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Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report.Inventory Difference Data.July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996.(Gray Book II)
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/1998
From: Tom Pham
NUREG-0430, NUREG-0430-V16, NUREG-430, NUREG-430-V16, NUDOCS 9802250133
Download: ML20203C271 (19)


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i NUREG-0430

, Vol.16 I

Licensed Fuel Fecility Status Report Inventory Difference Data July 1,1995 - June 30,1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission D

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NUREG-0430 Vol.16 l

l Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report Inventory Difference Data July 1,1995 - June 30,1996 Manuscript Completed: December 1997 Date Published: February 1998 T. N. Pham Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 I

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ABSTRACT The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is committed to an annual publicatic, of licensed fuel cycle facility inventory difference data, following Agency review of the informatian and completion of any related investigations. Information in this report includes invs ntory 'Jifference results for active fuel fabrication facilities possessing more than one effective kliogram of special nuclear material.

iii NUREG-0430, Vol.16

CONTENTS Page Ab st ra ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Abbreviations / Acronyms ... ....... ......... .. ..... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .vii

1. Introduction . . . . . .. . ... . .. . ...... ...... . . . . ...... .... .1
2. Discussion . . . . . ..... . .. . .. ... ........ ....... ... .1
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... . . .. .......... 3
4. Definition of Terms . . . . ........... .. ... .......... .. . . ... 4
5. Tabulation of inventory Differences ..... ..... ... .. ... .... ...........8


d v NUREG-0430, Vol.16


-- i

ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS C. L.~ Confidence level' CFR Code of Federal Regulations

- FKG- Formula Kilogram (3) e

- HEU- ' High-enriched uranium


ID: - Inventory difference -.

- LEID Limit of error of an inventory difference

-LEU Low-enriched uranium

! NRC. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4


Pu Plutonium -

SEID - Standard error of an inventory difference i- SM? - Source material

. . SNM Special nuclear material l

SSNM Strategic special nuclear material

._. U-233 ' Uranium-233 -


! -U-235 Uranium-235 -

'Pu-238 - Plutonium-238

Pu-239 Plutonium-239 )

ll . .

Pu-241' Plutonium-241 p

I 4

3 vii NUREG-0430, Vol.16 l l


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i 1. INTRODUCTION The Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report (NUREG-0430) is a periodic report that provides inventory information on NRC-licensed fuel fabrication facilities. The information included in NUREG-0430 consins of a tabulation of inventory difference data for all active fuel fabrication 7

facilities, a list of acronyms, and a glossary of various term definitions used throughout this publication. The first semiannualissue of NUREG-0430 was published on May 16,1978.. With the second issue of Volume 9 published in Ap- l 1990, the NRC changed to a one-year interval because most of the licensed fue! cycle facilities were on an annualinventory frequency.

All fuel cycle facilities authorized to possess and use more than one effective kilogram of special nuclear material (SNM) are required to report the results of each physical inventory to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 74,17. This report contains a tabulation of physicalinventory results -

generated during the one-year period from July 1,1995, to June 30,1996, for the eight active fuel fabrication facilities.

2. DISCUSSION The NRC uses a graded approach in applying safeguards requirements for all licensed facilities, depending on the strategic significance of the SNM authorized for possession, and the level and frequency of monitoring programs required for timely detection of losses. It is important to distinguish between the low strategic significance of low-enriched uranium (LEU) and the higher strategic significance of high-enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium. LEU materials used to fabricate fuel assemblies for commercial power reactors are enriched to a level of one to 5 percent in the U-235 isotope. At this enrichment level, and under certain conditions, the uranium can sustain a chain reaction, but cannot generate a nuclear explosion regardless of its quantity and configuration.

NRC safeguards requirements covering LEU reflect its low strategic significance. They include a formal structured system for material control and accounting and graded physical protection measures. Because of the higher strategic significance of HEU and plutonium, which under certain circumstances could be used for the fabrication of a nuclear explosive device, the NRC requires HEU licensees to provide substantial physical protection of these materials including features such as barriers, intrusion alarms, armed guards, and offsite police response capability.

Additionally, more rigorous controls and accounting programs are imposed, including intemal systems to control the movement of strategic SNM and to monitor its presence.

Licensees authorized to have significant quantities of strategic SNM (i.e., HEU, plutonium, or uranium-233), and facilities authorized to possess and use more than one effective kilogram of SNM of modecate strategic significance are required to conduct physical inventories at least every six months, whereas licensees whose holdings are restricted to SNM of low strategic significance perform physical inventories every twelve months.

