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Forwards for Info & Use ORNL Final Regulatory Review Rept & Final Internal Regulatory Review of Iowa Code Chapter 136C, Public Health Regulations Section 641,Chapters 38 & 40 for NRC Ofc of State Programs
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/30/1997
From: Lohaus P
To: Flater D
Shared Package
ML20198G187 List:
NUDOCS 9708130442
Download: ML20198G181 (15)


  • 4 pa aug gi t UNITED STATES s* } NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 2 WASHINGTON, D.C. 30666 4 001 July 30,1997 Mr. Donald Flater, Director Bureau of Radiologic Health lowa Department of Public Health Lucas State Office Building Des Moines, IA 50319

Dear f6. Flater:

Given the significance of the revised 10 CFR Part 20 rule to both NRC and Agreement State programs, NRC undertook a review of all Agreement State final Part 20 equivalent rules for compatibility with 10 CFR Part 20. The review was conducted as a two step process. The first step involved a review by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), under contract with NRC, to identify any differences or inconsistencies between 10 CFR Part 20 and each Agreement State equivalent rule. A copy of the two volume ORNL report, dated October 21,1994, documenting its staff review of the Iowa final Part 20 equivalent rule is enclosed for your information and use (Enclosure 1). The second part of the review was conducted by NRC staff and consisted of a review of the differences and inconsistencies identified by ORNL for compatibility and adequacy significance.

The NRC review focused on those provisions of the rules that are required for compatibility or for health and safety under the new adequacy and compatibility policy statement approved by the Cornmission by Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 30,1997 (Enclosure 2 descrioes the new compatibility categories). Enclosure 3 provides our comment on the State's regulations and shows the current compatibility divisions (i.e.,1

'l and 2) and the corresponding new compatibility categories (i.e., A, B, C, d, NRC, and H&S). There is one provision, as noted in Enclosure 3, that is not compatible with 10 CFR Part 20 under the new compatibility procedures.

Within 45 days, we request that you respond in writing with information describing the actions you plan to take to address our comments. As you are aware, Agreement States have flexibility to adopt rules required for compatibiliy in the form of legally binding /

requirements other than regulations. This methodology may be appropriate to resolve [

some of the compatibility issues with lowa's regulations.

Finally, implen.entation procedures for the new policy statement provide guidance that h 6

i indicates Agreement State rules should conform with the new policy not later than 3 years l after the policy's effective date.

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Donald Flater 2- JUL 8 01997 If you have any questions regarding these comments, the compatibility criteria, the NRC-regulations used in the review, or the Oak Ridge report, please contact me at (301) 415 2326 or Mr. Richard Blanton of my staff at (301) 415 2322 or INTERNET: RLB@NRC, GOV.



h (YW Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director Office of State Programs


As stated i .

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Donald Flater 2-JUL 3 01397 If you have any questions regarding these comments, the compatibility criteria, the NF3C regulations used in the review, or the Oak Ridge report, please contact me at (301) 415 2326 or Mr. Richard Blanton of my staff at (301) 415 2322 or INTERNET: RLB@NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, l OriginalSigned PAULH.LO l Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director i Office of State Programs i


As stated l'

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$ Distribution:

i DIR RF DCD (SP07)-Copies of Enclosure 1 to be SDroggitis put in Central Files and PDR only.

l JLynchi Rlll PDR (YES)

CMaupin KSchneider lowa File Part 20 File (w/o Enclosure 1)

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ CHM \PART20\lOWA.RLB 'See previous concurrence.

T3 receive a copy of thle document, indcate in the boa: "C' * . without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N' = No copy OFFICE OSP l OSP:SP l" OSP:DD l OGC l OSR:D/nl l NAME RLBlanton:nb:kk:nb CHMaupin - PHLohaus FCameron RLBa6glirt' DATE 07/23/97* 07/23/97* - 07/23/97* 07/29/97* 07/R E/97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG 9, SP-P-1 Y /

. s /

Donald Flater If you have any questions regarding these comments, the 9ompatibility criteria, the NRC regulations used in the review, or the Oak Ridge report, pipase contact me at (301) 415 2326 or Mr. Richard B!anton of my staff at (3Q1) 415 2322 or INTERNET:RLB@NRC. GOV.

