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Forwards Preliminary DC motor-actuator Test Data,Per Request.Attachment Also Includes Descriptive Info Two motor-actuators That Were Tested at Ineel & Identifies Issues Being Addressed by Tests
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/24/1998
From: Hackett E
To: Wessman R
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9812140064
Download: ML20197H363 (48)


- . - . - - - - . - . _ - - - - . - - - - - -

Pbveter 24,1998 L s MEMORANDUM TO: Richard H. Wessman, Chief Mechanical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering, NRR FROM: Edwin M. Hackett, Acting Chief Electrical, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering Technology, RES l


TRANSMITTAL OF PRELIMINARY DC MOTOR-ACTUATOR TEST DATA The subject data in the attachment is transmitted per your request. The attachment also , I includes descriptive information about the two motor-actuators that were tested at the Idaho l National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and it identifies the issues being i addressed by the tests. A third de motor-actuator will be tested in December 1998, which will complete all testing planned for this project. The preliminary results from the third de motor-actuator will also be transmitted to you when those tests have been completed and the data has i been reviewed by the staff. ,

I i

The information contained in the attachment is preliminary since the final report will not be completed until after all de motor-actuator tests have been completed. It is expected that the report will be issued in early Spring 1999.

If you have any questions on the attachment, please contact Gerald Weidenhamer (415-6015) .

of my staff.




As stated


9812140064 981124 7 ,



f) {O >

o.tneution Branch Reading Flie 4 4 m e-

  • yv- -

T"3 kn , '

Document control Desk ,

i Public Document Room __

,a- -*v*" U TScartvough DTerso i Stingen DOCUMENT NAME: G:WVEIDENHAWVESSMEMEo To receive e copy of this document. Indicate in the hos: "C" = Copy without attac ent/ enclosure "E' = Copy with attachment / enclosure

  • N* = No copy A, b OFFICE EMME8(IM l E EMME8W2 l EMMEMC l l NAME % G.Weidenha'mer J.Vor(F^ E.HackV ' M J OATE # l li f I / J $ 198 h /24 /98 in / J.Lf. /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY RES File Code: 18-5 J

! Preliminary Results of Direct Current -

i Motor Actuator Testing Kevin G. DeWall -

John C. Watkins Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

' Dr. G. H. Weidenhamer USNRC, Project Manager I



.p -

i e t

? Introduction d

ll . During the past several years, the NRC has supported research at the INEEL addressing the capability of MOVs to close or open at their design basis conditions.

i a
i . This presentation shows the results of tests evaluating the operation of the MOV motors and gearboxes at typical L design basis conditions, including degraded voltage and j elevated temperature.

o i

i e ik * [

li c= == 2 l!



. Background

. Scope

. Test Design

. . Preliminary Results i

l i

i C98 0870 3

1 1 Background

. NRC published NUREG/CR-6478, Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Actuator Motor and Gearbox Testing," in July 1997.

. The research measured the capabilities of typical valve l I

actuators during operation at simulated design basis loads and operating conditions.  :

r 9

C98 0870 4

. . . .1 Background (continued) l c The tests included 4 ao motor actuators and 1 dc motor actuator, and produced the following results. i e All 5 motors operated at or above their rated starting torque.  :

. All 5 motors experienced torque losses due to degraded voltage greater than those calculated using typical methods.

. For all 5 motors, locked rotor startup torque compared well with gradual stall torques.

. For the ac motors, torque loss due to elevated temperature were equal to or lower than those calculated. The dc motor torque loss was greater than predictions.

. In all cases, actual running and pullout efficiencies were lower than published values.

. Operation of the gearbox at elevated temperature did not effect the operating efficiency C960870 5 i

3 , .  :

i i i

l Background (continued) i 5

i l . The technical information for ac motor actuators has been l updated.

+ Limitorque Technical Update 98-01, l'

+ Limitorque Technical Update 98-01 Supplement #1. ,

  • The applicability of the INEEL de motor actuator testing has been questioned because of the older vintage of the motor i tested.

C980670 6

h a 'c

Scope i

l l The INEEL de motor actuator tests will answer the following questions:


. How does the actual output torque, current, and speed of the de motor j compare with the published torque, current, and speed?

J How does the output torque, current, and speed of the dc motors i change at reduced voltage and how does this compare with i

! predictions?

