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Informs That Dpv Re NRC Plan to Eliminate Operational Safeguards Response Evaluations & Regional Assist,As Currently Described in NRC Im As,Respectively,Procedures 81110 & 81700
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/07/1998
From: Orrik D
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Collins S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20206P326 List:
NUDOCS 9905180219
Download: ML20206P370 (7)


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August 7,1998 L

MEMORANDUM TO: SamuelJ. Collins,Dierector Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: David N. Orrik, Capt USN (Ret), ,

Security Specialist, NRR/ DRPH &PSGB i



This Differing Professional View pertains to the NRC's's plan to eliminate Operational l' Safeguards Response Evaluations and Regional Assists, as currently described in the NRC Inspection Manual as, respectively, procedures 81110 and 81700.


The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has had a security program .

since 1991 focused on the ability ornuclear power plant security forces to protect against a  ;

terrorist attack aimed at causing radiological sabotage, with equivalent consequences of Chemobyl. The heart of this program is security force demonstrations of their anped response capability in onsite force-on force exercises. Weaknesses were identific' in 47% of the plants evaluated to date. There is no other NRC counter-terrorism inspection or oversight effoft. The NRC is canceling this program September 30,1998. This action is ill advised. The government and the public have placed a high priority on countering the perceived increasing threat of j

(. terrorism on U.S. soil. Nuclear plants are a key part of the American infrastructure. The nuclear power industry continues to demonstrate an inability to prepare to protect their plants without NRC oversight / pressure, i.e., "self regulation" is a failure in plant protection. j i

1. THE PROBLEM-i a Protecting against violent atenuh* ,

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l NRC has only one - small - program to ensure that the 60+ nuclear power plants are able to .

protect against a terrorist attack aimed at causing radiological sabotage, Le,' an "American  ;

Chernoby!". The program tests and evaluates their armed response force to respond to a speci5c j t

threat capability, regardless ofits likelihood. The threat capability is speci5ed in 10 CFR 73.1(I),

which defines a design basis threat for radiological sabotage. Essentially, it is a small group of  !

well trained, well-equipped (weapons, explosives, etc.), dedicated terrorists with insider knowledge / assistance making a" determined violent external assault. "

This program is now scheduled to be eliminated on September 30,1998 (and offY98).

9905100219 990503 .


Attachment 1(a)



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' NRC & COUNTER TERRORISM b_ Protecting against attack by atenhh*

This same program also usists NRC regionalinspections by performing a second type of performance evaluation (ofperimeter detection and access control equipment) to ensure that nuclear power plants can protect against one or more individuals attempting to surreptitiously penetrate into the plant in order to cause radiological sabotage. This " attack by stealth"is also part of the design basis threat (10CFR73.1(I)). .

This part of the program is now' scheduled to be eliminated on September 30,1999 (end ofFY99

c. Imolications for USG coliev and publie upset-There hu been, and will be, no formal announcement or notiScation of any kind to anyone. An I intemal-NRC program willjust end. However, this action puts the USNRC in the unique position of being the only governrnent agency to end its active involvement in counter-terrorism when both the executive and legislative branches of the government are increasing the emphasis (and ,

funding) for counter terrorism for (other) government agencies.

Also, the pubiic, when advised, could perceive this as the NRC placing private profit before public and environmental health & safety.



This program is small, employing 3 NRC headquarters personnel (out of 3000 total NRC),

assisted by contractors at a cost of $90K/ year. The program consists primarily of onsite performance evaluations of a plant's security force and equipment. The heart of these evaluations, called Operational Safeguards Response Evaluations (OSREs), are onsite force-on.

force (FOF) exercises with mock terrorists attacking the plant. The " terrorist" force in these -

exercises varies from a single amateurish individual to a team with the capabilities of the NRC design basis threat. The typical exercise lasts only a few minutes; either the mock terrorists have reached all of their target equipment or they have been interdicted by armed responders who have

- deployed to key defensive positions with appropriate weapons. This program is almost identical to the one used by DOE for its facilities, except that the NRC was on a much slower frequency, i.e. an OSRE once every 7 years. The contractors, who assistboth NRC and DOE, are exceptionally well quali5ed and trained for this program's efforts.

