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Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensee 860826 Application for Amend to License SNM-368 Re Const of New Bldg & Addition to Existing Bldg.Concludes That No Adverse Effect on Environ Exists
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 09/27/1986
From: Bidinger G, Crow W
Shared Package
ML20206T174 List:
NUDOCS 8610020393
Download: ML20206T178 (2)



SEP 2 71966 DOCKET N0: 70-371 LICENSEE: UNC, Inc.

Montville, Connecticut




UNC requests authorization to construct a new building and an addition to an existing building. The addition to B-Building will be used for licensed operations.

Discussion The new building, Building T, will be constructed next to S-Building and will have approximately 20,000 fta of floor space. No licensed material will be in the building which is to be used for storage and plant services.

The building addition, to be known as P-Building, will house operations which are currently performed in B-Building and new operations. P-Building, which will have about 65,000 fte of floor space, is L-shaped and will be attached to the southwest corner of B-Building.

The buildings would be located on land which is developed for industrial use.

Some of the land inside the security fence is paved. Land outside the fence is sandy gravel, with sparse grass cover. Excavated material will be placed in a dump area west of the facility.

The licensee contends that environmental effects will be negligible because the land is already committed to a manufacturing environment. Excavation will take place near the existing septic system leach field. Since uranium and possibly source material has been dumped into the septic system and could have contaminated the soil, there is a possibility of contaminated soil being disturbed during construction. There is a 12-foot distance between the septic field and the eastern edge of the field. This should provide adequate distance provided the septic leach field is not disturbed. However, the licensee must assure that contaminated soil is not moved to the dump area. Accordingly, the staff proposes the following license condition:

The licensee shall not move soil near the septic leach field until the licensee has verified by analytical analyses that the soil is not

, contaminated with enriched uranium and/or source material in excess of Option 1 concentration limits established in the Draft Branch Technical Position, which was published in the Federal Register on October 23, 1981.

Records of sampling procedures and analytical results shall be maintained for 2 years.

8610020393 860927 PDR ADOCK 07000371 C PCR

UNC, Inc. SER 2 SEP 2 71986 The applicant enclosed a revised site plan which shows facility additions which were described in a March 21, 1986, letter from UNC. Construction and operations have not been approved for the new facilities shown in the March 1986 letter. Processing of the current applicant does not imply approval of these previous construction projects.

The licensee claims that no significant effluents will be generated by the new facility. This will be reviewed when the safety demonstration is submitted. The licensee must also confirm in the safety demonstration that local building codes were used for construction of the new facility. This information should have been described in the current application.

Conclusions / Findings The staff concludes that construction of the facilities will have no adverse effect on the environment. Operation of the facilities should have no effect on the environment beyond that identified in the Environmental Assessment and the Finding of No Significant Impact published in the Federal Register, on February 13, 1985.

The staff has no objection to construction of the facilities. In accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(11), no Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Assessment is needed. Pending review of appropriate safety demonstrations for the facility, operation is not authorized.

Ariginal Signed Bv G. H. Bidinger Uranium Process Licensing Section Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS p,riginal Signed By:

Approved by:

W. T. Crow, Section Leader OFC: FCUP :FCWP :FCUF :FCUF  :  :

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