. How does the output torque, current, and speed of the de motors

. . change at elevated temperature and how does this compare with


4  ;

e How does the output torque, current, and speed (stroke time) of the de motors change as the motors heat up under high load conditions?

. What is the actual efficiency of the actuator gearbox and how do the 4

high loadings and low motor speeds affect the actual efficiency?

j . How do the high loadings and low motor speeds affect the actual valve stem and stem nut efficiency and load sensitive behavior?  ;

c. .n ,

7 Test Design Three actuator motor and gearbox combinations are being tested

. SMB-1 with a 40-ftib de motor- Class B i . SMB-0 with a 25-ftib dc motor - RH insulated

. SMB-0 with a 10-ftib dc motor - RH insulated l

} Three test sequences are performed with each actuator combination j . Stroke Test 0 + Provides initial baseline data  :

., , + 1 static and 2 loaded valve stroke simulations

+ 80 and 100% voltage tests  !

. Low Voltage Test l + Gradually increasing stem load until motor stalls i + 60, 70,- 80, 90, and 100% voltage tests i + Motor temperature held between 70 and 100 F j . High Temperature Test i

+ Gradually increasing stem load until motor stalls

+ 80 and 100% voltage tests

+ 70,100,150,200,250 and 300 F - - - .

3 .

1 1

j t

Test Design - Actuator Information i i

! SMB-1-40 SMB-0-25 SMB-0-10

] Motor Rated Torque (ftlb) -40 25 10

' Motor Stall Torque (ftib) 62 40 16 l

Motor Speed (rpm) 1900 1900 1900 i Motor Gear Set Ratio 32
40 37:35 25:47 Worm Gear Ratio 34:1 37:1 37:1 Overall Ratio (OAR) 42.50 34.96 69.56

.- Running Efficiency 0.50 0.55 0.50 Pullout Efficiency 0.40 0.40 0.40 i Stall Efficiency 0.50 0.55 0.50 Stem Diameter (in) 2.13 1.75 1.25 Stem Pitch / Lead 1/4:1/2 1/4:1/4 1/4:1/2 Stem Speed (in/ min) 22.4 13.6 13.7 i

C98 0870 9

k j

1 Test Design - Motor Nameplate Data l

1 40-ftib Motor 25-ftib Motor 10-ftib Motor

'! Manufacturer Porter Peerless Peerless-Winsmith Peerless-Winsmith

! Frame D202G DK56H DG56D

] Voltage 125 125 125 l

Time Rating - - -

8 Duty 5 Min 5 Min 5 Min .

_ Serial Number XF64300 ZV47576 OW49138 HP 2.89 40-ftib 1.805 25-ftlb U.72 10-filb j KW - - -

j insulation Class -


'I Shunt Field Amps - - -

RPM 1900 1900 1900 Amps 24 14.5 6.5 Rise C 115 115 115 -

Amb C 40 40 40 Type Winding Comp. Comp. Comp.

175-34-0009-0 176-18-0048-0 176-18-0047-0 ,

l i

r C98 0870 10 ,

l. .

i i

Test Design - Instrumentation i

i TCS Channel - Description Calibration Channel 55 Dc line current (L2) Yes Channel 71 De line voltage (L1 - L2) Yes l

Channel 76 Motor series field current (S1) Yes i

Channel 77 Motor shunt field current (F1) Yes Channel 78 Motor armature current (A1) Yes Channel 73 Motor series field voltage (S1 - S2) Yes l Channel 74 Motor shunt field voltage (F1 - F2) Yes

! Channel 75 Motor armature voltage (A1 - A2) Yes

! Channel 72 Motor speed Yes Channel 40 Motor torque Yes Channel 01 Motor temperature, Surface Thermocouple No, Ref. Only Channel 02 Motor temperature, Surface Thermocouple No, Ref. Only

, Channel 15 Thermocouple Reference Junction No, Ref. Only Channel 66 Torque switch trip No, Ref. Only Channel 64 Torque spring pack deflection Yes Channel 33 Torque spring pack force Yes Channel 48 Stem torque Yes Channel 49 Stem torque Yes Channel 32 Stem thrust Yes Channel 64 Stem position No, Ref. Only C98 0870 11 ,

~ '

-l Preliminary Results

. This research addresses the terms in the typical formula for predicting output torque for a valve actuator.

