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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re 10CFR40, Domestic Licensing of Source Matl. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 12,068 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/29/1986
From: Norry P
Shared Package
ML20199D558 List:
OMB-3150-0020, OMB-3150-20, NUDOCS 8606200390
Download: ML20199D574 (2)



W era-"83 Request for OMB Review (Rev L ptember i A3)

Important Read instructions before completing form. Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of this form. the matenal to tie rewme.ed. and for t request both an becutive Order 12291 review and approsal under paperwork-three copies of the supporting staten+rt, to the P:perwork Reduction Act.

Answer all questions in Part !. If this request is for review under E O. Of fice of information and Regulatory Af ters 12291. complete Part il and sign the regulatory certification. If this Office of Management and Budget request is for approval t,nder the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention: Docket Library, Room 32o1 1320. skip Part II. comp!ete Part 111 and sign the paperwork certification. Washington DC 20503 PART I.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

1. D partment/ agent y and t3uredu/otfice ong.nating request i 2. Aff m y cod.-

t U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consnission 3 1 5 0

3. Name of person who can best answer questions regvdeng this request lek pNoe er cer FranLCardile (301 ) 443-7815
4. Title of inf ormation collection or rutemaking 10 CFR 40, Domestic Licensing of Source Material

~' ~

5. Legai suthorit 1 tor intormation co nect on or rute (cate united States Cooe. ?ubhc Laa. o Enecutne order) 42 usc 2201(o)

. o, ___ ___ _

6. AffIcted putilic (check all that app />) 5 0 r ederai agEes na errpiorees 1 Indiviava;s os households 3 0 ierms 6 0 Non profd inst. tut,ons 2 O state oriocaiusern, rents 4 @ Businesses or otner for profit 7 9 sma i businesses or orcani7ations PAST ll.-Complete This Part Only if thkehNNhlbeb Under Executive Order 12291
7. Retrufahon Ident Aer Number (RIN)

_ _ _ _ ___ _ . or. None assigned O S. Type of subm:sycn (check one in eacn category) Type of revoew requested CIsssification Stage of development

  • 1 Standard 1 O ua:or 1 O eroposedordraft 2 = eend,nc 2 C Nonma;or 2 O riraiorinter,me,nai.witnpnorproposai 3 cmergency 3 0 renai or intenm tinai. witnout prior proposai 4 statutor, or iudiciai aeachne
9. Cf R section affected CFR
10. Does this regu'ation cortain repcrting or recordkeepmg requirements that requ're OMB approval under the paperworts Reouct on Ac.t and 5 Cf R 13202 0 yes O to
11. If a mapr rufe. .s there a regulatarv impact an49s attached? 1 E Yes 2 U Nn It 'No,' ec OMB
  • awe the anap.s' 3 0 tes 4016 C:rtification for Regulatory Submissions to subrmtting the recist to: OMB eeview the authontec " gulato y co' tact and the pror, ram of fioal r ert ty tNit the re-su: e<"e 'ts of E. O 12?91 ar c e cipphr r 40:e pohCy d*rectivei howe twen compha rt wth Synature of progra n otScoi 'use

~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ - '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~

Egneture M aathwdnt ie3Fci,W*act 8606200390 860529 "*

PDR ORG EUSOMB PDR 17 40MB use an!n Feucus N t..m mr . .a. gg 5tendatet i otrn 15 4 die . 't 6 n N#.f4 7540 00 M4 4"44 e a ret N Or.*S

. tf R ; 320 p 4 L 0 U.'s.

PART lil.-Complet) This Part Only if the Request is for ApprIval of a Collection r f inform: tion Under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320.

Ir Abspa#-Descnoe needs. uses and affected pubric m 50 words or iess >' Nuclear facilities, Wbgg" In the event a licensee files for bankruptcy, the licensee must notify the NRC so the agency can take appropriate measures to protect the public health anc' safety. A licensee need take no action until commencement of a proceeding naming the licensee as debtor under Title 11 (Bankruptcy), U.S. Code.

14. Type of mformation collection (check only one)

Information ccIlections not containedin rules 1 [ . Regislar sutimissicn 2 O Emergency submission (certshcatronattactied)

' information collections contained in rules 3 O Eust ra reguiat.on (no change proposed) s rena, or intenm fmal without pnor NPRM 7. Enter date of expected or actual Federal 4 0 Notke of proposed rutemaking(NPRM) A O Regular submission Register publication at this stage of rulemaking 5 0 ranai. NeRu was premousry pubiesned a O Emergency submission (certification attached) (month, day, year): 5/15/86

15. Type of reven requested (checA on/y one) 1 O s,w coiiect,on 4 0 Reinstatement of a previously approved collection for which approval

" P' 2 9 Revison cf a currently approved coilection 3 O Extension of tne expiration date of a currently approved cotiection 5 0 Existmg collection in use without an oMB control number without any change en the substance or in the method of collection 16, Agency report form number (s)(unclude standard / optional form number (s)) 22. Purpose of informatson collection (check as manyas apply) 1 O Application for benefits N/A 2 O erogramevaivation 17, Annual reporting or crsclosure burden 3 0 ceneraipurposestatistics 1 Number of respondents . 4 O Regulatoryorcompliance 2 Namber of responses per respondent . 5 O Program planningor management .

3 Totd annual responses (hne i times hne 21 6 0 Research 4 Hours per response 7 O Audit 5 Totat hours (kne 3 times hne 41

18. Annualrecorcheepmg butden 23. Frequency of recordiseepmg or reportmg (check all that apply) 1 Number of recordkeepers 1 O Recordweeping 2 Annual hours per recordkeeper. Reporting 3 Totil recordheeping hours (line 1 times kne 2) 2 O onoccasion 4 Recordkeepmg retention period years 3 0 wer.kiy
19. Tot:1 annual burden 4 O Monthly 1 Requested (kne !7 5 plusline 18 3) .

12 068 5 0 Quartetty g

2 in current oMB inventerv 6 O semeannuaiir 3 Diff;tence(kne Ilessline 2) 7 O Annually Esplanation o! difference 8 0 Biennially 4 Program change 9 0 other(descrine>:

5 Adjustment .

oMB controf number or comrnent number 24. Respondents' obligation to comply (checA the strongest o6hgation that app /res)

20. Current (most recent)20 3150-00 1 O Voluntary
21. Requested expiration date 2 O Required to obtain or retain a benefit 6/30/88 3 3 Mandatory
25. Ars the respondents pnmanly educational agencies or institutions or is the pnmary purpose of the collection related to Federal education programs? O Yes G No
26. Does the agenc use sampling to select respondents or does the agency recommend or prescnbe the use of sampling or statistical analysis

! by respondents. . O Yes ,.)[

a No 2Degulato thority for tt no ation collection CFR 40.  ; o, rR  ; or,other(specify):

Paperwork Certification in submet$ng this regeest for oMB approval, the agency head, the sen.or official or an authonted representative, certifies that the requirements of 5 CrR 1320. the Pnvacy Ar.t. statist. cal star dards or directives. and any other applicable information policy directives have been complied with.

Signature of program ort.cui Date Signatura of agency nead, the sentor officiae or an authonzed representative Date Patricia G. Norry, Director Office of Administration M {

M U GPO : 1984 0 - 453-776
