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Memorandum Rept 85-33 Re FTS Abuse by NRC Employee. Recommends Appropriate Administrative Action Be Taken
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1985
From: Logan K, Mark Resner
Shared Package
ML20205S724 List:
FOIA-86-35, FOIA-86-A-39 85-33, NUDOCS 8606120813
Download: ML20205S741 (17)


e s 4

' .!. . - %, o UNITED STATES

. t Is a f W ASHING TON. D. C. 20555 o, g s,, y j October 31, 1985 MEMORANDUM REPORT l




BACI:GROI ND On July 3,1985, during an Office of Inspector and Auditor (0IA) investigation of alleged FEDEP.AL TELECOPFUNICATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) abuse by a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC' employee, the employee stated that had used the FTS for the past two years to make telephone calls to Furthermore, was aware that also used the FTS to make pedonal telephone calls.

The employee, .

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation g

(NRR), tiRC, provided a signed, sworn sthtement to 0IA relative to an allegation that used the FTS to make oorsonal telephone calls.

Stated that was aware that used the FTS to make personal telephone calls to Furthermore, had used the FTS at least three times per ween for the past two years to make telephone calls to On July 8, 1985, GIA initiated ar.

investigation of cor.cuct with respect to abuse of the FTS.

Sur< MARY was interviewed on July 8, 1985, by 0!A in regard to the

. allegation that had used the FTS at least three times per week for the past two. years to telephone Additionally, was interviewed concerning an allegation that was awa re o f use of the FTS for personal business. orovided a signed, sworn statement to OIA concerning these allegations. stated was not aware that uses THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AUDITOR. IT l'AY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR PLACED IN .


Freedom of Information/ Privacy Act 5 USC 552(b)(7)(A)(C) 8606120813 860606 PDR FOIA CARDE96-A-39 PDR

o A A the FTS to make personal telephone calls to or to a friend in believes that uses the telephone "too much" during work hours; however, has never confronted on this issue. may have mentioned excessiv one of the bewever, e use recall whom. did of thespecifically not telephone to --

With respect to use of the FTS for urofficial purposes, is aware that it is improper. stated has used the FTS to make personal telephone calls to has made these personal telephone calls during working hours which are B:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. As recalls, from approximately January 1982 to December 1984, used the FTS approximately two times per week to nake personal telephone calls tG The average duration of these calls -

was ten minutes.

For about two and one half years, nas also used the FTS to telephone These telephone calls were made four times per week and the average duration of the calls was ten minutes.

also admitted that for the past two years has used the FTS to tale-Snone FTS telephone calls to were made three times per week and averaged ten minutes in duration.

Thomas B. KELLAM, Chief, Telecommunications Branch, Division of Facilities ar.d Operations Support, Of fice of Administration, calculated the cost to the U.S.

E Government for the personal FTS telephone calls made by His calcula-tions were made based on admissions in

~ statement to 01A in conjunction with computer summaries obtained from magnetic tapes of FTS telephone calls .

made from NRC Headquarters during the time frame October 16, 1984, through April 15,1985.

KELLAM's calculations show that the cost to the U.S.

Government 52,922.10. for personal FTS telephone calls known to have been made by is His calculations cover a period of time from January 1982 throucn June 1985.

NRC Manual Chapter 0270-044 states that "The unofficial use of government ~

provided telephone service for personal calls (except in an emergency, such as an accident, serious illness, or death) is prohibited by law (Section 641, Title 18, U.S.C.)." Title 18 U.S.C. 641 concerns the knowing converstion of something of value belonging to the U.S. Government for one's personal use.

On October 11, 1985, Peter M. SEMEL, Assistant United States Attorney, Baltimore, Maryland, was presented with the facts of personal use of the FTS in violation of 18 USC 641. SEMEL declined prosecution of this case in favor of administrative remedies available to the NRC.

CONCLUSI0HS AND RECOMMENDATION The facts of this investigation substantiate that used the FTS to maka personal telephone calls. The investigation did not substantiate that was aware used the FTS to make personal telephone calls. The 6


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, unofficial use of the FTS by ,is an apparent violation of 18 USC 641 and is contrary to the provisions set forth in NRC Manual Chapter 0270-044 It is recorrrnended that appropriate administrative action be taken with regard to the conduct of An this matter.