Toutput = Tmotor I

( y=t lrvtemp J 3" FFapp Effgearbox OAR where Toutput = output torque of the valve actuator ,

Tmoto, = rated starting torque of the electric motor V,oc = actual voltage supplied to the motor V rat = the motor's rated voltage n = 2 for ac motors,1 for dc motor Ftemp = factor to account for losses due to motor heating

= application factor (not evaluated in this research)


F,pp Effg,,mox = gearbox efficiency OAR = overall actuator ratio C98 0870 12

A-, - a_A - -* m 4 e- MM6 M*.S --,1A MdA..# adAA W-em-E-hha 5.se_M An- e- & .d ad ar m 4E 4. usa 44..A... WAA.4.maa. ,ow..M C. J edbd m.e A A ,.m_A. .t k

e er e

e J

4 8



i f

f 1

i i

b  !

i l

l l

1  :

1 5

i i O "O


! O 4 E i I E

cn .

i s i

i4 1

W k

a 4

a 1

i I

4 i

i e

f i

. _ , , ,_ _ _-.. -,- . _ . . .. -- . . __.. _.y_._,,...,.-, .... .. . . . .... .-

Praliminary y

SMB-1-40 dc .

i Comparison with Manufacturer's Curves '

120 I

E $

UO -

5 Actual Dag. f '

E 80 -

q) anufacturer's Curve t- ,.

j 8 60 -

.i '

8 ,.


E 40 -


2 -

I l

a 20 -

1 t

0  :  :

30 40 50 0 10 20 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib) ,

3000 ,  ;



2500 \

s  ;

E \  !

' & 2000  : N il o  : \

@ 1500 a


\,s N Manufacturer's Curve

i b 1000 N'N i -

Actual Data

E 2 500 -

Actuals Corrected for N {


Voltage and Tempermure N '

O -

l 0 10 20 30 40 50 60  :

Motor torque (ft-lb)  ;

ca n

t . .

l Preliminary l

1 SMB-1-40 dc Reduced Voltage Tests 1

I iE 200 120 l

{ @  : g 100 -

' 100 %

3 E j E 150 -

S 80 1 80

.i E 90 E m .

li h.l >

I' '

l [ 60 y 100 -

I,f di h Ng g 40 :

E 70 Ol l E  :

3 i

f O 60 j




l 80 2 20 :



50 """j " " "

O 0 5 13 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib) 130 2000 120 -

g -

N. ._ '~ n .

1500 - '

{ 110

$ 100 -

r 90 :

l g 0 ;

$ 500 -

i s 70 2 's 60 60 70 9 100 %

60 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib) t c= =n n . . . _ . .

F Preliminary i SMB-1-40 dc Reduced Voltage Tests 2000


+ Calculated value i


\ i

. 1500 i n E

i ao -


$ D 1 0 1000

+ + +

3 _

o _

2 -

500 -


60 70 80 90 100 o .

+ + +


'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '\'''''''''''''

l 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib)

c. .n

Preliminary SMB-1-40 dc Reduced Voltage Tests 2000

+ Calculated value (both torque and speed) ,




E e -


E g 1000 us -

O - x . t t

o _

i 2 _

500 60 70 80 9 100 % ,


0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib)  !

C98 0874 i i

Pfeliminary SMB-1-40 dc Elevated Temperature Tests (100% voltage)

C 300 120 D _ f N 250*F j250 -

( /[#DM~ E 100 -

Ay7 200 -

h 250 E

p150 -

Nf '

300 Ei 40 -

b E llIN 70 E 3 100 u i 2 20 -

S I a 50 " - ' " " ' " ' " " " " " " " " " ' " " " "

0 """"'"""""" """""" " " " "


O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 l Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib) 130 2000


l ^ 120 s. m


' g 'N. E 1500 -

- 250 -

e-g110 -

200 _ $ .

$ 150'100 70*F $


0 100 -

S -

h 5 500 70*F y

3 90 - -

80 * ' '- ' ' '- -

0 "- ' ' - ' ' '

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-lb) Motor torque (ft-lb) com

j . . .


Prcliminary i SMB-1-40 dc Elevated Temperature Tests

} (100% voltage) j' 2000 ij _


ij -

1500 ,

y -

il e- _




1000 u) - -

No -


2 -



, ,10 ft-Ib @ 40 ft-lb

\,, i 245 rpm

_ 25 5 70"F l 0 i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-lb) e

Preliminary .

l SMB-1-40 dc Elevated Temperature Tests (80% voltage)

^ 300 C 120 g7,4vvcF 270*F t

220*F 100 :

250 -

b ,$. 8 -

90*F o_ 200 -

- 220*F 120*F  !

