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STC-20-057 Revision of the Chronology of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Amendments Including Summary of Change Document for Social Security Number Fraud Prevention, 10 CFR Parts 9, and 35 (Rats Id 2020-2)
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/27/2020
From: Michael Layton
State, Agreement States
Beardsley M
Download: ML20206K968 (11)







To provide the Agreement States with the Chronology of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Amendments including RATS ID 2020-2.


The NRC is amending its regulations to implement the Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act of 2017. This statute directed agencies to issue regulations that prohibit the inclusion of an individuals Social Security account number (Social Security number or SSN) on any document sent through the mail unless the head of the agency deems it necessary and the appropriate precautions are taken to protect the SSN.

Discussion: The direct final rule, published on June 2, 2020, is posted in the Federal Register (FR), (85 FR 33527 and 85 FR 44685 (confirmation of effective date)). The chronology is enclosed in its entirety and includes RATS ID 2020-2, as maintained by the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS). The chronology is for your use to plan rulemaking actions that are needed to satisfy the compatibility and health and safety category designations of the NRC regulations. This document will also be used by the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) teams during upcoming program reviews.

The Standing Committee on Compatibility (Committee) did not review the direct final rule before it was published on June 2, 2020. However, the Committee reviewed the rule during its meeting on June 18, 2020 and determined that the Part 35 provisions, i.e., 35.3045 and 35.3047 included in this rule are a matter of compatibility with the Agreement States as they are both designated as compatibility category C.

In addition, a Summary of Change document for the June 2, 2020 amendment has been enclosed with this letter. This summary is for your use to identify the changes to the Code of Federal Regulations text as well as the compatibility categories associated with those changes.

These regulations are due for adoption by the Agreement States no later than August 17, 2023.

We request that both proposed regulations and final regulations be provided to us for review in accordance with NMSS Procedure SA-201, Review of State Regulatory Requirements.

STC-20-057 If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me or the individual named below.

POINT OF CONTACT: Michelle Beardsley E-MAIL: TELEPHONE: (301) 415-0275 Lizette Digitally signed by Lizette Roldan-Otero Roldan-Otero Date: 2020.07.29 08:54:29

-05'00' Michael C. Layton, Director Division of Materials Safety, Security, State, and Tribal Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


1. Chronology of NRC Amendments
2. Summary of Change Document






ML20206K968 OFFICE NMSS/MSTR/SALB NMSS/MSTR/SALB NMSS/MSST NAME MBeardsley LRoldan-Otero MLayton (LRoldan-Otero for)

DATE 07/24/20 07/24/20 07/24/20 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

CHRONOLOGY OF NRC AMENDMENTS NRC Chronology Identification FR Notice Number RATS ID (State Implementation Due Date)

Safety Requirements for Radiographic Equipment - Part 34 55 FR 843; (1/10/94) 1991-1 ASNT Certification of Radiographers - Part 34 56 FR 11504; (none) 1991-2 Standards for Protection Against Radiation - Part 20 56 FR 23360; 56 FR 61352; 57 FR 1991-3 38588; 57 FR 57877; 58 FR 67657; 59 FR 41641; 60 FR 20183; (1/1/94)

Notification of Incidents - Parts 20, 30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 70 56 FR 64980; (10/15/94) 1991-4 Quality Management Program and Misadministrations - Part 35 56 FR 34104; (1/27/95) 1992-1 Eliminating the Recordkeeping Requirements for Departures from Manufacturer's Instructions - 57 FR 45566; (none) 1992-2 Parts 30,35 Decommissioning Recordkeeping and License Termination: Documentation Additions 58 FR 39628; (10/25/96) 1993-1

[Restricted areas and spill sites] - Parts 30, 40 Licensing and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators - Part 36 58 FR 7715; (7/1/96) 1993-2 Definition of Land Disposal and Waste Site QA Program - Part 61 58 FR 33886; (7/22/96) 1993-3 Self-Guarantee as an Additional Financial Mechanism - Parts 30, 40, 70 58 FR 68726; 59 FR 1618; (none) 1994-1 Uranium Mill Tailings Regulations: Conforming NRC Requirements to EPA Standards - 59 FR 28220; (7/1/97) 1994-2 Part 40 Timeliness in Decommissioning Material Facilities - Parts 30, 40, 70 59 FR 36026; (8/15/97) 1994-3 Enclosure 1

Preparation, Transfer for Commercial Distribution, and Use of Byproduct Material for Medical Use - 59 FR 61767; 59 FR 65243; 1995-1 Parts 30, 32, 35 60 FR 322; (1/1/98)