1 NUREG-0430, Vol.16 l

At each physical inventory, the quantity of SNM on hand, as physically determined, is compared to the quantity of SNM on hand as indicated by the facility's accounting records (or book inventory). The difference between the physical inventory and the book inventory is called Inventory Difference (ID), also sometimes referred to as material unaccounted for (MUF).

ID values resulting from physicalinventories conducted ' facilities authorized to possess and use significant quantities of strategic SNM are classified as " CONFIDENTIAL National Security Information" until at least six months have elapsed since the ID was derived, and any excessive ID has been investigated and resolved. For this reason, the ID data are not published until the six months have elapsed.

Non-zero ids, both positive and negative, result from a combination of factors such as measurement variability, measurement mistakes, changes in the quantity of unmeasured equipment holdup, and recordkeeping errors. An unmeasured loss, either accidental or oeliberate, or theft would cause a unidirectional impact on determining ID (e.g., mathematically increase a positive ID or decrease a negative ID). Generally, the more complex a facility's process operations are, especially when dealing with chemical operations, the greater the potential for uncertainty associated with an ID value. Although an ID larger than its overali measurement uncertainty may signal an abnormal situation, the fact that an ID falls within its associated limit of error, even a '.ero ID value, provides no automatic or conclusive proof that a loss or theft of SNM has not occurred. Therefore, the NRC relies on information provided not only by the material accounting system, but also by the intemal control system, the physical protection system, NRC inspections and evaluations, plus NRC and licensee investigations.

Both the book inventory and the physical inventory are based on measured values, thus both are subject to measurement uncertainty. The total uncertainty associated with an ID value is designated by the standard error of the inventory crference (SEID), which is a 67 percent confidence level uncertainty, or by the limit of error of the inventory difference (LEID), which is a 95 percent confidence level uncertainty. Therefore, in the absence of recording errors, unmeasured losses, and material theft or diversion, the expected value of E. ' is zero plus or minus SEID or LEID, depe,nding on the desired confidence level.

The concept of LEID is a method that the NRC and licensees subject to 10 CFR 70.51 (Category 11 facilities) use to determine the significance of the iD. Foi those facilities, total measurement uncertainty associated with an ID (i.e. LEID) must not exceed 0.20 percent of the active inventory. Active inventory is the quantity of material measured for accountability purposes since the last physical inventory, and for throughput- dominated facilities is essentially equal to twice the throughput for the inventory period. In addition, an ID that exceeds its associated LEID may be an indication of processing problems, inaccurate measurements, bookkeeping errors, or a loss or theft of material. The NRC accordingly requires the licensees to take increasingly stronger investigative actions depending on how much the ID exceeds both LEID and quantities ssecified in 10 CFR 74.13(b).

The concept of SEID is a method that the NRC and licensees subject to either 10 CFR 74.31 or 74.59 use to determine the significance of the ID. For 10 CFR 74.31 licensees (Category til facilities), ID must exceed its threshold quantity, which represents a site-specific value that is considerably larger than SEID, beford investigative actions are required. For 10 CFR 74.59 licensees (Category I facilities' investigative actions are required whenever an ID exceeds both specific quantities and three t..nes SEID.

NUREG-0430, Vol.16 2


3. CONCLUSION The ids for this reporting period (July 1,1995, through June 30,1996) are listed in the

" Tabulation of Inventory Differences" that begins on page 8 of tnis report. An explanation of the significance and, when appropriate, the contributing factor (s) for ids deemed excessive are included in the last column of the table. A total of 27 ID values were generated during this reporting period; 15 pertained to HEU, and 12 pertained to LEU materials. All of the ids were either within regulatory limits or expected ranges.- None of the ids exceeded its regulatory limit.

3 NUREG-0430, Vol.16


1. Isotope
  • A nuclide of a chemical element (such as uranium or plutonium) whose atoms all have the same number of protons characteristic of that element combined with different numbers of neutrons. That is, allisotopes of a given element must have the
sme number of protons within the nuclei of their atoms, but the number of neutrons per nucleus varies between isotopes. It is the number of protons plus neutrons within an atom's nucleus that defines its mass number. For example, U-235 and U-238 are two isotopes of uranium. Both contain 92 protons but have 143 and 146 neutrons, respectively, within the nucleus of each of their atoms.
2. Fissile Isotooe: A nuclide species that is capable of giving rise to a self-sustaining chain reaction (of nuclear fission) when present in sufficient mass and concentration. U-233, U-235, Pu 239, and Pu-241 are the only fissile nuctides contained in "special nuclear material"(SNM), which also consists of other uranium and p'atonium isotopes.
3. Source Material (SM): (1) Natural uranium or thorium, or der,leted uranium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or (2) ores that contain by weight 0.05 percent or more of (i) uranium, (ii) thorium, or (iii) any combination thereof. SM does not include SNM.
4. Soecial Nuclear Material (SNM): (1) Plutonium, uranium-233, uranium enriched in the isotope uranium-235, and any other material that the U.S. Govemment, pursuant to the provisions of Section 51 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines to be SNM; or (2) any material artificially enriched in any of the foregoing. SNM (of any type) does not inch,de SM.
5. Hiah-Enriched Uranium (HEU): Any uranium-bearing material whose uranium isotope content is 20 percent or more U-235 by weight (relative to total uranium element content).
6. Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU): Any uranium-bearing material whose uranium isotope content is less than 20 percent, but greater than 0.71 percent, U-235 by weight (relative to total uranium element content).
7. Natural Uranium: Any uranium-bearing material whose uranium isotopic distribution has not been altered from its naturally occurring state. Natural uranium is nominally 99.283 percent U-238,0.711 percent U-235, and 0.006 percent U-234.
8. Deoleted Uranium: Any uranium-bearing material whose combined U-233 plus U-235 isotopic content is less than 0.70 percent by weight (relative to total uranium element content).
9. Strateaic Soecial Nuclear Material (SSNM): Uranium-235 contained in HEU, uranium-233, or plutonium.


NOTE: All SSNM is SNM, but not all SWM is SSNM.

i NUREG-0430, Vol.10 4 i


10. Effective Kilooram of SNM: (1) For plutonium and U-233, their weight in kilograms; (2) for uranium with an enrichment in the isotope U-235 of 1.00 percent (0.01 weight fraction) and above, its element weight in kilograms multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; and (3) for uranium with an enrichment in U-235 below 1.00 percent, but above 0.71 percent, its element weight in kilograms multiplied by .0001.
11. Eormula Kilooram (FKG): 1,000 formula grams of SSNM computed by the following equation:

' Grams = (grams U-235 contained in HEU) + 2.5 (grams U-233)

+ 2.5 (grams plutonium) 12, Formula Quantitv: SSNM in any combination in a quartity of 5,000 formula grams _gr m0Ie, as computed by the same equation as given above in definition No.11.

NOTE: In unirradiated form, this quantity of SSNM is sometimes refarred to as a Category I quantity of material.

13. SNM of Moderate Strateoic Sianificance: (1) Less than a formula quantity of CSNM, but more than 1,000 grams of U-235 contained in HEU, or more than 500 grams of U-233 or plutonium, or more than a combined quantity of 1,000 formula grams when computed by the equation:

Grams = (grams U-235 in HEU) + 2.0 (grams U-233 + grams Pu) or (2) 10,000 grams or more of U-235 contained in LEU enriched to 10 percent or more (but less than 20 percent) in the U-235 isotope.

NOTE. In unirradiated form, either of the forementioned two quantities is sometimes referred to as a Category ll quantity

14. SNM of Low Strateaic Sionificance: (1) Less than an amount of SNM of moderate strategic significance, but more than 15 grams of (i) U-235 contained in HEU, (ii) U-233, (iii) plutonium, or (iv) any combination thereof; (2) less than 10,000 grams, but more than 1,000 grams of U-235 contained in LEU enriched to 10 percent a re (but less than 20 percent) in the U-235 isotope; or (3) 10,000 grams or more of U-235 contained in LEU enriched above natural, but less than 10 percent, in the U-235 isotope.

NOTE: In unirradiated form, any of the above three quantities is sometimes referred to as a Category lil quantity.

15. - Inventorv Difference (ID): The arithmetic difference between a book inventory and the corresponding physical inventory, calculated by subtracting ending inventory (EI) from the combination of beginning inventory (BI) plus additions to inventory (A) minus removals from inventory (R). Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

ID = (BI + A - R)- El or ID = BI + A - R - El 5 NUREG-0430, Vol.16

16. Limit of Error of the ID (LEID): Twice the standard error of the estimated measurement uncertainty associated with the ID, or in other words, twice the square root of the measurement variance associated with the ID.