.: E $lY'Ng#170*F @ 270*F 170*F

- b 60 7

[ 120*F 150 -

8 lI @ _

100 ~

20 -

k -

o 50 ' " ' " ' ' " " ' " " " " ' ' " " " " " ' " ' " '

0 '

2 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60  ;

Motor torque (ft-lb) Motor torque (ft-Ib) l:

120 2000 i l

b 2 n

@ E 1500 -


! 100 -

S (

E N 170*F A '

= 0c o 1000 -


, @ 270*F 220*F 90*F $ _


$O 80 -

o .p  !

o 500 -

2 _

2  !

27 b 60 " " ' " " " ' " * " " " " "- """"""" 0 "'""""""""M""""""""""'"""

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 i Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib) c. ,,,


Prcliminary SMB-1-40 dc Elevated Temperature Tests (80% voltage) 2000 1500 T -

v E -

g 1000



i O -

E -

i ,


, y 8 ft-lb @ 29 ft-Ib .

f 245 rpm j 90*F i 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-lb) [

t s


Prcliminary .

SMB-1-40 dc Actuator Stroke Tests - 1 i

t 0 ,


Low .

-5000 -


l _

Medium  !

High '

_o -10000

!m-15000 -




.g -20000  ;

I h -25000 l m ~

l -30000 i SMB-1-40 de 100% Voltage -


-35000 ' ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' '

  • 0 5 10 15  !
Time (s) ,


O  ;

F i Low ,

-5000  : L :-

_ y Medium

, p -10000 -


O -

r is -15000 -

2 l 5 -20000  :

- E ,

m -25000 -


m _,

[ -30000. SMB-1-40 dc 80% voltage  ;

j -35000 ' ' ' ' '

0 5 10 15 i c= ==

Time (s)  ;

Preliminary SMB-1-40 dc 100% Voltage Test 200 800 Pullout Running

700 : Efficiency Efficiency


0  : calculation -

calculation Q 7 E 600 : /

c '-

5a -200 _ v 500 -

o g 3 400 -

S -400 -

$ 300 -

E  :

E -

b -600 -

- $ f 100 -

-800 '- -

0 " ' ' ' " ' ' " ' " " ' ' " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' ' '

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 i Time (s) Motor torque (ft-lb) 10 .

0 H -


-10 i

- E e -20 -

2 -

E -30 i 2 i Ei -40 i E  :

2 -50 i

-60''''''''''''''''''''''''' '

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 i8 Time (s) c_

Prdiminary SMB-1-40 dc Gear Box Performance 800 -

Running 700 : Emciency 100 %

Calculation p 600 -

90 % ,

d 500 :

/ 80%

400 i 0%

60 %



E5 300  :

Pullout h 200 : Emciency Calculation W 100 i Reduced voltage Test 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 l Motor torque (ft-Ib) 800 800 _

Running -

Running Pullout 700 -

Efficiency 70*F 700 -

Emciency Efficiency Calculation 100*F -

Calculatio Calculation E7 600 -

/ 150*F E 600  : -

-' 200*F 6 500 90*F 250*F 500 5 120*F q) -

4) ,170*F g 400 "

- g *F 7 ut 400 g

S 300 -

Calculation S 300 -

f U) 200 -

h 00 200


Bevated Temperature Test (100% Volt) Bevated Temperature Test (80% Volt) 0 0 ' ' " - "- " "'"" " "' "'""

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib)

C98 0880

' ,.! .! tlf l '1  : , e 8

0 1 c _

0 _

8 34 6 1 1. "-

o0 0 ~ '

1 0 /_


/ /,

' 4 1



0 b -

6 I t


' 2

- 1 0( -

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0 e - )

s -

5 u q '

0 (s e

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0 0 to r -

1 i

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a '

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-  :  : ~  : ~' - ~~ .-


0 _ - ~

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

%4 2 2- 4- S 8-0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 g 5 j= E - E $0[o E N 0 8 1 -

1 c /'

6 1

d -

4 1


' 2 4- -

1 0) 1 s 1 -


- - e 8 m B -

6 i


y S -

4 r -

2 a

i m 0 0

0 0

O 0

0 0 0 0 i

m 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

l 1 2- 3- 4-a r

P g 3c_ Eb


SMB-1-40 de Stem Nut Performance 40000 - 0.13

- 100 % 0.14 0.15 90 g

v 30000 -

80 %

E -



j 20000 -

60%[ '

! E  :

1 m .

