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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re Emergency Response Data Sys Requirements Analysis.Estimated Respondent Burden Is 2,080 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/20/1986
From: Norry P
NUDOCS 8604240555
Download: ML20203E969 (6)



Designa%( Ohpq)

S"*'" '"' s 3 Request for OMB Review T' D' R (Rw September 1983)

Import:nt Rrad instructions before completing form. Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of this form, the material to be reviewed, and for t3 request both an Executive Order 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supporting statement, to:

the Paperwork Reduction Act Answer all questions in Part I. If this request is (cr revie* under E.O. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs l 12291, complete Part 11 and sign the regulatory certification. If this Office of Management and Budget request is for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention: Docket Ubrary Room 3201 1320. skip Part 11, complete Part til and sign the paperwork certification. Washington. DC 20503 PART l.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

1. 0;partrnent/ agency and Bureau /of fice originatmg request 2. Agency rode U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 1 5 0
3. Name of person who can best answer quest.ons regard:ng this request Telephone number John Hickman ( 301 >492-4155
4. Title of intorenation collection or ruiemaking Emergency Response Data System Requirements Analysis S. Leg 9 cuthorety for informatuon con ect on or ruie (cute unnted States Code, Publoc law. or becutive Order) 42 use 2201(o) , , ,
6. Affected public(checa a'lthstapptw s O reoerat agencies or empioyees 1 O ind,viduais or househoids 3 0 ra,ms s O Non prontinst.tuinns 2 O state oriocairovernments 4 M ousinesses or other for. profit 7 O smaii businesses or organitations PARTil.-Complete This Part Only if the Request is for OMB Review under Executive Order 12291
7. Regulation Identifier Namber (RIN) l _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ . or, None assegned O
8. Type of submussson (check one on each categary) <. Type of review requested l

Classification stage of development 1 O standard 1 O maior i O proposed ordraft 2 O pending 2 O Nonma,or 2 O rinaior enter,m f,na!..itn p,mr propoui 3 0 c<nergency 3 0 rinat o, intenm finai. withoui nnor proposai 4 0 statutory oriud.ciaideadar,e 9.~ CF R s2ction attected CrR

10. Does this regulation contain report +g or recordkeepmg requirements that require OMB approvai under the paper.ork Reduction Act end 5 CFR 1320?

. O ves O No l

, 11. If a maor rute. is there a regulatory impact anaiysis attached? . .

' 1 O yes 2 O rx l if"No," did OMO maeve the avs t .

3 C Yes 4 C No C:rtification for Regulatory Submissions in submitting this request for OMB rev e*, the authorized reguiatory contact and the ptr$ gram official certify that the requirements of [ O.12291 and any 8pp'icable pol i cy directives have been c omp! ed with

$ gncture of program official Date

! 5.gnature of authorited regulatory C@la(.I Date l


12. (UhfD s:se only) si,,,s.,, , ,,,,, e m,, .n, i ,

ae.4us e*ons tw. g,,(,pg N5N 1Sa0 on 6la ao34 B604240555 860420 ., c, n i no ,m o 3 22.,3 PDR ORG EUSOMB PDR

PART lli.-CImpl
t2 This Ptrt Only if ths Rsqu2st is f:r Apprcval of a Collecti:n j ef infirmttiin Undzr ths Prperw:rk Reductirn Act and 5 CFR 1320. '
13. Abstract-Describenceds.usesandaffectedpublicin 50 wordsorless " Nuclear reactors, nuclear power plant safety" l NRC is requesting data on the design of emergency data systems of nuclear power plants in order for NRC to design its " Emergency Response Data System".
14. Type of mformaten collection (check only one)

Information collections not contained in rules 1 @ Regular submission 2 O Emergency submission (cert,/,catenstrached) i information collections contained in rules 3 O Existmg reguistion (no change progoseo) 6 r,nai or inte,im finai witnout p,ior NPau 7. cnt,, date or e,pected o, actuai rede,4i 4 0 Notice of proposed rutemakmg (NPRM) A O Regutar submission Register publication at this stage of rulemaking 5 O F.nai. NPRM was previously pubbshed 8 0 Emergency submission (certuar,on attacnco) (month. day. > ear >:

i5. Type of review requested (check only one) 13 New collection 4 O Remstatement of a previously approved coiiection for wnich approvai has empired 2 O Revision of a currentty approved codecten 3 0 citensen of the empirstion date of a currentiy approved coiiecten 5 O cnistmg coitection in use without an oMB control number without any change m the substance or in the method of collection

16. Agency report form number (s)(onclude standard /optionalform number (s)) 22. Purpcse of information coliection (chech as many as apply) i O Appucaten for benefits N/A 2 O erogram evaivation
11. Annual reporteg or disciosure burden 3 C Generalpurposestatistics
  • 1 Number of respondents . .

60 4 O Regulatoryorcomphance 2 Number of responses per respondent. I 5 C( Program pianningor management 3 Total annual responses (hne I times kr e 2) 60- 6 O Research ,

4 Hours per response 34.7 7 O Audit 5 totai hov,3 cme 3 rns kne o 2,080

18. Annuairecordmeepmg burden 23. Frequency of recordheepeng or reporting (checa all that apply) 1 Number of recordkeepers 1 O Recordkeepir g 2 Annuai hours per recordkeeper. _ .. Reporting 3 Total recordkeepmg hours (hne i f,mes Ane 2) 2 O onoccasion 4 Recordtieepmg retention period years 3 0 weekiy
19. Total annuai burden 4 0 uoneni, 1 Requested (kne l? S taus hne l8 3) . E*000 $ 0 Quartetty 2 in current oM8 inventory O 6 0 semi-annuaiiy
  • 3 oifference(kne iless hoe 2) E n000 1 O Annuany 1 Esplanation of $tterence 8 O Dienniany gg,ggg 4 Program change . .