Frequency of Medical Examinations for Use of Respiratory Protection Equipment - Part 20 60 FR 7900; (3/13/98) 1995-2 Low-Level Waste Shipment Manifest Information and Reporting - Parts 20, 61 60 FR 15649; 60 FR 25983; (3/1/98) 1995-3 Performance Requirements for Radiography Equipment - Part 34 60 FR 28323; (6/30/98) 1995-4 Radiation Protection Requirements: Amended Definitions and Criteria - Parts 19, 20 60 FR 36038; (8/14/98) 1995-5 Clarification of Decommissioning Funding Requirements - Parts 30, 40, 70 60 FR 38235; (11/24/98) 1995-6 Medical Administration of Radiation and Radioactive Materials - Parts 20, 35 60 FR 48623; (10/20/98) 1995-7 Compatibility with the International Atomic Energy Agency - Part 71 60 FR 50248; 61 FR 28724; (4/1/99) 1996-1 One Time Extension of Certain Byproduct, Source and Special Nuclear Materials Licenses - Parts 61 FR 1109; (none) 1996-2 30, 40, 70 Termination or Transfer of Licensed Activities: Recordkeeping Requirements - Parts 20, 30, 40, 61, 61 FR 24669; (6/17/99) 1996-3 70 Resolution of Dual Regulation of Airborne Effluents of Radioactive Materials; Clean Air Act - Part 20 61 FR 65120; (1/9/00) 1997-1 Recognition of Agreement State Licenses in Areas Under Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Within an 62 FR 1662; (2/27/00) 1997-2 Agreement State - Part 150 Criteria for the Release of Individuals Administered Radioactive Material - Parts 20, 35 62 FR 4120; (5/29/00) 1997-3 Fissile Material Shipments and Exemptions - Part 71 62 FR 5907; (none) 1997-4 Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiography 62 FR 28947; (6/27/00) 1997-5 Operations - Parts 30, 34, 71, 150 Radiological Criteria for License Termination - Parts 20, 30, 40, 70 62 FR 39057; (8/20/00) 1997-6 Exempt Distribution of a Radioactive Drug Containing One Microcurie of Carbon-14 Urea - Part 30 62 FR 63634; (1/02/01) 1997-7 2

Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons - Parts 30, 40, 61, 70, 71, 150 63 FR 1890; 63 FR 13773; (2/12/01) 1998-1 Self-Guarantee of Decommissioning Funding by Nonprofit and Non-Bond-Issuing Licensee s- 63 FR 29535; (none) 1998-2 Parts 30, 40, 70 License Term for Medical Use Licenses - Part 35 63 FR 31604; (none) 1998-3 Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic 63 FR 37059; (7/9/01) 1998-4 Operations - Part 34 Minor Corrections, Clarifying Changes, and a Minor Policy Change - Parts 20, 32, 35, 36 and 39 63 FR 39477; 63 FR 45393; (10/26/01) 1998-5 Transfer for Disposal and Manifests: Minor Technical Conforming Amendment - Part 20 63 FR 50127; (11/20/01) 1998-6 Radiological Criteria for License Termination of Uranium Recovery Facilities - Part 40 64 FR 17506; (6/11/02) 1999-1 Requirements for Those Who Possess Certain Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material to 64 FR 42269; (none) 1999-2 Provide Requested Information - Part 31 Respiratory Protection and Controls to Restrict Internal Exposure - Part 20 64 FR 54543; 64 FR 55524; (2/2/03) 1999-3 Energy Compensation Sources for Well Logging and Other Regulatory Clarifications - Part 39 65 FR 20337; (5/17/03) 2000-1 New Dosimetry Technology - Parts 34, 36, 39 65 FR 63750; (1/8/04) 2000-2 Requirements for Certain Generally Licensed Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material - 65 FR 79162; (2/16/04) 2001-1 Parts 30, 31, 32 Revision of the Skin Dose Limit - Part 20 67 FR 16298; (4/5/05) 2002-1 Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Parts 20, 32, and 35 67 FR 20249; (10/24/05) 2002-2 Financial Assurance for Materials Licensees B - Parts 30, 40, 70 68 FR 57327; (12/3/06) 2003-1 Compatibility With IAEA Transportation Safety Standards and Other Transportation Safety 69 FR 3697; (10/01/07) 2004-1 Amendments B - Part 71.

Security Requirements for Portable Gauges Containing Byproduct Material - Part 30 70 FR 2001; (7/11/08) 2005-1 3

Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards - Part 35 70 FR 16336; 71 FR 1926 (4/29/08) 2005-2 Increased Controls for Risk-Significant Radioactive Sources (NRC Order EA-05-090) 70 FR 72128 (12/01/2005) 2005-3 Minor Amendments - Parts 20, 30,32, 35, 40, 70 71 FR 15005 (03/27/09) 2006-1 National Source Tracking System - Serialization Requirements Part 32 (with reference to Part 20 71 FR 65685 (02/06/07) 2006-2 Appendix E)

National Source Tracking System - Part 20 71 FR 65685 (01/31/09 Cat I and Cat 2006-3 II)

Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Minor Corrections and Clarifications - Parts 32 and 35 72 FR 45147, 54207 (10/29/10) 2007-1 Exemptions From Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing 72 FR 58473 (12/17/10) 2007-2 and Reporting Requirements - Parts 30, 31, 32, and 150 Requirements for Expanded Definition of Byproduct Material Parts - 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 61, and 72 FR 55864, 73 FR 42672 (11/30/10) 2007-3 150 Order Imposing Fingerprinting Requirements and Criminal History Records Check Requirements 72 FR 70901 (06/05/08) 2007-4 for Unescorted Access to Certain Radioactive Material (Order EA-07-305)

Occupational Dose Records, Labeling Containers, and the Total Effective Dose Equivalent Parts - 72 FR 68043, 72233 (02/15/11) 2008-1 19 and 20 Medical Use of Byproduct MaterialAuthorized User Clarification - Part 35 74 FR 33901 (09/28/12) 2009-1 Decommissioning Planning - Parts 20, 30, 40, and 70 76 FR 35512 (12/17/2015) 2011-1 Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Materials Licensees -Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 51, 70, and 76 FR 56951 (11/14/2014) 2011-2 150 Change of Compatibility of 10 CFR 31.5 and 31.6 in the Withdrawal of Proposed Rule and Closure 77 FR 3640 (01/25/2015) 2012-1 of Petition For Rulemaking: Organization of Agreement States and Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control 4

Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transportation of Certain Types of Nuclear 77 FR 34194 (08/10/2015) 2012-2 Waste - Part 71 Technical Corrections - Parts 30, 34, 40, and 71 77 FR 39899 (08/06/2015) 2012-3 Requirements for Distribution of Byproduct Material - Parts 30, 31, 32, 40, and 70 77 FR 43666 (10/23/2015) 2012-4 Physical Protection of Byproduct Material - Parts 20, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 71 78 FR 16922 (March 19, 2016) 2013-1 Distribution of Source Material to Exempt Persons and to General Licensees and Revision of General License and Exemptions - Parts 30, 40, and 70 78 FR 16922 (August 27, 2016) 2013-2 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material - Written Reports and Clarifying Amendments - 79 FR 57721, 80 FR 143 (January 26, 2015-1 Part 70 2018)

Safeguards Information - Modified Handling Categorization, Change for Materials Facilities - Parts 79 FR 58664, 80 FR 3865 (January 28, 2015-2 30, 37, 73, and 150 2018)

Revisions to Transportation Safety Requirements and Harmonization With International Atomic 80 FR 33987 (July 13, 2018) 2015-3 Energy Agency Transportation Requirements - Part 71 Miscellaneous Corrections - Parts 37 and 40 80 FR 45841 (September 2, 2018) 2015-4 Miscellaneous Corrections - Parts 19, 20, 30, 32, 37, 40, 61, 70, 71, and 150 80 FR 74974 (December 31, 2018) 2015-5 Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Medical Event Definitions, Training and Experience, and 83 FR 33046 (January 14, 2022) 2018-1 Clarifying Amendments - Parts 30, 32 and 35 Miscellaneous Corrections - Organizational Changes 83 FR 57231 (December 21, 2021) 2018-2 Parts 37, 40, 70, and 71 Miscellaneous Corrections 83 FR 30285 (July 30, 2022) 2018-3 Parts 1, 2, 34, 37, 50, 71, 73, and 140 Miscellaneous Corrections 84 FR 63565 (December 18, 2022) 2019-1 Parts 2, 21, 37, 50, 52, 73, and 110 Organizational Changes and Conforming Amendments 84 FR 65639 2019-2 Parts 1, 2, 37, 40, 50, 51, 52, 55, 71, 72, 73, 74, 100, 140, and 150 84 FR 66561 (December 30, 2022) 5

Individual Monitoring Devices 85 FR 15347 (June 16, 2023) 2020-1 Parts 34, 36, and 39 Social Security Number Fraud Prevention 85 FR 33527 and 85 FR 44685 2020-2 Parts 9 and 35 (August 17, 2023) 6

Social Security Number Fraud Prevention 10 CFR Parts 9 and 35 (85 FR 33527, Published June 2, 2020 and 85 FR 44685 (confirmation of effective date))

RATS ID: 2020-2 Effective Date: August 17, 2020 Date Due for State Adoption: August 17, 2023 Change to Title State Compatibility Summary of Change to CFR Difference Significant If NRC Section Section Category Yes/No Yes/No Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated

§ 35.3045(g)(1) Report and C In § 35.3045, revise paragraph (ii) notification of a (g)(1)(ii) to read as follows:

medical event (g) * * *

(1) * * *

(ii) Identification number or if no other identification number is available, the social security number of the individual who is the subject of the event; and

§ 35.3047(f)(1) Report and C In § 35.3047, revise paragraph (ii) notification of a (f)(1)(ii) to read as follows:

dose to an embryo/fetus or * * * *

  • a nursing child (f) * *
  • Enclosure 2

Change to Title State Compatibility Summary of Change to CFR Difference Significant If NRC Section Section Category Yes/No Yes/No Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated (1) * * *

(ii) Identification number or if no other identification number is available, the social security number of the individual who is the subject of the event; and 2