63 10000 -

Reduced Voltage Test


0 '

O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Stem torque (ft-lb)

[ 40000 0.13 40000 7

0.14 150;F' / 0.15 100* [ 0.13 0.14 0.15 g30000  : 250 k / p g 30000 -

170 /90*F m -

m 220* -


~ -

$20000 -

,/[ ' [ 20000 _



. ,/

E / E /


3 ,/ ' 3 ca 10000 / CO 10000 -

J' ~

.,/ Elevated Temperature Test (100% Volt) Elevated Temperatum Test (80% Volt) 0 '

0 ' ' '

i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

, Stem torque (ft-lb) Stem torque (ft-Ib)

CSS 0882

np.,s - ,L.a s b , -- & 0--aan -~ E n u aega s - sag _gs -44,,a,.-,aaas. , nmp m+ma unun-#6-wAueoN n wM-e-60m A 4 m nna A m '

o m4ae eE r ad A a Aa-m - ' "wem'r A--

0 i

a R

i 8 i

4 d

'l 1

l i

i i

a i

O "O


E m

9 4

4 e

'9699' p *MMN +9- _@ T W $ WMM - -' $ 9F48W hegyy *a ,w+e,a. ,,se , , werape m e -see 3-w w

v .

Praliminary j Comparison with Manufacturer's Curves 1 100 '

t .



80 -


Actual Data 8

40 -

Manufacturers Curve

o -

o 0  :

0 10 20 30 40 i Motor torque (ft-lb) 1 1 3000

,$  :\


I 2500


-  ; \ Manufacturers Curve E

! e- 2000 i \

1500 :

2 Actual Data 1000 _

o o ' ..

l 2 500 -

Actuals Corrected for Voltage and Temperature

s '



0 - - - '



1 0 10 20 30 40  !

Motor torque (ft-Ib) co o r .

, Prcliminary j SMB-0-25 dc Reduced Voltage Tests -

l' .

jj C 200 _


!I 100 % -

100 %

c3 90 150 70 60

  • f gg g ,

6 e# $ -

70 f i

} } 50 _- u j 20 -

.; I s

3: .

j 8 -

o o ....... ......... ....... .... ...

g ........... ...... . ........ .. ,

t 2 i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-lb) Motor torque (ft-Ib) 130 2000 .


120 h 'N l 5 110 i 100 % y 1500 a


'i i N .

=f 90

$o 80 70 500 100 %

2 70 2 -

90 l


'- ,60 ", , ,,,s , , ,x, 60 - ' - '

0 ' , ,,,

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-lb)

C98 0885

e . . ..

.7 Praliminary ll li SMB-0-25 dc Reduced Voltage Tests lf ,

- 2000

. ~

+ Calculated value t: -  :

ij 1500 -



3 1

!! ^

E -

! Q.

l 6 1000 -

+ + +

', u

, e ~

4 e

.- a. -


,1 -


)t ,\ 2o -

J 2 500 -

ij l


+ + + +

100 %

80 60 70 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' '\'*' ' '\ '

!- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib)

Preliminary SMB-0-25 dc Reduced Voltage Tests 2000

_ + Calculated value a -



i  ;


! E _

a, i<

6 1000 -


? -

8. -

E -

500 100 %

+ 90 8

60 70

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '"' l ' ' 1 o l 0 i i i i i i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib)


1 . .

I Preliminary SMB-0-25 dc Elevated Temperature Tests ,

1 (100% voltage)

.. k 500 80 k

j$g 400 E 150 1N 70 j g 3oo F E 60 -

2m 200 ,

7 g 2so m f h300 IIN'd {

i3 -

j )qv@Af]'".c# 2 E 40 -

)hhk E 200 -

.g 150 8 ,.