.- .I . b..u. a a L .


Mark 8. Resner, Investigator Office of Inspector a Auditor Keifn L. Logan, As istant irector for Investigations Office of Inspector and Auditor Attachments:

1. Statement of .1ated July 8, 1985.
2. Report of Interview - Thomas B. KELLAM, dated October 21, 1985.
3. Report of Interview -

dated October 21, 1985.

4. Report of Interview -

dated July 3, 1985.

2 6


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3ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), make the following statement to Mark E. RESNER who has identified himself as an Investigator assigned to the Office of Inspector and Auditor (0IA), NRC. Mr. RESNER has advised me of the allegation against me concerning my use and knowledge of use of the Federal Telephone System (FTS) for personal business. Furthermore, that my alleged actions in that regard are a violation of Federal Law 18 USC 641 (conversion of Govern-ment property for personal use), and constitute employee misconduct.

Mr. RESNER has also advised me that I have a right to remain silent if my -

answers may tend to incriminate me. He has also advised me that I have a right to be represented by an attorney. Any answers or information I provide may be used against me in any subsequent administrative or criminal proceeding should it occur. Finally, he advised me that if I choose not to talk to him, which is my right, no adverse action may be taken against me for my mere refusal to answer questions. However, my silence can be considered in an ,

administrative proceeding for its evidentiary value that is warranted by the facts surrounding my case. Having been advised of my rights and understanding .

them, I provide this infornation of my own volition without promise of reward, inducement, or coercion.


I began employment with the U.S. Atomic Energy Connission on '

in the My promotions and within grade increases ',ince that time are as follows:

I am currently a level employee working as Since approximate!y June of 1980, has been employed in the as In that capacity, is allowed to use the FTS for official purposes. For example, to make reservations at hotels in connection with official travel for me or my staff. I am not aware that uses the to make per sonal telephone C0lls to and a friend of Although approximately once a week, discusses with me difficulties that I am .

not aware of use of the FTS to telephone I know that In an effort to be friendly, sometimes I will ask about To reiterate, I am'


.4 1musumunesqu simply not aware that uses the Government telephone for personal business, in my opinion, uses the telephone too much during work hours; however, from my observations, it has not affected productivity en the job.

Regarding. Jse of the telephone, I have never confronte) ebout i t or' documented it in performance appraisal. I may have mentioned exces-sive use of the telephone to one of the however, I do not specifically recall whom. I do not believe that anyone ha's mentioned use of the telephone to me.

From where my work station is located in in Bethesda, Maryland, I can observe personnel traffic to and from desk which is located just outside my effice. Often times during the work day. I can hear talking to someone and having not observed anyone approach desk or heard another voice, I know that is using the telephone at desk. In those instances, I cannot hear what is saying nor do I know who is conversing with. -

The telephone at my desk has three or four numbers on a centrex line. If someone is using one of the telephone lines on that centrex, the particular line being used will light up on my telephone. There are a number of employ-ees on my staff who use the centrex lines which I have access to on the telephone located at my desk. I believe that my also use the same centrex lines.

4 With respect to my use of the FTS fnr personal business, I telephone ,.

.to make these calls from the telephone located at my desk. I normally telephone at his office on FTS line I have occasionally telephoned The FTS calls which I have made to nave been predominately during ny lunch break (11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.).

My normal working hours are 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The FTS calls to took place during the two year period frnm approximately January 1982 to December 1984 I telephoned approximately two tires per week and the -

duration of each call varied from five to fif teen minutes.  : estimate the average duration of each call was ten minutes.

I also use the FTS to call telephone I usually -

during my lunch break. I use the FT 40 call Tour times per weekandIhavemadethesecallsontheorderofth(enbyears. The duration of these telephone calls varies from five to fifteen minutes and I estimate the average duration of each call to be ten minutes.

I have also used the FTS to call - -

I usually telephone

'owards the close of my work day (4:45 p.m.). I have used the FTS to call three times per week for the past two years. The calls to varied from five to fif teen minutes in duration and I estimate the average duration of each call to be ten minutes.

r o .

I am aware that the use of the FTS for personal business is improper. I am not aware of anyone else in the NRC using the FT5 for personal business.

Tur u.s3) i have read the foregoing statement consisting of f_ive (5) typewritten page.s.