The second type ofperformance evaluation, called Regional Assists, conducted by the OSRE team is to physically test the perimeter barriers and alarm systems, CCTV alarm assessment systems, and access control equipment 0.e, X-ray and metal detectors). Byjumping, crawling,

' climbing, etc. the team attempts to defeat the alarm systems and make undetected penetrations into the plant. (Note: Plant personnel are always present so the tests are not confused with actual alarms.) Both individual 0.e., the " lone wolf' terrorist) and team penetration methods are used.


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[ NRC & COUN1ER-TERRORISM s . This effort aho is almost identical to the one used by the DOE for its facilities.


The evidence over the last seven years from 55 OSREs is that, pnor to preparing for an OSRE, i plants would not have been able to demonurate an assured ability to protect their plant against a j terrorist attack. They were unprepared. Why? Regulations do not require nuclear power plants l to conduct onsite contingency exercises. (However, category I fuel facilities are required by regulation to conduct contingency exercises onsite and, at least once a year, for observation by NRC.) '

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In preparing for their OSRE, ALL plants: conducted a vulnerability analysis; developed a new protective strategy; trained trainers; gave new training to their largely inexperienced, civilian guard force in response weapons and tactics; exercised all 3,4, or 5 shifts in onsite F0F exercises in the new strategy and tactics; added new delay or denial baniers in intruders' likely paths, and added protected / ballistic defensive positions for responding oEcers. The est'unated real cost to a plant, most ofit one time capital expenditures for delay / protection modif cations, has been S140k toS800k. .

Further,52 of 55 plants determined in their pre OSRE work-up that they needed an average of ,

80% more armed responders than they had committed to in their security plan if they were to j

[t, ,

" pass" the OSRE. Only when they had to dementrate their protection capability to the NRC did they arrive at a realistic number based on real performance data. Only one plant had to hire I

additional security o5cers; the other plantsjust assigned response duties to more o5cers already on shift and then train them.

However, desphe 6-12 months advance scheduling, an unvarying design basis threat and list of test-events, and much, intense preparation,26 of 55 (47%) plants still demonstrated signi6 cant protection weaknesses during their OSRE, Further, seven plants had such egregious weaknesses that a retum OSRE was scheduled to test the conective measures. Examples of these weaknesses are when a plant's response force failed to interdict the mock tenorists in all of the onsite ,

exercises, or when a mock terrorist " success-scenario"is predictable. (Six of these plants have l since antisfactorily conected their weaknesses; the seventh will be retested in August.)

I After an OSRE, all plants have relaxed their training / exercising program from the pre-OSRE

' period. This has meant, in some cases, the end of any formal training or exercising program, no .


~onsite exercises, little or no FOF exercises (which normally requires additional, overtime personnel, e.g., " shadow" shift and exercise controllers), reduction ofresponse team size (to the plan-commitment level), and assignment ofresponse o5cers to other duties (e.g., fire watch) l preventing those o5cers from being able to meet their response " time liner.

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(( ^ Additiona!!y, in thirty-six Regional Assists, the OSRE team has identified 117 perimeter intrusion detection sensor weaknesses by physical testing. The team limits testing to the capabilities ascribed to the NRC design basis threat. The team couples this with knowledge of the sensor systems to devise and execute plausible penetration methods. However, in many cases the penetration method, the weakness, lies beyond the plan commitment.

4'. OTHER NRC SECURITY EFFORTE-These two evaluations are the onlyNRC security evaluations that are performance based. They were begun in 1991 to focus on the armed response and perimeter protection weaknesses being identi6ed in Regulatory Effectiveness Reviews (RERs), which evaluated the effectiveness of safeguards programs, determining if security regulations, as translated into security plans, were effective. Tne RERs identified 644 weaknesses; the majority were beyond plan commitments and had, therefore, never been previously identified. All were ccrrected.