100 -

I 2 i

$ 0 ' ' ' '

o '' ' ' ' ' '

) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 j Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-lb) t 130 2000

$ y 1500 -

i E 120 -



5 300*F 00 $

g 1000 \(s 1.50 100 o 250_ '


,- 70 ,a. ,'\

g 110 -

g N y E g 2

500 -

'x '

s \j 70 100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor to.que (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-lb) c= =

Preliminary SMB-0-25 dc Elevated Temperature Tests (100% voltage) l 2000 h

j -

i 1500 'x's



, i E -

A s l $ -

N, \

l t -

\, 'N, _

t Q) s N -

& 1000 'N l 'N u) -

'y N I

, Di _

'x x t o 'N l 2 N. N l -


N -

-,8 ft-lb @ 25 ft-Ib 500 ,'N s^q

! i 391 rpm

, _ N. \ \

300 g2 0 01h6 70*F

' ' ' ' ' ''''''''' ' ' " ~ ' ' ' ' '

0 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 i

Motor torque (ft-lb) l cme


Prsliminary ,

SMB-0-25 dc Elevated Temperature Tests (80% voltage)

C 400 80 g 320*F g gy i

- 300 2

lHffF$.g # -

4 220*F j 270*F E ca 60 -

90*F i

Y/ f ' / _ 37o.p hS 320,F 270*F 120*F o 200 40 220*F f g th 4 go p

/ ,

A100 3

" i" f h20 2


[ .


! i 0 ' -

0 ' ' '

2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-lb) 120 1500 2 n '

,$. k 1000 -



! e -


" ~

E 100 -



i g

2 2 -


  • l' ' -

80 ' ' -

0 - -

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30' 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor lorque (ft-Ib) c-

_ _ _ . . _ _ _ . __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l 'Phbiminary l SMB-0-25 dc Elevated Temperature Tests i (80% voltage) '

1500 l 6 ,

I - g, i .

., y  ;


\\ .

l \ N\  !

\,'N 4 p1000 i "

e -

NN N  :

i i y -


's  ;

g _ \, s N '

\\, 'N  !

o- -

. N 1 o'

2 500





'- 6 fiab @ 18 ft-tb

,( - T ' f 391 rpm


\'\  ;

\  !

\ l 27 470*F 320*F g 220*F 0

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ ' ' ' ' 120*F ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

l 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 Motor torque (ft-lb) l i

a CSS 0001

f...Praliminary A

SMB-0-25 de Actuator Stroke Tests 5000

SMB-0-25 de 100% Vo'.tage 0 i Low g -5000 j Medium High l @ -10000 :

5  :

E -15000 o -

! * -20000 i i

j -25000 ~ ''''''''''

l! O 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 5000

{ SMB-0-25 dc 80% Voltago

O i  ;

-L i

Low j

g -5000 i(



1 y -10000 [ High

! 6  : ,

E -15000 m

N -20000

-25000 ' ' ' ' '

O 5 10 15 20 25 ca ""

Time (s)

Praliminary  ?

SMB-0-25 dc 100% Voltage Test i 200 500 f i l ,/,

m '

$ g 0 m 400 -

Effi c O

l g

v -

c Calculation g-200 g 300 -

Pullout i a- 3 Efficiency

$ -400 -

,,,A E Calculation 3 200 -

l E E


b-600 -

$ 100 1


-800 0 .

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (s) ' Motor torque (ft-Ib)

- 10 _

i 0 a -

m  :


-10 i i m i ,

o -20 :

. m  : t E -30  :

i 2 i

! 8 40 i

! E  :

! 2 -50 i

! -60~''''''''''''''''''''''''  ;

O 5 10 15 20 25 30

, Time (s) c 1

Preliminary SMB-0-25 dc Gear Box Performance 4 500 -

i Running / /


Efficiency / /



_ calmtatiop/ ,


90 %

[ 300 v

, P, '


$ ~ 70%

] f200 -


i E -

Pullout l' S g) 100 _

- Efficiency

{ Calculation Reduced Voltage Test 0

' ~

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib) 500 500

< Running / Effi e '


t m

_a 400 ca! atfon 70*F 100*F m

-Q 400 - Calculation [

/ Pullout j

h 300 -

( 200*F

,A "150*F d

~ 300

- 90*F

/ Efficiency Calculation


00 '170*

, tr

. 7 cr 220*F

  • F j $ 200 -



$ 200  : 2h*F '

E / E -

.~ '

c) Efficiency c3 ~

p /

g 100 -

calculation g 100  : p if ' Bevated Temperature Test (100% Volt) / Devated Temperature Test (80% Volt) 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' '

o 5'! ' ' ' ' ' - -

. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Motor torque (ft-Ib) Motor torque (ft-Ib) ca ,



j Prclimimary

! SMB-0-25 de 100% Voltage Test

_l 1


a 0 40000 0.12

/ 0.13 ij  : / 0.14

!i E -10000 -

E 30000 -


.l 2 2 ~


.j s -20000 g 20000 7

/ ,


! *! -30000  !

