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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870102
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/07/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870102, NUDOCS 8701090492
Download: ML20207K705 (21)


, TwPDR" O

January 7, 1987 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JANUARY 2, 1987 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E General Counsel F*

International Programs G State Programs H*

Resource Management I*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J*

Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Opr ions N*

Items Addressed by the Co-. sion 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external distribution) 1

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  • No input this week. .


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8701090492 87o107 T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations PDR COM!1S NRcc Office of the Executive Director WEEKlYINFOREPT PDR for Operations


T. A. Rehm, ED0 492-7781 l

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E HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING JANUARY 2, 1987 Three Mile Island - Unit 2 The staff has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) related to the disposal of water contaminated as a result of the March 1979 accident.

Comments from appropriate Federal and State agencies, and from interested members of the public are being solicited prior to February 28, 1986. These comments will be considered and addressed in a Final Environmental Impact Statement.

The Draft EIS details the staff's evaluation of a number of disposal alternatives and includes a review of the licensee's proposal for I evaporating the estimated 2.1 million gallons of water. The staff has concluded that there are several alternatives, including the licensee's proposal, which could be implemented to dispose of this water without ,

incurring significant environmental impact. Since Commission approval of any disposal method is required, the staff plans to provide a recommendation on the licensee's proposal following issuance of the Final EIS.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) continues to operate without incident.

Currently there are two fluorination towers in operation and have reached a production rate of approximately 300 mtu per month. SFC plans on starting two additional fluorination towers in the near future. The front end of the facility (yellowcake dissolution through UF3 production) is only being operated intermittently because the inventory of matdrial is at capacity. SFC has received approval to hire additional employees and plans to raise their pro-duction rate to 700 mtu per month by April 1, 1987, and continue at this rate through 1988.

Request for Concurrences on Commission Paper: Quality Assurance and ,

Penalties for Negligence The Misadministration package has been circulated to all program offices for their comments and concurrences with a suspense date of January 7, 1987.

Included as a part of the package is: (1) an advance notice of proposed rule-making, (2) a rule that can be issued effective immediately or for public com-ment, and (3) the staff response to issues raised by the Commission in its December 16, 1986 memorandum.

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, l OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending January 2, 1987 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F-INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers,1986 170 53 Received, 1987 3 0 Granted 1 0 Denied 0 1 Pending 172 52 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Lyle Graber, Requests copies of enclosures to three specified NUS Corporation reports.


(An individual Requests records pertaining to himself with regard to requesting inspections / investigations conducted in April and information about May 1977 at the Quad Cities nuclear power plant.

i himself)


Robert Backus, Requests records related to a July 30, 1986 meeting Backus, Meyer between NRC senior staff and New Hampshire Governor

& Solomon Sununu regarding the Seabrook nuclear power plant.

(86-895) ,

Stuart Henry, Requests four categories of records related to the ,

Stuart N. Henry definition of " byproduct material" as defined at

& Associates 42 U.S.C. 2014(e)(2).


Kenneth Mokoena, Requests copies of 1974 and 1985 licenses issued to the The National U.S. Nuclear Corporation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Security Archive related records pertaining to the permission for the (86-897) licensee to export specified quantities of enriched uranium to South Africa.

i David Perlman, Requests 12 categories of records regarding the TMI Levin and nuclear power plant.

Fishbein (86-898)

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 JANUARY 2, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

2 Received, Cont'd (NRCemployee) APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the (86-A-238-86-523) the denied portions of a specified 0IA report.

W. Bell-Taylor, Requests four categories of records related to NRC's International FY 87 budget, contracts and plans.

Business Services, Inc.


Ophelia Williams, Requests copies of (1) EG&G report RE-E-79-013 and (2)

J/R/A Associates standard technical specifications for GE BWRs.


Kenneth Mokoena, Requests three categories of records related to The National employment of American nuclear reactor specialists Security Archive in South Africa's atomic power stations.


Granted Lynn Connor, In response to a request for a copy of the Preliminary Doc-Search Safety Information Document, PSID, which was submitted Associates about October 1,1986, for the advanced HTGR, informed (86-831) the requester that DOE is the agency responsible for the requested record.

James Heelan, In response to a request for certain records related to American Nuclear availability of NRC grants, made available copies of Society three records.


