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Ltr Contract:Task Order 243 Entitled, Technical Assistance to Evaluate Analytical Methodology for Assessing Waterhammer Effects in Low Pressure Fluid Sys, Under Contract NRC-03-95-026
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/09/1999
From: Stewart S
To: Knight D
CON-FIN-J-2666-9, CON-NRC-03-95-026, CON-NRC-3-95-26 NUDOCS 9904190268
Download: ML20205N983 (5)



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% # April 9,1999 Scientech, Inc.

ATTN: Mr. Douglas Knight 910 Clopper Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Dear Mr. Knight:


Task Order No. 243 er.iitled, " Technical Assistance to Evaluate the Analytical Methodology for Assessing Waterhammer Effects in Low-Pressure Fluid Systems" under Contract No. NRC-03-95-026 in accordance with the Section G.5, Task Order Procer'ures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 243. This effort shall be perforrned in accordance with the enclosed j Statement of Work. l l

Task Order No. 243 shall be effective April 12,1999 through October 31,1999. The total cost l ceiling is $22,749.00, of which the amount of $21,769.00 represents the reimbursable costs, and the amount of $980.00 represents the fixeo fee. ]

The tack order obligates funds in the amount of $22,749.00. Accounting data for this Task Order is as follows.

B&R No.: 920-15-101-110 FIN No.: J-2666-9 APPN No.: 31X0200.920

> BOC No.: 252A OBLIGATED AMOUNT: $22,749.00 The following individual (s) are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

Dr. Hossein Nourbaksh Dr. Madan Prabhakara The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.1,Eev Personnel. j



1330.28 9904190268 990409 PDR CONTR NRC-03-95-026 PDR

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Your contacts during the course of this task are:

Technical Matters: Larry Ruth James Tatum Project Officer Technical Monitor ,

(301)415-2726 (301)415-2805  !

Contractual Metters: Carolyn A. Cooper j

Contract Specialist I (301) 415-6737 The issuance of this task order does no; amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official who is authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the spaces provides below and return two copies to the Contract Specialist. You should retain the third copy for your records. '


.Q caaawo amb.3 aron D. Stewart, Contracting Officer Contract Management Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


As stated ACCEPTED:

NAME I Melissa H. Aufmuth I Contracts Manager TITLE I 19






I Statement of Work i Task Order 243 TITLE: Technical Assistance to Evaluate '.he Analytical Methodology for Assessing Waterhammer Effects in Low-Pressure Fluid Systems NRC PROJECT MANAGER: Lawrence Ruth, NRR/DSSA (301) 415-1211 E-Mail: Icr@nrc. gov NRC TECHNICAL MONITOR: James Tatum, NRR/DSSA/SPLB (301) 415-2805 E-Mail: jet 1@nrc. gov i PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: April 12,1999 through October 31,1999 .

TAC NUMBER: M97252 BACKGROUND Generic Letter 96 06, " Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Condi+ ions," dated September 30,1996, included a request for licensees to evaluate cooling water systems that serve containment air coolers to assure that they are not vulnerable to waterhammer and two-phase flow; conditions. Whilejhe analytical methpdology.,


contained in NUREG/CR-5220,

  • Diagnosis of Condensation-!nduced Waterhamme~r," is- --

considered to be acceptable for analyzing waterhammer effects in fluid systems, licensees feel that this methodology is overly conservative. Durireg a meeting with the NRC staff on August 27, 1998, the Nuclear Energy institute (NEI) proposed an industry initiative to develop a less conservative, more appropriate analytical methodology for low-pressure fluid system applications. This initiative would consist of data collection and review, pedormance of additional testing in order to obtain additional data and/or to confirm hypotheses, review by an independent peer review panel made up of industry experts, and issuance of a Technical Basis Report (TBR) for NRC revi ew and aoproval. Because waterhammer and two-phase flow analyses can be quite complex, requiring specific knowledge and expertise that is not readily available within the staff, the NRC will rely on contract assistance to evaluate the development and adequacy of analytical methods for assessing 'waterhammer effects in low-pressure fluid systems.

OBJECTIVE l The objective of this task order is to obtain technical expertise to assist the NRC staff in ,

i evaluating the development and adequacy of analytical methods that are being developed by l l

industry representatives for assessing waterhammer effects in low-pressure fluid systems.

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4 TECHNICAL AND OTHER SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED The assigned contractor must have extensive knowledge and experience in the analysis of waterhammer and two-phase flow conditions in piping fluid systems, and must be cognizant of the analytical methodology described in NUREG/CR-5220; have extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating and determining piping support and component loads that result from fluid pressure transients (can be a separate individual); and preferably someone who ha a Ph.D. and is an expert in their respective field of expertise.


1. The contractor shall attend meetings with the industry working group and industry representatives to gather information and track industry progress through discussions with industry representatives.
2. The contractor shall evaluate the adequacy of the analytical rnethodology that is being developed by industry representatives to assess the effects of waterhammer on low-pressure fluid systems.
3. The contractor shall review the results of this industry initiative as documented in a Technical Basis Report (TBR) to be issued by NEl upon completion of this effort. It is expected tnat the TBR will be completed by the end of June,1999.
4. The contractor shall keep the NRC Technical Monitor informed of the industry's progress through penodic telephone conversations and/or meetings with the NRC staff.
5. The contractor shall prepare a written letter report to document the results of his/her evaluation, noting strengths and weaknesses in the analytical methodology that has been developed, and any limitations in the approach. The letter report shall be completed and submitted ta the NRC Project Officer for review and approval on or before 30 working days after the industry's TBR has been issued by the NEl.

DELIVERABLES A letter report is required that summarizes the results of tnc review that was performed and conclusions that were reached, specifically identifying any strengths and weaknesses that are noteworthy, and any significant limitations with the approach that has been developed.

The assigned contractor shall submit each letter report to the NRC Technical Monitor, with a copy to the NRC Project Manager.

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i MEETINGS AND TRAVEL lt is expected that this effort will involve one two-day meeting on April 13 and 14,1999, in Chicago, Illinois, and three one-day meetings to gather information and to track industry progress. Aside from the Chicago meeting, it is anticipated that the additional meetings will be held industryeither in Washingtor:, DC, or in Boston, MA, but other locations are possible depending preferences, NRC FURNISHED MATERIALS Meeting minutes and handouts from meetings that have already been held will be provided by the NRC. Additionalinformation and materials for this review activity will be provided by industr representatives, or obtained during subsequent meetings.

OTHER APPLICABLE INFORMATION The work specified in this SOW should be charged to TAC M97252.

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