I have made and initialed any necessary corrections and also initialed with ink in the margin of each page. I swear under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statement which I have provided is true and correct. h we t e r> e .:

4s twess cas e Subscribed and sworn on this eighth day of July, 1985.

. ___ 7 - V



b WLY cn. . / /~S Mark'E. Resner, Investigator (date)

Office of Inspector and Auditor 4

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- l U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMisssON Of fice of insoector and Audito. I o ,.. .. .. ...... ... . _ Oc t o b e r 21, 1985 Recort of Interview Thomas B. KELLAM, Chief, Telecomunications Branch, Division of Facilities and Operations Support, Of fice of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Commission (t'RC), was interviewed concerning abuse of the FEDERAL TELE-COM.MUNICATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) by an NRC employee. He providea the following information:

At the request of the Office of Inspector and Auditor (OIA), he obtained magnetic tapes of FTS telephone calls made from NP.C Headquarters during the time frame of October 16, 1984, to April 15, 1985. From those magnetic tapes. he had computer sumaries made which show FTS telephone calls made to the following telephone numbers:

The computer sumaries indicate that FTS telephone calls made to nurbers 1 and 2. supra, were made f rom Based on a May 25, 1984, tariff rate (263} (Exhibit 1), he calculated the direct distance dial (DDD) or cor.ercial cost for calls made to those two telephone numbers during the Oc'.c w 16, 1984, to April 15, 1985, time frame. The DDD cost is F ;h 'O .

His calculations were made using an average of J0 mirutes per 4 .

. cC i uce on admissions in the employee's statement to CIA. He also calculated calls to be 5651.00 the actual cost to the U.S. Government for those Based on admissions in the employee's statement, he calcula*ed the'DDD and FTS cost for calls made to during the pericd January 1, 1982, through November 1984 These calls averaged 10 minutes in. duration and were made two times per week, totalling 240 calls. TN Dn est is

?; .062.K and the actual cost to the U.S. Government is SF, .K.

Based on admissions in the employee's statement to GIA. he alsn calculated the DDD and FTS cost for calls made to _ during the period January 1982 through September 30, 1984 and May through June 1985.

These calls averaged 10 minutes per call and were made four tir :

' week, totalling 344 calls. The 000 cost for the cnib .s ? ' .25 ' the actual cost to the U.S. Government is 51,0IC..:'

Based on admissions in the employee's statement to CIA, he calculated the DDD and FTS cost for calls made to during *he ne'iod June 1g 1983, to September 30, 1984 and May*through June 1985. These calls

.......,. October 21, 1985 Bethesda, Maryland

, , , , 85-33 _

in W'--

.. '_ r k E . Resner. Investicator. OIA f

  • - S C% u, s . .g .urseg m, . o. sac .s g oa6t p to a %o t-e a 4GE NC' 't ANO ,'S CON
  • E N T SOctober 21 19S3 3,,,.,,,,,_

A ' % t 'at a t C e n . .e. , a..6 %c . w e '=ou a

, eg av'5 5 sO N o s .' at O *

  • C E 0 8 'N5'tC?ca a %D avo.'; wt N O ' *. at DJ5 , nee w,'E O a ,

. o averaged 10 minutes per call and were made three times per week totalling 189 calls. The DDD cost is !826.23 and the actual cost to the U.S.

Government is 5f37.3C.

His calculations fnr the DDD cost of all the telechone Calls (described above) which were made by this employee show a total c.f 54,074.12 The

'ectual cost to the Government for these calls is f 2,922.10 Investigator's Nnte: For all calculations made, the employee was assumed to have taken weeks of leave ( weeks annual leave and leave) per annum. week sick e

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. 2 diEh AT&T September.10, 1985 . . _ _ ..

h Communications


. n .3 e s.....:

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oc .'.w<

Mr. Thomas B. Kellam Chief, Telecommunications Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission W-331 .

Washington, DC 20555

Dear Tom:

As you requested, I dating back to April,am enclosir.g copies of AT&T's Long Distance Tarif f s 1982.

FCC Tariff I pages that include You have already received copies of the two the two latest tarif fed rates. Based upon the numbers you provided, I have developed the mileage and an example for day and evening rates frcm Tarif f 263, Ef fective Date: May 25,1984 -

To derive the evening rates, you discount both the initial minute and each additional minute by 407.. The following example uses a five minute call. All mileage was developed using the rate cen ter for 301-492.