Charles Paulson, In response to a request for copies of three categories Attorney-At-Law of records related to operation Doomsday, atomic testing (86-853) in Nevada in the 1950s, informed the requester that the NRC has no records subject to this request.

s Ellyn Weiss, In response to a request for a copy of Technical Report Union of A-3825-R, " Prevention and Mitigation of Severe Accidents Concerned in a BWR-4 with a Mark Containment," prepared by Brookhaven Scientists #or the NRC, made available a copy of the requested record.


Ophelia Williams, In response to a request for a copy of Valume 8 of BMI- I J/R/A Associates 2104, "Padionuclide Release Under Specific LWR Accident (86-861) Conditions," dated July 1985, made available a copy of the requested record.

Ophelia Villiams, In response to a request for a copy of a July 7,1986 J/R/A Associates memorandum for V. Stello from H. Denton, " Review and (86-862) Assessment of Water Hammer Occurrences Since CY 1981,"

and an October 20, 1986 memorandum for V. Stello from H. Denton, " Maintenance and Surveillance Program Plan,"

made available copies of the requested records.



. Granted. Cont'd Martin Levy, In response to a request for a record of the amount of NTEU Chief Steward the bonus awarded to each of the executives listed on (86-870) NRC Announcement No. 192, made available a copy of the requested record.

Denied Steven Aron, In response to a request for copies of reports by the NRC The Cleveland and the University of Wisconsin regarding an incident at Clinic Foundation the University where sealed sources of IR-192 were lost (86-852) after implementation in pigs, denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Billie Garde, In response to an APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of Government 12 denied records regarding a request for records regarding Accountability Inspection Report 50 445/85-18 and 50-446/85-15 on the Project Comanche Peak nuclear power plant, made available one (86-A-153-86-387) record. Denied six records in their entirety and portions of five records in order to preserve the free and candid internal dialogue necessary for the careful formulation of agency decisions.

Billie Garde, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION AND THE EDO Government for the release of 27 records denied in their entirety Accountability and portions of two records regarding a request for records Project relevant to and/or generated in connection with information (86-A-218-86-274) developed since January 1, 1985, regarding Fire Protection Systems, Appendix R, denied one record, release of which could interfere with an enforcement action.

Continued to deny the remaining records, release of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

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" Mandatory Supervisory Development Program Training"


Presentation of five courses entitled, " Pre-Supervisory Orientation Program-Part II," " Supervising Human Resources,"

" Management Workshop," " Managing Employee Performance," and

" Managing Change," to NRC's management and supervisory employees.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: Best and Final offers received on December 30, 1986, and forwarded to Source Evaluation Panel for review on December 31, 1986.

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER As previously reported, Contract No. NRC-17-80-448-01 with International Verbatim Reports, Inc. (IVRI) for stenographic reporting t 'rvice was terminated for default, effective May 3,1980. After the termination, the NRC sought reprocurement costs in the amount of $306,233.40. On November 20, 1986, the U.S. Claims Court adjudged that the NRC is entitled to reprocurement costs in the amount of $306,233.40 from IVRI.


0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending January 2,1987 Perry Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 On December 23, 1986, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals entered an Order lifting its prior Stay Order which prevented operations above five percent of rated power.

The licensee had successfully completed synchronizing the main generator with the grid on December 19, 1986, and had placed the unit in cold shutdown.

Following completion a number of " clean-up" type work items the plant will be re-started and should be in Test Condition-1 (15-20% of rated power) for performance of the turbine overspeed test before the end of the year.

Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2 An Order Terminating Construction Permits CPPR-81 and CPPR-82 was issued by the staff on December 18, 1986, for the Midland Plant Units 1 and 2. A day earlier, the ASLB issued a Memorandum and Order, Authorizing Withdrawal of Operating Licensee Application and Dismissing Operating Proceeding. These Construction Pennits were issued to Consumers Power Consumers Power Company (CPC)onDecember 15, 1972.

Construction at Midland was deferred on July 15, 1984, following a history of litigation, technical, financial, and rate base issues. Unit I was designed as a co-generation plant that would supply electricity for Consumers Power's i

service area and process steam to a DOW Chemical plant on an adjacent site.