//p W 10000 -

,/ '

-40000 ' ' '

0 ' * - -

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Stem torque (ft-Ib) ,

I 100 0 5 E

] -100 e . -

,] .

I o 3 -200 -

i E


_ i r

! -300 -


2 m -400 :

-500 ' ' ' ' ' *-

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t

I Time (s)

l.,. .

Prcliminary -

SMB-0-25 dc Stem Nut Performance i

40000 .


., . 0.13 i .14 1 -

100 30000 g goof,

-- 80 %

E 70 b j 20000 -

60%  ;

h /


$10000 ,; j 0

j '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Reduced


Test -

-i 0 100 200 300 400 500 Stem torque (R-lb) 40000 -0.12 40000 - ,

N f -

34 ,

l g 30000 '7 ' ,oo.7G*F g p 30000 -

i j

y u)

-/ 150*F 7e 120*

170*F 0*F 200*F 3 50*F is 220*

l- 20000 -

,e y _c 20000 -

270* /

, / @

/ 320*F M 10000 m 10000

/ -

Elevated Temperature Test (100% Volt)

[ Elevated Temperature Test (80% Volt) 0 ' -

0 l''''''''' ''

i 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Stem torque (ft-lb) Stem torque (ft-lb) c=o

4 . .

,,, -l t


I j Preliminary Observations

Performance Curves I

How does the actual output torque, current, and speed of the dc

. motor compare with the published torque, current, and speed? '


. Actual performance of both motors was below the

! manufacturer's curves. However, some line voltage drop


n . With both speed and torque corrected for voltage, the

.i manufacturer's curves.

j - Overpredicted the performance of the 40-ftlb motor.

j - Was very close to the performance of the 25-ftib motor.

. Motor current was slightly higher than the manufacturer's curve for both motors.


! i 4

Preliminary Observations

Reduced Voltage

. t 1

l How does the output torque, current, and speed of the dc motors j

change at reduced voltage and how does this compare with predictions?



. Contrary to the linear reduction in motor torque due to reduced  !

voltage recommended in Limitorque SEL-3, a linear relationship 1

overpredicts available motor torque if speed is held constant.  !

1 j . A linear reduction in both motor torque and motor speed comes

!! very close to actual motor performance at reduced voltage.

4 i i

C98 0870 17

Preliminary Observations Elevated Temperature I

1 i

How does the output torque, current, and speed of the de l motors change at elevated temperature and how does this compare with predictions?

. Contrary to the reduction in motor torque due to elevated temperature recommended in Limitorque SEL-5.  ;


- At rated torque, the 40-ftib motor lost 10-ftib from 70 to 250 F.

- At rated torque, the 25-ftib motor lost 8-ftib from 70 to

! 300 F.

c. .m i.


a... . . ..

>1 j Preliminary Observations i High Load Performance .

How does the output torque, current, and speed (stroke time) of

e. the dc motors change as the motors heat up under high load conditions?

j . Changes in running load can have significant effects on valve L stroke time.

o. i

. Increased stroke time can lead to additional motor heating and

! further degrade motor performance.



j . Motor winding temperature increased 50 to 70 F during

] individual stall tests. i 1

! . Motor winding temperature increases rapidly at low speeds and high loads.

l ,

c- ,,


. .. , e -l Preliminary Observations Gearbox Efficiency What is the actuai efficiency of the actuator gearbox and how do the high loadings and low motor speeds affect the actual efficiency?

  • The published running efficiency was not adequate for predicting gearbox performance, especially at higher loads.

. The published pullout efficiency was adequate for moderate loads and higher speeds, but some data fell below pullout.

. The gearbox efficiency is lower with lower speed.


l t

t i

j Preliminary Observations i i Stem Nut Efficiency i I i 1

t  !

l How do the high loadings and low motor speeds affect the i actual valve stem and stem nut efficiency and load sensitive behavior?

t' j . The high loads and slower speeds appear to have little effect on stem nut friction.


! . The rate-of-loading effect decreases at slower motor ,


speeds. ,
i I I ces os70 2s j



- .s



\l o .

e i

The opinions presented here today are .

those of the authors and not necessarily i endorsed by our sponsor, the USNRC. -


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I C960670 15 '

- - - - _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - __