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Discusses 881021 Telcon W/Jd Hadfield,Civil Defense Director for Plymouth,Ma Re Concerning List of Special Needs People,Status of Implementing Procedures & Concern for Point Discussed at 881014 Commission Meeting
Person / Time
Site: 05000291
Issue date: 11/02/1988
From: Stello V
To: Zech L
Shared Package
ML20205T642 List:
PT-020, PT-20, NUDOCS 8811140331
Download: ML20205T638 (3)


.l +4,.9%,'S '




\*****/ NOV 0 t 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chaiman Zech FROM: Victor Stello, Jr.

Executive Director for Operations


PHONE CALL WITH MR. J. DOUGLAS HADFIELD, CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR FOR THE TOWN OF PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS At your request. I called Mr. Hadfield on Friday morning (October 21) to discuss his letter to you dated October 17, 1988. With me were Mr. James Taylor, Mr. William T. Russell, Mr. James Sniezek, and Mr. William G. Kennedy to prepare notes of the discussion. After introductions, Mr. Hadfield and I discussed his concerns.

Mr. Hadfield explained that the list of special needs p00ple was not up to date, althcugh a three-year old list had been updated with a few people that had responded to a recent newspaper article. Although Mr. Hadfield stated that n, did not personally know of any others who should be added, he felt that others probably needed to be added who were not on t'ie list due to con-fidentiality concerns. When I asked why the list had not been updated, he respcnded that a survey by the state department of handicap affairs was necessary but that funding had not been provided by the state or utility.

Mr. Russell added that he understood that the utility was willing to fund the survey but was awaiting the specifics. I sumarized that the current list was the best infomation available today and Mr. Hadfield agreed.

The next subject was the status of implementing procedures. Mr. Hadfield explained that none of Plymouth's implementing procedures have been submitted to the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency (MCDA). Three of the nost critical implementing procedures have not been approved by the Selectmen. (In fact, close to 60 have yet to go through the Board of Selectren.) Two of the three exist in draft fom and have been approved by their respective deSartment heads (for Fire and Police departments). The third procedure was for tie schools.

Tht school superintendent decided to involve the two school comittees in the appreval of their procedure and a meeting was planned for Monday e<ening (October 24) to get public input. When the procedure for the schools is acceptable to the school cor.raittees, it will have to be approved bi the Selectnen. However, in Mr. Hadfield's professional opinion, all ti ree implementing procedures were acceptable.

Mr. Hadfield also explained a concern for a point discussed at the October 14th Comission meeting. He was concerned that the discussicn about the beach populaticn on page 97 and 98 of the meeting transcript may leave the impression that no one stayed there overnight when, in fact, there are residents who live ir the beach area, some year round, and it is only the transients who are not pemitted to stay overnight. Mr. Russell assured him that we understood that /

and that the discussion in the transcript related to the transient beach popu- . ,

W lation only and not to g%anent residents. ,

4, 831114033 t s:31tos RE bENsPLC [ q

l,* ,' Chair, man Zech The next concern raised by Mr. Hadfield was that he was not sure that the individual procedures would work together. I agreed that this aspect could only be evaluated by an integrated test; however, I explained that it was our experience that when a good job had been done on the individual procedures,  !

l lice those at Pilgrim, the exercises usually go well and do not identify '

significant problems. Mr. Hadfield acknowledged our experience, t We then went back to the status of the implementing procedures and the staff's presentation to the Comission. Mr. Hadfield was concerned that no one on ,

the NRC's staff could have seen his procedures because they have not been i forwarded yet. Mr. Russell acknowledged that there were two places in the  ;

meeting transcript where the staff had not stated the complete status in response to Comissioner questions. The staff had accurately characterized the

Plymouth status during tne prepared presentation. He added that the staff was going through the transcript and would clarify the statements where necessary.

Mr. Hadfield did provide inforration that was new to Mr. Russell in that the Jordan I Hospital administrator was not yet satisfied with their procedure but that a i draft existed. Mr. Hadfield and I agreed that the procedures were not "final"  ;

) until after an exercise and will always be living documents subject to revisions.  !

The next issue raised by Mr. Hadfield was a question of ranpower. He stated I that no polls had been taken in Plynouth although the experience is that in i

energencies, usually nore people volunteer than are necessary. I acknowledged this.

We discussed the limitation on speakers at the NRR public meeting en October 5 and the Comission recting. I explained the Comission's policy on  !

hearing speakers at their meeting and our expectation that the Cemonwealth  :

would integrate and present all local public concerns. I also stated that

given the apparent loss of public confidence after the NPR meeting, we  :
probably should have allowed Mr. Hadfield and the other local official to l j present their statements. He stated that he recogni
ed the need to impose some ["
limits on public meetings.
The last issue discussed was a question Mr. Hadfield had concerning any n
NRC requirements for calibration of radiological survey instruments. I t i explained that we had requirements for those inside the plant but looked to l l

civil defense authorities to apply corron sense to keep their instruments in ,

. working condition. He stated that the questions stemed from the fact  !

that FEMA will only reimburse the state based on a four year cycle.

Mr. Hadfield stated that the above covered all of his concerns but still l l

requested a meeting. In response to Mr. Fadfield's request. I agreed to direct Mr. Russell to have one of his professionals me6t with Mr. Hadfield. A Tuesday '

j afterncon meeting (October 25) was tentatively agreed to.

' Finally, I asked Mr. Hadfield if he agreed with me that the overall planning and state of preparedness was substantially and significantly improved in all areas over what had existed in 1985. He agreed sayir9 that [

j they were "light years ahead". We also tireed that the real issues were l complete planning versus ad hoc response.

l 1


, Chairman Zech Mr. Hadfield has reviewed this description of our discussion and agrees with its contents. We have accommodated his comments which are provided in the attached letter dated October 26, 1988, vriginal signed tag victor stello ,

Victor Stello, Jr.

Executive Director for Operations cc: Cornissioner Roberts Commissioner Carr Connissioner Rogers Commissioner Curtiss SECY OGC J. D had/teld


As stated Distribution:

VStello JTaylor JHoyle JBlaha JSniezek WKennedy itslosson EDO r/f WRussell, RI TMurley, NRR PDR n

0FC :0EDO :A0/0EDO  : DEDO f(( Er. -.....  :  :

NAME :W Kennedy :J Hoyle :JTaylor i tello  :  :

DATE :11/1/88 :11/ /88 :11/ /88  : , / / /88  :  :