The delayed construction schedules and cost overruns led to court actions ,

involving DOW's suit to withdraw from its contractual obligations. Significant l technical issues also arose over the settling of the auxiliary building and . l what design changes or other measures were required to deal satisfactorily ,

with the attendant foundation problems. )

The D0W Corporation backed out of the contract on July 15, 1983, and one year later, the Consortium of Users in the Detroit area (including the General Motors Corporation) opposed the utility's request before the Public Utilities Comrt.ission for favorable financing terms. These actions had a negative effect on the utility's ability to raise funds for project completion. Both units are approximately 85% complete and cost about $4.1 billion, total.

Or, July 1,1986, CPC informed the Commission that it planned to convert Unit i 1 at Midland to a gas-fired unit and to abandon Unit 2 in-place. It also l stated that it was withdrawing its request to extend the Construction Permits' '

latest completion dates. '

CPC and DOW have apparently settled their differences and part of the output from the gas-fired Unit I will be provided as process steam to D0W.


. Perry Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 On December 24, 1986, the intervenor in the Perry case, OCRE, filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court requesting emergency relief from the recent Order of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which permits operation of the Perry Plant at power levels exceeding 5% of rated power. The petition will be reviewed by Justice Scalia.

The Perry Plant was taken above 5% of rated power late on December 27, 1986, and is holding at 7% of rated power. A problem developed in the turbine electro-hydraulic control system involving a ruptured hydraulic line, which is currently being repaired. Upon completion of the repairs, the plant will be taken to about 20% of rated power for testing.

Three Mile Island - Unit 2 The staff has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) related to the disposal of water contaminated as a result of the March 1979 accident.

Comments from appropriate Federal and State agencies, and from interested members of the public are being solicited prior to February 28, 1986. These comments will be considered and addressed in a Final Environmental Impact Statement.

The Draft EIS details the staff's evaluation of a number of disposal alternatives and includes a review of the licensee's proposal for evaporating the estimated 2.1 million gallons of water. The staff has concluded that there are several alternatives, including the licensee's proposal, which could be implemented to dispose of this water without incurring significant environmental impact. Since Commission approval of any disposal method is required, the staff plans to provide a recommendation on the licensee's proposal following issuance of the Final EIS.

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- Licensee efforts at removing the drilled "hard crust" area continued using existing and modified tooling. The spade bucket tool is moderately successful, achieving a fill rate of approximately one canister per two days.

- The Defueling Water Cleanup System (DWCS) was tested with coagulant and body feed injection in operation. The test run was unsuccessful when the filter plugged after a throughput of less than 3,000 gallons of reactor coolant system (RCS) water. This was the same filter that had previously successfully processed 120,000 gallons of water from the reactor coolant bleed tanks (RCBT's) using the same coagulant. Laboratory tests had shown that the coagulant may not be as effective on RCS water as on the RCBT water. Preparations are in progress to test another coagulant on the RCS that was successfully tested in the laboratory.

2. WASTE SHIPMENT During the week of December 14, 1986, a fuel debris shipment was made without incident with both fuel shipping casks. One fuel shipping cask has returned and is being loaded.

- Michael Slobodien, Radiological Controls Manager, GPUN, was transferred to Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Station on January 1, 1987 to take the position of Radiological Controls Director. His replacement is D.W. Turner who was at Oyster Creek Nuclear Power

  • Station in the corresponding position.
4. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.

- TMI water effluents are sampled from the station (Units I and 2) discharge and analyzed by EPA. Gamma spectrum analyses of the sever daily composited samples (December 13 - 20, 1986) indicated no TMI-2 related radioactivity.

- EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the NRC's TMI outdoor air sample has no results available this reporting period.

The Lancaster water works intake composited seven daily samples (December 14 - 30, 1986). The gamma spectrum analyzed by EPA showed no reactor related radioactivity.



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- Charcoal filters have been replaced in the fuel handling building (FHB) and will be tested. This modification is in support of installation of an engineering safety feature grade FHB ventilation system for TMI-1 as mandated by the TMI-1 restart license conditions.


- Technical Specification Change Request numbers 49, 51, 52, and 54.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 31 and 33.

- Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Disposal of Processed Water Report.

- Safety Evaluation Report for Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch.

- Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

Safety Evaluation for the Addition of Coagulant to the RCS.

Pressurizer Defueling Safety Evaluation Report.

Revised Defueling Canister Dewatering Criteria.

The Ex-Vessel Defueling SER for Defueling of the Pressurizer Spray Line was approved on December 22, 1986.

7. MEETING The next meeting Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 is tentatively scheduled for January 21, 1987 in Lancaster, PA. The exact date, time, location and agenda will be confirmed at a later date.

Persons desiring to speak before the Advisory Panel are requested to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 717-291-1042, or write him at 2122 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603. .


OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending January 2, 1987 West Valley Glass Meeting NRC and DOE staff have scheduled a meeting in West Valley, New York on February 18-19, 1987 to discuss the high-level waste glass qualification pro-gram for the West Valley Demonstration Project. The meeting will include observation of the operation of the installed glass melter which is currently undergoing non-radioactive qualification testing.

Transmittal af Final Environmental Assessment Comments to DOE In a negative consent paper dated November 28, 1986, the Commission was given the results of the staff's review of DOE's Final Environmental Assessments and a proposed letter to DOE. On December 16, 1986 the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safegards supported the approach and focus of the staff comments and follow-up action with DOE. On December 19, the Commission notified the staff that the comments could be sent to DOE. Accordingly, the comments were transmitted to DOE on December 22, with copies also sent to the States and Indian Tribes.

Request for Concurrences on Commission Paper: Quality Assurance and Penalties for Negligence The Misadministration package has been circulated to all program offices for their comments and concurrences with a suspense date of January 7, 1987.

. Included as a part of the package is: (1) an advance notice of proposed rule $

making, (2) a rule that can be issued effective immediately or for public com-ment, and (3) the staff response to issues raised by the Commission in its December 16, 1986 memorandum.


i 2

B&W Volume Reduction Services Facility On December 23, 1986, Administrative Judge Dr. Oscar H. Paris of the ASLBP  :

issued his Decision (LBP-86-40) on the informal proceeding for the Volume 1 Reduction Services Facility (VRSF) proposed by B&W for operation at its site ~

in Parks Township, Pennsylvania. The proposed VRSF would be comprised of a  !

, high-force compactor and incinerator for treatment of low-level radioactive waste (LLW) received from utilities and institutional and industrial  ;

generators. The Decision authorized the staff to issue a license amendment -

permitting high-force compactor operations, but requires certain conditions 1 to be fulfilled before use of the incinerator may be authorized by the staff.

The principal condition requires ccmpletion of testing by B&W and the  ;

manufacturer of the incinerator (Aerojet Energy Conversion Company) to demonstrate that the overall system decontamination factor for remgval of particulates from the incinerator effluent meets or exceeds 4 x 10 , as committed by B&W. The condition is generally consistent with requirements for

, resolution of the open item identified by the staff in its Safety Evaluation i Report (April 1986). The high-force compactor is installed, tested, and

operable at the B&W facility, but the incinerator unit has not been 1 delivered. Testing by the manufacturer continues at its site in California and on a similar unit installed at the Dresden Nuclear Power Plant site.

Further testing of the B&W unit will be necessary on delivery to the site.

Prior to operation of the high-force compactor, B&W must obtain a permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (DER). Permits from DER and, perhaps, EPA will be required for incinerator operation in addition to NRC license authorization. On December 31, the staff issued a license amendment to B&W authorizing high-force compaction operations.

Houston Lighting and Power Company On December 29, 1986, Materials License No. SNM-1972 was issued to Houston Lighting and Power Company; City Public Service Board of San Antonio, Texas; Central Power and Light Company, Corpus Christi, Texas; and the City of i Austin, Texas, for the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Unit 1. )

The license, issued for a five year period, authorizes possession and a storage of fuel assemblies for eventual use in Unit 1.

i Sequoyah Fuels Corporation

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) continues to operate without incident.

i Currently there are two fluorination towers in operation and have reached a production rate of approximately 300 mtu per month. SFC plans on starting two additional fluorination towers in the near future. The front end of the facility (yellowcake dissolution through UF, production) is only being operated intermittently because the inventory of matdrial is at capacity. SFC has received approval to hire additional employees and plans to raise their pro-duction rate to 700 mtu per month by April 1, 1987, and continua at this rate l through 1988.