Sincere y, Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director Office of State Programs



As stated /


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lowa File



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T> e . py of tw. e.cun=nt. we..t. m in. b..: c - copy copy n - we copy nout ett.chen.nv.n oyr.

OFFICE OSP lc- OSP:Wl ODf}py l \ OGC l OSP:D l l NAME RLBlanton:ntr)# CHMddpW / PHlojtus FCameron RLBangart DATE 07/


JLynch, Rlli l CMaupin /

KSchneider lowa File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ chm \ par *.20\ iowa.rlb To rece6ve a copy of t*ts document, indicate in the bos: "C" = Copy wthout attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment /enctosure "N" = No copy

. n :_ ~ _  !\

OFFICE OSP lc- OSP:Wl/ O$F).4DQ l OGC OSP:D l l NAME RLBlanton:ntqv2 CHMdt)pW PH&ohdus FCaneron RLBangart DATE 07/94/97 .l/A ' 07'$)/97 07/dI/97 07/ /97 07/ /97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG 9 I

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, Comoatibility Cateoorv and H&S Identification for NRC Reaulations i Key to categories: A= Basic radiation protection standard or related definitions, signs, labels or terms necessary for a  !

common understanding of radiation protection that the State should adopt with (essentially) identical langueJe.

I B= Program element with significant direct i

' transboundary implications that the State should adopt with essenNiy identical language.

C= Program element, e,e essential objectives of which should be adopted by the State to avoid

. . conflicts, duplications or gaps. The manner in which the essential objectives are addressed need not be the same as NRC provided the

essential objectives are met.

D= Not required for purposes of compatibility.


NRC= Not required for purposes of compatibility. The regulatory area is reserved to NRC and the State should not adopt these program elements.
H&S = Program elements identified as H&S are not required for purposes of compatibility; however, they do have particular health and safety-i significanco. The State should adopt the essential objectives of such program elements in order to maintain an adequate program.

l 1


NRC Comments on the Iowa Code Chapter 136C, Public Health Regulations Section 641, Chapters 38 and 40, Required for Compatibility or Health and Safety State- NRC Division (New Cateaorv) Reaufa'lon Reaulation - Sublect and Comments 1 (A) 641 38.2 20.1003 Definition of " Occupational dose" The lowa definition contains the phrase "while engaged in activities licensed by the Commission." To assure compatibility, this phrase should be removed and the phrase

" sources of" should be added before the word " radiation."

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for OSP Fil:s , , ,


[Y] means the definition or rule is determined to be compatible with 10 CFR Part 20

[N] means the definition or rule is determined to be NOT compatible with Part 20 Cateaorv Definition NRC Section State Section Comoatible A Absorbed dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Activity 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y) NOTE 1 A Adult 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Airborne radioactive material 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Airborne radioactivity area 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A ALARA 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Annual limit on i.1take (All) 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Background radiation 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Bioassay 20.1003 641-38.2 (Y]

A Byproduct material 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Class (lung class or inhalation class) 20.1003 641-40.2 [v]

A Collective dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Committed dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Committed effective dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

D Controlled area 20.1003 ---


A Declared pregnant woman 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]



Rule Review:lowa Part 20 equivalent compatibility rules Cateaorv Definition NRC Section State Section Comoatible A Deep dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Derived air concentration (DAC) 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Derived air concentration-hour (DAC-hour) 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

D Dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Dose limits { limits} 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

D Dosimetry processor 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Ef fective dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Embryo / fetus 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

C Entrance or access point 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Exposure 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A External dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Extremity 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Eye dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A/D* Generally applicable environmental 1 1 radiation standards 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

  • (A for stater with authority to regulate trarsum mill activity. D for states without authorev)

A Gray 20.1004 641-38.2 [Y]

A High radiation area 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Individual 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Individual monitoring 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

C Individual monitoring devices 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Internal dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

D Licensed [or registered] material 20.1003 641-38.2-

[YJ B Lost or missing licensed for registered] 1 1 source of radiation { material} 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Member of the public 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Minor 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Monitoring 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y)

A Nonstochastic effect 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y)

