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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Items 1,2 & 3.App A,Items 4-11 Available in Pdr.App B Documents Totally Withheld
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/02/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Felton J
Shared Package
ML20150E008 List:
FOIA-88-514 NUDOCS 8812090279
Download: ML20196E152 (4)


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1988 Joseph M. Felton PART l.- AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED rSee checked boars)

No agency records subrect to the request have been located.

faa edd,tead egecy recor1s subtect to tu eeovest have been located. ,

Peavested recotes are a<easbie thre.egh eacther puta.c d-strewtee prog <sm See Comments Suten, recoeos e,brect to the reovest that a*e deat,'ed o's ar c e* ='esi e o eteeed, avee eb e for pubhc espection and conveg e the Nmc Pvt *c Doevaeat moom 2021 L 5:<eet. N W . W esNaston DC 20$56 I age-c e s.tmi io the ,ewest ihai a,e cent t.d oe appe-o.. es' A e<e bee a, e , pobuc especi n .nd cor,eg e the XX NmC Pwbhc Documeat Room. 2021 L Street. N W . Washegton. DC. e a foldee under th.s rota numtee and requestee name The nonproenetry vers.oa of the p<oposalsi that ,ow eg eed to accept e a te ephor.e con.e satea n th a member of en, staf f .s no* beeg made # edatde for pst,kc Inspecten and Copyeg at the NMC PytAC Docuff ent Room 2021 t Street. N W . Was% ton, C* a e foice, waoer tNs rotA nuret-+ and reovester aame Agency records tetreet to the reovest tPat see dent:hed on arc 4a-$> s es' _ _ma, te iespac'e1 ar=3 c at the Nec Loc oa Pubhc oocum*91 Room m3etied  !

e the Commems Sution [

Enclosed sa eformaton on hon vow may obtee access to ass the cha<gn 'ce sep, ng eco es t' aces e t*e NatC Puba.c Doewmer 1 moom, 2021 t si,eet Nw.

Washegton. DC Ag.x, ,ewos s,,b,eci io .he ,eovesi . e eacios.d yy Ruo,es .ubreci to e. reovesi h..e t.en ,ee ened io anothe, rese,ei agenc, t, ee... ed omi ,en.ase io .

You ne to twned by the NRC for fees tote'.ng 8 6n von of NRC's respoese to th s eeovest r o tvethee acten

  • t+eg tasen on appeet letter dated _ _ __. No _ ___

PARY 11. A 50RMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC CISCLOSURE Ceuse eformaton e the eeovested receos is teeg *,tmets teom pubhc o<scwssee pw swet to the eseact ons desc two en eo toe the reasons stated e Pa t ti.

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COWENTS r Items is 2 and 3 of Appendix A are enclosed.

Items 4 through 11 of Appendix A can be obtained from the PDR.

The new PDR is located at 2120 L Streets N. W. s Lower-Levels Washington 0. C. 20555. s s,Maiat.oa:

% Croa / /ovisio osanoou os iN,oavatioN ANo eveuCarioNs seances 44 1

8912090279 081202 PDR FOIA FELTON88-514 PDR v . - e n. .. . . .-


FO<A NuMas:stse FOlA 514 oAtIDEC 2 B68


Records subject to the recusst that are described on the enclosed Append:stest ,_.8_are being vnthheld en these ortt..ett or en poet undar the E nsmpt ons and for the reasons set forth belove pursuant to 5 U.S C. 552tb1 and to CFR 91714) of NRC Regulations t . Thr' withheld eternatkit es property classAed pursuant to f secwt ve Order ttXEMPTCN 1l --

J _ _ _ _

2. The withheld mformation relates so6e'y to the etema' po'sorcei evies and pocedures of NRC tt xtMPT80N 26 l ._
3. The eithheld mfortriation is sc+cefcas, esempted from put*c d.sslosure by s'etute end.cated it utVPTON 31 .,

o Secteas 141 146 of the Atorn< toe gy Act wh<h proh tats the discicisw e of Resencted Data ce s rme' y tesiracted Date 142 U $ C 21612165 e

Sectior' 14 7 of the Atom *C f ne'97 Act nNch proNewts the d+sclosure of Unclasaded Safeguards information 142 U $ C 216 h a

' 4. The withheld anfotenat.on es a trade secret ce comreetc* os fmancial eformat.on that as beeg withheld for the reasonist ed.cated it RtVPTION 4:

The information is con 64e'ed te be coefdential tNocess 4. ope.etarit mformation a

The m'ormation is cons 4ered la be prop **etary information puesvant to 10 CFR 2 79040H11 i The eformat.on m as svt,metted and rece'ved m ccef 4ence pursuant to 10 C8R 2 790442)

