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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re 10CFR70, Domestic Licensing of Snm. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 95,928 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/29/1986
From: Norry P
Shared Package
ML20199D558 List:
OMB-3150-0009, OMB-3150-9, NUDOCS 8606200400
Download: ML20199D599 (2)



5'**'ar 83 tue, s.piemur 19n)

Request for OMB Review Important Rud instructions before completing form. Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of this form. the material to be reviewed. and for to request both an Executive Order 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supporting statement. to:

the Paperwork Reduction Act Answer all questions in Part 1. If this request is for review under E.O. Of fice of Informs.uon and Regulatory Af fairs 12291, cormlete Pg 11 and sign the regulatory certification. If this Of fice of Management and Budget request is f8r approvat under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention: Docket Library, Room 3201 13?O. skip Part it, complete Part 111 and sign the paperwork certification Washington DC 20503 PART 1.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

1. D;partment/ agency and Bureau /of fice onginating request 2. Agency code U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 1 5 0 3"Idarro of persort who can best answer questions reEarding this request Telephone number Frank Cardile (301 ) 4.43-7815 _

4.1stle of information conection or rulemaking 10 CFR 70, Domestic-Licensing of SDecial Nuclear Material- -- - -

5. Legtt authority for information collection or rule (cite Linsred States Code. Pubhc t aw, or E necutive Order) 42 use 2201(o)- . o,
6. Affected pub 4c (check all that app'y) 5 0 rederaiagenc;es or emoioy+es 1 U individualsot households 3 0 rarms ' 6 C Non profit enstitutions
  • 2 O stateoriocaigovernments 4 D ausinesses or otner for profit 7 0 smati businesses or organizations PART ll.-Complete This Part Only if thkeqhdNbbeb Under Executive Order 12291
7. Regulation identifier Number (RIN)

_ _ _ _ ~ .__ _ _ _ . or. None ass 4gned C

8. Ty pe of submission (check one on each category) Type of review requested Classification Stage of development 1 O standara 1 Major 1 0 Proposed or draft 2 O eenang 2 Nonmajor 2 C FMor.ferim f nal.witnpoce proposal 3 0 cmergency 3 C final or inter.m final without enor proposal 4 Statutory or pdtcial deadi ne
9. CFR sect on affected CFR
10. Does this regulation contain reporting or recordbeepeng requirements that require OtJB approval under the Pape' work Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320? - C Yet U_ f4a
11. If a major rule, is there a regulatory impact analysis attat ed 1 U Ym 2 C Nr.

If"No." d.d OMB waive the ariaiysis? 3 0 Yes 4 t9 r.o Certification for Regulatory Submissions in submitting tms request for OMB revrew, the authorilett regulatory contR.t drwt t'te Mrtram ottic'ai U.rtify that the require t'ents of E O 12291 and ant apparao'e ochcy directives have been comptied with

  • vgnature of prograrn offscial j Date 8606200400 860529 PDR ORG EUSOMB - ---

Dpnature of authorized regiatery contat t PDR i 2. 40MB use only) reeveus em.ons obso+te ga St.ndard f cem 83 iR. . ** 8 si r6t17540 00 634 4o34 rw N GA"i

, O H 1320 4+ws E O R1'. 's

1 PALT III.-Cornplet] This Part Only if the Request is for Approval of a Collection of Inforrn.tlon Under th7 Paperwork ReducUon Act and 5 CFR 1320.

Ju. needs, uses and v a fected pubnc in So words or iess - "hk M1idu, Mdmkg" In the event a licensee files for bankruptcy, the licensee must notify the NRC so the .

ag:ncy can take appropriate measures to protect the public health and safety. A lic nsee need take no action until commencement of a proceeding naming the licensee as d:btor under Title 11 (Bankruptcy), U.S. Code.

14. Type ef information cotiection icheck only one)

. Informatbog cogeetjgas not containedin rules 1 O Regura, submiss,on 2 O Emergency submission (certe/ scat,onattached)

Information collections contained in rules 3 O c istir g reguiation (no ch.,nge proposed) 6 rinai or intenm finai witnout pnor neRu 7. ente, date of e pected or sciuse redersi 4 M Noticeof proposed rulemaking(f4PRM) A O Reguia, submission Register pubhcation at this stage of rulemaking 5 O Fenal. NPRM was previously pubhshed B O Emergency submission (certsficat.onattached) (month, day, year): 5/15/86

15. Tymf renew requested (checA only one) 1 O new cofrection 4 O Reinstatement of a previously approved collection for which approval has expired 2 M Eevr!uon of a currently approved col lection 3 0 citension of the e piration date et a currentiy approved coiiection s O Esisting collection in use without an oMB control number witnout any change in the substance or in the method of collection
16. Agency report form number (s)(include standard /optronalform number (s)) 22. Purpose of information collectm (check as many as apply) i O Apphcate for benefits N/A 2 O Program evaivation
17. Annual reportmg or disclosure burden 3 0 cenerai purpose statistics 1 Nurnberof respondents . 4 @ Regulatoryorcompliance 2 Number of responses per respondent 5 O Program planning or management .

3 Totiannual responses (line I times kne 2) - 6 O Research 4 Hours per response 7 O Audit 5 Total hours (kne 3 times kne M

18. Annualrecordheepmgburden 23. Frequency of recordkeeping or reporting (check att that apply) 1 Number of recordkeepers 1 O Recordkeeping 2 Anr:ual hours per recorckeeper. NePorting 3 Total recordkeeping hours (hne 1 times hoe 2) 2 $ onoccasion

- 4 Recordkeeping retentan period years 3 0 mkiy

19. Total annual burden 4 0 Monthiy 95,928 5 0 Quarterly 1 Requested (hne 17-5 plus hoe 18-3) .

2 in current oM8 inventory .

' 6 0 semi-annuairy 3 Difference (line f less Ane 2) 7 O Annually Esplanation of difference 8 O Biennially 4 Program change 9 0 other(desene.):

5 Adjustment .

24. Rescondents' obhgation to comply (check the strongest oDhgation that apphes)
20. Curr:nt (mos rgt)ggontrol number or comment number 1 O voiuntary
21. Requested er ai a Required to obtain or retain a benefit 2

g 3 LJ Mandatory

25. Ar) the respondents primanty educational agencies or institutions or is the pnmary purpose of the collection related to Federal education programs? O yes 0 no
26. Does the agency use sampiing to select respondents or does the agency recommend or presenbe the use of samphng or statistical analysis by respondent $r . O yes 0 No
27. Regul ry authority f he m tioncollection CFR
or FR  ; or,other (specify)

Paperwork Certification to submittir:g this 'equest for oMB approval. the agency head, the serwor official or an authorized representative, certifies that the requirements of 5 CFR 1320, the Prr:acy Act statistical standards or directives, and any other applicable enformation pohcy directives have been complied with.

Signaturaof programofficial Date

. I

' Office of Administration [ gg f gsg C Cin : 1988 0 - 453-776