A Occupational dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y] NOTE 2 2

' Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatibility rules Catecorv Definition NRC Section State Section Q wnoatsbie D, Planned special exposure 20.1003 641-40.2 .[Y]

A Public dose 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Quality factor 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

'D Quarter 20.1003- 641-40.2 [Y] NOTE 3

'A. Rad- 20.1004 641-38.2 [Y]

A Radiation 20.1003 641-38.2. [Y]

A Radiation area 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Reference Man 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y)

A Rem 20.1004 '641-38.2 [Y]

C Respiratory protective equipment { device} 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Restricted area 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Sanitary sewerage 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Shallow dose equivalent 20.1003 641-38.2.. [Y]

A Sievert 20.1004 641-38.2 [Y]

D Site boundary 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Source material 20.1003 641-38.2 (Y)

A Special nuclear material 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Stochastic effect 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Survey 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y)

A Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) 20.1003 641-38.2 (Y)

A Unrestricted area 20.1003 641-38.2 [Yi A Very high radiation area 20.1003 641-40.2 '[Y]

D Week 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A . Weighting factor w r 20.1003 641-40.2 [Y]

A Whole body 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Working level (WL) .20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]

A Working level month (WLM) 20.1003 641-38.2 'IY]

A Year 20.1003 641-38.2 [Y]-


Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatiblity rules Cai DeFanation . NRC rule . Rule subiect ' State Rule - . Comnatible 1 A 20.1004 Units of radiation dose 641-38.4(4) [Y]

1 A '20.1005 Units of radioactivity 641-38.4(5) [Y]

2 D 20.1008(b - e) Implementation, general 641-40.3 [Y]

2 D 20.1101 Radiation protection programs 641-40.10- .'Y) 1 A '20.1201 Occupational dose limits for adults 641-40.15 [N] NOTE 4 1 A' 20.1202 Requirements for summation of external and internal doses 641-40.16 [NJ NOTE 5 1 A '20.1203 Determination of external dose from airborne radioactive 641-40.17 [Y]

material 1 A 20.1204 Determination of internal exposure 641-40.18 [Y]

1 D 20.1206 Planned special exposures 641-40.20 [Y1 1 A 20.1207 Occupational dose limits for minors 641-40.21 [Y) 1 A 20.1208 Dose to an embryo / fetus 641-40.22 [Y) 1 A 20.1301(a, b) Dose limits for individual members of the public 641-40.29' [YJ @ NOTE 6 1 D 20.1302 Compliance with dose limits for individual members of 641-40.27' [Y] @

the public

'2 D 20.1501(a, b) Surveys and monitoring - general 641-40.36 [YI 1 D 20.1501(c) NVl_AP requirement 641-40.36 '[Y]


Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatiblity rules

' NRC rule Rule subien State Rule Comoatible fat Desionation 2 D 20.1502 Conditions requiring individual monitoring of external 641-40.38 [YJ.

' and internal occupational dose 1 D 20.1601(a - d) Control of access to high radiation areas 641-40.42 [Y] NOTE 7 2 D 20.1601(e) Control iot required for DOT package 641-40.42(5) [Y]

2 D 20.1601(f) Control not required for hospital rooms and areas 641-40.42(6) [Y]

1l D 20.1602 Control of access to very high radiation areas 641-40.43 (Y) NOTE 8 1 D 20.1701 Use of process or other engineering controls 641-40.48 [YJ 1 D 20.1702 Use of other controls 641-40.49 [Y) 1 D 20.1703 Use of individual respiratory protection equipment 641-40.50 [Y1 2 D 20.1801 Security of stored sources of radiation 641-40.55 [Y) @

2 D 20.1802 Control of material not in storage 641-40.56 [N1 @

1 A 20.1901 Caution signs 641-40.60 [Y]

1 A 20.1902 Posting requirements 641-40.61 [Y]

1 A 20.1904 Labeling containers 641-40.63 [YI #

1 A 20.1905 Exceptions to labeling requirements 641-40.64 [YJ #

2 D 20.1906 Procedures for receiving and opaning packages 641-40.65 (Y) NOTE 9 2 C 20.2001 Waste disposal - general requirements 641-40.70 [Y} # NOTE 10 5