$ The othhed mformation coasets et etereseacy or et'es)ency recoros t*st ce not :.est e threvg% d>scovers osing st<gation il R E M*TiO'i li Apphc abie ** .**ge g .o. mate .ow4 iond io nn.b.i ime open and f,ans e.c vee ce as esseai, io i e de, ex ess oe be,au,e erxess owes,. et reue.s.oesi XX p o **,t.ns * * ' 'e'm " ' a* "se'ihe

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Attorne, nors product possege tOx wme^ts pepa.e4 by an attcene, e coatemplate*i d htNation a l

' Attorney - chent on,me iCoM4 eat a comm u n. cates t+t acen an attorae , and ha he* ti et i 1

i 6 The withre4 etomaten is esempted hem pwtmc d scesee its d.sclosse movd tesa e a c4ar5 nu aa"aMes e ason of corsoca' pr vsev **tM*TCN $i i

7. The adhheld enformation cons sts cf records compsed toe le* enf orcement pur poses and is be ng withheH foe tN 'essoaisi end<ated (IXEMPTCN 7, i

. Discloswee could

  • esso ^atd, be espectee te eterte'e m <tm an eMo<s ement p oc ee3<.g tec avse it cow *d 'esea' the sc7e d ette anc' ',oc ws of en i forcement eHo*ts and t%.s cowid cess +, a%* 1Aem to tu e At.on to sh44 poteat a * oe a vicdate o' NRC reweementibom e est.gators i nE VPTON 7 ( A" _

l Disclosee nodd const4wte an uneartanted evasion of pe'somai pe,veev it utMPTiON 7icn The ef ormat n c ons sts of names of ed nova s and ot e* ctesmai.on the a scivsw ee et ah.c.h covW *easceatv, c.e e acected tc re. ear ideat e,s et conhdent* sov eces E s tV' TION 7 Oa


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den.a's that may te arpepied *o tw tiec Ae Oses ta f oe Oc+'e'es 4 doi TITLt of siCf FttCom05 Of Ntt 0 APPt LL ATE 08 8'CI AL OtN1ING Of FiCIAL a natTAav tw Dlrector Office of NR1 ear s

l Hugh t Thompsons h. Matet1ALSafety_L5a feguards Appendix B XX i

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! U s Nociee, wator, C-as.on. w.sheg,on. oC :osss. .nd shouw ciea<,v siare on me on,eepe and = me = tie, wat a .s .a ~ Appee f,om aa m.e soi A on%.

I j inac som a64 iPet 21 U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMI5540N


r-L F0!A-88-514 APPENDIX A
1. 3/24/88 Ltr from Hussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject:

Responsibility for Byproduct Material in Non-Power Reactors.

(9 pages)

2. 4/12/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to Colorado, Texas and Washington, subject:

Technical Position on Alternate Concentration Limits for Uranium Mills. (50pages)

3. 6/24/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to Colorado, Texas and Washington, subject:

Technical Position on Alternate Concentration Limits (ACL's) for Uranium Mills and a Federal Register Notice About the Branch Technical Position on Infonnation Needs to Demonstrate Compliance with EPA's Proposed Groundwater Protection Standards.

(55 pages)

4. 6/24/88 Ltr from Hussbaumer to All Agreement and Non-Agreement States, subject: Part 20 Revised Final Rule. (502 pages)
5. 6/27/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Proposed Database on Licensee Sites Undergoing Deconinissioning.

(31 pagos)

6. 7/6/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to Colorado, Texas and Washington, subject:

Final Draft "Technical Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation Stabilization Decontamination and Long-Term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities" (79 pages)

7. 7/21/88 Ltr from Hussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Material Licensee Safety Performance Evaluation Factors. (7 pages)
8. 8/18/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to all Agreement States, subject: Trial NRC Identification of Materials Licensees Needing Program More for Early(5 pages)


9. 8/18/88 Memorandum from Crutchfield to Ebneter, et al., subject:

License Conditions for Byproduct Material to be Irradiated in a Non-Power Reactor (6 pages) 10, 8/26/88 Ltr fron Nussbaumer to Texas, Washington, Colorado and Illinois, subject: Custody and Long-Tenn Care of Uranium Mill Tailings Sites. (15 pages)

11. 9/19/88 Ltr from Lubenau to All Agreement States, subject: Guidance on large Irradiator Applications. (8 pages)


1. 1/12/88 Ltr from Hussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Review and Coment - Draft Final Rule on Basic Quality Assurance in Radiation. (71pages) Exemption 5.
2. 2/8/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Draft Regulatory Guide 10.9 Revision 1 - Review and Connent.

(58pages) Exemption 5.

3. 3/14/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Draft Standard Review Plan for Msli Logging Operations - Review and Comment. (110pages) Exer.ption 5.

i 4, 7/27/88 Ltr from Nussbaumer to All Agreement States, subject: Proposed Rule on Large Irradiators - Review and Consnent. (85pages)

Exemption 5.

i l

1 3

i l

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