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Memorandum Rept 85-32 Re FTS Abuse by NRC Employees. Recommends Appropriate Administrative Action Be Taken
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1985
From: Logan K, Mark Resner
Shared Package
ML20205S724 List:
FOIA-86-35, FOIA-86-A-39 85-32, NUDOCS 8606120805
Download: ML20205S732 (17)




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October 31, 1985 MEMORANDUM REPORT


GA0 REFERRAL - FTS ABUSE BY NRC EMPLOYEE OIA NO: 85-32 BACKGROUND By letter dated June 21, 1985, Gary W. CARBONE, Director, Fraud Referral and Investigations Group, U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), forwarded to the Office misuseof of Inspector and Auditor a Government (OIA) telephone by afor U.S. action an Regulatory Nuclear allegation concerning(NRC)

Commission employee.

The letter indicates the allegation was made to GA0 by an anonymous source who alleged that misuses Government telephones on "an almost daily basis." Furtnermore, telephones who resides in and other persons (no further description). Each telephone call allegedly made by was 15-45 minutes in duration. O!A initiated an investigation of the allegation on July 3, 1985.

SUPNARY Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR1, NRC, was interviewed on July 3, 1985, regarding this allegation and provided a signed, sworn statement to OIA. stated that since began employ-ment with the NRC on has used the FEDERAL TELECOMMUNI-CATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) to make personal telephone calls to and other people, is aware that using the FTS for personal reasons in prohibited, characterized use of the FTS for this purpose as infrequent until August of 1983 when began telephoning in THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR AND AVOITOR. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR PLACED IN THE PUBLIC DOCUMENT ROOM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.

Freedom of Information/ Privacy Act 5 USC 552(b)(7)(Ai(C) 8606120005 860606 -


at least three times per week.

claimed these telephone calls averaged 15 minutes in duration, and were made during scheduled work hours from a telephone at desk in Room af the in Bethesda, Maryland. In approximately September 1983, the frequency of FTS telephone calls to '

residence in increased to a daily basis, proffered that increased use of the FTS for calls te resulted from concern about problems were experiencing.

further stated that for approximately the past year, has used the FTS telephone at desk to telephone a friend who works in ilso made these calls at least three times per week during scheduled worR' hours. As recalls, these telephone calls averaged seven minutes in duration.

In addition to FTS telephone calls made to and ,

admitted that occasionally used the FTS to telephone in said that supervisor, has never directly mentioned use of the FTS for personal business or documented it in performance appraisal. However, asserts that is aware uses the FTS to telephone stated that at least three times per week for the past two years has used the FTS to telephone who works for the Thomas B. KELLAM, Chief, Telecomunications Branch, Division of' Facilities and Operations Support, Office of Administration, calculated the cost to the U.S.

Government for the personal FTS telephone calls made by His calcu-lations were made based on admissions in statement to OIA as well as data contained in computer sumaries obtained from magnetic tapes of FTS telephone calls made from NRC Headquarters during the time frame October 16, 1984 through April 15, 1985. KELLAM's calculations show that the cost to the U.S. Government for the oersonal FTS telephone calls known to have been made by is His calculations cover the period of time from October 1,1983, through July 15, 1985.

Time and Attendance records for the period December 1981 to March 1985 were compared with the data contained in available computer sumaries of FTS calls made to telephone numbers The comparison showed that made FTS telephone calls to those telephone numbers during times when also claimed reimbursement for working overtime.

Those occasions when this occurred are identified below:

Overtime Claimed FTS Telephone Calls

- 1.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 5:49 pin to

- 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> 5:00 pm to

- 1.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 5:18 pm to

- 5.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> 6:28 pm to

- 1.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 5:22 pm to l 5:27 pm to 5:28 pm to I


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NRC Manual Chapter 0270-044 states that "The unofficial use of government provided telephone service for personal calls (except in an emergency, such as an accident, serious illness, or death) is prohibited by law (Section 641, Title 18, U.S.C.)." Title 18 U.S.C. 641 concerns the knowing conversion of something of value belonging to the U.S. Government for one's personal use.