Exchange Called Rates Mileage Day Evening -

758 52.18 965 31.31

$2.24 31.36 -

965 52.24 528 51.36 a _ _ .

12.18 51.31 523 52.1S 144 F- . E 52.02 11.20 838 52.18 284 11.31 52.02 51.20 .

If you me. have any questions or require further informa tion, please call .


. . .)

..' I DJ s . ._

Andrea L. Blaney Senior Account Executive -

Enclosures .

5 -i u rri c",



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A AT&T CopMINICATIONS Adm. Rates and Tarif f s TARIFF F.C.C. No. 1 ledsioster, NJ 07921 6th Revised rage 56 Cancels 5th Revised Page 56 Issued: April 11, 1985 Effective: April 26, 1985 3.2.1.

h Intra-Mainland and Watniand-Hawiti Service - Schedule I and Mainland-Alaska Service - Schedule IA (continued)


Intra-Mainland and Mainland-Hawa11 Service Rate Schedule ! - The following rates apply to all classes of service for all hours of the day and dsys of che week unless a discount applies. In addition. Service Charges apply, as indicated.

Rates Rate Mileare Insttal Minute Each Additional Minute 1 - 10 $.38 In 8 19 Iy 11 - 22 5.46

$.25 23 - 55 l

$.51 :y 5.30 Iy{

56 - 124 5.54 S.35 125 - 292 $.54 5.37 293 - 43Q $.55 5.39 431 - 925 5.5s $.40 -

926 - 1910 $.60 $.41 1911 - 3000 5.69 5 46 3001 - 4250 S.71 S.48

. 4251 - 5750 S.74 5.50

1. Rate Otscount Chart i

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U.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Of f.ce of inspector and Auditor O.................

October 21, 1985 Reoort of Interview Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (hhC), was interviewed concerning the cost incurred by the U.S.

Government as a result of admitted abuse of the Federal Telecommunications System (FTS). The following infonnation was discussed:

It was explained to that based on admissions in July 8, 1985, statement to the Office Of Inspector and Auditor and co..:puter printouts of FTS telephone calls made by during certain time frames, the cost incurred by the Government was ca kulated. Furthermore, the cost to the Government for those telephone calls was $2,922.10. indicated understood what was explained to and had no questions about the calculations made or cost to the Government.

It was further explained to that prosecution of for violation of 18 USC 641 was declined by the (f.S. Department of Justice in lieu of administrative action by the NRC. However, any administrative action taken by NRC would be forthcoming from Office Director.

. . . . . . . . . . , October 21, 1985 Bethesda. Marvland

....= 85-33 l

,, Mark E. Resne%s' r N nvestic:enr- OTA

  • =.5 OC C W t N ' 5 * **O*t e ?
  • 0 6 N ** C W O .. . . . . .. a nernhne 21 100%

Ow'5.OE T=E mE CE w eNG ACE NC ' we'aOw t et aw$seO% or t g Ca s *CE 08** L OaNE O 'O A NC'=E m AGENCv 'T ANO e ?5 CONTEN e%58ECTOs aNO av0ston

g 4 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Of fice of insoector and Auditor o... ............... October 31. 1985 Report of Interview Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conrnission, was interviewed concerning use of the FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) for making personal tele-phone calls, and knowledge of using the FTS to make personal telepnene calls, provided essentially the following information:

was aware that Jsed the FTS to make personal telephone calls to Furthermore, had used the FTS at least three times per week for the past two years to make telephone calls to Investigator's Note: complete statement to 0IA is retained in OIA file 85-32.

.........,,,,, July 3, 1985 ,Bethesda, Maryland 85-33 o,

/ r.W Mark E. Resner, Investicator, OIA g o,,, ,,,,,,,, Oc t ob e r 31, 1985

'=*5 OCCs,wt%T is secos e, . c.. . c .. ,sa%g a t o asov.g. act%C' iT ANo *?S CoNit's?S amt %ot to et oist a.g outsiot Tat at Ct sv e%G act %C et c

  • r et av.55 0% 08 f at Os **CE Os 'N58tCTom aNo avoston