The other, current security inspections are regionally baud and evaluate a plants' compliance with its security plan, not if the plan works. The OSRE program s benchmark is the NRC's design basis threat. Only the OSRE program physically tests the functioning of the plants total program's a5itity to protect against the threat. The regional inspectors are, in fact, neither authorized, nor trained, nor physically qualified to do this kind of testing. NRC regional inspectors cannot require or enforce correction of any observed weakness that is beyond commitments in the security plan. However, there has been no correlation between a plant's

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OSRE performance and either (1) its compliance with commitments in its security plan or, (2) its periodic security quality ratings by NRC, which is derived from, among other things, regional inspection results. In other words, a plant can be in compliance with its security plan and still be unable to protect, with "high assurance", against the design basis threat.

This lack of correlation can become critical. In only 2 plants, of the 26 plants that had response

. weaknesses identified in an OSRE, were plan violations an issue. In one recent Regional Assist, the perimeter alarm system was penetrated without alarming in 8 places, but in 6 of those locations the penetration method was beyond plan commitments. This was not unusual. NRC inspectors cannot enforce correction ofweaknesses that are beyond plan commitments. Further, a plant can reduce its response force to its (minimum) plan commitment with impunity since that reduced number is in the NRC-approved plan. However, the OSRE routinely has caused

corrections to be made to weaknesses that appear beyond plan commitments. Of course, the weaknuses are demonstrated; they were real, significant, and obvious, once identified. Only 3 l

plants have ever cha!!cnged RER/OSRE-findings and, for various reasons were unsuccessful.

Again, all weaknesses have been corrected.

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The OSRE team has consistently received praise from plant / utility management for their professional conduct and the bene 5cial impact of the OSRE experience on the plant's protection capability. (More speciScally, it's been the plants' preparations for the OSRE that has had the salutary impact.) The high quality and impact of the OSRE, and the team, can be veri 5ed by questioning the security directors and plant mansgers of the nuclear power plants that have undergone an OSRE as to their capability before and after the OSRE and the OSRE experience in general.

Additionally, this NRC program has become the model for other government nuclear agencies.

Foreign government nuclear ofBeials have observed OSRE: or Regional Assists in the last 2-3 years. As a result, parts or all of the program are being copied or used as models in Russia, Kazakstan, Ukraine, Japan, and Germany. At Russia's request, NRC is conducting an OSRE seminar in Russia this August. DOE personnel have also observed an OSRE, and as a result, DOE is planning on devoting one day ofits 1999 International Physical Protection Training Course to a presentation ofNRC's JSRE and Regional Assist Methodology. Ofcourse,NRC will have canceled it by then. By what cr'teria will h have been canceled? Cost? Effectiveness?

Need in America today?

a. Only the capabilities of the NRC design basis threat was used. Therefore, the plants should be able to protect against it. At all times. (Actually, the capabilities used in OSRE: are somewhat LESS THAN those speci5ed in 10 CFR 73.1.) The threat has been the same in all OSREs and RERs.
b. Many weaknesses were identi5ed; some were severe.
c. The weaknesses were neiether identi5ed by other NRC inspections nor by the licensees..
d. The weaknesses were predominantly beyond security plan commitments (e.g., in personnel levels and response team exercising).
e. The weaknesses were not identi5ed, or at not corrected, by the power plants until pre-OSRE preparations. Industry self regulation failed /is failing.

I Economic pressure to cut back, reduce personnel (e.g., to plan commitments)is already severs at nuclear power plants. Eliminating the OSRE program will eliminate any countervallirng pressure to this economic pressure to reduce plant security forces. Reductions have already been identi5ed by regional inspectors.