17. Standard Error of the ID (SEID):

(a) For Category til licensees subject to 10 CFR 74.31 or 74.33, SEID is equal to the square root of the sum of both measurement and non-measurement variances associated with an ID.

For Category I licensees subject to 10 CFR 74.59, SEID is equal to the square g (b) root of the measurement variance (only) associated with an ID.

18. Detection Quantity (DQ): A site-specific SNM quantity for Category lli licensees whose processing activities are limited to SNM of low strategic significance. The DQ is normally a function of annual throughput, but for low-throughput LEU facilities, the DQ need not be less than 25 kilograms of U-235. The DQ can also be described as a goal quantity, the loss or theft of which must be detected with a 90 percent or better probability, whenever a physicalinventory is taken.
19. Detection Threshold (DT): An ID alarm limit for Category 111 licensees that will be exceeded (with 90 percent or higher probability) by an ID (resulting from the taking of a physicalinventory) whenever there has been an actualloss of a detection quantity. The DT is a function of both the DQ and SEID, as shown in the fol'owing equation:

DT = DQ - 1.3 (SEID)

20. The ID Was Within its Exoected Ranae: The ID was less than (i) 200 grams plutonium or U-233, (ii) 300 grams U-235 conta:ned in HEU, or (iii) 9,000 grams U-235 contained in LEU, as appropriate, and/or was less than its associated LEID.
21. The ID Was Within its Regulatorv Limit: The ID exceeded both (1) 200 grams U-233 or plutonium,300 grams U-235 contained in HEU, or 9,000 grams U-235 contained in LEU (as appropriate), and (2) its associated LEID or SEID, but was less than 1.5 times the limit for LEID (for 10 CFR 70.51 licensees) or less than the ID limit (for 10 CFR 74.31 and 74.59 licensees). For 10 CFR 74.31 licensees, the ID limit is the site-specific detection threshold quantity, which is considerably larger than SEID. For 10 CFR 74.59 licensees, the ID limit is 3 times SEID,
22. The ID Exceeded Its Reaulatorv Limit: The ID exceeded its applicable regulatory limit and was thus subject to both licensee and NRC investigations to determine the cause(s) of the excessive value (regardless of whether the ID was negative or positive).
23. Neaative ID: A situation that occurs when the amourt NM on hand, as determined by the physical inventory, exceeds the amount of SN! g carried on the books (records). That is, there appears to be a gain in mate %.. Mathematically, a negative ID is written as "-10," or shown in parentheses. A negative ID is also referred to as an "lD gain."

NUREG-0430, Vol. 16 6

24.- Positive ID: A situation that occurs when the amount of SNM on hand, as determined by the physicalinventory, is less than the amount of SNM being carried on the books (records). That is, there appears to be a loss of material. Mathematically, a positive ID is written as "+1D," or is shown without any designation of sign. A positive ID is also referred to as an "lD loss."

25. P_lant For SNM control and accounting purposes, a plant is defined as a set of processes or operations (on the same site, but not necessarily all in the same building) coordinated into a single manufacturing, R&D, or testing effort.' Most licenseer, have only one plant in this context. A scrap recovery operation serving both onsite and offsite customers, or more than one onsite manufacturing effort (plant), would be treated as a separate plant.
26. SNM Material Tvoe Cateaories: For inventory and accounting purposes, SNM is classified into six material type categories (not to be confused with Categories I,11, and 11! l quantities). The six categories are uranium in cascades, LEU, HEU, uranium-233,  ;

plutonium, and plutonium-238. For each category, SNM is accounted for on both a total '

element and isotope basis. The eiement and isotope for each category are as follows:

CATEGORY ELEMENT ISOTOPE Uranium in Cascades Total Uranium U-235 LEU Total Uranium U-235 HEU Total Uranium U-235 Uranium-233 Total Uranium U-233 -

Plutonium Total Plutonium Pu-239 + Pu-241

-Plutonium-238 . Total Plutonium - Pu-238

27. Active Inventerv (AI): The sum of beginning inventory (BI), additions to inventory (A),

removals from inventory (R), and ending inventory (EI), after all common terms have been totally excluded.- A common term is any nuclear material value (or item) that

. appears in both BI and El, or both BI and R, or both A and R, or both A and El, with both values derived from' the same measurement (or combination of measurements), and thus does not contribute to the uncertainty associated with the current period inventory difference. The active inventory is used as an indicator of processing throughput and/or measurement activity.

7 NUREG-0430, Vol.16 l

5. TABULATION OF INVENTORY DIFFERENCES Inventory Inventory Difference Explanation SNM Docket SNM Category Date (Grams U-235) [See definitions #20,21, & 22]

Licensee License No. No.