9 Q Other(desen6e): Ofte @ e 5 Adjustment . l l 20. Current (most recent) oMB controt number or comtnent number 24. Rew>ndents' obbgation to comply (check the strongest oetwatet thaf spphes) {

N/A i . voiuniary

21. Requested emperation date 2 Req ired to obtain or retain a beneht 4/30/87 i O Mandatory
25. Are the respondents primarity educational agencies or institutions or is the primary purpose of the collection related to Federal education programs? O ves lE No i


26. ooes the agenc use sampfmg to select respondents or does the agency recommend or prescribe the use of sampimg or statisticai analysis I by resxndents . . . . . . . . .. . O yes @ No '

5 /. Rrgulatory authority for the information coHectiort 10 CFR _50  ; o, rR  : or. oiner(,p,c,ry)-

Paperwork Cettification Ort submittmg this request for oMB approval, the agency head, the sernor ofrecial or an authorized representative, certifies that the requirements of 5 CFR 1320. the Pnvacy Act statist <al standards nr directives, and any other appbcabre informat on i pohcy direc tives have been comphed with.

5,gnature of program of ficial Date l S'gnature of wency head tne senior official or an authoeited represetative Date l Patricia G. Norry, Director ,

W N h- /%

Office of Administration n m , n,o n . m . m e

OMB SUPPORTING STATEMENT FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS Description of the Information Collection The Emergency Response Data System Requirements Analysis is an effort to identify the equipment required to establish an Emergency Response Data System.

This effort requires obtaining information on the design and operation of the electronic data systems used by power reactor licensees to monitor their facilities under normal and emergency situations.


1. Need for the Collection of Information. The mission of the NRC is to protect the health and safety of the public 's it relatcs to the operation of licensed nuclear power facilities. During a nuclear emergency, this includes assessing if appropriate protective actions are being taken. In order to fulfill this role, Commission has determined that the Emergency Response Data System is the appropriate means to meet the NRC's data needs. This system will consist of a direct electronic link to the licensee's emergency data computer and the automatic transmission of a limited set (45-70) of plant parame-ters. In order to enable us to design and estimate costs for a system capable of receiving data from the licensees emergency data systems, information is needed on the design of the systems used by the licensees. Specific features of interest are: parameters available on the system, where the parameters are measured, data handling methods, data communication methods, update frequencies, and verification and validation methods if any.
2. Agency Use of Information. The information on the design of the licensees data systems will be used by the Incident Response Branch, IE, to design an Emergency Response Data System that will interface with licensee's automated data systems and provide appropriate information to the NRC incident response organizations in a nuclear emergency.
3. Reduction of Burden Through Information Technology. There are no legal obstacles to reducing the burden associated with this informa-tion collection; however, due to the limited subject of interest (emergency data computers) and the non-repeating nature of the request, the burden cannot be reduced below its current level. One result of the Emergency Response Data System implementation will be to reduce the burden on licensees of telephonic transmission of data to the NRC during an emergency. .
4. 6f fort to Identify Duplication. Minimal duplication is present in the NRC review program for licensee's Safety Parameter Display Systems. Under that program information is obtained on the data used and presentation method for the SPDS. Although the SPDS system is

one possible source of the data to be transmitted it may not be the most appropriate or advantageous source so that information on the other systems must still be obtained.

5. Effort to Use Similar Information. The information in the NRC SPOS program could be used as a portion of this effort; however, the SPOS program does not contain sufficient information on how the data is handled nor information on other data handling systems at the facilities.
6. Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden. Not Applicable. None of the power reactor licensees are classified as small businesses.
7. Consequence of Less Frequent Collection. Not Applicable. The information collection is one time only.
8. Circumstances which justify variation from OM8 guidelines.

Applicable. Not

9. Consultations Outside the NRC. The infonnation collection was tested on two licensees, Northeast Utilities and Commonwealth Edison, to determine the appropriateness of the collection method and obtain information on the industry burden. The burden associated with both of these efforts was within the ranges estimated.
10. Confidentiality of Information. NRC provides no pledge of confiden-tiality for this collection of information.


Justification for Sensitive Questions. No sensitive information normally considered private is requested.


Estimated Cost to the Federal Government. A contractor will perform the major part of the effort required for this information collec-tion. The cost of the contractors efforts will be approximately


The collection of information will also require approxi-mately 1000 NRC staff hours. (25 site trips x 40 hrs per trip).

Labor cost at $60 per staf f hour will be $60,000. Total cost to the Federal government will be approximately $260,000.

13. Estimate of Burden.


The estimate of burden for this information collection ranges from 27 to 42 hours4.861111e-4 days <br />0.0117 hours <br />6.944444e-5 weeks <br />1.5981e-5 months <br /> per licensee depending on the number and complexity of the data handling systems. Details on the burden estimate are provided in Attachment A. Total estimated industry burden is 2080 hours0.0241 days <br />0.578 hours <br />0.00344 weeks <br />7.9144e-4 months <br />,

b. Estimated cost per respondent to respond to the collection ranges from $1,620 ($60/hr x 27 hrs) to $2,520 ($60/hr x 42 hrs). See Attachment A. Total estimated industry burden is


14. Reasons for Change in Burden. Not Applicable.

l 15. Publication for Statistical Use. The NRC has no plans to publish the information obtained in this effort.

I B. COLLECTIONS OF INFORMATION EMPLOYING STATISTICAL METHODS Statistical methods are not used in the collection of information.

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$ COST Simple System Design 20 27 540 $1,620 $32,400 Intermediate System Design 20 35 700 $2,100 $42,000 Complicated System Design 20 42 840 $2,520 $50,400 Totals 60 2080 $124,800


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