-. ~ . . - . . .. -

Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatibiity rules Cal Desionation NRC rule Rule subiect State Rule Comoatible 2 D 20.2002 Method for obtaining approval of proposed disposal 641-40.71 [Y] #

procedures 2 A - (a)(2) & (3) 20.2003 Disposal by release into sanitary sewerage 641-40.72 [Y] #

C - (a) (4)

D'- (a)(1) & (b) 2 8 20.2006 Transfer for disposal and manifests 641-40.75 [Y]

1 D 20.2104(except f) Determination of prior occupational dose 641-40.19 [Y] #

(C it state adopts pianned speciat expopsw.-)

2 C 20.2201(except c) Reports of Stolen, Lost, or Missing Licensed or Registered 641-40.95 [Y] ,

Sources of Radiation 1 C 20.22O2(except e) Notification of incidents 641-40.96 [Y]

2 C - (a), (b) 20.2203 Reports of Exposures, Radiation Levels, and Concentrations 641-40.97 [Y]

D - (d) of Radioactive Material Exceeding the Limits NRC - (c) 2 D 20.2204 Reports of Planned Special Exposures 641-40.98 [Y]

1 C 20 Appendix A Protection Factors for Respirators APPENDlX A [Y) NOTE 11 1 A 20 Appendix B All's and DAC's; effluent concentrations; concentrations APPENDIX B [N] NOTE 12 -

for release to sewerage 1 A 20 Appendix C Quantities of licensed material requiring labeling {part 3O} []

2 B 20 Appendix F LLW transfer for disposal and manifests APPENDIX D [Y]


f .

Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatiblity rules NOTES:

@ Many lowa regulations omit " controlled area" when the term is used in the equivalent CFR rule. This ommission is compatible in accordence with the statements of consideration adopting the amended definitions and criteria effectwe 8/14/95 (60 FR 36038).

  1. lowa regulations frequently omit the term " registered material," which is used in the SSR, but not in the CFR. Although the towa regulations are inconsistent on the use of the term, the inconsistency does not create a duplication, gap, or conflict, and the rules are are not therefore incompatible.
1. The Iowa rule uses the symbols "bq" rather than "Bq," and "ci" rather than "Ci." The correct symbols are used elsewhere in the Iowa regulations, suggesting that this instance is an editorial error.
2. The definiton of " Occupational dose" contains the phrase "while engaged in activities licensed by the Commission". This phrase should be removed, and the phrase " sources of" should be added before the word " radiation".
3. Iowa rules define both " quarter" and " calendar quarter" Although not a matter of compatibility, this may cause confusion for lowa licensees.
4. The words " determined as follows:" were included in the draft version of the SSR, but were removed from the final version. To assure compatibility, the words should be deleted from the Iowa rule.
5. To a ;sure compatibility, the symbol "H 3o" must be changed to read ""-
6. The Iowa rule references retricted areas rather than controlled areas. This is compatible according to the statements of consideration made in adopting the amended definitions and criteria effective 8/14/95 (60 FR 36038).
7. The Iowa rule references "641-Chapter 41" however the equivalent rules are in 641-Chapter 40.
8. The Iowa rule references ~40.18(136C)" however the equivalent rules are in 40.42(136C).
9. The Iowa rule omits the information found in a footno in the CFR rule, however, the footnote does not impose a regulatory requirement. The ommission does not create a duplication, gap, or conflict, and the rules are are not therefore incompatible.


i Rule Review: lowa Part 20 equivalent compatiblity rules

10. ' The Iowa rule omits the equivalent of 20.2OO1(b)(4) which references Part 61. However, the Iowa Agreement does not transfer authority over activities subject to Patt 61, therefore the ommission does not create a conflict, duplication, or gap, and is compatible.

11; Protection Factors for Respirators. The "y" is omitted from the symbol " m" in section (b)(ii) of footnote 4. Although this appears to be an editorial error, the symbol as printed in the Iowa rule does riot meet the essential objectives of the equivalent CFR footnote.

12. The paragraph entitled " Introduction" does not contain the statement: "The class (D, W, or Y) given in the column headed " Class" applies only to the inhalation ALis and DACs given in Table I, column 2 and 3." This statement must be added in order to assure compatibility.

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