On October.11, 1985, Peter M. SEMEL, Assistant United States Attorney, Baltimore, Maryland, was presented with the #icts of personal use of the FTS in violation of 18 USC 641. SEMEL acclined prosecution of this case in favor of administrative remedies available to the NRC.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The facts of this investigation substantiate the allegation that used the FTS for personal business. This abuse of the FTS by is an apparent violation of 18 USC 641 and is contrary to the provisi6ns set forth in NRC Hanual Chapter 0270-044 It is reconwended that appropriate administrative action be taken with regard to the conduct of in this matter.

'17/a ,4 & 4 L.,, m Mark E. Resner, Inv stigator Offic Inspect < nd Auditor e

KetTh G. Logan, Assist nt Director for Investigat Office of Inspector and Auditor Attachments:

1. Statement of dated July 3, 1985.
2. Report of Interview - T.homas B. KELLAM, dated October 21, 1985.
3. Report of Interview - dated October 21, 1985.

4 Report of Interview - dated July 8, 1985.


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), make the following statement tcrMark E. Resner and Hollis Bowers, who have identified themselves as an Investigator and Assistant to the Director, respectively, assigned to the Office of Inspector and Auditor, NRC. Mr. Resner has advised of the allegation against concerning use of the Federal Telephone System (FTS) for personal business. Furthermore, that alleged actions in that regard are a violation of Federal Law 18 USC 641 (conversion of Government property for personal use), and constitute employee misconduct. Mr. Resner has also advised me that I have a right to remain silent if my answers may tend to incriminate me. He has also advised me that I have a right to be represented by an attorney. Any answer or information I provide may be used against me in '

any subsequent administrative or criminal proceeding should it occur. Finally, he advised me that if I choose not to talk to him, which is my right, no adverse action may be taken against me for my mere refusal to answer questions. However, my silence can be considered in an administrative proceeding for its evidentiary value that is warranted by the facts surrounding my case. Having been advised of my rights and understanding them, I provide this information of my own volition without promise of reward, inducement, or coercion.

I began employment with the NRC on ,

The promotions and within grade increases since that time are as follows:

Since I began employment with the NRC, I have used the FTS for personal telephone calls which I have made to and other people. I am aware that this is an abuse of the FTS. Until approximately September 1983, I used the FTS infrequently for these calls. I cannot recall how many calls I made or the duration of the calls, but I will characterizg use pf the FTS for that purpose as infrequent. However, approximately _ ,- A 1983 0l%.. I and my telephone calls to them using the E.TS increased. I telephoned them at least three times per week at which is a telephone listed to their residence in The duration of each telephone call varied from 15 to 20 minutes and I estimate the average duration of the calls to be 15 minutes. I made these telephone calls from telephone number which is assigned to a phone at my desk in Jf the in Bethesda, Maryland.



. 2- .x. s Since approximately September 1983 telephone calls to using the FTS increased.

I telephoned daily since approximately September 1983. The average duration of these telephone calls to since that time is 15 minutes, however, there are possibly calls longer in duration. I usually made the telephone calls to at approximately 9:00 a.m. after I arrived at my work station. My scheduled work hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For approximately the past year I have also used the FTS to telephone a personal friend named I also made these calls from the telephone at my work station to telephone number which I believe is listed to The average duration of these calls was sen n*nttes and I telephone at,least three times per week. I telephoned at .

approximately 8:00 a.m. because began work at 8:30 a.m. and after that ~

time it is difficult for to talk on the telephone because of incoming calls is required to answer. On occasion, I have telephoned during the middle of the work day.

I have occasionally used the FTS to telephone With respect to my use of the telephone during my scheduled work hours, I was told by mentioned to her several months ago that I use the telephone too much. However. has never mentioned my use of the tele-phone to me or documented it in my performance appraisal. is aware that I use the FTS to call I know this because I have advised insnediately following a telephone conversation with; that I had just spoken with and we discussed is aware that .

