ettane nur== ant to Eactinn RHA 6.4.

g h EHA 6J REQUESTS BY WORKERS FOR INSPECTIONS "S h g (J,1 Any worker or ies.1 : ::ve of workers who believes that a vialatlan of the Act th==a

/ reenta+1ane- or IIcan=a c.- "H==- avi=*= or h== sccurimi in licanna activitiac with r=rd to r=d!=!==' =1 world== canditiana in which the worker is :=r-- i mav rannant an In=nactian by nivine narica of the allaned ytalatian to the D La - r--t Any much notice ch=II be in writino chall set forth the cruific eramand= for the natica' and =haI8 he sinnad by the worker or rem-- x ;;ve of workers. A cony = hall be _bies: dad to the lican=== hv the Danar+= ant no later than at the ti== of in=naction excent that- ~

unan the mua=* of the worker eivine auch nadie his n=== and the name of In<Hvidn=3= referred to eharein shall not - in auch cony or on any ru. . mil " *--i r-' -- ' or ==d: av=!1=hle by the D._ _ for 7 - - ' - - - - '- - -

(J,2 If. unon rec =In* of much na*les. the D -n-.. -^ deterInines that the camalata+ -- ^= the


ranni. .-- -- - a set forth in narmeranh 6.8.1 of this eaction. and that there are ra==anahia erannde to ballave that the mIta=ed vial =*ian avl =*= or han necurred he shall canna an inenactian to be niada as

=aan as ei refe=hla to datan==Ina if such "- 9 vial =*ian aviata er kn= u. ... . .-d. Inenacciane pursuant to this Section need not be H=idad to == meters referred to in the camnI= Int.


... . w 0


r-with reenac+ to a camnial=+ nadar RHA 6.8. that an

!=_ -::c.= is nat warrx.: d h.._ .

t' =e are no -- -- ' '- -- -- '- to '- "- e that a viala+ian ea:c or h== =cc - ,2 he =h=II natiN the cc.==' '- " in .. : :..s of auch d**: !==Han- The . . ..nlainant may ahtain review of much datar=nin=+ian by ent '":.E a wrl#**= =*=* ===^ of =c.=itian wiil, the

' C= --- !==!==:r for the San *h ("'arall== Der.a. r=0 of Naalth & Envi ..r===t=1 Cent 1el who will nrovide the licanama with a cony of such etatr=rt by certified mail evch===. at the res===* of the ca-ni-In==*. the nama of the camniainant. The lic =;e; may an opsc.;h.s nitten = tat ====t of nosition with the Denar+mant who will nrovide the comniminant with a cony of such statement by certifled mail.' Unon the reon==* of the comniainnnt. the Denartment may hold an informal


canferanca in which the camnial=iant and the licaname may orallv Li ==t their viea An inform =I conferanca may al*a be held at the reaniaat of the !!c------- but M!=!=- -e of the I ';- ::, of the

- cc.=. 'a===t will be mada only f. '!-

  • .; ru. :..: of .. :3 n authc -L ::an finan the complainant. After can idarine all wrl***n and oral views LO - = cad the C -- - '- 'r=r- for the Se..:n Car ="==

Danar+rnant of Haal*h & End...====0ml Cantrol ahmII affirm. niadify. or reverse the dat -. * . atian of the Dana >+===* and fkirn3=ht he camed=Inan* ==d the lican=aa a written natification of his d2.-:::==

and the ran=an therefor.

(3,2, If the Dana >+= ant datarinina= that an 1====ctian is not warrantad hacan== the re..-;s!. 2..  ;- :e of Sac *ian 6.8.1 have not haan mat he shall na*IN the camrdainant in writino of euch det ....Ina+1an.

Such datarminatian shall be withan+ nreindica to the fillne of a r,aw camniain+ =--- :..= the requirements of Section 6.8.1.

M (JQ EMPLOYEE PROTECTION F m nlov m ant d!;..' '..a+1an by a lican=am ( or a halder of a certiflente of comnliance ) or a contractar ur :=h. entractar of a IIc n=== (or a holder of a certificate of comnilance ) meninet an amnlovee for anomaine in oratactad activities undar thic Reenla+1on is nrahihited.

M (J1 DISCRIMINATION PRO,HIBITED No nerson =h=II on the eran=d of new be aweindad from narticinatian in. be danled the bene'Its of.


h or be anhiactad to diacriminatian nadar any pra wr. or activitv lican=ad by thl= Denar+mant.This nrovinian will be enforced throneh Denartment nrovisians and ralaa similar to thaea atraadv


amenhil=had with rannact to racial and athar c'!=- . * ..:r.atian nadar Title 1. Chantar 13 of the South Carnlina Code. This ramadv is nat arcIn=lve. however. and will not nreindica or cut off any athar legal remedies available to a discriminatee.