HEU 09/30/95 + 1,597 The ID was within its 42 70-27 Babcock & Wilcox regulatory limit.

Naval Nuclear Fuel Division (Lynchburg, Vi:, inia) + 233 The ID was within its HEU 03/31/96 expected range.

LEU 09/30/95 + 31 The ID was within its expected range.

LEU 03/31/96 -10 The ID was within its expected range.

LEU 07/16/95 + 3,615 The ID was within its B&W Fuel Company 1168 70-1201 expected range.

(Lynchburg, Virginia) l LEU 10/25/95 - 197 The ID was within its Combustion Engineering 33 70-36 expected range.

(Hematite, Missouri)

LEU 03/11/96 -1,708 The ID was within its expected range.

I NUREG-0430, Vol. 16 8 i


Inventory SNM Docket SNM Inventory . Difference Explanation Licensee License No. No. Category Date (Grams U-23b) [See definitions #20,21, & 22]-

General Atomics 696 70-734 HEU 07/17/95- + 24 The ID was within its (S:n Diego, Califomia) expected range.

HEU 09/18/95 + 34 The ID was within its expected range.

HEU 11/13/95 + 1 . The ID was within its expected range.

HEU 02/06/96 - + 7 The ID was within its expected range.

HEU 03/18/96 - 82 The ID was within its -

expected range.

HEU 05/20/96 <1 The ID was within its

. expected range.

LEU 10/02/95 + 95: The ID was within its .

expected range.

j i

LEU 03/18/96 - 25 The ID was within its-l expected range.

General Electric Company 1097 70-1113 LEU 08/06/95 -121,803 The ID was within its (Wilmington, North Carolina) regulatory limit.

9 NUREG 0430, Vol.16


Inventory SNM Inventory Difference Explanation SNM Docket Category Date (Grams U-235) [See definitions #20,21, & 22]

Licensee License No. No.

HEU 10/25/95 - 1,411 The ID was within its Nuclear Fuel Services 124 70-143 regulatory limit.

(Erwin, Tennessee)

HEU 04/24/96 - 3,222 The ID was within its regulatory limit.

LEU 06/26/96 - 5,330 The ID was within its regulatory limit.

Note: ID gains resulted from decommissioning activities.

LEU 03/12/96 + 13,519 The ID was within its Siemens Nuclear Power Corp. 1227 70-1257 regislatory limit.

(Richland, Washington)

LEU 08/09/95 - 36,406 The ID was within its Westinghouse Electric Corp. 1107 70-1151 l regulatory limit.

(Columbia, South Carolina)

LEU 04/10/96 - 44,482 The ID was within its regulatory limit.

NUREG-0430, Vol. 16 10 1


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noi. nw BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET is~ instruct ons on th* r r=*>

NUREG-0430 2, itT LE AND SUBTITLE Vol. 16 Licensed fuel Facility Status Report 3. DATE REPORT PustisHED Inventory Difference Data ~~ t s =

l July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996 February 1998

1. PERIOD COVERED tinclustre oores s July 1995 - June 1996 E H

,ea.en> AT ION - N AM E AND ADD R ESS tu NRC. prown* 0nename. orrece ar Repoon. v.L Nuemar neoutatory conwowen. emi maokne nnarru. rt controeror. orowrar Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguar(s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

9. $PONSOR ING ORG ANIZ ATION - N AM E AND ADDR ESS tit 48c. type %me as anave". te contrarnw. prover
  • NRC Devoca. Otrce or Rev,on, u.1 muchar sevuterary commowen.

and mesmo adseni Same as 8, above

10. $UPPLEMENT ARY NOTES I1. ABST R ACT (100 worm er out NRC is committed to the periodic publication of licensed fuel cycle facility inventory difference data, following Agency review of the information and completion of any related investigations. Information in this report includes inventory difference data for active fuel fabrication facilities possessing more than one effective kilogram of special nuclear material.
12. K E Y WOR DS/DESCR!P IORS tuer wore oranroes ther *,u mme rewscam en Juurmv inc report.s u AV AILAaiu r v 5f alkMt N1 unlimited nuclear fuel facilities, inventory difference, physical inventories, ... s. cue. n c <.ss.. .c. i .u~

special nuclear material accounting t in,, ,,,,,

unclassified ITnos Nevorst unclassified



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NUREG-0430, vel 16 1




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