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3 Status of Hearings

1. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, UF to UF 6 4 By memorandum and order dated July 23, 1986, the conference of parties to the informal hearing scheduled for August 11 was delayed until a date yet to be determined. Judge Frye has scheduled the informal hearing for January 12, 1987.
2. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Waste Disposal Plan The hearing is being held in abeyance pending submittal of a new plan as part of the revision to the decommissioning plan required by Source Material License No. SUB-1010, Condition No. 21.
3. Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois, Kress Creek Decontamination The ASLB decision dated June 19, 1986, dismissed the Order to Show Cause issued to Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation on March 2, 1984. On August 11 1986, the staff filed an appeal with the ASLAB.
4. Kerr-McGee Rare Earths Facility, Decommissioning Plan, West Chicago, Illinois This hearing is being held in abeyance pending the staff's completion of the supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement. The current schedule calls for issuance of the Draft Supplement on or about February 1,1987, and the Final by September 1, 1987. The Board has indicated that they may resume a portion of the Hearing after the Draft is issued.


Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending January 2, 1987

1. Items of Interest None.
2. Civil Penalties Paid
a. Philadelphia Electric Company (Beach Bottom 3) in the amount of

$200,000 based on the failure of the operators to implement the required procedural controls prior to bypassing the Rod Control System. (EA 86-59)

b. Indiana & Michigan Electric Company (D.C. Cook) in the amount of

$25,000 based on a violation involving loss of control of the configuration of safety-related instrumentation due to I&C main-tenance. (EA 86-150)

c. Eastern VA Medical Authority (Norfolk, VA) in the amount of $2,500 based on violations involving their radiation safety program.


3. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:
a. An Order to Show Cause Why License Should Not be Revoked was issued to Dr. K. Joshi (Livonia, MI) and an Crder to Show Cause Why License Should Not be Revoked was issued to Highland Waterford Medical Services (Pontiac, MI) on December 19, 1986. This action is based on Dr. Joshi's continued use of licensed material at a site not author-ized by his license and apparent deception of a supplier of licensed material in requesting delivery of radiopharmaceuticals to a vacant building and willful violation of NRC requirements when he transpor-teted material to Highland Waterford Medical Services and admistered it to patients. (EN86-95)
b. An Order Modifying License and an Order to Show Cause (Immediately Effective) was issued to Pet-Chem Testing Laboratories of Utah, Inc.

(Salt Lake City, UT). This action involves the removal of an indi-vidual from any assignment or position influencing or involving the performance or supervision of any licensed activities. This action was based on a deliberate forging of documents regarding an over-exposure of a radiographer that was unreported under 10 CFR 20.405.

(EN 86-96) l JANUARY 2, 1987 ENCLOSURE D l

4. The following IE Information Notices and Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice No.86-107, Entry Into PWR Cavity With Retractable Incore Detector Thimbles Withdrawn was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit,
b. IE Information Notice, No.86-108, Degradation of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Resulting From Boric Acid was issued to all pressurized water reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.

(, IE Information Notice No.86-109, Diaphragm Failure in Scram Outlet Valve Causing Rod Insertion was issued to all boiling water reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.

d, li Information Notice No.86-110, Anomalous Behavior of Recirculation Loop Flow in Jet Pump BWR Plants was issued to all jet pump BWR facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.

5. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PN0-I-86-100, GPU Nuclear Corporation (0yster Creek), Unplanned Shutdown.
b. PN0-I-86-101, Maine' Yankee Atomic Power Company (Maine Yankee),

Unplanned Release,

c. PNO-III-86-155, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry 1),

Lifting of Court Stay.

d. PNO-III-86-157, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry 1),
e. PNO-IV-86-38, Rocky Mountain Energy (Broomfield, C0), Potential Media Interest - Byproduct Material Identified at Amoco 011 Refinery in Wyoming.
f. PN0-V-86-94, Arizona Nuclear Power Project (Palo Verde 2), Reactor Trip and Plant Shutdown Greater Than 48 Hours.



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0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending January 2, 1987 Pretest Predictions for Containment Model Test A large model of a reinforced concrete containment structure (about 1/6 the size of containments used for modern nuclear power plants) has been constructed at Sanoia National Laboratory, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The model is presently scheduled to undergo pressure tests in February and March 1987, culminating in a test to failure. The motivation for the tests is to evaluate how well state-of-the-art calculational techniques can predict failure modes of concrete containments. Ten organizations are providing independent pre-test predictions. Four are from the U.S.: Sandia National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Electric Power Research Institute and Argonne National Laboratory. Three are from the UK: Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, i Central Electricity Generating Board and United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Safety and Reliability Directorate. Other participants are: CEA(France),FRS (Germany) and ENEA (Italy). Final agreement has recently been achieved on schedule and fonnat for pre-test predictions. The prediction.; will be sub-mitted to Sandia National Laboratory by February 1, 1987.