I am also aware that uses the FTS to telephone vicinity. I know this because I have received calls from during the work day. will then return the call from the telephone number assigned to which is I am not aware of what they discussed during the telephone conversations. The frequency of telephone calls to using the FTS is at least three times per week and these calls have taken place for the past two years. ,g I have read the foregoing statement consisting o t'ypewritten pages.  !

have made and initialled any necessary corrections and also initialled with ink in the margins of each page. I swear under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statement which I have provided is true and correct.

eignemusumus Subscribed and sworn on this 3rd day of July, 1985.


l (Datt) l Witness: / 'Ik hv '7[d//S Mark E. Resner, Inve tigator (Ca t'e )

g , /

Witness- .- .e [ 8[j

/ Hollis Bowers f' (Date)

Assistant to the Directo '

U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N Office of inspector and Auditor

o. ..., ....... October 28, 1985 Report of Interview Thomas B. KELLAM, Chief, Telecomunications Branch, Division of Facilities and Operations Support, Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission;(NRC), was interviewed concerning abuse of the FEDERAL TELE-COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) by an NRC employee. He provided essentially the following infomation:

At the request of the Office of Inspector and Auditor (OIA) he obtained magnetic tapes of FTS telephone calls made from NRC Headquarters during the time frame of October 16, 1984, to April 15, 1985. From those tapes he had computer sumaries made which show FTS telephone calls made to the following telephone numbers:

The computer sumaries indicate that FTS telephone calls made to numbers 1 and 2 supra were made from .

Based on a May 25, 1984, tariff rate (263) (Exhibit 1), he calculated the Direct Distance Dial (DDD) or comercial cost for calls made to those two telephone numbers during the October 16, 1984, to April 15, 1985, time frame. The DDD cost is $2,263.56. His calculations were made on an average of 15 minutes per call to telephone number 1, supra, based on admissions in the employee's statement to 01A. His calculations were also made on an average of seven minutes per call to telephone number 2,

> supra, based on admissions in the employee's statement to 0IA. He also calculated the actual cost to the U.S. Governnent for those calls to be


Based on admissions in the employee's statement to 01A, he also calcu-lated the DDD and FTS cost for calls made to during the period October 1, 1983, through September 1984 These calls averaged 15 minutes per call and were made on a daily basis (five times per week),

totalling 225 calls. The DDD cost for the calls is $1,454.90 and the actual cost to the U.S. Government is 5911.25.

Based on admissions in the employee's statement to OIA, he calculated the DDD and FTS cost for telephone calls made to during the periods July 15 through October 15, 1984, and April 15 through July 15, 1985. These calls averaged seven minutes in duration and were made three

.. ..... . 0ctober 21, 1985 ,,

B.ethesda, Maryland ...., 85-32

,, Mark E. Resn . Investinator. OIA o........... October 28. 1985

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. . 2 times per week totalling 57 calls. The DDD cost for those calls is

$157.32'and the actual cost to the U.S. Government is $117.53.

His calculations for the DDD cost of all these telephone calls which were made by this employee show a total of $3,875.78. The actual cost to the Government for these calls is $3,046.88.

Investigator's Note: For all calculations made, the employee was assumed to f have taken weeks of leave ( weeks annual leave and week sick leave) per annum.



_O Communications


September 10J15 ~ l


112o 20th Sueet NW l Wash.ngton DC 20036 j Mr. Thomas 8. Kellam Chief, Teleconnunications Branch i U.S. Nuclear, Regulatory Commission i W-331 Washington, DC 20555 t

Dear Tom:

As ycu requested, I am enclosing copies of AT&T's Long Distance Tariffs dating back to April,1982. You have already received copies of the two FCC Tariff 1 pages that include the two latest tariffed rates. Based upon the numbers you provided, I have developed the mileage and an exaznple for day and evening rates from Tarif f 263, Effective Date: May 25. 1984 To derive the evening rates, you discount both the initial minute and each additionti minute by 40%. The following example uses a five minute call. All mileage was developed using the ra te center for 301-492.

Exchange Called Rates Mileage Day Evenird 758 $2.18 $1.31 965 32.24 51.36 965 52.24 51.36 528 $2.18 $1.31 e'a 02.13 01.31 144 $2.02 51.20 838 52.18 51.31 284 52.02 51.20 If you have any questions or require further inf orma tion, please call me.



(; y Andrea L. Blaney Senior Account Executive Enclosures E m w -i N


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1 . .

AT&T COpetJNICATIONS TARIFF F.C.L. No. 1 1 Ada. Eates and Tariffs 6th Revised Page 56 l l Beaminster, NJ 07921 Cancels 5th Revised Page 56 l l Issued! April 11, 1945 Effective April 26, 1985 '

3.2.1. Intra-Mainland and Mainland-Haviii Service - Schedule I and s

! Mainland-Alaska Service - Schedule IA (continued)

L. Intra-Mainland and Mainland-Hawali Service Rate Schedule ! - The l following rates apply to all classes of service for all hours of the day and i days of the week unless a discount applies. In addition, Service Charges l apply. as indicated.

i Rates l ) Rate Milease Initial Minute Each Additionel_ Minute 1 - 10 3 38 Ip $.19 Iy 11 - 22 $.46 4 25 {

23 - 55 3.51 ;y S.30 .y 56 - 124 $.54 $.35

{ 125 - 292 s.54 $.37 i

293 - 43Q 5.55 S.39

! 431 - 925 s.58 $.40 l 926 - 1910 $.60 $.41 l 1911 - 3000 3.69 $.46 l 3001 - 4250 s.71 S.48 i

4251 - 5750 s.74 S.50 l

1. Rate Ofscount Chart l

Tves wen Tava sum oescovate l mon ml sat au g ,,,, % o m. u se,m w.

to enerve ie, me ia.e.e s es pu ma minui. .vmas m.a me n.e see em s ie eiieesiiie.. . a. ..

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't Pm een e,ue.m em ,e,,.e.

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' fe swt not in.hsens Notes see Optional Calling Plans page 55, for asceptions in which Su additdonal discounts apply.

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  • Late Steps to acteemesate Ful; Late 1stegrettee.

(1) Otaa tratten 3 alp !aittal ita te eac saatttoaa; 11nute races apply.

(as Se rvic e Pa rse e Customer Otales :alling ;a rs - S .ec 1-1C atattae - S .40 L1-22 miles

- 81.33 23 elle s and a ns .=

operstar Stattaa - 1 .75 1-10 sales

- $1.10 11-22 ettee

- 31.33 23 miles and a ns ee Pe r see-to-Pe rses - 33.00 all alleases (c) La t e S t ae sw ar e a nd aprittstlee Portods P f 6 som T:15 ! WTD 1 TY t PLI i 147 . $tw I I # ::5000VT1 I

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and new fort. (3) (h)

See TLae-sf-Oer FLaos (C)(12) f ollevlag f or esceptsees to ne trealog and Wigac rate (N)ts) elecewate La zerth Janata ame f or a diocevet to certale sours at the Day rate perted to seende. latop:1ena appar sair to Otal Stattee calle ertstsated in v enda e and ,

8erta Demeta. (t)(u)

.s3 :eemse en less t hee statutory metice sa er authertty of Spettal Pa rtisette Me.13*379. Lastres wita 3etustor 31. 1993 emie se seese r t a nc e ses a t e s t e emed .

.?) (ffect1=e .* wee 13. 1943. .

Frt etes 1e.C.4.4. .dJ


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  • tetted staree seteto-e - AteeLa Se rw tce-Ic e.c 4. . a,  ;;stes 5 ; a : e e se s mJ e ae -
  • e-a : 5. -o n c e - 5.s s-se :* e r.c .3:tec bea:ee me t.same - Pwerte La ce ert ra t a telaats hervice - Ee ree v.e PV ateat's,

'C) taee and Cherme app 1t e et tea (Cest 'd)

(7) La t e ?a ble - tr.t re-Co t t ed St at es Ma s sda ad Se rwt re - semed.t e :

e (a) Dre! Stat!se. C=stseet t!aled Ca:11Pa Ca rc Stat toa. Ct eresee Starten (5)(a) e nc Pereee-to-Pereea 'es::s. *:*w:e ace aess tema. -tavee sare, all *1 asses of Seretco be -

Late laittet Lach additiesel M11este  ! MJ avt e plante 1-10 $ .32 8 16 11-22 9 .60 $ .22 23-35 t 68 8 .28 56-1:e i .57 $ .37 123-292 8 .34 8 .39 293-a)0 $ .59 8 .42 a31-923 8 .62 8 .43 126-1910 8 .64 8 .a6 1911-3000 $ .74 8 .69 3001-42$0e 8 .74 8 .51

+231-5730* 8 .79 8 .53 (5)(a)

  • La t e St e ps t o a c t emesc a t e F.11 Lat e 1st egrattee. (t)(s)

(1) etat stettoe (1)(s)

Delp !as tial na sute and addstles.1 Maevte rates apply. (5)(a)

(t) service charsee ($)(s)

Cu s t ome r D Lal ed C4111ee Cars = 4 .60 1-1C ellee (1)(C)(s)

Stattes - S .80 11-22 males l l l

- 81 05 23 males and eteve (!)(C)(e)

Cperator-Stetson - 8 75 1-1C males (t)(c)(a) 82 10 11-12 elles l l l

$1.33 23 males one a bees (8)(1)(c)(a)(h)(s)

Pe r se e-t o-Pe rg ee = $3 00 411 elleases (8)(a)

(t) Rate St ocowst e and Aepiscat ten Portoes 8 l MCN l 77t3 l WED l TWOR lFt2 l LAT l SCW f l 8 3

  • 5CJWT5 l  ;

8:00 as to So , Late Perted Ptecouete apple to the charge (5:(se(r) ees De en II rett mart for see saatt al as36te ses.tries :

Stu n an. ,erte.

sac ni =e=-- -

.a. t. al. antatte. 2 .:n.see te. 2 e. iate re,teeAM

t. zee. .a orri e, o t a t e e s e . t i  !

eettioO rM _

ee: es see se pghsgipg c: r.t. ,ert... es ec e .t e . e. l l (,r >

-- .. .. ..,1, t. an. service C= arse. (i n .)

11:00 Pat W WN N NM, M . ..

to :elsat 6 6.eaeed e.rie. (Si(s)

! eelt00 as 1

44: St ac ount

.~ ---- . . . , - - . ~_....

e* To but not testudies (5)(s)

(t) Material deferred set!! April 2.1982 under Tre eseistal me.13943.

(f) nacertal ra ted weder framama tt et No.139:3. ef teet tee april .1*82.

(e) F*. lee moder euthertry of special Perma seten so.82-113 Petet od to C.S.A.

4 a 4


s . .


.. Office Of inspector and Auditor .

~ '

. o. ..o ....... October 21. 1985

~ ' --

Report of Interview ,

Office of Nuclear Reactor Hegulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory .

Comission (NkC), was interviewed concerning the cost incurred by the U.S. -


Government as a result of admitted abuse of the Federal Telecomunications -

System (FTS). The following infonnation was discussed: - -

. ,. It was explained to that based on admissions in July 3,1985, ' , -

statement to the Office of Inspector and Auditor and computer printouts ..

, of FTS telephone calls made by during certain time frames, the cost incurred by the Government was calculated. Furthermore, the cost to the.

Government for those calls was $3,046.88. indicated under- ._

stood what was explained to and had no questions about the calcu- *'


lations made or cost to the Government.

It was further explained to that prosecution of for violation .

of 18 USC 641 was declined by the 0.S. Department of Justice in lieu of .

administrative action by the NRC. Moreover, any administrative action '.

taken by NRC would be initiated by Office Director. .




. -g October 21, 1985 ,, Bethesda, Maryland s ,.. = 85-32 -

BnL9 6

Mark E. Resn'er. Investigator. OIA N O ., . a i . ... October 21. 1985 .

v *S DOCvutNT is amost mTv Os NaC is LO ANED TO ANOT**Em ACENCv af ANO ITS CONTENTS Amt NOT TO SE DISTR'8UTEC OwfSiOE Twt mECEiveNG AGENCY wtTwou? PEmuissiON 08 THE OssiCE OF eNSPECTom AND AVOeTom to 82-q ... . - /\T&/lCWMFDrt_~L_ . _ __

g 4



' ~ ' -

,j s -



  • J Office Of inspector and Auditor - '-


0" ** *Y 31 D


.,.....' - ~ l


._. - ~ p -



R_eport of Interview Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation, .U.S. Nuclear Regulatory -


Comission (NRC), was interviewed concerning knowledge of personal FEDERAL' -

TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (FTS) telephone calls made by '. .

provided . -

essentially the following information: ~. .'.

was not aware that uses the FTS to'make personal telephone. - -

. calls to believes uses the -

telephone "too much" during work hours; however, has never confronted

  • on this issue. may have mentioned excessive use of the telephone to one of the on staff, however, did not specifically recall whom. -

i 1

1 I

July 8, 1985 ., Bethesda, Maryland ....= 85-32 _._

l . . . . . . . . . .


., Mark E. Res e Investinator. OIA O......... October 31. 1985 To .S COCuuf NT is paceE nv v Os NaC 88 LO ANED TO ANOTMER AGENCv *T ANO ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT 70 SE O'StassuTED CUTS'OE 7 E mECt eveNG AGENCv WeTMouf *E mwiSSiON OF TME 08 8eCE 08 aNSPECYom AND AuOsTGm l

t *, 52 * .



, ,, * " %, y - .


[', .


  • .N' " $


% . .u ...

October 31, 1985 f1Ett0RN:DUE FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation W/);!s ' - ,- w F R0re . ah on R. _ onnel ly ,/Di rec tor Office of Inspector and Audio r SU2 JECT: FTS ABliSE BY llRC EMPLOYEE Attached is an Of fice of Inspector and Auditor (0IA) tier.orandon Report docu-menting an investigation concerning abuse of the FEDERAL TELEC0f;r'Uf41 CATI 0tl5 ,

SYSTE:1 (FTS) by Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. rJuclear Eegulatory Commission (flRC).

This investigation was initiated as the result of infcrmation provided by anc her r;RC employee during a separate OIA investica*.ico regardino FTS abuse.

The No.C employee, related to O!A that was aware used the FTS to make persneal telephone calls to Furthermore, used the FTS at least t'hree tiues per week for the past two years to trake telephore calls tc The facts of this investigation indicated that used the FTS to make personal telephone calls to acmitted to OIA knows it is ir. proper to use the FTS for unofficial purposes. stated that from about .:.muary 1982 to December l 19S4, used it approxirately two times per week during that time frame to ra k a personal telephone calls to denied that was

aware of using the FTS to make personal telechere calls to stated that personal FTS te'ephone calls mace to occurred four times per week over a two and one half year l perind. Additionally, personal FTS calls to were made three times per week over the past two years.

9asec' cn admissions by , to O!A in conjunctinn with connuter survieries obtair.M f rom magnetic tapes of FTS telephone calls rade du ing certain pericds of time, the Telecommunications Franch, fd.C. calculated the cost of C0fsi ACT: Keith G. Logan, 0!A 492-7170 FREED 0f' 0F IJFORMATInf/ PRIVACY ACT 5 USC 557(b i (7)(A)(C)

a . <

,e 4 the calls known to have been made by Their calculations show the cost to the U.S. Government for those telephone calls is 52,922.10.

On October ll,1985, the results of our investigation were presented to the.

Assistant United States Attorney, Ealtimore, Paryland, for prosecutive consid-era t ion. Prosecution of this case was declined in favor of administrative remedies "available to the NRC.

CONCLUS10ls A!;D RECOMf:ENDATION The facts of this investigation substantiate that used the FTS to make personal telenhone calls. The investigation did not substantiate that was aware used the FTS to make personal telephone calls. The uncfficial use of the FTS by is an apparent violation of 18 liSC 641 and is contrary to the provisions set forth in f;RC Panual Chapter 0270-044 It is reconrended that appropriate administrative action be taken with regard to the conduct of in this matter.

Pursuant to Manual Chapter 0702-032c, within 30 deys after receipt of this report, please advise OIA what action you take in this matter.

At ta chrer.t :

f ter:crandum Reccet 2

cc: Cerriission w/o attach W. Hacee, OCP, w/ attach U. J. Dircks, EDO, w/ attach e