3. OSREs have identified some plants where the onsite, F0F exercises indcated that reductions -

in the actuai response team size could be made. The team stipulates only that the plant

, validate the reductions (with analysis and exercises) and then notify NRC.

h. This program is the ONLY NRC active counter-tenorism effort. It has been effective; plants are conecting signi5 cant weaknesses in their protection caps'/1.i*y.
i. Armed response weaknesses at power plants regulated by NRC are not new. .The OAO i

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.,  : l NRC & COUNTER-TERRORISM identiSed this in 1977 in a report titled," Security at Nuclear Powerplants - At Best, Inadequate." On page ii, the report noted that "... studies conclude that security at nuclear powerplants could not counter sabotage forces of several individuals that were armed and had

- knowledge of the plant."

7. IMPACT OF CANCELL ATIbM-1 Cancellation of the OSRE program means that 11 plants will not have had an OSRE by the end of FY98. Evidence from the Erst 55 OSRE: is that ONLY those plants that prepare for an OSRE will be prepared to protect the plant against radiological sabotage. Plant security plans have failed ,

to do this. Industry self regulation has failed to do this. This is as t ue in 1998 as it was in 1991.  !

Therefore, to the extent that these plants have not prepared for an OSRE, the evidence is clear j that these plants will not be capable ofprotecting against the design basis threat for radiological l sabotage.

Funher, security' managers admit - volunteer - that, without the specter of a retum OSRE visit, they would find it impossible to justify continuing extemal-threat analysis and shift training to l plant / utility p>anagement. This is especia!!y true since there is no current regulatory requirement for nuclear power plants (unlike fuel facilities) to exercise their shift response teams onsite, or anywhere. This is a result ofutility pressure to reduce costs. Therefore, it isjust a matter of time before all or most response forces will have stopped realistic, or any, onsite exercising. Without exercising, the OSRE experience is that these response team's quality will inevitably deteriorate


to an inadequate level.

Further, the strong and increasing pressure for nuclear power plants to downsize is especially signi5 cant since all plants commit to a specific response force size in their security plans to counter radiological sabotage. (These plans were approved byNRC before the plants went on-line.) However, in 52 of the 55 OSREs, the plants used an average of 80% more responders than they committed to and, therefore, are required -by regulation- to have. The industry's pri9rity has been shown to be, understandably, economic survival then economic profit. Security is a non-productive overhead cost. Plants in all regions are already reducing or planning on reducing security force size, and concomitantly, response force size. Without OSREs (in some foren) to evaluate these reductions, to require plants to demontrate capability with these reduced numbers, NRC will have no recourse but to accept the reduced numbers. This, despite the fact that it was the licensees themselves that detennined that they needed the larger number ofresponders to

- " pass" an OSRE, whose sole criteria was the NRC design basis threat. Therefors, nuclear power plants will inevitably have an insufficient number ofresponse officers to counter the NRC design basis threat.

It must be emphasized that the NRC design basis threat does not rely on any probabilistic estimate of the likelihood of a" violent external assault." It is a capability, not an intention. Unfortunately, that capability exists -In abundance - overseas and in America. Abandoning this counter-terroist 6


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, NRC & COUNTER-TERRORISM effort will inevitably weaken plant protection to levels unable to protect against the design basis threat capability. "Self regulation" has clearly failed. It has only been the " threat", i.e.,

scheduling, of an OSRE that prompted utilities to adequately protect public health and safety.

The mohey they spent preparing for their OSRE in the immediate pre-OSRE period is evidence of this.

There has also been a failure within the NRC to agree upon and ensure that a regulatory basis exists that ensures that power plant licensees (like fuel facilities) can (demonstrably) protect against the NRC design basis threat. It is not an extraordinary capability. Relying on licensee l plans, " designed" to protect, has proven unsatisfactory.

David N. Onik, Capt USN(Ret) cc:

J. Roe,NRR R. Rosano,NRR MModes,'RI GBeli/.e, RB

  • JCreed, RIII BMurray, RIV I


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