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ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING JANUARY 2, *987 International Acency Vacancy Announcements The following vacancy notices for the International Atomic Energy Agency have been posted on NRC bulletin boards:

P-5 Statistician, Section for Data Evaluation, Division of Safeguards Evaluation, Department of Safeguards P-5 Research Physicist - Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics, or Solid State Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics P-5 Section Head, Chinese Translation Section, Division of Languages, Department of Administration P-4 Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation Specialist, Medical Applications Section, Division of Life Sciences, Department of Research and Isotopes D-1 Director, Division of Languages, Department of Administration P-4 Atomic Physicist, Head of Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, Nuclear Data Section, Division of Research and Laboratories, Department of Research and Isotopes P-4 Senior Systems Programmer, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Infonnation, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-5 Section Head, Isotope Hydrology Section, Division of Research and Laboratories, Department of Research and Isotopes

  • P-5 Section Head, Radiation Protection Section, Division of Nuclear Safety, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-5 Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Radiation Protection Section, Division of Nuclear Safety, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-1 Development Programer, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety i


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  • was briefen on the status of the development of l a strategic plan by the steering group.

l Chairman Zech asked the steering group to consider the comments i I provided by Commissioners during the meeting and asked Commis-sioners to provide any additional comments they had over the next 10 (lays.

(Subsequently Chairman Zech and Commissioners Roberts and Carr provided additional comments, copies of which are attached for your information.)  ;

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Attachment Not Included  ;

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  • Commissioner Asselstine was not present.

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  • E JANUARY 2, 1987 G


DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 1/6/87 50-443 PNSH-NHYD, Seabrook Discuss the actions to be taken PSNH-NHY/NRC V. Nerses 10:30 a.m. Project Office to be taken to withdraw the Woodmont Ave, construction permit application Suite 1309 1/6-9/87 50-029 Cygna Energy Technical Meeting on SEP NRC/ Yankee /Cygna E. M. McKenna 9:00 a.m. -

Services, Suite 390 Seismic Reevaluation Program Walnut Creek, CA 1/7/87 50-498 South Texas Project To conduct discussions regard- NRC/HL&P R. L. Perch 8:00 a.m. 50-499 Site ing review on South Texas Techni-Bay City, TX cal Specification 1/7/87 50-445 Executive Conference Discuss current status of NRC/ Applicant A. Vietti-Cook 9:00 a.m. 50-446 Room applicants CRPT effort and cor-Comanche Peak Site rective action programs Glen Rose, TX 1/12/87 50-247 Room 6110 Discuss IP-2 reactor vessel aug- NRC/ Con Ed M. Slosson 10:00 a.m. MNBB mented inspection 1/13/87 50-322 Room P-924B Discuss Shoreham status of NRC/LILC0 R. Lo 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building technical issues E

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  • Copias of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document Pooms i A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 4

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  • EE JANUARY 2, 1987


-d DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 1/15/87 50-219 Room P-114 Discuss systems in Dresden Units NRC/ Licensees J. N. Donohew 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building 2/3, Cooper, Millstone Unit 1 and Oyster Creek for combustible gas control during a loss of coolant accident 1/16/87 50-219 Room P-114 Discuss the conceptual design of NRC/GPUN J. N. Donohew 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building the four containment penetrations for the isolation condensers for NUREG-0313, Rev. 2 and the design loads and for having two contain-ment isolation valves outside containment E

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  • Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 i

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NMSS MEETING NOTICES FOR WEEK ENDING: 1/2/87 hj Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety E ATTENDEES /



$$.1/3-6/87 New York, NY To testify for the U.S. Customs W. T. Crow (FC) Crow

?d . Service.

1/9-17/87 70-734 San Diego, Team Operation Safety Assessment N. Ketzlach (FC) Ketzlach CA of GA Technologies, Inc. facility.

1/11-16/87 70-1151 Columbia, TI 2600 inspection with Region II G. Bidinger (FC) Bidinger SC of Westinghouse.

1/21/87 70-1201 Willste To discuss proposed license N.Ketzlach(FC) Ketzlach revision related to B&W's W. Engelke, reorganization. JWatters (B&W) 1/21-22/87 Walnut Executive Management Seminar. Reps of NMSS, IE, Miller Creek, CA ED0 and all 5 Regions Division of Waste Management None Division of Safeguards None EE I P


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